当前位置:文档之家› Grammar动态动词与静态动词的区别



Grammar Workshop Dynamic vs. State Verbs

Dynamic Verbs

Dynamic verbs describe activities, events and actions that can begin and finish. Dynamic verbs can be used in continuous tenses.

The dynamic Verbs are divided into:

activity verbs

process verbs

transitional events verbs

momentary verbs

Activity Verbs

are verbs that can be used in either continuous or simple tense without any change in meaning For example: They will be studying this afternoon. Vs. They will play this afternoon.

(There is no change in meaning.)

Here is a list some activity verbs:

abandon ask


call drink eat




look at










Process Verbs

are verbs that describe a process. These verbs can be used in either continuous or simple tense without any change in meaning.

For example: With age people slow down. Vs. With age people are slowing down.

Here is a list some activity verbs:

change deteriorate grow


slow down widen

Transitional Events Verbs

are verbs that differentiate between the beginning of an event or one complete action. Continuous

forms indicate the beginning of an event while the simple forms describe a repetitive event or one single action.

For example: She was leaving (when I came in). Vs. She left.

arrive die fall


leave lose

Momentary Verbs

are verbs that show a short duration or a repetition. They are used in the continuous forms. For example: She is kicking the table. Vs. He has been nodding in agreement.

hit jump kick


nod tap

State/stative Verbs

Refer to a state or condition that is static or unchanging. These verbs cannot be normally used with continuous tenses. Some of them, however, can be used with continuous tenses with a change in meaning. Stative Verbs are generally divided into three categories

relational verbs

perception verbs

cognition categories

Relational verbs are verbs that almost never form continuous forms.

We say: It belongs to me. not It is belonging to me. or I deserve. not I am deserving it.

Here is a list of relational verbs:

belong to concern consist of contain cost depend on


















Perception Verbs are verbs that can form a continuous form but with the change in the regular meaning.

Here is a list and a detailed description of the perception verbs:

smell taste see hear


She is smelling the roses. - The continuous form expresses a voluntary action.

They smell wonderful. - The simple form expresses an involuntary action something that just happened and cannot be controlled.


She is tasting the soup. - The continuous form expresses a voluntary action.

It tastes great. - The simple form expresses an involuntary action something that just

happened and cannot be controlled.


Example Form Meaning

I see.Simple Present I understand.

I see him now. Present Continuous I see him with my eyes.

I am seeing images.Present Continuous Mental illness

I am seeing my dentist tonight.Present Continuous Appointment

She has been seeing him for

Present Continuous Dating

three months.


I hear you now.(You don't need to shout.) - The simple form means I hear you with my

ears. (I'm perceiving).

I am hearing some voices. - The continuous form means a mental illness.

Cognition Verbs are verbs that may not form a continuous tense at all or when they are used in a continuous form their regular meaning changes.

Cognition Verbs that hardly ever form a continuous form:

abhor adore astonish believe desire detest dislike doubt forgive hate




















Here is a list of cognition verbs that form a continuous form with a change in meaning:

feel think wish have


Example Form Meaning

I am not feeling well.Continuous Healthy/unhealthy

I feel good.Simple Expresses a mood.

