当前位置:文档之家› 疑问代词、疑问副词、关系代词、关系副词、连接代词、连接副词、并列连词与从属连词等概念区别及关系图






连接词 名词性从句(4大从句)





“that 、if 、whether 等”







一些特殊的介词(如but 、except 等)









不表疑问 关系代词(6个词) [主、宾、表、定]

关系副词(3个词) [状]





分句 从句


注: 特殊点:

① 连接代词普通连接代词 ——表疑问









《论介词宾语的语法结构》——熊锡源 《介词宾语从句种种》——洪淑治

《漫谈英语介词的宾语从句》——袁春松 P96①例句——连接副词

不表疑问的 介词宾语从句

比较 区别疑问代词


② 既可“表疑问”,也可“不表疑问”的连接词:whomever 、whoever 等。 ③ 介词后接



参考 《介词后接形容词的几种情况》——雍和明





《论介词宾语的语法结构》——熊锡源 《介词宾语从句种种》——洪淑治


④ 既可做“介词”,也可做“连词”的词:for 、since 、until 、before 、after 等。 for


并列连词(因果推理关系)P103 介词P93





until 、before 、after





when、while 并列连词(转折关系)从属连词(时间状从)

⑥同时可引导多种状语从句的从属连词:so、so that、as、since等。P105

so、so that 结果状从














英语中代词的用法 代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种。 一、人称代词是表示"我"、"你"、"他"、"她"、"它"、"我们"、"你们"、"他们"的词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表: 数单数复数 格主格宾格主格宾格 第一人称I me we us 第二人称you you you you he him they them 第三人称she her hey them it it t they them 主格作主语或表语,如:He is my friend. 他是我的朋友。It’s me. 是我。 宾格作及物动词和介词的宾语, 还可作表语. Aunt Li took care of us. Who is knocking at the door It's me. 二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人物和数的变化见下表。 形容词性物主代词my your his/her its our your their 名词性物主代词mine yours his/hers its ours yours/ theirs 形容词性物主代词只能做定语,修饰名词,相当于形容词,如:I like his car. 我喜欢他的小汽车。 名词性物主代词可以做主语、宾语和表语,相当于名词, 如:Our school is here,and theirs is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在那儿。 三、指示代词表示"那个"、"这个"、"这些"、"那些"等指示概念的代词。指示代词有this,that,these,those 等。 如:That is a good idea. 那是个好主意。 四、表示"我自己"、"你自己"、"他自己"、"我们自己"、"你们自己"和"他们自己"等的代词,叫做自身代词,也称为"反身代词"。反身代词表示主语发生的动作落在主语自己身上,或用来加强名词或代词的语气。 如:She was talking to herself. 她自言自语。 I hope he didn't hurt herself. She taught herself English. 五、表示相互关系的代词叫相互代词,有each other和one another两组,但在运用中,这两组词没什么区别。 如:They love each other. 他们彼此相爱。 六、不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。常见的不定代词有a11,both,each,every等,以及含有some-,any-,no-等的合成代词,如anybody,something,none。这些不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语,但none和由some,any,no等构成的复合不定代词只能作主语、宾语或表语;every和no只能作定语。如: ---Do you have a car? --你有一辆小汽车吗? ---Yes,I have one. --是的,我有一辆。


