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A recent parliamentary report blames the government and the food industry for the growth in obesity.The Department of Transport is blamed for not doing enough to__1__facilities for pedestrians and cyclists while__2__to pressure from motoring organizations representing car users.The Ministry of Education is__3__of selling off school playing fields and not doing enough to__4__adequate facilities for physical education and games.Young people in Britain have become crazy about football(soccer and rugby),but too often as__5__“couch potatoes”。Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo ying yu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi,huo er ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi.ye ke yi bo da quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shou kao bo fu dao ti yan.

The food industry is blamed for promoting junk food to school children and not doing enough to__6__down on sugar,fats and salt in prepared foods.The industry,__7__by the current popularity of the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet,has begun to__8__,but it is trying to protect a huge market and will need to do__9__more if it is

to__10__off increased regulation.

Japan seems less__11__so far by the problem of obesity,__12__ as the Japanese diet becomes increasingly__13__(burgers and doughnuts)the problem will grow.__14__,Japanese cuisine has become highly popular in Britain.It is seen as healthy in a different way

from the Mediterranean diet__15__its emphasis on tomatoes and olive oil combined with red wine.

A fairly small amount of red wine is now__16__as beneficial to the heart,__17__its other encouraging properties.But Britain has to do more to__18__the problems of alcoholism__19__with the

binge-drinking culture—including violence and vandalism.Limited consumption of alcohol,as long as it is not__20__with driving,is harmless and possibly beneficial.


2.[A]submitting[B]subjecting[C]subordinating[D] surrendering



5.[A]speculating[B]spectating[C]specializing[D] sightseeing




9.[A]abundantly[B]considerably[C]extensively[D] principally





14.[A]Accordingly[B]Interestingly[C]Surprisingly[D] Strikingly



17.[A]but for[B]let alone[C]regardless of[D]much less

























Schooling and Education It is commonly believed in the United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to thepeople debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist.Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life.Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the workings of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling. 上学与受教育 在美国,人们通常认为上学是为了受教育。而现在却有人认为孩子们上学打断了他们受教育的过程。这种观念中的上学与受教育之间的区别非常重要。与上学相比,教育更具开放性,内容更广泛。教育不受任何限制。它可以在任何场合下进行,在淋浴时,在工作时,在厨房里或拖拉机上。它既包括在学校所受的正规教育,也包括一切非正规教育。传授知识的人可以是德高望重的老者,可以是收音机里进行政治辩论的人们,可以是小孩子,也可以是知名的科学家。上学读书多少有点可预见性,而教育往往能带来意外的发现。与陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己对其它宗教其实所知甚少。人们从幼时起就开始受教育。因此,教育是一个内涵很丰富的词,它自始至终伴随人的一生,早在人们上学之前就开始了。教育应成为人生命中不可缺少的一部分。然而,上学却是一个特定的形式化了的过程。在不同场合下,它的基本形式大同小异。在全国各地,孩子们几乎在同一时刻到达学校,坐在指定的座位上,由一位成年人传授知识,使用大致相同的教材,做作业,考试等等。他们所学的现实生活中的一些片断,如字母表或政府的运作,往往受到科目范围的限制。例如,高中生们知道,在课堂上他们没法弄清楚他们社区里政治问题的真情,也不会了解到最新潮的电影制片人在做哪些尝试。学校教育这一形式化的过程是有特定的限制的。


复旦大学2003年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题(秋季) PartⅠListening Comprehension (15%) 略 PartⅡV ocabulary and Structure (10%) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in the part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21. She her vacation so much that she didn?t want it to end. A. missed B. budgeted C. loathed D. relished 22. They tried to keep it quiet but eventually everyone learned about the meeting. A. intangible B. sedate C. impudent D. clandestine 23. Many citizens appealed to the city government for enacting laws to protect the consumers. A. rigorous B. equivocal C. stringent D. furtive 24. People who like to were red clothes are more likely to be talkative and . A. lucrative B. introverted C. vivacious D. perilous 25. This is but a of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. A. faction B. friction C. fraction D. fracture 26. They were tired, but not less enthusiastic that account. A. on B. by C. for D. with 27. I think it is high time we the fact that environment pollution in this area is getting more serious than before. A. woke up to B. must wake up to C. wake up to D. are waking up to 28. So was the mood of the meeting that an agreement was soon reached. A. resentful


