当前位置:文档之家› 2017年华南理工大学英语B(一)平时作业三篇英文作文





1. My Dream 我的梦想

2. My Happiness in Life 我生命中的快乐

3. We Love a Green World 我们热爱绿色世界









1. My Dream

Everyone has different dreams, some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of becoming famous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. My dream is to travel to many places.

I like to travel, including big cities, small towns, famous mountains and scenic spots. I can know all kinds of people. I think it is very interesting to communicate with different people. I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can understand the common life in a place.

I hope I can have a good job, although I can't make a lot of money, but it won't take up too much of my time. Travel is my hobby, it can relieve my pressure, good for my life. Therefore, I hope to be a part of my future life.





2. My Happiness in Life

I have been fond of reading since I was a child. I have been a bookstore for a few years before, and I like to smell books. I feel that reading is the greatest pleasure in my life.

Reading, it seems to me forever, I will always treasure in my thin spare time to a little understanding of those in the book of the hero, to understand their feelings, understand the background, feel sad or clutch, love the book in my hands, a kind of ink smell thick paper, off angle, flip when you can hear the sound of dog pierced through space.

In the book, the harvest carefully moved; in the book, look at the scenery gradually ripe; in the book, the concept of fatigue gradually lost; in the book, to keep their innocence; I think this whole life I can't put my life, reading, reading is my greatest joy.






3. We Love a Green World

I like the green, because green represents life, full of hope! It is to dress up the beautiful nature, colorful!

When I see and think of the green, I have a kind of endless power, which makes me feel the blood boiling! Green is the most attractive nature of the color of hope, she hugged you in nature, selflessly release their energy, imperceptibly dressed with hills and fields and parks, courtyard...... Spring, the grass with hope like a piece of soft green carpet, covered with mountains and rivers, covered with vast wilderness, in the light of the sun, issued a fascinating and dazzling light of life! In the field, corn, sorghum, soybean, sunflower, rape, millet, potatoes and other crops are rushing to the ground, the vast field of green cover! The garden, leek, onion, cucumber, spinach, croissants zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, celery and other vegetables in a green ocean.

Modern people call pollution-free food "green food". In these four simple words, the whole mankind is eager to eliminate environmental pollution and pursue the strong desire of life and health! I wish people all over the world to establish the true environmental awareness, join hands to play a global people's war to eliminate pollution, so we have the sky bluer, the water clearer, the grass is more green, the heart is more pure, more beautiful mountains, more beautiful! Let the

earth we live on become our "green home"".






4、Live a Green Life

Green living is becoming our life habit. Green food, green travel and so on. These things about green have been active in our life.

Now the earth's environment is getting worse. People cut down trees to make paper, accelerate the land desertification; industrial waste emissions from factories, and even industrial waste emissions to the water, the water quality deterioration; exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and factories, the air pollution and so on, these are threatening the health and future of the earth.

We should start with small things and carry out the call of green environmental protection. To save water in life, to go shopping in supermarkets, use cloth bags, don't use plastic bags, can reduce the pollution of the environment, travel by bus or bike, as much as possible to use less private cars to travel, reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Live a Green Life, protect the environment, start from me, I hope the idea of green can be more widely spread the public, so that our environment better, better life.





5、Online Learning

My life has changed quietly since I attended the adult college entrance examination and read

the adult college of South China University of Technology. Before the Internet, always aimlessly watching the news, not playing computer games. Now, when I come home from work every day, the first thing is to turn on the computer and check the homework on the Internet. Are there any new learning tasks in the near future?.

Enter the distance education website login, come to the forum, see the new post, feel with choice of distance education students feel, experience of others in the learning process of happiness and troubles, with the exchange of their experiences and we understand, try my best ability for others to solve problems. Choose online learning, and choose a happy journey. Because in this process, you are not destined to feel lonely, and everyone is going hand in hand. What a happy thing it is.