I am feeling the fabric.Continuous Touching/voluntary action

It feels soft.Simple Involuntary action


Example Form Meaning

I think it’s a good idea.Simple Opinion

I am thinking about the exam.Continuous Mental Process


Example Form Meaning

I wish I ha a car.Simple A wish

I am wishing for a new car.Continuous Present imagination


Example Form Meaning

I have a car.Simple Possession

I am having a good time.Continuous Not a possession


关于英语动态动词与静态动词的用法 李丽华 (鞍山师范学院外语系鞍山114005) 摘要:本文从英语动态动词和静态动词的分类入手,根据分析和比较的结果,系统地阐述动态动词和静态动词的用法。 关键词:动态动词静态动词 Abstract: This thesis elaborates the usage of the English dynamic and stative verbs systematically and focusses the attention on the accurate use of various verbs in the English language. Key Wrds: Dynamic verbs Stative verbs 英语中的动态动作和静态状态可以表现在动词中,从语义角度讲,动词可以分为动态和静态。本文着重就动态动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的语义和句法特征做进一步的分析。 一、动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的概念及分类。 实义动词按其语义特征可以分为动态动词和静态动词。 1.动态动词(dynamic verbs):表示运动状态的动词。这类动词分为五种:(1)活动动词(activity verbs) (2)过程动词(process verbs) (3)感觉动词(verbs of bodily sensation) (4)过渡性动词(transitional verbs) (5)瞬间动词(momentary verbs) 2.静态动词(stative verbs):表示相对静止状态的动词。这类动词分为三种:(1)感觉动词(verbs of perception) (2)认识动词(verbs of cogition) (3)关系动词(relation verbs) 二、动态动词(dynamic verbs) 1.活动动词(activity verbs):这类动词表示动作的发出者的有意识的,主动的行为。 这类动词有:ask,write,listen,play,run,keep,work etc. One of the students asked me a question. The girl writes to her mother once a week. 2.过程动词(process verbs):这类动词表示“过程”含有逐渐过渡的语义,通常情况下,表示动作转化为状态。 这类动词有:change,grow,get,widen,become,mature,deteriorate etc. The village has changed a great deal since we last visited it. It is growing cold. 3.感觉动词(verbs of bodily sensation):这类动词表示客观事物的个别特征在人体中引起的反映。 这类动词有:ache, feel, hurt, itch etc. My back was hurting. Are your mosquito bites still itching?


动作动词和状态动词(2011) 【语法基础热身】 英语中的动词就其词汇意义来说可分为动作动词(Activity verb)和状态动词(State verb)。动作动词强调主语在做的动作,而状态动词强调主语所处的状态,状态动词通常不用于进行时态。例如: The girl is putting on a red coat. 那个女孩正在穿一件红色外套。(穿的动作正在发生, put为动作动词)。 We have a second-hand car. 我们有一辆二手车。(have为状态动词)。 【动作动词的分类与用法】 动作动词可分为三类: 1. 表示持续动作的动词,如eat, listen, read, run等。例如: She is listening to the radio. 她在听收音机。 2. 表示短暂动作的动词,如hit, jump等。这类动词一般用在现在时中,表示现时的一次性动作。表示短暂动作的动词通常不用于进行时态中,如果用于进行时的话,那就表示短暂动作的多次重复。例如: She jumped up into the chair. 她跳起来坐到椅子上。 He was jumping up and down to keep warm. 他上下跳动来取暖。 3. 表示转变和移动的动词,如arrive, change, come, die, go, leave等。这类动词用于一般时和进行时中,往往在意义上略有不同。比如说The train leaves at nine,这是一种现在的习惯性动作,表示火车每天都是9点开车。如果说The train is leaving,则表示即将发生的事态,表示火车马上就要开了。 【状态动词的分类与用法】


英汉静态与动态对比分析 学号:117114033273 姓名:吴宁玲 摘要:早期结构主义语言学家Fries和Lado提出对比分析。对比分析以“各种语言是可比较的”这一假设为基础,将两种语言从各个角度进行比较。英汉语言对比研究的方法也有很多。有宏观与微观的;历时与共时的;归纳与演绎的;描写与解释的;定性与定量的;静态与动态的。本篇将集中描写静态与动态的对比分析。 关键词:英汉语言,静态,动态,对比分析

