当前位置:文档之家› 雅思口语PART2人物类



People Cards:

Tape script:

It’s a ctually quite hard for me to choose just one member of my family as I feel close to all o them, but I get on very well with my younger sister, Sara, so I’ll talk about her. Um… she’s 18 months younger than I am, but we are very similar in personality. We’re both outgoing and … quite noisy. And we enjoy the same things … um… the same books … er … the same music, even the same friends. Um… on the other hand, we’re totally different in looks. She’s much taller than I am , even though she’s younger. Er… another thing is that I have dark hair while she has fair hair. I also have slightly darker skin that hers. Um… with her fair skin, she has freckles, which I don’t, of course. I suppose the reason that we’re close is because we share the same character and intere sts. In my opinion, that’s why it is important in a relationship – to have things like that in common. And I think we’re close because we’re nearly the same age as each other and we grew up doing things together. Appearances and Personalities:


Carefree Outgoing

Self-confident Sensitive

Thoughtful Generous

Honest Fun-loving

Loyal Serious

Laid-back Sociable

Amusing Reliable

Open-minded Affectionate

Considerate Quiet

Practical Intelligent

Talented Creative

Ambitious Hardworking

Authoritative Single-minded

She always looks happy.

She is great fun


We’re fairly /very similar in character/ personality/ looks

We’re both shy/ outgoing/ hardworking

We’re both tall/ dark/thin

We both have large eyes/ a round face/ a small mouth

We enjoy/like/dislike the same sort of books/music/ sports

On the other hand

At the same time


We’re rather/ totally different in looks/ our interests/ our temperaments

I’m slightly/ much more serious/ more outgoing than her/ him

She/he’s slightly /much taller/ fatter/ older than me

I have dark skin/ hair while/ whereas he/she has fair skin/hair

I’m shy/ hardworking while/ whereas he/she has outgoing/lazy

While I enjoy pop music he/ she enjoys classical music.


He is a tall guy with sh ort, dark hair. He is always elegant even when he’s wearing jeans and a T-shirt. He always wears a suit and tie for work. He usually wears glasses but he takes them off when not working because he thinks he looks more handsome without them!

She always wears casual clothes.

He always wears sneakers, even for work!


1. Jane is very nice--- she’s very friendly. I always got on quite well with her. She is always ready to help others. She is a person you can always turn to in trouble. The only thing is she does tend to talk quite a lot. You know, she is one of those people who just go on and go, and you know it’s hard to stop her once she starts talking. I find her quite boring sometimes, actually.

2. She is a determined woman and wants to do everything for herself. She has a great sense of humour and is very amusing. She is very considerate and generous, always doing things for other people. She is a great mother in most ways, kind, patient and caring. But sometimes I feel she is a bit too strict with me.

3. I don’t think I am a very serious person. I really enjoy having a good time, laughing. A lot of people say I’m practical and I’m very good with my hands, mending machines or something. I’m very fond of modern dance and I like swimming, joggi ng. I love travelling, and I’m very fond of music. I play the piano and I enjoy listening to music too. I like to be noticed.

4. He is a strong leader. He is tough and knows what he wants and doesn’t let anything stand in his way. He is good-looking, well-mannered and has a lot of charm. He has firm views.

5. He loves telling jokes. He is a well-informed man and keeps up to date with all the current affairs. He likes to talk and give his view on life. He is very successful. When he sets himself a goal, he works hard to attain it and to achieve it. He knows what he wants and he’ll set out to get it. He is also very efficient and organized. He plans everything. He never comes late or fails to meet the deadline. He seems to have inexhaustible energy and is often prepared to work long hours. As a result, he is successful.

6. She is extremely soft-hearted. She will always help anybody because she can’t stand seeing anyone unhappy. She may looks like the kind of person who never says a word, but she’s rea lly talkative. She always tells very long stories and never stops talking. She is the one person I always want to work with. She is an expert in her field but never feels too proud to teach and help others. She is also a good planner. She plans every thing sand is good at making things happened in the way she plans. So she is very efficient. And she’s so witty. She always tells the best jokes and makes everyone laugh.

Famous persons:

Bill Gates:

Bill Gates is seen as a man who reinvented American business. Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer made computers and the Internet an indispensable part of life to many people.

Bill Gates is definitely a genius. He wrote his first computer program at 13. At the time computers were still as big as a room. Still in high school he and his friend founded their own computer company. He went to the best American university Harvard but dropped out to build Microsoft. In1986, when Microsoft went public, Gates became a paper billionaire at the age of 31. in 1995, Gates dramatically change the direction of the entire company and focused on the Internet.