Online Learning, I study, I am happy! Thank you for giving me a platform to realize my dreams. Thanks for the Internet, I have the opportunity to experience happiness. Thanks to the Internet, it has given me the essence of life. Now, I often sit in front of the computer, do the subject, look at all kinds of information, listen to the teacher's lecture, tell their sweet and bitter, happiness is always difficult to say. Because I'm happy. Online learning, I choose, I like!






6、The Power of Music

A song of Kelly Chan's "Hope" can make me sigh with emotion, bringing me confidence up and down, and that is the power of music.

Since the ancient times, music with the people around, because of the music, Zhu Geliang kongchengji successfully; because of the music, Beethoven is famous in the world, has attracted worldwide attention; because of the music, so many people to rewrite their own history and the history of mankind. The ancients used music as a compulsory course, and now people use music as an art specialty.

A "home" touched many wandering heart, have glowing longing for the warmth of home, a "waiting" from the West into the China sing across the seas, sincere words of many people! A "tomorrow will be better" tells the true meaning of life, inspired thousands of Chinese people to make progress, and write a new chapter in life.

Loud music makes people stand up, soothing music soothes nervous nerves and cheerful music brings people a good mood. What's music? Music has infinite power. Use it to rewrite life!


历年英语?一作?文真题 2017年 ?小作?文 Directions: You are to write an email to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australia professor, recommending some tourist attraction in your city. Please give reason for you recommendation. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use instead. Do not write the address. (10 points). ?大作?文 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture in your essay, you should 1. describe the pictures briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

?小作?文 Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words, providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library. You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead Do not write the address .(10 points) ?大作?文 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture in your essay, you should 1. describe the pictures briefly, 2. interpret its intended meaning, and 3. give your comments. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


2017年考研英语作文高分的标准 考研英语中的作文是中的重点,也是分数最高的题。那么该怎么拿高分呢?下面给大 家整理了一些技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、高分作文的四个标准 1、主题准确。考研英语作文不会明确告诉你文章的明确主题是什么,而只会通过图片、图表、只言片语暗示你,你需要根据仅有的信息作出判断,做到不曲解、不过分延伸,直接准确地把主题思想出来,这是必须做到的第一步。 2、结构清晰有层次。好的文章必须结构清晰、有层次。就大作文来说,一般需要分 为三部分。第一部分描述图片或图表,引出话题,提出论点;第二部分展开论述,分析原 因或表达不同观点;第三部分上升一个高度,提出解决办法或发出呼吁等。各部分之间有 一个层层递进的关系。 3、词句出彩。词句是文章的基本构成,在写作过程中,有意识地使用一些高大上的 词汇,替换常见表达,尽量写出一些从句、复合句、强调句、倒装句等特殊句式,同时注意长短句结合,表达流畅有节奏,会给文章大大地增色、加分。 4、卷面整洁。卷面在考试中非常重要,如果一篇文章通篇都是涂改,或字迹歪斜潦草,哪怕文章本身写得再好,也很难得高分。这就需要平时养成良好的写作习惯,先打腹稿或草稿,下笔谨慎,落笔少涂改,保证卷面整洁。 二、如何写出高分作文? 1、攻克语法。要想写出高分,必须有亮点,在考研英语中这个亮点就是:长句子。 如果通篇都是平实的短句或平句,起伏不大,很难迎合阅卷老师的胃口,相反,写出几个有水平的高逼格的句子,瞬间就能提升档次,绝对是实力的证明。因此,语法这一关,必须要攻克,强调句、倒装句、各种各样的从句,平时多练习写一写,考场上绝对能为作文加分。 2、培养语感。许多小伙伴会感到写英语作文非常难,经常无话可说,或有话表达不 出来。如果换成是汉语写作,相信每个人都能滔滔不绝,但换成英语就怂了,这就是缺乏语感的原因。想要培养语感,需要做到:多阅读。建议小伙伴在复习过程中遇到好的文章,可以在晨读时间多读几遍,读得多了,也就读得顺了,语感自然能培养起来,写作文时离“下笔如有神”也就不远了。 3、积累模板。考研英语作文的类型一共就那么几种,小作文无非就是书信、摘要、 备忘录、报告、便笺,大作文无非就是提纲型、图表型、图画型、情景型等。每种类型都