著名语言学家赵元任说:“语言学理论,其实质就是语言学的比较,就是世界各名族语言综合比较研究得出的科学结论。”这说明,研究语言学的基本方法就是对两种语言进行对比分析。而英汉语比较研究的方法, 一般是宏观研究与微观研究、共时性研究与历时性研究、归纳与演绎研究、描写与解释研究、定性与定量研究、静态与动态研究相结合。而英汉对比研究作为语言学的一个分支,兼具有理论语言学与应用语言学的性质,其中有一种方法是对英汉两种语言进行共时和历时的对比研究,描述并解释英汉语之间的异同,并将研究成果应用于语言研究和其他领域。这种方法目前成为英汉语言学者进行对比研究的一个趋势。 而英汉语言动态与静态的倾向性评定,一般在翻译中会体现的较为明显。英语和汉语属于不同的体系,思维方式也有所不同,语言表达方式也不同。外国语言研究所所长邵志洪认为,汉语的动态性较强,动势性强,而名词则较为凝滞,而英语则倾向于使用名词来表达动词的概念,因而叙述呈现静态,汉语则多用使用动词,能给人呈现一幅形象生动的画面。 1 汉语的动词优势与英语的名词优势 大体上来说,英语的静态优势就是体现在英语的名词优势,汉语则是动词优势。这就将英汉对比的方法具象为比较英汉两种语言中动词与名词及一些代词关系词的使用方面。但在早期,并没有人提出汉语动态性和英语静态性这一观点。,甚至一些学者认为西洋语法重在动


Grammar Workshop Dynamic vs. State Verbs Dynamic Verbs Dynamic verbs describe activities, events and actions that can begin and finish. Dynamic verbs can be used in continuous tenses. The dynamic Verbs are divided into: activity verbs process verbs transitional events verbs momentary verbs Activity Verbs are verbs that can be used in either continuous or simple tense without any change in meaning For example: They will be studying this afternoon. Vs. They will play this afternoon. (There is no change in meaning.) Here is a list some activity verbs: abandon ask beg call drink eat help learn listen look at play rain read say slice throw whisper work write Process Verbs are verbs that describe a process. These verbs can be used in either continuous or simple tense without any change in meaning. For example: With age people slow down. Vs. With age people are slowing down. Here is a list some activity verbs: change deteriorate grow mature slow down widen Transitional Events Verbs are verbs that differentiate between the beginning of an event or one complete action. Continuous


动词的动态与静态意义及其语法特征 刘淑颖 (西北政法学院法律外语系西安710063) 【摘要】一种语法现象如果从不同角度分析会有全新的理解,从而扩大我们的视野。动态动词和静态动词是英语语法中的两个重要概念。本文从动词的动态意义与静态意义角度入手,以独特的视角全面分析动态动词和静态动词的意义、语法特征及其实际用法,旨在为英语动词的更深入研究提供一些借鉴。 【关键词】动态动词;静态动词;意义;语法 一、动词的动态与静态意义 英语动词根据其语义特征,可分为动态动词(dynamic verb)和静态动词(stativ e verb)。确切地说,实义动词的意义有动态与静态之分。一种语法现象如果从不同角度分析会有全新的理解,从而扩大我们的视野。因此,正确地理解动词的动态和静态意义,熟悉其语法特征,对学好用好英语动词,准确理解英文原意,是非常重要的。 动态动词表示事件的发生、心理活动和从一种状态向另一种状态转变时的动态意义,即表示一种运动状态。动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体。动态动词大体分为三类: a)持续性动词(durative verb):drink,eat,read,write,walk,run,pla y,talk,fly,watch 等。 b)瞬间动词(momentary verb):leave,go,come,see,arise,break,o pen,meet,close,join,jump,admit,discover等。 c)状态转换动词(transition verb):become,turn,grow,change,come,go等。 请看一组例子: 1. He is writing a letter to his friend. 2. He closed the windows. 3. The leaves on the tress are turning green. 4. He changed his mind. 通过例2和例3、例4的语义比较可以看出,瞬间动词与状态转换动词的区别是:前者一般没有结果意义,可以在短期内反复重复发生;后者有结果意义,一般不可以在短期内重复发生。此外,通过上述动态动词及其实例分析还可以得出结论,动态动词总体在表示一种运动状态,且绝大多数动词是动态动词。另一方面,动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体。 静态动词表示人或事物的存在状态、相互关系、心理活动的结果状态、情感或情绪状态、感觉状态以及身体姿态。简言之,静态动词表示一种相对静止的动词,且常用于非进行体,即一般时态,同时可以将其细化归纳为以下数种类别:


静态动词与动态动词 动词按其词汇意义可分为动态动词(Dynamic Verb)和静态动词(Static Verb)。 1)动态动词表示一种运动状态,绝大多数动词是动态动词。动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体。动态动词大体分为三类: a)表示持续动作的动词:drink,eat,read,write,walk,run,play,talk,fly,watch 等。 b)表示短暂动作的动词:leave,go,come,see,arise,break,open,meet,close,join,jump,admit,discover等。 c)表示位移或状态改变的动词:become,turn,grow,change,come, go等。 例 1 He is writing a letter to his friend. 他正在给朋友写信。 例 2 He closed the windows. 他关上了窗子。 例 3 The leaves on the tress are turning green. 树叶正在转绿。 例 4 He changed his mind. 他改变了想法。 2)静态动词表示一种相对静止的动词,常用于非进行体,也可归纳为三类: a)表示各种关系的动词:如contain,belong,consist of,have,concern,owe,involve,resemble,differ,exist,hold,cost,fit,lack,matter,compare,deserve,measure,weigh等。 b)表示感觉感知的动词:如feel,see,taste,smell,hear等。 c)表示心理状态的动词:如think,believe,know,consider,hope,want,mean,forget,remember,expect,understand,leave,hate,regret,envy,admire,suppose,fear,care等。 例 1 The hall can contain 1,000 people. 大厅可以容纳1000人。 例 2 The report consists of five parts. 这个报告包括五部分。 例 3 The camera cost ¥200. 这架照相机值200元。 例 4 The little girl saw a black dog beside the door.


静态动词 英语静态动词是没有进行式的动词。主要包括状态、拥有、感到(认知、情感)类的动词。拥有是获得的结果,感到是看、听、摸、尝、闻、想的结果,喜欢、厌恶是情感的结果,都是状态,不是动作。所以没有进行式。 认知动词 agree 同意believe 相信differ 不同disagree 不同意disbelieve 不信distrust 不信任doubt 疑问find 查找foresee 预见forget 忘记guess 猜 hear 听到imagine 想像know 知道mean 意为note 注意到notice 看到recall 记得recognize 承认recollect 记得regard 关心remember 记住see 看见 smell 闻到suppose 假设taste 尝到think 认为 trust 信任understand 认为 情感动词 abhor 深恶痛绝adore 崇拜astonish 惊奇desire 期望detest 厌恶dislike 不喜欢displease 得罪feel 感到forgive 原谅hate 憎恨hope 希望like 喜欢love 爱mind 在乎need 需要please 请prefer 喜欢wish 愿望 归属动词 appear 看来是 be 是 belong 属于consist 包括 cost 价钱为cotain 包含depend 依赖deserve 值得equal 平等 have 有 look like 看起来像owe 欠 own 有possess 拥有resemble 像result 结果seem 似乎是seem 似乎suffice 不够want 想要weigh 权衡wish 愿望


英语静态动词 英语静态动词是没有进行式的动词。主要包括状态、拥有、感到(认知、情感)类的动词。 拥有是获得的结果,感到是看、听、摸、尝、闻、想的结果,喜欢、厌恶是情感的结果,都是状态,不是动作。所以没有进行式。 认知动词 agree 同意 believe 相信differ 不同disagree 不同意 disbelieve 不信 distrust 不信任 doubt 疑问find 查找foresee 预见forget 忘记guess 猜 hear 听到imagine 想像know 知道mean 意为note 注意到notice 看到recall 记得recognize 承认recollect 记得regard 关心remember 记住see 看见 smell 闻到suppose 假设taste 尝到 think 认为 trust 信任understand 认为 情感动词abhor 深恶痛 绝 adore 崇拜astonish 惊奇desire 期望detest 厌恶dislike 不喜欢 displease 得罪 feel 感到forgive 原谅hate 憎恨hope 希望like 喜欢love 爱mind 在乎need 需要please 请prefer 喜欢wish 愿望 归属动词