Gates is also a generous giver. He established the Gates Millennium Scholarship Program, which will support promising students through college and some kinds of graduate school; and donated $750 million over five years to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. With a reported fortune of $54 billion, Gates is one of the world’s most powerful and rich man.

Michael Jordan:

Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in New York. He played for the University of North Carolina. In a National Basketball Association(NBA) career that began in 1985, he became one of basketball’s most exciting players as a guard(后卫)for the Chicago Bulls, and is generally considered to be the greatest player who ever played the game.

Jordan shocked the basketball world by retiring from the game in 1993, after which he pursued(追求) a professional(职业的)baseball (棒球)career, but he rejoined the Bulls in 1995, leading them to victory again in the NBA championships in 1996 and 1997. in 1998, he let the Bulls to their sixth NBA title of the decade(十年). Jordan retired from the NBA in January 1999. At the age of 38, in September 2001 the basketball giant(巨人)announced his second return to the NBA, joining the Washington Wizards(华生顿奇才队).

Michael Jordan is one of the world’s most recognizable athletes. He reworked the image of the NBA, turned it into a global game and rewrote the record books. He is a five-time league Most Valuable Player (最有价值球员), and six-time Finals MVP(决赛中最有价值球员). His shots are heart-stopping(扣人心弦).he is also the most marketable(有商业价值的)athlete in history. Throughout all these years, Jordan has won over millions of fans with his superb(超凡的)skills, nice personality and ultimate devotion(无比的奉献)to basketball. Besides being an excellent basketball player, Jordan is also a tremendously(巨大的)successful businessman. He used his famous name and significant capital (雄厚的资本)to launch(建立)a number of successful business.

The person who have the biggest influence on me

The person who had the biggest influence on my life is my grandfather. My grandparents have been taking care of me since my parents were divorced. I feel a debt of gratitude (感激之情)to them for always being there for me through hard times.

My grandfather has always been my role model. I have long admired the success he had in the military, athletics, and the field of education. My goal in life is to be just like him. Because of his strong influence, I find the military fascinating. He has supported my interest in the military, and he was very proud of me when I joined the army.

I also admire my grandfather’s devotion towards education. He founded a military academy (军校)in Puerto Rico. It was a school that quickly became one of Puerto Rico’s best and which I attended(加入).

His accomplishments(成就)have been a great inspiration (激励)for me. He has been a guiding force(指引的力量)in my life, showing me that one can accomplish anything with enough time and effort(努力). I hope to inherit his virtues (继承他的美德)and lead a life that would make him proud.

My recommendation


一、开头点题(3-4句话) WHO:

who + appearance + personality

Who: I think somebody is a adj person who v me.

Appearance: Good looking / Handsome / Beautiful / Pretty / Cute / Well-built / Slim / Stout / Thin / Tall / Short in stature

He/she is/looks gorgeous/good/perfect/special

He/she is the most ___ I have ever seen.

I have never seen such a beautiful lady like her.

Personality: Kind / Generous / Tender / Warm-hearted / Easygoing / Gentle / Hospitable / Shy /

Responsible / Independent / Honest / Down-to earth / Mean / Annoying / Difficult

He is a kind person.

He’s always willing to offer help to others.

He’s such a warm-hearted person.

He is a bad/mean/disgusting/annoying guy.

He’s a difficult person to deal with/ get along with.


1. 他有哪些品质:wisdom,hope, perseverance等等

2. 具体例子:stories 与题目相关


I first met this person when……At that time, I was adj

We’ve been friends since ……I used to be adj at first.


But he / she __did sth____

However, I was very lucky in that I had a __sb __ who ___v__

What’s more _______

Further more________

Not only ______ but also________


After that, I have been more……



And mos t importantly, …… has influenced me to be more……



I guess sb is a adj person who _____.

I have known him/her for ___ years. He/she is one of the most adj person I have ever seen.

I remember when I ____, I used to _____. But fortunately, I met him/her when I was extremely down.

He/she taught me that _____. From then on, I gradually learnt that ______ and have become a more adj person.

Without his/her help, I could never be as adj as I am today. That’s why I always believe he/she is a adj person that I’d never forget.

Old people/family member/Relatives/People influence you most

Part 2

I think my grandpa is an old person who has greatly influenced me. I used to live in my grandparents’ home until I was 15 years old. My grandma passed away when I was very young. Since both of my parents were very busy and did not have time to take care of me, my grandpa was the only one I remember who always stayed with me.

