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《牛津高中英语》阅读课教学案例及分析 (译林牛津版英语高


一、教学课型: 阅读理解课


1. 教材内容

见《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 1 (Pages 2—3)

2. 教材处理

该篇文章主要介绍中国学生Wei Hua在英国为期一年的留学经历。通过她对英国中学生活的描述,学生对英国中学生的日常学习情况增加一定的了解。但由于内容较多以及中英文化方面的差异,在阅读过程中,对于刚进入高中学习的学生,他们中有些在完全理解课文方面有一定的困难。


3. 教学目标

①知识目标: 通过该文的学习,帮助学生对英国中学作息时间、班级规模、所学科目、课程内容、学习负担等学校生活有具体的了解。

②能力目标: 通过寻找文章大意及具体细节问题的答案,培养学生快速归纳文章主旨和获取文章细节的阅读能力。

③文化目标: 通过对课文的学习、有助于学生对英国中学生活全面而深入的理解,体会中英两国之间由于国情、历史的不同所产生的文化教育的差异。

4. 教学的重点和难点




1. 总体思路

本课的教学设计采用:阅读前(导入)、阅读中(略读,寻读,辨别正误,比较, 分组活动, 巩固)、阅读后(运用)三部分。

2. 教学过程

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Now, Class, we have learned English since the primary sch ool, and we have known some British language, culture, history and some other British lives. But do you know what the British s chool life is really like? If you want to know the answer, please w atch the following video.



Show the students a short video, which mainly tells us abou t a public British school where we may know something about t he British students’ study hours at school, their school activitie s, their subjects and their study goals.


通过这段录像使学生从视觉, 听觉等方面了解到英国中学生的日常作息时间、在校活动、所学科目以及学习目标,让学生多方面直观,感性地了解英国中学生活,为后面文章的学习提供很好的背景知识。) Step 2 Presentation

T: From this the video, we have already gained some brief i

mpression about the British school life. If you want to get somet hing more about it, let’s come to today’s passage.

T: Today we are going to read a passage by Wei Hua, who o nce studied in the UK. She will give us some detailed informatio n about the school life in the UK.


由录像内容自然导入课文, 环环相扣, 轻松入题。同时, 对文章的内容作简要介绍, 让学生对阅读内容有所了解。)

Step 3 Reading

(1) Skimming

T: Now please skim the passage quickly and try to find the a nswers to the following questions. Hand up when you get them. (Show the questions on the screen.)

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

(Suggested answers: 1. It mainly tells us some specific infor mation about what school life in the UK is really like and some d ifferences between high schools in the UK and in China.)

2. What are the key points you can conclude from each para graph?

(Suggested answers: Para 1: School hours; Para 2: Attending assembly; Para 3: Teachers and classmates; Para 4-

6: Homework and subjects; Para 7: British food and her activities ; Para 8: feeling and hope.)


通过让学生对文章的中心思想和段落关键词归纳,有意识地培养学生的略读策略, 有助于学生有的放矢地快速获取主要信息的阅读能力。)

(2) Scanning

Ask the Ss to go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three following questions.

1. How long did Wei Hua stay in Britain?

2. What was the name of Wei Hua’s class teacher?

3. What did Wei Hua make in her woodwork class?

(Answers: 1. For one year. 2. Mr Heywood. 3. A small tabl e. )


该步骤旨在让学生带着问题通过快速寻读文章相关信息, 以此形成对Wei Hua留学英论的经历有一个初步了解。)

(3) Detailed information

T: Now please scan the passage to find some detailed infor mation from each paragraph and then fill in the following form: Para Main idea Detailed information


School hours a) Was she happy with the school life? (Yes.)

b) School in Britain _____ around 9 am and _____ about 3:30 pm. (starts; ends)


Attending assembly

a) Who was the girl sitting next to her on the first day? (Diane.)

b) The headmaster told them about _____ during assembly. ( Rules, the best way to earn respect from the school.) 3

Teachers and classmates

a) Who was her favorite teacher? (Miss Burke.)

b) Was it easy for her to remember all the students’ faces and names? Why? (No. Because they had to move to different cl assrooms for different classes.)


Homework and subjects

a) The homework was not heavy, but why was it a bit challengin

g for her at first? (Because all the homework was in English.)


a) Why did her English improve a lot? (Because she used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.)

b) Did she enjoy cooking? How do you know? (Yes. She tho ught it was really fun as she learned how to buy, prepare and co ok food.)


a) Do students have to learn all the subjects even if they don’t like them? (No.)


