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川教版六年级上册英语Visiting Friends

川教版六年级上册英语Visiting Friends
川教版六年级上册英语Visiting Friends

Unit 2 Visiting Friends

Lesson 1 What a Nice Room!


1. 能通过对本课单词的学习了解各个房间的特点和用途,要求学生能够理解单词大意,并正确朗读。

2. 掌握如何询问别人想喝什么的句型和回答方式,并能在对话中正确使用。









Step 1:




T: Nice to see you again.

S: Me, too.


First, Second…………

Step 2:


T: (出示Ting Ting的头像), She is TingTing,Let’s say “Hello” to Ting Ting.

S: Hello, Ting Ting.

T: Nice to see you!

S: Nice to see you!

(出示Summer的头像),He is…………..(问学生)

S: He is Summer.

T: Let’s say “Hello” to Summer.

S: Hello Summer.

T: Hello!

(教师分角色表演TingTing and Summer的对话)

Answer the questions:

Q1: Is this the tall teaching building?

Q2: Where’sthe TingTing’s classroom?

Q3: Where’sthe TingTing’s Teacher’s office?

3: 出示挂图,












Step2: Listen and practice:

1、出示 music, art, computer 的图片



a: 出示教学楼图片,问:“ What can you see in this picture?”


板书: teaching building

T: It’s teaching building , read after me .

S: “teaching building” , “teaching building” b: 以同样的问题引出并学习: teacher’s office. library. Toilet. Playground

c: 出示一幅教学楼的图片,并分别在不同的楼,不同的房间贴上新单词,问:

Where’s the computer room(学生回答在四楼。) T: It’s on the third floor.



a: 利用插图,同桌练习。

b: what’s the missing word?





Step 1:


2、复习:看图片说单词,并能正确运用句型进行问和答。Step 2: Complete the sentences





Step 3: Look, listen and say.





Step 4: Tongue twisters



Step 5: Listen and sing.




Step 6:







Step2:Read, write and say.




Step3: Learn to write.


教师将“Mr. Wang”&“mr wang”写在黑板上,先让学生齐读,并找不同之处。




Step 4:选择性读完成练习题。




Lesson 2 What a nice school!

Where is art room/music room/teachers` office?

It’s on the ground floor/first floor.

Lesson 2 How did you come here? Ⅰ.Aims and demands教学目标

1. Talk about means of transport: on f oot,by bus,by car,by bike,by plane, by train,by subway,by boat

2. Learn the simple past tense: How did you come here?

I came here by bike.

3. T alk about how to go to school:

Did you come to school by bike?

Yes, I do.

How did you come here?

I came here by bike.

I came here by car.

Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Teaching plan

Step 1



T:Good morning,class.

Ss:Good morning,Miss.../Mr. ...

T:Welcome back to school,boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you again.



T:What time is it? What’s the time?

Oh,it’s seven o’clock.It’s time to g o to school. I usually go to school by bik e/bus/subway... 板书所有的交通工具的名词,把玩具拿出来或把教学图片挂在黑板上,或用简笔画画出几种交通工具来。

by bus by car on foot by bike by boat by plane

by train/subway/underground/ship

I came here by bike/bus/car. (从而引出本课


A:How did you came here?

B:I came herel on foot. (过渡到下一步。)

Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:5分钟)

1. (教师指导两人一组表演,复习原来对话,从而引出对话1。)

A: What time do you wake up?

B: I wake up at six.

A: How did you came school?

B: By bike.

T: Do you know how did Lele came to Tingti ng’s home?

Let’s learn the text


1.How did Lele came Tingting’s home?

2.How did Rose came Tingting’s home?

3.How did Peter came Tingting’s home?

4.How did Sam came Tingting’s home?


T: Work in pairs. Close your book,look at the blackboard and act the dialog out.

Step 3 Practice第四步练习(时间:15分钟)



T: Look at the pictures. Say the phrases . (老师指导学生说。)

S: on foot/by bus/by car/by bike/by plane.. .