2015年考博 单选: 有少部分原题(出自曾建彬《研究生英语》《研究生高级英语》) 阅读理解: 第一篇:Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, most of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of adverse circumstances, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. Convinced of the importance of education, modern states "invest" in institutions of learning to get back "interest" in the form. of a large group of enlightened young men and women who are potential leaders. Education, with its cycles of instruction so carefully worked out, punctuated by textbooks—that purchasable wells of wisdom—what would civilization be like without its benefits? So much is certain: that we would have doctors and preachers, lawyers and defendants, marriages and births—but our spiritual outlook would be different. We would lay less stress on "facts and figures" and more on a good memory, on applied psychology, and the capacity of a man is to get along with his fellow-citizens. If our educational system were fashioned after its bookless past we would have the most democratic form. of "college" imaginable. Among tribal people all knowledge inherited by tradition is shared by all; it is taught to every member of the tribe so that in this respect every- body is equipped for life. It is the ideal condition of the "equal start" which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain. In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. There are no "illiterates"—if the term can be applied to peoples without a script—while our own compulsory school attendance became law in Germany in 1642, in France in 1806, and in England in 1876, and is still non-existent in a number of "civilized" nations. This shows how long it was before we deemed it necessary to make sure that all our children could share in the knowledge accumulated by the "happy few" during the past centuries. Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. All are entitled to an equal start. There is none of the hurry, which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality. There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents' and therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no "juvenile delinquency". No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children, and no father is confronted with his inability to "buy" an education for his child. (选自新概念) 第二篇:关于在Internet site上挂条幅广告销售商品的。第一题问:文章开头是什么意思,我选择了,和传统广告一样,互联网广告也是为了促使消费者冲动消费。有一题问:下列哪些选项作者没提及:我选了传统广告在较长的竞争中必然会战胜网络广告方式。有一题关于互联网广告的:我选择了需要做些change来保持他的竞争性什么的。最后一题问作者对互联网广告的态度:uncertain,objective,X,X.另两个记不清了,我选的客观的。 第三篇:关于脸书,推特等这些网络平台火的原因,强调以前的网络平台web1.只是让你看别人提供的content,而web 2.如这些社交平台是让你能跟别人交流自己creat content,而不是enjoy 别人提供的content.一题问:Myspace社交平台火的原因:我选了有content的那个选项。有题问下面哪个选项作者没提及:我选了大家怀念web1.那个选项。 第3篇This reading comprehension focuses on social networks. It's followed by key vocabulary


2006年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解 Paper One Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure (15%) Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter or Answer Sheet I with a single line through center. 1. Official figures show that unemployment ______ in November and then fell slowly over the next two months. A. plodded B. peeped C. plunged D. peaked 【答案】D 【解析】句意:官方数字显示,失业率在十一月达到顶峰,然后在随后的两个月里慢慢回落。peak到达最高点。plod沉重缓慢地走。peep窥视,偷看。plunge投入,跳进,陷入。 2. The old lady was immediately sent to a nearby hospital when she ______ from heat stroke. A. passed away B. passed off

C passed out D. passed by 【答案】C 【解析】句意:当这位老妇人由于中暑而昏过去时,立刻被送往了附近的医院。pass out 失去知觉,昏厥。pass away去世。pass off事情发生并完成;疼痛、药效等慢慢消失。pass by走过,经过。 3. Her spirits ______ at the thought of all the work she had to do that morning. A. sagged B. sacked C. saddled D. scored 【答案】A 【解析】句意:她脑子里满是那天早上她必须得做的工作。sag向下凹或中间下陷;松弛或不整齐地悬着。sack解雇某人;洗劫;就寝。saddle sb. with sth.让某人承担使人厌恶的责任或任务等。score记分,得分;刻痕。 4. Jack would rather his younger sister ______ in the same hospital as he does. A. worked B. works C. to work D. work


