当前位置:文档之家› 九年级英语知识竞赛试题






()1. This is_______English car. _______ English car is nice.

A. an, An

B. a, A

C. the, An

D. an, The

()2. — Is this dictionary _______ ?

—No, it’s_______ .

A. your, his

B. your, her

C. yours, his

D. mine, her

()3. — _______ books are there in the library()

—_______ books.

A. How many, Two thousands

B. How much, Two thousands

C. How many, Thousands of

D. How much, Thousands of

()4. —Why do you like living in the countryside?

—Because there’s_______ noise and _______ cars there.

A. less, fewer

B. fewer, less

C. less, less

D. fewer, fewer

()5. —Whose book is it?

—Oh, it _______ be Tom’s. Look, there is the name of Tom on the cover.

A. may

B. can

C. need

D. must?

()6. Mr Tong asked us _______ be afraid of _______ the exam.

A. not to, having

B. not to, have

C. to, having

D. to, have?

()7. I _______ listen to music, but now I am fond of _______ stamps.

A. am used to, collect

B. used to, collect?

C. am used to, collecting

D. used to, collecting

()8. — Whose room is this?

—It is _______ room. The twin sister like it very much.

A. Ann’s and Jane’s

B. Ann and Jane’s

C. Ann’s and Jane

D. Anns’ and Janes’

()9. — _______ it is raining hard, _______ he still decides to leave. A. But, / B. Because, soC. Though, butD. Though, /

()10. —Do you know _______ going to stay in London?

—No, I don’t know. Maybe a few days.

A. when he is

B. how long he is

C. how soon he is

D. how long is he

()11. He is _______ clever boy that he knows _______ English words.

A. a such, so many

B. so a, such many?

C. a so, such many

D. such a, so many

()12. — What do you think of Liu Huan?

— He is a famous singer _______ songs are very popular with the young. A. who B. which C. whose D. that

()13. They both study hard though _______ of them is good health. A. either B. neither C. none D. both

()14. China is _______ the west of Japan and _______ the east of Asia. A. in, to B. to, in C. on, to D. at, in?

()15. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, _______ ?A. did they B. didn’t theyC. do they D. don’t they



Have you ever had problems in your life and don't know how to be happy If so, you will find Being a Happy Teenager 16_______ by an Australian writer called Andrew Matthews.

In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and 17_______ the questions of' teenagers.?

There are many subjects, such as parents and friends, and the book says we should stop 18_______ and forgive others. The book tells us some useful skills, such as how to turn what you have learned into pictures of your mind to 19_______ your memory better.

Many teenagers think 20_______ happiness comes from a good exam result or praise from other people. 21_______ you also can get happy when there are no such "good" things.

Success comes from a good attitude (态度). If you 22_______ failures (失败), you will have success in the future.

Some school students have such problems as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that happiness comes from thinking about things 23_______ a positive (积极的) way. If you are tall, people can easily notice you and you can get a 24_______ view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take

25_______ room in your bedroom! This is Matthews' most important lesson: You choose to be happy!

()16. A. writing B. wrote C. written D. writes

()17. A. answers B. answeredC. answering D. answer

()18. A. to be angryB. be angry C. being angrilyD. being angry?

()19. A. make B. let C. change D. made

()20. A. who B. that C. which D. whom

()21. A. So B. But C. And D. Because

()22. A. hear fromB. study forC. come from D. learn from?

()23, A. at B. on C. in D. about

()24. A. lower B. worse C. better D. best

()25. A. less B. little C. fewer D. more



Get a physical once a year. Let your doctor do a routine test (常规检查) to make sure your body works well. You can even take any other test to make sure your body is healthy.

Visit your dentist twice a year for cleaning and any other dental (牙科的) work you need. Brush your teeth twice a day to keep your teeth healthy. Taking care of your teeth can help you have a healthy body, too. If you are a smoker, try to stop smoking. Smoking is not good for your lungs. Drinking all the time is not good for your body. Getting the correct amount (数量) of sleep at night will help to keep you healthy, too. Everyone should get at least six hours of sleep at night. But if possible, try to get a full eight hours of sleep. Being well rested will not only make you feel good, but also help you look good. By doing all of these things you will have a healthy body. Everything that you do to maintain(维持) a healthy body is part of how you live your life. Exercising, eating right, routine check-ups with your doctor and dentist are some of the main things you can do to live a healthy life. Once you start living your life healthily, you will look and feel great.