T: What time is it? It’s six o’clock. It’s time to wake up.




T: Listen to the sounds,please guess.

Ss: ...

T: OK! Look at the pictures in 2,read

and match. 2.(让学生完成操练。)

IV. Homework

Read the first picture of passage.

Lesson 3 What a Mess!






turn on the TV , turn off the computer, make tea , cook the meals ,set the table , do the dishes , wash the cups的发音并正确运用到日常对话中。

(2)掌握句型:-Can I help you? -Yes, please …


















Step 1: Greetings


T: Class begins! (Stand up!)

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

P: Good morning!

T: How are you today?

P: I’m fine. Thank you! And you?

T: I’m fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, ple ase.

Step 2: Review

T:Yesterday we have studied the new phrases, now let’s review.

1.T:Please read the phrases two times. (课件出示动词短语及相关图片)

2.Play a game.

T: I will show you a picture ,and ask “Wh at’s this?”,you should answer me as fast a s you can.


Step 3: Teach the new sentences

1.课件呈现一副孤寡老人的图片,呼吁孩子们帮助这个老人做家务,从而把动词短语套入句型Can I help you ?Yes , please...中去。

T:What can you see in this picture?

Ss:An old man.

T:Yes,he is an old man,and he’s lonely.I th ink he needs your help. Do you want to hel p him?


T:Let’s ask him.“Can I help you?”(课件出示句型)

2.Practice with many ways.


3.Roll play

Step 3: Teach the text


Boys and girls, last class ,Le Le, Rose and Sam visited Wang Ting. Do you know what h appens next?

1. Now, let’s listen and try to answer the questions .(听2遍录音)(课件出示问题)

Q1: How many people are there in the dial


Q2: Who helps to sweep the floor?

Q3: Who helps to wash the cups?

Q4: Who helps to clean the table?

2.Answer and check.

3.Listen to the tape,and repeat.(跟读2遍)

4.Read the dialogue together.(纠正单词句子的发音)

5.Work in groups.(多种形式进行练习)

6.Act it out. Step 4: Summary

T: Today we have studied Lesson 6 What a M ess!

We have learned these new sentences, and how to do the housework. Then please help your parents do the housework at home.

Step 5: Homework

T: Today’s homework:


Listen to the tape. Read the text fluently and then recite the text.

2Write the words three times and write the sentences once.

T: Class is over. Good bye, every one!

Ss:Good bye, Miss Liu.



T:Hello,boys and girls.How are you today?

S:I am fine,thanks.And you?

T:I am fine,too.



①、出示make the bed图片。

T:Class,look at the picture.What is he doing?


T:He is making the bed.(出示短语,教读,注意确保学生读音准确无误)








采用boys PK girls的游戏方法。抽男、女生各两名读短语,给胜利的一方画笑脸,输的一方画哭脸。





④、T:Class,do you help your mother do housework?Now,I am your mother.I am doing housework.Try to be good and help me.

P1:Mom,can I help you?

T:Good boy!Yes,please make the bed.

P1:OK./All right.

T:Good boy!Thank you.


⑤、教师手持短语卡片,并询问学生Can I help you?学生根据卡片内容回答。



T:Boys and girls,what did we learn today?

P s:……(引导学生回忆本堂课所学知识)




在歌声中结束本堂课。将《Teddy Bear》里面的一些短语用今天学的短语改编。

Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn around.

Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,clean the ground.

Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,set the table.

Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,say"Good bye"!