请在6月1日前完成并提交以下3篇作文,每篇不少于80个单词。此次主观题作业与期末考试相关,请同学们认真完成。特别提醒:3篇作文都要完成,全部写完后再一次提交,这是一次作业,所以只能提交一次。作文请独立完成,不要抄袭,否则严重影响成绩。作业截止日期:6月1日,过期不计入成绩。 作文题: 1. My Dream 我的梦想 2. My Happiness in Life 我生命中的快乐 3. We Love a Green World 我们热爱绿色世界 写作提示: 1.认真审题,写作内容要与题目相关,不要跑题,偏题 2.此类作文题一般可分三段来写,第一段简述你的观点,第二段具体阐述,第三段进行总结 3.注意语言的正确性与连贯性,力求语法正确,句子通顺,句意明确 1、我的梦想 每个人都会有不同的梦想,有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等,我的梦想是去很多地方旅游。 我喜欢旅游,包括大城市、小城镇、著名的大山和景区,我希望能够参观更多地方。我可以认识各种各样的人,我认为和不同的人沟通很有趣,可以开阔我的视野。我希望他们可以和我分享他们的生活故事,这样我就可以了解一个地方的普通生活。 我希望我能够拥有一份好工作,尽管我不能赚很多钱,但是它不会占用我太多时间,每年有假期去旅游。旅游是我的爱好,它可以减轻我的压力,对我的生活有好处。因此,我希望旅游可以成为我将来生活的一部分。 1. My Dream Everyone has different dreams, some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of becoming famous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. My dream is to travel to many places. I like to travel, including big cities, small towns, famous mountains and scenic spots. I can know all kinds of people. I think it is very interesting to communicate with different people. I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can understand the common life in a place. I hope I can have a good job, although I can't make a lot of money, but it won't take up too much of my time. Travel is my hobby, it can relieve my pressure, good for my life. Therefore, I hope to be a part of my future life. 2、我生命中的快乐 我从小就喜欢读书,以前还开过几年的书店,喜欢闻书中的书香味,我感到读书是我生命中最大的快乐。 读书,似乎是我永远的事,我也总是好好珍惜,在我薄如蝉翼的空余时光,努力去一点一点认识那些在书里的主人公,去感悟他们的心情,了解当时的背景,感受悲伤离合,还是喜欢新书,捧在手里发出那种很浓的油墨香味,纸张没有折过角,翻页的时候可以听见页角划破空间的声音。


随堂练习提交截止时间:2020-06-14 23:59:59 当前页有10题,你已做10题,已提交10题,其中答对10题。 1.(单选题) To top it off, the skewers were presented on a plate with potatoes, sour cream, and a ____ tomato sauce. A. spicy B. excessive C. frozen D. cheerful 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2.(单选题) _____ drinking can lead to stomach disorders. A. Spicy B. Excessive C. Frozen D. Cheerful 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.(单选题) The ground was_____ solid. A. spicy B. excessive C. frozen D. cheerful 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 4.(单选题) I’m going to_____ and cancel my reservation. A. put on B. show up C. call up D. leave alone 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 5.(单选题) It’s my girlfriend’s birthday party. She will be very upset if I don’t _____. A. put on B. show up C. call up D. leave alone 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交)


1.(单选题) They cancelled the basketball game because of a _____ of interest. A. lack B. need C. lot D. common 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2.(单选题) Learning is a long and exciting ______. A. situation B. process C. person D. sign 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.(单选题) I’m _____because I have received lots of presents. A. pleased B. unhappy C. angry D. resent 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 4.(单选题) I got confused, too. I seem to have ______ in dealing with numbers A.knowledge B.development C.challenge D.difficulty 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:D

问题解析: 5.(单选题) People use more words when they ______ with each other. A.complete B.communicate C.associate D.acquire 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 6.(单选题) ―How are you doing, Frank? ―_______________ A. How are you doing? B. How do you do? C. Great, thanks! D. It’s nice meeting you! 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 7.(单选题) ―Hi, it is nice to meet you! ―______________________ A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Fine, thank you! C. Good to you. D. How are you? 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 8.(单选题) ―Hello, I’m Robin.

