当前位置:文档之家› 英语作文中的否定结构







have a bias against对……有反感

make against有害;不利于(可以用来替代do harm to)

●Smoking makes against your health.

tell against对……不利

●Your bad skin will tell against you if you want to be an actress.


beyond a doubt毫不怀疑

●That will put the matter beyond a doubt.

be beyond calculation/estimate=incalculable无法估量的

beyond conception(可以用来形容某件事情惊奇,超出想象)

beyond expression/description无法描写/表达


be except sb. from + n(blame/hurt/pain)使某人免受……




absent expression茫然的表情

absent from home不在家

absent in one’s mind心不在焉


deny oneself = give up

deny oneself to sb.拒绝见某人


●They differ widely in their opinions.

●Our ideologies differ.(ideology 思想)

●Although our looks differ, we are both attractive.

●We differ about/on/over moral standards.

differ from individual to individual因人而异

●Conceptions differ from individual to individual.

differ considerably相当大的不同

differ radically极不一致

differ appreciably明显不同


fail sb.使某人感到失望;辜负某人;抛弃某人

fail to do不能做某事;无法做到某事=fail in doing

●He tried to pull out the burning fuse, but failed (to do).

without fail一定;必定

●I’ll write to my parents every month without fail.

fail in health健康衰退


●The hill is completely free from the trees. 这个山丘上一棵树也没有。

●He is free from any sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。

●She is making a desperate bid to free herself from a loveless marriage. 她正做出不顾


●Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可以缓解身体的紧张。

free aid慷慨的援助

free from没有……的;不受……影响的

●They are trying to free the world from the threat of war.

free of 免于……的;没有……的;在……之外;使……摆脱(=unhampered无障碍的)

●free of charge

free sth. from sth. 使……摆脱……(可以是某些麻烦debt; financial anxiety……)

F.ignore (ignore sth. 可以用来解释为“不顾……去做……”


miss sth.(n.) 意为没能做……如miss classes(没能上课);miss an appointment(没能赴约);miss attendance(没能出席)

H.reluctant 不情愿的(可用来替代unwilling)

be reluctant to do sth. 不想去做某事


lack in (v.)

by lack of = for lack of= through lack of 因缺乏

be lack of

●Lack of sun retards plant growth.(retards 使……变慢)

show a lack of sth.表现出不足

●Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgement.



●Hearing the words, he couldn’t keep from laughing. 听了这话,他不由得笑了起来。

●I horse around quite a lot, just to keep from getting bored. 我胡闹了一阵儿,只是为


●I hope you will keep from doing anything rash. 我希望你不要做出任何鲁莽的事情来。

B.let alone 更不用说

●I can’t speak English, let alone French or German. 我不会说英语,更别提法语或德语


●It is not playing by Hama rules, let alone committing gencocide. 这并不是按哈马规则


C.in vain 徒劳的,白白浪费的

D.rather than

E.by no means

●I’ll forgive you this time, but you shall by no means make the mistake again. 我这次就


●By no means was he able to handle it. 这件事他绝对没有办法解决。

●It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足别人的需求一点也不简单。

●This is by no means the best way to solve the problem of energy crisis. 这不是解决能


F.anything but

That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。


英语否定句翻译 一、全部否定(Complete Negation) 全部否定是指将句子否定对象加以全盘、彻底地否定。常用的全部否定词与习惯用语有:not, no, none, never,nobody, nothing,neither…nor, nowhere, no one,etc. 只要使用上述否定词,都是具有全部否定意义的句子。翻译成中文时,一般把全部否定词照翻即可。 例:He is not a translator.他不是翻译。 This problem is so difficult that none of us can solve it.这个问题太难,我们当中没人能解决。 二、部分否定(Partial Negation) 部分否定在英语句子中是对some,all,both,every,many,much,always,often等词的否定,不论否定词“ not”放在这些词的前面,还是同句中谓语一起构成否定式谓语,都属于部分否定。 可译为:“并非所有的都”;“并不全是”;“不一定总是”。例:All that glitters is not gold. (=Not all that glitters is gold.) 闪光的东西不一定都是金子。 Both of the instruments are not precision ones. (=Not both of the instruments are precision ones.) 这两台仪器并不都是精密仪器。 从以上两例可看出,not every=some,not both=one,not