()26. The underlined word" physical" means in Chinese.

A. 身体检查

B. 服药

C. 物理

D. 身体

()27. Hew often do you need to see a dentist ?

A. Every day

B. Once a year.

C. Twice a year.

D. Never.

()28. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Exercising is good for your health. ?

B. Eating right is good for your health.

C. Routine check-ups with your doctor and dentist are necessary for you.

D. You'd better have some medicine as soon as you are ill.

()29. What's the best title of the passage?

A. Get a Physical Once a Year

B. How to Live a Healthy Life

C. Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year

D. Have a Good Sleep


Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it, you can get really angry.?Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes, you hide (隐藏) your anger. For example, you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.?

I n fact, it’s not good to hide your anger, and it’s important for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting others or yourself.?

When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. It’s helpful to talk about your anger with an adult, such as a parent, a teacher, etc. When you talk about anger, those bad feelings can start to go away. Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: talk to a good friend; count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug (拥抱); go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.?Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse. Don’t let your anger control you.?

()30. You may not get angry when .

A. there is too much homework on this weekend?

B. your favorite basketball team wins the game

C. a friend breaks your favorite thing?

D. your parents don’t let you watch TV

()31. According to the passage, you can do everything when you get angry except .

A. go for a bike ride?

B. think about good things

C. talk to a good friend?

D. say bad things to the people around you

()32. This passage is mainly about .

A. anger

B. excitement

C. happiness

D. sadness


No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he grunted (发出呼噜声) like a pig when he lifted something heavy. Perhaps he made sounds like horse he heard all round him—water splashing (飞溅), bees humming, a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains(包括)many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.

()33. What do we mean by language .

A. Sounds made by man

B. All the words made by man

C. Different kinds of sounds

D. The way man learns

()34. From the passage, we know that long long ago .

A. no one learned how to make sounds or words

B. animals taught man to learn the language

C. man learned the language by lifting heavy things, falling to the ground, and so on

D. man followed a lot of things in nature to make sounds and words

()35. In which sentence can the word “contain” be put in so that i t is a right one?

A. I several dictionaries.

B. Sea water salt.

C. A dog four legs.

D. Mr Smith glasses on his nose.

()36. Which of the following is the best if we want to make our vocabulary larger?

A. To use the words in everyday life . ?

B. To read more books.

C. To read easy books.?

D. To look up new words in the dictionary.


Here are some tips (提议) on how to talk with your parents.

▲ Try to start your talk with something funny. This will make talking easier. For example, ask your parents questions about their day. How is work They love this! ▲ Make it clear what you want to tell your parents. If they have an opinion, let them finish and don' t interrupt (打断). Ask them to do the same for you.

▲ Show them respect (尊重) by listening to them carefully. Look them in the eye. ▲ Be honest. Honesty builds trust. Life is good when your parents trust you.

▲ If your parents don’t understand, that’s OK. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you or they’re not trying. Sometimes you have to explain things to them again or in a different way.

▲ When you finish the talk, thank them for listening. Say something like: "Thanks, that helped". It'll let them know this is important to you, and make them want to do it more often.

▲ If you feel like there are still things to talk about, set up a time with them to talk about it another day.

()37. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. We should show respect for our parents.?

B. There are some ways to communicate with our parents.

C. We should be thankful to our parents. ?

D. It' s important to trust our parents.

()38. What should we do when our parents have some opinions?

A. Ask them to stop.?

B. Argue with them and then say sorry.?

C. Let them keep talking. ?

D. Explain your idea to them.

()39. Why should we look them in the eye?

A. Because this shows we agree with what they say.

B. Because they make us do that. ?

C. Because this makes them feel being respected.

D. Because this shows we understand them.

()40. What should we do when we finish the talk with our parents?

A. Tell them that we’re thankful for what they have done for us.

B. Leave them without saying anything. ?

C. Ask them some interesting questions.

D. Ask them to do the same for us again.

VI. 词形、词类转换。根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或动词不定式符号。(10分)

are a lot if new__________(factory)in our city.

at the sun.It always shines ________(bright)at this time of year.