What’s more, he greatly influenced me in that he taught me to view things with economic principles. As an economist, he always says: Everyone is a rational economic person. Influence by his ideas, I am gradually starting to believe that this world is actually far more organized than we believed.

So, that’s why I guess my grandpa is an old person who deeply influenced me. He is not the most intelligent person I’ve ever seen, but he’s definitely the wisest one.

Part 3

What’s the difference between the young and the old in China?

China is developing at an astonishing speed, so there are a great many new things coming to China every year. (表示发展快速的万能句)Young people seem to have accepted new things more quickly while older people are usually more conservative.(表示年轻人和老年人区别的万能句)

What’s the attitude of people in your country to old people?

In China, it is our tradition to respect senior people. Anyway, they are someone who had contributed to creating our lives today.

What’s the influence of old people in their homes?

I suppose old people are sometimes wiser and more considerate than younger people. They may serve as a kind of spiritual support in the family.

What problems do old people have in today’s society?

I don’t know other countries. But in china, I think old people’s biggest problem is how to make their health insurance more guaranteed. This is an important problem which needs to be considered by Chinese government. (所有社会问题都可以用的句子)

Child/Toy/Activity in childhood/Neighbor/Friend/Roommate

Part 2

I’d like to tell you something about my cousin-a little boy named Fang Qiangqiang. He is 6 years old and in this Sep, he’ll go to a primary school/kindergarten.

He is a very cute chubby boy. Round faced with big bright eyes, and usually neatly dressed, he always seems very smart. And he actually is.

He loves listening to pop music. When he was five years old, my grandma bought him a little guitar as his birthday present. He loves that guitar so much that every day you can see him playing the guitar, singing and dancing, pretending that he is holding a big concert. When there are some guests at home, he always offers to perform several songs for them.

I have to say he is the cutest child I have ever seen. We all love him very much because he is so extrovert Part 3

Who do you think is luckier? Children in the past or at present?

I can hardly generalize which generation is happier. Children in the past may not have as many toys as they have now. But with the fast economic development, children today seem to be confined to their homes which may prevent them from getting close to the nature.

What’s the influence or pressure brought to children by their schools or parents?

I often hear people say that they feel children today are facing too much stress. And they always emphasize how happy they were 30 years ago, because they could always have fun after class. But nowadays, children have to do so much homework after they go home. Of course children want to have fun, but they are forced by their parents and schools to fulfill their ambitions. In my opinion, this is quite unfair for children.

What do you think of the education in primary schools in China?

I don’t know much about the education in primary s chools nowadays. But I remember when I was young, I did not like going to school at all. Because teachers were too strict with students when they failed to get a high mark in exams.

What did you like to do when you were a child?

I liked listening to story tapes. I always listened to different stories over and over again until I could retell the whole story.

Famous Person Model One


I first watched his movie / game (when)______

Body example:

1. a movie / a game

He starred as _____ in (电影名)______.

He attend _____ match when _________

2. How do you feel?

He did such a great job that _____

He was so excellent that ________

3. What compliment did he/she get?

His performance was highly valued by many critics.

His performance earned him _award__ for _____


I think he / she is the most _____ I have ever seen. That’s why I like him / her a lot.

Famous Person Model Two


I think he becomes a super star because ______

I guess the most important reason for him to be a super star is ______

I suppose he can stand where he is now because_____

Body example:

When (情况1)_______, he _________;

When (情况2)________, he _________.


So I guess people like him not only because _____, but also because ________.

Movie Star/Successful Person/famous singer or musician/Artist

Part 2

There is a famous American actor that I like very much-Leonardo DiCaprio.

I first watched his movie 12 years ago. It was a movie made in 1993. He co-starred as the mentally handicapped brother to Jonny Depp in What’s eating Gilbert Grape. He was so excellent that I thought he was really mentally disabled for a long time. His performance earned him both Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for best supporting actor (actor, actress, supporting actress). The move from “star” to “superstar” came when DiCaprio played Jack Dawson in the 1997 film Titanic, which soon became the most successful film of all time and received 11 Oscars . In fact, he was so famous at that time that some critics even created a word “Leo-Mania” to describe his super popularity. The previous one who was dubbed “mania” was the Beatles in 1960s, known as the “Beatles-Mania”.