always=sometimes,not wholly=in some degree not together=somewhat. 三、双重否定(Double Negation) 双重否定是指两个否定词并用,否定同一个单词,或者一个否定词否定另一个否定词,其否定意义互相抵消得到肯定意义。如果一个句子中同时含有两个否定因素,无论是形式上还是意义上的,可采用两种方法翻译:可译成汉语的双重否定,其语气较强烈;也可以译成肯定。双重否定句主要有以下三种: 1.全否定词+全否定词英语中的全否定词有:not,no,without,none,nobody,no one,nothing,neit her…nor,nowhere,etc.当这类词出现在同一个句子中时即可构成双重否定句。 例:No one has nothing to offer to society. 人人都可以为社会奉献点什么。 He cannot speak English without making mistakes. 他一说英语就出错。 2.全否定词+半否定词一个全否定词和一个半否定词(little,seldom等)同时出现在一个句子中时,构成双重否定句。例:Nowadays it is not seldom that a man lives to be seventy years old.如今人活到70岁常见的。 3.全否定词+含有否定意义的词。如:impatient,unimportant,


How to introduce a place in English 一、可以考虑从以下几个方面着手: 1.location (位置) 2.area (面积) 3.surroundings (周边环境) 4.transport ( 交通) 5.population(人口) 6.history (历史) 7.places of interest (名胜) 8.something special (特色) 二、常用句式和语言: 1. location(位置) 1). Our school lies near /behind / in front of / by the side of…/ between / among… 2). There stands an old temple near the river. 3). Our city is located in…, 4). The city stretches itself lazily along….. 2. area (面积) 1). The size of our city is …square kilometers; 2). Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers / has an area of … 3). Tiananmen Square, with / covering an area of…, is the largest square in the world. 4). Our school , which takes up… thousand square meters, is very large in size. 3. surroundings (周边环境) 1). The beautiful town is located /situated on the west of the lake / to the west of the mountain / in the west of the province. 2). West of the city stands a tall building. 3). Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river on the east. 4. transport ( 交通) 1). It is very convenient for you to come to our city… 2). The best way to experience…is to take a bus tour. 3). It takes …(time) to take a bus from…to… 4). …is only a few bus stops from downtown. 5). …is within easy reach. 5. population(人口) 1). Japan has a small population of… 2). China is a developing country, with a population of 1.3 billion. 3). The population of our city is increasing year by year. 4). Eighty percent of the population here are farmers… 6. history (历史) 1). China has a history of over 5000 years. 2). Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 3). Built in the16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history. 7. places of interest (名胜) 1). The places around our city are rich in natural resources. 2). The city, known as…, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. 3). The city is well-known / famous for its…/as… 4). The city is home/birthplace to … 5). …is a must-see for tourists, as… 6). The city offers visitors a moment’s rest from the busy city. 7) You are sure to have a wonderful time in… 8) Few visitors leave the city feeling disappointed. 9) Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, which has many places of interest, among which is the Opera House. 10) A walk around …is a feast for the mind as well as the eye.


结构模板1 (1)It is shown/depicted/described in the picture that 图表内容总括. (2)进一步阐述图表内容. (3)As is symbolically revealed in the pictures, 折射生活中的意义. (4)We can say that/We may draw/safely come to a conclusion that/We can see clearly that 对寓意进一步引申和归纳. (描述图表段) (5)There are many examples found to prove that 主题句. (6)Take …as a typical example./The first example is that 阐述例子一(可进一步阐述). (7)The second example is that/In addition/Here is a counterexample. /Opposite case in point is that /On the contrary 第二个例子(或举一反面例子). (8)Therefore, 段落总结句. (举例说明段) (9)In order to improve the situation/To sum up the above argument/Confronted with such an issue/a problem, we should find several solutions to it/need to take some positive measures. (10)On the one hand/For one thing 方法/建议一. (11)On the other hand/For another, 方法/建议二. (12)Therefore/Thus/Only in this way, can 总结句. (个人观点段) 9)In order to improve the situation/To sum up the above argument/Confronted with such an issue/a problem, we should find several solutions to it/need to take some positive measures. (10)On the one hand/For one thing 方法/建议一. (11)On the other hand/For another, 方法/建议二. (12)Therefore/Thus/Only in this way, can 总结句. (个人观点段) 模板示例 Write an essay of 150 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then