Lesson 1 I’m New Here 一、教材内容解读 本课是本单元的第一课,其中涉及的现在进行时是小学英语考核的重点,它包含三个课时的教学内容,各个课时的教学内容既有联系又有不同侧重点。 第一课时:复习巩固句型what are you doing?I am/ we are。。。的基础上以旧知引出新知识what is he/she doing?He is /She is 。。。掌握短语clean the blackboard,clean the classroom,draw a picture,read a book,play the piano,wait for a classmate。 第二课时:在复习第一课时的基础上,完成Play a game,进行知识的拓展与巩固,掌握短语:taking a picture,reading a book,playing table tennis,riding a bike,counting,brushing,eating ice cream,swimming,listening to music ,playing the piano,washing my face/学习Let us talk。掌握日常用语can I help you?what class are you in ?I am in Class 3,Grade 6。What about you ?May I know your name?并完成Listen and Number部分的练习。 第三课时:复习第一,二课时的教学内容,能熟练运用what are you doing?what is he/she doing?理解first name,family name,full name 的区别,能阅读对话完成课后作业,能运用what is your first/family/full name?与同学交流。 二、教学目标


Unit 1 school life Lesson 1 Class 班 拆分:C—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(形象)两条蛇 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇来到我们班上课。 Grade 年级 拆分:gr—(拼音)怪人ade—(拼音)阿黛尔 联想:六年级有个怪人名叫阿黛尔。 Clean 打扫;清扫 拆分:cl—(拼音)村落e—(拼音)鹅an—(拼音)俺 联想:村落里的鹅和俺一起打扫教室。 Blackboard 黑板 拆分:bl—(拼音)巴黎a—(英语)一个ck—拼音(刺客)bo—(拼音)博ard—(拼音)艾瑞达 联想:在巴黎刺客也会拿着黑板与博士艾瑞达辩论。 Word 话;单词;用词 拆分:wo—(拼音)我rd—(拼音)弱点 联想:我的弱点就是话太多。 Exercises 练习;运动;使用;锻炼 拆分:ex—(联想)exo erci—(拼音)二次s—(形象)蛇es—(拼音)饿死 拆分EXO练习了二次把蛇饿死的技能。 Drink v.喝 拆分:Dr—(拼音)敌人in—(英语)在~里面k—(拼音)看 联想:敌人在暗地里看人喝毒酒。 Water 水 拆分:wa—(拼音)哇Ter—(拼音)天鹅肉 联想:哇!水煮天鹅肉太好吃了! Wait 等待;等候 拆分:wa—(拼音)蛙it—(英语)它 联想:青蛙在等候它的公主。 Classmate 同学 拆分:c—(形象)月亮la—(拼音)拉ss—(拼音)两条蛇mate—(拼音)mate 联想:月亮拉着两条蛇去会见马特同学。 Lesson n.课程 拆分:le—(拼音)乐ss—(形象)两条蛇on—(英语)在~上 联想:乐乐和两条蛇在本次课程上表现最好! Know 知道 拆分:kn—(拼音)柯南ow—(拼音)欧文 联想:侦探柯南知道大盗欧文在哪里。 Welcome 欢迎 拆分:we—(英语)我们lc—(拼音)凌晨om—(拼音)欧美e—(拼音)鹅 联想:我们凌晨排队欢迎欧美来的鹅。 Family 家庭 拆分:fa—(拼音)发mi—(拼音)米ly—(拼音)鲤鱼


2017-2018学年六年级英语上册期末试卷 (总分50分,答卷时间40分钟) 第一部分听力(30分) 一、听音选图画。(10分) 根据你听到的内容选出一幅相应的图画,把它的编号填入题前括号内,每小题连读两遍。 ( )1. A B ( )2. A B ( )3. A B ( )4.

A B ( )5. A B 二、听音填序号。(10分) 根据图画和你所听到内容的顺序,把顺序号写在图画下面的括号内。每小题连读三遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() 三、听音选答语。(10分) 根据你听到的内容,从A、B两个选项中选出听到的句子,把它的编号填入题前括号内。每段对话连读三遍。 ()1. A. Have a special meal. B. Give presents to the children. ()2.A. Six thousand seven hundred kilometres. B. Seven thousand six hundred kilometres. ()3. A. Well, Christmas is my favourite festival. B. Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. ()4.A. Please stand in line. B. Don’t talk in the library.

