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英语专业翻译方向论文开题报告 3

石河子大学 毕业论文开题报告 课题名称:如何处理英汉翻译中的省略 How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation 学生姓名: 学号:2009051431 学院:外国语学院 专业、年级:英语专业20095 指导教师:_ 职称:副教授 毕业论文(设计)完成时间: 2013年6月9日

How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation I. Purpose and Significance With the development of globalization, the world’s political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, the role of translation cannot be ignored. However, the differences between English and Chinese cultures that are reflected in the two languages pose considerable difficulty. It is acknowledged that when doing translation one can not translate word for word, or sentence by sentence. Therefore, we must use some translation strategies such as amplification, ellipsis, conversion and so on. Ellipsis as one of the basic translation methods plays an essential role in English-Chinese rendition. Translators apply it in order to make their versions more coherent and understandable. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, ellipsis means leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. Ellipsis in translation does not mean cutting some content from the original articles. What could be omitted are words that are useless in translated works or else they will make the versions redundant or disobey the manner of expression in another language. Some words and phrases are useless in Chinese but necessary in English. Articles in English are the most significant phenomenon from this aspect. They are very important in English, but we can hardly see any reflection of this part in Chinese. Ellipsis is designed on the basis of faithfulness to the original text, making it more fluent, smooth, concise, thus conforming to idiomatic Chinese. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipses of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve smoother and clearer communications among China and English-speaking countries. II. Literature Review Long before, some people began to learn other countries’languages to


Differential Calculus Newton and Leibniz,quite independently of one another,were largely responsible for developing the ideas of integral calculus to the point where hitherto insurmountable problems could be solved by more or less routine methods.The successful accomplishments of these men were primarily due to the fact that they were able to fuse together the integral calculus with the second main branch of calculus,differential calculus. In this article, we give su ?cient conditions for controllability of some partial neutral functional di ?erential equations with in?nite delay. We suppose that the linear part is not necessarily densely de?ned but satis?es the resolvent estimates of the Hille -Yosida theorem. The results are obtained using the integrated semigroups theory. An application is given to illustrate our abstract result. Key words Controllability; integrated semigroup; integral solution; in?nity delay 1 Introduction In this article, we establish a result about controllability to the following class of partial neutral functional di ?erential equations with in?nite delay: 0,) ,()(0≥?? ???∈=++=?? t x xt t F t Cu ADxt Dxt t βφ (1) where the state variable (.)x takes values in a Banach space ).,(E and the control (.)u is given in []0),,,0(2>T U T L ,the Banach space of admissible control functions with U a Banach space. C is a bounded linear operator from U into E, A : D(A) ? E → E is a linear operator on E, B is the phase space of functions mapping (?∞, 0] into E, which will be speci?ed later, D is a bounded linear operator from B into E de?ned by B D D ∈-=????,)0(0 0D is a bounded linear operator from B into E and for each x : (?∞, T ] → E, T > 0, and t ∈ [0, T ], xt represents, as usual, the mapping from (?∞, 0] into E de?ned by ]0,(),()(-∞∈+=θθθt x xt F is an E-valued nonlinear continuous mapping on B ??+. The problem of controllability of linear and nonlinear systems repr esented by ODE in ?nit dimensional space was extensively studied. Many authors extended the controllability concept to in?nite dimensional systems in Banach space with unbounded operators. Up to now, there are a lot of works on this topic, see, for example, [4, 7, 10, 21]. There are many systems that can be written as abstract neutral evolution equations with in?nite delay to study [23]. In recent years, the theory of neutral functional di ?erential equations with in?nite delay in in?nite dimension was deve loped and it is still a ?eld of research (see, for instance, [2, 9, 14, 15] and the references therein). Meanwhile, the controllability problem of such systems was also discussed by many mathematicians, see, for example, [5, 8]. The objective of this article is to discuss the controllability for Eq. (1), where the linear part is supposed to be non-densely de?ned but satis?es the resolvent estimates of the Hille-Yosida theorem. We shall assume conditions that assure global existence and give the su ?cient conditions for controllability of some partial neutral functional di ?erential equations with in?nite delay. The results are obtained using the integrated semigroups theory and Banach ?xed point theorem. Besides, we make use of the notion of integral solution and we do not use the analytic semigroups theory. Treating equations with in?nite delay such as Eq. (1), we need to introduce the phase space B. To avoid repetitions and understand the interesting properties of the phase space, suppose that ).,(B B is a (semi)normed abstract linear space of functions mapping (?∞, 0] into E, and satis?es the following fundamental axioms that were ?rst introduced in [13] and widely discussed