TAG:代词编者按:本文为古汉语中的代词专题之一。 1、指人的疑问代词――“谁”、“孰”“谁”主要用于一般问句。“孰”常用在选择问句里,一般都有先行词,意思是“哪一个”。“孰”除了指人以外,也可以指物或处所。“谁”的用法基本上与现代汉语相同,这里就不举例了。“孰”表示“哪一个”的用例如:“吾与徐公孰美?”――我和徐公相比哪一个更美?“礼与食孰重?”――这句的“孰”指物,意思是:礼制和食物相比哪一个更重要?“孰”还经常和介词“与”连用,构成固定组合“孰与”,表示比较。“孰与”用在句中大致意思是“和……比,哪一个更……”。如以下例句:“吾孰与徐公美?”――意思是我和徐公比,哪一个更美?有时相比较的内容在上文已经出现,因此句子里可以没有比较的内容,如:“君料臣孰与舜?”――这句里比较的内容不出现,大致意思是,您看我和舜相比,哪一个更好?有时“孰与”比较的结果已经明确,经常用在反问句里,实际已不是表示疑问,可以译为“哪里比得上”。例如:“从天而颂之,孰与制天命而用之!”――顺从自然而颂扬它,哪里比得上控制自然的规律而运用它。“惟坐待亡,孰与伐之。”――与其坐着等待被灭亡,哪里比得上去进攻它呢? 2、指事物的疑问代词――“何”、“胡”、“曷”、“奚”。这几个疑问代词中,“何”的使用率最高,语法功能也较广泛。“何贵何贱?”――“何”充当主语。“曰:‘是何也?’”――“何”充当谓语。“大王来何操?”――“何”充当前置宾语。“许子何不为陶冶?”――“何”充当状语问原因。“姜氏何厌之有?”――“何”充当定语。“胡”、“曷”、“奚”经常作状语,有时是和介词结合后作状语,用来询问原 TAG:代词因、时间或处所等。“悠悠苍天,曷其有极?”——“曷”问时间,等于说“什么时候”。“子奚乘是车也?”——“奚”问原因,相当于“为什么”。“胡为久居此围城之中而不去也?”——“胡”和介词“为”结合后充当状语,问原因。“胡为”即“为什么”。“奚以知其然也?”——“奚”和介词“以”结合后充当状语,意思是“凭什么”。 3、指处所的疑问代词——“安”、“恶”、“焉”。主要用作状语,询问处所,相当于现代汉语的“在哪里”。还可用于反问句,作状语,加强反问语气。“沛公安在?”——“安”充当“在”的前置宾语。“安在”即“在哪里”。“恶在其为民父母也?”——“恶”充当“在”的前置宾语,“恶在”即“在哪里”,这句意思是,他作为老百姓的父母究竟表现在哪里呢?“且焉置土石?”——“焉置”即“安放在哪里”。


不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法 1.构成:由some, any, no, every分别加上-body, -thing, -one构成的不定 代词叫做合成不定代词;加上-where构成副词。 2.用法:(1)合成不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语等。 Nobody will listen to him. He wants something to eat. (2)不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 There is nothing wrong with the TV. Everybody likes to be free. (3)some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中;any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。但some-可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中。 Someone called on her last week. There isn’t anyone else there. Is anybody over there Could you give me something to eat (4)形容词修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。 There is something wrong with your eyes. (5)somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere用作副词。 Trees turn green and flowers come out everywhere.

4.巩固练习:用不定代词或不定副词填空: 1. I can’t hear anything = I can hear _________. 2. There is __________ on the floor. Please pick it up. 3. Did _____ go to play basketball with you 4. I phoned you last night, but ________ answered it. 5. I don’t think ___________ telephoned. 6. Why don’t you ask _________ to help you 7. If you want __________ , please let me know. 8. Shall we get _________ to drink 9. Don’t worry.There’s ______ wrong with your ears.


关系代词练习题 1. This is the book _______ cover is blue. 2. Do you know the girl ______ father died in Iraq 3. The woman _________ we talked about is my sister 4. He told everything ______ he had seen in the traffic accident 5. This was the best model of the TV set ______ the factory produced last year. 6. The first thing _______I am going to do this evening is to write a report about the experiment. 7. It was heard in Beijing, ______ is one hundred kilometers away. 8. This was a film _______ Spielberg used real actors instead of toys. 9. I don’t like the girl _______ you are talking about. - 10. This is the house _______ we have just painted. 11. The rulers ______ are made of plastic are usually colorful. 12. He is the student_______ mother is a very famous singer. 13. Just then I caught sight of a violin ______ was hanging on the wall. 14. With him was a young fellow ______ appearance told of many days in hiding. 15. School is a place ________ children are educated. 16. People _______ agree with system say that it gives parents a larger choice of schools. 17. It is not a rule _______ everybody chooses to follow. 18. Teachers ______ are not good-looking might also have their personal charm. 19. We should have the ability to be tolerant of the weakness of human beings ______ may lead people to make mistakes