British food and her activities

a) Why did she miss Chinese food a lot at lunchtime? (Beca use British food is very different, and British people eat lots of d esserts after their main meal.)

b) She usually played on the school field. Sometimes she pl ayed _____. Sometimes she _____. (football with the boys; relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass)

8 Feeling and hope

a) She felt _____ and hopes _____ . (lucky, to be back and study th ere again.)


通过用表格的形式对文章中重要信息加以呈现, 将略读和寻读、获取细节信息和深层理解相结合,并将读与写自然衔接起来,让学生系统,直观地掌握阅读材料中重点内容, 这要求学生认真分析课文,积极思考, 从而使他们对英国中学生活有进一步的理性认识。)

(4) True or false

T: Please read the passage again, and then decide the follo

wing sentences true or false according to the article. If it is false, please try to correct it.

1. Wei Hua likes the school hours in the UK.

2. Chinese schools encourage students to work hard.

3. Wei Hua’s favorite teacher was Miss Burke.

4. The average number of the students in each class in Brita in is over 30.

5. British students have fixed classroom and classmates.

6. British students can only study two languages: English an

d French.

7. Wei Hua enjoyed British food.

8. Wei Hua enjoyed playing football.

9. Wei Hua is now back in Manchester again.

(Suggested answers:

1. T

2. T

3. T

4. F The average number of the students in each class in Bri tain is 29.

5. F They move to different classrooms for different classes.

6. F They have to study English, but they can drop French if they don’t like. They can choose Spanish or German.

展开余文7. F She missed Chinese food a lot.

8. T

9. F She hopes that someday she can go back and study in Manchester again.)


在学生基本理解文章的内容后, 通过对文章细节以正误选择题的形式加以呈现, 引导学生分析比较文章具体细节, 培养学生辨别是非正误细节的阅读理解能力。)

(5) Consolidation

Ask the students to read the passage carefully one more ag

ain to find the answers to the following questions. Through care ful reading, students can get the further understanding about t he text and consolidate what they have learned from skimming and scanning.

1. Which of the following statements is Not Wrong accordin

g to the passage?

A. She used to get up at 8 a.m. in China.

B. What the headmaster told them sounded like what she u sed to hear in her school in China.

C. She was such a good cook that she liked cooking British f ood.

D. She didn’t like History or Art, so she chose Woodwork.

2. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Her English improved a lot as she used English every day.

B. School life in the UK is busy and bitter.

C. She had a wonderful experience in a British school.

D. She wanted to go back to China and enjoy Chinese food.

3. Which of the following has the closest meaning to “I co uld e-

mail my family and friends back home for free” ?

A. I could e-

mail my family and friends back home without paying money.

B. I could e-mail my family and friends back home freely.

C. I could e-mail my family and friends in my free time.

D. I could be free to e-

mail my family and friends back home.

4. The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to ________ __.

A. tell us that she doesn’t like school life in Britain

B. excite more students to study abroad

C. improve her English

D. introduce her exciting and happy life in Britain

5. She felt lucky because __________.

A. she could get up an hour later than usual

B. the headmaster told them to earn respect by working har d and achieving high grades

C. she had been given a golden opportunity to study in Brit ain and met helpful and friendly teachers and students

D. she improved her English

(Suggested answers: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C)



Step 4 Group work

Ask the students to hold a discussion about the following t opic: What’s the similarity and difference between the schools in China and the UK?

Aspects In the UK In China



After the discussion the teacher may ask two or three stude nts from different groups to present their group’s opinions ab out the topic. The teacher should give them some help if necess ary.



Step 5 Reading strategy

At first the teacher may ask the class how they can get the main idea and detailed information from the passage. If necessa ry, the teacher may give the students some minutes to think ab out it or work together with their partner. After several minutes, the teacher may ask some of them to deliver their approaches t o finding the main idea and detailed information from the passa ge.

Then the teacher may draw a conclusion about the reading strategies of skimming and scanning by showing the following c ontents on the screen.

Skimming: We skim a passage when we want to get a gener al idea of what it is about. We look at the titles and headings, th e first and last sentences of paragraphs and the first and last par agraphs as well as pictures and charts to guess what the passag e is about.

展开余文Scanning: When we want to find certain information in a passag e quickly, we scan the passage for key words and phrases, dates, numbers, etc. We do not need to read the whole passage word

by word.



Step 6 Discussion

T: Nowadays, more and more young students are going abr oad to study. What effects (影响)will the new school life have on them?