I think he can stand where he is now because he is a person who’s never satisfied with his current status. When people said he gained fame by his pretty face, he put on weight quickly; when people said he was only a shallow movie st ar, he made a documentary to arouse people’s concern of protecting our environment. So I guess people like him not only because of his movies, but also because of his environmental concerns.

In a word, I think Leo can always give you new surprises. And t hat’s why I like him very much.

Part 3

What kind of characters do you like in the movies?

I like some one who can not be simply defined as good or bad. He may does a lot of bad things. But in the end, people find that he turns to be a bad guy because he has a very painful childhood. I like characters that present the complexity of human nature.

What’s the influence of movies on children?

Children are always vulnerable. When they watch movies about love and care, they’ll learn to treat others nicely; but if they watch movies full of violence, it is definitely not a good thing for them.

Do you think movie star’s life style is changing people’s lives?

Yes. The most obvious example is more Chinese people are getting used to wearing jeans because we watched so many movies in which the beautiful actress and handsome actors are always wearing jeans.

Do you think government should control what movie can be shown?

I think government should set different rates to classify different movies. For example, some movies are with complicated content, but they may have too many violent scenes. In that case, this kind of movies should be rated as only for adults.

Sports Star/Leader/Successful person

Part 2

Like most Chinese people, my favorite sports star is Yao Ming.

Yao is a professional basketball player who plays for the Houston Rockets of NBA.

Yao was born in Shanghai. He started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager, and he played on their senior team for five years in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), winning a championship in his final year. He entered the 2002 NBA draft, and was selected by the Houston Rockets as the first overall pick of the draft. Since then, American basketball fans have noticed that there was a Chinese face appearing in their basketball courts.

I like him ve ry much because he’s a very hard working person. The disappointing truth is that the Rockets have not advanced past the first round of the playoffs since he joined the team, and he has missed significant time due to injury in the past years. However, you c an see he’s always training hard under such a great pressure.

I assume he’s a person who will never give up easily. That’s why I like him.

Part 3

What sports do you often do?

I seldom do sports. But I sometimes walk home. You can count it as my favorite sport, I guess.

Do you think it is reasonable for sports stars to earn much more money than others?

I think it’s reasonable. Because when you are valuing how much money a person gets, the most important standard is to measure how much he creates. People are willing to pay money to see their favored sports stars.

So considering how many people they attract, it’s reasonable for sports stars to get a high income.

Why are there so many fans in favor of one team?

I guess people love watching sports games because we all want to see someone do something we ourselves can never do. These people have created miracles just in front of us. The more fantastic their performance is, the more fans they’ll attract.

Do you think sports stars should behave themselves?

Yes. Sports stars are symbols of healthy life. If you find a famous sports star is actually a drug addict, you can imagine how disappointed people will feel. A recent case is the famous Olympic champion, Michael Phelps.


雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 首先我们来说说“一件从数学中学到的事情”,拿到这个话题,先不要急着回答,可以用笔稍微构思一下思路,该怎么回答。首先,可以说一下这件事是什么、发生在什么时候,也就是作文中的事件和事件,这里需要注意的就是具体描述一下什么事但是又不能啰嗦累赘,而时间则可以大致概括点明即可。我们就从资料中的例子来说:高中的时候从乘法表中学到的一件事。 然后,要具体叙述一下这件事,即是最重要的部分,发生的地方、牵扯到的人物、以及这件事情影响到你的原因,为什么影响到你…… 资料例子来说:在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。这件事情使我明白了,生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。 而这里的例子看似像我们中文作文中的思路,但是关键在于它表述方式以及用词造句,不能太中式化。这里的重点,就是描述事件经过,即“在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。”而老师的话则是重中之重,因为他让我明白了道理“生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。”也是我深深牢记的原因,以及这件事对我影响深刻的原因。

而最后,只需要简单概括,从这件事中学到的东西即可。其实这个话题思路并不是很难,关键在于烤鸭们的表述以及词汇的积累。 其实,大家都知道事件类话题是雅思口语考试中最简单的、最容易描述,却也是最常见的话题,所以大家要多注意积累素材、思考思路。其实“A way of communication”和“A good parent”这两个话题也可以用这个例子来阐述回答,而最关键的则是把老师的那段话稍作转述即可。例如,“A way of communication”我们可以先描述手机及其性能作用,以及现今的流行趋势,然后从一件事引到交流方式,还是那件事,还是那写话,只不过要突出老师用短信的方式告知我,最后,简单概述手机的用处及好处即可。是不是很简单呢?同样的,“A good parent”只需要根据情况把那些话转述为父母亲对你说的话,已经对你的影响,所以一个模板真的是百用哦! 那么我们赶紧来看看还有哪些话题可以这样转换呢? 多米诺骨牌效应:=Something you learned from math=Something you learned from your family=A piece of advice=A change you had=An important stage in your life=A text message you got=A letter you got=An E-mail you got=A way of communication=An important decision you made=A person who helped you=A kind thing someone did to you=A family member you love talking to=A good parent=An elderly family member=A neighbor=A good friend=A teacher=A science course you took=A subject you love/d at school=Your personality=First day of college=Your experience of getting money as a gift=Your experience of getting congratulations=A person you helped=A thing your friend did made you admire.