43.Look! The people in the river _______(swim)

44.Miss Smith put the new dress on, and looked at _______(she )in the mirror.

45.Liu Zhong is in his _______(three)year at No.1 Middle school.

46.The teacher asked her students_______(not forget) to sweep the floor.

47.I think the dictionary is __________(help)to your study.

48.Don’t open your books.Please keep them_________(close)

49.There _______(be) great changes in our country since 1979.

50.If anyone is ill here, the doctor must_______(send)for.


(John feels ill.The doctor looks him over.)

Doctor: Well, there’s nothing serious 51_____ you.I’m glad to say.You are worki ng too hard and worrying too 52._____Do you take enough exercise

John: No, doctor.I never have enough time exercise.I start work very in the morning and finish late in the evening.Then I can’t get to sleep.Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep

Doctor: I can, 55_____ I’m not going to.You don’t need medicine.Remember: D on’t work too hard.Too much work is 56_____ for you.Don‘t worry 57_____ yo ur work.It’s no use to worry.Take enough exercise.

John: But I may lose my job (工作), doctor.It’s hard to ge t a job 58_____ mine.

Doctor: Then get an easier one, even if get 59_____ money.Which would you lik e to have, health or wealth (财富)

John: You are right, doctor.It’s more important to be healthy than wealthy.I’ll c hange my job.Thanks a lot.

Doctor: Come and see me 60_____ a month’s time.I think you’ll be a different man


Ⅷ.改写句子。按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每个空格填一个单词.(10分每小题2分) 61.They had lunch at school yesterday.(改写否定句)

They _________ _________lunch at school yesterday.

62.Tom visits the Science Museum every year.(就划线部分提问)

__________ ___________Tom ___________every year

63.The building near the Tea House is the People’s Hospital.(就划线部分提问)

_________ ________is the People’s Hospital

64.“Are you going to watch the football match next Sunday”Father asked me.(改为复合句)

Father asked me ________ ________ __________going to watch the football match the next Sunday.

65.The light in the room was so weak that the doctor wasn’t able to operat e.(改写句子,句意不变)

The doctor _________do the _________ __________ such bad light inside the roo m.



I __________ __________in all the things__________.


The plane ________ ________ _________in half an hour.Let’s get ready.


Something must be done _________ _________ this kind of accident ________ ___ ______in this city.


Which of the subjects do you think you would ___________ ___________ _______ ___ __________


The lost parts __________ __________after the ship was___________ _________of the water.


1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up, concentrate on, be (become)interested in ★范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon. 2.怎样学好英语 世界在发展,文化在交融,英语已经成为人们沟通的桥梁。怎样学好英语是我们一直在探索的问题。几年的学习经历你一定积累了许多成功的经验,请从听、说、读、写四方面谈谈你的建议。 要求:1. 词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。 ★范文How to learn English well


绝密★启用前 2014普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷1) 英语 使用地区:河南、山西、河北 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,共12页。考试时间结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2. 选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3. 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 注:山西卷赋分不同,满分180分。听力30分不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供给高校作参考。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9. 18. C. £9.15. 答案是C 。 1. What does the woman want to do? A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address. 2. What will the man do for the woman? A. Repair her car. B. Give her a ride. C. Pick up her aunt. 3. Who might Mr. Peterson be? A. A new professor. B. A department head. C. A company director. 4. What does the man think of the book? A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple. 5. What are the speakers talking about? A. Weather. B. Clothes. C. News. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman? A. He has a pain in his knee. B. He wants to watch TV . C. He is too lazy. 7. What will the woman probably do next? A. Stay at home. B. Take Harry to hospital. C. Do some exercise. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. When will the man be home from work? A. At 5:45. B. At 6:15. C. At 6:50. 9. Where will the speakers go? A. The Green House Cinema. B. The New State Cinema. C. The UME Cinema. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How will the speakers go to New York? A. By air. B. By taxi. C. By bus. ------------- 在-------------------- 此-------------------- 卷-------------------- 上-------------------- 答-------------------- 题-------------------- 无-------------------- 效---------- 姓名________________ 准考证号_____________


