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高三英语二轮复习学案-名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选:Permission to Cry

高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选Permission to Cry(答案在最后)


心灵鸡汤精选Permission to Cry

【文章梗概】一个中年单亲父亲在忙碌一天之后,一个人静静地坐在餐桌边,疲劳、孤独感向他袭来,沉重的生活压力让他情不自禁流下眼泪。五岁的儿子贴心地安慰父亲,鼓励父亲通过哭来发泄自己的压力,在这个寂静的夜晚,父亲得到儿子的安慰,对孩子充满感激。Alone in the wheel of light at the dining room table, surrounded by an otherwise darkened house, I sat in tears.

Finally, I’d succeeded in getting both kids to bed. A relatively new single parent, I had to be both Mommy and Daddy to my two little children. I got them both washed, accompanied by shrieks of delight, crazy running around, laughing and throwing things. More or less calmed down, they lay in their beds as I gave each the prescribed five minutes of back rubs. Then I took up my guitar and began the nighttime ritual of folk songs, ending with “All the Pretty Little Horses,” both kids’ favorite. I sang it over and over, gradually reducing the tempo and the volume until they seemed fully engaged in sleep.

A recently divorced man with full custody of his children, I was determined to give them as normal and stable a home life as possible. I put on a happy face for them. I kept their activities as close to how they had always been as I could. This nightly ritual was just as it had always been with the exception that their mother was now missing. There, I had done it again: another night successfully concluded.

I had risen slowly, gingerly, trying to avoid making even the least sound which might start them up again, asking for more songs and more stories. I tiptoed out of their room, closed the door part way, and went downstairs.

Sitting at the dining room table, I slumped in my chair, aware that this was the first time since I came home from work that I’d been able to just sit down. I had cooked and served and encouraged two little ones to eat. I had done the dishes while responding to their many requests for attention. I helped my oldest with her second grade homework and appreciated my youngest’s drawings and oohed over his elaborate construction of Lego blocks. The bath, the stories, the backrubs, the singing and now, at long last, a brief moment for myself. The silence was a relief, for the moment. Then it all crowded in on me: the fatigue, the weight of the responsibility, the worry about bills I wasn’t sure I could pay that month. The endless details of running a house. Only a short time before, I’d been married and had a partner to share these chores, these bills, these worries.

And loneliness. I felt as though I were at the bottom of a great sea of loneliness. It all came together and I was at once lost, overwhelmed. Unexpected, convulsive sobs overtook me. I sat there, silently sobbing.

Just then, a pair of little arms went around my middle and a little face peered up at me. I looked down into my five-year-old son’s sympathetic face.

I was embarrassed to be seen crying by my son. “I’m sorry, Ethan, I didn’t know you were still awake.” I don’t know why it is, but so many people apologize when they cry and I was no exception. “I didn’t mean to cry. I’m sorry. I’m just a little sad tonight.”

“It’s okay, Daddy. It’s okay to cry, you’re just a person. ”

I can’t express how happy he made me, this little boy, who in the wisdom of innocence, gave me permission to cry. He seemed to be saying that I didn’t have to always be strong, that it was occasionally possible to allow myself to feel weak and let out my feelings.

He crept into my lap and we hugged and talked for a while, and I took him back up to his bed and tucked him in. Somehow, it was possible for me to get to sleep that night, too. Thank you, my son.



1.shriek[ʃri:k]n. __________________________

2.prescribed[prɪˈskraɪbd]adj. __________________________

3.ritual[ˈrɪtʃuəl]n. __________________________

4.tempo[ˈtempəʊ]n. __________________________

5.volume[ˈvɒljuːm]n. __________________________

6.custody[ˈkʌstədɪ]n. __________________________

7.conclude[kənˈkluːd]v. __________________________

8.gingerly[ˈdʒɪndʒəlɪ]adv. __________________________

9.tiptoe[ˈtɪptəʊ]vi. __________________________

10.slump[slʌmp]vi. __________________________

11.elaborate[ɪˈlæbəˌrɪt]adj. __________________________


13.overwhelm[ˌəʊvəˈwelm]vt. __________________________

14.convulsive[kənˈvʌlsɪv]adj. __________________________


16.sympathetic[ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk]a dj. __________________________

17.innocence[ˈɪnəsəns]n. __________________________

18.creep[kriːp]vi. __________________________

19.tuck[tʌk]V. __________________________




1. I got them both washed, __________________________by shrieks of delight, crazy __________________________________________________things.


2. I __________________________ out of their room, __________________________ the door part way, and __________________________downstairs.


