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That’s only something of xingtai. A lot of other attractions are waiting for you !!!
Besides, Xingtai is a beautiful place, where there are green hills and clear waters. And you can find lovely birds and brightcoloured flowers here and there.
What’s more, Xingtai, an ancient city ,has a history of more than 3500 years.
And it is also the hometown of Guoshoujing, who was a famous scientist of the Yuan Dynasty.
邢台市简称为“邢”,雅号卧 牛城,位于河北省南部,是冀 南重要的中心城市和新型工业 基地,有3500余年的建城史, 为河北省最古老的城市,是元 代大科学家郭守敬的故乡,素 有“鸳水之滨,襄国故都,依 山凭险、地腴民丰”的美誉。
My hometown, Xingtai, is short for “xing”. Her another name is “the cow city”. Located in the south of Hebei province, Xingtai is an important key city and the new industrial base.
邢台峡谷群是河北 省重点风景名胜区, 国家AAA级景区和 省级地质公园,由 24条峡谷组成,是 太行群峰中的一大 奇观。
Located in Xingtai, Bianque Temple is a longhistory and great ancient building . It is the earliest and largest one of all Bianque temples.
扁鹊庙位于邢台 市内丘县,是一 座历史悠久、规 模宏伟的古代建 筑,现为国家级 重点文物保护单 位。是全国建造 最早、规模最大 的扁鹊庙。
Han Peony Garden ,Located Xingtai Boxiang County, is our country’s peony resource protection area. Popularly known, the peony of Boxiang is the most beautiful of all.
乡 牡 丹 天 下 先 的 美 誉 。
景楼 丹丹 资 乡 汉 点阁 总的 源 县 牡 点、 领活 保 , 丹 缀湖 群化 护 是 园 其光 芳石 区 国 位 中水 , , 家 于 ,色 设 以 牡 邢 素的 有汉 世 丹 台 有 亭代 界 芍 市 柏个 台牡 牡 药 柏 —— 20
Show you some beautiful pictures!!!
Xingtai canyon group (邢台大峡谷)
Bianque temple (扁鹊祠)
Han源自文库Peony Garden (汉牡丹园)
Xingtai Canyon Group is a key scenic spots of national AAA-level and a provincial geological park. It is composed by 24 canyons, which is one of the wonders of the Taihang mountain.