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一. 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题1分,共


( )1. The sea was _______ at the beg inning of our voyage. But after a while a storm was coming.

A. quiet

B. calm

C. sile nt

D. still

( )2. Tom is able to lift the heavy box to the truck. He is full of ______ .

A. stre ngth

B. force

C. en ergy

D. power

( )3. She soon ______ h erself and stopped crying.

A. got back

B. ren ewed

C. found

D. recovered

( )4. These coun tries have _______ too many wars.

A. got through

B. gone through

C. looked through

D. run through

( )5. He asked us _______ we saw the lost cat or not.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. whether

( )6. They hurried into the room to see ______ with their baby.

A. what the matter was

B. what was the matter

C. what matter it was

D. what matter was it

( )7. I ' m sorry to have broken your glasses. I mean I didn __________ . ' t do it _

A. for pleasure

B. on purpose

C. in retur n

D. in deed

( )8. The soldiers saved a lot of people in that area. The people there are very ______ to them.

A. tha nk

B. happy

C. grateful

D. grate

( )9. Tom is playi ng hide-a nd-seek. Do you know his _____ place?

A. hidde n

B. hide

C. hidi ng

D. hid

( )10. The stude nts in my class ______ fifty-four.

A. add up to

B. add to

C. add up

D. add in

( )11. The Tita nic sank on its first ______ , and a great many people lost their lives.

A. travel

B. voyage

C. trip

D. journey

( )1 2. I ' ll come _____ to the point —your work isn ' t good eno ugh.

A. straightly

B. right

C. straight

D. direct

( )13. The stude nts _____ busily whe n the teacher went to get a book she _______ in the office.

A. had writte n; has left

B. were writi ng; has left

C. had writte n; had left

D. were writi ng; had left

—For just a few days. I ll be back home n ext week.

A. have you stayed

B. do you stay

C. did you stay

D. are you stay ing

()15. Of all my En glish teachers, ____ h as bee n to Australia.

A. none

B. no one

C. each

D. n either




Hello. This is as good a way as any to welcome you to this passage.

The word “ hello ” is 16 used more often than any other one in the English Ianguage.

Everybody in the Un ited States and elsewhere 17 the word, aga in and aga in, every day of the week.

The first thing you hear when you 18 the phone is “ hello ” .

Where did the word come from? There are all sorts of beliefs. Some say it came from the Fren ch,

“ ho” and "la ”一" Ho, there! 19 Thismay have arrived in En gla nd duri ng the year 1066.

“ Ho, there ” slowly became20 that sounded like “ hallow ” , often heard in the 1300 Two hundred years later, “ hallow h a d become “ halloo And later, sounds like “ halloa and

“ hallo ” were often used by sailors and huntsmen, 21 " Haused today by fox hunters.

As time 22 , “ halloo ” and “ halloa ” changed.iAtod during hmd800 isvsath

how people greeted each other in America.

The America n inven tor, Thomas Edis on, is believed to be the 23 pers on to use “ hello ”

in the late 1800 ' s, soon after the invention of the telephone.

At first, people had greeted each other on the teleph one 24 “ Are you there? Theywere

n ot sure the new in strume nt could really 25 voices.

Thomas Edis on, however, was a man of 26 words. He wasted no time. The first time he

picked up the phone he did not ask if anyone was there. He was ____ 27 __ some one was, and simply

said, “ Hello ”.

From that time on — only about 100 years ago, the “ hullo ” became “ hello ” as it is heard toda Of course, there are other 28 America ns greet one ano ther. Not long ago, people ofte n

said, “ How are you? ” whe n they first met some one. This later became “ hiyah ” . Then

that two syllables were too much and “ hiyah became “ hi "Laz in ess is a stro ng force in _29 Ian guage.