()5. A. I’m going to go to Beijing. B. I’m sending an email. 第二部分笔试(20分) 一、词汇。(5分) 根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。 1. There are lots of Chinese rest rants (饭馆) there. 2.Thanksgiving is my favourite f__stival (节日). 3.This is my addr__ss (地址). 4.pandas love b__mboo(竹子). 5.They want to bring p__ __ce (和平) to the world. 二、选择填空。(5分) 从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项,把它的编号填入题前括号内。( )1. There lots of Chinese shops there. A. is B. are ( ) 2. What do you do Flag Day? A. in B. on ( ) 3. Have you got any chopsticks? A. No, I don’t B. No, I haven’t ( ) 4. He ____to go climbing. A. wants B. wanting ( ) 5. I _______an email now. A. send B. am sending 三、口语应用。(5分) 根据对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,使对话完整。把它的编号


小六英语上教案 Lesson 1 I’ m New Here Teaching aims: 1.Students can say the words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2.Students can read the text. 3.Students can listen and number. 1.Words: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2.Students can work in pairs. 3.Students can listen and practice. 1.The pronunciation of the words. 2.Listen and practice the new words. 3.Everybody can learn to introduce himself/herself and his/her friend. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder, cards. Teaching process: 2periods Period 1 Teaching aims: 1.Students can read the new words. 2.Students can work in pairs. 3.Students can listen and number them. 1.Magic box: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wait for a classmate. 2.Work in pairs. 3.Listen and number. 1.The pronunciation of the words. 2.Let ’ s talk about the dialogue. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder T:Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss Yang!

川教版六年级上册英语Visiting Friends

Unit 2 Visiting Friends Lesson 1 What a Nice Room! 教学目标: 1. 能通过对本课单词的学习了解各个房间的特点和用途,要求学生能够理解单词大意,并正确朗读。 2. 掌握如何询问别人想喝什么的句型和回答方式,并能在对话中正确使用。 3.能够听懂对话,并能应用所学单词和句型进行仿编。4.通过学习询问别人意见和表达自己愿望的礼貌语,培养学生养成懂礼貌的好品质。 教学重、难点: 1.本课单词的正确发音和拼读。 2.能使用本课句型进行问答和对话仿编。 3.能听懂对话和读懂课文。 教学课时:第一课时 教学过程: 第一课时 Step 1: 1、师生常规问候。 2、复习 (1)复习问候语:

T: Nice to see you again. S: Me, too. (2)复习基数词。 First, Second………… Step 2: 1、创设情景. T: (出示Ting Ting的头像), She is TingTing,Let’s say “Hello” to Ting Ting. S: Hello, Ting Ting. T: Nice to see you! S: Nice to see you! (出示Summer的头像),He is…………..(问学生) S: He is Summer. T: Let’s say “Hello” to Summer. S: Hello Summer. T: Hello! (教师分角色表演TingTing and Summer的对话) Answer the questions: Q1: Is this the tall teaching building? Q2: Where’sthe TingTing’s classroom? Q3: Where’sthe TingTing’s Teacher’s office?