英语否定句的翻译技巧 济宁学院旅游地理系 刘翠莲 [摘 要]英语中的否定句形式多样,给学生的理解造成很大障碍。其否定概念的表达分为明否定(包括全部否定、部分否定和双重否定)和暗否定(含蓄否定)。要准确理解和翻译英语中的否定句,需要清楚这些否定结构的特点,结合汉语的表达习惯,掌握一定的翻译技巧。 [关键词]全部否定 部分否定 双重否定 含蓄否定 翻译 无论在英语中还是在汉语中,肯定句和否定句都是人们日常交际常用的表达手段和陈述方式。由于文化背景、语言习惯和思维方式的不同,英汉两种语言在意义表达上又有很大的区别,尤其是否定句的应用,这给学生的理解和翻译造成很大障碍。翻译英语否定句,首先要弄清楚其结构在用法上的一些特点,否则就容易出错。一般来讲,英语中否定概念的表达可分为明否定和暗否定。前者借助否定词或否定结构来表达否定的概念,包括全部否定、部分否定和双重否定。后者又称含蓄否定,指不通过具有否定意义的词来表达否定,否定含义常暗含于句子及语境之中。这里就这几种否定结构谈谈翻译上的特点。 一、全部否定 全部否定指将句子否定对象加以全盘彻底的否定,通常使用一些含“绝无”意义的否定词加上肯定式谓语来表示。这些否定词常以n字母开头如:no,no t,none,never,nobody,no th ing, now here,no r,neither等),此类英语否定句一般仍译为汉语否定句。如:N one of u s are perfect1我们谁也不是完人。M y tex t2 book is now here to be seen.哪儿也找不到我的课本。 需要注意的是,根据句子的意思和汉语习惯否定成分有时会发生转换,这就是否定转移现象。常见的情况有:1)否定句含believe,con sider,expect,fancy,fear,hope,feel,i m agine,sup2 po se,th ink,tru st等表心理活动的动词时,no t通常否定该动词后面的内容。如:Scien tists don’t believe that compu ters can re2 p lace m an in every field1科学家们认为,计算机不可能在所有领域中都代替人。2)系表结构中否定词在意义上通常否定句子中的表语。如:You r sen tence doesn’t sound righ t1你的句子听起来不对。3)“no+名”时否定应转移到谓语动词上面。如:A t no ti m e and under no circum stances w ill Ch ina be the first to u se nuclear w eapon s1中国在任何时间和任何情况下都不会首先使用核武器。4)在“否定词+becau se…”结构中,becau se引导原因状语从句,主句的谓语为否定式时,有时可按正常语序翻译,如:W om en in som e Islam ic coun tries do no t vo te becau se they have no righ t to1一些穆斯林国家的妇女不参加选举,因为她们没有选举权。但有时情况较为复杂,即no t并非真正否定谓语,而是否定becau se本身。如:T he m ach ine didn’t move be2 cau se he pu shed on it1不是因为他推了它,这台机器才移动(原文形式上否定谓语,实际上否定的重点是状语从句,故译文否定状语从句)。因此,翻译时应结合上下文语境做出正确的判断。 5)在含目的状语的否定句中,有时no t并不否定其后的动词,而是否定句中的目的状语。如:Som eti m es the ch ildren don’t p lay chess fo r am u sem en t1有时孩子们下棋并不全是为了娱乐。 二、部分否定 部分否定,可用含“部分”意义的代词、副词(如som e,som e2 th ing,som ew here等)加上否定谓语构成,这样的句式比较容易理解。但还有一些特殊的表示部分否定的句型,不同于汉语的思维方式。1)用否定词no t来否定表示全部概念的词,如:bo th, all,every(everyth ing,everybody,everyw here)等。这些词都是表示“所有、每一个、两者都”等概念的,如果用no t否定这些词就使句子产生了部分否定之义,表示“不都……”,“并非……都”等。如果否定词no t放置这些词之前(如:no t all…,no t every …,no t bo th…等)就更能突出部分否定的意思。如:N o t all h is w o rk is successfu l1并非他所有的工作都是成功的。应特别注意no t不位于这些词前面时的译法。如:Everybody w ou ldn’t like it1=N o t everybody w ou ld like it1并不是每个人都会喜欢它。 2)no t否定含al w ays,m uch,m any,often,en tirely的句子,如: H e w as no t en tirely happy1他并不感到十分高兴。3)句子中含有few,little,hardly,scarcely,barely,seldom等词,如:H e hard2 ly w o rk s on w eekends1他周末很少工作。4)在否定句中用连词and连接两个状语、表语、定语、宾语等时,也表示部分否定,否定and之后的部分。如:H e is no t a b righ t and diligen t boy1他并不是个既聪明又勤奋的孩子。(聪明但并不勤奋) 三、双重否定 双重否定句是指在一个句子中连用两个否定词或连用一个否定词与一个表示否定意义的词的句子。翻译时可译成肯定句,也可译成汉语的双否定(语气较强烈)。双重否定句的结构主要有以下三种: 11全否定词十全否定词英语中的全否词包括no t,no, none,no one,no th ing,nobody,never等,当这些词有两个出现在同一句中时构成双重否定。如:You can’t m ake som eth ing ou t of no th ing1巧妇难为无米之炊。 21全否定词十半否定词当一全否定词与一个半否定词(few,little,seldom等)出现在同一句子中时,构成双重否定。如:Few studen ts in ou r co llege canno t speak English1我们这个学校几乎没有学生不会说英语。 31全否定词十含有否定意义的词含有否定意义的词主要包括某些带有否定前缀或后缀的单词,如:i m po ssib le,unp re2 pared,disp leased,disobey等,以及一些本身含有否定意义的词,如:deny,fail,refu se,neglect,igno re,w ithou t等。如:W e are no t unp repared fo r the ou tcom e of the conference1对于会议的结果,我们是有准备的。W e shall no t fail to help you w hen neces2 sary1必要时我们定会帮助你。 另外,在“否定词十bu t”的结构中,bu t当作关系代词用,相当于“w h ich w ho that…no t…”,具有否定含义,也构成双重否定句,译成汉语时要留意。如:Scarcely a w eek passes bu t she w rites to her paren ts1差小多每个星期她都要给父母信。还要注意no th ing(nobody,now here,none)…so…bu t…的双重否定问题,这种句子的翻译通常为:无论……只要……就(便)……;所有(一切)……(只要)……便(就)……。如:T here is no th ing so difficu lt bu t it becom es easy by p ractice1无论多么困难的事,只要实践便会变得容易。也可译为:所有(一切)困难的事,只要实践都会变得容易的。 四、含蓄否定 含蓄否定句是寓否定意义于肯定表达形式之中的特殊表达 — 6 1 —