3. I __________________________ there, silently__________________________.


4. Just then, a pair of little arms __________________________ my middle and a little face __________________________up at me.


5. He __________________________into my lap and we __________________________ for a

while, and I __________________________ up to his bed and __________________________.



1. I put on __________________________for them.


2. I felt____________________I _____________________________________________.


3. I was __________________________ to be seen crying by my son.


4. I can’t express how __________________________ he made me...



Alone ___________________________at the dining room table, surrounded ___________________________, I sat in tears.



My father is a practical man. He can’t explain calculus(微积分),but he can tell you how much pressure a boiler needs. He can’t draw an architect’s plan, but he can tell you if the pipes and wiring will sustain the structure. He put himself through night school to become an engineer, but that was only after he worked a slumber, an electrician, and a mechanic.

One day we walked by a toy store window. Sitting in the comer was the most unusual doll-house I’d ever seen. It was shaped liked an upturned log(原木). Little oval windows decorated with nice curtains and framed by tiny balconies were cut into it.

“Oh, Daddy,” I said, “isn’t it beautiful? Do you think Santa Claus will bring it to me?”

Dad looked at the $100 price tag, silent — that’s a rather big figure in those days. “I think even Santa couldn’t afford this house,” he joked, lifting up his belt as he often does when he’s nervous. “Maybe one day, sweetheart.”

On Christmas morning, I awoke early and raced downstairs. In the dim light, I made out a lot of wrapped boxes under the tree — but none large enough to contain my dollhouse. Dad could see my disappointment He pulled me onto his lap and gently told me how, as a boy, he had wanted a red wagon, but his father couldn’t afford one. He said he made his own from wood and old wheels he found. “I’ll make one for you,” Dad assured me.

And right after Christmas, despite all the unfinished projects at home, he started it. I naively (幼稚地)thought it was an easy toy to make, but every step of the long process was considerably more complex than I had anticipated. Night after night, Dad would come home from his job dead tired, yet he’d always find time to work on the log house. In the dark yellow electric light, Dad was always busy creating my dollhouse.




I hesitated, wondering if I should help my father.

In all, it took us one month of hard work.





2.prescribed[prɪˈskraɪbd]adj. 规定的














16.sympathetic[ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk]a dj.同情的







1. I got them both washed, accompanied by shrieks of delight, crazy running around, laughing and throwing things.


2. I tiptoed out of their room, closed the door part way, and went downstairs.


3. I sat there, silently sobbing.


4. Just then, a pair of little arms went around my middle and a little face peered up at me.


5. He crept into my lap and we hugged and talked for a while, and I took him back up to his bed and tucked him in.



1. I put on a happy face for them.


2. I felt as though I were at the bottom of a great sea of loneliness.


3. I was embarrassed to be seen crying by my son.


4. I can’t express how happy he made me...



Alone in the wheel of light at the dining room table, surrounded by an otherwise darkened house, I sat in tears.


I hesitated, wondering if I should help my father. “Then we’ll make one together,” he told me. First, Dad cut leftover board into strips and nailed them in a circle on a wood base, showing me how to make the rough edges smooth. Then he sawed the base in half and attached hinges to one side so the “log” would swing open and shut. He gathered pieces of wallpaper, matching patterns as carefully. He painted the outside with shades of brown, and added a tiny path to the front door--made from real concrete.

In all, it took us one month of hard work. But the log house was the greatest gift a child could ask for. Long after I gave up playing with dolls, I would still sometimes bring it down from the upper floor just to admire it and remember those months I watched Dad bring my dream to life. Dad has spent his life creating, mending and improving the most valued parts of mine. He’s given me the greatest treasure a father can give.

高三英语二轮复习学案-名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选:Permission to Cry