英语知识竞赛题 竞赛说明和注意事项: 1、请全体同学认真听题,同时保持安静。 2、请答题的同学在主持人发出“开始抢答”指令以后再起立抢答。 3、参赛者有2次求助班级其他成员的权利。每次由答题者自己权衡选择求助对象。 4、记分员应及时的在计分板上记录好各组得分并公示出来,请同学们监督。 5、除了最终优胜者,我们还将在其他参赛组中选出2名表现优秀奖。 6、需要补充或者阐释的知识,请所有同学积极踊跃分享,有小奖品给大家喔。 7、请同学们在竞赛过程中适时做好记录,以继续补充你们的资料卡。 8、竞赛题分为两大板块: 50道单选题,10道填空题。每题一分,共计60分。 第一板块——单项选择题(从下列选项中选出一个最佳答案) 1.北京奥运会上和刘欢合唱“我和你”的歌手是 A席琳迪翁B卡朋特 C惠特尼休斯顿 D.莎拉布莱曼 2.英国的国歌是- ----- A. 天佑女王 B.星光灿烂的旗帜 3.美国国旗上有多少颗五角星----- A.50颗 B.49颗 C.51颗 4.下列各选项搭配不正确的是----- A.英国——大本钟 B.美国——白宫 C.英国——白金汉宫 D.英国——埃菲尔铁塔 5.英国最强盛的时代是----- A伊丽莎白一世 B.玛丽亚一世 C.维多利亚时代 D.伊丽莎白二世 6. 1620年,英国清教徒乘坐什么帆船到美国寻找自由和信仰 A.五月花号 B.和平号 C.希望号 D.自由花号 7.下列作品与作家搭配不正确的是—— A.哈代——《雾都孤儿》 B.简奥斯汀——《傲慢与偏见》 C.艾米丽勃朗特——《呼啸山庄》D.斯威夫特——《格列夫游记》 8.下列国家与称号搭配不正确的是—— A.美国——山姆大叔(Uncle Sam) B.巴西——桑巴和足球王国 C.英国——英伦雄狮 D.俄罗斯——白金之国


2018年秋五年级英语趣味知识竞赛题目 分数:一.选择题。(每题3分,共60分) ()1.小码衣服的标志是: A. S ()2.麦当劳的英语是: A. 's B. ()3.中码衣服的标志是: ()4.鲁迅有一本书叫做《阿正传》 ()5.护士手上的是:光片。 ()6. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词: A. B. C. D. ()7.肯德基的英语是: ()8. 字母组合可表示长度单位“厘米”: 2 ()9. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是和。 , N , I , F , X ()10. 的意思是: A.贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C.人民币 D.英国 ()11. (字母) a ? A.B B. V ()11. (动物)? A.B B. V ()12. a (问题)? A.B B. Q ()13. A 与 C 谁高: A.A B. B ()14. “,”翻译成中文的意思是: A.爱屋及乌 B.爱我就爱我的小狗 C.爱我就更爱我的小狗 D.爱我,爱小狗 ()15. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如123456等。请问其中的 @表示什么意思,该怎么读? A. @ 的意思是“电脑”,读作“a 外一个圈”。

B. @ 的意思是“邮箱”,读作“圈内一个a”。 C. @ 的意思是“为”,读音与介词相同。 D. @ 的意思是“在”,读音与介词相同。 ()16. 英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说成。 A. B. C. D. ( ) 17. 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是 . A. , B. , C. D. , , ()18. “”是哪种动物的叫声? A. B. C. D. ()19. “”是哪种动物的叫声? A. B. C. D. ()20. 是指? A. 金星 B. 水星 C. 木星 D. 土星 二.看我七十二变:改变一个字母,使之符合题目的要求。(每题2分,共10分) 1. 变成一种饮料 2. 变成一种交通工具 3. 变成一种动物 4. 变成一种水果 5. 变成一个数字 三.看国旗,找出对应的英语,连线。(每题2分,共10分) 四.组合字母,写出正确的单词。(每题2分,共10分) i g b l i n o b u l e b a r e a b n n a n 五.写出中文意思。(每题2分,共10分)


绝密★启用前:2015年6月8日15:00 2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一卷 英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项: 1. 答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday in stead of a lot of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day late, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t got any channels showing all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed. Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static (静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually,this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking my set. When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the set is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble.


