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icy [adj.冰的,冰封的,冰冷的;冷冰冰的,不友好的

【例句】He gave me an icy look. 他冷冷地看了我一眼。

n. 习语;成语方言;(艺术等的)风格,特色

【例句】“To be hard up” is an English idiom. “To be hard up”是英语惯用语。id n. 白痴,愚人,傻瓜

【例句】I’ve left my suitcase in the train, what an idiot I am!我把提箱忘在火车上,我真是个糊涂虫!

adj. 不在工作的;空闲的,闲置的;懒散的;无聊的

v. 闲混,虚度,无所事事

【例句】Men are left idle when machines break down.机器坏了时,工人们便无事可做了。

【词组】idle away 浪费光阴,虚度时间

vt. 不理睬,忽视

【例句】I tried to tell her but she ignored me. 我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。

adj. 违法的,不合规定的

n. 非法移民;非法劳工

【例句】It’s illegal to park your car here. 把车停在这儿是违法的。

n. 形象,声誉;印象;形象的描述,比喻

【例句】There are the images of gods in the temple. 庙里有许多神像。

【词组】be the image of酷似

【例句】This is an ambitious and intriguing movie, full of striking imagery.这是一部气势恢宏、引人入胜的电影,充满了惊人的镜头。

adj. 立即的,即时的;直接的,最接近的

【例句】Her arrest produced an immediate reaction from the press. 她被捕的事立刻在新闻界引起反应。

immense [] adj. 广大的,巨大的;[口]极好的

【例句】He made an immense amount of money in business. 他在生意中赚了一大笔钱。

【派生】immensely adv. 极大地;无限地;广大地;庞大地

immensity n. 巨大;无限;广大

immigrate [] v. (从外国)移入,移居入境

【例句】Britain immigrated many colonists to the New World. 英国把大量殖民者移居到了新大陆。

immobile [] adj. 不动的;固定的;稳定的

【例句】The deer stood immobile among the trees.那只鹿一动不动地站在树丛里。【词组】remain a socially immobile place保持一个稳定的社会

【派生】immobility n.不动,固定

immobilize vt. 使固定;使不动;使停止流通

impact [] n.冲击(力),撞击;影响,效果

【例句】The cost of energy impacts heavily on every essential in the family budget.


v. 损害,损伤;削弱,减少

【例句】The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather. 农产品由于气候寒冷而减产。

v. 传授,给予;告知,通知

【例句】She managed to impart great elegance to the unpretentious dress she was wearing.她努力为自己朴素的衣着增添几分优雅。

【派生】impartation n. 给予;告知


【例句】We’re bursting with impatience to see him. 我们迫不及待地想见到他。

adj. 不耐烦的,急躁的,不耐心的

【词组】be impatient with 对……不耐烦;对……感到急躁

【派生】impatience n. 急躁;无耐心

implant [] v. 灌输;植入身体的某一部分;种植;插入

n. 植入物

【例句】They felt a woman had a right to choose to have a breast implant. 他们认为妇女有权利选择隆胸。

impose [] vt. 征税;(on)把……强加给;以……欺骗

vi. 利用,欺骗;施影响

【例句】Don’t impose yourself on people who don’t want you. 不要勉强和不需要你的人在一起。

【词组】impose…on/upon 加(负担、惩罚等)于……

imprison [] vt. 监禁,关押;监禁

n. 逃亡者,亡命者

【例句】He is a fugitive from justice trying to avoid being caught by the police.他是逃犯,正试图逃避警方的追捕。

【词组】fugitive thoughts, impressions, sensations, etc 瞬间的想法、印象、感觉

a fugitive flower昙花一现

improper [] adj.不合适的,不正确的;不合礼仪的,不体面的,不道德的

【例句】Sports clothes are improper for wearing in church. 运动服不适于在教堂内穿。incline [] n. 倾斜;斜坡,斜面

vt. 使倾向于;使倾斜

vi. 倾向;倾斜

【例句】What he said inclines me to think that he will agree to our plan.他的话使我觉得他会同意我们的计划。

