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Differences Betwween Chinese And Western Clture

As we know,there are many obvious differences between chinese and western clture.Here I will epress some opinions about this.

Chinese culture is the collectivist culture.Chinese put the benefit

of groung the first place.The value of people can not be allowed to set up over the the benefit of the grounp.On the contrary,western culture is the individualist culture.They spare no efforts to show off themselves.

1、Differences in addressing

Chinese put the given name after the family name.While in the

western country,their given names were put at the place.We can see that Chinese regard the family name more important than the given name.It reflects that Westerners have a thought that each person is significant in our world and a person should play a important role among our beings.

2、Differences in rendering thanks

Generaly,in China the family members hardly say “thanks”.If say

it,we will feel strange and have distance beween each other.But Westerners can it on any occasion and beween any people.When someone

give they a cup of drink,they will say“Thanks”.What,s

more,when someone ask you“Would you like something to

eat/dirnk,”Chinese would say a few words of courtesy although

they would like.But in th e west,peole will say“Yes,please”if

they would like and will say“No,thanks”if they would not.

3、Differences in praise

In China ,when someone praise us,we usually will be modesty.Maybe we would say“where,where”.However,in western

country,they often resp ond “Thank you”.

4、Different attitude to the privacy

When see somebody for the first time ,Chinese care about their

age,marriage,income and so on.But in western country people don’t like others ask they these question.They will think your prying is getting too personal.And they will not welcome you.

5、Differences of greeting

Chinese people are acccustomed to greet with others saying that “Did you have a meal”.And if you talking about it with

westerners,they feel you wil invite them to a meal.In fact,they have many topics to greet others,such as weather,health,traffic,physical education and hobbies.


中西节日文化差异英文 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


T h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n c h i n e s e a n d w e s t e r n c u l t u r e With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the


Differences between Chinese and Western culture As we know the differences between the our estern cultures and western cultures are quite obvious.I would like to state some of my opinions in this paper. I.difference in the thinking style People on the earth are homologous,but different people in different place have different performance on the way of thinking. Differences between Chinese and Western way of thinking reflected in many aspects.Such as the difference between abstract and concrete, reflected in their attitudes towards life can be understood as Westernersare more practical, and the Chinese are much more biased towards some spiritual experience. Westerners pay attention to logical thinking, but Chinese pay more attention to dialectical thinking and so on. As Chinese and western way of thinking are different, there are differences in expression of the order. For example,we can see that the names of western style are not like ours,they put their given names at the first place,while we put them after our family names,that is to say,we regard our family more important than ourselves,and it's the traditional way of estern thinking.Westerners have another way of thinking,they think that each person is important in our world and society,and a person should play a important role among our human beings. II.differences in daily communication Westerners are frank,but chinese are humility.The reflection between westerners and chinese on the treatment of praise is different.In the West, people can accept it generously. As the Chinese have long term impact of Confucian education, we treat others’ praise and recognition not often take the attitude of ourselves, or there is suspected of arrogant. When meeting acquaintances, chinese and westerners greet each other are also different. Chinese people often say "Have you eat ?" "Where are you going?"except the general asked”hello”. In western culture, this is not a greeting, but substantive issues. When British and American people meet,they usually use a polite phrase like "How are you?" or "Nice to meet you!" In addtion,when westerners accept gift from others,they are willing to open it and praise it directly,but chinese do not do like that. III.differences in customs Chinese people regard ourselves as descendants of the Dragon.Chinese have a supreme respect for the dragon, we think dragon is a symbol of our nation. In the dynasty time,Chinese emperors generally self-styled "dragon".However,in the West, the dragon was regarded as the devil, and it was killed by the legendary god of protection, so they set a day as a festival to celebrate the lifting of a disaster, and thank the protection of God.For this reason, when the students describe a person's lively, they say "He / She is full of vim and vigor." not"He / She is as lively as a dragon and tiger". Everyone has their favorite color, so does a country and a nation. Chinese like the red colour ,because chinese think red is a symbol of luck and enthusiam. But westerners perfer to the blue colour,they think blue can make themselves calm. Thus,the preferences of different colors can reflect the whole of a country’s aesthetic taste. IV. differences in eating cultrue Chinese and Western diets are very different, so the differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form, that is, everyone sit around one table. People toast each other,and eat the same food in one plate,,It reflects the mutual respect between people even the traditional courteous virtue. Although from the health point of view, this dietary approach has obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our