Then the teacher may ask students to work in groups of fou r and have a discussion about what opinions they can offer. Eac h group should choose a representative to summarize the opini ons of the group and then report them to the class. When the r epresentative expresses their views, they should give a clear and detailed description about what are the advantages and disadv antages of studying abroad. If necessary, the teacher may show the class the following points to help the students who are poor in English know how to do it.


1. Widen their view;

2. Improve their English;

3. Learn to be independent and cooperate with others;

4. Learn about foreign customs and culture;

5. Let the foreigners learn about China and attract them to i nvest in China;

6. Learn advanced technology;

7. …


1. Cost a lot of money and become a heavy burden on their


2. Feel homesick;

3. Form some bad habits;

4. Stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back;

5. …



Step 7 Summary and Assignment

T: Today we’ve learned a text about Wei Hua’s experienc e in the UK. Meanwhile, we have learned the reading strategies: skimming and scanning. Master these and put them into use in future while reading. Through reading we know there are many differences both in the timetable and in the curriculum. Read th e passage after class and get familiar with these language point s. After class, please finish Parts D and E and have a further disc ussion with your partners about the topic in Part F.




module6 unit 2 reading 学案(教师版)(译林牛津版高二英 语选修六学案设计) Module6 uint2 What is happiness to you------reading language points I language points 1. goal 1)目的,目标achieve/reach/realize one’s goal实现目标; 2)(球戏等的)得分,赢分 make/score/get a goal 得一分 2. times 时代;时势;境况(常用复); the times 当代 The times are different. 时代不同了。 in modern/ancient times 在近(古)代 What wonderful times we are now living in! 我们生活的时代是多么幸福的啊! This is one of the most important issues of the time. 这是当代最重大的问题之一。 3. apart 1)(指空间或时间)相隔,相距 The two houses stood 500 meters apart. Their birthdays are only three days apart. 2)不在一起;分离;分开 We’re living apart now. She keeps herself apart from other people 4. devote…to… v 献身…的;专心于…的;专用于…的; devote oneself to 献身于;致力于 She devoted herself to fighting for therights for the blacks. 她致力于为黑人权利而战的事业中。 Don’t devote too much time to games. 不要过度沉溺于游戏。


《牛津高中英语》阅读课教学案例及分析 (译林牛津版英语高 二) 一、教学课型: 阅读理解课 二、教材分析 1. 教材内容 见《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 1 (Pages 2—3) 2. 教材处理 该篇文章主要介绍中国学生Wei Hua在英国为期一年的留学经历。通过她对英国中学生活的描述,学生对英国中学生的日常学习情况增加一定的了解。但由于内容较多以及中英文化方面的差异,在阅读过程中,对于刚进入高中学习的学生,他们中有些在完全理解课文方面有一定的困难。 针对上述分析,本课在设计时先以录像导入的形式,增加学生对文章有关的感性知识;然后采用略读的方法,培养学生阅读整体观念;在随后的细节处理时,采取寻读、细节理解、正误辨别的方法;在难点处理时,通过启发诱导,教师归纳的措施加以突破。整个教学过程的设计由浅入深,由感悟、理解、分析、归纳、总结到运用,从而完成从阅读输入到理解输出的学习过程,达到培养学生阅读能力的目标。 3. 教学目标 ①知识目标: 通过该文的学习,帮助学生对英国中学作息时间、班级规模、所学科目、课程内容、学习负担等学校生活有具体的了解。 ②能力目标: 通过寻找文章大意及具体细节问题的答案,培养学生快速归纳文章主旨和获取文章细节的阅读能力。 ③文化目标: 通过对课文的学习、有助于学生对英国中学生活全面而深入的理解,体会中英两国之间由于国情、历史的不同所产生的文化教育的差异。

4. 教学的重点和难点 ①重点:对英国中学生活的具体了解和中英两国之间的文化教育的差异。 ②难点:如何培养学生运用略读(skimming)和寻读(scanning)阅读技巧来快速获取主旨大意和细节信息的能力。 三、教学设计 1. 总体思路 本课的教学设计采用:阅读前(导入)、阅读中(略读,寻读,辨别正误,比较, 分组活动, 巩固)、阅读后(运用)三部分。 2. 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in T: Now, Class, we have learned English since the primary sch ool, and we have known some British language, culture, history and some other British lives. But do you know what the British s chool life is really like? If you want to know the answer, please w atch the following video. (设计说明: 由学生从小学以来的英语学习,自然过度到对对英语语言、文化、历史等方面的了解,进而提及到英国中学生活,激发学生对该话题的兴趣,为下文做很好的背景铺垫。) Show the students a short video, which mainly tells us abou t a public British school where we may know something about t he British students’ study hours at school, their school activitie s, their subjects and their study goals. (设计说明: 通过这段录像使学生从视觉, 听觉等方面了解到英国中学生的日常作息时间、在校活动、所学科目以及学习目标,让学生多方面直观,感性地了解英国中学生活,为后面文章的学习提供很好的背景知识。) Step 2 Presentation T: From this the video, we have already gained some brief i