[标签:标题] 篇一:英语比较作文范文4篇 英语比较作文范文4篇 City Life and Suburban Life 1.最近几年越来越多的人迁往近郊居住 2.城市生活和近郊生活各有特点 3.比较起来,我喜欢的是… (1)In recent years more and more homes are being pushed outwards as the activities of business, government and pleasure tend to be concentrated in the centers of the cities. (2)Although most people are reluctant to move to the outskirts of the cities, I feel like living in the suburbs. (3)It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, the very reason people can’t bear to part with city life. (4)But the cost for the privilege of living in the city is also high. (5)Just think of the places where we live, full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the roar of buses and lorries day and night, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. (6)Besides, as the housing problem in the central city gets more serious, people have to pay high rents for very tiny flats which I would certainly disdain to live in. (7)In contrast, living near the countryside one can enjoy the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the quiet, peaceful surroundings—the essentials of a healthy life. (8)Nothing can be compared, as the pace of modern life is getting quicker, with the first cock crow, the twittering of birds at dawn, and sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and green fields. (9)Although living in the suburbs you may suffer a little discomfort brought about by the necessity of traveling miles to work every day, the situation will change soon as many highways and subways are being constructed. (10)The new suburban life is fast becoming a predominant pattern of living in most cities; and with the development of traffic and the perfection of services, it will prove to hold great superiority over city life. Newspaper as a Better Source of News 1.现在许多人都从电视上得知天下事 2.但我认为报纸是获取消息的更好来源 3.其理由是… (1)For most of us today, television has become our main source of daily news. (2)This is unfortunate, however, because for several reasons newspapers should be regarded as a better source. (3)It is true that television news can vividly bring into our living rooms dramatic events of singular importance, such as space launchings, natural disasters, wars and so on, but it can not cover important stories in the depth they may deserve because of its time limitation. (4)On the contrary, print news excels in its ability to devote as much space to a story as it sees fit, though it can not compete with television visually. (5)Besides, television is essentially a passive medium. (6)Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sit in front of the tube and “let it happen”. (7)But a newspaper reader can select what he is interested in, skip what he