这里列举的不是全部,只是最常用的。 主动词按其基本词汇意义可以分为动态动词(Dynamic Verb)和静态动词(Stative Verb)。 静态动词表示一种静止状态,包括“存在”和“拥有”的动词,如be,have, own, belong, exist, hold(容纳)等;表示度量的 动词,如cost, weigh, measure 等;表示五官感觉的动词,如see, hear, taste, smell, feel 等;以及 表示心理状态的动词,如 believe, think, know, remember, forget, understand, love, like ,hate, detest(讨厌)等。 例如: The house belongs to his father. 这幢房子属于他的父亲。 This hall can hold three hundred people. 这大厅能容纳300人。 This typewriter costs 200 dollars. 这台打字机值200美元。 This bundle of firewood wighs 150 kilos.这捆柴重150公斤。 I can see a plane in the sky. 我看见天上有架飞机。 These oranges taste nice. 这些桔子味道好。 I understand him to be honest. 我知道他是诚实的。 She hated being flattered. 她讨厌别人奉承她。 When a verb describes a state andnot an action we do not use the continuous tense. For example, ‘play’is an action so we can say ‘playing’ whereas ‘be’ is a fixed state which does not change: ‘To be, or not to be’. Grammatically it is not correct to say ‘I’m loving it’ even though McDonalds have made this expression famous. ‘Love’ is a state verb and so we should say ‘I love it.’ State verbs generally fall into 4 groups: Emotion: love, hate, want, need Possession: have, own, want, belong Senses: see, hear, smell, seem Thought: know, believe, remember Here are some more examples of state verbs: State Verbs doubt dislike understand suspect loathe own belong know like need want seem mean believe forget remember prefer hate love see some verbs can be both state and action verbs Some words can be state verbs and action verbs. The meaning of these verbs is then different. Take a look at these: 'I have a car.’ ­– state verb showing possession 'I am having a bath.’ ­– action verb which, in this case, means ‘taking’. ‘I think you are cool.’ – state verb meaning ‘in my opinion’. ‘I am thinking about buying a motorbike.’ – action verb meaning ‘considering’ 一般来说,静态动appear 看来是 be 是 belong 属于 consist 包括 cost 价钱为 cotain 包含 depend 依赖 deserve 值得 equal 平等 have 有 look like 看起来像 matter 重要 owe 欠 own 有 possess 拥有 resemble 像 result 结果 seem 似乎是 seem 似乎 suffice 不够 want 想要 weigh 权衡 wish 愿望


(一)系动词: 作为始动性动词用的系动词有get,become,come,go,grow,turn,run,wear,fall等,其特点是后面可跟形容词。这类动词可用于一般时态、进行时态和完成时态。最常用的始动性动词是get,其含义等于become/come to be/begin to be。这个词的意思是最平淡而不带任何感情色彩的,多用于口语中,例如: 95)a.John has got tired. b.John is now tired. (约翰现在疲倦了。) 96)a.Everybody in the village has got up. b.Everybody in the village is up now. (村里所有的人都已起床了。) 97)a.Has Jane got up yet? b.Is Jane up yet? (珍妮起床了吗?) 98)a.He often gets quarrelsome when he's been drinking. b.He often becomes quarrelsome when he's been drinking. (当他喝上几杯时,他常常变得爱吵架。) 99)a.Does she often get ill? b.Does she often fall ill? (她经常生病吗?) get比其它始动性动词更多应用于进行时态,表示一种过渡的、变化的过程,例如: 100)a.It's getting dark. b.It's becoming dark. c.It's growing dark.

(天渐渐黑了下来。) 101)a.It's getting near tea-time. b.It's approaching tea-time. c.Tea-time is getting near. d.Tea-time is approaching. (快到吃茶点的时间了。) 102)a.Eggs are getting scarcer. b.There are fewer and fewer eggs avail-able. (鸡蛋越来越缺了。) 如果be getting to的主语是有生命的,其含义相当于be becoming,例如: 103)a.He's getting to be quite a good violinist. b.He's becoming quite a good violinist. (他正成为一名相当出色的小提琴手。) 104)a.We're all getting older. b.We're all becoming older. c.We're all growing older. (我们都增添年岁了。) 105)a.The children are getting to like swimming in the river. b.The children are becoming fond of swimming in the river. (孩子们逐渐变得爱在河里游泳。) 动词词组 get to be=become;get to know=learn,用于一般时态,表示达到变化或认识过程的最后阶段,例如: 106)a.We got to be friends. b.We became friends.


