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35. (2018·广东省)According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only of men would do it.

A. four fifth

B. four fifths

C. two fifth

D. two fifths

35. D考查数词之分数表达。句意:根据一项调查,五分之四的妇女在家做家务,但是只有五分之二的男士做这项工作。分数的表达方式,分子用基数词,而分母则需要用序数词,当分子数字大于一时,则分母序数词后需要加s。故选D。

27. (2018·湖北黄冈) —Dad, about _________ of our classmates wear glasses.

—Oh, that's terrible. You all should take good care of your eyes.

A. three fourth

B. third fourth

C. third fourths

D. three quarters

27. D 考查分数表达。在英语中,分子使用基数词,分母使用序数词,当分子大于或等于二时,分母用复数形式。由此排除A 、B、C选项。quarter为四分之一,three quarters为3/4。故选D。

27. (2018• 湖北咸宁)— Nowadays China has about 25,000 kilometers of high-speed railways. —That’s _______ of the world’s total.

A. two third

B. two-third

C. two thirds

D. two three

27. C 考查分数表达法。句意:——现在中国有大约25,000千米的高速铁路。——占世界(高铁)总长度的三分之二。分数表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数次,分子大于1时,分母用复数。故选C。

28. (2018·湖南湘西) —Excuse me, Mary. Can you read “198” in English?

—Yes, of course._______.

A. One hundred ninety-eight

B. One hundred nine eight

C. One hundred and ninety-eight

28. C【解析】考查数字辨析。句意:——劳驾,玛丽。你用英语会读“198”吗?——是的,当然了。_____。分析数字可知:百位数和十位数之间要加and。故选C。

39. (2018·湖南湘西) Li Wen is a normal _____boy from the countryside. He works hard and does well in school.

A. 15 years old


C. 15-year-old

39. C【解析】考查复合形容词用法。句意:李文是个来自农村的15岁普通男孩。他在学校里努力学习并做得很好。表示年龄的复合形容词结构“数字-名词单数-形容词”,15岁的,可表示为“15-year-old”。故选C。

(2018山东菏泽)25. Tibet receives ____foreign visitors from January to April each year.

A. thousand of

B. thousands of

C. several thousands

25.B【解析】考查数词辨析。“具体数字+thousand +名词复数”或者“thousands of +名词复数”,分析选项可知选B。

(2018·广西河池) 28. There are about three ________ students in our school.

A. thousands

B. thousands of

C. thousand

D. thousand of

28. C【解析】考查数词的用法辨析。句意:在我们学校里大约有三千名学生。当thousand 前有具体的数字three等时,表示确数,thousand后不加-s,其后也不用of;当thousand前没有具体数字three等时,表示约数,thousand后即加-s,也要加of。故选C。(2018·广西河池) 29. Each of us ________ WeChat(微信) nowadays even the old people.

A. plays

B. play

C. playing

D. played

29. A【解析】考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:目前我们每个人都玩微信,甚至老年人(也玩)。由句意可知:这里介绍的是目前的一种现象,故句中的谓语动词要用一般现在时。

each of+名词的复数或代词的宾格,意为“……当中的每一个”,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式plays。故选A。

25. (2018. 贵州安顺)—What do you think of the environment here, Mr. Wang? —Wonderful! of the land covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifths; is

B. Two fifth; is

C. Two fifths; are

D. Two fifth; are

25. A. 考查数词和主谓一致的用法。英语中表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用序数词的复数形式。这里中心词是不可数名词land, 作主语时看作单数,故选A。

(2018·甘肃天水)42.—How do you say “1:57” in English?

—It’s .

A.three past two

B.fifty-seven past one

C.three to one

D.three to two

42. D 【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:——在英语中,你如何表达“1点57分”?——时间是_______。时刻的间接表达法:当分钟数小于30的时候,用“原分钟数+past+原小时数”,意为“几点过几分”;当分钟数大于30时,用“(60-原分钟数)+to+(原小时数+1)”,意为“差几分钟不到下一个钟点”。这里表示“一点五十七”,故用“three to two”。故选D。

32. (2018·山东滨州)Nowadays, __________ farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.

A. million of

B. two millions

C. millions of

D. two millions of

32. C 考查数词用法。句意:现在,成百上千万的农民离开他们的家乡去大城市寻找工作。

表示不确切的数目时,在million, thousand或hundred后加s,和of连用,在thousand 或hundred前有具体数词时不用复数,也不和of连用,直接修饰名词复数形式。故选C。

28.(2018·山东东营) We asked 1,000 students from Hope School about what kind of books they love. Here are the results.

According to the pie chart above, _______ of the students love science books.

A. ten percent

B. fifteen percent

C. a quarter

D. half

28.D【解析】考查数词的用法辨析。句意:我们询问了来自希望中学的1000名学生,有关他们喜欢什么类型的书。这儿是调查结果。根据以上的表格,________ 的学生喜欢科学书。ten percent百分之十;fifteen percent 百分之十五;a quarter四分之一;half一半。由题干中所给的表格信息可知是500个学生,占总人数的一半。故选D。

26.(2018·四川达州)—Which country do you think will win the first prize of the ______ FIFA World Cup?

—You mean the football match will be held in ______?





26.C 考查数词和名词辨析。句意:——你认为哪个国家会获得第21届世界杯的第一名?——你说的是在俄罗斯举办的足球赛吗?从句意知,第一个空需要用序数词,第二个空