否定结构的翻译 否定结构是英语中使用广泛而又较为灵活的一种语言现象。英汉两种语言在表达否定概念时,运用词汇、语法甚至语言逻辑方面都存在很大差异。对于同一概念,在英语里通过否定某一成分来表达,而汉语里则通过否定另一成分进行表达。英语中使用的否定词汇繁多,有很多词汇在形式上不像否定词,但是却表达否定的意义;而汉语里则没有这种现象,使用的否定词只有“不、非、无、否、没有、未、别、莫、勿”等一些简单的词汇。英语里的否定形式多种多样,其中最常用而且不太好处理的形式大致可以分为五类:全部否定、部分否定、双重否定、形式肯定但意义否定和形式否定但意义肯定。翻译否定结构时,切不可望文生义,而应该细心揣摩,真正透彻理解其意义,然后根据汉语的表达习惯进行翻译。只有正确地理解英语中的各种否定句型,才能使译文准确、恰当地表达出原文的含义。 一、全部否定 英语中的全部否定通常通过以下否定词来表示: no(没有,不),not(不,不是),none(没人,谁都不,没有任何东西),never(决不,从来不),nobody(没人),nothing(什么也没有,没有任何事情),nowhere(没有什么地方),neither(两者都不),nor(也没有,也不),not at all (一点也不)。

在这些表示完全否定的词语中,no和not的语气最强烈。no的使用有两个重要特点:第一,no的语气强硬,有“完全不”、“决不”之意,翻译时必须掌握这个分寸;第二,no在英语里总是放在名词前作定语,其否定对象是名词,但在翻译成汉语时,要否定谓语成分。一定要进行这种转换,否则译文不通,例如:I have no radio.不能直译成“我有无收音机”,而应译成:“我没有收音机”。这里的“没”字就是对谓语动词“有”的否定。not也可构成全部否定,但语气不及no强烈,not在英语里用作状语否定动词、形容或其他副词,译成汉语时仍然如此。否定的词类或成分无需转换,这两点和no的用法有着显著差别,翻译时切忌混淆。例如: No defects did we find in these circuits. 在这些电路中没有发现任何缺陷。 Nowadays it is not difficult to assemble a TV set. 现在装一台电视机并不难。 No one has ever found a way to create energy out of nothing. 谁也没有找到一种能凭空产生能量的方法。 二、部分否定


英文地址写法 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 四、姓名方面: 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。 例如:刘刚,可写成GangLiu,也可写成LiuGang。


一、段落写作 写作得过程包括选词、造句、组段与成篇。四级作文得写作也同样遵循这一规律.但四级考试得写作囿于篇幅得限制,从严格意义上说就是凝练得段落写作。 段落就是由彼此关联得表达相对单一中心思想得一组句子构成,它就是一篇文章或书中某一章节得基本构成部分,也就是文章结构得基本独立部分。段落由若干个句子组成,通常表达一个中心思想.因此,段落不能由一组句子随意堆砌而成,而就是应当符合一定得模式与具有某些基本特征,并遵循一定得段落发展方法.大学英语得写作重点就要从选词造句转到联句成段与联段成篇上。进行段落层次上得写作训练,就是写好文章得关键所在。段落由主题句、扩展句与结尾句三部分构成。 主题句 主题句就是介绍某一段落主要内容得句子,通常就是一个概括性得陈述(a general statement)。主题句把纷繁得现象通过简练得文字用一句话扼要地指出这一段落得中心内容。主题句在开头就是最常用得做法,这样读者与作者都非常容易进入段落得主题.写作时不断地对照主题句,可以让作者避免把不相关