六年级上英语期中测试卷 姓名: 班级: 听力部分 (40 分) 选择你所听到的内容。 )1. A. lighti ng the can dies )2. A. fly )3. A. first floor )4.A. doe )5. A. ope n the win dow (10 分) B. blow ing out the can dies C. mak ing a wish B. die C. lie B. third floor C. fifth floor B. hoe C. toe B. close the win dow C. close the door 、选择你所听到的句子。(10 分) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) 1、A.She is new here. B.He is new here. )2.Where is the A. bathroom )3. May I ______ ? A. turn on the light )4. Clean the _ A. blackboard B. bedroom B. turn off the light please. B. classroom )5. A mouse is _______ the table. A. in B. on 五、选择题。(10分) C. art room C. have a look C. have a look C.under 笔试部分 60分) )1. Nice to see you aga in. A. Nice to see you too. )2. What class are you in? A. I ' m in Class3,Grade6. B. Welcome. B. I thi nk so. C. Thank you. C. Yes, yo 'e right. 2、 A.What class are you in? 3、 A.What' s your full name? 4、 A.Let me show you aroud. 5、 A.Happy Teacher ' s Day B.What grade are you in? B.What ' s your first n ame? B.Let ' s show you aroud. B.Happy Children ' s Day 三、根据所听问句选择相应的答语。 )3. What'syour n ame ? A. My n ame is Wang Ting. B. I'm 12. C. I like music. )4. What are they doi ng? A.They is play ing games. B. They are play games. C. They are playi ng games. ()1. A. She is running. B. We are playi ng games. ( )5. What you like to drink ? A. do B. are C. w ould ( )2. A. I'd like some tea. B. Yes, please. ( )6. is your birthday ? A. Why B. When C. W hat ( )3. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, please ( )7. May I know your n ame? A. She is WangTing B. I am Rose C. H e is Peter. ( )4. A. Yes, of course B. It ' very big. ( )8. What are you doi ng ? A. He is practising English. B. I'm practising English. C. No ( )5. A. They're singing a song B. 1 'm in class 5. ( )9.--What would you like to eat? (10 分) ,you ' reot. 听录音,补全句子。(10分) 四、 )1. It' ______ the bedroom. A. beside B. in C. on --I ' like some ______ A. juice B. apples C. breads )10. I have music ___ Friday. A. in B. on C. of


川教版小学英语六年级上期末考试 听力部分( 30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。( 8分) ()1. A. dig B. big () 2. A.have B.has ()3.A. going to the zoo B. having a picnic ()4. A. map B. cap ()5. A. speak B.sing ()6. A.friend B. friendly () 7.A.write B. read ()8.A. No,thanks. B.Many thanks. 二、听对话,选择你所听到的答句。( 8分) ()1. A. I’m fine. B. I’m five. C. I’m happy. ()2. A.I like football B.I like spring C.I like blue ()3. A.They are bees B. It’s her book C. It’s an apple ()4. A. Her name is Mike. B. My name is Mike C. His name is Mike. ()5. A.He is handsome B. She is pretty. C. It is long. ()6. A.play English games B. read English C.listen to English and speak English

()7. A.handsome/blue B. pretty/black C. tall/strong ()8. A.No,I don’t. B. Yes, I am C. Yes, I do 三、听录音并排序。( 9分) ()Not bad. We have a new English teacher. ()He is young and very tall. ()Ting Ting,how was school? ()What’s he like?. ()Is he old or young?. ()Can he speak Chinese? ()He is handsome and friendly.His eyes are blue. ()A little. ()Good! 四、听录音,从ABCDE中选择正确的答语。( 5 ) A.My favourite season is spring. B.Wow! He is handsome and friendly. C.Great.We need some fruit juice and coke. D.Listen to English every day. E.Me too. ()1.How to learn English well? ()2.How about having a picnic? ()3.Here comes our head teacher. ()4.What’s your favourite season?