疑问代词 疑问代词:what,who,Which,whose,whom 疑问副词:when,where,why,how 疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词 where 在哪里,问地点 whose 谁的,问谁的东西 who 谁,问人 what 什么,问东西 how many多少,问可数东西的数量 how much多少,问不可数东西的数量,或问价格 how old 几岁了,问年龄 when 什么时候,问年份,月份或日期 what time 什么时间,问几点 一、填空 根据汉语提示用适当的特殊疑问词填空。 1.这些苹果是谁的? Apples are these? 2.三加五等于多少? is 3 and 5? 3.加拿大的人口是多少? is the population of Canada? 4.哪一个MP4是你哥哥的? MP4 is your brother’s? 5.你的新冰箱怎么样? your new fridge? 6.你还想要别的吗? do you want? 7.你的爸爸正在和谁谈话?

is your father talking to? 二、单项选择 从下列各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.-- is standing there? --Mr Zhang. A. What B. Whom C. Who 2. would you like to go shopping with? A. Which B. Whom C. What D. Where 3.Excuse me, can you tell me is the way to the post office? A. whose B. which C. how D. what 4.-- is your address? --It’s xinxin163.. A. Who B. How C. What D. Which 5.-- does your brother do? --He is a bus driver. A. Where B. Why C. What D. How 6.-- can I do for you? --I would like a cup of tea. A. What B. How C. Which D. Who 7.-- coat is more beautiful than yours? --Lily’s. A. Which B. Whose C. Who D. What 8.-- is the matter? --I have a headache. A. Who B. What C. How D. Which 9.-- are you going to go this evening, Sally? --I’m going to do my homework.


定语从句I 关系代词 定义:在复合句中修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句,叫做定语从句。 基本构成:先行词+关系间+定语从句。 先行词:它所修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。 关系词:连接先行同和定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系词的主要作用是连接主句和从句,同时指代先行词,并在定语从句中充当一定的句子成分。 分类:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种。 引导定语从句的关系词有两类:关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose等,关系副词有when, where, why等。 一、关系代词的用法 1.who指人,在定语从句中可以充当主语、宾语或表语。 Here comes the girl who wants to see you. 想见你的那个女孩过来了。(作主语) Danny was a man who we rescued from the ruins. 丹尼是我们从废墟中救出来的一个人。(作宾语) 2.whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语,可省略,也可用who代替。 Rose is the person (who/whom) you should care about. 罗丝是你应该关心的人。(作宾语) 3.whose可修饰人,也可修饰物,表"所属"关系,whose在定语从句中作定语。 I know the person whose house was destroyed in the earthquake. 我认识那个人,他的房子在地震中被摧毁了。(作定语) 4.which指事物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时可省略。China is a country which has a long history. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。 5.that既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时可省略。 习惯上指人多用who, whom,指物多用which. The number of people that come to visit this city each year reaches one million. 每年来参观这座城市的人数达100万。(that指人,作主语) The suitcase that lies on the ground is hers. 地上放的那个手提箱是她的。(that指物,作主语)