1、abnormal, uncommon, disordered“反常的” abnormal[?b?n?:m?l] a.不正常的,反常的(但并非罕见),指行为或现象(如气候)的异常。 His body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days,the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.他的体温三天来一直都不正常,最高的时候达到40.5摄氏度。(尽管身体发烧不正常,但生活中也时有发生。) uncommon[?n?k?m?n] a.罕见的,不平常的,指很少经历或很少见到的状况;特别的,出色的。Hurricanes are uncommon in England.飓风在英国非常罕见。 That is uncommon instant coffee; it tastes great! 那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了!Disordered[dis'?:d?d] a.混乱的,杂乱的;(精神或身体)有病的。 We couldn't understand her disordered presentation.我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。 2、abide, adhere, conform, comply“遵守”。 abide[??baid] v.后接by表示“遵守,同意”。 I will abide by the director' decision.我将遵从主任的决定。 adhere[?d?hi?] v.后接to表示“遵守”。(当然adhere一词的其它意思如“坚持;粘附”也经常被考到。) Car drivers must adhere to the rules of driving.汽车司机必须遵守驾驶规则。 conform[k?n?f?:m] v.后接to表示“遵守,符合”。 All individuals are required to conform to the laws made by their governments.每个人都应该遵守政府制订的法律。 comply[k?m?plai] v.后接with表示“遵守,服从”,用于正式的场合。 Our company complies with governmental regulations on paying taxes.我们公司遵守政府有 关纳税的规定。 3、abolish, cancel, eliminate, dispose, erase,exclude, extinguish都有“取消,除掉”的意思。 abolish[??b?li?] v.指对法律、习俗、制度的废除;完全破坏。 The government abolished the tax on alcohol.政府取消了酒税。 cancel[?k?ns?l] v.对预先安排的某种活动(如旅行、计划、会议等)的取消;删去(字、句)。 The meeting has been cancelled because of the flu.会议由于流感而取消了。 eliminate[i?limineit] v.指消除、淘汰已经存在但是现在不需要的东西。 The losing team was eliminated from further competition.失利的那个队被淘汰了,不能参 加下一阶段的比赛。 The doctor helped him eliminate toxins from the intestine.医生帮助他排出肠中毒素。


复旦大学考博英语必备词汇汇总 动词+副词形式 第一组 break down损坏,分解,瓦解 break in闯入;打断,插嘴 break out逃出;突然发生,爆发 bring to使恢复知觉 burn out Xu yao quan guo ge da yuan xiao kao bo ying yu zhen ti shi juan qing jia qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi,huo er ba jiu ling ling liu si san wu yi.ye ke yi bo da quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba xiang shou kao bo fu dao ti yan.烧掉 burn up烧起来,旺起来;烧完 catch on理解,明白 check in办理登记手续 check out结账后离开;检验,核查 check up(on)校对,检查,检验 cheer up使高兴,使振奋 clear away扫除,收拾 clear up收拾;澄清;放晴 make it clear that弄清楚 come off实现,成功,奏效 come on请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演 come out出版;出现,显露;结果是

第二组 come round(around)来访,前来;苏醒,复原come through经历,脱险 come up走近,上来;发生,被提出 cross out删去,取消 cut back削减,减少 cut down削减,降低 cut in(汽车)抢道;插嘴,打断 cut off切断;删去;停止 cut out删除 cut short突然停止 die down渐渐消失,平息 die out消失,灭绝 draw in(火车、汽车)到站 draw up写上,画上;草拟;停住 dress up穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮 drop by/in顺便来访 dry out干透,使干 dry up干涸,枯竭 第三组 drop off减弱,减少 drop out退出,离队 fall behind落后 fall out争吵;结果是