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 健康生活方式.doc

雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a healthy lifestyle you know 描述一个你知道的健康生活方式 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 虽然现在绝大多数年轻人的生活都处于亚健康状态,但我们却掌握着大量的健康相关知识。因此这个话题应该难度不大。我们可以聊聊早睡早起不熬夜,经常运动(有氧无氧),不吃垃圾食品,不抽烟喝酒等。如果觉得这些话题都有些大,我们也可以想想自己身上有哪些不健康的地方,然后反着说就好了。比如最近变得越来越胖,那我们就说吃饭要适量才比较健康;比如最近天天学习,没有时间运动,那么就可以说无论去哪都走路,增加运动的机会。 题目 Describe a healthy lifestyle you know You should say: How you know it What it is What one would do living in this lifestyle And explain why it is healthy 参考答案 下面给小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案: 。 The healthy lifestyle I am going to tell you is early to bed and early to rise. I do not remember when and where I first heard about this saying. But my parents keep repeating it recently and hope I can follow their advice. They believe staying up late has a negative impact on health and can cause various disease. 我要告诉你的健康生活方式是早睡早起。我不记得第一次是在哪里听到的这一说法。但爸爸妈妈最近说的很多,并且希望我能够这样子做。他们认为我每天晚上熬到深夜对健康不好,可能会导致各种个样的疾病。 According to my parents, one had better go to bed before 11 o’clock in the evening and get up at about 7 o’clock in the morning. Even if you cannot fall asleep immediately, this article is from laokaoya website, closing your eyes and lying on the bed is better than doing other things. This is in chord with a person’s internal clock, and thus


前面我们为大家讲述了五大类雅思口语part3的问题类别,本文将为大家继续介绍剩下的四种问题形式,希望大家对雅思口语part3的几大常见出题形式都能够了如指掌张。 1. 解决类问题形式 解决类问题形式顾名思义,指在part3中对某个事物发展趋势的不足或缺陷提出的单一或者一系列的解决方案。从思路上来讲,可分为两大类。第一类:正式的社会问题;第二类:日常生活中的一些小问题。下面我们可以看看具体的问题形式(这里只是总结的常见形式,仅供参考) Interviewer: Facing so many disadvantages, do you think there are some effective ways to deal with this situation? Interviewee A: Well, based on the disadvantages of this issue, I think there are some effective methods to deal with the situation. From the government's perspective, a series of rules and regulations should be carried out based on the currently unsatisfactory situation. Hum ... sounds like a good idea. As far as individuals are concerned, everybody should do whatever it takes to comply with all the relevant rules and regulations. Interviewee B: Actually, there are plenty of ways to do.... I guess the top priorit y is …There is no way for ...to ...Another thing ...Besides,...sounds brilliant. 从上述例子可以看出,面对这两类问题,有不同的作答方式和侧重点。如果是正式的社会问题如答案A,可从政府和个人两方面出发进行分析、阐述并提出改善办法(通常是有问题、弊病,需要解决);如果是日常生活中的一些小问题如答案B,可从自身经验中来总结回答,通常是针对如何做成某件事情,事情本身没有弊病或者不尽如人意之处。列出你认为的一些行之有效的法子就可以了。在这个环节上考生要做到对各个方面分析到位、深入,语言精准。当然最重要的还是对观点的自然表达。这类问题有点类似于雅思大作文的社会层面的话题分析,最后发表自己的观点,所以在积累素材的时候也可以参照大作文。 2. 展望类问题形式 所谓展望类,是指在第三部分中对某个事件将来的期待值提问。一般在考试的时候展望型的话题是就一个事件几个不好的方面在说出解决方案后,对未来进行的一个展望。考生一般都会尽量从乐观的方面出发对将来进行展望,当然也有喜忧参半或是忧大于喜的情况。 下面来看看具体的问题形式: Interviewer: What do you think of the future of....? Interviewee: Although the whole thing has a lot of disadvantages, I still prefer to look on the bright side. Call me optimistic or whatever, I mean, nothing on this planet is perfect. It is not like I deliberately