六年级重点复习资料Unit1 School Life Lesson1 I’m New Here 单词:clean the blackboard clean the classroom do word exercises drink water wait for a classmate do housework grade class 句子: 1. Can I help you? Yes,I’m new here. 2What class are you in ?. I’m in Class3,Grade6. 3.May I know your name? My name is Wang Ting. 4. What are you doing ? We’re waiting for Sam Smith. 5. What is she doing? She is listening to the teacher. 6 . What is the woman doing now? She is doing some washing. 7.What are your sister and brother doing now? 8.They are cleaning windows. 9.I can’t find my classroom. 10.We are in the same class. Lesson2 Our School is Beautiful 单词:teaching building Art room music room computer room teachers’ office library toilet playground first second third fourth 句子: 1. Our school is beautiful The school is so beautiful. 2. Nice to see you again. Nice to see you ,too. 3. Let me show you around. It’s very kind of you. 6. Where is the art room? It’s on the second floor./It’s over there 7.Is there the library ? Yes,you are right. 8.Our teacher’s office is on the ground floor. 9.Let’s go and borrow some books. 语音单词:our nice show this music second kind there Lesson3 Happy Teachers’Day! 单词: Practice English have a party celebrate Christmas tell a story do sports make a card 句子: 1.What are they doing ? Let’s go and see. They are singing a song. 2.What are the students doing? They’re practicing English . 3.Let’s go and see. Thank you for your love. 4.When is Teacher’s Day ? It’s on September 10th. 5.What flowers do you usually send? We usually send carnations . 6.What do you usually do on that day? We usually send cards or flowers to our teachers. 语音:dear make have cut usual that happy tell Unit 2 Visiting Friends Lesson1 What a Nice Room! 单词:beside opposite Under in front of behind living room dining room study kitchen bathroom on in 句子: 1.Do come in! What a nice room ! 2. What would you like to drink ? I’d like some coke/juice. 3.Where is your computer? It’s in my study. 4.Where is your study? It’s beside my bedroom. 4.Take a seat,please. Help yourself to some fruit. 5.Where is the classroom? It’s beside the teacher’s office. 语音nice take seat like coke study tea visit


六年级重点复习资料 Unit1 School Life Lesson1 I’m New Here 单词: clean the blackboard clean the classroom do word exercises drink water wait for a classmate do housework grade class 句子: 1.Can I help you? Yes,I’m new here. 2What class are you in ?. I ’m in Class3,Grade6. 3.May I know your name? My name is Wang Ting. 4.What are you doing ? We’re waiting for Sam Smith. 5.What is she doing? She is listening to the teacher. 6. What is the woman doing now? She is doing some washing. 7.What are your sister and brother doing now? 8.They are cleaning windows. 9.I can’tfind my classroom. 10.We are in the same class. Lesson2 Our School is Beautiful 单词: teaching building Art room music room computer room teachers’office library toilet playground first second third fourth 句子: 1.Our school is beautiful The school is so beautiful. 2.Nice to see you again. Nice to see you ,too. 3.Let me show you around. It ’s very kind of you. 6.Where is the art room? It ’s on the second floor./It’s over there 7.Is there the library ? Yes,you are right. 8.Our teacher’s office is on the ground floor. 9.Let’s go and borrow some books. 语音单词: our nice show this music second kind there Lesson3 Happy Teachers’Day! 单词 : Practice English have a party celebrate Christmas tell a story do sports make a card 句子 : 1.What are they doing ? Let’s go and see. They are singing a song. 2.What are the students doing? They’re practicing English . 3.Let’s go and see. Thank you for your love. 4.When is Teacher’s Day ? It ’s on September 10th. 5.What flowers do you usually send? We usually send carnations . 6.What do you usually do on that day? We usually send cards or flowers to our teachers. 语音: dear make have cut usual that happy tell Unit 2 Visiting Friends Lesson1 What a Nice Room! 单词: beside opposite Under in front of behind living room dining room study kitchen bathroom on in 句子: 1.Do come in! What a nice room ! 2.What would you like to drink ? I’d like some coke/juice. 3.Where is your computer? It ’s in my study. 4.Where is your study? It ’s beside my bedroom. 4.Take a seat,please. Help yourself to some fruit. 5.Where is the classroom? It ’s beside the teacher’s office. 语音 nice take seat like coke study tea visit


2019-2020学年期末综合检测 六年级英语试卷 (总分50分,答卷时间40分钟) 一、听音选图画。(10分) 根据你听到的内容选出一幅相应的图画,把它的编号填入题前括号内,每小题连读两遍。 ( )1. A B ( )2. A B ( )3. A B ( )4.

