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9A Unit8重点词组与句型


1. a detective is someone who looks for clues to something important侦探就是寻找重要线索


2.My food has gone missing/lost.我的食物不见了。

3.write detective stories写侦探故事

4. A young man was murdered. 一个年轻男子遇害。

5.make notes on all the suspects 对所有嫌疑人做了笔录

6.They are guilty of murder/robbery.他们犯有谋杀罪/抢劫罪。

7.tell the truth说实话true truly

8.I guess Jimmy White is lying.我猜杰米怀特在说谎。lie-lied-lied

9.an office worker of medium height一个中等身高的办公室人员

10.The office worker is of medium height.这个办公室人员中等身高。

11.look untidy and nervous看起来不整洁,紧张


12.Early today, the body of a 25-year-old man was found in West Town.今天早上,在西城发现


13.The police have confirmed that the victim was a computer engineer.


15.He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday.昨晚大约7点,


16.The police believe the murder took place between 9 p.m. last night and 1 a.m. this morning


17.They are working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim was killed

somewhere else and then brought to West Town or killed at the place where he was found他们工作在犯罪现场来查明受害人是在其他地方遇害被带到西城,还是在发现他的地方遇害。

18.ask anyone who saw anything unusual near Corn Street last night to contact us

请昨晚在Corn Street附近看到可疑情况的人与我们联系

19.The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result.


20.a leg/ head wound 腿伤/头伤clean the wound 清理伤口

21.check the scene for more clues which will help solve the case


22.wonder if the victim had any enemies 想知道受害人是否有仇人

23.be guilty of computer crimes 用电脑犯过罪

24.be charged with breaking into several computer systems/robbing the bank


25.charge the man with murdering the actress 指控这个男子杀害了这个女演员

26.We are not sure whether this made him any enemies我们不确定他是否因此树敌。

27.We suppose that the victim knew his murderer.

我们推断受害人认识凶手。(I /We suppose 否定前移)

28.Suppose it rains, what shall we do? 假如下雨了,我们怎么办呢?

29.So far, the only suspect is a short thin man who was seen running down Corn Street.

到目前为止,唯一的嫌疑人是个又矮又瘦的男子,他被人看见沿着Corn Street跑。30.A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt.


31.The suspect could prove that he was somewhere else at the time of the crime and insisted

that he was not guilty.嫌疑人能证明案发时他在别的地方,并坚持认为他无罪。

32.offer a reward of ¥50,000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer


31. If you are wounded, you might have been hurt by a knife or a gun.


32. If you have an enemy, he or she might hate you or speak and act against you.


33. care about you and fight for you 在乎你并为你而战

34. Someone who is guilty has done something against the law. 有罪的人已经做了违法的事。

35. The police have arrested the murderer. 警方已经逮捕了那个谋杀犯。

36. The victim’s parents are offering a reward for useful information


37. However, according to the record, the victim was once charged with computer crimes.


38. The police suppose that might have something to do with the murder.


39. The suspect can prove that he was somewhere else at the time of the crime.



40. The young man mentioned that he was going to visit his parents after work.


41. The elderly couple were very sad to hear that their only son was murdered.


42. The police are now checking the scene for fingerprints and other clues that may help solve

the case.


43. There was probably more than one person who had something to do with the murder.


44. A man who had blood on his shirt was seen running down Corn Street.


45. People hope that the police will catch the murderer soon. 人们希望警方快些抓到凶手。

46. He was the man who/ that first wrote detective stories in English.


47. Japanese writers have written some great stories that/ which require readers to check every

tiny detail for possible clues to the criminal cases.


48. Holmes is a character who/ that was created by a famous writer as a master at solving crimes.


49. Conan is a detective who/ that appears in a cartoon series popular among teenagers all over

the world. 柯南是一个出现在一部受世界青少年欢迎的卡通系列里的侦探。

50. She was a female writer who/ that is considered the queen of crime novels.


51. A young man who/ that was single was murdered yesterday. 一个单身男子昨天被谋杀了。

52. A knife that / which was covered in blood was found in a rubbish bin near Corn Street.


53. We need information that will help solve the case. 我们需要帮助破案的线索。

54. Here is the drawing of the person who might be the murderer of the young man.


55. Has there been any progress in the West Town murder case. 西城谋杀案有进展吗?

56. The person who killed the young man was his boss. 杀死那个年轻人的是他的老板。

57. The boss did something that is not allowed by the law.


58. The victim wanted to report the crime that his boss had committed to the police.


59. It turned out that he had nothing to do with this case. 原来他和这起案件无关。

60. He works in a meat market and the blood on his shirt was from killing hens and ducks.


61. He was in a hurry to catch a bus.=He hurried to catch the bus. 他忙着赶公交。Integrated skills

62. a man of great wealth 富有的人

63. Don’t know the boy who was kidnapped不认识那个被绑架的人

64.criminal records犯罪记录

65.be in prison for six months for theft因盗窃坐牢六个月

66.at his sister’s wedding 在他妹妹的婚礼上

67.on their wedding day 在他们结婚那天

68. Can you think of any safety tips to protect yourselves against crime?你能想出一些抵御犯


69. Remember to lock the door when we leave home.我们离家时记得锁门

70. shut all the windows关掉所有的窗

71. We’d better not go out alone at night either.我们最好晚上也不要单独出门

Study skills and Task

72. Read quickly to get the general idea 快速阅读以获取中心思想

73. come along 过来

74. turn to the two detectives 转向两位侦探

75. be in the prime of life 正值壮年

76. have small feet for his height 对于他的身高脚很小

77. glance at each other with an incredulous smile 带着怀疑的微笑互相看一眼

78. enter the school writing competition 参加学校写作比赛

79. help her plan her story 帮他组织故事

80. A witness saw someone running into Bruce’s building.


81. Bruce planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day


82. Bruce was charged with theft.布努斯被指控盗窃罪。

83.Bruce gets along well with all his neighbours except the man who lives next door.


84.How are you getting along/on with you work?你的工作怎么样

85. The man never speaks to anyone, and no one knows what he does for a living.


86. come home from work 下班回家

87. Bruce thought that perhaps someone had dropped the necklace.


88. The policeman told him that some valuable jewellery had been stolen.


89. Bruce was not guilty, but how could he prove it? 布努斯无罪,但是他如何证明呢?

90. start looking for clues开始找线索

91. I’ll have to check these for fingerprints.我得检查这些以获取指纹。

92. You’re under arrest for murder.你因为谋杀被捕。

93. a description of the crime 对犯罪的描述

94. any objects or clues found at the scene of the crime 在犯罪现场找到的任何物品和线索

95. how the detective finds the criminal 侦探如何找到罪犯

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