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Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese






6.China is fielding its largest-ever Olympic team at the upcoming Beijing Games, with 639 athletes competing in all 28 sports. The Chinese team will attempt to surpass the 32 gold medals won at the Athens Olympics, four less than the United States.

7.A Japanese media report says Japan and China have reached a compromise and agreed to jointly develop gas fields and share profits in disputed areas of the East China Sea.

8.The number of newly laid-off U.S. workers rose last week, the latest sign that the economic downturn is affecting the job market. A report Thursday from the Labor Department said the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time rose 22–thousand, to 378–thousand.

9. Chinese economy suffered only a mild setback in the first quarter of 2008, and remains resilient despite inflation and worsening global credit crisis.

10. Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs, saving on the cost of finding replacements.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese.

Passage 1

Most Americans believe someone isn’t grown up until age 26, probably with a completed education, a full-time job, a family to support and financial independence, a survey said.

But they also believe that becoming an official grown-up is a process that takes five years from about the age of 20, concluded the report from the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center. The findings were based on a representative sample of 1398 people over age 18.

The poll found the following ages at which people expect the transitions to grown-up status to be completed: age 20.9 self-supporting; 21.1 no longer living with parents; 21.2 full-time job; 22.3 education complete; 24.5 being able to support a family financially; 25.7 married; and 26.2 having a child.

“There is a large degree of consensus across social groups on the relative importance of the seven transitions,” said Tom Smith, director of the survey. The only notable pattern of differences is on views about supporting a family, having a child and g etting married. “Older adults and the widowed and married rate these as more important than younger adults and the never-married do,” he added. “This probably reflects in large part a shift in values across generations away from traditional family values.”

The most valued step toward reaching adulthood, the survey found, was completing an education, followed by full-time employment, supporting a family, financial independence, living independently of parents, marriage and parenthood.

Passage 2

Spend less than you earn. This is perhaps the most worn out, overused phrase in the world of personal finance. But guess what? It’s also the single most important financial lesson you’ll ever learn. No matter how hard you work and how much money you earn, you’ll never achieve financial security if you spend more than you earn, so…… do whatever it takes to make sure that this doesn’t happen. This takes self-discipline, and might require constructing a budget, but if you ever want to get to a point where you can afford all the little niceties in life, you need to make it happen.

Plan for the future. I’ve been where you are, and I know that “the future” seems like it’s a million miles away. Do yourself a favor. Sit down and define short, intermediate, and long-term goals and then put together a plan for getting there. It’s not easy, and you probably won’t get it right at first but once you do this, you’ll have something concrete to work from (and to modify in the future). Start small and work your way up.

Be patient. Building a solid financial foundation takes time. Don’t look for shortcuts or try to strike it rich overnight wit h the latest hot investment tip. Likewise, don’t make major financial decisions wi thout fully considering the ramifications. This isn’t to say that you should be paralyzed fear. Rather, you need to do your homework. Turn those unknowns into knowns, and

then make an informed decision.

Learn form your mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. You’re bound to make mistakes, especially when you’re just starting out. The important thing is to learn from them and move forward. If you make a bad financial decision, make a note of it and get yourself back on track. Don’t beat yourself up , and don’t throw in the towel.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1


从您5月16日来函获知我公司销售代表敷衍草率,我深感苦恼。经我调查发现该销售代表即将离开本公司到新行业工作。碰巧您打电话是他最后一天上班。我只能想象,他当时责任心不强,竟然同您发生争吵。对他的行为我深表抱歉。我无法采取行动加以纠正,因为他已不在这里任职。然而,我们已加强对销售人员的教育和监督。我相信今后您会发现他们礼貌周到、精熟业务,对您有所帮助。我希望此事不会影响您对本公司的良好印象。Passage 2





Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese






Having sold his $7000 of stock in the company, he later bought back in at the top of the boom and down for $20,000.

In market research and social surveys questions are usually read out by an interviewer. Interviewers are usually trained to read the questions out and then record the answers in a machine-like manner.

When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones, exposes him to starvation and poverty, harasses him by troubles and setbacks so as to stimulate his spirit. Available at the hotel is a variety of Chinese, Japanese and Western food restaurants, in addition to a complete set of service facilities including ballroom, physical fitness center, beauty salon, sauna, swimming pool, bar, shopping arcade and taxi service, etc.