一.关于本专业毕业论文地选题 二.英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大地方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和 翻译学.各个大方向中又可以选择小地方向,具体解释如下:.英语文学:选择英语文学地毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究. 在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中地某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法地运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究.但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典地作家或作品.有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生地兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象.在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在地深刻含义,不能流于肤浅地分析. 文学批评理论地选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识地学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论地知识结构.这个方向地选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语地阐释或某两种或以上地文学批评理论地比较. 比较文学研究就是将两个以上地作家或作品进行比较.这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别地(如“雪莱与拜伦地诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别地(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》).语言学:选择语言学地毕业论文选题可以在两个大地方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学. 普通语言学地研究就是对于英语语言地任何一个方面地研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面地研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”). 应用语言学包括教学法地研究和其它一些新兴地应用语言学分支地研究.师范专业或本身从事教师职业地学生选择教学法方向地较多.在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围地选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要地是要结合教学实践或实验.这个方向地好地选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习地影响” 等. .翻译学:翻译学地选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动. 对翻译理论地研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等.相比之下,对翻译活动地研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象地翻译、或一种修辞格地翻译地研究(如“汉语成语地英译”).应该注意地是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子地罗列. 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分. (一)前置.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成. .目录:由论文地中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页. .中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文地内容不加注释和评论地简短陈述,宜以最简洁地语言介绍论文地概要、作者地突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整地短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在字左右关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息地单词或术语.为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文地中心词,以显著地字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要地左下方.各关键词之间用“分号”隔开.外文关键词应与中文关键词相对应. (二)主体部分主题部分包括引言()、正文()、结论()、参考文献().主体部分必须由另页右页开始. .引言:主要说明研究工作地目地、涉及范围、相关领域地前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面地概述、理论意义和实用价值等. .正文:论文地正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅.一般论文选题需要从几个方面来论述或论证.要求论据充分,论点明确.行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读.正文部分要有分级标题,章、条、款、项地序号编码


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


吉林化工学院理学院 毕业论文外文翻译English Title(Times New Roman ,三号) 学生学号:08810219 学生姓名:袁庚文 专业班级:信息与计算科学0802 指导教师:赵瑛 职称副教授 起止日期:2012.2.27~2012.3.14 吉林化工学院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

1 外文翻译的基本内容 应选择与本课题密切相关的外文文献(学术期刊网上的),译成中文,与原文装订在一起并独立成册。在毕业答辩前,同论文一起上交。译文字数不应少于3000个汉字。 2 书写规范 2.1 外文翻译的正文格式 正文版心设置为:上边距:3.5厘米,下边距:2.5厘米,左边距:3.5厘米,右边距:2厘米,页眉:2.5厘米,页脚:2厘米。 中文部分正文选用模板中的样式所定义的“正文”,每段落首行缩进2字;或者手动设置成每段落首行缩进2字,字体:宋体,字号:小四,行距:多倍行距1.3,间距:前段、后段均为0行。 这部分工作模板中已经自动设置为缺省值。 2.2标题格式 特别注意:各级标题的具体形式可参照外文原文确定。 1.第一级标题(如:第1章绪论)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题1”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:三号,1.5倍行距,段后11磅,段前为11磅。 2.第二级标题(如:1.2 摘要与关键词)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题2”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:四号,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 3.第三级标题(如:1.2.1 摘要)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题3”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:小四,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 标题和后面文字之间空一格(半角)。 3 图表及公式等的格式说明 图表、公式、参考文献等的格式详见《吉林化工学院本科学生毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写规范及标准模版》中相关的说明。


