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1. I don't know what I will talk about.

I don't know _______ _____ _______ _____.

2. People call James Jim for short.

Jim is James.

3. May I have a piece of paper?

Could you a piece of paper?

4. English names are not the same as Chinese names.

English names are Chinese names.

5. Perhaps Tom will go to school by bike today.

Tom today.

6. He walked to the village on a rainy day.

He the village on a rainy day.

7. Her room is too small. She wants to find another one.

She wants to find a __

8. You have more mooncakes than I.

My mooncakes are not many _ yours.

9. David is twelve, and his brother is ten.

David's brother is not

10. Kate jumped farthest in the long jump

Kate jumped _________than in the long jump.

11. The pupils are playing happily in the park.

The pupils are in the park.

The pupils are in the park

12. The air today is very clean.

The air today is clean.

13. Could you tell me which is the way to the supermarket?

Could you tell me the supermarket? Could you tell me how the supermarket?

Could you tell me the supermarket ________?

14. She didn't feel well last night.

There was last night.

15. The doctor said that he must stay in bed for over ten days.

The doctor him stay in bed for ten days.

16. Maybe your address is missing.

Your address missing.

17. You needn't wash your clothes today.

You the washing today.

18. Lin Tao ran past Wu Peng. Wu Peng Lin Tao.

19. He saw the bag after he hit it.

He see the bag he hit it.

20. Study hard, and you will learn well.

study hard, you _ learn well.

21. One afternoon a ship set off from England to America.

One afternoon a ship England America.

22. Over 500 people died in that accident.

500 people their in that accident.

23. The boy was too short to reach the apple.

The boy was not to reach the apple.

24. Be careful, there're icebergs ahead.

there're icebergs

25. It's terrible to see the ship sinking into the sea.

It's terrible to see the ship __ into the sea.

26. The ship arrived too late to save more people.

The ship arrived late that it save more people.

27. Few people understand his words.

Few people understand

28. I bought the dictionary for 30 yuan.

I 30 yuan the dictionary.

29. He is sure to be on time.

sure that be on time

30. She was so excited that she could say no more

She was excited say

31. You don’t like to play the piano. I think.

I think you the piano.

32. I have eleven tapes but she has only five.

I have ___tapes than she.

33. The workers are all tired of their work:

The workers are all they are doing.

34. Please return the scissors to me as soon as you can.

Please the scissors me as soon as 35 The mountain is very high. We can't climb up

The mountain is high us to climb up.

36. How is the weather in the north of China?

the weather in

37. How do you like the fast food?

do you __ the fast food?

38. I like tomatoes better than the others.

I like tomatoes

39. It will be snowy tonight. I'm afraid.

I'm afraid snow tonight.

40. They found only an empty box in the room.

They found an empty box in the room. ,

41. There are no houses on both sides of the river.

There are houses on of the river.

42. Kate learned to dress herself when she was five.

Kate learned to put on clothes the of five.

43. To their surprise, they found the child was blind.

They found the child could

44. Lee ran much faster than the other boys.

The other boys ran than Lee.

45. They passed the finishing line together.

They ran the finishing line at . 46. Don't talk in the reading room.

Please you in the reading room.

47.--- Your uncle must be repairing the machine, --- Yes, he is.

--- Your uncle must be repairing the machine, --- .

48. They improved the software with my help.

They improve the software the help . 49. Mary helps me and I help her.

Mary and I help .

50. What is tile meaning of "panda"?

What "panda" ?

W hat you mean "panda""?

51. Why do you go to the museum in a hurry?

Why do you the museum?

52 Miss Li was thankful because the policeman helped her,

Miss Li the policeman his help.

53 It's best to go back to the video shop now.

go back to the video shop now.

54. The wind was quite strong last night.

It last night.

55. The woman sat nearest to the doctor's room.

The woman was one to see the doctor.

56. People in the US can't drink beer or wine before they reach 21

People in the US can drink beer or wine they 21.

57. It you don't want to go to the concert, let me go there.

Let me go to the concert you

58. What a terrible cough!

You are

59. But I feel no better now.

But I don't feel now.

60 She was from a rich family.

She in a rich family.

61. I always dream I am doing hard work.

I always dream work.

62 He was busy doing housework the whole night.

He was busy housework

63. Her back hurt. There was a her back.

64. He laughed because she made a face.

He laughed her a face.

65. He answered it loudly. He answered it a loud

66. He took his doctor's arm and asked her to give him some medicine.

He took his doctor the and asked some medicine.

67. Did you hear a baby crying in the middle of night yesterday?

Did you hear a baby crying yesterday?

68. I joined the Party last Sunday. I a Party last Sunday.

69. After a while he came back.

He came back .

70. After he said these words, he went away.

He went away _ these .

71. I met a girl called Linda when 1 went home.

I met a girl with the _ Linda my _ home.

72. Perhaps they are visiting the Summer Palace now.

They may be _ the Summer Palace.