Senior policy-makers are politicians, senior government officers, senior institutional managers and others with the power and resources to influence events.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese

Passage 1

The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are by far the biggest shopping period of the year in the U.S. This year, even though there are many grounds for economic worry, Americans are buying like crazy. Some economists think they are crazy; others are thankful that they are keeping the U.S. economy from slipping into second recession. The slogan of the day is “shop till you drop”. Environmentalists looking on this orgy of consumption can only be appalled.

Passage 2

Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and use them on your advantage.

Personal power is all about your charisma, your passion to achieve the strength of your expectations, your ability to communicate and inspire, and your leadership skills.

Relationship power derives from the network of contacts and friends that you make, develop, and maintain at work; from coworkers who keep you up to date with the goings-on in their part of the organization, to executives who seek you out for

special projects—and everyone in between.

Position power is directly related to where you reside on your company’s organizational chart. Owners, presidents, and CEOs have plenty of position power, while receptionists, clerks, and laborers typically have little or none.

Knowledge power is based on the special expertise and knowledge that you have of your job, your departments, or your organization.

Task power is inherent in the jobs you are assigned at work. Some work is by nature more important to the health of the organization than other. For example, salespeople, whose job is to bring in money by selling its products or services, usually have high task power.

You can leverage any source of power you have to build your base of power in another source.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1




Passage 2




Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese






There are close to 20,000 US-funded projects in China, involving a total investment of US$26 billion. Most of them are technologically advanced. As profits keep rolling in, most American companies feel satisfied.

As a beautiful and historical famous world city, Gulin is a charming and fertile land. It is endowed with scenery characterized by lovely hills, weirdly shaped peaks, winding rivers with limpid waters, grotesque rocks and exotic caves.

More and more laid-off workers have considered it is tough to hunt a job owing to the sharp competition, because the present job market is flooded with not only laid-off workers but also many college graduates.

He wondered what the connection was betw een playing at stealing from the old gentleman’s pocket and becoming a great man. But he followed him quietly to the table and was soon deeply involved his new study.

Wuxi Little Swan Co. Ltd. has led the way in forging cooperative alliances with some world famous companies such as Siemens and P & G. they not only produce goods under the Little Swan brand, but also provide it with management expertise and advanced technology.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese

Passage 1

Advertising is a big business these days. Billions of dollars are spent every year to persuade customers to buy one brand of product rather than another. We are all exposed to such advertisements every day and their effect on us can not be denied. While it is true that some advertisements do provide useful information about new products, I believe that their primary effect is to encourage people to buy things that they don’t really need.

First of all, most advertising does not introduce a brand-new product. Instead, it is designed to persuade customers that one company’s product is superior to that of another company. Second, when a product is new, the advertising is often

designed to create demand for it. In other words, its goal is to convince potential buyers that this new product is really necessary, whether or not it actually is. Third, many advertisements are image ads, designed to sell people luxury products. The ads imply that by buying such products the customer will gain something else such as happiness, respect or love. These ads not only try to sell things that people do not really need, but promise something that can not be bought. Finally, if there is new information about a product or development, people will hear about it through word of mouth, and in my opinion, this is a more reliable source of information.

While it can be argued that advertising is sometimes useful to customers who may want to compare different brands, I believe its overall effect is to get peopl e to buy things that they don’t need. That is not to say that the advertisements are deceptive. They are simply designed to create a need for the product among consumers. Therefore, we should all look at advertisements with a critical eye in order to avoid buying things that are not necessary.

Passage 2

The objective of logistics system is to minimize relevant logistics costs while delivering maximum customer service. Recently, firms have begun to realize that logistics costs are also dependent on their relationship with suppliers, carriers, and customers. This has led to the practice of forming “strategic alliances” between buyers, sellers and the transportation syste m that connects them. For example, we noted earlier that Target stores eliminated $400 million worth of inventory from its system while maintaining 99 percent of its products in stock. Target was not able to accomplish this alone----it needed the cooperation of suppliers and carriers to set up special procedures allowing more frequent deliveries of smaller shipments at scheduled times. Shipments must be arranged and labeled in a specific way, so they can be moved through the distribution center with a minimum of re-handling. In some cases shipments may be delivered directly to the retail store, bypassing the distribution center.