2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》(Period 2)教案

2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 1《Tales of the unexplained》(Period 2)教案 一.【设计思想】 本节课为阅读课的第二课时,重点是在复习课文内容的基础上学习课文中出现的一些重要词 汇和句型等,培养学生的语言运用能力。通过真实语境学习重要语言点的用法,并配以相关 的练习。 二.【教学目标】 By the end of this class, the students will be able to 1. learn some useful words, expressions and some sentence patterns. 2. put what they have learned into practice. 三.【教学重难点】 1. Understand the text better. 2. Master the usage of some words and phrases. 四.【教学环节】 【课堂导入】 Enjoy the following sentences and underline where you think it should be paid attention to. 1. However, since Mrs. Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend, she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed. 2. When Justin did not show up for lunch the next day… 3. “It’s happened to me!” said Mrs. Mavis Wood. 4. The aliens took me abroad the UFO so that they could do research on me. 5. Luckily, they returned me home without any injuries. 6. When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Pete rson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, “Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. There’s really no hard evidence that aliens took him.” 7. So, while we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking into other possibilities as well. 8. We will not give up until we find out what happened. 【预习检查】熟读课文,划出下列短语并识记: 1. run into_____________ 2. 发生在某人身上___________________ 3.加紧对…的搜索___________________ 4.失踪______________________ 5.引发兴趣________________________ 6.在空中______________________ 7.go straight to______________________ 8. 播放CD______________________ 9. 醒来;唤醒______________________ 10. pull back the curtains______________________ 11. a flash of light______________________12. have a bad dream__________________ 13. send her back to bed__________________14. work on______________________ 15. 报警_________________________ 16. take me aboard the UFO_____________________ 17. 在我身上做实验________________18. without any injuries______________________ 19. 编造这样令人惊叹的故事______________________

牛津译林版英语高二下册Module 7《Unit 1 Living with technology》阅读课说课教案

牛津高中英语模块七第一单元阅读课说课稿 一、教材分析 本单元围绕Technology这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。科学技术日新月异,Reading 部分主要介绍电视和音响器件的发展史,电视和音响器件与学生生活紧密相关,是具有时代性和可挖掘型的教学主题,必定会吸引学生阅读的兴趣。 二、三维教学目标 我校学生都参加全国统一招生考试,根据《新课程标准》,结合我校高二学生实际和教材内容,确定以下目标。 1、语言知识 双基词汇:有关技术的词汇---audio device, wireless, broadcasting, cable TV, Web TV, set-top box, World Wide Web, recorder, electric current, cassette, CD, Discman, Mini Disc 其他词汇--- in color, be superior to, come onto the market, wind up, demand, spring up, a variety 语用功能:被动结构(科技文章中常用被动语态) 介词用法复习、归纳 重点句型:L11-L12 It took more than two decades…for color broadcasts to… L16-L17 It took 50 years before…. L54 since-clause 2、语言技能 听:听懂同学和教师介绍家用电器的短文或对话; 说:说说最新的音响器件或平时听音乐的音响器件; 读:通过阅读小标题获取文章主要信息,掌握大意,了解过去、现在和未来的电视及音响设备; 写:利用reading中的一些词汇,结合workbook P109的A,完成B‘电话发展史’。 3、学习策略 阅读策略:主旨大意题解题技巧---阅读标题和副标题 词汇策略:运用构词法记忆词汇,如:record-recording-recorder 一词多义,如:wind, spring 词汇网络,以TV, audio devices为中心词,列出相关词,构词词汇网络 4、情感态度 激发学生学习科学技术知识的热情,培养学生热爱科学、献身科学的精神。 5、文化意识 Reading中电视和音响器件的发明以美国、英国和德国为主,学习这篇文章,激励学生了解发达国家的最新科技动态,从家电着手培养学生的创新意识。 三、教学重点、难点 1. 进一步提高学生阅读科技文章的能力,特别是通过阅读副标题获取文章主要信息,掌握解答主旨大意题的技巧。 2. 利用构词法记住有关词汇的技巧。 3. 利用副标题写作的技巧。 四、教学方法和手段