【词组】be inclined to倾向于;欲……的,想……的

【派生】inclination n. 倾向,爱好;斜坡

indication [] n. 指示;表示;象征;迹象

【例句】He gave no indication that he was ill. 没有迹象表明他生病了。

【词组】give an indication of表示,象征,用来衬托(……的大小比例)

indifferent [] adj. 无关紧要的;冷淡的,不积极的

【例句】It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay. 对你的去留我毫不关心。【词组】indifferent (to sb. /sth.) 不感兴趣;不置可否;漠不关心;满不在乎indigestion [] n.消化不良;不理解,不吸收

【例句】She spoke of various indigestion she had suffered. 她谈到自己曾多次患消化不良症。

inevitable [] adj. 不可避免的,必然的

【例句】Socialism is inevitable. 社会主义是必然的。

infection [] n. 传染;传染病,影响,感染

【例句】This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes. 这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。【词组】contact infection接触传染

infer [] v. 推断,推论

【例句】I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet.我从你信中推想,你还没有下定决心。

【词组】infer sth. (from sth.) (根据事实或推理)推断,推定(一想法);得出某事物的结论

【派生】inference n. 推理;推论;推断

inferior [] adj. 次的,较差的,次于……的;(地位、身份)低等的,下


n. 下级,晚辈

【例句】No inferior products should be allowed to pass. 决不允许放过任何次品。【词组】be inferior to在……之下,次于,不如

【派生】inferiority n. 自卑;下属;次等;下部

infinite [] n. 无限的东西(如空间、时间);无穷大

adj. 无穷的,无限的,无数的;极大的

【例句】The Universe seems infinite. 宇宙似乎是无限的。

【派生】infinity n. 无穷;无限大;无限距

infirm [] adj. 意志薄弱的;虚弱的

【例句】She’s old and infirm and has to keep to the house. 她因年老体弱而足不出户。

【词组】infirm of purpose意志薄弱的;优柔寡断的

【派生】infirmation n. 否定,推翻

inflation [] n. 充气,膨胀;通货膨胀

【例句】The annual rate of inflation is 10%. 年通货膨胀率为10%。

【派生】inflationary adj. 通货膨胀的;通货膨胀倾向的;通货膨胀引起的

influence [] n. 影响,感化;势力,权势


【例句】My teacher’s influence made me study science at college. 由于我老师的影响,我上大学学了理科。

【词组】influence (on sth.) 影响力;作用


笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Lucy and Lily _____ China next week. A. is visit B. are visiting C. visit D. visits ( )2. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B. in a car C. on a car D. by cars ( )3. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you _____. A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t ( )4. They each _____ a CD in their bags. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )5. It is a good time _____. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang ( )6. Find the answer _____ the question, please. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( )7. —_____ do you go for a picnic? —Once a month. A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How many time ( )8. —_____ will you stay in America? —About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How ( )9. She’s good at _____. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )10. —Mum, I’ m going to Ann’ s party this evening. —_____. A. Why not B. Have a good time C. Come back early D. Good idea ( )11. —I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. —_____! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to them C. Thand you very much D. It’s OK ( )12. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? —Sorry. I’m new here. —_____. A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you ( )13. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us? —_____, but I’m too busy. A. No, I can’t B. I’d like C. Yes, I’d love to D. Why not ( )14. Leo likes _____, but he doesn’t like _____ now. A. hike; hiking B. hikes; hiking C. hiking; to hike D. hiking; hiking ( )15. The flowers smell _____. A. well B. badly C. good D. much well Ⅱ. 完形填空。(15分) One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. “ I’m much 1 than you, ”said the wind.“No, I don’t agree with you!”said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man 2 along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let 3 see who can make the man take 4 his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.” First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew 5 hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was 6 with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, it’s your 7 . ” The sun started to 8 on the man. Soon it got very 9 ! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the 10 was stronger now. ()1.A. strong? B. strongly C. stronger