疑问词的用法 疑问代词“who, what, which, whose”和疑问副词“when, where, how, why ”。 when 什么时间问时间 who 谁问人 Who will give a talk in the hall tomorrow? Mr Fei, a famous scientist. 回答是人,疑问词一定是Who whose 谁的问主人 where 在哪里问地点 which 哪一个问选择 why 为什么问原因 what 什么问东西 what time 什么时间问具体时间 ——What time are you going to start your homework? ——At ten,And I’ll finish in half an hour. 说明At ten是一个很小很具体的时间点,所以用what time what color 什么颜色问颜色 what about …怎么样问意见 what day 星期几问星期 what date 什么日期问具体日期 what for 为何目的问目的 how… 怎么样问情况 ——How do you usually go to school? ——By bus, Sometimes my father drives me to school when he is free.答句讲的是去学校的方式,故问句疑问词选How how old 多大问年龄 how many 多少问数量 how much 多少问价钱 how about …怎么样问意见 how far 多远问路程 How soon 通常在一般将来时,意为"再等多长时间?","多长时间才……?" how long 问时间,用于for+一段时间或since+时间的一点 how often 问频率不过还是要根据上下文或是选项来回答


德语语法:关系代词(Relativpronomen ) 关系代词是引导关系从句的代词,必须在性、数上与它所限定的名词或代词保持一致。它的格由它在从句中的语法功能决定。关系代词分为三类: 1)der,die ,das ;die 2)welcher,welche,welches ;welche 3)wer,was 关系代词的变格和用法说明如下: 1)以der,die,das为引导词的关系从句只能用作名词或代词的定语。特别需要注意的是,这里的der,die ,das是关系代词,不能把它们同定冠词混淆。

der , die , das; die 用法举例: Man zeigt einen Film, der sehr ber u hmt ist. 在放映一部很有名的电影。 Herr Meier, desse n Betrieb ich n eulich kennen geler nt habe, besucht uns morge n. 迈耶先生明天来访问我们,不久前,我参观了他的工厂。 Das Geb? ude, das Sie dort sehen, war fr u her das Rathaus. 您在那里看到的那个建筑物,以前是市政厅。 Das ist die Lehrerin, mit deren Sohn ich zur Schule gegangen bin. 这就是那个女教师,我曾与她儿子一起上学

注意:dessen和deren在句子中不变化,它后面的形容词作强变化。例如: Ein Buch, mit desse n Ersche inen wir rech nen … 我们估计会出版的一本书… Der Turm, desse n feuchtes Fun dame nt … 墙基已潮湿的塔楼… Die Busse, dere n alte Motore n … 发动机老旧的公共汽车…… 2)在书面语言中,为了避免重复使用der, die , das; die,可以用welcher、welche、welches ; welche替代它们。它们的变格与疑问代词welcher相同,但没有第二格形式。 用法举例: Der Bote,welcher das Paket brachte, steht noch drau ? en. 那位送包裹的使者还站在外面。 Ein gro? es Bauvorhaben, welches das Gesicht dieser Stadt ?


定语从句(一)--------关系代词的用法 一.定语从句的概念 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的词叫做关系词。 关系词有三个作用:1、引导定语从句;2、代替先行词;3、在定语从句中担当一个成分。二、定语从句的关系词引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词和关系副词,常见的关系代词包括that,which,who,whom和whose,关系副词包括where,when,why等。

Mary likes music that is quiet and gentle.玛丽喜欢轻柔的音乐。(that作主语) The coat (that)I put on the desk is blue.(that作宾语) The building which stands near the train station is a supermarket. (作主语) The film (which)we saw last night was wonderful. (作宾语) 3. who指人在从句中做主语或宾语,作主语不可省略,作宾语可省略。例如:The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 翻译: 指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常用who代替,可省略。例如:Mr. Ling is just the man whom I want to see. 翻译: 5..whose通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语 (1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor. (2) I once lived in a house whose roof has fallen in. (3) The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired. (4) The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. (5) Do you like the book whose cover is yellow (6) Do you like the book the color of which is yellow 2. 关系词只能用that的情况: a. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,或本身是序数词、基数词、形容词最高级时;例如: He was the first person that passed the exam. 他是第一个通过考试的人。 b. 被修饰的先行词为all,any,much,many,everything,anything,none,the one等不定代词时;例如: Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop 你在商店里有什么要买的东西吗