《牛津高中英语》阅读课第二课时教学案例及分析 一、教学课型: 语言操练及运用课 二、教材分析 1. 教材内容 见《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 3 (Pages 42-43) 2. 教材处理 阅读文章讲述加拿大籍女演员Amy由原先的运动瘦身到后来的药物瘦身,经历了病痛,最终,因为有来自中国的好心人捐肝的帮助而产生许多感触,因而形成的两份电子邮件以及一封回信。 因为在第一课时,学生已经能够了解文章大意并知道了生词的意思。本节课的教学目的在于让学生通过各种语境的帮助,为练习并习得语言提供充分的机会。 3. 教学目标 ① 知识目标: 学习关于瘦身的词汇及文章中出现的重要句式。 ②能力目标: 使学生形成能够用新学词汇表述自己观点的能力。 ③ 文化目标: 帮助学生树立正确的审美观和健康观。 4. 教学的重点和难点 ① 重点:课文中出现的常用的语言现象。 ② 难点:如何使学生高效地习得语言,并创造性地使用语言。 三、教学设计 1. 总体思路 本课的教学设计采用:任务前活动(巩固、讨论)、任务中活动(情景、操练、运用)、任务后活动(运用)三部分。 2. 教学过程 Step 1 Making up a conversation T:Hi, everybody. (S:Hi, John.) Oh, excuse me. T oday, I’m not John. Instead, I’m your friend, Zhou Ling. And you’re Amy. OK? (S:OK.) Hi, Amy. (S:Hi, Zhou Ling.)

I heard you were ill and you were in hospital. What happened? (S:My liver failed. And the doctor told me that I would die if I couldn’t get a new liver.) I’m so sorry to hear that. But what caused your liver to fail? (S:I took some weight-loss pills. They contain a harmful chemical.) You see, this is a conversation between Amy and Zhou Ling. And please make up a conversation with your partner. One of you should be Amy and the other is Zhou Ling. Remember, you have to use the phrases or questions on the scree n. And I’m going to give you four minutes. Please have a try. 幻灯片1: - be in hospital – dying to be thin - weight-loss pills – contain a harmful chemical - lose weight / stay slim / be ashamed of - used to work out - Did your mother support you? - an exact match - priceless (设计说明: 阅读课第二课时的开始,设计这样的对话活动,其实是对第一课时学习内容的复习,也是用一种变化的方式来复述课文。同时也是对本节课中一些重点要练习的单词、词组及重点句型的一种操练形式。 往往,我感觉到学生对复述课文很是头疼,觉得困难且枯燥无味。所以,教师需要设计一种情景,并且在很短的时间内让学生自然的进入到课文内容的复述,还需给出例子,以便于学生更好的在教师指导下完成相应任务。) Step 2 Free talk Ask Ss the following questions: 1) Will you take weight-loss pills?

2020-2021学年牛津译林版(2020)高中英语必修第三册 Unit4 Reading1 教案

Book 3 Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world Reading 1 Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel Prize 一、教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. summarize the outline and key information of the news report; 2. evaluate the importance of traditional Chinese medicine and appreciate the qualities of Tu Youyou as a scientist; 3. apply noun phrases when explaining medical terms. 二、教学重难点 1. To read and understand the news report; 2. To present a speech on “What I can learn from Tu Youyou”. 三、教学过程 步骤教学活动设计意图互动时间/模式Pre-reading Step 1 The t eacher directs students’ attention to the title of the news report “Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel Prize” and asks students to guess who this winner is. Students talk about what they know about Tu Youyou. 以思维导图的形 式,引导学生分享对屠 呦呦的已有了解,为后 续深入的阅读做铺垫。 4’ Individual Work Class Work

Unit 3 Extended reading 教案-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册

Teaching design Teaching aims By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1.Predict the content of the text from the background information like the title and pictures;Understand the writing order and the unique role of flashback in a narration; 2.Learn about the details about the family dinner, like the food, feelings etc;Infer behaviors of Luo Yan's parents when they are waiting eagerly and the reason why they stay up late. 3.Retell the story in the role of Luo Yan/s parents;Realize the importance of inheriting traditional festivals and care about the empty-nesters. Teaching important and difficult points: https://www.doczj.com/doc/3419220181.html,ment critically on the necessity of traditional festivals;Realize the importance of inheriting traditional festivals and make a poster to advocate one of them. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Before readingActivity 1 Brainstorm and predict Ask students to talk about their favourite food, share mine and explain why it is precious for me. Predict the content of the text from the title and pictures. Activity 2 Read for gist Read the text quickly and get the topic. Find the writing order in the text and think about the role of flashback in writing. Step 2 While readingActivity 3 Summarize and reflect Read para 1-2 carefully to find the family members, food and their feelings. Read para 3-4 carefully to find details about the long journey and the special decoration. Think about the how Luo found his parents waiting anxiously. Activity 4 Analyze and infer Read para 5-6 to summarize their after-dinner activities. Infer the reason why Luo's parents stay up late. Activity 5 Comment and create Comment on the meaning of “precious" and retell the story in the role of Luo's parents. Homework Finish their writing after class.


