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芽bud 侧芽lateral bud 顶芽terminal bud 花芽flower bud 叶芽leaf bud 腋芽axillary bud 混合芽mixed flower bud 纯花芽simple flower bud 休眠芽dormant bud 潜伏芽latent bud 根际Rhizosphere 茎stem

花粉anther 徒长枝water sprout 长枝long branch 短枝short shoot 结果枝bearing branch 叶leaf

叶腋axil 叶上表皮leaf epidermis 叶柄Petiole

叶脉leaf vein 叶缘leaf margin 叶肉Mesophyll 花flower 柱头stigma 雌蕊Pistils

雄蕊stamen 花萼Sepal 花托Receptacle 花瓣petal 子房ovary 果实fruit

果肉Pulp;flesh 果柄carpopodium 树干trunk

树冠crown 坐果fruit set


光合作用Photosynthesis 碳水化合物Carbohydrate 光合产物Photosynthate 养分Nutrient 同化作用Assimilation 异化作用Dissimilation 补偿点Compensation point 呼吸作用Respiration 有氧呼吸Aerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Anaerobic respiration 生理干旱Physiological drought

固氮作用Nitrogen fixation 水分不足Water deficit 新陈代谢Metabolism 伤流现象Guttation 休眠dormancy 花期Florescence 授粉Pollinate 种间杂交Interspecfic cross 人工授粉Artificial pollination 杂交Intercrossing 蒸腾作用transpiration


施肥灌溉Fertigation 缺乏Deficiency 矿质营养Mineral nutrition 绿色肥料Green manure 有机肥Organic manure 胁迫Stress

萎蔫Wilting 叶果比leaf : fruit ratio 堆肥compost

缺素症deficiency symptom 滴灌drip irrigation 矮化砧dwarfing rootstock 沟灌furrow irrigation


环割Ring gridling 短截heading-back cut 剪除prune 疏枝thinning out of branches 疏花疏果blossom and fruit thinning

刻芽Carved bud 摘心pinching 抹芽sprouting 扭梢Twist tip 拉枝Bending branch 芽插bud cutting 芽接法budding 皮接法bark graft 黑麦草ryegrass

三叶草clover 鸭茅草cocksfoot 园艺Horticulture