当前位置:文档之家› 八年级外研版英语作文集锦



Module 1


1.What does he or she look like?

2.What does he or she like or dislike?

3.What is he or she like?

4.Why is he or she your favourite teacher?

My favourite teacher is Mr Zhang. He is our maths teacher and he teaches us very well.

Mr Zhang is medium build with short hair. He likes reading all kinds of books and keeping doing exercise every day. He thinks it’s good for his health, so he doesn’t like smoking or drinking. Mr Zhang is an active

person. It seems that he is always full of energetic.

He’s very patient and never angry with his students. He never say something bad to anyone, and he is always encouraging the student who has difficulties in learning and help him make progress. That’s the main

reason that he is my favourite teacher.


初中生活丰富多彩。请参考以下图示,任选其中一个话题,写一篇短文,记录发生在学校或家庭中的难忘经历。供班级制作网上“Unforgettable Experiences”



An Unforgettable Experience

I had a very unforgettable experience when I was 11 years old. I had some training with my classmates. We went to Fengxian and we needed to live in a small dormitory for two days. We did everything ourselves. Our parents couldn’t help us ,because they didn’t stay with us.

We got up early in the moring.We had to clean ourselves quickly.And then we stood in a line.We learnt a lot of things there,such as cooking, washing and even making beds.Every day, we had to practice

more than five hours.

Now I think it was very hard for everyone but it was very good for us. We were looked after by ourparents before,but in fact we should learn how to look after ourselves. What an unforgettable experience it is!

Module 4









Dear friends, we all want to grow happily and healthily. So we have to do some things.

First, we should keep ourselves happy. Life is not always full of sunshine, when we are in trouble, we should be brave enough to deal with problems. Next, we must study hard. The more knowledge we have,

the more confident we’ll be. Finally, we can do more exercise. It can make us more relaxed and active to go running, play ball games or take a walk after a day’s study.

If we do these things well, we are certain to have a healthy and happy life. So come on, let’s try together.




1.What is your favourite cartoon?

2.Who is your favourite character in the cartoon?

3.Why do you like it most?





My favourite cartoon is Cinderella .

I saw the film when I was seven years old. I like the film because of its main character, Cinderella.

There are several reasons why I like her. First, she is a kind girl. She never gets angry with her stepmother and stepsisters. Second, she likes making friends with others, even with animals like doves and mice. Finally, she tries her best to make her dream come true. With the help of her friends, she marries the prince at last.

I’m also moved by Cinderella’s kindness and I learn a lot from the




提示词:handsome, smart, brave, helpful





My favourite cartoon character is Pleasant Goat. Do you know why I like him?

First, he is the most handsome student in his class. Second, he is very smart. When he and his classmates meet different kinds of difficulties, he can always come up with ideas to solve them. Third, he is very kind and helpful. When his friends need help, he always tries his best to give a hand. The most important is that he is very brave. The wolf is much stronger than him, but he is never afraid of him.

From Pleasant Goat, I learn that we should try to solve problems in right ways.










My favourite hobby

I have lots of hobby,such as reading books , swimming and playing volleyball. Among them,reading books is my favourite,because it’s relaxing and interesting as well.This hobby can make me grow as a person.

After I went to school,I spent most time studying. After school,as well as the usual activites,such as playing games,watching cartoons and climbing. I joined a reading class.At the beginning , I was awful to read books,but I thought of my parents ,They always read books for me.Many storyes makes me become interestied in reading. As a result, I was happy to finish reading a book in a short time,and I can read it quickly now.

I feel lucky because my hobby has brought me pleasure and success.One day, I belive I can succdeed because of reading .I’ll be proud of my hobby

My favourite hobby

I have a lot of hobbies ,such as reading drawing ,swimming and playing volleyball .Among them playing volleyball is my favourite hobby . This hobby can make me grow as a person ,develop my interests and help me to lean new skills

After went to school, as well as the the usual activities ,such as running ,climbing .I joined a volleyball team. At the beginning , I didn`t play well .But the coach encouraged me to do more exercise. The coach told me that he thought I could do best .As a result ,I often won beautifully.

I`m lucky that my hobby has brought me pleasure and success Thanks to my coach. I am certain to be a successful player.

Dear Marcia,

Thank you for your last letter. You asked me to tell you something about my hobby. I’m a student in a middle school. My favourite hobby is

collecting stamps. When I was young, I was interested in Monkey King.

