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• Watch the video about the birth and growth of Zeus.
The Olympian Gods (奥林匹斯诸神)
• The Olympians were 12 in number.
• Zeus (Jupiter 朱庇特) 众神之 王宙斯
• Hera (Juno 朱诺) 天后赫拉 • Poseidon (Neptune 尼普顿):
• Cronus (克洛诺斯): the youngest and most important Titan (Saturn in Roman Myth 萨图恩;土星)
• Caelus feared his children and prevented them from being born.
• Cronus attacked him with a sickle (镰刀) and cut off his sexual organs and threw them into the sea.
•பைடு நூலகம்He married his sister Ops (Rhea瑞亚), who bore him three daughters and three sons.
• But he swallowed his first five children Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, immediately after their birth.
• However, when the sixth, Zeus, was born, Ops (Rhea) handed Cronus a stone wrapped in baby clothes, while hiding the baby on the island of Crete (克 里特岛).
The 2nd War
• Zeus led his brothers and sisters in a war against Cronus and the other Titans.
• They won the war, driving the Titans to Tartarus, a dark region deep within the Underworld (塔耳塔 洛斯,冥界的最深处).
古希腊罗马神话第一讲 (中英双语)
Requirement and Evaluation
• Requirement:
• 1. Punctual attendance (5 min.s’ time to call the roll)
• 2. Active participation in the class
• 3. Extensive reading after class
• Evaluation: • 1. Class attendance:
20% • 2. Class
participation: 30% • 3. Term paper: 50%
Teaching Plan
• Part I: The gods in mythology (2 classes)
• From the bloody foam (泡沫) Aphrodite, goddess of sexual love, beauty and fertility (多产), was born.
The 2nd War
• Cronus then freed the other Titans from inside Terra, and became king of the sky.
• Then Zeus was chosen as their ruler and lived with them on Mount Olympus, in northern Greece.
• The gods and goddesses who lived there became known as Olympians.
The origin of the gods (众神的起源)
Chaos (混沌之神) (the source of all things)
Terra (Gaea) (地母该亚) (the earth)
Caelus (Uranus) (天神乌拉诺斯) (天王星,太阳系第七大行星)
The 1st War
• After he grew up, he returned to challenge his father.
• By using a trick, he caused Cronus to vomit his children, who had grown into adults while inside their father.
• Part II: Heroes in mythology (5 classes)
• Part III: The Trojan War (3 classes)
• Part IV: The Adventures of Odysseus (4 classes)
• Final Exam: in Week 16
海神波塞冬 • Demeter (Ceres 刻瑞斯): 谷物
女神得墨忒耳 • Hestia (Vesta 维斯太): 灶神赫
斯提 • Aphrodite (Venus): 爱神阿弗
The Olympian Gods (奥林匹斯诸神)
• Athena (Minerva 密涅瓦): 智慧女 神
The 1st Class
• Part I: The gods in mythology (众神)
• 1. The origin of the gods ( 众神的起源)
• 2. The Olympian Gods (奥 林匹斯诸神)
• 3. The Titans and other gods and goddesses (提 坦巨神与其他次要神祗)
• Apollo (Apollo): 太阳神 • Artemis (Diana): 月神阿耳忒弥斯 • Hermes (Mercury 墨丘利): 神使赫