高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选Permission to Cry(答案在最后) 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 心灵鸡汤精选Permission to Cry 【文章梗概】一个中年单亲父亲在忙碌一天之后,一个人静静地坐在餐桌边,疲劳、孤独感向他袭来,沉重的生活压力让他情不自禁流下眼泪。五岁的儿子贴心地安慰父亲,鼓励父亲通过哭来发泄自己的压力,在这个寂静的夜晚,父亲得到儿子的安慰,对孩子充满感激。Alone in the wheel of light at the dining room table, surrounded by an otherwise darkened house, I sat in tears. Finally, I’d succeeded in getting both kids to bed. A relatively new single parent, I had to be both Mommy and Daddy to my two little children. I got them both washed, accompanied by shrieks of delight, crazy running around, laughing and throwing things. More or less calmed down, they lay in their beds as I gave each the prescribed five minutes of back rubs. Then I took up my guitar and began the nighttime ritual of folk songs, ending with “All the Pretty Little Horses,” both kids’ favorite. I sang it over and over, gradually reducing the tempo and the volume until they seemed fully engaged in sleep. A recently divorced man with full custody of his children, I was determined to give them as normal and stable a home life as possible. I put on a happy face for them. I kept their activities as close to how they had always been as I could. This nightly ritual was just as it had always been with the exception that their mother was now missing. There, I had done it again: another night successfully concluded. I had risen slowly, gingerly, trying to avoid making even the least sound which might start them up again, asking for more songs and more stories. I tiptoed out of their room, closed the door part way, and went downstairs. Sitting at the dining room table, I slumped in my chair, aware that this was the first time since I came home from work that I’d been able to just sit down. I had cooked and served and encouraged two little ones to eat. I had done the dishes while responding to their many requests for attention. I helped my oldest with her second grade homework and appreciated my youngest’s drawings and oohed over his elaborate construction of Lego blocks. The bath, the stories, the backrubs, the singing and now, at long last, a brief moment for myself. The silence was a relief, for the moment. Then it all crowded in on me: the fatigue, the weight of the responsibility, the worry about bills I wasn’t sure I could pay that month. The endless details of running a house. Only a short time before, I’d been married and had a partner to share these chores, these bills, these worries. And loneliness. I felt as though I were at the bottom of a great sea of loneliness. It all came together and I was at once lost, overwhelmed. Unexpected, convulsive sobs overtook me. I sat there, silently sobbing. Just then, a pair of little arms went around my middle and a little face peered up at me. I looked down into my five-year-old son’s sympathetic face. I was embarrassed to be seen crying by my son. “I’m sorry, Ethan, I didn’t know you were still awake.” I don’t know why it is, but so many people apologize when they cry and I was no exception. “I didn’t mean to cry. I’m sorry. I’m just a little sad tonight.” “It’s okay, Daddy. It’s okay to cry, you’re just a person. ”


高三英语培优•名着阅读之心灵鸡汤精选With Every Footstep 班级:学号:姓名: 【文章梗概】一由于队友受伤,我幸运也成为了跳马决赛的替补队员。虽然我非常惊讶并且紧张害怕,但我抓住这次宝贵的机会。在队长和家人的支持下,我信心满满地参加决赛,但在起跳过程中步伐仓促,最后导致落地不稳。我非常羞愧。在家人的安慰下,我重拾信心参加第二天的平衡木决赛,以享受比赛的心态参加平衡木决赛,我完美地完成了动作,意料之外获得了金牌。 You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.... Ps. 16:11 I was not only a little surprised, hut worried to find myself in the Finals at the 1996 Olympic Games when Kerri Strug was forced to pull out as a result of an ankle injury. I had done well during the team competition, but had just missed qualifying for the Vault Finals competition. When my coach, Steve, and I were Mified that I'd become eligible to compete in this event, I wasn't feeling prepared to be Kerri's replacement. My first reaction was, How can I? Duc to an extremely sore wrist, I had not been able to work a second vault. Vault Finals require that the gymnast compete on two vaults from two different vault families. This was a moment when all of my gymnastics experience had to be there (o support me. Steve encouraged me lo give il a try. Once I recovered from the initial shock, I knew that I didn't want to give up the opportunity to compete in another event of the 1996 Olympics. I fully intended to give it my best shot from that moment forward. With a positive attitude, and with support from Steve and my parents, I gave it everything I had during my workouts, and they went great. I didn't miss a single vault-even while wanning up for the actual competition. I focused on how great an opportunity it was to be given the chance to compete. However, my positive altitude and joy quickly turned to tears of embarrassment and discouragement. When the time came to compete, i sprinied hard down the runway, hut as I approached the 父beard、I knew that my steps were off. I was not coming onto the vault horse at the right place! In an instant, it was all over. I had missed placing one of my hands down on the horse, which resulted in my performing an oidrci史eous flip in the air and landing on my seat right in front of literally hundreds of thousands of people! I felt the hot flush of embarrassment swimming from my stomach straight up to my bright red face. As soon as the event was over, I headed up to the USA gymnastics suite, where I knew my parents would be waiting for me. My tears were flowing pretty freely, so my parents took me aside so that we could have a little privacy. I try always to place my trust in God to direct my path. I never pray to win, but I always ask God to help me do my best. I had been so full of joy and confidence going into the competition. What had happened? Mom asked me if I remembered the poem Footprints that hung on (he wall of my room. She reminded me that God had always been walking with me. Never had he abandoned me. Maybe it was time for me to allow God to carry me. Rather than be worried about once again failing, I could remember that I didn't have to do this all by myself. All I needed to remember was that God is always by my side. Instead of dreadin父 Beam Finals the next day, 1 needed to be grateful for the opportunity to express the talent that God had given me, and not to be concerned about winning or losing. The next evening, I was calm and at peace while I waited for my turn to compete. When I mounted the beam, I heard a man yell at someone in the crowd, “Turn your [camera] flash off!'' I consciou小 thought, 44How sweet of him to be concerned about my welfare.^^ A camera flash can cause an accident that could potentially end a career, or worse. It struck me that I had never before heard what was going on around me when I was competing. I was usually so iremendous卜 focused, I had blocked out everything else. But that night,s competition was different from any other. I felt an emotional connection with the audience whose love of gymnastics, and the athletes who represented the sport, seemed to completely surround me. At that moment, I was able to let in all the joy of the evening, of being in the Olympic Games, and of the sport of gymnastics. I took a few calming breaths and thanked God for being with me, and for the talent that he has given me. And then, I went for it! I aced my routine! I felt so great when my feel hit the mat. I honestly had no idea as to whether or not I would win a medal. But at that moment, medals truly did not matter. I had accomplished something far greater than a world record in gymnastics. I had felt the comfort and strength of God's presence with every footstep of the routine. I took home an Olympic Gold Medal to remind me of that night. But the night was golden in more ways than one. I will always treasure in my heart what it is like to experience God's presence. Shannon Miller【词汇过 关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 I. vault[v?:lt]] n.