雅思口语part 2 人物篇

Describe an old person who you admire (描述一个老人) You should say: Who this person is What does he or she look like What kind of person he or she is Explain why you admire this person ANS: Speaking of the old person I admire, the first one springing to my mind is my grandpa. My grandpa is over 70 years old, but looks much younger than he actually is. He is of medium weight and medium height. He looks very energetic and charismatic My grandpa used to work in a large and state-owned company. After retirement he liked practicing Tai Chi, walk the birds, play chess and so on. He is a very warm-hearted, humorous and experienced man. The reason why I admire my grandpa is that he taught me a lot in left. First, he taught me to respect people around me and be an honest person. He is popular in our neighborhood because he is friendly to everyone. Also, he has taught me that how to face the life positively. Anyway, I believe my grandpa has an important influence on me. Describe a school friend who you remember well (描述一个同龄人:邻居或朋友) You should say: What does he or she look like What kind of person he or she is How you became friends Explain why you remember him or she so well ANS: Speaking of a school friend I remember, the first one springing to my mind is Amy. She was 16 years old at that time with an oval face. I remember her sparkling eyes and small red mouse very well. There is always a big smile on her face. She was the most warm-hearted an d sweetest person I’ve ever met. She was a sound person, who has perfect natural temperament. We began to talk with each other after class. Little by little, we became best friends and we like peas and carrots. I think the main reason I can remember her so well is because we have many things are similar. We always help each other and support each other. She always gives me a listening ear, a helping hand and the most sincere words. She knew the things that I wouldn’t tell anyone else. I definitely missed her a lot after I graduated from secondary school.


Describe an interesting foreigner you know You should say Who is this?person What does this person do How did you know this person Why do you think this person is interesting Approximately 30 years ago while traveling for business I met an elderly Japanese man I found fascinating. While traveling together I had the honor of hearing about his life. He spoke perfect English with a slight British Accent. He told me learning English was discouraged when he was growing up. However, the challenge of rebelling and learning English was too great. He learned English by listening to the BBC shortwave radio broadcasts and reading anything in English he could find. His language?ability?served him well in later years when he would serve as a?companion?translator to Japanese businessmen and English speaking businessmen in Japan and abroad. As the war in the Pacific dragged on, and it became apparent that Japan was losing, he was drafted into service by the Japanese military and trained to fly at a young age. He was pressed into service to be a Kamikaze. During his first battle he was shot down before he could crash his airplane into its target. He was rescued and imprisoned until the end of the war. The Japanese government thought he had died in battle. Therefore, he no longer officially existed. His family stayed together and alive due to being eligible for food rations. Since he did not officially exist, he could not receive any rations. His stories of subsisting during the post war occupation were sad and unsettling. I subsequently had several opportunities to spend time with him both in the US and Japan. During that time in my career I tried to learn enough Japanese to be a polite visitor. But I also tried to learn as many Japanese colloquialisms and swear words to unexpectedly spring on him for laughs. About 10 years after meeting him, I learned that he had passed away. A most interesting individual whom I admired and was saddened by his passing.


雅思口语part2卡片的五大类: 1人物类,family member, famous person, friend, teacher, leader, intelligent person, person good at cooking etc… 2地点,a place near the water, park, ideal room, small shop, historical building, library etc…. 2经历,traffic jam, science course, game, happy event, picnic, outdoor activity etc… 4物品,daily used high-tech object, handicraft, piece of furniture, old things, uniform……. 5媒介,newspaper, film, book, advertisement, piece of music, TV program…. 备考: 熟悉各种话题的描述,平时累计一些素材,比如关于一种野生动物,一处名胜古迹、一部电影等,尤其是要准备自己不太熟悉的以及具有普遍语言和观点难度的话题,如法律,科学培训经历等。 在陈述过程中 我们要能够对某些事物进行具体的描述, 或者有调理地叙述事件或者是经历, 甚至进行虚拟场景的假设, 在第二部分的回答中,一般答案分成三个部分 1,引言描述(基本介绍) what is your favorite….? When…. How often 2,一般描述(实例部分) what is … tell a story 3,重点描述(特别影响) why do you… what are the effects… 考的是什么? 语言表达和组织能力。 不足一分钟会被扣分 超过两分钟会被打断进入第三部分 可以讲卡片分门别类,给出每一个类别总结出必须谈到的要点 白纸: 一分钟