得内容写入这一段落;主题句放得中间,多出现于作者对两件事情作比较时,说明两者如何相象,又如何不同;主题句出现在段落得末尾,往往就是作者为创造一种悬念而有意安排得,目得就是让读者继续读下去,可以在读者心目中留下一个深刻得印象。? 扩展句 扩展句就是段落主题句得延伸与发展,起着辅助主题句与拓展段落中心得作用.它对主题句得中心思想或者举例说明,或者详细解释与论证。扩展句一般由几个或十几个意思连贯得句子组成。扩展句应具有清晰翔实、条理分明得特点。 结尾句 结尾句就就是总结段落得句子,它在段落中起着非常重要得作用,它用一句话将段落内容进行归纳总结,对全段中心思想作出精炼得浓缩。因为段落得内容就是说明主题得,因此结尾句常与段落主题句呼应,或者说就是主题句得再现,并与扩展句相关联.结尾句可以用不同得方法再现主题,有时甚至就就是段落得主题句。但有时在一段文章中,尤其就是较短得段落中,只有主题句,而没有结尾句;而当主题句位于段尾时,主题句就就是结尾句.因此,虽然在段落写作中应遵循“首一中一尾"得三段论模式,但不应被这种模式所束


作文中的否定结构 1、含有否定意义的词汇和短语。 1)介词 A.against have a bias against对……有反感 make against有害;不利于(可以用来替代do harm to) ●Smoking makes against your health. tell against对……不利 ●Your bad skin will tell against you if you want to be an actress. B.beyond beyond a doubt毫不怀疑 ●That will put the matter beyond a doubt. be beyond calculation/estimate=incalculable无法估量的 beyond conception(可以用来形容某件事情惊奇,超出想象) beyond expression/description无法描写/表达 C.except be except sb. from + n(blame/hurt/pain)使某人免受…… D.without…… 2)形容词和动词 A.absent absent expression茫然的表情 absent from home不在家 absent in one’s mind心不在焉 B.deny deny oneself = give up deny oneself to sb.拒绝见某人 C.differ ●They differ widely in their opinions. ●Our ideologies differ.(ideology 思想) ●Although our looks differ, we are both attractive. ●We differ about/on/over moral standards. differ from individual to individual因人而异 ●Conceptions differ from individual to individual. differ considerably相当大的不同 differ radically极不一致 differ appreciably明显不同 D.fail fail sb.使某人感到失望;辜负某人;抛弃某人 fail to do不能做某事;无法做到某事=fail in doing ●He tried to pull out the burning fuse, but failed (to do). without fail一定;必定 ●I’ll write to my parents every month without fail. fail in health健康衰退

英语作文 (描述学校模板二)

作文---描述学校(模板二) 一.描述学校模板二: 开头:This is my school. It is 形容词(big/small/clean/cool/…). 正文:There is a 形容词地点名词in my school. I/We 动词词组in/on the 地点名词. There are many 形容词地点名词(复数)in my school. I/We 动词词组in/on the 地点名词.(正文部分请写至少8句话) 结尾:I like it very much./I like my school. (请注意:此处的描述学校的模板二和之前抄在书上78面的模板一,区别在于正文部分。例如:There is a big playground in my school. We play football on the playground.) 二.写作文: 请依照模板二,写一篇描述你自己的学校的作文,另外作文开头已经给出: This is my school. It is cool._________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


英语中的否定 一、否定概念 1.否定的基本特征:含有否定词(语)。例如: ⑴not, never, seldom, hardly, nor, ⑵no, few, , neither, ⑶none, nothing, nobody, ⑷without, but, except 含有否定词缀的词,也是一种否定意义的表达手段。但不属于否定结构或否定句。2.否定范围 否定范围指否定意义在句中涉及的范围。一般讲,从否定词开始到句末,或到表示停顿的标点为止。在口语中,句末用升调,表示修饰形状语在否定范围之内,反之则在范围之外。下列句子的划线部分是否定范围: < (1)I didn’t see Jack in the cinema yesterday. (2)None of them passed the exam. (3)I didn’t go there because I was afraid of him. (4)I didn’t go there, because I was afraid of him. (我没去那儿,因为我怕他。)句(3)在书面语中意义不明确:可能是“我没去那儿,因为我怕他”;也可能是“我去那儿并不是因为怕他”。所以最好避免,或改写成句(4)和句(5)两个意思不同但明确的句子。 (5)I did go there not because I was afraid of him. 3. 否定转移 从结构上看,not通常用于否定动词。但实际意义上讲,not真正要否定的焦点可能是否定范围中的其他成分。这种情况称为否定转移。例如: (6)Shut up. I didn’t com e to listen to your stupid excuse. =(7) I came here not to listen to your excuse. , (8) I don’t think it will rain tomorrow. =(9) I think it will not rain tomorrow. (10) I do not go to school by bike everyday. =(11) I go to school by bike at times, but not everyday. 二、常见的否定手法 1.全句否定和局部否定(也称“一般否定和特指否定”) 1.1 全句否定(general negation):结构上not, never否定谓语或no否定名词。 (12)They are not interested in these subject. (13) You can’t take these books out of the reading-room. 《


