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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. want sth.想要某物 2. want to do sth.想要做某事 3. want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 下面一一说明。 4.want doing 需要被 1、want sth.中的sth.一般是名词, 如apple, pencil, book, money等 我想要点水。I want some water. 我想吃一个苹果。I want an apple. 我想要两本书。I want two books. 2、want to do sth.其中的do是动词原形,表达主语想要做的动作。 我想要喝点水。I want to drink some water. 我想要吃一个苹果。I want to eat an apple. 我想要两本书。I want to have two books. 3、want sb. to do. sth.其中的sb.是want的宾语,是主语想要这个宾语 做某事。 我想让我妈妈喝点水。I want my mother to drink some water. • 我想让你吃一个苹果。I want you to eat an apple. • 我想让我的老师买两本书。I want my teacher to buy two books. • 4. Your sweater wants washing. 你的运动衣该洗了
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something importan have something/nothing/anything to do Anything else have something to do with 与· · · 有关 have nothing to do with 与· · · · 无关 something anything nothing 被形容词修饰时 放在形容词之前 I have nothing to =I don’t have anything to do 我 没什么事可做
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1. “many/much more+名词”结构后不接than比较从句的场合,表示“另外许多……”意思。其中,more不属 比较级。这时,many,much与more均为限定词,共同修饰其后的名词。many more与可数名词复数连 用;much more与不可数名词连用。例如: He bought many more vegetables and much more bread this morning. 今天早上,他再买了许多蔬菜和面包。 有上下文或语言情景的情况下,上述结构中,many/much more之后的名词可省略。例如: While they were killing the locusts in one place, many more appeared in another. 当他们在一个地方杀蝗虫的时候,又有许多在另一个地方出现。 The child likes milk very much. He drank much more when you left. 这孩子很喜欢牛奶,你走后他又喝了许多。 2. “many/much+名词“结构后接than比较从句的场合,表示“比……多得多”意思。其中,more属比较级。 这时,many,much与more亦均作限定词,共同修饰其后的名词。many more与可数名词复数连用;much more与不可数名词连用。例如: There are many more students in Class 3 than Class 2. 三班的学生比二班的多得多。 I’ve much more money on me than you. 我身上带的钱比你多得多。 有上下文或语言情景的情况下,该结构中,many/much more之后的名词(甚至包括than从句)也可省略。 例如: Mary wrote many letters, but her sister wrote many more. 玛丽写了许多信,但她姐姐写的多得多。 I drank much water, but Tom drank much more. 我喝了许多水,而汤姆喝的多得多。 3. 在表示比较含义的句子中,much more后接多音节或双音节的形容词或副词(即“more+比较级”)的场合, 表示“比……更……得多”意思。这时,much作副词,修饰其后的形容词或副词比较级more…。但many more 则不适用于本场合,因many不能作副词。例如: The city looks much more beautiful at night than in the daytime. 这座城市在夜里看起来比在白天更美得多。
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share sth with sb share sb sth be helpful to sb be honest to sb an honest boy
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keep 是英语中用法灵活的动词之一,其用法归纳如下: 一、用作系动词,意为“保持(某种状态)”,其后常接形容词作表语。 如: Please keep quiet / silent! 请保持安静! After the accident, he still kept alive. 这次事故之后,他仍然活着。 二、用作实义动词,可表示: 1. 保管;保存;保留。 如: Keep the change. 零钱不用找了。 Please keep the se things for me while I am away. 在我离开期间,请你替我保管这些东西。 2. 赡养;饲养。如: Does he earn enough to keep himself and his family? 他的收入够养活他自己和他的家人吗? I used to keep sheep in my childhood. 我在孩提时常常养羊。 3. 经营。 如: Her father kept a grocer's shop for a number of years. 她父亲开了几年杂 货店。 4. 坚持;继续。后面如接动词,要用 V-ing 形式作宾语。如: If you keep (on) practising your spoken English, you'll soon make great progress. 如果你坚持 练习英语口语,你很快就会取得很大的进步。 5. 阻止;阻碍。常用于 keep sb/sth from doing sth 结构中,其中介词 from 不 能省略。如: The heavy rain didn't keep them from watching the football match. 大雨没能阻止他们观看足球赛。