第一环节:开场白 May I come in?我可以进来么? Hello,everyone. (微笑,鞠躬) 问好 第二环节:Introduce yourself介绍你自己 Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is xxxx,15 years old this year. I was born in xxxx , zhejiang. I like reading books and playing computer. At the same time ,I love English ,so I want to study here. Thank you for inviting me. 第三环节:Question and Answer 问答环节 1)Q: What is your name, please? (你叫什么名字?) A: My name is xxxx. (我叫xxxx) Q: How old are you? (你几岁了?) A: I am fifteen years old. (我十五岁了) Q: Why you come here? (你为什么来这里?) A: I hope to study in Australia one day so I come here for interview. (我希望有一天去澳大利亚学习,所以我来参加这个面试) 2)Q:Which school are you from? (你是哪个学校的?) A:I’m from No.x middle school. (我来自第x中学) 3)Q:What are your hobbies? (你有什么兴趣爱好?) A:I like reading books and playing computer. (我喜欢读书和玩电脑) But I know playing computer too much is bad for me. (但我知道玩电脑太久对我不好) 4)Q:What kind of sports do you like most? (你最喜欢什么运动?) A:I love running because I just like the feeling of running. (我喜欢跑步,我喜欢跑步的感觉) Q:What’s your favorite subject? (你最喜欢的科目是?) A:I love Chinese lesson because Chinese teacher is interesting. (我喜欢语文课因为语文老师很有趣) Q:What’s your favorite vegetable? (你最喜欢什么蔬菜?) Q:What’s your favorite animal? (你最喜欢什么动物?) 5)Q:What day is today? (今天星期几?) A:It’s Sunday. (今天星期天) Q:What’s the weather like? (今天天气如何?) A:It’s sunny./cloudy/rainy today. (今天是晴天/多云/雨天) 6)Q:When do you get up everyday? (你每天几点起床) A:I usually get up at 7 o'clock (我通常7点钟起床) Q:How far is it from your home to the school? (你们家离学校有多远?) A:It's about ten minutes' walk. (走路十分钟) 7)Q:What do you do on weekends (你周末都做些什么?) A:I usually read books. (我通常看点书) 详细回答例子: Firstly, I usually play computer on Saturday morning, and then I go to the library. Then on Sunday, I get up and usually do my homework. 8)Q:How many people are there in your family (你家有多少人) A:My family has four people, father, mother, brother and me. (我家有四个人,爸爸、妈妈、弟弟和我) Q:Who do you like best? (你最喜欢谁) A:I love mom best because she is good to me. (我最喜欢妈妈因为她对我很好) Q:Do you help your mother with the housework? (你有帮妈妈做家务么) A:Yes,sometimes I help my mom sweep the floor.


目前被我们广泛关注的“国际学校”,其中广义上中国的国际学校包含:外籍子女国际学校、公办学校国际部(国际班)、民办国际学校。 一、外籍子女国际学校 首先介绍一下外籍子女国际学校,其实中国最早、最传统的国际学校是由各类合法外籍机构与和合法居留外国人共同开办的,是为了给外籍人员在中国国内子女接受教育提供方便而成立的学校。国际学校实际上它应该被称作为专门为学生就读国外大学而开设的国际课程学校。根据中国法规,外籍子女学校只能招收非中国国籍学生。 外籍子女国际学校入学条件: 目前上海大部分外籍子女国际学校都严格执行上海市教委规定的规定,并招持有外国护照,父母通过合法渠道来沪工作并取得上海市《外国人就业证》和《外国人居留证》子女。 但是以下两种情况的中国公民也可以上外籍子女国际学校:

(1)中国公民在境外出生的子女,持有海外合法出生证的子女; (2)还在在国外求学两年以上,全家已获得居住国家的永居身份,可以申请外籍子女学校的入学资格。 需要注意的是,双重国籍身份是是无法办理《外国人居留证》的,所以对于部分已取得他国护照的家长而言,如果选择不放弃中国居民身份,则无法正常就读这些学校。 二、公办学校国际班 公办学校国际班是引入引入国际课程的公办学校。目前上海的国际班一般是以高中为主,课程主要以IP、AD课程为主。 公办学国际班入学条件: 报考公办高中国际班需要获得上海市中招报名资格且参加初中、高中毕业生,分数要达到市统一划定的高中“提前招生录取”最低控制此外字校还会按统一组织英语能力测式和面试,根据学生的综合素养在全市范围择优选拔。 三、民办国际学校