no less … than等七种否定句型翻译.txt7温暖是飘飘洒洒的春雨;温暖是写在脸上的笑影;温暖是义无反顾的响应;温暖是一丝不苟的配合。8尊重是一缕春风,一泓清泉,一颗给人 温暖的舒心丸,一剂催人奋进的强心剂no less … than等七种否定句型翻译 英语中的否定结构是翻译中的一个常见而以比较复杂质问题。由于英汉两种语言在表达方法上存在很大差异,尤其在表达否定概念上,英语在用词、语法和逻辑等方面与汉语 都有很大不同。有些英语否定句译成汉语后却变成了肯定形式,而另一些肯定句型译成汉语 后又往往变成否定形式。 在阅读理解及其翻译过程中,这些否定句就象陷阱一样,稍有不慎,就会掉入其中。有时仅在否定、肯定之间稍有不慎就会“失之毫厘,谬之千里”,因此在阅读理解及其翻译一些否定结构时,切不可望文生义,而必须细心揣摩,真正透彻理解其意义。只有正确地理解 英语中的各种否定句型,才能在阅读是正确理解文章传达的意思,才能在翻译中译文准确、 恰当地表达出原文的含义。 本文章节标题 一、no less … than等七种比较结构中的否定现象翻译 二、部分否定 三、全部否定 四、双重否定 五、形式肯定但意义否定 六、形式否定但意义肯定 七、否定成分的转译 一、no less … than等七种比较结构中的否定现象翻译 英语中表示比较的句型相当多,如果句型中插进了一个否定词,其意义和用法就很 难掌握。下面介绍几种常见的表达方式: 1.no better than:表示“和……一样;实际等于……”,如: 1) He is no better than a beggar. 他实际上等于一个乞丐。


一、段落写作 写作的过程包括选词、造句、组段和成篇。四级作文的写作也同样遵循这一规律。但四级考试的写作囿于篇幅的限制,从严格意义上说是凝练的段落写作。 段落是由彼此关联的表达相对单一中心思想的一组句子构成,它是一篇文章或书中某一章节的基本构成部分,也是文章结构的基本独立部分。段落由若干个句子组成,通常表达一个中心思想。因此,段落不能由一组句子随意堆砌而成,而是应当符合一定的模式和具有某些基本特征,并遵循一定的段落发展方法。大学英语的写作重点就要从选词造句转到联句成段和联段成篇上。进行段落层次上的写作训练,是写好文章的关键所在。段落由主题句、扩展句和结尾句三部分构成。 主题句 主题句是介绍某一段落主要内容的句子,通常是一个概括性的陈述(a general statement)。主题句把纷繁的现象通过简练的文字用一句话扼要地指出这一段落的中心内容。主题句在开头是最常用的做法,这样读者和作者都非常容易进入段落的主题。写作时不断地对照主题句,可以让作者避免把不相关的内容写

入这一段落;主题句放的中间,多出现于作者对两件事情作比较时,说明两者如何相象,又如何不同;主题句出现在段落的末尾,往往是作者为创造一种悬念而有意安排的,目的是让读者继续读下去,可以在读者心目中留下一个深刻的印象。 扩展句 扩展句是段落主题句的延伸和发展,起着辅助主题句和拓展段落中心的作用。它对主题句的中心思想或者举例说明,或者详细解释和论证。扩展句一般由几个或十几个意思连贯的句子组成。扩展句应具有清晰翔实、条理分明的特点。 结尾句 结尾句就是总结段落的句子,它在段落中起着非常重要的作用,它用一句话将段落内容进行归纳总结,对全段中心思想作出精炼的浓缩。因为段落的内容是说明主题的,因此结尾句常和段落主题句呼应,或者说是主题句的再现,并与扩展句相关联。结尾句可以用不同的方法再现主题,有时甚至就是段落的主题句。但有时在一段文章中,尤其是较短的段落中,只有主题句,而没有结尾句;而当主题句位于段尾时,主题句就是结尾句。因此,虽然在段落写作中应遵循

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