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What about...的用法: 英语中“What about...?”是一句常用的客套话,它后面可接名词、代词或动词 -ing形式。它的功能可不少呢! 一. 询问情况或打听消息。 当对方谈的事情不明确,需要询问清楚时,也可用这一句型。如: 1. I'd like a cup of tea. What about you? 我想喝杯茶,你呢? 2. —I want to talk to you. 我要和你谈话。 —What about?谈什么? 二. 向对方提出建议或请求,相当于句型Would you like...? 语气很委婉。如: 1. What about having some bread?=Would you like some bread? 吃些面包好吗? 2. What about playing football now? =Would you like playing football now? 现在 踢足球怎么样? 三. 寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。 如: 1. I'm a student. What about you? 我是学生,你呢? 2. Our English teacher is good. What about yours?我们的英语老师很好,你们 的(英语老师)怎么样? 四. 询问天气或身体等状况。 如: 1. What about the weather in your city? 你们城市的天气情况如何? 2. What about your mother? You can't keep her too tired. 你母亲身体好吗?你不 能让她太累。 五. 征求对方的看法或意见。 如: 1. What about this bike? 这辆自行车怎么样? 2. What about his playing football?他的足球踢得怎么样?

•Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
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6. 保持。其后常接复合宾语,表示使(某人或某物)保持某种状态或 使某一动作继续。 ① keep + sb/sth + 介词。如: If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets. 如果你觉得手冷,就把它们放在口袋里。 ② keep + sb/sth + 形容词。 如: These gloves will keep your hands warm. 这种手套保暖好。 ③ keep +sb/sth + 副词。如: The cold weather kept us indoors. 寒冷的天气使我们呆在家里。 ④ keep + sb/sth + V-ing 形式,表示“让某人 / 某物一直……”,强调动 作的持续性。如: I'm sorry I've kept you waiting. 很抱歉,让你久 等了。 ⑤ keep + sb/sth + V-ed 形式,表示“让某人 / 某物一直被……”,宾语 是 V-ed 形式,表示的动作的承受者。如: She kept her eyes shut and stayed where she was. 她紧闭双眼,呆在原地未动。 7. 构成的其它动词短语有: keep a record (保持记录), keep apart (把……分开), keep back one's tears (忍住眼泪), keep in touch (with) (保持与……的联系), keep out (of) (把……关在外面), keep up (保持;使……不能入睡), keep one's / an eye on (照管, 密切注视), keep away (from) (离开;不接近;戒除), keep in mind (牢记), keep one's word (遵守诺言), keep pace/step with (跟上……的步伐), keep up with (与……同步;跟上)等。
• want的用法一 表示主观上的“想要”、“希望”,是一种有意 识的行为,其后可直接跟不定式,但不能跟动名词。如: 我想 买台电脑。 正:I want to buy a computer. 误:I want buying a computer. • 注:有时表示“想要或希望某人某事”,其后可接不定式的复 合结构,但在否定句,有时也可接现在分词的复合结构。 • 如: I want you to try. 我希望你试试。 • I don’t want the boy going *to go+ alone. 我不想让这个男孩子一 个人去。 • 有时后接过去分词的复合结构 (过去分词前有时可视为省略了不 定式 to be),其意为要(别人)把某事做了。 • 如: I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible. 我希望此事要尽 快做好。 • 用法二 表示客观上的“需要”、“有必要”,是一无意识行 为,其后可接不定式或动名词,但要注意:后接动名词,该动 名词要用主动形式表示被动意义;后接不定式,要用被动形式 表示被动意义。 • 如 这些花草得天天浇水。 正:The plants want watering every day.