精选文档 静态动词与动态动词 动词按其词汇意义可分为动态动词( Dynamic Verb )和静态动词( Static Verb )。 1) 动态动词表示一种运动状态,绝大多数动词是动态动词。动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体。动态动词大体分为三类: a) 表示持续动作的动词:drink ,eat ,read ,write ,walk ,run ,play ,talk ,fly ,watch 等。 b) 表示短暂动作的动词:leave ,go ,come ,see ,arise ,break ,open ,meet ,close ,join ,jump ,admit ,discover 等。 c) 表示位移或状态改变的动词:become ,turn ,grow ,change ,come , go 等。 例 1 He is writing a letter to his friend . 他正在给朋友写信。 例 2 He closed the windows . 他关上了窗子。 例 3 The leaves on the tress are turning green . 树叶正在转绿。 例 4 He changed his mind . 他改变了想法。 2) 静态动词表示一种相对静止的动词,常用于非进行体,也可归纳为三类: a ) 表示各种关系的动词:如contain ,belong ,consist of ,have ,concern ,owe ,involve ,resemble , differ ,exist ,hold ,cost ,fit ,lack ,matter ,compare ,deserve ,measure ,weigh 等。 b ) 表示感觉感知的动词:如feel ,see,taste ,smell ,hear 等。 c) 表示心理状态的动词:如think ,believe ,know ,consider ,hope ,want ,mean ,forget , remember ,expect ,understand ,leave ,hate ,regret ,envy ,admire ,suppose ,fear ,care 等。 例 1 The hall can contain 1,000 people. 大厅可以容纳1000 人。 例 2 The report consists of five parts.

北师版模块三 unit 8 语法练习(静态动词和动态动词,时态)

静态动词(State Verb)和动态动词(Activity Verb)。 Wild animals have returned to northern Siberia(西伯利亚). So have some other animals that once ①shared this icy land. Russian scientist Sergey Zimov is ②reintroducing these animals to the land to demonstrate his theory that filling the emptiness of Siberia with grass-eating animals can slow global warming. He ③is trying to recreate an ecosystem that ④disappeared 10,000 years ago with the end of the ice age. He ⑤believes these animals will return the tundra(冻土地带) into grasslands. “This is very interesting experiment,” said Adrian Lister, a British environmentalist “I ⑥think it’s right from an ecological point of view to put back animals that did formerly live there.” 静态动词(State Verb)和动态动词(Activity Verb)。 动词根据其词义可分为动态动词(activity verb)与静态动词(state verb)。其中动作动词强调主语在做的动作,而状态动词强调主语所处的状态,状态动词通常不用于进行时态。 动作动词练习: 1.Tom ____________ in the library every night over the last three month. (2011北京卷) A. works B. worked C. have been working D. had been working 2. When I got on the bus, I ___________ I had left my wallet at home. (2011山东卷) A. was realizing B. realized C. have realized D. would realize 用法小结: 1)动态动词 a) 表示人或物的活动、动作或行为的动词,称为活动性动词,如live, drink, eat, ask, say, call, talk,laugh, smile, read, write,study, learn, play, work, help, walk, run, fly, rain, snow等,可以用于进行时态。 b) 表示人或物在数量、质量、程度、体积、外观、颜色、方向、速度、力量等特征方面的变化、发展、增大或减少的过程的动词称为过程性动词,可用于进行时态说明延续的过程。如: grow, age, improve, increase, reduce, change, turn, become, develop, decrease, widen, deepen, shorten, lengthen, weaken 等。 c) 有些动作从开始发生到结束或终止几乎同时或在极短的时间里就完成了,这样的动词称为瞬间动词,或短暂动词,如:close, open, leave, arrive, reach, buy, lend, borrow, receive, accept, die, join, realize, hear, see, jump, knock等。这类动词通常不用于进行时态,也不可以在完成时中与一段时间连用。但是reach, come, leave可以用进行时态表示将来。