Such strategic alliances are often supported by sophisticated information systems that involve shared databases of customer information and electronic data interchange, computer linked in two different firms to transit documents such as purchase orders, bills of lading, and invoices.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1


Passage 2


我非常荣幸的代表今天下午在座的各位欢迎我们的演讲人,Michael Drake 博士。能邀请这样一位尊贵的客人,我们真感到非常高兴。我相信,同我一样,各位一定期盼着他的演讲。Drake博士真的用不着什么介绍,众所周知,他是一位政治家,又是一位卓有成就的作家。然而,各位可能不太了解他所拥有的其他方面的才能。在《名人录》中他的条目里,我非常有兴趣地读到他在剑桥求学期间还是一位一流的运动员;他为剑桥大学赢得了多项奖杯。过去我有幸已经几次聆听过Drake博士的演讲。我知道我们将度过一个轻松愉快、充满乐趣的下午。现在,不再耽搁时间,让我们以热烈的掌声有请Drake博士演讲。他今天下午选择的题目是:25岁时我想知道的事。



Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese






We can not accept D/A that can cause a lot of inconvenience to us. As you know, the international monetary market is unstable, and nobody can stop a possible decline in price, which would bring troubles to us.

Most sole proprietorships are relatively small business. Therefore, it my have more difficulty to get a loan. In some cases, the

sole proprietorship’s independence may be a drawback because it often means that the business depends on the talents and managerial skills of one person.

According to Item No. 209 in the Conventions of Letter of Credit against Shopping Documents, the amount of the goods can be allowed to be more or less within a total of 3%.

9. Because should anything happen during the transportation and importer try to evade liability, you would n’t run into the risk of bearing the result of damage.

In 1905, the first full-time employees are hired. Two years later, Harley-Davidson Motor Company is incorporated on September 17th. Staff size more than doubles as well.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese

Passage 1

A.T. Kearney is one of the world’s oldest privately held, multi-disciplined management consulting firms. In addition it is one of the leading executive search firms in the world.

A.T. Kearney has grown from having a single office in Chicago as recently as 1964 to a network covering the globe today. The firm has worked in more than 80 countries and has permanent locations throughout North America, Europe and Asia, as well as the affiliates in Asia, the Middle East and Central and South America. Geographic sources of revenue have changed as well. Today, about 55% of revenue is generated in Europe and Asia. In the 1970s, less than 10% of revenue was generated outside the United States.

As we expanded further into the international arena, we became more globally oriented within as well. In the late 1970s, our board included only one member from outside the United States; now typically half the board is from Europe and Asia. Not too long ago, only 15% of Kearney employees spoke a second language, now at least 55% do. Today 65% of the employees have worked outside their home markets.

Passage 2

When Japanese manufacturers began selling heavyweight motorcycles in the United States during the early 1970s, Harley-Davidson remained calm. The Milwaukee Company controlled 99.7% of the market and saw no reason to panic.

The company was mistaken. The Harley was no longer the superb machine it once had been. It leaked oil, vibrated wildly, and broke down frequently. Increasing numbers of younger riders chose the trouble-free smooth-riding imports, and Harley’s US market share eventually tumbled to 23%.

During the 1980s, Harley decided to open the throttle on quality production. The company changed its design and manufacturing systems to stress quality and reliability, and it carefully controlled the number of motorcycles produced so that their quality could be maintained. This turnaround reestablished Harley’s worldwide reputation for superior quality. Customers liked the new motorcycles, and sales began to climb.

By the early 1990s, market share had returned to 64%, a number that could have been higher if the company hadn’t pre-sold its entire output by the middle of every year. With $1.2 billion in sales, Harley’s biggest problem now was to make enough motorcycles to keep up with soaring in the United States and abroad.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1






Passage 2






Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese

1. 这些装置设计的精准度比当时先进了许多倍,价格才高了一点点。

2. 上海市场繁荣,商业发达,服务网点星罗棋布,名产特产琳琅满目。

3. 他正在办理离职手续,因此无权代表公司签订合同。

4. 他的父亲是个很有名望的企业领袖,可你从他身上看不出任何故作姿态的派头。

5. 在新加坡的美国工厂生产的产品占新加坡输美全部产品的52%,比香港的美国工厂产品占其输美全部产品的13%要高得多。

6. The railroad company was a weary, money-losing mess.

7. Built with money from private citizens, the Washington National Cathedral is one of the largest and most famous religious centers in the United States.