People Cards: It’s actu ally quite hard for me to choose just one member of my family as I feel close to all o them, but I get on very well with my younger sister, Sara, so I’ll talk about her. Um… she’s 18 months younger than I am, but we are very similar in personality. We’re both outgoing and … quite noisy. And we enjoy the same things … um… the same books … er … the same music, even the same friends. Um… on the other hand, we’re totally different in looks. She’s much taller than I am , even though she’s younger. Er… another th ing is that I have dark hair while she has fair hair. I also have slightly darker skin that hers. Um… with her fair skin, she has freckles, which I don’t, of course. I suppose the reason that we’re close is because we share the same character and interests. In my opinion, that’s why it is important in a relationship – to have things like that in common. And I think we’re close because we’re nearly the same age as each other and we grew up doing things together. Appearances and Personalities: Personalities: Carefree Outgoing Self-confident Sensitive Thoughtful Generous Honest Fun-loving Loyal Serious Laid-back Sociable Amusing Reliable Open-minded Affectionate Considerate Quiet Practical Intelligent Talented Creative Ambitious Hardworking Authoritative Single-minded She always looks happy. She is great fun Comparing: We’re fairly /very similar in character/ personality/ looks We’re both shy/ outgoing/ hardworking We’re both tall/ dark/thin We both have large eyes/ a round face/ a small mouth We enjoy/like/dislike the same sort of books/music/ sports On the other hand At the same time Contrasting: W e’re rather/ totally different in looks/ our interests/ our temperaments I’m slightly/ much more serious/ more outgoing than her/ him She/he’s slightly /much taller/ fatter/ older than me


雅思口语Part2人物类话题高分范文:我想见的人之抗疫英雄钟南山 上周四,申友雅思举办了一场雅思全科进阶公开课,涵盖听力、口语、阅读、写作四科。四位申友雅思名师亲自上 而我们Elaine老师则是分享了雅思口语Part2人物类话题的高分秘籍,深受本期学员的好评! 申友雅思名师Elaine:对外经贸翻译硕士,口语7.5分,有10+年英语教学经验,曾经1对1培训雅思考生,10课时口语提分1.5分! 本次公开课中,Elaine老师主要就以下几部分讲解雅思口语Part2人物类话题技巧: 答题注意事项与人物类话题拓展思路 人物类最新&高频话题精讲 人物类“移花接木”大法 申友雅思今天将分享其中一篇范文,该篇范文针对目前全球最关注的话题,分享了一位来自中国的英雄,可以说是非常贴合时事! 雅思口语Part2人物类话题:Describe a person you saw in the news who you really want to meet You should say: How you know about this person When and where do you want to meet him or her Why you want to meet this person And explain how you might feel after meeting the person As you know, in January 2020, it coincided with the Chinese lunar New Year, the year of the rat, China experienced one of the world's greatest catastrophes -- the outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. During the outbreak, all Chinese people united to fight against the


雅思口语Part 2范文 人物类: Describe a good parent you know. You should say: ?Who the parent is ?How you know the parent ?What the parent looks like ?And explain why you think the parent is good. Ok right then, well the parent I'd like to talk about is the mother of a good friend of mine, and the reason for choosing to talk about her is that my friend is always going on about how lucky he is to have such a nice mum. And from what I know about her, I'd say he's absolutely right! Anyway, as for how I know her, well it's basically due to the fact that I went to the same middle school as her son. And because we became pretty good friends, we ended up seeing quite a lot of each other's parents, especially during the holidays when we often went over to each other's homes. And regarding what his mother looks like, well interestingly enough, she actually looks pretty similar to my own mother, because they both have quite round faces and long wavy hair. Having said that though, I've noticed that my friend's mother often ties her hair up in a bun, whereas my mother usually always keeps it down. And another thing to mention would be that whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes of some sort, which I guess is probably because red suits her quite well. But anyway, finally then, with regard to why I think she's a good parent, well I'd say there are quite a few reasons, one of which would be that she's always been fully supportive to her son. And just to give you an example, when he was deciding what major to study at university, he ended up choosing music. And his mother gave him her full support, which is probably not what many other parents would have done, as music doesn't really leave open a lot of career choices, if you know what I mean! And I think it's fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their children to do things which they think are best for them, but my friend has said that his parents have never been like this with him, especially his mother. So I kind of get the impression that she's never forced him to do anything against his will, and has always let him make his own decisions, which I think is really great. Notes: always going on about = always saying end up doing sth. = 最终做某事 interestingly enough = 说来有趣 Having said that though = 不过话说回来 of some sort = 某种 just to give you an example = for example be fully supportive = gave sb. one’s full support 全力支持 leave open a lot of career choices = 好就业 I think it's fair to say that = I think it's true to say that...... = 我觉得可以说...... So I kind of get the impression that = I get the feeling that...... = 我有点感觉到...... against one’s will = 违背意愿,不得已