部分静态动词典型静态、动态意义对照 部分静态动词(传统上称为静态动词)及类别typical stative meaning 典型静态意义(只用 于非进行体) typical dynamic meaning典型动态意义 (一般可用于进行体 和非进行体) 一.be, have(此类见课本,略) 二.cost require the payment of 花(多少钱): The car costs him $15,000.bring ( injury) 使受(损害): It’s costing us a lot. The bad boy’s behavior cost his mother many sleepless nights.那孩子的不良行为使他母亲许多个夜晚睡不着。 weigh重(若干): The box weighs 10 kilos.称…的重量: He is weighing himself. He weighed the stone in his hands.他用手估量这块石头的重量。 三.hear perceive (sound) with the ears 听见: I hear someone laughing. She doesn’t hear very well.try ( a case)审理(案件); listen to 倾听:The judge is hearing the case. You’d better hear what they have to say.你最好听听他们要说些什么。 smell give out a smell发出 (某种气味):The lamb smells of https://www.doczj.com/doc/2513930053.html,e one’s sense of smell in order to learn 闻,嗅: She is smelling the flowers.


动态性动词与静态性动词(1) Dynamic Verb and Static Verb 英语动词按其是否可以用于进行时态的语义特征,可以分为动态性动词和静态性动词。大量的动词是动态性的,可以用于进行时态。有一些动词是静态性的,不能用于进行时态。还有不少动词,兼有动态与静态两种特性,而其含义是不同的。动态性动词与静态性动词的用法有四个不同之处: (1)动态性动词可用于进行时态,而静态性动词则不可。这是两种动词最根本的区别,例如: 1)John is writing to his father. (约翰正在给他的父亲写信。) 2)John resembles his father. (约翰长得像他的父亲。) John is resembling his father.(Impossible) 3)John is painting his house. (约翰正在油漆他的房子。) 4)John owns a house. (约翰拥有一所房子。) John is owning a house.(Impossible) 有些动词可兼作两类动词,但意思不同。动词“hold”的句子主语是人,则作“握住”解,是个动态性动同;句子主语是处所,则作“容纳”解,是个静态性动词,例如: 5)a.John is holding a ball in his hands. b.John has a ball in his hands. (约翰正用两手握住球。) 6)a.The bus holds 50 people. b.50 people can sit in the bus. (这辆公共汽车能坐五十人。)


动词的动态与静态意义及其语法特征 【摘要】一种语法现象如果从不同角度分析会有全新的理解,从而扩大我们的视野。动态动词和静态动词是英语语法中的两个重要概念。本文从动词的动态意义与静态意义角度入手,以独特的视角全面分析动态动词和静态动词的意义、语法特征及其实际用法,旨在为英语动词的更深入研究提供一些借鉴。 【关键词】动态动词;静态动词;意义;语法 一、动词的动态与静态意义 英语动词根据其语义特征,可分为动态动词(dynamic verb)和静态动词(stativ e verb)。确切地说,实义动词的意义有动态与静态之分。一种语法现象如果从不同角度分析会有全新的理解,从而扩大我们的视野。因此,正确地理解动词的动态和静态意义,熟悉其语法特征,对学好用好英语动词,准确理解英文原意,是非常重要的。 动态动词表示事件的发生、心理活动和从一种状态向另一种状态转变时的动态意义,即表示一种运动状态。动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体。动态动词大体分为三类: a)持续性动词(durative verb):drink,eat,read,write,walk,run,pla y,talk,fly,watch 等。 b)瞬间动词(momentary verb):leave,go,come,see,arise,break,o pen,meet,close,join,jump,admit,discover等。 c)状态转换动词(transition verb):become,turn,grow,change,come, go 等。