高三英语二轮复习学案-名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选:An Impromptu Dance at Dusk

高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选An Impromptu Dance at Dusk(答案在最后)班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 【文章梗概】在某日的黄昏,儿子邀请我与他共舞。一开始想要拒绝,但被Rosemary的诗中表达的关于人生的遗憾所影响,我答应了儿子的请求并坚持遵从他在舞蹈时所提出的要求。同时,儿子向我表达的爱令我深受感动。 Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children. Charles R. Swindoll Engrossed at the computer, I was typing some very impassioned poetry written by my eighty-two-year-old neighbor, Rosemary. My six-year-old son, Jake, ran up to me. “Mom, let’s do something fun together. Now! C’mon!” Deeply engrossed in the stories of Rosemary’s unfulfilled dreams and missed opportunities, I was ready to reply, “Jake, we’ll do something in a little bit. I want to work a little longer.” Instead, Rosemary’s words haunted me, carrying new meaning in my own life. I thought of her sad laments. The wisdom of her years spoke to me, and I decided the poems could wait. My son could not. “What would you like to do?” I asked, thinking of the new library books we could read together. “Let’s dance,” he replied. “Dance?” I asked. “Yes, just you and me . . . pleeeeez; I’ll be right back,” he said as he dashed out of the room. He returned a few moments later with his hair a bit wet and combed over to the side, a shy smile and his black, flowing Batman-turned-into-Prince-Jake cape over his shoulders. He pulled me off my chair and led me upstairs. The blinds were up and the descending sun was casting shadows against the picturesque night sky. Jake led me to the middle of his braided wool rug and then turned on the radio. “There Mom. I found us some rock and roll.” He took my hand, and we danced, twisted, turned and twirled. We giggled and laughed and danced some more. My side aching, I told him I needed a rest. Ever so seriously he responded, “Mom, let me put something romantic on now.” He found a beautiful slow song, bowed, and then took my hand as we began to slow dance together. His head was at my waist, but our feet kept rhythmic time. “Mom,” he said a moment later as he looked up at me, “can you get down on your knees and dance with me so we can look at each other’s face while we dance?” I almost responded with why I wouldn’t be able to comply with his ridiculous request. Instead, captured by the moment, I laughed, dropped down on my knees, and my little man led me in a dance I will always cherish. Jake looked deep into my eyes and claimed, “You’re my darling, Mom. I’ll always love you forever and ever.” I thought of the few short years I had left before an obvious list of my faults would replace Jake’s little-boy idolization. Of course, he would still love me—but his eyes would lose some of the innocence and reverence they now revealed. “Mommy,” he said. “We’ll always be together. Even when one of us dies, we’ll always be together in our hearts.” “Yes, we will, Jake. We’ll always be together no matter what,” I whispered as I wiped a silent