单独句子——疑问代词(5个词)P42,疑问副词(7个词)P130 连接 句子与“句子”的 连接词 名词性从句(4大从句) 连词 P101 从属连词 P104 “that 、if 、whether 等” 状语从句(9大类) 并列连词 连接两个分句(4种关系) [对等关系的两个句子] 介词 P96 一些特殊的介词(如but 、except 等) 连接副词 连接分句 连接从句 (不表疑问) 代词 P45 表疑问 连接代词 不表疑问 关系代词(6个词) [主、宾、表、定] 关系副词(3个词) [状] 定语从句 [5大成分+1修饰整句] 副词 P130 分句 从句 句子 注: 特殊点: ① 连接代词普通连接代词 ——表疑问 (表疑问、究竟) 复合式连接代词——不表疑问 (表无论、一切、所有) 连接副词 连接从句的连接副词 连接分句的连接副词 P103注意、P130⑨ 参考 《论介词宾语的语法结构》——熊锡源 《介词宾语从句种种》——洪淑治 《漫谈英语介词的宾语从句》——袁春松 P96①例句——连接副词 不表疑问的 介词宾语从句 比较 区别疑问代词 区别疑问副词 ② 既可“表疑问”,也可“不表疑问”的连接词:whomever 、whoever 等。 ③ 介词后接 (一般接名词或代词) 形容词 参考 《介词后接形容词的几种情况》——雍和明 《论介词宾语的语法结构》——熊锡源 从句(作宾语从句) P96①例句 参考 《论介词宾语的语法结构》——熊锡源 《介词宾语从句种种》——洪淑治 《漫谈英语介词的宾语从句》——袁春松 ④ 既可做“介词”,也可做“连词”的词:for 、since 、until 、before 、after 等。 for 介词P93 并列连词(因果推理关系)P103 介词P93 从属连词(时间、原因状从)P105 since 介词P93~94 从属连词(时间状从)P105 until 、before 、after


不定代词和不定副词用 法 集团企业公司编码:(LL3698-KKI1269-TM2483-LUI12689-ITT289-

合成不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法1.构成:由some,any,no,every分别加上-body,-thing,-one构成的不定代词叫做 合成不定代词;加上-where构成副词。 2.用法: (1)合成不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语等。 Nobodywilllistentohim. Hewantssomethingtoeat. (2)不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 ThereisnothingwrongwiththeTV. Everybodylikestobefree. (3)some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中;any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。但some-可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中。 Someonecalledonherlastweek. Thereisn’tanyoneelsethere. Isanybodyoverthere Couldyougivemesomethingtoeat (4)形容词或else修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。 Thereissomethingwrongwithyoureyes. Isthereanythinginterestinginthebook Idon’tknowanybodyelse. (5)somewhere,anywhere,nowhere,everywhere用作副词。

Treesturngreenandflowerscomeouteverywhere. 巩固练习: 一、用不定代词或不定副词填空: 1.Ican’thearanything=Icanhear_________. 2.Thereis__________onthefloor.Pleasepickitup. 3.Did_____gotoplaybasketballwithyou 4.Iphonedyoulastnight,but________answeredit. 5.Idon’tthink___________telephoned. 6.Whydon’tyouask_________tohelpyou 7.Ifyouwant__________,pleaseletmeknow. 8.CouldIget_________todrink 9.Don’tworry.There’s______wrongwithyourears. 10.There’s__________inthebox.It’sempty. 11.Maybe__________putmypencil_________.Ican’tfindit___________. 12.---Doyouhave__________specialtotellmetoday---No,__________special. 13.Listentome,Ihave____________importanttotellyou. 14.Weneedonemorehelper.Canyoufind___________else