2017考研英语二万能大作文模板 三

2017年考研英语万能作文模板 考研作文三大高分句型:短句拉长,插入语,并列结构。 红色为填入模板的词,黄色为临时加的句子,可以不加,加上效果更好。 第一段 Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the?diverse {细化的产品}quantity of{总的产品}(of后的可加可不加) {细化的产品}proportion of{总的产品}(of后的可加可不加) range from {年份}to{年份}。 {几种}distinct peoples,{详细1},{详细2},{详细3}respectively。 in{某个假日或某次活动某次事情}。 As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the change/ proportion of{一种产品或现象} was obvious,which had picked?up significantly from {多少份额/数量}in{年份} to {多少份额/数 量}in{年份}。 occupied roughly {多少份额} of the whole{产品或现象}。 In comparison,the{另一种产品或现象} declined/increase?only from?{多少份额}?to?{多少份额}。 occupied only {多少份额或数量} involved。 During?this?period,what’s?more,the?{另另一种产品或现象} remained stable。

第二段 Why does this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?(疑问句加分点)There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades(短句拉长加分点),some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to do{原因一}。In addition,this is partly due to the fact that{原因二}。 第三段 In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation are two major equations ought to be taken into account seriously(并列结构加分点)。On one hand,the general people ought to do{建议} reasonably。What is more,the relevant department ought to increase the benefit for people。Only if this measure these measures are/is adopted effectively can we live a better life。


架起涉外沟通的桥梁: 实用商务英语写作 Contents 目录 Part 1概述 (An Overview) 常用商务文件类型 ( Categories of Commonly Used Business Documents) Part 2 写作要点解析 1.公司概况(节选) (Corporate Overview) 2. 简历 (Resume/CV) 3. 会议纪要 (Minutes of Meeting/MOM) 4. 授权书 (LOA/POA) 5. 实习证明 (Certificate of Internship) 6. 招标邀请书(IFB)与投标函(Bid Cover Letter) 7. 感谢信 (Letter of Acknowledgement) 8. 电子邮件(E-mails) 附:银行保函 (Bank Guarantee) Part 3 练习题

Part 1 概述 (An Overview) 常用商务文件类型 (Commonly Used Business Documents) ●报告/说明类 ---Corporate Overview (公司概况) ---Prospectus (招股说明书) ---Resume/CV (简历) ---ITB (投标须知) ---Reports (报告,如,周报,月报,年报) ---Notice (通知) ---Request (请示) ●契约类 ---Contract (合同) ---Agreement (协议) ---Letter of Intent (意向书) ---M inutes of Meeting (会议纪要) ---Framework Agreement (框架协议) ---Memorandum of Understanding (MOU )备忘录 ●证明类 ---Power of Attorney (授权书) ---Letter of Authorization (授权书) ---Notarization (公证书) ---Certificate of internship (实习证明) ●商务信函类 (business letters ) ?日常生活方面 ---offer letter (录用函) ---letter of invitation (邀请函) ---letter of recommendation (推荐信)


华南理工大学英语B模 拟试题 集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

2017学年度期末考试 《大学英语B(一)》模拟题答案 教学中心:专业层次: 学号:姓名:座号: 注意事项:1.本试卷共五大题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟,闭卷; 2.考前请将以上各项信息填写清楚; 3.所有答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试卷、草稿纸上无效; 5.考试结束,试卷、答题纸、草稿纸一并交回。 College English Achievement Test Band One Part IUse of English (10 points) Directions:There are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialog there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 此部分题答案用2B铅笔做在答题纸上 1.----How are you doing, Frank ---- __________________. A.Great, thanks! B.How are you doing C.How do you do D.It’s nice meeting you! 2. ----I was told that you might have failed in the exam. ----________________ A.Are you right B.Are you happy C.Are you serious D.Are you tired 3. ----What color is your favorite ----________________. A.Yellow is my favorite B.You are my favorite C.I don’t have favorites D.It’s my favorite 4. ----________________ ----Great! Walking is one of my favorite pastimes B.Don’t you love walking A.What are your feelings about walking


A. B. D. The high quality and reasonable price make the customers have strong A. B. D. More practice can help you to get ________ of your shyness in public. A. B. D. To forget is natural ________; to remember is unnatural and require A. B. D.