One day, my father gave me a dozen of stamps. To my great surprise, each one has a little“Monkey King”.You can’t imagine how happy I was. I put them in a shall album. It was a great joy to show them to my friends. From then on, I became crazy about stamps.

Collecting stamps really costs me a lot every year, but I still think it’s worth doing.


假如你参加了一个英语课程班,英语进步很大。你很想把它推荐给你的好朋友Mike 。请你给他写一封,向他介绍一下这个学习班。内容包括以下要点:

1.What is the course like ?

2.How are the teachers ?

3.What activities can we take part in ?


Dear Mike,

I took an English course during the summer holiday and i have improve d a lot.Let me tell you something about it.

The courses there are always wonderful.Our English teacher often ma kes her class so lovely that everyone in her class likes her so much.Someti mes she teaches us some beautiful English songs.They're great!By the way my teacher miss lee is also kind-hearted.He always wants to do somethin g for everyone.I think that is what i can learn from him too.After class ou r classmates also have some relaxing activities like climbing mountains.I thi nk that it's the best part of the course.

I am certain you are going to make great progress with your English here. so what are you waiting for?Just come to join us!


Dear Mike,

My English marks improve a lot now,because I have take part in a great E nglish courses,I think you will crazy about it too.

The courses last for eight week and start at the end of July.Our teachers are well trained and very friendly with us.They teach English classes for t wo hours a day.And there are also many famous teachers,they always ta lk to us about the lastest foreign news,we are all interested in it.As well as

learning English,you can do sports after class,even play English compute r games.

There are many exciting things to do,and l believe you will learn many us eful things.


An English course

I had an English course.After finishing the course,I felt my English had be en improved.Now,I can speak and write English really well.So I want to recommend it to you.

The course starts at the end of July.And it lasts for four,six,or eight wee ks.I think the course is relaxing and active.And the course also makes us i nterested in English.The teachers are well trained and have a lot of experi ence.They teach English classes for four or five hours a day.And they will set tests to check your progress after class.In the free time,you can choose lots of activities to take part in.Such as staying with an American family,t aking trips to somewhere you want and making some new friends.

I am certain that you will love coming to this course to improve your Engli sh and enjoy your life there.


(1)Think about a hoilday trip to a place of interest.

●Where is it?

●What can you do there?

●When can you go?

●How many people are tehre in each group?

●How long will you stay?

●What have people said about their trip to the place?

(2)Write a leaflet for the trip.


Come to the lovely Li River for a wonderful hiking hoilday!

Our trips are for groups of 20 people,so come with your friends or make new ones!

The hoilday hiking lasts for three days in the early summer months.

Spend your first afternoon in Caoping Village .Walk through the rice fields and see Crown Cave .Then enjoy your evening in a fine hotel.You

will love it!

The next day you will hike and travel by boat to Yangdi Village,seeing beautiful mountains,waterfalls and bamboo forests along the way.Everything is quiet and relaxing,the air is clear and the loudest noise is the birds singing.A delicious dinner waits for you at the end of the jouney.

On the third day,we take you to Moon Hill.You can climb about 800 steps to see fantastic scenery.

Finally we take you to Guilin Airport,happy after you great adventure!

Do not wait to long——call now for a wonderful tirp to the Li River.


某英文报以“An forgettable Day”为题,面向中学生开展征文活动,请你写一篇短文参加此次活动。








An Unforgettable Day

I’ll never forget June 11th, 2012. It was a sunny day.

After school, my friend did something rude to me. It made me sad. I went home unhappily. It was dark in my room. Suddenly the lights were on, and I heard the song “Happy birthday”. I was surprised to see many people and a big cake. I nearly forgot my birthday because of the problem with my friend. When I saw the cake and the people especially the friend who did something rude to me, I was so excited and happy. Because it was my first time to have a birthday party!

I’ll never forget that day, because I know whatever happened to me,

my family and my friends are around me.



请以“Radio”为题写一篇文章,字数80-100、内容包括:1、What do you think of radio?

2、Why is it important?

3、What will happen to radio in the future?


Radio is important in our life.It makes our lives colourful and meaningful.

Listening to the radio is a good way to relax.You can listen to it whenever you are,in your car,in public and at home.You can listen to your favoutite programmes.I love to listen to operas on the radio.Moreover,you can get enjoyment and information from listening to the radio.If you listen to it instead of watching TV,your eyes won't hurt.

Radio may change and develop in the future.Anyhow,it is always the reminder of the past and I'll still love it.

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