目前很多民办双语学校在初高中阶段也都引入了国际课程,部分体系、教材和考试进行教学,学校课程以英文教学为主。主要的课程包括IGCSE 课程、Alevel课程。 四、民办国际学校入学条件 民办国际学校的招生分为上海生源和非上海生源。上海生源预录取学生参加本市初中毕业统一学业考试,其考试成绩达到市统一划定的高中“提前招生录取”“最低控制分数线。部分学校要求非上海生源也要参加户籍所在地中考,并达到当地重点高中录取分数线。但都还需要参加该学校自主招生的笔试和面试。 学通国际课程培训中心自2008年起一直致力于ALEVEL、IGCSE、IB、AP、SAT2等主流国际课程中30多门科目的提分与培优,经11年深耕教学,目前已拥有教师团队80余人,其中20%为博士,80%为名校海归硕士,平均国际课程教龄8年以上,每年为学生提供50000小时以上的高品质课程。除常规国际课程培训外,我们还提供“G5全程护航计划”——全天候全脱产式学习,“全球TOP10大学冲击计划”——高考留学两不误双轨制ALEVEL课程,国际学校备考与衔接课程,英国G5名校STEP、MAT、PAT、TSA、牛剑面试等附加考试辅导,海外学校iTEP、Ukiset、AEAS、AEIS、维立克面试等入学考试辅导课程;同时还提供个性化的学术背景提升项目。


(时间:40分钟满分:60分)成绩________ ( )1. Excuse me, What's __________ name? A. your B. our C. my D. me ( )2. She is a girl. ______ name is Rose. A. She B. He C. Her D. His ( )3. -This is John, my friend. --______________________? A. How are you? B. What's your name? C. Glad to meet you. D. How old are you? ( )4. Is this _____ English book? A. an B. a C. 不填 D. the ( )5. There are ____ apples in the box. A. two B. red C. glass D. tree ( )6. ---Can you ____ a bike? ---Yes, I can. A. ride B. by C. drive walk ( )7. This is a friend of ____. He likes movie very much. A. her B. our C. they D. mine ( )8. I ____ go to school now. It’s 7:30. Class will begin at 8:00.. A. can B. may C. must D. would ( )9. ---_________________? ---It’s fine.


二、单项选择(15分) 1. Where’s Simon from? __A____. A. Australia B. French C. English D. Chinese 2. ——__C__ do they think ____ the books? ——They love them. A. How, for B. What, for C. What, of D. How, of 3. ——How were the people there? ——__B__ unfriendly. A. They are B. They were C. He is D. She was 4. ——Do you want to watch this video? ——No, I think it’s _A___. Let’s go to the movies. A. boring B. interesting C. exciting D. funny 5. We like koalas because they’re _C___ cute. A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kind of D. a kind 6. There’re three _____ in the office. A. polices B. policeman C. policemen D. policewoman 7. ____ the park you can see an old hotel. A. Cross from B. Across from C. Turn left D. Next 8. —— Who ____ the supper yesterday? —— My father______. A. did cook, did B. cooked, did C. did, cooked D. cooked, cooked 9. Don’t ____ late for school. —— Sorry, sir. A. arrived B. arrives C.arriving D.arrive 10. ——How’s it going with you?——____. A. Sunny and cool B. Not bad C. Thin and short D. Tall 11.Where are the boys? —— Look! They _______ the flowers. A. are water B. are watering C. is watering D. are watered 12. ——____? ——I’d like a dessert. A. What do you like B. Can I help you C. Would you like a dessert D. What you would like 13. ——Who’s the woman ____ blonde hair?——Oh. It’s Cathy’s mother. A. has B. with C. wear D. of 14. --- How is the weather? ---It’s ______. A. suny B. rains C. cloudy D. wind 15. ——Welcome to China! ——____.