1、万圣节的灯最开始是放在哪里呢B A、马铃薯 B、萝卜 C、番薯 D、西瓜 2、万圣节的南瓜灯又叫C A、Tom灯 B、Jerry灯 C、Jack灯 D、Tony灯 3、关于Halloween,还有一个同名乐队,请问他们是哪个国家的呢 A A、德国B、美国C、西班牙D、爱尔兰 4、纽约的绰号是B A、the golden apple B、the big apple C、the small apple D、the apple 5、W.C.的完整形式是 C A、Washing Room B、Washing Case C Water Closet D Water Caster 6 莎士比亚四大悲剧中,哪部又称“王子复仇记” B A《奥赛罗》 B 《哈姆莱特》 C 《麦克白斯》D《李尔王》 7 下列著名作家,哪位不是19世纪英国诗坛三大巨星之一A A 笛福 B 济慈 C 雪莱 D 拜伦 8世界上哪一个国家产茶量最多D A中国B朝鲜C英国D印度 9下列世界奇迹哪个位于伊拉克 B A金字塔B空中花园 C 宙斯神像D太阳神像 10、下列哪个不是万圣节的传统服饰D

A无头骑士B僵尸C幽灵D半人马 11万圣节的色彩主旋律是A A黑色和橙色B黑色和紫色C橙色和白色D白色和红色 12、美洲出现的第一个独立国家是:(B) A、美国B、海地C、古巴D、墨西哥 13《命运交响曲》是____C_____的作品。 A 海顿 B 莫扎特 C 贝多芬 D 瓦格纳 14《日出?印象》是法国著名印象派画家____A_____的代表作品。 A 莫奈 B 凡高 C 高更 D 雷诺阿 15、《悲惨世界》的主人公冉阿让因为偷了什么东西而服了19年的苦役C A、一瓶葡萄酒 B、一杯牛奶 C、一片面包 D、一块饼干 16、“白雪公主”这个形象最早来自于:B A、格林童话 B、安徒生童话 C、伊索寓言 17、好莱坞位于美国的哪个州C A、阿拉斯加州 B 德克萨斯州 C 加利福尼亚州 D 弗洛里达州 18、世界上被称为“教育王国”的是哪一个国家A


小学一年级英语基础知识竞赛试卷 班级:姓名:得分: 一、请翻译下列英文单词。(50分) 1、rabbit 2、monkey 3、deer 4、elephant 5、boy 6、man 7、girl 8、woman 9、brother 10、father 11、sister 12、mother 13、book 14、bag 15、pen 16、pencil 17、ruler 18、ball 19、doll 20、kite 二、我会翻译句子。(30分) 1、This is a rabbit . 2、Sit down please . 3、Who’s the boy ? 4、What’s this ?. 5、It’s a pen . 6、How do you do ? 7、Is this a book ? 8、No ,it isn’t . 9、Good moming . 10、Glad to see you . 三、我会画。(20分) 1、bird 2、gun 3、box 4、pig 小学一年级英语基础知识竞赛试卷班级:姓名:得分: 一、请翻译下列英文单词。(50分) 1、rabbit 2、monkey 3、deer 4、elephant 5、boy 6、man 7、girl 8、woman 9、brother 10、father 11、sister 12、mother 13、book 14、bag 15、pen 16、pencil 17、ruler 18、ball 19、doll 20、kite 二、我会翻译句子。(30分) 1、This is a rabbit . 2、Sit down please . 3、Who’s the boy ? 4、What’s this ?. 5、It’s a pen . 6、How do you do ? 7、Is this a book ? 8、No ,it isn’t . 9、Good moming . 10、Glad to see you . 三、我会画。(20分) 1、bird 2、gun


英语 2018年高三试卷 英语 简答题(综合题)(本大题共4小题,每小题____分,共____分。) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents/carers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised, parents/carers will be asked to sign to confirm their child’s choices.

21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping? A. OUT. B. WBP. C. CRF. D. POT. 22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson? A. Travel to London. B. See a parade and fireworks. C. Tour central Paris. D. Visit the WWI battlefields. 23. How long does Potty about Potter last? A. Two days. B. Four days. C. Five days.