考博英语词汇( 1) 第一部分策略 1.全活化 人左右分析比: 左:意、低速、一般、知、知、知性、 右:无意、超高速、速、造力、、听、触、嗅、味、像、色彩、 直 右具左没有的特殊机能: 1.超高速大量机制 2.像化机能 3.超高速演算机能 4.共振共机能 2.例明: 132623182830152111241922131425 3.策略:想法、串法、构法、近、近形、易混淆、加减、固定搭配 euthanasia, chrysanthemum flower----rose, lily, tulip, peony, carnation, camellia, azalea, narcissus, chrysanthemum, forget-me- not, poinsettia,? receive---deceive---conceive (-ceive= take; con- =共同) tumble---stumble(tumble? into/through跌倒;stumble? over / on脚下拌到西而 跌倒) stationary---stationery(文具,如笔pen,笔 pencil 中含有 "e", 故到 "e"就想起是 文具。) genius --- genuine ( 含有 us 的是天才,因我是天才啊!另一个就是“真正的”), form---deform 确(形状;形) attach to 第二部分例 1.想法 carnation, narcissus, coroner, chandelier, hippocampus, assassinate, antarctic, armour ,abalone, flounder, cult, beau 2.串法 network: Internet---cyberspace---email---e-commerce---website---on-line---homepage---browse---retrie ve--- log on ? 3.构法 -age (状、特性、行) page/rage, advantage/disadvantage, message/massage, courage/encourage, voltage/mileage, village/cottage, luggage/carriage, garage coverage, cabbage, shortage, leakage, breakage, passage, postage, bondage(bond 束、束、券; bondage 就含有“束、奴役”的意思), damage, garbage ( garb 衣服) , manage ,spillage, usage, storage, savage, sausage (sauce), dosage


复旦大学考博英语词汇真题模拟 根据复旦大学考博英语考试大纲规定,除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词,形容词与介词,形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生产的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 一、根据复旦大学考博英语考试大纲规定,每年词汇题共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分。 预计测试时间(25分钟) 1. Language, culture and personality may be considered of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. [ A ] indistinctly [ B ] separately [ C ] irrelevantly [ D ] independently 2. Shortage of land and funding are blamed for the city‘s green space. [ A ] inefficient [ B ] inaccurate [ C ] inadequate [ D ] indispensable 3. It is well known that knowledge is the __ condition for expansion of mind. [ A ] incompatible [ B ] incredible [ C ] indefinite [ D ] indispensable 4. Although sports __ the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family tradi-tions and routine. [ A ] overwhelmed [ B ] affected [ C ] dominated [ D ] influenced 5. Once you have made your point clear at the __ of the essay, you must then proceed to con-vince readers about the position you have taken. [ A ] departure [ B ] outset [ C ] concentration [ D ] initiation 6. These excursions will give you an even deeper __ into our language and culture. [ A ] inquiry [ B ] investigation [ C ] input [ D ] insight 7. The novel contains some marvelously revealing __ of factory life. [ A ] glimpses [ B ] glances [ C ] shots [ D ] insights 8. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this produces artificial cold surrounding it. [ A ] absorption [ B ] transition [ C ] consumption [ D ] interaction (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:四零零 六六八 六九七八) 9. One way for writers to support a point is through , that is, by means of several examples to back up an idea. [ A ] illustration [ B ] demonstration


Family planning in China Two little, too late China has replaced its “one-child policy” with a two-child one. It should stop dictating family size altogether FOR more than 35 years, the Chinese Communist Party has governed the world’s most-populous nation by means of a thinly disguised threat: the country could become rich only if most couples limited themselves to having no more than one child. If they disobeyed, women were forced to undergo abortions; parents were subject to fines equivalent to several years’ income and sometimes dismissed from their jobs; in the countryside, the homes of poor peasants who could not afford the penalties were occasionally stripped of anything of value and then knocked down. The “one-child policy”, as the benighted approach to the country’s development was known, became synonymous with some of the most brutal aspects of the party’s rule. The bitter irony is that China’s problem today is too few babies, not too many. On October 29th the party belatedly decided to switch to a two-child policy. It had already been allowing this for some couples—for example, if one of the parents was an only child. Easing up a bit more, it reasoned, would help slow the country’s rapid ageing. More children would (eventually) mean more people to look after the elderly—a looming problem in a country with only a rudimentary welfare system. Once again,


考博常用英语词汇 考博常用英语词汇 aberrant [?'bernt] a.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的 ablate [?b'leit] v.切除,摘除 abortion ['b:n] n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade ['breid] v.擦伤;磨损 abscess ['?bsis] n.脓肿 abstain [b'stein] v.戒、避免;弃权 abstinence