请看一组例子: 1. He is writing a letter to his friend. 2. He closed the windows. 3. The leaves on the tress are turning green. 4. He changed his mind. 通过例2和例3、例4的语义比较可以看出,瞬间动词与状态转换动词的区别是:前者一般没有结果意义,可以在短期内反复重复发生;后者有结果意义,一般不可以在短期内重复发生。此外,通过上述动态动词及其实例分析还可以得出结论,动态动词总体在表示一种运动状态,且绝大多数动词是动态动词。另一方面,动态动词既可用于进行体,也可用于非进行体。 静态动词表示人或事物的存在状态、相互关系、心理活动的结果状态、情感或情绪状态、感觉状态以及身体姿态。简言之,静态动词表示一种相对静止的动词,且常用于非进行体,即一般时态,同时可以将其细化归纳为以下数种类别: 1)表示存在状态:be, exist, seem, appear, sound, look, taste, smell, come from, differ from, matter等。 2)表示相互关系:contain,have, own, possess, hold, contain, include, excl ude, belong to, lack, concern, constitute, consist of,stand for,involve 等。


陈才英语教育及辅导中心英语动态静态动词用法2018年12月20日 动态动词和静态动词深度解析 英语动词有时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词等诸多变化形式,每种形式都隐含某种意义,即内容决定形式,形式反映内容。其中动词基本词义是影响动词形式的非常重要的内容之一。A:根据动词语义是否完整可以分为以下2种动词。 【一】不及物动词:语义完整不需要接宾语 【二】及物动词:语义不完整需要接宾语。 B:根据动词表示的是事件还是状态可以分为以下2种动词。 【一】动态动词 【1】延续性动词:可与持续时间状语连用。 She has worked here for ten years. She writes to her parents once a week. (习惯)(write为延续性动词) 【2】非延续性动词:不可与持续时间状语连用。 She always pat his head whenever she sees him. (习惯) (pat为瞬间动词) 【3】终结性动词:终结性动词的语义重心在动作的结束和完成。即使不用完成体,一般体也表示动作的结束和完成。 He wrote a book。他写了一本书。He wrote a letter. 他写了一封信。 He made a chair. 他制作了一把椅子。He sang a song.他唱了一首歌曲。

备注:终结性动词的动作如果没有结束,则需要使用进行体: He was writing a letter. 他在写一封信。He was making a chair.他在制作一把椅子。 【4】非终结性动词:表示非终结动词没有终结意义动词。 He wrote for two hours.他写了4小说。He was writing.他在写作。 He wrote till 6 o'clock. 他一直写到6点钟。 【5】状态转换动词:表示转换为习惯意义的动词。 More and more people die of cancers. (习惯)(die为转态动词) 越来越多的人死于癌症。 【二】静态动词 动词及物还是不及物的分类标准为动词的语义是否完整。 英语的实意动词(可以充当动词词组中心词的动词)根据词义可分为静态动词和动态动词。更准确的说,动词的词义可分为静态意义和动态意义。 A:表示状态存在的动词为静态动词(stative verb) B:表示事件发生的动词为动态动词(dynamic verb) 一个实意动词描述的内容在语法上叫情景(situation)。状态和事件是动词描述的是不同情景。 A:状态(states);如果一个动词描述的情景是不会结束的或结束是不可预料的,该情景为状态。 The flag is red. 旗帜是红色的。He likes her. 他喜欢她。He believed in God.他相信上帝。 B:事件(occurrences):如果一个动词描述的情景的结束是必然的,可以预料的,该情景为事件。 He is playing golf. 他在打高尔夫球。He read a letter to him.他给他读了一封信。 He was walking in the park.他在公园里散步 【一】动态动词:表示“事件”和“习惯” 【1】瞬间动词 【2】延续动词 【3】状态转变动词 备注(1):事件的概念:有变化的可能性,可预料到它会结束----对应用的瞬间动词和延续动词,而动态动词的延续动词和静态动词不同,他的事件是持续后会结束或可能结束的。

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