英语专业毕业论文翻译 类论文 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

毕业论文(设计)Title:The Application of the Iconicity to the Translation of Chinese Poetry 题目:象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用 学生姓名孔令霞 学号 BC09150201 指导教师祁晓菲助教 年级 2009级英语本科(翻译方向)二班 专业英语 系别外国语言文学系

黑龙江外国语学院本科生毕业论文(设计)任务书 摘要

索绪尔提出的语言符号任意性,近些年不断受到质疑,来自语言象似性的研究是最大的挑战。语言象似性理论是针对语言任意性理论提出来的,并在不断发展。象似性是当今认知语言学研究中的一个重要课题,是指语言符号的能指与所指之间的自然联系。本文以中国诗歌英译为例,探讨象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用,从以下几个部分阐述:(1)象似性的发展;(2)象似性的定义及分类;(3)中国诗歌翻译的标准;(4)象似性在中国诗歌翻译中的应用,主要从以下几个方面论述:声音象似、顺序象似、数量象似、对称象似方面。通过以上几个方面的探究,探讨了中国诗歌翻译中象似性原则的重大作用,在诗歌翻译过程中有助于得到“形神皆似”和“意美、音美、形美”的理想翻译效果。 关键词:象似性;诗歌;翻译

Abstract The arbitrariness theory of language signs proposed by Saussure is severely challenged by the study of language iconicity in recent years. The theory of iconicity is put forward in contrast to that of arbitrariness and has been developing gradually. Iconicity, which is an important subject in the research of cognitive linguistics, refers to a natural resemblance or analogy between the form of a sign and the object or concept. This thesis mainly discusses the application of the iconicity to the translation of Chinese poetry. The paper is better described from the following parts: (1) The development of the iconicity; (2) The definition and classification of the iconicity; (3) The standards of the translation to Chinese poetry; (4) The application of the iconicity to the translation of Chinese poetry, mainly discussed from the following aspects: sound iconicity, order iconicity, quantity iconicity, and symmetrical iconicity. Through in-depth discussion of the above aspects, this paper could come to the conclusion that the iconicity is very important in the translation of poetry. It is conductive to reach the ideal effect of “the similarity of form and spirit” and “the three beauties”. Key words: the iconicity; poetry; translation


Although dependence and independence are properties of sets of elements, we also apply these terms to the elements themselves. For example, the elements in an independent set are called independent elements. 虽然相关和无关是元素集的属性,我们也适用于这些元素本身。 例如,在一个独立设定的元素被称为独立元素。 If s is finite set, the foregoing definition agrees with that given in Chapter 8 for the space n V . However, the present definition is not restricted to finite sets. 如果S 是有限集,同意上述定义与第8章中给出的空间n V ,然而,目前的定义不局限于有限集。 If a subset T of a set S is dependent, then S itself is dependent. This is logically equivalent to the statement that every subset of an independent set is independent. 如果集合S 的子集T 是相关的,然后S 本身是相关的,这在逻辑上相当于每一个独立设置的子集是独立的语句。 If one element in S is a scalar multiple of another, then S is dependent. 如果S 中的一个元素是另一个集中的多个标量的,则S 是相关的。 If S ∈0,then S is dependent. 若S ∈0,则 S 是相关的。 The empty set is independent. 空集是无关的。 Many examples of dependent and independent sets of vectors in V were discussed in Chapter 8. The following examples illustrate these concepts in function spaces. In each case the underlying linear space V is the set of all real-valued function defined on the real line. V 中的向量的相关和无关设置的许多例子是在第8章讨论。下面的例子说明这些概念在函数空间。在每个 基本情况下,线性空间V 是实线定义的所有实值函数集。 Let 1)(),(sin )(,cos )(32221===t u t t u t t u for all real t. The Pythagorean identity show that 0321=-+u u u , so the three functions 321,,u u u are dependent. 321,,u u u 是相关的。 Let k k t t u =)(for k=0,1,2,…, and t real. The set ,...},,{210u u u S = is independent. To prove this, it suffices to show that for each n the n+1 polynomials n u u u ,...,,10 are independent. A relation of the form ∑=0k k u c means that