A B ( )5. A B 二、听音填序号。(10分) 根据图画和你所听到内容的顺序,把顺序号写在图画下面的括号内。每小题连读三遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() 三、听音选答语。(10分) 根据你听到的内容,从A、B两个选项中选出听到的句子,把它的编号填入题前括号内。每段对话连读三遍。 ()1. A. Have a special meal. B. Give presents to the children. ()2.A. Six thousand seven hundred kilometres. B. Seven thousand six hundred kilometres. ()3. A. Well, Christmas is my favourite festival. B. Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. ()4.A. Please stand in line. B. Don’t talk in the library. ()5. A. I’m go ing to go to Beijing. B. I’m sending an email.

第二部分笔试(20分) 一、词汇。(5分) 根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。 1. There are lots of Chinese rest rants (饭馆) there. 2.Thanksgiving is my favourite f__stival (节日). 3.This is my addr__ss (地址). 4.pandas love b__mboo(竹子). 5.They want to bring p__ __ce (和平) to the world. 二、选择填空。(5分) 从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项,把它的编号填入题前括号内。( )1. There lots of Chinese shops there. A. is B. are ( ) 2. What do you do Flag Day? A. in B. on ( ) 3. Have you got any chopsticks? A. No, I don’t B. No, I haven’t ( ) 4. He ____to go climbing. A. wants B. wanting ( ) 5. I _______an email now. A. send B. am sending 三、口语应用。(5分) 根据对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,使对话完整。把它的编号填写在空格线上。每个只用一次。


最新川教版英语六年级上册重点句子复习 Unit1 School Life Lesson1 I’m New Here 单词:clean the blackboard clean the classroom do word exercises drink water wait for a classmate do housework grade class 句子: 1. Can I help you? Yes,I’m new here. 2What class are you in ?. I’m in Class3,Grade6. 3.May I know your name? My name is Wang Ting. 4. What are you doing ? We’re waiting for Sam Smith. 5. What is she doing? She is listening to the teacher. 6 . What is the woman doing now? She is doing some washing. 7.What are your sister and brother doing now? 8.They are cleaning windows. 9.I can’t find my classroom. 10.We are in the same class. Lesson2 Our School is Beautiful 单词:teaching building Art room music room room teachers’ office library toilet playground first second third fourth 句子: 1. Our school is beautiful The school is so beautiful. 2. Nice to see you again. Nice to see you ,too. 3. Let me show you around. It’s very kind of you. 6. Where is the art room? It’s on the second floor./It’s over there 7.Is there the library ? Yes,you are right. 8.Our teacher’s office is on the ground floor. 9.Let’s go and borrow some books. 语音单词:our nice show this music second kind there Lesson3 Happy Teachers’Day! 单词: Practice English have a party celebrate Christmas tell a story do sports make a card 句子: 1.What are they doing ? Let’s go and see. They are singing a song. 2.What are the students doing? They’re practicing English . 3.Let’s go and see. Thank you for your love. 4.When is Teacher’s Day ? It’s on September 10th. 5.What flowers do you usually send? We usually send carnations . 6.What do you usually do on that day? We usually send cards or flowers to our teachers. 语音:dear make have cut usual that happy tell Unit 2 Visiting Friends Lesson1 What a Nice Room! 单词:beside opposite Under in front of behind living room dining room study kitchen bathroom on in 句子: 1 / 3


2018-2019学年六年级英语上册期末试卷 (总分50分,答卷时间40分钟) 第一部分听力(30分) 一、听音选图画。(10分) 根据你听到的内容选出一幅相应的图画,把它的编号填入题前括号内,每小题连读两遍。 ( )1. A B ( )2. A B ( )3. A B ( )4.