初中英语作文范文- 国际学校的优势和劣势The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nowadays, many celebrities choose to send their children to study in the International school. A lot of people have seen the advantages, because these children are good at English and they are good at many skills. Indeed, International school provides children a good stage to learn English, because they communicate in English. What's more, children can learn many practical skills, like swimming. But there are also disadvantages. The tuition is really expensive and though it is much free

for students to study, many kids form bad behavior because there are no strict rules to follow. In all, International school is a good choice for students to learn knowledge and skills. 如今,许多名人选择把他们的孩子送去国际学校读书。 很多人看到了国际学校的优势,因为那里的孩子擅长英语和许 多技能。事实上,国际学校给孩子们提供了一个很好的学习英 语的平台,因为他们是用英语交流的。更重要的是,孩子们可 以学到很多实用技能,比如游泳。但也有劣势,那就是学费很 贵,还有虽然对学生学习来说是很自由,但是很多孩子会形成 不良习惯,因为没有设定严格的规定。总的来说,国际学校是


[面试考试]京城13家国际班笔试、面试题目大起底 2017年 首师大附国际班 笔试1个小时,主要是考单选,阅读和写作。 第4篇阅读考的题都是文章中的某个单词大意,单词为高考和托福单词,第5,6篇文章主要考主旨大意。英文作文考的是:团队合作的好处。 面试是外教一对一面试。 问题:自我介绍,兴趣爱好,你对于父母禁止你使用手机有什么看法,你对于可以往学校里带手机的想法。 其他:两个中教用英文面,问题: 介绍自己,学校,还有喜欢的课程,为什么?爱好是什么,另外还问曾经去过什么地方,特别喜欢哪里,为什么? 北大附国际班道尔顿学院 北大附一向注重情商的考察,而不是具体学科知识学的怎么样。 今年北大附先进行小组面,就是小组动手任务, 40分钟做一个环保主题的艺术作品,(其他小组主题是光、声音、时间),做完之后让组内讨论,中英文都有,跟外教分享收获; 做完手工去笔试writing, 30分钟,题目: 1.如果别人给你不好的评价的时候,你有什么反应? 2.通过怎样的观察,你知道别人在认真听你说话? 3.如果别人没有认真听你讲话,你要怎么解决? 4.你是不是一个骄傲的人? 5.你为什么来道尔顿? 6.你是现实的还是创新的?

7.你上一个撒过的谎是什么? 8.填一模成绩,你认为一模成绩能完全反映你的学术能力吗?为什么? 9.你中学时代最糟的老师是谁?为什么? 10.你认为自己的优缺点是什么,你理想的大学选的科目是什么,为什么?如果没被录取打算怎样? 笔试中间校长面试,面试问题主要是老外教问的,随机抛出5个问题,可以抢答,每个人都只能回答一个问题,老外教根据你的回答提问,问题: 1.你有没有参加过公益类的社区活动? 2.你有没有什么特别的爱好,比如参加过什么社团,给你带来了什么回报? 3.你最喜欢看什么类型的书,为什么? 4.当遇到困难的时候,你一般采取什么措施解决它,是迎难而上还是回避? 5.关于独立的研究调查,问同学你有没有自主做过一个科学探究,请阐述一下(同学说他研究为什么鸡蛋会有两个黄,为什么长出来的鸡会连在一起) 6.你最喜欢的学术是什么? 师大二附国际班 英语笔试考了2小时。 一先是半小时的听力(看出题风格就是雅思听力题啦)。 听力一共三大篇,三篇听力都是population人口主题。 听力过后考了一个半小时的阅读和写作,阅读考了两大篇,第一篇是讲language的,后面考了五种大题呀,第一题考了全文大意题,第二部分猜词题考了8个,第三部分判断对错题考了10个,然后第四部分是段落大意题,第五部分考了语法的主动变被动,还有被动句变主动句(语法要重视起来哦 ~~~); 第二篇阅读讲了性别歧视的问题,第一个图是线状图,男人女人就业数量比例,第二个是表格图,讲了男女工作时间的对比,考的题目的填空和选择两种题型。 80中国际班 笔试英语考了2小时,数理化一共1小时40分钟;


广州市第16中学初一入学考试英语试题及答 案 四、单项选择 1、There is going to be ____English test ____ next week、 A、 an, a B、 the, a C、 an, / D、 an, the 2、 The farmer saw ____ in the sky、 A、 something strange B、 strange something C、 anything strange D、 strange anything 3、 Hurry up、 There is ____time left、 A、 little B、 a few C、 a little D、 few

