大学英语泛读教程2PPT教学课件-Review 01

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Review 01-p.37-38
D 1. What do the opening quotes saying about science? Detail
a. People should be skeptical about studying science.
b. Scientists are often wrong.
a. Because they are skeptical themselves.
b. Because some skeptics may be influenced by money.
c. Because skeptics are unpleasant people.
d. Because skeptics believe in solar variation. B 3. What effect is the author trying to achieve with the last sentence of paragraph
3. The charity has received ___o_v_e_r_w_h_e_l_m_i_n_g___ support for its campaign. 4. We complained ___v_e_h_e_m__e_n_t_ly_____ about the long delay at the airport. 5. The leader played a(n)_p_r_om__in_e_n_t__ role in shaping the campaigner’s
B 5. What can we infer from Paragraph C about the author’s attitude? Inference a. optimistic about the climate change b. skeptical of the optimism c. pessimistic about the climate change d. indifferent toward the climate change
Review 01-p.38
C Words to Know
The words in the box appear in the text. Choose one to complete the sentences.
overwhelming vehemently fundamentally incur prominent
D. Global warming is slowing down.
There is an element of truth in this, in that the Earth’s surface may not be getting hotter at a faster rate. According to NASA research, however, this is another misleading claim because more than 90 percent of global warming is heat that is trapped in the world’s oceans and seas.
c. Science is about agreement.
d. Skepticism is an important part of science. B 2. Why does the author say “it seems fair to be skeptical of the skeptics”? Detail
– Stanley Sue, Professor of Psychology, Palo Alto University
Review 01-p.37
Tracห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 8
Though an overwhelming body of scientific evidence supports the conclusion that man-made climate change is a reality, some scientists continue to express doubts over the seriousness of the problem. Indeed, a number of scientists deny that climate change is occurring. In some cases, environmental campaigners have exposed conflicts of interests on the part of these “deniers.” For example, the prominent astrophysicist Willie Wei-Hock Soon, who has claimed that climate change is not manmade but caused by solar variation, has received large sums of money from oil and coal companies. Although Soon has vehemently rejected claims that he has been unduly influenced in his views, it seems fair to be skeptical of some of these skeptics.
B? Inference
a. confusion
c. mystery
b. irony
d. surprise
Review 01-p.38
B 4. Astrophysicist Willie Wei-Hock Soon______. Detail a. supports the view that climate change is a result of human activities b. is one of the “deniers” who is skeptical of the cause of climate change c. received large sums of money for his contribution to tackle climate change d. is right about his view on climate change
A. The amount of ice in Antarctica is actually increasing.
This is simply not true. While the Antarctica’s coastal ice sheets have been expanding over the last few years, the continent’s inland sheets decreased by an astonishing 1,350 tons between 2011-2013. Worse still, the rate of decline is speeding up and causing sea levels to rise worldwide.
“Skepticism is essential to science; consensus is foreign.” – Richard S. Lindzen, Professor of Meteorology, MIT
“Scientific skepticism is considered good … Skeptics demand that evidence and proof be offered before conclusions can be drawn.”
1. The cultural values between these two countries are __f_u_n_d_a_m_e_n_t_a_ll_y____ different.
2. Julie _____i_n_cu_r_r_e_d______ the anger of her parents by staying out all night.
Review 01-p.37
Track 8
A recent article in Rolling Stone magazine addressed some of the main claims that are made by climate change “deniers,” and how they are fundamentally mistaken. Here is a brief summary:
Review 01-p.38
B Multiple Matching
Look at the four paragraphs(A-D) that deal with the deniers claims. In which paragraph does the author mention …
__D___ 1. a claim that focuses on a really small percentage? __A___ 2. two different parts of one continent? __C___ 3. a hope that may be unrealistic? __A___ 4. a measurement of weight?
Review 01-p.37
Track 8
B. Human activity is not causing climate change.
It is true that ice ages have come and gone in cycles during the course of history. However, these earlier shifts were caused by fluctuations in the Earth’s orbit. Recent increases in global temperatures have happened during the last 150 years, a time period that has seen C02 levels rocket by 40 percent. That’s quite a coincidence.
Review 01-p.37
Track 8
C. We’re clever. We’ll adapt.
Should we be so optimistic? The U.S. spent over $100 million on emergencies arising from climate issues between 2011-2012 alone. In the future, even the developed nations will struggle with the costs incurred by climate change. Developing nations are always hit hardest by drought and famine. How will they cope when things get really serious?
Track 8
A Reading Comprehension
Read the following article about climate change. Then choose the best answer to each question.
Denying the Climate Change Deniers