Book 1 Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Reading 1 Strangers under the same roof? 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. grasp the theme, outline and details of the article; 2. infer the author’s attitude towards parent-child tensions and purpose of writing; 3. adopt a positive attitude and practical solutions to deal with real-life parent-child tensions; 4. appreciate and apply rhetorical questions to their stories of parent-child tensions. 教学重难点 1. To infer the author’s attitude; 2. To grasp the outline and details of the article. 教学过程 步骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式Pre-reading Step 1 Have students work in pairs to answer questions on Page 16. (As I become a teenager, I get taller and stronger and start to look like an adult. But sometimes I feel shy about how I look, because I look different from my friends. Mentally, I feel more independent in what I do, like making my own decisions. Consequently, I prefer to spend more time with my friends but my parents may get angry with me. In this case, I would speak to my parents so that they understand how I feel. I think it means that parents and teenagers feel as if 利用问题, 激活学生已有 的背景语言知 识,导入主题, 创设互动情境, 拉近沟通距离, 引起学习兴趣。 5’ Individual Work


牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册Unit 1 Lights,Camera,Action! Reading 本节课的教材分析:本节课是牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册Unit 1 Lights, Camera, Action! 的阅读部分。主要介绍了电影制作过程中的不同角色和工作,包括导演、制片人、摄影师等。课文结构清晰,包含了一篇主要阅读理解文章及相关题目。 教学目标:通过本节课的学习,学生能够了解电影制作过程中不同的人物角色和工作,提高阅读理解能力和口语表达能力。同时,目标还包括提升学生的学科知识,培养他们对电影制作的兴趣。 教学重点:1. 学生能够理解并掌握课文中关键词汇和短语的意思; 2. 学生能够通过阅读理解文章的内容,并回答相关问题。教学难点:学生能够理解并掌握课文中较为复杂的句子结构和语境。 学情分析:学生为高一年级学生,具备一定的英语基础知识和语言表达能力。但是对于涉及专业词汇和较为复杂的句子结构可能会存在理解困难。此外,学生对电影制作过程可能缺乏相关背景知识,需要进行补充。

教学策略:为了增加学生对电影制作的兴趣,可以借助图片和视频等多媒体资源进行引入。通过小组合作和讨论的方式,增加学生的参与度和学习效果。同时,提供相关的补充材料和实践活动,以帮助学生更好地理解和掌握所学内容。 教学方法:1. 预热活动:与学生分享他们最喜欢的电影,并进行简单的介绍。 2. 阅读理解:让学生在课前快速浏览课文,并根据问题筛选出关键信息。然后提供一定的阅读时间,让学生细读课文,回答相关问题。 3. 小组合作讨论:将学生分成小组,让他们讨论并分享他们对电影制作过程的理解和观点。引导学生关注不同角色的工作职责,并鼓励他们用英语进行表达。 4. 补充材料和实践活动:提供一些相关的短片或幕后花絮给学生观看,引导他们进一步了解电影制作的细节。同时,设计一些实践活动,例如学生自己拍摄一部短片或者设计一个电影海报等,以增强学生的动手能力和创新思维。 导入环节(约5分钟): 教学内容:引入电影拍摄和制作的话题。 1. 步骤一:引入话题 我会通过播放一段电影片段来引起学生的兴趣和好奇心。可


牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 The Mass Media Reading 教材分析: 本节课的主题是"The Mass Media",内容涵盖了新闻、电影、电视、广告等多方面的媒体形式,旨在帮助学生了解媒体行业的各个方面,提高他们的批判性思维能力和媒体素养。教学目标: 1. 帮助学生了解媒体行业的各种形式和运作方式。 2. 培养学生的批判性思维能力和媒体素养,能够分析和评价媒体信息。 3. 引导学生探讨媒体对社会和个人产生的影响,提高对媒体信息的辨别能力。 教学重点: 1. 介绍媒体行业的各种形式和运作方式。 2. 培养学生的批判性思维能力和媒体素养。 教学难点: 1. 如何帮助学生理解和掌握媒体行业的专业知识和术语。 2. 如何引导学生自主探究和思考,提高他们的媒体素养和批判性思维能力。

