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1)The girl I saw told me to come back today.

2)This house, for which he paid $ 150,000,is now worth $3000,000.这所房子他买时花了15万美元,现在值30万美元。

3)Sunday is a holiday, when people do not go to work.星期天是假日,这一天人们不上班。学习、理解和掌握英语后置定语,并能够清楚地区分和使用各种后置定语的用法是十分重要的,对学习英语,理解英语文章




Italian is a Language very difficult to learn. 意大利语是一门非常难学的语言。

She has a garden much larger than yours . 她的花园比你的花园大得多。


the bird in the tree树上的那只小鸟

the map on the wall墙上的地图

the development of China中国的发展

the standard of living生活水平

the south side of the Changjiang river长江两岸

the way to the hotel去旅馆的路

the life in the future未来的生活


⑴①动词不定式作后置定语:在某些名词后可用动词不定式作定语。例如:ability, anxiety, attempt, decision, chance, courage, right, determination, promise, ambition, drive, effort, eagerness, failure, inclination, intention, movement, need, opportunity, plan, reason, struggle, time, way, wish等等。例句:

1)Has he the ability to do the work?他有能力干这项工作吗?

2)I don't have the courage to tell you the secret.我没有勇气告诉你那个秘密。

3)You have no right to do such a thing!你没有做这样的事的权利!

4)I'll show you my determination to stop smoking.我将向你们表明我戒烟的决心。


(1)Perhaps in the years to come(=that will come)we will meet again.也许在未来的岁月中我


(2)In the lectures to follow(=that will follow), she talked of her trip to America.在后来的讲


(3)She made a list of things to be taken(= which/that will be taken)on the way.她开了一张要



1)She must have time in which to pack.她必须有时间收拾行李。

2)He also had a revolver with which to defend himself.他还有一把防身用的左轮手枪。

3)He only had long night in which to study.他只有漫漫长夜可以用来学习。


1)There is a lady asking to see you.有位女士要求见你。

2)The girl sitting by my side is my cousin.坐在我旁边的是我表妹。

3)Here is a map showing you how to get to the railway station.这儿有一张地图,告诉你怎样去火车站。


1)What did you think of the play put on by the students?你认为学生们上演的话剧怎么样?

2)She is a nurse trained by ourselves.她是我们自己培养的护士。

3)What is the language spoken in svain?西班牙使用的是什么语言?


left, gained, used, offered, discussed, ordered, wounded, injured, concerned, conducted, done, held, arranged, planned, suggested, finished, completed, arrested, given, fallen, constructed, missed,等等。例如:

1)Is there anybody injured?有人负伤吗?

2)The money left is not enough for so many people to live through.剩余的钱不够这么多人用的。

3)She liked all the courses offered.她对所开的课程都很喜欢。

4)The experience gained will be of great value to us.取得的经验将我们很有价值。
