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一带一路英语作文翻译(1) 29位外国元首、政府首脑及联合国秘书长


Up to now, 29 heads of state and government and three leaders of major international organizations, including the secretary-general of the United Nations, will attend the Leaders Roundtable and other activities. Around 1,500 guests from over 130 countries will attend the forum as official representatives, and over 4,000 journalists around the world have registered to cover this forum, all of which are unprecedented.

一带一路英语作文翻译(2) 此次论坛内容丰富,主要包括开幕式、圆桌峰会和高级别会议三个部分。5月14日上午,习近平主席将出席开幕式并发表


The forum will provide various activities, including the Opening Session, Leaders Roundtable and High-level Dialogue. On the morning of May 14, President Xi Jinping will attend the Opening Session and deliver a keynote speech. After that, there will be the high-level plenary. On the afternoon of May 14, there will be six thematic sessions on five types of connectivity and think tank exchanges. On May 15, President Xi will preside over the roundtable, which includes two sessions and a working lunch. After that, President Xi will meet the press to talk about the major out es of the forum.

一带一路英语作文翻译(3) 此外,中方将同出席圆桌峰会的有关国家共同发表一份联合公报,这份公报将反映各方在“一带一路”建设上的共识。论坛期间,与会各方还将对接发展战略,合力打造一批务实合作成果,届时将签署一系列合作文件。

Moreover, China and participants to the roundtable will issue a joint munique, which will reflect their consensus on building the Belt and Road. During the forum, participants will synergize development strategies and work for a series of cooperation out es. A number of cooperation documents will be signed at that time.

一带一路英语作文翻译(4) “一带一路”是中国的,但更是世界的。“一带一路”版权虽属中国,但收益为各国共享。习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议3年多来,合作不断开花结果,影响迅速席卷全球,成为迄今最受欢迎的国际公共产品,也是目前前景最好的国际合作平台。“一带一路”之所以取得成功,根本在于响应了沿线各国加强互利合作的迫切愿望,提出了共商、共建、共享的开放包容理念。尤其是在当前保护主义、单边主义抬头形势下,“一带一路”是各国“撸起袖子一起干”的共同事业,有助于推动经济全球化朝更加普惠、包容


The Belt and Road is Chinas initiative, but it belongs to the world. The idea came from China, but the benefits will flow to all countries. In the over three years since President Xi announced the initiative, the idea has caught on and cooperation has flourished. It has be e the most popular public good and the international cooperation platform with the brightest prospects. The Belt and Road Initiative has been so successful because it meets the partner countries urgent desire for more mutually beneficial cooperation and follows the open and inclusive principle of planning together, building together and benefiting together. With protectionism and unilateralism on the rise, the Belt and Road Initiative is a mon cause where the participating countries roll up their sleeves and pitch in together. The initiative will help to rebalance economic globalization and make it more inclusive and equitable. It also represents an important attempt at building a munity of shared future for all humankind.

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