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我们发现可以是一个词,也可是一个词组。 The old man is walking slowly. You did it very well. 形容词转换为副词一般遵循3个规则: quick - quickly , pleasant -pleasantly 1. 在形容词后直接加 -ly. happy -happily 2. 以 -y 结尾的, 把y 变为i 再加 -ly. late -late, fast -fast, hard -hard, well -well 3.形容词与副词形式相同。
pleasantly adv.愉快地 He smiled pleasantly. 他亲切的微笑。 pleasant adj.愉快的 The climate here is very pleasant.
understand v.懂,明白
understand - understood (过去式) The book is hard to understand. 这本书很难懂。 I don't understand Italian. 我不懂意大利语。
speak - spoke speak to sb. 我能讲三种语言。 I can speak three kinds of languages.
second hand 二手 我买了一辆二手车。 I bought a second hand car. give sb. a hand 帮助 你能帮助我吗? Can you give me a hand ?
Lesson 73 The way to King Street
week n.周 There are seve days in a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. weekday 工作日;上学日(星期一到星期五) on weekdays 在平日,在工作日 weekend 周末 at weekends 在周末 weekly adj. 每周的
suddenly adv.突然地
He suddenly came in. Suddenly, they screamed.突然,他们尖叫了
bus stop 公共汽车站
在公共汽车站 at the bus Βιβλιοθήκη Baidutop 我经常在公共汽车站看到他。 I often see him at the bus stop. 火车站 railway station 机场 airport at the railway station/ airport
say to oneself 心中暗想 talk to oneself 自言自语 find - found read - read
副词 adverb -这个词的本意是补充动词的意 义。许多副词都是这个作用。它可以通过修 饰动词来告诉我们句子中的某个动作的情况 (He runs fast.),也可以告诉我们某事是如 何/何时/何地等发生或进行的。 Suddenly, it rained. He lives in Dongsheng. I went to Kangbashi yesterday.
. 衣袋
我找不到衣袋里的钥匙了。 I can't find the key in my pocket. pocket money 零花钱
slowly adv.缓慢地
Can you drive a little slowly ? 你能慢点开车吗? They are walking slowly along the street.
slow adj. 缓慢的
know ...well 对。。了解 我不太了解他。 I don't know him very wel. and she lost her way. and - 所以 lost one's way 迷路 ask sb. the way 问路 如果你迷路了,你可以找人问路。 If you lost, you can ask someone the way.
smile v.微笑
smile - smell 发音区别 smile at sb. 对某人微笑 我对着孩子们微笑然后打了招呼。 I smiled at the children and said hello. n. 微笑 give sb. a smile 给某人一个微笑 laugh 大声笑 laugh at 嘲笑某人 Don't laugh at others.别嘲笑别人。