['?bstinns] n.节制;禁欲 absurd [b's:d] a.荒唐的 accent ['?ksnt] n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory [?k'sesri] n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶accordance ['k:dns] n.一致,给予 accountant ['kauntnt] n.会计 accuse ['kju:z] v.谴责,指控,告发 achromatopsia [krum'tpsi] n.色盲

acidosis [.?si'dusis] n.酸中毒 acknowledge [k'nlid] v.承认;致谢acknowledgement [k'nlidmnt] n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne ['?kni] n.痤疮,粉刺 acoustic ['ku:stik] a.声学的;听觉的acquaint ['kweint] v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture ['?kjupkt] n.针刺,针刺疗法 addict ['dikt,'?dikt]

v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾adduce ['dju:s] v.引证;提出 adequate ['?dikwit] a.足够的;恰当的 admonish [d'mni] v.告诫 advisory [d'vaizri] a.咨询的,劝告的 advocate ['?dvkeit,'?dvkit] n.拥护者,提倡者v.拥护,提倡aerobic ['rbik] a.需氧的 afebrile [ei'fi:brl] a.无热的 affection


2011年复旦大学考博英语真题及详解 Paper One Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (15%) Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET I with a single line through the center. 1. He’s color-blind and can’t ______ the difference between red and green easily. A. detect B. discover C. distinguish D. determine 【答案】C 【解析】句意:他是色盲,难以辨出红色和绿色的区别。distinguish区分,辨别,分清。 2. As many as 100 species of fish, some ______ to these waters, may have been affected by the pollution. A. unusual B. particular C. typical D. unique

【解析】句意:多达100种鱼可能会受到污染的影响,而且有些鱼类是这些水域所特有的。be unique to为惯用搭配,指“只有……才有的;对……独一无二的”。其他选项也包含“特有的”意思,其区别在于:unusual指事物时表示某事极少发生,或极少被人耳闻目睹;particular指某事物存在专有特点,以此与其他事物相区别;typical侧重指“典型”,指某个群族中共有、而区别于其他群族。因此本题答案为D项。 3. In her bright yellow coat, she was easily ______ in the crowed. A. accessible B. identifiable C. negligible D. incredible 【答案】B 【解析】句意:她穿着亮黄色的外套,因此很容易就可从人群中将她辨认出来。identifiable 可辨认的;可识别的。accessible易接近的;可理解的;易相处的。negligible可以忽略的;微不足道的。incredible不可思议的;惊人的;难以置信的。 4. Some people find that certain foods ______ their headaches. A. introduce B. trigger C. summon D. create


2014年复旦大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题 PartΙVocabulary and structure (15 point) Directions: there are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEETΙwith a single line through the center. 1. To celebrate innovations and inspire budding entrepreneurs,the famous library is telling the story behind 15 of what it considers the most _______inventions to come out of Britain in the past 10 years. A. ingenious B. insane C. ingenuous D. inquisitive 2. Globalization carries an ______promise that it will relieve poverty and offer security----perhaps the most ancient of human dreams. A. exquisite B. equivocal C. implicit D. inflexible 3. The fact that your application was not successful this thme does not _______the possibility of your applying again next time. A. preclude B. prejudge C. predict D. precede 4. The pressure on employment will increase gradually and the problem of aging will become more ______. A. contagious B. deliberate C. conspicuous D. diverse 5. She was _______about her son’s safety every time he went out on his motorcycle. A. intensive B. abusive C. comprehensive D. apprehensive 6. Our goal is to_______the pace of international movement and steer theconsumer marker towards internationalization. A. harness B. handle C. highlight D. hamper 7. In a world where prodigious sports talents tend to _____higher education altogether for the pros, Tiger Woods chose to continue playing amateur golf at Stanford University as an economics major. A. purify B. forge C. pursue D. forgo 8. Lots of woman complain that the problem with men is that they won’t ________themselves to a relationship. A. commence B. promote C. commite D. prescribe 9. In recent years ,new house sales have slowed down to a crawl, but builders are starting to see sales ______ again. A. pick up B. pick out C. pick on D. pick off 10. In a perfect world this would be sufficient, but computers and software can crash, power cam fail, and other unpredictable catastrophic events can _______to erase your work. A. conduct B. conspire C. count D. compel 11. We shall never know how she came to be there, there is no way to _______it. A. account for B. go over C. hold on D. make up

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