梁原中学2018年七年级英语趣味知识竞赛试题 时间:45分钟满分:500分 一、脑筋急转弯 A、有10道题,每题10分(共计100分) 1.What can't be used until it's broken? A.apple B.tofu C.egg D.tea 2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) A.book B.price C.age D. plane 3.中号衣服的标志是? A. S C. M B. L D. Y 4.我们每天上学,__放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。 A . am, pm, USA B . am, pm, PRC C . pm, am, UK D . pm, am, PRC 5.He is a fat cat(引申义). A 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个大亨 C 他爱说大话 D 他非常懒惰 6.下列选项中哪个是音乐电视的缩写() A. MTV B.YTV C. DTV D. CTV 7.下列哪个是世界贸易组织的缩写() A.WTO https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f13680680.html,TV C. HB D.BBC 8.VIP的意思是() A.贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C. 人民币 D.英国广播公司 9.罗马数字XI ,用英语数字可表示为() A. eleven B. eight C. nineteen D. twenty 10.在商场我们经常会看到诸如“2F”、“3F”这样的标志。请问“F”代表的是哪个单词?()

A. flower B. fly C. food D. floor B、有10道题,每题5分(共计50分) ============================================================= 1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和 A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X 2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? A. Your book B. Your name C. Your pen D. Your money 3.what is the most hard(硬)part of the human body? A Tooth B nail C skull 4. She ___ a excellent girl. A. is B. are C.an D. not 5. He is the black sheep of the family. a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛 c) 黑马d) 领头羊 6. What letter(字母)is ‘you’? ------It’s ___ A. Ww B.Yy C. Vv D.Uu 7. What letter is a drink(饮料)? ------It’s ___ A.Bb B. Cc C. Tt D. Dd 8. Which word is different from others (下列哪个单词与其它不同)? A.father B.grandmother C.mother D.uncle 9.Which letter is the differnce between here and there? (here与there哪里不同?)———It’s ___ . A.Bb https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f13680680.html, C.Dd D.Tt 10.My uncle has(有) a brother. He is not my uncle. Who is he? He’s my ___. A.friend B.teacher C.brother D.father C、有5道题,每题10分(共计50分) ============================================================= 1. Which day is Tree Planting Day? A. March.1 B. May. 12 C. March.12 D. May. 14 2.Dumplings are eaten at _______. A.Mid-Autumn Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival


2018年高考全国二卷英语答案2018高考新课标全国 2卷英语试题及答案 适用地区:甘肃、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、宁夏、新疆、陕西、重庆、海南省(全国Ⅱ卷:语、数、英;单独命题:政、史、地、物、化、生) 绝密★启用前【考试时间:6月8日15: 00-17:00】 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是C 1. What does John find difficult in learning German? A. Pronunciation. B. Vocabulary. C. Grammar. 2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student. 3. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. At a ticket office. C. On a train. 4. What are the speakers talking about? A. A restaurant. B. A street. C. A dish. 5. What does the woman think of her interview?


九年级英语知识竞赛试题 姓名:______________班级:______________Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ()1. This is_______English car. _______ English car is nice. A. an, An B. a, A C. the, An D. an, The ()2. — Is this dictionary _______ ? —No, it’s_______ . A. your, his B. your, her C. yours, his D. mine, her ()3. — _______ books are there in the library() —_______ books. A. How many, Two thousands B. How much, Two thousands C. How many, Thousands of D. How much, Thousands of ()4. —Why do you like living in the countryside? —Because there’s_______ noise and _______ cars there. A. less, fewer B. fewer, less C. less, less D. fewer, fewer ()5. —Whose book is it? —Oh, it _______ be Tom’s. Look, there is the name of Tom on the cover. A. may B. can C. need D. must? ()6. Mr Tong asked us _______ be afraid of _______ the exam. A. not to, having B. not to, have C. to, having D. to, have? ()7. I _______ listen to music, but now I am fond of _______ stamps. A. am used to, collect B. used to, collect? C. am used to, collecting D. used to, collecting ()8. — Whose room is this? —It is _______ room. The twin sister like it very much. A. Ann’s and Jane’s B. Ann and Jane’s C. Ann’s and Jane D. Anns’ and Janes’ ()9. — _______ it is raining hard, _______ he still decides to leave. A. But, / B. Because, soC. Though, butD. Though, / ()10. —Do you know _______ going to stay in London? —No, I don’t know. Maybe a few days. A. when he is B. how long he is C. how soon he is D. how long is he ()11. He is _______ clever boy that he knows _______ English words. A. a such, so many B. so a, such many? C. a so, such many D. such a, so many ()12. — What do you think of Liu Huan? — He is a famous singer _______ songs are very popular with the young. A. who B. which C. whose D. that ()13. They both study hard though _______ of them is good health. A. either B. neither C. none D. both