学情分析: 1. 学生进入高二阶段,具备一定的英语基础和阅读能力。 2. 对于媒体行业的知识和术语,学生可能有一定的了解和认知。 3. 学生对于新事物和探究性学习有一定的兴趣和热情。 教学策略: 1. 通过案例分析和讨论的方式,帮助学生了解媒体行业的各种形式和运作方式。 2. 通过小组合作和探究的方式,培养学生的批判性思维能力和媒体素养。 3. 通过课堂互动和提问的方式,引导学生探讨媒体对社会和个人产生的影响。 教学方法: 1. 激活学生的前知:通过提问和讨论的方式,了解学生对媒体行业的认知情况。 2. 教学策略:采用案例分析、小组合作、探究学习等多种教学方法,提高学生的学习兴趣和能力。 3. 学生活动:组织学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,促进学生的参与和互动。


Reading阅读快餐教学案例(译林牛津版英语高二) “推理判断”在阅读理解中属于深层次题,而且在高考中占很大比重。 “推理判断”题要求在理解整个语篇的基础上,从文章所提供信息的各个方面着手,抓住关键语句,运用逻辑思维,并借助常识,透过表层,理解文章的深层含义或寓意。尽管这项技能难以掌握,但在历届高考考试中,甚至一切考试中,它都倍受出题者的青睐。 一、出题模式 考查考生对整个语篇进行判断推理的能力时,通常是以下列方式提出问题的: 1. We can conclude that... 2. We may infer that... 3. The writer suggests that... 4. The story implies that... 5. What the writer really means is... 6. It can be inferred from the passage that... 7. According to the passage, you can see... 8. It can be seen from the passage that... 考查考生对作者观点、态度及语气、语调的理解时,常见的设问有: 1. What does the author think of...? 2. How does the author feel about...? 3. What's the tone of this passage? 4. The tone of this passage is... 考查考生文章的来源或该文的出处做出判断时,通常提问的方式有: 1. This selection might be some parts of a book concerned with... 2. This passage might be taken out of a book dealing with... 3. Where did this passage most probably appear? 4. These extracts are probably taken from...

Unit4 Reading 教案-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第二册


whole book? why? 2.What is your favorite work of literature? Why? 3.Try to translate the excerpts aboveStep 3 Read for the structure Part 1(para.l)(para.2) Introduction to the topic-literature Part 2(para3-5) Three qualities of literature(para6) conclusion Step 4 Read for the detailsRead again and finish Al and A2 on page 46 Keys to Al and A2Its description of truth and beauty (1)Its appeal to our feelings and imagination 产生共鸣、激发 想象 (2)Universal interestPersonal style A2Strange, low, musical sounds. 1.We need to love literature and make an effort to explain it. 2.He wants to prove that some truth and beauty remain unnoticed until a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention. 3.Good literature reflects the most bas sic of human nature-love and hate joy and sadness, fear and hope. 教学反思

高中英语教学案例译林版牛津高中英语模块九Unit4 Behind

高中英语教学案例 译林版牛津高中英语模块九Unit4 Behind beliefs 一、教学课型:阅读课 二、教材分析: 本节课是译林版高中英语模块九unit 4 Behind beliefs的第一课时。课型是阅读课,内容是一名学生在网页上找到一篇关于圣经中的英语文章。通过这节课的学习,给学生提供一个了解英语中习语的机会,从而使学生更好的了解不同的信念,宗教以及中西方的文化差异。三、学情分析: 该年级段的学生有一定的英语基础,对根据具体语境猜测习语意思有浓厚的兴趣,因此教师要给学生表现的机会,指导他们积极主动地阅读。 四、教学目标: 1、知识目标 (1)、重点词汇:in other words ,among other things ,by and by ,have a vague or loose connection to/with ,kill the fatted calf, develop a high level of competence in communication skills……(2)、重点句子:It comes from a story in the Bible, where a son returned to his family after… ……among other things, and unless you recognize when an idiom is being used,you can easily misunderstand…… 2、能力目标:培养学生的阅读能力和知识运用能力。 3、情感目标:通过本文的学习,帮助学生更好地提高阅读理解能力,了解这些习语能培养学生更高水平的交流技巧。 五、教学重难点: 1、培养学生的阅读能力,如略读、精读等能力。 2、提升学生综合运用语言的能力,如交际能力等。 六、教学过程: Step1: Lead in Ask the students to read the following sentence and guess what the idiom means: I took my mother’s car without asking for permission. She is angry at me. I ’m in hot water now! (in trouble ) 【设计说明】以有据可依的语境导入,活跃了课堂气氛又恰当的引入了本节课的主题“Biblical idioms in English ” Step2: Fast reading Read the article quickly and answer the following questions: 1、What is an idiom? 2、Which language was the Bible first written in? 3、Which idiom is often used to describe children? 【设计说明】简要的问题使学生对文章内容有大概的了解,为下一步的careful reading 奠定基础。 Step3: Careful reading