The difference between chinese and western culture With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are


Overview of intercultural communication The 20th century human science and technology has been a breakthrough development, which has greatly changed the world pattern and human way of life. Modern transportation high-speed development, high speed road crisscross, family car at a faster speed, in wider range popularization, this makes the companionship unprecedented frequently. Modern communications technology is highly developed and the rapid popularization of mobile phone, which makes the communication between people absolutely clear. Especially the popularization of the computer and the Internet, make the birth of human life form enters a new era, breaking the previous life function space restrictions. These great change a core is between person and person, time and space is pulled close distance, the huge earth be compressed into a small "global village", intercultural communication become each nation ingapore life part. However, cultural differences are cross-cultural communication barriers, cultural differences to overcome communication barriers has become the common problems facing the world. Today we mainly to discuss the differences between eastern and western etiquette culture appearance and deep reasons. 2 review Eastern rite refers mainly to China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, etc, as a representative of the Asian countries represent with the east Square the characteristics of the nationalities etiquette culture. Western etiquette refers mainly to spread in Europe, North America countries culture etiquette. 2.1 communicative language etiquette difference Overall, the etiquette of western emphasis on practical, express blunt, frank. In “ let ” for orientals rite, all thingses all manners Make three points, compared with westerners, often appear humility and implicative. For example Daily greetings 1. In a typical representative of China Oriental culture, daily acquaintances greet the most commonly used is to eat? "" go where?" and so on, this is our common and be willing to accept it, being such inquiries, we feel each other for their concerns, but in the west, this greeting will make them feel suddenly, embarrassed, even unhappy, because westerners will put this question to understand become a "questioned", they used mode is "hello" or "good morning" and so on, in Britain, "it is a fine day today" is the most commonly used sentence structures.


Communication Ways of Chinese and Americans Human communication is the foundation of building a harmonious society, and the emotions that people expressed are the most important part of communication. Emotions, include friendship, family affections and love, are reflected in how you treat others and what the others think of you. Chinese and Americans both have a wealth of emotions, but there are different ways to express the same emotion, which is the difference between the two nations. First of all, emotions of Chinese and Americans are similar, they are both full of passion for the world. For friends, Chinese are very hospitable, and Americans are the same. Chinese always show the best things to visitors whenthe visitorsare present. Similarly, there is also more food on the table when gusts are present in America. And for family members, parents love their children and the kids respect their parents naturally both in the United States and in China. For lover, people from China and America both think love is specific and sacred, and they both treat love seriously. Despite these similarities, the ways to express emotion are quite different between Chinese and Americans.There are different ways to make friends and maintain friendship in China and in the United States. The intimacies among friends are quite high in China, which reflected in the personal relationship and the money. It is common to use someone’s own personal resources to help a friend to find a job in China. It is also common that the richest man pays the bill when friends gather at a meal. But it is very rare between friends in the United States. Americans insist that friends should have their own personal space and personal privacy. The friendship


The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's cultural implicat ions and its cultural characteristics, we must start with its traditional festivals. There exists great difference between Chinese and Western festivals due to their different languages, education, life styles and customs. Recently, western festivals are becoming more and more popular among Chinese. On one hand, it can indeed bring some benefits to our country to some extent. On the other hand, we should pay attention to this phenomenon. The differences in their origin and shaping, celebration, food, banquet manners, color of festive dressing and the attitudes of accepting presents contribute to the great differences of Chinese and Western festive cultures. On the background of globalization, we should pay respect to western festivals, and carry forward our excellent traditional festivals at the same time. “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's cultural implications and its cultural characteristics,


List the problems when east meet west may encounter and tell the way work out With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the opposite, some English-speaking contries, most of the people like to seat in two rows, two people face to face. They have their own plate. On the aspect of table manners, there are many differences between chinese and English-speaking people. For example, in some Englishi-speaking countries, Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before

中西文化差异 英文版

中西文化差异英文版 With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not

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