4、 I feel hungry、 ____ me something to eat, please、 A、 Take B、 Carry C、 Bring D、 Have 5、–Excuse me、 May I have _____ water? ______、 A、 the, some B、 some, any C、 any, some D、 any, the 6、–I’m sorry I don’t know where the shop is、Please ask the policeman over there、_______、 A、 All right B、it doesn’t matter C、 Not at all D、 Thank all the same 7、 Tell him ____ out of the window、 A、don’t to look B、don’t look C、 not look D、 not to look




笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Lucy and Lily _____ China next week. A. is visit B. are visiting C. visit D. visits ( )2. —How do you go to work? —I usually go to work _____. A. by a car B. in a car C. on a car D. by cars ( )3. —Must I finish my homework now? —No, you _____. A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t ( )4. They each _____ a CD in their bags. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )5. It is a good time _____. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang ( )6. Find the answer _____ the question, please. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( )7. —_____ do you go for a picnic? —Once a month. A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How many time ( )8. —_____ will you stay in America? —About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. How ( )9. She’s good at _____. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ( )10. —Mum, I’ m going to Ann’ s party this evening. —_____. A. Why not B. Have a good time C. Come back early D. Good idea ( )11. —I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. —_____! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to them C. Thand you very much D. It’s OK ( )12. —Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? —Sorry. I’m new here. —_____. A. Not at all B. Bad luck C. Thank you all the same D. Thank you ( )13. —Would you like to go for a picnic with us? —_____, but I’m too busy. A. No, I can’t B. I’d like C. Yes, I’d love to D. Why not ( )14. Leo likes _____, but he doesn’t like _____ now. A. hike; hiking B. hikes; hiking C. hiking; to hike D. hiking; hiking ( )15. The flowers smell _____.


龙盘湖国际学校校园英语口语100句 课堂用语 1.Hello/Hi/ What’s up? 2.How’s your day? (用于一天结束后的询问) 3.How’s it going? 4. How are you? 5. Pretty good/Just fine/Not too bad/Same as ever. 很好/不错/还行/老样子 6. How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样 It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy. 晴天/阴天/雨天 7.See you later./tomorrow.回头见/明天见 8.Take care, bye.保重 9.Not bad - good - very good –great –excellent –brilliant –terrific –fantastic –amazing(程度从低到高)不错-好-很好-很棒-好极了-杰出的-太妙了-简直不可思议-惊艳10. Chinese语文English英语French法语Korean韩语Politics政治History历史Economics 经济Geography地理Physics物理Chemistry化学Biology生物Maths数学Calculus微积分Computer Science计算机科学Music音乐Fine Arts美术P.E.体育 11. Your behavior is disturbing the others and making it difficult for me to do my job.你的行为影响了别人,使我难以开展工作。 12. I can see that you worked really hard我能感觉到你学习非常努力。 13. I like the way you answered the question, but you had difficulty with the middle part.我欣赏你回答问题的方式,但是你的答案还是有点问题。 14. Don't worry, you got a few wrong but I see your improvement.没关系,有点小问题,但是我看到了你的进步。 15. You're getting better every day!你每天都在进步! 16. Let’s start class. = It’s time for class. 上课 17. Next, please.请下一个。 18. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗? 19. Let ‘s review what we learned yesterday.我们复习一下昨天所学的内容。 20. Can you follow me? /Am I clear? 听懂了吗? 21. Please look at the blackboard/picture/slide. 请看黑板/图片/幻灯片。 22. Say/Read after me, please. 请跟我说/读。 23. Practice in pairs/ groups, please. 请按两人一组/小组练习。 24. Put up your hands, please. 请举手。 Hands down, please. 请放下手。 25. demonstration class公开课/观摩课教学 supplementary exam补考 excellent优秀/ good良/ average中/ fail劣 26. Don’t worry, we are here to back you up = we are here to help you. 别着急,我们来帮助你.


