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Unit 1


1. would rather do sth情愿做….

would rather sb did sth情愿sb做…

情愿做….而不愿意做…:would rather do sth than do sth= would do sth rather than do sth

= prefer to do sth rather than do sth

= prefer doing sth to doing sth

2.faith n. 信任,信仰keep faith with 忠于信仰; 守信

have faith in 相信, 信任

in good faith 老实地;诚恳地faithful adj. 忠诚的,可靠的

3.As there are so many different styles of Western art , it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text.

so+adj+a(an)+(单数可数) (+that…)

so many/few +n (复数) (+ that…)

so much/little (不可数) (+that…)

such+adj.+n.(不可数)/ n (复数)

4.consequently adv. 所以,因此

Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently, he knows very little about it. 福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。

consequent adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的

consequence n. 结果

as a consequence/result of = because of

5 .aim


○1(C) 目标

without aim 无目的的/ 无目标的

achieve one’s aim

miss one’s aim 打不中目标

○2(U) 对准, 瞄准take aim at

2)v. (以枪等) 对准,瞄准aim at

aimless a. 无目标的,无目的的

○2打算,计划, 以……为目标, 立志做……

aim at doing = aim to do 瞄准, 力求做到,力争达到

6.typical adj.典型的;具有代表性的;象征性的(representative)

typical example 典型事例

adj. evident明白的, 明显的(apparent)

n. evidence 证据;证明

It is evident (obvious) (to sb) that …..

7.realistic 现实主义的,逼真的,现实的realism现实主义idealism realist现实主义terrorism 恐怖主义terrorist 恐怖分子

Socialism Socialist

real adj. 真的realize v. 实现

8 adopt vt.


After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 再三考虑之后,我决定采纳她的建议。


Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。adopted adj. 被收养的,被采用的adopted child

11.possess 用作动词时,不能用于进行时。有多种不同的含义:


The library possesses a number of the artist’s early works. 图书馆里藏有那位画家的一些早期作品。

2)“具有……的特质”。常见搭配有be possessed of sth,意为“具有某种品质或特征”。如:

I’m afraid he doesn’t possess a sense of humor. 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。

He is possessed of great natural ability. 他很有天赋。


He was possessed by the desire to be rich.

[n]. possession


The ring is one of her most valuable possessions. 这只戒指是他最珍贵的财产之一。personal possessions个人财产

He lost all his possessions in the fire.


take possession of 占领,夺取

come into possession of 占有

in possession of (表主动)占有

in the possession of (表被动)…被占有

He is in ~ of the house. 他拥有这套房子。

The house is in the ~ of him. 这套房子在他的占有之下。


convince sb. to do sth=convince sb of sth.说服某人做…

Convince sb that使某人确信某事

convince vt. “使确信;使信服”

convince sb. of sth. / that ...

by coincidence 碰巧, 由于巧合

what a coincidence!多么凑巧的事情啊!

What a coincidence to meet you here. 真巧在这儿碰到你。

10.a great/ good deal 大量; 大量

Ever since the reform and opening, China has changed a great deal. (adv.修饰v.)

A great deal has been studied and this is considered the best way to solve the difficult problem.(n.)

He ran a great deal faster than me.(修饰比较级)

a great/good deal of为adj,修饰[U]

A great deal of money was spent on the project. 那个项目花费了大量金钱。


many a few

a good/great many