英语教学论文的写作方法与步骤 1、确定选题 写论文,首先要有选题,这是论文写作成败与否的关键。题目是文章的眼睛,应该让读者一看题目就能洞察出文章的内容范围。感受深则写之顺,驾轻就熟,容易出成果。 (l)选题要新颖 创新是论文的生命线。尽量写别人未总结过的东西,要有创造性、新颖性,做到人无我有、人有我新,以爆“冷门”,增强发表的命中率。 (2)大题目的论文并非不能写,但题目过大,会不着边际,捉襟见肘,往往要说的东西太多,结果是什么也讲不深道不透,两、三千字无法包容其内涵。从小处着眼,把题域缩小一些,使题目变得具体、实在,有利于作者更集中、深入地搜集材料、出示论据,写起来得心应手,做到“小题大作”,从而给读者更多有益的东西。2.构思谋篇 论文写作十分辛苦,是一种复杂的脑力劳动,需要充分准备与精心构思。在写作过程中,必须要做到: (l)博采众长,兼收并蓄。(2)搜集整理资料,作读书笔记卡片。在平时教学和课外阅读中,我们要做有心人,善于观察,将英语教学实践中有益的感受记载下来,利用报刊图书,广阅博览,摘录有关资料、信息,制作成卡片,并分类归档,以备参考选用,做到厚积薄发。(3)草拟构架,自如运筹。撰写英语教学论文时拟定提纲恰似建筑施工之前的图纸设计,因为论文须有严密的逻辑性,支撑论点的大量零散材料应该组织得好,否则文章写起来就可能松散、缺乏力度。提纲通常包括论题、论点、目录、材料排列等。拟定好提纲后,可对资料卡片进行分析,重新排列组合,抽出拟撰写的论文需要的材料,为正式写作铺平道路。3.执笔行文 写英语教学论文不是将搜集到的材料进行简单的堆积,而必须注意融会贯通,把这些原材料有机地结合起来,变为自己的东西,用自己的语言阐明自己的观点。(l)初稿:写初稿时,不看卡片,根据提纲把自己的想法、体会、感受全部写出来,每段表达一个完整的意思,写好主题句。 (2)二稿:写好初稿后,我们即可借助卡片重塑初稿,将撰写初稿时可能遗漏的某些材料安插到文章的合适地方。写二稿时,要检查细节安排是否妥贴,语言是否准确,举例是否信当。 (3)定稿:写英语教学论文最好能“一气呵成”,以免打断思路,但修改时宜作“冷处理”。二稿完成后,可暂时放一段时间,因为随着时间的流逝,作者可能会有新的体验、新的发现。为了确保文章的科学性、客观性、创见性及应用性,应努力做到内容充实、材料丰富、见解新颖、论证精辟、概括恰当、用语贴切、行文流畅、逻辑严密和结构完整。还可以请行家审阅,吸取他人的见解,进而加工润色,以臻完善。 五、教育科学论文撰写的基本要求 1、论点要明确。 教育科学论文表述的是建立在前人研究的基础之上并与前人研究的观点不同的新观点、新结论。因此论文选题一定是作者有浓厚兴趣问题,大家都关注的问题,是当今教育科研的主攻方向,具有学术价值的选题。 2、论据要充分。