A. B. D. There is no reason for an able man to ________ himself that he can’t A. B. D. Erase the negative notion and adopt a ________ spirit, and you gain A. B. D. ________ makes success a certainty, while inconstancy often results A. B. D. Unit Two A. B. D. Life without passion would be ________.

A. B. D. We are supposed to ________ nothing but dreams. A. B. D. Many people felt ________ to help the victims after being told the A. B. D. In the U.S., there are some limits on what you can ask or expect A. B. D. The sex discrimination goes ________ the principle of equality. A. B. D. Really friendly people respect everyone ________. A. B. D. Unit Three


英语一大作文 1 社会民风专题(诚信、共赢、勤俭、节约)互信mutual trust 诚信credibility 品德morality 创新innovation 共赢all-win 欺诈fraud 代价cost 社会文明social civilization 假冒伪劣产品fake commodities 社会危害harm to society 学术造假academic cheating 诚实为上策Honestly is the best policy. 减少浪费reduce waste 促进改革promote reform 减轻负担reduce the burden of…… 调整产业结构adjust the industrial structure

物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice 2 前沿科技专题(电子书、时尚购物、低俗信息、色情诱惑)网恋cyber romance 网购online shopping 团购Group shopping 秒杀Sec-kill 网店online shop/store 信誉credit 退款refund 科学技术science and technology 沉迷网络web-addiction 电脑犯罪computer crime 电子商务e-commerce 虚拟生活virtual life 信息时代information era 网上冲浪surf the Internet


... 大学英语B(一)Unit One

1.(单选题)They cancelled the basketball game because of a _____ of interest. A. lack B. need C. lot D. common 答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2.(单选题)Learning is a long and exciting ______. A. situation B. process C. person D. sign

答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.(单选题) I ' m _____because I have received lots of presents. A. pleased B. unhappy C. angry D. resent 答题:A.B.C.D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 4.(单选题)I got confused, too. I seem to have ______ in dealing with

numbers .......... ...

challengeC .A .knowledgeB.development difficulty.D (已提交)C.D. 答题:A.B. D参考答案: 问题解析: )单选题5.(People use more words when they ______ with each other. associatecommunicateA .completeB.C .a cquireD. (已提交)B.C.D. 答题:A. B参考答案:


提交方式:文本框粘贴 1.We Need A Green World Everyone wants to have a blue sky, everyone wants to breathe fresh air, everyone dreams of a green world. But our city is sick, his blue eyes are covered by sand and dust, and he can't see us clearly; his beautiful voice is eroded by the haze and can't sing with us. What shall I do? What shall I do? The teacher said to take good care of the environment, start from everyone. The best and most effective way I can think of is to travel green. If we go to a place, we can walk or ride a bicycle, and take a bus at a distance. My parents and I went out by bike this weekend. If we reduce the number of times we drive private cars, the exhaust of cars will be reduced. If adults protect the environment, the exhaust gas of the factory will also be reduced, then PM2. The value of 5 will decrease. Our