8. The research was published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and funded by the Mobile Manufacturers Forum.

9. Because should anything happen during the transportation and importer try to evade liability, you wouldn’t run into the risk of bearing the result of damage.

10. From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It’s the general practice.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese

Passage 1



This year the company has experienced a remarkable increase in demand for most of its products. In general the demand for stationery has shown the biggest increase for many years. Especially pleasing has been the large increase in our sales abroad.

Nevertheless it is a fact that trading conditions remain very competitive in all our markets. This has sometimes forced us to sell some of our new lines at uneconomic prices in order to set ourselves up in fresh markets. Costs of raw materials and of labor have both greatly increased in the past year--- factors which have added to the company’s difficulties. So far, however, we have been able to offset the effect of these increases by improvements in our methods of production. In particular the introduction of a number of entirely new, automatic machines has had a very good effect on productivity. It will be very difficult, however, for the company to bear the expenses as the result of cost increase. Our company is unwilling to do so in view of the highly competitive nature of our business.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1






Passage 2

A 公司(以下称卖方)和B公司(以下称买方),经双方友好协商,于2010年12月10日签署本购买合同,合同货物的质量、性能、数量经双方确认如下:

1. 合同货物:电子扫描仪

2. 数量:120台

3. 原产地:德国

4. 价格:离岸价210万美元

5. 装运:装运应在收到信用证后30天至40天内予以办理

6. 宽限期:在履行合同过程中,如果装运不得不延迟,卖方应出具相应证明,买方可向卖方提供30天的宽限期。本合同一式两份,经双方仔细审读后并签字后生效。




Answers to the Translation from Chinese into English only


Part I Translate the following sentences into English

So far, the immigration policies of various countries tend to set up barriers against low-skilled workers while encourage the employment and settling down of high-skilled professionals, engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs.

Kasda is a Swiss Group handling automobiles, energies and foodstuffs. In the first quarter of the year, its profit increased by 12.1% although its total turnover dropped by 6%.

“The Ocean City” is famous for its beach stretching 10 miles (equivalent to 16 kilometers) with nearly 8 million visitor s annually.

When the rich people want to pass the properties to their later generations, they usually have two worries: fear and anxiety. They fear and are anxious that money will remove the motivation of obtaining success through hard work, causing negative effects on their later generations.

Referring to our Order No. 315, we are compelled (forced) to express a strong dissatisfaction with the inferior quality of the goods received.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1

Dear Mr. Black,

We are annoyed to learn from your letter of May 16th that a sales representative of my company was perfunctory in his work with you. After looking into the matter, I found that the representative in question would leave our company and work in a new industry. It happened to be the last day on which he worked in this company when you telephoned, and it can be imagined that he quarreled with you owing to the lack of sense of responsibility. I am deeply sorry for his behavior and our inability of making up for this mistake because of his resignation. However, we have strengthened the education and supervision to our sales representatives, and we trust that you will find them polite, thoughtful, skilled and helpful in the future. We hope that this mat ter won’t affect your impression on our company.

Yours faithfully,

Passage 2

For Rent

For rent of an apartment of two bedrooms till July with the following features: with a garage of a parking space; without furniture; near the campus; with a stove, refrigerator and a dishwasher; free water and garbage collection; available for two adults at $250 per month per person. If you are satisfied with the apartment, the rent will be paid and the rental contract will be signed immediately. Address: No.855 the Fourth Avenue, Toronto. Telephone: 348-6679.


Part I Translate the following sentences into English

Since then, he started his ne w career in a communication company in Phoenix, which isn’t noticeable but fulfilling, because he was the founder and the owner of this company.

“The Alley Tour” is one of the tourism projects developed in recent years, which enjoys popularity among forei gn tourists as well as persons from various circles. The tour of Beijing alleys can enhance the understanding of Beijing history and evoke the memories of the beautiful things in the past, which is unforgettable.