软件专业毕业论文外文文献中英文翻译 Object landscapes and lifetimes Tech nically, OOP is just about abstract data typing, in herita nee, and polymorphism, but other issues can be at least as importa nt. The rema in der of this sect ion will cover these issues. One of the most importa nt factors is the way objects are created and destroyed. Where is the data for an object and how is the lifetime of the object con trolled? There are differe nt philosophies at work here. C++ takes the approach that con trol of efficie ncy is the most importa nt issue, so it gives the programmer a choice. For maximum run-time speed, the storage and lifetime can be determined while the program is being written, by placing the objects on the stack (these are sometimes called automatic or scoped variables) or in the static storage area. This places a priority on the speed of storage allocatio n and release, and con trol of these can be very valuable in some situati ons. However, you sacrifice flexibility because you must know the exact qua ntity, lifetime, and type of objects while you're writing the program. If you are trying to solve a more general problem such as computer-aided desig n, warehouse man ageme nt, or air-traffic con trol, this is too restrictive. The sec ond approach is to create objects dyn amically in a pool of memory called the heap. In this approach, you don't know un til run-time how many objects you n eed, what their lifetime is, or what their exact type is. Those are determined at the spur of the moment while the program is runnin g. If you n eed a new object, you simply make it on the heap at the point that you n eed it. Because the storage is man aged dyn amically, at run-time, the amount of time required to allocate storage on the heap is sig ni fica ntly Ion ger tha n the time to create storage on the stack. (Creat ing storage on the stack is ofte n a si ngle assembly in structio n to move the stack poin ter dow n, and ano ther to move it back up.) The dyn amic approach makes the gen erally logical assumpti on that objects tend to be complicated, so the extra overhead of finding storage and releas ing that storage will not have an importa nt impact on the creati on of an object .In additi on, the greater flexibility is esse ntial to solve the gen eral program ming problem. Java uses the sec ond approach, exclusive". Every time you want to create an object, you use the new keyword to build a dyn amic in sta nee of that object. There's ano ther issue, however, and that's the lifetime of an object. With Ian guages that allow objects to be created on the stack, the compiler determines how long the object lasts and can automatically destroy it. However, if you create it on the heap the compiler has no kno wledge of its lifetime. In a Ianguage like C++, you must determine programmatically when to destroy the


石河子大学毕业论文(设计)任务书 外国语学院英语专业 20095 年级 课题名称如何处理英翻汉中的省略 How to Deal with Ellipsis in English—Chinese Translation 毕业论文(设计)起止时间2012年7月1日—2013年6月9日 指导教师冯春波职称副教授 学生姓名程子龙学号2009051431 任务下达日期2012年11月20 日 课题内容 1. 对中国和英语国家表达同一内容时的侧重进行简要分析。 2. 对英汉翻译中常见省略进行总结说明。 3. 对英翻汉中的省略进行逐条陈述说明。 课题任务的具体要求 1.语言要流利、地道、准确。 2.格式正确,符合毕业论文格式要求。 3.结构完整,符合要求。 4.论据充分准确,论证有力,论点清晰。 5.参考资料充分得当。 拟定的工作进度(以周为单位) 1.2012年7月1日-2012年8月26日(8周)完成初步的选题工作 2.2012年8月27日—2012年11月30日(14周)完成定题工作、任务书、选题指南3.2012年12月1日—2012年12月28日(4周)完成开题报告(含文献综述)4.2012年12月29日—2013年3月3日(9周)完成第一稿 5.2013年3月4日—2013年3月10日(1周)一稿修改 6.2013年3月11日—2013年4月7日(4周)完成第二稿 7.2013年4月8日—2013年4月14日(1周)二稿修改 8.2013年4月15日—2013年4月21日(1周)完成第三稿 9.2013年4月22日—2013年5月5日(2周)三稿修改 10. 11.2013年5月6日交定稿 12.2013年5月7日—2013年5月27日(3周)系内盲审 13. 14.2013年5月28日—2013年6月8日(2周)盲审后修改、打印答辩版 15.2013年6月9日论文答辩 主要参考文献

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