英语知识竞赛题目及答案 一.必答题(20秒每题) 1.You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿! 2.美国的全称:the United States 美利坚合众国 3.诺基亚是哪个国家的著名品牌?Germany 4.NBA湖人队位于美国的哪个城市?Los Angeles 5.Who is the writer of the Huckberry Finn ? Mark Twai 6.Which one is the endangered animals ? antelope 7.Where is the Harvard University? The USA 8.Where is the Cambridge University? England 9.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 这部童话故事的中文名字。白雪公主和七个小矮人 10.My heart will go on comes from 11.英国的标志性建筑物?大本钟(Big Ben) 12.美国的标志性建筑物?.美国总统府白宫the white house ;或者:美国自由女神像The Statue of Liberty 13.日本的国花?樱花cherry 14.中国的全称及简称?PRC =the People's Republic of China中国(中华人民共和国) 15.一寸光阴一寸金Time is money. 16.我们每天上学,放学。am pm 17.字母组合可表示长度单位厘米。.cm 18.No pain , no gain . 不劳无获。 19.Where there is a will , there is a way .有志者事竟成。 20.A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情。 21.“Love me,love my dog”翻译成中文的意思是:爱屋及乌 22.中号衣服的标志是M 23.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ? her age 24.2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是_______. One world, One dream 25.Anything is possible. 此广告语是出自哪家中国著名品牌?李宁 26.在西方被认为不吉利的数字是______。(13) 27. First name是姓名中的_____。(名字) https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f13680680.html,st name 是姓名中的______。(姓) 29.你给一个手机关机的人打电话,你在电话中听到的英语是____。(Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off.) 30.在英美国家,人们通常将“体力劳动者”称为blue workers ,把“脑力劳动者”称为_______workers。(white) 二.抢答题(10秒每题) 1.black sheep 害群之马 2.圣诞老人英语表达:father Christmas Santa Claus


2014普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷2) 英语答案解析 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力 第一节 1.【答案】A 2.【答案】B 3.【答案】C 4.【答案】B 5.【答案】A 第二节 6.【答案】B 7.【答案】C 8.【答案】A 9.【答案】C 10.【答案】A 11.【答案】A 12.【答案】C 13.【答案】B 14.【答案】C 15.【答案】A 16.【答案】C 17.【答案】B 18.【答案】C 19.【答案】A 20.【答案】B 第二部分阅读理解 第一节 21.【答案】B 【解析】根据第一段内容可知,作者的丈夫只身一人到达悉尼之后就开始找房子。故选B。