小学六年级英语毕业测试卷 (答题时间60分钟,满分100分) 听力部分(满分45分) 一、Listen and choose 听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. nine B. by C. bike ( ) 2. A. speak B. sneakers C. skate ( ) 3. A. light B. right C. night ( ) 4. A. west B. best C. next ( ) 5. A. 3rd floor B. 1st floor C. 5th floor ( ) 6. A. shoes B. shorts C. short ( ) 7. A. It’s windy. B. It’s snowy. C. It’s sunny. ( ) 8. A. skating B. swimming C. ice-skating ( ) 9. A. Amy’s uncle is an accountant. B. Amy’s aunt is an actor. C. Amy is a salesperson. ( ) 10. A. John has a new picture book. B. John has a new story-book. C. John has a new English book. 二、Listen and judge 听录音, 判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应 题号下的括号内打“√”, 不相符的打“×”(共10分) ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) ()4. ( ) 5.


初一英语期末试题 (Unit 1~16) 第一卷(听力部分) 一、听句子,选择与图片一致的选项。(4分) 二、听句子,选择适当的答语。(6分) ( )5.A. How are you? B. How do you do? C.Fine , think you. And you? ( )6.A. Nice to meet you. B. I am very well. C. Thanks a lot. ( )7.A. It is Monday. B. It is eight thirty. C. It is my watch. ( )8.A. They are cats. B. Oh, it is theirs. C. Oh, it is new. ( )9.A. They are English books. B.I think they are our English teacher's. C. They are my good friends. ( )10.A. It's big. B. It's blue. C. It's old. 三、听对话和对话后提出的问题选择正确的答语(5分) ( ) 11. A. Kat'e B. Jim's C. LiLei's ( ) 12. A. 11: 00 B. 10: 55 C.11:05 ( ) 13. A. 11 B. 13 C.12 ( ) 14. A. On Jim's chair. B. On Jim's desk. C. On the bed. ( ) 15. A. It's 34. B. 1t's 43. C. It's 33. 四、根据短文内容,选择正确的答语。(5分) ( )16.I have ________. A. A friend B. two watches C. two friends ( )17. Jim and John are _______. A. teachers B. students C. sisters ( )18._____________ don't have a clock. A. Jim B. John C.A and B ( )19. They ___________ at about ten.


国际学校五年级英语期末 调研卷 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

五年级英语期末调研卷 姓名_________ 班级___________成绩____________ 听力部分:30% 一听录音,选出你所听到的单词( 听一遍 ) (10%) ( ) B. festival C. favor D. family ( ) B. think C. thought D. thank ( )3. A. clap C. clock D. cat ( )4. A. different B. difficult C. delicious D. decision ( )5. A. strange B. street C. tree D. straight ( )6. A. spell B. special ( )7. A. hamburgers B. hot dogs C. hot tea ( )8. A. some B. some times C. some day D. some days ( )9. A. hurry B. hung C. Harry D. hurry up ( )10. A. two million and three thousand B. twelve million and two thousand C. twenty million and thirty thousand D. twenty million and thirteen thousand 二听问句选答句(听两遍)(5%) ( )1. A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, he did. C. Yes, he does. ( )2. A. at eight o’clock B. eleven o’clock C. at eleven o’clock ( ). It was Tuesday. B. It is May 2nd. C. It was May 2nd. ( )4. A. one kilo B. one hundred yuan C. one hundred kilos ( )5. A. never B. an hour C. twice a month ( ). beef B. pineapple C. cucumber ( )7. A. No, I’m not. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, I do. ( )8. That doesn’t matter. B. My pleasure. C. No, I couldn’t. ( ). It’s a new TV. B. It’s very cute. C. There’s a new TV ( )10. He likes coffee. B. He is gentle . C. She is really beautiful. 三听录音,判断正误用T / F表示(听两遍)(5%) ( )1. Mike’s classmates say Mike has a big head. ( )2. Mike’s mother thinks Mike has a big head, too. ( )3. They want to go to shop for some fruit. ( )’s mother has a big hat. ( )5. Mike really has a big head. 四听录音选择正确的答案(听两遍)(5%) ( )1. Peter is a _________ child. A. friendly B. small


考研复试在自我介绍完之后,老师就会开始问你问题。这里列出一些常见的问题,可以认真准备。注意在准备的过程中,要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。要不然很容易被考官抓住把柄,问个没完,这样很容易因紧张而露出马脚哦。 另外,在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主小辫子了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。 传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、"What can you tell me about yourself?" ("关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?") This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations. 这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。 The following is a good example of a positive response. "In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important, but for me, it was even more

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