73. They didn't have much money to buy tickets to the concerts.

They couldn't buy tickets to the concerts.

74. M y parents are both working,

of my parents are work.

75. I can go out after my mother comes back.

I go out my mother

76. He didn't stop doing his homework when his father came in.

He doing his homework when his mother came in.

77. Class Two won the relay race.

Class Two in the relay race.

78. The film interests me so much.

I am the Film.

79. I’m sure he can pass the exam at last.

He is sure pass the exam .

80. You think so much of us. You are very kind.

very kind you think so much of us.

81. They tried hard to improve the people's living.

They tried hard to people's living .

82. The painter's drawing is unusual.

The painter's drawing is different the .

83. He lent me his book yesterday.

his book yesterday.

84. No river in Europe is longer than Yangtse River

Yangtse River is longer than in Europe.

85. Mary is better than the other pupils at singing in her class.

Mary best singing the pupils in her class.


1.Is Bill in? Is Bill ?

2. It's time for our lunch. It's time us lunch.

3. What does your father do? your father's job?

4. They are going on a field trip.

They are going to .

5. Does Tom have time this evening? Tom this evening?

6.We each have a dictionary .

a dictionary .

7. ls everyone here today?

today ?

8. Please sit down. Please

9.What's your name, please?

, please?

10. Mike is an American. Mike America.

11. Mr Green is our Chinese teacher. Mr Green Chinese.

12 Some pens are in his hand. some pens in his hand.

13 There is no water in the bottle There water in the bottle.

14 What's the colourof3ourcoat? is your coat?

15 Whose are these books? are these?

16. The Greens are going on a picnic.

are going to .

17. Those are our sheep. Those are .

18. What's the time please? is it ,please?

19. I go to school on foot at seven fifteen everyday.

I to school at seven.

20. Could I have a cup of tea?,

Could you a cup of tea?

21. This is Tom , an old friend of mine.

This is Tom , of my old .

22. Please pass me a glass of water.

a glass of water , please.

23. Something is wrong with my bike.

with my bike.

24. My watch is broken . My watch .

25. I want you to go home.

I you home.

26. May I borrow your pen ?

May I borrow you?

27. I usually do some shopping on Sundays.

I usually the on Sundays.

28. What's the weather in Beijing now?

the weather in Beijing 29. Tom is working in the room.

Tom is in the room.

30. I like English very much.

I like English

3l. Lucy is wearing a blue skirt today.

Lucy a blue skirt today.

32. What do you mean by “newspaper”?

What "newspaper" ?

the of "newspaper"?

33. I have two apples , but I want another one .

I have two apples, but I want .

I have two apples , but I want

34 We call James Jim for short.

Jim James.

35.I don't know anything about the accident

I of the accident.

36. He is better than me at fishing.

He fishing than me.

37. Miss Gao hurried off to look after the man.

Miss Gao went to the man .

38. Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

Shanghai is in China

39. The children like to play outside.

The children like to play _ _

40. If you study harder ,you will learn English better.

The__ you study, the you will learn English.

41. It takes me half an hour to walk to school.

My school is from my home.

42. It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday.

I two hours __ my homework

43. It snowed heavily last night.

It was last night

There was last night.

44. Two days ago Mike went to America by air

Mike America

45. I rang Tom up yesterday . but there was no reply.

I Tom last night, but there was no

46. Everything is new except a computer in my bedroom

There is a computer in my bedroom.

47. “Don't be late for school.” Mr Green said to me.

Mr Green me be late for school.

48. Give me a little water, please.

Give me water, please

49. I like Chinese tea with nothing in it.

I like Chinese tea in it.

50. Bread is my favourite food. I bread

51. Both of the twins are away. of the twins here.

52. We reached the city early. We the city early.

53. There are a lot of interesting places in Xi'an .

There are many in Xi'an,

54. Tom went shopping last Sunday. Jim went shopping, too.

Tom last Sunday, and _ 55. He no more quarrels with others.

He quarrel with others

56. I learned to swim all by myself. I to swim.

57. The question is too difficult for us to answer,

The question is for us to answer.

The question is difficult of us can answer it 58.He doesn’t need to do the homework now.

He do the homework

He do the homework.

59. I didn't go shopping yesterday. Instead I stayed at home.

I stayed at home shopping yesterday

60. Maybe the answer is right. The answer right.

6l. The doctor examined the patient carefully.

The doctor the patient carefully.

62. She wouldn't like to eat anything.

She doesn’t anything.

63. The children had a good time in the park.

The children in the park.

64. If you didn't help me. I couldn’t pass the exam.

your help . I couldn't pass the exam.

65. Please stand in line when you are waiting for a bus.

Please when you are waiting for a bus.

66. What's wrong with the boy?

What's with the boy ?

67. Lily is going home.

Lily is

68. American fast food seems to be the most popular food in the world

American fast food is the most popular in the world.

69. Jim has his own car at last.

Jim has a car at last.