Book 2 Unit 4 Exploring literature Extended reading The Old Man and the Sea 教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. describe the old man’s feelings during his struggle with the fish; 2. analyse the old man’s character and summarize the theme of this excerpt; 3. understand Hemingway’s writing style; 4. analyse the three qualities in this excerpt. 教学重难点 1. To summarize the theme of this excerpt; 2. To understand Hemingway’s writing style. 教学过程 步骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式Lead-in Step 1 The teacher asks students to have a revision of Reading and tell the three qualities of good literature: ●Its description of truth and beauty ●Its appeal to our feelings and imagination ●Its permanence—universal interest and personal style 复习Reading部 分优秀文学作品的三 个特点,为Extended reading 的作品赏析 提供依据。同时,紧 扣单元主题语境,探 究和鉴赏中外优秀文 化,提升学生文化意 识。 5’ Class Work Individual Work Step 2 The teacher introduces the famous novel The Old Man and the Sea to students by presenting a picture 教师通过让学生 头脑风暴作者海明威 5’ Individual Work


中小学外语教学(中学篇)稿件(适用于“教学研究”栏目) 文稿中文标题: 阅读教学案例反思《牛津高中英语》 Module 8 Unit 3 作者姓名: 工作单位: 通讯地址: 邮编: 联系电话: E-mail 地址:

《牛津高中英语》 Module 8 Unit 3 阅读教学案例反思 【摘要】为进一步提高阅读教学设计的实效性,本文结合阅读教学案例,反思了阅读设计过 程中的困惑和对策,指出了教师应运用多种方式实施阅读过程教学,以帮助学生提 高获取、分析和处理信息的能力,掌握阅读策略,提升人文素养,培养跨文化交际 意识和能力。 【关键词】阅读教学,反思,线路图,图片,情感 一、引言 《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(以下简称《课标》)(教育部,2003 )指出高中学 生学习外语可以促进心智、情感、态度与价值观的发展和综合人文素养的提高。英语教学要 扩大学生接触异国文化的范围,帮助学生拓展视野。阅读课在英语教学中一直占主导地位, 是实现这一目标的主阵地。英语阅读教学通常运用五种主要策略,它们是精读、泛读、略读、 找读和评读。最常用的有两种,一是略读(skimming ),即通过快速阅读寻找文章的主线,在 脑中建构文章的大意。二是找读(scanning),即通过阅读获取具体信息。Grabe (2001)强调 理解文章、在阅读中学习、进行批评性阅读和综合处理文章信息的基础是快速准确地识别词 汇,流畅处理词汇、句子和篇章线索。笔者以其为指导思想,优化教学设计,进行《牛津高中英语》(译林版)第八模块第三单元Reading: Visiting the masters 教学,获得了良好的 阅读课堂教学效率。 本课话题是“拜访艺术大师” ,主题是与名画相关的一次“艺术之旅”,内容是通过一位 中国学生李明向好友杨彦写电子邮件,介绍其一行人访问欧洲数家著名艺术博物馆、五位著 名著名画家及其作品。文章选材好,但过于繁杂的信息交错分散在文中,它介绍李明一行人 欧洲旅行经历,所到城市和博物馆,五位画家生平及其作品风格、内容和价值,李明一行人 对名画的欣赏,还有李明与杨彦之间客套寒暄等。若按文章所呈现的内容面面俱到进行教学, 在一节课内笔者无法完成教材安排的所有任务,学生无法厘清文章要点。笔者深入研读文章 后,决定教学设计紧扣五位画家及其作品,帮助学生运用多样化阅读策略,获取文章主线, 理解文章主要细节、培养学生欣赏名画能力和提高学生人文素养。下面,笔者选取三个核心 案例片段反思本节课教学设计过程中的具体困惑和对策。

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