高三英语二轮复习学案-名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选:Act 3

高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选Act 3(答案在最后) 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 【文章梗概】我小时候,爸爸总在打字机上写小说。后来我们大吵一架,冷战四年。是彼此的思念让我们最后原谅和解。爸爸过世后,我发现了他写给妈妈的情书,这刷新了我对爸爸的认知---他不是只有严肃的样子,也有温柔多情的一面。这封信也重新点燃了我对写作的热爱。人生如戏,这就是我和爸爸的故事---第一幕,是误解;第二幕,是争执;第三幕,是爱。 We cannot destroy kindred: Our chains stretch a little sometimes, but they never break. ~Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de SévignéMost of my childhood memories of my father include watching him as he sat at his desk, typing away on his typewriter for hours almost every night. He dreamed of publishing a novel. He worked tirelessly on it for years. It was a serious, unsentimental novel, much like my father, who was a serious, unsentimental man. Or so I thought. Despite being fearful of my father, I could not help but be fascinated by his never-ending typing. Dad used his index fingers to type, and he typed very loudly. Peck, peck, peck emanated constantly from his corner of the family room. Although I was a generally obedient child, I morphed into a teenage hellion. While I was busy rebelling against my overly protective parents, my father continued working on his novel. Between heated arguments, he and I ignored each other. Looking back, I believe this was how it had to be for us. During this time, I fell in love with the written word, but never shared this new passion with Dad. His peck, peck, peck was just background noise to me during those teenage years. When I was twenty-two years old, my father and I had a monumental argument that led to my dramatic departure from his house. I refused to return for another four years. And during those four long years, I did not utter a single word to him. While I was on this self-imposed sabbatical from my father, my career progressed nicely. My life appeared to be pleasant and stable. And yet, I often dreamed about my father, feeling melancholy and empty when I awoke. Eventually, my mother shared with me that he frequently cried in his sleep, fretting about my absence. Given that he was an outwardly unemotional man, I did not know how to react except with disbelief. I wanted to return to him, but he and I were worlds apart, at least in my mind. It seemed like we could not coexist peacefully. Still, I was completely torn. Throughout my twenties, I did some extensive soul-searching. Finally, I had a stunning breakthrough: My father and I were actually the same! Both of us were strong-willed and proud and, most importantly, we missed each other dearly. I realized it wasn’t his job to be the person I wanted him to be. It was my job to love and accept the person he was. These epiphanies led to a miraculous and long-awaited reconciliation with Dad that shocked everyone. Our silent war was finally over after four emotionally excruciating years.

名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 The Flying Fish 学案-2023届高三英语二轮复习培优

高三英语培优 名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选The Flying Fish 心灵鸡汤精选The Flying Fish 话题归类阅读难度词数 湖边救人四星1411 【文章梗概】有一年夏天,迈克一家去俄勒冈州的湖边度假。他们在大熔岩湖租了一间小屋和一艘小型汽艇,准备开始为期一周的钓鱼活动。一开始,他们一条鱼也没有钓到,因为他们选错了钓鱼的地方。就在他们垂钓的时候,一架引擎发生故障的飞机坠毁在湖面上,飞行员被困在飞机的机翼上。爸爸带领一家人沉着冷静地救了飞行员。 Your big opportunity might be right where you are now. —Napoleon Hill One summer my family and I went on a vacation to Sunriver, Oregon. We rented a cabin and a small powerboat at Big Lava Lake and were ready for a week of serious fishing. Our first morning, we packed a big picnic lunch, fishing poles and Mom’s camera. She loves to take a picture of the proud person with his or her catch, a rare thing in our family of unlucky anglers. We went down to the lake with high hopes of catching “the big one.” Little did we know just how big our catch that day would be. It was a really bright, sunny morning. The sky was pale blue and full of big, fluffy white clouds. The blue-green lake sat in the middle of the surrounding mountains like a spoonful of gravy in the middle of your mashed potatoes. The entire area, including the lake shore, was covered with huge, dark green pine trees, which filled the air with their beautiful smell. You could see their giant reflections on the quiet surface of the lake. We motored as far away from the other boats on the lake as possible. After anchoring the boat, we set up our fishing lines in five different directions. Then we opened up our picnic lunch, passed out sandwiches and started to relax. “There’s nothing like a peaceful day on the lake,” Dad said, enjoying his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “Your Uncle Pat would say, ‘The family that fishes together, stays together.’ What a beautiful day.” After a while, we realized that the reason our end of the lake was so uncrowded was because our end had no fish. “Hey, how come we always seem to pick the side of the lake where we’re never gonna catch anything?” my brother Ethan asked.