【解析】根据倒数第二段最后一句可知,那位女孩的父母是在一封写了一半的信里发现作者丈夫留给朋友的新电话号码的。故选C。 23.【答案】D 【解析】根据“not only...but also...”所连接的“restore”后面的宾语,并结合上文可知,小女孩一家人把那些重要的文件还给了作者的丈夫,所以此处应选D项,意为“恢复”。 24.【答案】C 【解析】文章主要讲述了作者的丈夫丢失的重要文件被人扔在垃圾箱里面,然后又被一家好心人捡到重新归还给作者的丈夫的故事,这使作者的丈夫又重拾了对人性的信任。作者丈夫的这些东西之所以能够失而复得离不开垃圾箱这一线索。因此C项做标题最恰当。 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了“地球日”的来历以及它在唤起人们的环保意识、节能减排、保护环境等方面所做的贡献。 25.【答案】C 【解析】根据文章第一段可知,在1970年以前人们不知道什么是“环境”,更不知道环境问题。故选C。 26.【答案】A细节理解题。难度中等。 【解析】根据第二段第二句可知,文中的“millions of”与题干中的“mainly”相符,所以对环保的支持主要来自美国的草根民众。故选A。 27【答案】D 【解析】根据倒数第二段尤其是该段最后一句内容可知,美国通过采取有效的措施大大降低了污染。C项干扰性很强,但是与原文第三段第二句“The number of cities producing CO beyond the standard has been reduced from 40 to 9.”不符,原文意思是说CO超标的城市数量从40个减少到9个。故选D。 28.【答案】A 【解析】该段主要说明了教育对提升人们的环保意识起到了重要作用。其中第一句中直接出现了education 的提示。故选A。 文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了汉语在美国日益受到欢迎,从而引起了au pair(住家保姆)的火热:即通过雇用说汉语的中国保姆来照顾孩子,使孩子们能够和保姆学习汉语。 【考点】推理判断题。难度中等。 29.【答案】D 【解析】根据第二段最后一句可推知,该句是说这个男孩在由来自中国的25岁的女士看护了六个月后,已经能够理解基本的汉语日常用语了,由此可推知,画线词应该是指照看孩子的外国年轻妇女,即住家保姆。故选D。


脑筋急转弯 每组有5道题,参赛队首先抽签决定所答题的题号。(每题100分,每小组共120秒的答题时间答对得分,所得分数计入本组;答错不扣分) 2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) A.book B.price C.age D. plane 3.中号衣服的标志是? A. S C. M B. L D. Y 4.我们每天上学,__放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。 A . am, pm, USA B . am, pm, PRC C . pm, am, UK D . pm, am, PRC 5.He is a fat cat(引申义). A 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个大亨 C 他爱说大话 D 他非常懒惰 B1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和—— A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X 2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? A. Your book B. Your name C. Your pen D. Your money 3.what is the most hard(硬)part of the human body? A Tooth B nail C skull 4. She ___ a excellent girl. A. is B. are C.an D. not 5. He is the black sheep of the family. a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛 c) 黑马d) 领头羊 C1. Which day is Tree Planting Day? A. March.1 B. May. 12 C. March.12 D. May. 14 2.Dumplings are eaten at _______. A.Mid-Autumn Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival C. Children’s Day D. Chinese New Year’s Day 3、What is the largest living land animal? A. tiger B. lion C. elephant D. leopard(豹子) 4. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词 A. Red B. orange C. Peach D. banana 5.She read them Shakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine. A 把珍珠丢掉 B 明珠暗投 C 买椟还珠 D 对牛弹琴 D1.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ?


初二英语作文题目大全 【篇一:中考英语作文题目集锦】 中考英语作文题目集锦. 请根据下面的提示用英语写一篇日记。 1. 写作要点提示: 1)汶川发生地震,李华来襄樊和叔叔住在一起,成了我们的新同学。 2)我们对他十分友善。送他爱心卡,鼓励他坚强;与他一起做游戏;带他参观学校…… 3)我们竭尽所能给予帮助。捐出书包、作业本、字典……;他英语学习有困难,我帮他复习功课,教他学习方法…… 4)李华激动地说,我们不仅是他的同学,也是他的兄弟姐妹,这里就是他的家。 2. 写作要求: 日记内容应包括所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可适当增加情节,以使短文意思连贯;日记字数90词左右,日记开头已给出,但不记入总词数,也不得抄入答题卡。 monday, may 21st fine a terrible earthquake happened in wenchuan. ______________________________________ 短文写作。(本题12分) 同学们很快就初中毕业了。马上要迎来快乐的暑假和精彩的2008北京奥运会,你的心中是否充满期待?请用英语写一篇90词左右的短文,和大家分享你心中的暑期计划。 内容要求: 1. 主要选择通过电视或现场观看哪(几)种比赛项目?最喜欢哪(几)位体育明星?为什么? 2. 主要安排哪(几)项体育锻炼活动?(包括时间、地点和目的意义等) 书面表达(满分20分) 假如你是李明,你的美国笔友jack给你发来email,想在暑假到北京看奥运会期间来芜湖参观旅游。请根据下表提示,为jack制定一份“芜湖一日游”计划,并发email给他,介绍相关内容。 上午游鸠兹广场、镜湖公园,去步行街购物

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