关系代词that 的用法 (1)不用that的情况 (a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时。 (错)The tree, that is four hundred years old, Is very famous here. (b) 介词后不能用。 We depend on the land from whic h we get our food. We depend on the land that/whic h we get our food from. (2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况 (a)在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。 (b)在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all等作先行词时,只用that,不用whic h。 (c)先行词有the only, the very,the same,the last,just修饰时,只用that。 (d)先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that,不能用whic h。. (e)先行词既有人,又有物时。 (f) 先行词指物,在主句中作表语时. (g) 为了避免重复. (h)先行词是the way或the reason时,that可作关系副词,也可省略 (i) 主句的主语是疑问词who /which时 举例: Is this the book that you borrowed in the library? 这是你在图书馆借的那本书吗? Who that break the w indow should be punished. 谁打碎了窗户都要受到惩罚. All that is needed is a supply of oil. 所需的只是供油问题。 Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the polic e. 那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察。 that必用 1先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰 2是序数词或被序数词修饰 3不定代词 4先行词即指人又指物 5被only;the every,no,one of等修饰 6主句有which;w ho;whom 7there be 句型中 8如果有两个从句,其中一个关系代词已用了whic h,另一个关系代词宜用that 9先行词在主句中作表语,或者关系代词本身作从句的表语是宜用that that在作宾语时可省 难点分析 (一)限制性定语从句只能用that的几种情况 1、当先行词是anything, everything, nothing (something 除外), few, all, none, little, some等代词时,或者是由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much,each等修饰时 (1) Have you taken down everything (that) Mr. Li has said? (2) There seems to be nothing (that) seems impossible for him in the world.


先观察下面各句,尝试总结一下红色部分的用法。 Do you remember the days when / in which I stayed with you in the USA? 你还记得我和你在美国共度的那些日子吗? 2) The factory where / in which he worked for twenty years is closing down. 他效力了20年的那个工厂倒闭了。 3) The reason why / for which he was late for school was that he didn’t catch the bus. 他之所以迟到,原因是没赶上公交车。 4) I have read the book in which you are interested. 我读了那本你感兴趣的书。 5) The man with whom I talked just now comes from Japan. 刚刚和我交谈的那个男人来自日本。 6) This is the book which she is looking for. 这就是她正在找的那本书。 小结归纳 ●when 通常放在表示时间的名词后引导定语从句,如句1); ●where放在表示地点的名词后引导定语从句,如句2); ●why经常放在reason的后面来引导定语从句,如句3); ★当引导定语从句时,关系副词一般可以转化为“介词+ 关系代词”,即: when / where 可转化为on / in / at等+ which, why可转化为for which(在口语中可用that或省略),这也是定语从句中的一种常见现象。 ★需要特别注意的是此时介词后的关系代词不能用that,如句1)、2)、3) ★另外,指代先行词的关系代词which, whom在从句中作介词宾语时,可以把“介词+ 关系代词(which / whom)”一起放在先行词和从句之间,如句4)、5);★但含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面,如句6)。 **★关系代词that和which在定语从句中充当主语或宾语 ★关系副词when/ where/ why分别在定语从句中充当时间状语,地点状语和原因状语。例如: This is the house where/ in which we once lived. 这是我们曾经住过的房子 (Where相当于in the house 做地点状语) This is the house which/ that they built last year. 这是他们去年建的房子 (which/ that 指代house 做built 的宾语) I’ll never forget the days when/on which we stayed in Beijing. 我永远不会忘记我们一起在北京的日子 (When相当于on the days 做时间状语,on the days “在这些日子”) I’ll never forget the days which we spent in Beijing.我永远不会忘记我们一起在北京的日子(Which指代the days 做spent的宾语) That is the reason why/ for which she told a lie. 那就是她为什么撒谎的原因。 (Why相当于for the reason 做原因状语 That is the reason which was told by the boy. 那就是那个男孩说的原因。 (Which 指代the reason 做主语) 注意:★确立关系代词which/that或关系副词when/where/why的方法: 看定语从句中是否缺少主语或宾语,如果缺少用which/ that; 如果不缺主语或宾语用when/where/ why.