名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Perfect Exchange 学案-2023届高三英语二轮复习培优

高三英语培优 名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选A Perfect Exchange 心灵鸡汤精选A Perfect Exchange 话题归类阅读难度词数 人间友爱五星753 【文章梗概】姨妈是一个节俭的人,她从不用商店购买的东西作为礼物,也不会把钱浪费在化妆品上。一枚饰针是她唯一的配饰。一件漂亮的裙子,只有在正式场合才穿。今年姨妈和我们一起过圣诞节。我为姨妈准备的礼物——诱人的果酱,一个红色蝴蝶结。当姨妈打开礼物时,她非常激动。而姨妈送给我的礼物是几本她的亲笔日记和她一生最喜爱的饰针,我视之为珍宝。这个圣诞节我和姨妈都收到了彼此最喜爱的礼物,这个圣诞节令我至今难忘。 An aunt is someone special to remember with warmth, think of with pride, and cherish with love. ~Author Unknown The unexpected, tube-shaped gift from Aunt Maisy was wrapped in familiar paper — the same wallpaper that had graced her outhouse walls. I giggled to myself thinking how my thrifty aunt had saved that scrap of leftover wallpaper in her attic for years. Hard as I tried, I couldn’t imagine what Aunt Maisy, who was not one to spend money on store-bought “gifts,” would possibly be giving me for Christmas! We had never exchanged gifts before. In fact, we only saw her and Uncle Chill a couple of times a year in the summer when Dad would drive us nearly a hundred miles to visit them. But Uncle Chill was gone now, and Mom and Dad had coaxed Aunt Maisy into coming to spend Christmas with us. They hoped she might stay since, according to Mom, she wasn’t well enough to live on her own anymore. I hadn’t planned on fitting a gift for Aunt Maisy into my Christmas budget, but Mom insisted I buy her something. I browsed through Eaton’s and drooled over the boxed chocolates, thinking what a great gift they’d make since she would have to share them with me! But I remembered Aunt Maisy was not supposed to eat anything with sugar because she had diabetes. I sprayed my coat with perfumes from the test bottles, but I knew Aunt Maisy would scold me for wasting money on store-bought toiletries that she claimed were “far too expensive” and “good for nothing but making you sneeze.” I rummaged through bins of scarves, shawls, and handkerchiefs, but nothing seemed suitable for Aunt Maisy, who wasn’t one to wear frilly or fancy things. She only had one good dress, which

高三英语二轮复习学案 名著阅读之心灵鸡汤 Greatest Teacher of My Life

名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 The Greatest Teacher of My Life 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 心灵鸡汤精选The Greatest Teacher of My Life 乐观,她从不在意别人的嘲笑和训练的艰辛,花了三年半的时间学会系鞋带,六岁学芭蕾舞,五年级的时候学打篮球。从女儿的身上,作者学会了坚持,见识了信仰和热爱的力量。女儿就是她一生最好的老师! Parents learn a lot from their children about coping with life. ~ Muriel Spark I had already been a teacher for 15 years when I met my greatest teacher. It wasn’t in a classroom but in a hospital. She was my daughter Kelsey. Kelsey was born with cerebral palsy, and at age five she faced a battle with cancer that she later won. She has taught me many vivid lessons about courage and determination, and I’m a better person forever because of her patience with me. When she was four, she wanted to learn to tie her shoes just as her best friend had done. I was stumped. Because of her cerebral palsy, Kelsey has very little use of the finger s on her left hand. If I couldn’t tie a shoe single-handedly, how was I going to teach her? After three and a half years of persistence, Kelsey finally did it. I remember that first day of summer vacation, when she was seven and a half years old, as I watched and encouraged her. When she took her hand away to reveal two neatly worked loops, she beamed from ear to ear and I cried for joy. And the truth is, no one ever asks Kelsey how old she was when she learned to tie her shoes. I learned about determination from her accomplishment—and much more. Pace wasn’t going to be the important thing in Kelsey’s life—accomplishing her goals within her own timetable would be what mattered most. Throughout her cancer treatment, Kelsey took charge of her circumstances through creative play. In the hospital, the game was always “restaurant,” with Kelsey playing waitress and the rest of us cast as customers. For hours on end, she lost herself in the drama, as if we weren’t in the hospital at all, but out in the world away from doctors and tests—a world Kelsey was certain she would be a part of someday.

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