2017年考研《英语一》大作文范文 (文都版) 2017考研英语(一)图画作文是让考生写出读书和知识积累的重要性,左边一副图一个男孩放了好多书,没有读;右边一个男孩计划一年读20本书,针对本题,提供参考范文一篇如下: 【题目】 52. Directions: Write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture. In your essay, you should 1) describe the picture briefly. 2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. 【参考范文】 As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the first picture there are a lot of books besides a boy, but he doesn’t read any of them. By contrast, the second one portrays that another boy makes a plan of reading: 20 books one year. In fact, the phenomenon in the picture doesn’t surprise us at all. Simple as it is, the intended meaning of the picture is worth our reflecting. Undoubtedly, the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the significance of reading and knowledge . At the top of the list, we should attach importance to reading mainly due to that it can enable us to ameliorate ourselves so we can be qualified for future career promotion, and be ready for meeting the forthcoming challenges.What’s more, we ought to place a high value on the role played by knowledge in personal growth. Put it another way, in this ever-changing world, knowledge accumulation is to personal growth what water is to fish. To sum up, if reading and knowledge miss our attention in any possible way, we will suffer a great loss beyond imagination. Hence, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from the above picture. For one thing, we should frequently use it to enlighten the young. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of teenagers that reading is very vital. Only by doing so, can we become winner in the face of difficulties.


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


英语考试作文 2017考研英语作文必背范文推荐(2) 考研英语冲刺复习阶段,你的写作部分复习的怎么样?范文背了几篇?模板积累了多少?提醒写作基础差的考生,不会写就多背。王江涛老师推荐大家背诵20篇范文,下面我们来看第二篇: 08年范文: As issubtly portrayed in the drawing, two handicapped young men are heading towards theirdestination with vigorous strides, leaving all their crutches behind. Thehardship of disability being no longer an obstacle on their journey, theysupport each other with firm hands and proceed steadily. The caption indicates that they can travel north and southextensively with combined legs. It isapparent that the cartoonist aims at reminding us of the importance of cooperation in our daily life. Hardly cananyone achieve success in his career without the assistance ofhis colleagues and partners. Ascompetition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce, we must defeat ourrivals


1.(单选题) They cancelled the basketball game because of a ___ of interest. A. lack B. need C. lot D. common 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 2.(单选题) Learning is a long and exciting A. situation B. process C. person D. sign 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 3.(单选题) I' m ___ because I have received lots of presents. A. pleased B. unhappy C. angry D. resent 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 4. __________________________________________ (单选题) I got confused, too. I seem to have _______________________________________ in dealing with numbers A.knowledge B.development C.challenge D.difficulty 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:D 问题解析:

5. __________________________________________ (单选题) People use more words when they _______________________________________ with each other. A.complete B.communicate C.associate D.acquire 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:B 问题解析: 6. (单选题)― How are you doing, Frank? A. How are you doing? B. How do you do? C. Great, thanks! D. It' s nice meeting you! 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:C 问题解析: 7. (单选题)― Hi, it is nice to meet you! A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Fine, thank you! C. Good to you. D. How are you? 答题: A. B. C. D. (已提交) 参考答案:A 问题解析: 8. (单选题)― Hello, I'm Robin. ― ______________ My name is Anna. A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. You can call me Bob. D. Fine, thanks. 答题:A. B. C. D.


英语考试作文 2017考研英语写作经典范文:养老“足球赛” 英语冲刺复习,作文排在第一位,也是大家提分的关键仰仗。建议考生要多看看范文,背背模板,还要注意仿写仿写,认真批改几篇,下面我们分享一些经典的范文,大家来看看,多参考学习。 2017考研英语写作经典范文:养老“足球赛” 养老“足球赛” Directions: Write an essay of 160 - 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing then interpret the meaning, and give your comment on it. 范文 As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a “football match” of taking care of their aged

father. Each of them stands in a different corner of a football field. The eldest son kicked out the father with the other three children guarding their goals. The purpose of the drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the mistreatment of senior citizens. First and foremost, some people shirk their duty of financially supporting their old and helpless parents due to their own interests. Furthermore, some elderly people are often ill-treated by their own children and cannot lead a normal life. Last but not least, while some young people enjoy a comfortable life, their parents are neglected and reduced to utter poverty. It is imperative for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who shun the responsibilities of caring their parents. In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of the young that respecting the old has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture. Only in this way can we curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the picture. (198) 译文: 如图所示,四个孩子在打一场照顾他们年迈父母的“足球赛”。每个人站在球场的一角。大儿子踢出父亲,其他三个孩子守着

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