At present, there is a great demand in Canada for computer programmers, electrical engineers, mechanists, system analysts, civil engineers, chemical engineers, interpreters, computer hardware engineers, etc.

Similar to other developed countries, Britain is faced with the long-term economic slowdown at present, with an increasing unemployment rate and more and more bankrupting companies, leading to the reliance on the government to survive for a few big banks.

In Paris, various cocktail parties or buffets provide rich opportunities for people to make friends. When strangers meet in such cases, if they are from Asia, they will usually present their name cards to the others with both hands humbly before saying something, which seems an essential etiquette.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1

The Association of Machine Tools Manufacturers in Spain is referred to as AFM, whose members have included 116 manufacturers so far, representing 95% of the total output of machine tools nationwide. This association mainly represents and promotes the interests of its members in the fields of economy, business and techniques.

Spain ranks the fifth among European Communities members and the eleventh in the world in terms of the output of machine tools, more than 50% of which are exported to the other countries worldwide.

Flexibility is one of the most distinctive features for machine tools made in Spain because manufacturers make great efforts to find the proper solutions to the technical difficulties or requirements which clients have.

This association knows well the fierce competition in the markets, as a result, all the companies try their best to meet challenges in the fields of business and techniques.

Passage 2

In recent years, most unprofitable state-owned enterprises in medium or small sizes have been, on the whole, relieved from the losses and many enterprises’ employees are given raises in salaries. Owing to the perfection of social secur ity systems, retirees are granted income increases. There is a relatively large rise in the salaries of teaching and medical staff while national public servants nearly double their income. Relatively speaking, however, there isn’t a rapid increase in the income of peasants. Except rural areas of southern China in relatively good condition, peasants in most parts of China are relatively poor because the development of agriculture lags behind at present, leading to the slow increase in the income of peasants. Therefore, we should promote the rural reforms, in which our government has made every effort so far, and we believe that the lives of peasants will be greatly improved in the near future.


Part I Translate the following sentences into English

This contract is made out in Chinese and English in two originals, both versions being equally effective and either party keeps one original respectively after the signature.

We have exported a small quantity of techniques to some countries and more projects are under negotiation. We are willing to gradually expand the import of techniques on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.

It is believed by many that the U.S. education is of the first class in the world, but a serious problem existing in U.S. education, especially in primary education, is that children are not taught how to respect and inherit the cultural heritage of humanities.

There are nearly 20,000 US-funded projects in China, with a total asset of $26 billion, most of which adopted advanced techniques. The increasing profits satisfied most US companies.

The architectural culture of alleys plays an important role in the rich culture and long history of Beijing. Among numerous alleys in the city proper, the gateways of Courtyard Houses are the most remarkable.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1

Perhaps the main function of the IMF has been to help members with balance of payments problems so as to prevent a monetary crisis. For instance, a small country could experience a storm which greatly reduced its main export crop. Because of the considerable shortfall in exports, the country would earn much less foreign exchange than usual. As a result, there would be a current account deficit. The country could have difficulty in paying for essential imports, for its official reserves might not provide enough foreign exchange. Without help from abroad, the country could solve the payments problem in two ways. It could allow its currency to devalue because of the reduced international demand, or it could prevent the exchange rate from falling by using exchange control. Both of these methods seem too dramatic, however, because the country’s problems are very short-term ones.

Passage 2

Ladies and gentlemen:

I am honored to welcome our speaker, Dr. Michael Drake on behalf of all the present this afternoon. We are really pleased to invite such a distinguished guest. I believe, the same as me, all of you must look forward to his speech. There’s no need to introduce Mr. Drake because he is well known to be a successful writer as well as a politician. However, many of his talents are not known to us. With interest, I have learned from Who’s who he was a first-class athlete and won many trophies while he studied at Cambridge. I had the honor of listening to his speech in the past, so we will have an enjoyable and interesting afternoon, I think. Now, let’s welcome Dr. Drake with our sincere applause, and this afternoon he will make a speech titled what I wan to know at the age of 25.


Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese

1. The Gross Domestic Products of 15 members of European Union is more than 8.4 trillion dollars, accounting for 30% of the worl d’s total economic volumes and forming the richest market in the world.

2. We introduce the features and effects of all kinds of tea in detail in our catalogues written in three versions: Chinese, English and Japanese, so as to make the essence of the Chinese tea culture known to the world.

3. This year, we set up a joint venture with Tianjin City, manufacturing personal computers. And we are still studying the possibility of establishing other joint ventures in China.

4. The cooperation between China and US is beneficial to the stability of Asia-Pacific Region and the peace and development of the world. Besides, it has played and will certainly play positive part in the stability of Asia-Pacific Region and international situations, which can not be replaced by others.

5. U.S.-manufactured products in Singapore take up 52% of all its products exported to U.S., much higher than the 13%, the percentage that U.S.-manufactured products in Hong Kong take up all its products exported to U.S.

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1

We are looking for enthusiastic people to work in our office on temporary 3-, 6-, and 9-month contracts. Applicant must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country.

Experience in import and export will be an advantage, but as special training will be available this is not essential. The main requirements are a willingness to work as a member of a team, to cope with pressure, to use the telephone in a foreign language and in English and to be prepared occasionally to work long hours when necessary.

There are several posts available and long term prospects are good, though initially all successful applicants will be contracted for a maximum of 9 months.

The salary we will offer is excellent. We will pay for your return air fare and provide adequate accommodation at a nominal rent.

If you are interested, please apply in your handwriting and enclose your resume.

Passage 2

The Canton Fair, also called China Export Commodities Fair, was established in 1957 and was held in Spring and Autumn regularly each year.

Many businessmen attend the Canton Fair not only from developed countries and regions such as Western Europe, U.S., Canada and Japan, but also from Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America and Taiwan, which greatly promotes our trade and cooperation with various countries and regions worldwide.

Many people have attended the Canton Fair including the presidents of many countries, famous persons in the circles of politics and trade from international organizations and some countries. The fifty-year history of Canton Fair proves that it is an effective way with Chinese features not only conforming to the reality of China’s foreign trade but also he lp China trade with various countries and region in the world.


Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese

1. These devices are designed far more precisely than those of that time while their price is only a little higher.

2. In Shanghai, there is a prosperous market and developed commerce, with the service outlets scattering all over, and famous and special local products being various.

3. He is going through the procedures of resignation and therefore has no right to sign any contract on behalf of the company.

4. His father is a prestigious leader handling an enterprise, but you can not see any trace of putting on air on him.

5. U.S.-manufactured products in Singapore take up 52% of all its products exported to U.S., much higher than the 13%, the percentage that U.S.-manufactured products in Hong Kong take up all its products exported to U.S.

Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese

Passage 1

Part III Translate the following passages into English

Passage 1

We are looking for enthusiastic people to work in our office on temporary 3-, 6-, and 9-month contracts. Applicant must be able to speak and write at least one foreign language fluently and can be nationals of any country.

Experience in import and export will be an advantage, but as special training will be available this is not essential. The main requirements are a willingness to work as a member of a team, to cope with pressure, to use the telephone in a foreign language and in English and to be prepared occasionally to work long hours when necessary.

There are several posts available and long term prospects are good, though initially all successful applicants will be contracted for a maximum of 9 months.

The salary we will offer is excellent. We will pay for your return air fare and provide adequate accommodation at a nominal rent.

If you are interested, please apply in your handwriting and enclose your resume.

Passage 2

Company A (hereinafter called the Seller) and Company B (hereinafter called the Buyer) sign this Sales Contract on December 10th, 2010 through friendly negotiation between both parties and confirm the quality, performance and quantity in the contract as follows:

1. The goods contracted: electronic scanners

2. Quantity: 120 sets

3. Country of Origin: German

4. Price: US$2.10 million FOB

5. Shipment: To be made 30 days to 40 days upon receipt of the Letter of Credit

6. Grace Period: In fulfillment of the contract, if the shipment has to be delayed, the Buyer can grant the grace period of 30 days to the Seller after the Seller provides the related evidence.

This contract is made out in duplicate and is effective form the signature by both parties after their careful reading.

The Seller: (signature)

The Buyer: (signature)

December 10th, 2010

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