疑问代词:what,who,Which,whose,whom 疑问副词:when,where,why,how 疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词 1 疑问代词的用法 1.what引导的疑问句 此类疑问句可以对主语、表语和宾语提问。 a.对主语提问 What is in your pocket? 你口袋里有什么? ☆这个问题可以有两种回答: a:There is an egg in it. 在口袋里有一个蛋。 b:An egg is(in it). 一个蛋(在里面)。 What's in the room? 屋子里有什么? There are a lot of chairs in it. =A 1ot of chairs are in it.有许多椅子。 注意 回答此句型的问题时,答句的单复数根据实际情况而定。 b.对宾语提问 What did you buy?你买了什么? I bought a bike.我买了辆自行车。 c.对表语提问 What is this?这是什么? It's a bench.这是一条长凳。 What is your mother?你妈妈是干什么的? 注意 What is+人?此句型是问人的职业,一般译为“是干什么的?” She is a teacher.她是个老师。 2.Who,whom,whose引导的疑问句 此类疑问句可以对主语、表语和宾语提问。 Who broke the window?(对主语提问) ☆who可以对主语和表语提问。whom是who的宾格,对宾语提问,但在口语中who可以代替whom。谁打破了窗户? Li Ming did.李明打破的。 Who is that woman?(对表语提问) 那个女人是谁? She is my mother.她是我妈妈。(关系) 或者:She is Rose.她是罗思。(姓名) 注意 Who is+人?是询问某人的姓名或与人关系的问句。与What is+人?(问人的职业)不同。 Whose is this umbrella?这伞是谁的? This umbrella is my sister's. 这伞是我姐姐的。


合成不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法 1.构成:由some, any, no, every分别加上-body, -thing, -one构成的不定代词叫做合成不定代词;加上 -where构成副词。 2.用法: (1)合成不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语等。 Nobody will listen to him. He wants something to eat. (2)不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 There is nothing wrong with the TV. Everybody likes to be free. (3)some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中;any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。但some-可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中。 Someone called on her last week. There isn’t anyone else there. Is anybody over there? Could you give me something to eat? (4)形容词或else修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。 There is something wrong with your eyes. Is there anything interesting in the book? I don’t know anybody else. (5)somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere用作副词。 Trees turn green and flowers come out everywhere. 巩固练习: 一、用不定代词或不定副词填空: 1. I can’t hear anything = I can hear _________. 2. There is __________ on the floor. Please pick it up. 3. Did _____ go to play basketball with you ? 4. I phoned you last night, but ________ answered it. 5. I don’t think ___________ telephoned. 6. Why don’t you ask _________ to help you ? 7. If you want __________ , please let me know. 8. Could I get _________ to drink ? 9. Don’t worry. There’s ______ wrong with your ears. 10. There’s __________ in the box. It’s empty. 11. Maybe __________ put my pencil _________. I can’t find it ___________. 12.---Do you have __________ special to tell me today? ---No, __________ special. 13.Listen to me, I have ____________ important to tell you. 14.We need one more helper. Can you find ___________ else?


定语从句讲解及练习 一、定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 如:1) The man who lives next to uS s a policema n. 2) You must do everyth ing that I do. 上面两句中的man和everything是定语从句所修饰的词,叫先行词,定语从句 放在先行词的后面。 引导定语从句的词有关系代词that, which, who(宾格who,所有格whose)和关系 畐寸词 where, when、why 关系词常有三个作用:1、引导定语从句2、代替先行词3、在定语从句中担当 一个成分 二、关系代词引导的定语从句 1. who指人,在从句中做主语 (1) The boys who are playing footbai a re from Class One. (2) Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way 女口果先行词是 anyone, an ybody, every one, everybody, some one, somebod 关 系代词应该用 who 或 whom. 例: Is there anyone here who will go with you? 2. whom指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。 (1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked about 注意:关系代词whom在口语和非正式语体中常用who代替,可省略。 (3) The man who/whom you met just now is my friend. 3. which指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略 (1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys which 在句子中做主语) (2) This is the pen(which) he bought yesterday;which 在句子中做宾语)

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