10类常考事件类题型。 1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to 2. family event (birthday party or wedding) 3. A recent change in your life 4. A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child 5. some good advice you received 6. occasion when you were late 7. project or homework assignment 8. an enjoyable event 9. a time you helped someone 10. a visitor to your home (how you entertained him/her) 事件类题目所包含主要信息: 1.种类 2.时间 3.地点 4.原因 5.人物 6.结果 7.印象 A happy experience in your life:(这个地方你是不是工作和过?这个经历有没有改变你?这个地点可不可以是名胜呢?是不是去过的一个城市?这个地方你拍照了吗?是不是一次旅游?等等) 事件Place=Experience(变型:tourist attraction ,a happy experience ,a city you have visited)

题情分析:2012年6月30日雅思口语考试几乎没有新题,只是有些话题进行了旧题换新。事件题 A happy family news(北京、厦门、南京)6月16日出现的新话题 When What And explain why it made you happy Part 3 How do your family members communicate with each other? Are there any differences of the communicating methods nowadays and in the past? What kinds of communicating methods will appear as the technology develops? An occasion you have to be polite(重庆、北京、乌鲁木齐) Describe an occasion you have to be polite. when. where, how to be polite Part 3 What are the differences between being polite and being formal? When do you need to express your true feelings? An experience that make you laugh (重庆、长沙、长春) Describe a thing or experience make you laugh Y ou should say: What the event was When and where it happened Who participated in this event What you saw or did And explain why this event made you laugh A free day (哈尔滨、广州、厦门、海南、合肥) Describe a free day you want to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from your work or school Y ou should say: Where you will go What you will do Who you will spend the day with And explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day Describe a historical event you know(苏州、西安、青岛) Y ou should say: When it happened Where it happened


2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题范文之 难忘的故事 三立在线教育雅思网给大家带来的是2018年1-4月雅思口语Part 2新题范文之难忘的故事。希望以下内容给雅思备考的同学带来帮助。 Describe a memorable story told by someone You should say: Who told you the story? When you heard the story What the story was about Why you found it memorable 1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:难忘的故事(memorable story) The story that i remember quite clearly is called the Race Between the Hare and the Tortoise. It was told by my father when i was about 6 years old. The story goes like this: an arrogant here thought the was the fastest animal in the forest. Quite interestingly, a tortoise wanted to challenge him. The hare laughed very hard because it sounded very ridiculous to him. The tortoise wanted to have a race with him. The race attracted all the animals in the forest. A staring line was made and off the hare and tortoise went. The hare was very fast, so he was far ahead, then he took a rest. The tortoise, however, kept moving forward slowly but surly. By the time the tortoise came up, his opponent was sleeping. The hare didn’t wake up until it was too late. The winner was the tortoise. It’s a quite simple but meaningful story. It teaches us that, as long as we stick to our goals, we will reach it, no matter what.


雅思口语Part1答案:History历史 1. Do you like (to learn about) history? I love history it shows us where we come from. People say history always repeats itself and it does. I think it’s important to look back so we can learn from past mistakes and make sure we don't make the same ones as ancestors did. My favorite time in history would have to be the medieval times. 我喜欢历史,它让我们知道自己来自何处。人们说历史总是重演,是,确实是这样的。我认为回顾历史非常重要,这样我们就能够从过 去的错误中汲取教训,确保不再犯先人们犯过的同样错误。我最喜欢 的时代应该是中世纪了。 2. Do you think history is important? History is the record of events of what had happened in the past. In a sense all developments in politics, government, society, inventions and discoveries are part of human history. History helps you understand yourself better and understand others around you better. 历史是过往曾发生事件的记录。某种意义上讲,政治、政府、社会、发明和发现的发展过程都算是人类历史的一部分。历史能协助你 更好了解自己,也更好地了解周围的人。 3. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs? No. Unless the film is presented as a documentary, no strict adherence to the historical record is mandated. You go to movies not to learn about history but to be entertained, frightened, thrilled. That’s all great. But there’s no

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