A B ( )5. A B 二、听音填序号。(10分) 根据图画和你所听到内容的顺序,把顺序号写在图画下面的括号内。每小题连读三遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ()() 三、听音选答语。(10分) 根据你听到的内容,从A、B两个选项中选出听到的句子,把它的编号填入题前括号内。每段对话连读三遍。 ()1. A. Have a special meal. B. Give presents to the children. ()2.A. Six thousand seven hundred kilometres. B. Seven thousand six hundred kilometres. ()3. A. Well, Christmas is my favourite festival. B. Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. ()4.A. Please stand in line. B. Don’t talk in the library.

()5. A. I’m going to go to Beijing. B. I’m sending an email. 第二部分笔试(20分) 一、词汇。(5分) 根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。 1. There are lots of Chinese rest rants (饭馆) there. 2.Thanksgiving is my favourite f__stival (节日). 3.This is my addr__ss (地址). 4.pandas love b__mboo(竹子). 5.They want to bring p__ __ce (和平) to the world. 二、选择填空。(5分) 从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项,把它的编号填入题前括号内。( )1. There lots of Chinese shops there. A. is B. are ( ) 2. What do you do Flag Day? A. in B. on ( ) 3. Have you got any chopsticks? A. No, I don’t B. No, I haven’t ( ) 4. He ____to go climbing. A. wants B. wanting ( ) 5. I _______an email now. A. send B. am sending 三、口语应用。(5分) 根据对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,使对话完整。把它的编号

川教版六年级英语上期中测 试卷

六年级上英语期中测试卷 姓名: 班级: 听力部分(40分) 一、选择你所听到的内容。(10分) ( ) 1. A. lighting the candles B. blowing out the candles C. making a wish ( ) 2. A. fly B. die C. lie ( ) 3. A. first floor B. third floor C. fifth floor ( ) 4.A. doe B. hoe C. toe ( ) 5. A. open the window B. close the window C. close the door 二、选择你所听到的句子。(10分) ()1、A.She is new here. B.He is new here. ()2、A.What class are you in? B.What grade are you in? ()3、A.What’s your full name? B.What’s your first name? ()4、A.Let me show you aroud. B.Let’s show you aroud. ()5、A.Happy Teacher’s Day B.Happy Children’s Day 三、根据所听问句选择相应的答语。(10分) ( ) 1. A. She is running. B. We are playing games. ( ) 2. A. I’d like some tea. B. Yes, please. ( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, please. ( )4. A. Yes, of course B. It’s very big. ( )5. A. They’re singing a song B. I’m in class 5. 四、听录音,补全句子。(10分) ( ) 1. It’s the bedroom. A. beside B. in C. on ( ) 2.Where is the ? A. bathroom B. bedroom C. art room


听力部分(20分) 一、选择你所听到的单词。(5分) ()1、A. beside B. opposite C. behind ()2、A. comb B. thumb C. lamp ()3、A. name B. same C. game ()4、A. fish B. wash C. dish ()5、A. tie B. pie C. lie 二、选择你所听到的句子。(5分) ()1、A. She is new here. B. He is new here. ()2、A. What class are you in? B. What grade are you in? ()3、A. May I have a rest? B. May I have a look? ()4、A. Let me show you around. B. Let’s show you arou nd. ()5、A. Happy Teacher’s Day B.Happy Children’s D ay 三、听每小题一段小对话,选择最佳答案。(5分) ()1、What are you doing? A. I’m eating fruit. B. I’m making a wish. ()2、What would you like to drink? A. Tea, please. B. I’d like water. ()3、May I go to the park? A. Yes, of course. B. Yes. ()4、Where is the living room? A. It’s beside the study. B. It’s beside the kitchen ()5、What is she doing? A. She is drawing picture. B. She is waiting for a classmate. 四、听短文,从相应选项中选出你所听到的最佳答案。(5分) ()1、It’s . A. in the morning B. in the evening ()2、My mother is . A. cooking in the kitchen B. eating in the kitchen ()3、I am . A. doing homework B. watching TV ()4、My father is writing . A. a letter B. an e-mail ()5、My cat is . A. playing B. eating fish 笔试部分(80分) 一、字母知识。(5分)

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