70. There are many trees on both sides of the river.

There are many trees on of the river.

71. I have several dictionaries.

I have dictionaries.

72. I am tired of the neighbour .

I am the neighbour.

73. I am sure that he will come.

He to come.

74. Chinese is not as interesting as English.

Chinese is __ than English.

75. I was first past the finishing line.

I the finishing line_______

76. The bridge is 800 meters long.

This is bridge.

77. Which sport were you in ?

Which sport _____ you______ _______ _______?

78. I didn't have enough money to buy a car.

I a car.

79. We are going swimming. Would you like to go with us?

We are going swimming. Would you like to__________ _________?

80. Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?

you an English-Chinese dictionary?

81. Jim bought the bike two years ago.

Jim the bike for two years.

It's two years Jim the bike.

82. The old man died suddenly and it surprised his family.

The old man's family his ________.

83. I received the letter from Tom a long time ago.

I Tom a long time ago.

I the letter from Tom a long time.

84. Wherever you are, I will miss you.

you are , I will miss you.

85. My dog died three weeks ago. My dog for three week

86. The film started 15 minutes ago.

The film for 15 minutes.

87. I won't believe you if I don't see it by myself.

I won't believe you I see it by myself.

88. He can go out to play after his mother comes back.

He go out to play his mother

89. The man is so strong that he can lift the ladder.

The man is lift the ladder.

90. The flowers are so beautiful that we all like them.

They are flowers of us like them.

91. I don't know the way to the cinema.

I don't know the cinema.

I don't know to the cinema.

I don't know the cinema

92. I used to be a student, but now I am not a student.

I am a student.

93. Tom lent me a book three days ago.

I a book Tom three days ago.

94. Jim doesn't like English ,Mike doesn't like it, either.

Jim doesn't like English, Mike.

95. He was good at English ,but now he isn't.

He good at English.

96. Jim has gone to another country. Jim has

97. The women didn't know where he should get off.

The women didn't know get off.

98. The bottle is full of water.

The bottle is water.

99. I found that he was clever. I found

100.I remember I returned you the money.

I remember the money to you.

101.Sam paid twenty yuan for the CD. Sam twenty yuan the CD.

The CD twenty yuan.

Sam the CD twenty yuan.

102. China has more people than the other countries.

China has

103. He almost couldn't remember my name,

He remember my name.

104. The heavy rain kept us from going to school.

We were going to school by the heavy rain.

105. Study hard ,or you will fall behind the others.

you study hard, you will fall behind the others.

106. I saw that they were swimming in the river;

I saw in the river.

107. Mother gave birth to the special boy on December 25th.

The special boy on December 25th.

108. I was late because it rained heavily.

I was late the heavy rain.

109." Will it rain tomorrow?" Kate is worried about.

Kate is worried about will rain tomorrow.

110. Who broke the window?

was the window ?

111. He will ask someone to mend his broken bike.

He will his broken bike

112. She is busy doing something around the house all the time,

She is busy doing some

113. He made up his mind to be a teacher.

He his to be a teacher.

1l4. This is the most interesting book that I have read.

I have read an interesting book before.

115. The students missed the train yesterday,

The students catch the train yesterday.

116. He can't sing well, His sister can't sing well .either.

he his sister can sing well.

117. When she sees fish and chips , she wants to eat some.

Fish and chips her

ll8. Linda is ready to make friends with anyone.

Linda is easy to

119. How much is the pen ? the of the pen ?

120. Fish will die if there is no water.

Fish can't water.

121. Say hello to your parents, please.

to your parents.

122. I like reading better than chatting on the net.

I reading chatting on the net.

I reading chatting on the net.

123. How do you like China? do you China?

124. Why do you want a science lab ? do you want a science lab 125. Let's go to the farthest island.

go to the farthest island?

going to the farthest island ?

126. How old are you ? your ?

127. The table only has three legs. It needs to be repaired.

The table three legs needs

128. We have helped each other from then on.

We have helped each other

129. He spoke so fast that we couldn't understand him.

He spoke too fast to make

130. They often make the boy stand outside.

The boy often stand outside.

131. I am interested in the book very much.

I have in the book.

132. He warned me not to play football in the street.

He warned me football in the street.

133. This is the house where Lily used to live.

This is the house Lily used to live.

134. It was raining heavily, but the farmer kept on working on the farm.

It was raining heavily, but the farmer working on the farm. 135. When he got to the train station, the train had left.

he got to the train station, the train had left. 136. Our team beat theirs in tile football match.

Their team ours inthe football match.

137. I don't know the difference between the two words.

I can't one word the other.

138. It's clever of you to answer the question,

to answer the question.

139. I want to know if the meeting will be put off.

I the meeting will be put off or not.

140. The foreigner found the way because a girl helped him.

a girl, the foreigner found the way. 141. Both of the books are new.

of the books old.

142. She didn't say a word before he left.

He left a word.