当前位置:文档之家› 北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英语电影赏析》网课测试题答案4







1.It was Andy who killed his wife.()



2.According to the movie, what two instruments can Ike play?

A.Trumpet and Drums

B.Guitar and Piano

C.Drums and Saxophone

D.Trumpet and Saxophone

3.Seeing an old penny is a good omen.()



4.Judith and her horse were killed in an accident.()



5.Where did Jane go after leaving her aunt's home?





6.What was Ike's work?




D.teacher 7.Tom's wife Rachel played in an orchestra. What instrument did she play?





8.Did one of the Von Trapp children say that he was impossible?



9.What color are the flowers in Maggie's bouquet in her first attempt to marry Ike?





10.Who does Rhett tell Scarlett that he'd back her against any day?

A.the carpetbaggers

B.the slaves

C.the yankees

D.the dowagers

11.Joe and his friend sold the princess' pictures at a high price.()



12.Which word appeared in Carl's computer?





13.After Brooks is released after 50 years in Shawshank, he tries to get along on the outside but finds he can't. In one of the most emotional moments in the movie he hangs himself in his room after carving a few words into the wall. What did Brooks carve in

A.Brooks was here

B.I love here

C.I am brooks

D.I am free

14.What is the dance that Rhett pays money for to be allowed to dance with Scarlett?


B.Virginia Reel

C.Blue Bell Hop

D.Line Dance

15.Mr.Hadley was the captain of the guards at Shawshank prison. What was his first name?







1.How long was the pipeline that Andy crawled through?

A.400 yards

B.100 yards

C.500 yards

D.250 yards

2.Where did the princess and Joe meet for the first time?

A.on a bench in the street

B.at a shop

C.on the bus

D.at a conference

3.Joe knew that the girl was a princess.()



4.What was the name of the other prison that we see Andy doing the guards tax returns for?

A.Sing Sing



D.San Quentin

5.第一次作业均出自于《马语者》和《人鬼情未了》两部电影 Where did Tom Booker live?





6.How old is Briggita?





7.Tom agreed to cure the horse at the beginning.()



8.Bruce was eager to leave the prison.()



9.Dr.Meade says he is going to see his family. How long has it been since he's seen them?

A.1 day


C.2 days

D.3 days

10.Mr. Mason is Mr. Rochester's brother-in-law.()



11.What was the Baroness' first name?





12.Which previous governess had a snake put into her pocket by the children?





13.Naughty Mr. Rochester had Mistresses in all of these countries but one. Which one is it?





14.What is the name of the Abbey?





15.Which is not one of Jane's cousins that she grew up with?








































英语电影赏析智慧树知到网课答案 问:马洛斯在晚年对需求理论进行拓展研究,即人生需求八层次理论。需求的最高层次是()。 答:天人合一的需求 问:M87星系的核心存在极高速的旋转,证据是观测到的辐射一侧红移、一侧紫移。() 答:正确 问:下列哪些变化属于确定性效应:() 答:骨髓抑制 问:()作为时空同步检测器在小脑的LTD中发挥作用。 答:钙离子 问:T型性格类型的人特点 答:冷静 公事公办 很少赞美别人 问:中央银行在货币供给中的作用,主要在于它调控商业银行的可用资金量,从而扩大和缩小商业银行的派生能力。中央银行的调控方式主要有()。 答:变动法定准备率 变动再贴现率

变动对商业银行的贷款额 买进或卖出有价证券 变动货币发行额 问:皮亚杰的两性发展动力理论表达的是人的社会心理发展的过程,与弗洛伊德的理论相互冲突。( ) 答:错误 问:为了适应和引领经济发展新常态,我们必须()。 答:转变经济发展方式 推动工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展 健全城乡发展一体化体制机制 坚持走中国特色自主创新道路 问:海尔进行互联网变革的最初目的是什么? 答:克服大公司病提高公司效率 问:8、性病患者比健康人更容易感染艾滋病病毒。 答:错误 问:《脚夫调》只反映了劳动生活的内容。() 答:× 问:关于人与自然和谐发展新格局,下列说法正确的是()。 答:坚持保护优先,自然恢复为主 着力推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展 形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局

问:“如果是鸟类,那么终将死亡;人不是鸟类;故人不会死亡。”犯的逻辑谬误是()。 答:否定前件谬误 问:PowerPoint 2016 演示文稿的扩展名为()。 答:pptx 问:下列建筑形制属于旱船的是() 答:拙政园香洲 问:“不能安土,不能乐天;不能乐天,不能成其身”记载于()。 答:《礼记》 问:“不能选择天气,但能选择心情”告诉我们要:() 答:控制情绪 问:“不能以善小而不为,恶小而为之”出自()。 答:刘备 问:“不佞”的意思是口才不好,后来作为自谦的说法使用。() 答:√ 问:“不偏不倚,忽隐忽现”是。 答:儒家思想 问:某女士,25岁,停经45天,尿妊娠试验阳性,出现的早孕反应不包括 答:腹痛


解忧书店 JieYouBookshop 第一章单元测试 1 【单选题】 (2分) The following composition in The Goddess is to show _______.()。 A.The man is very tall B.The woman and the child are being oppressed C.They are playing a game D.The child is very cute 2 【判断题】 (2分) The notion of film was introduced to China the same year when it was invented.() A.对 B.错 3 【多选题】 (2分) What are the characteristics of the Lubitsch touch?() A.pessimistic B.sensitive C.witty D.innovative 4 【判断题】 (2分) The Grand Budapest Hotel features a linear narrative structure.() A.错 B.对

5 【判断题】 (2分) The Golden Age of Hollywood ended in 1950s.() A.对 B.错 6 【单选题】 (2分) The first movie company in the U.S. was established in ______() A.Miami B.Hollywood C.New York D.Philadelphia 7 【判断题】 (2分) Two- shots are always used to indicate the intimacy between two people.() A.错 B.对 8 【单选题】 (2分) The set design in Schindler’s List proves the effect of _____.() A.fiction B.realism C.black-and-white images D.romanticism 9 【单选题】 (2分) Which of the following is not the feature of the fashion trend in 1920s’ America?() A.Cloche hat B.Custom-made suit C.Bob hair styles D.Short, low-waisted dress


xx树知到《大学英语》章节测试答 案第一章 1、We often ( ) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.A:explore B:emerge C:enrich D:assume 正确答案:assume 2、He ( ) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.A:inherited B:acquired C:overwhelmed remembering this. A:confidence B:potential C:innocence D:approach 正确答案:potential 5、He was proud of being chosen to ( ) in the game, and he promised that he would try as hard as possible. A:participate B:evolve

C:bond D:embrace 正确答案:participate 第二章C:complain that D:complain to 正确答案:complain about 3、He intends to quit the job, not that he dislikes it, but that he is too old forit.可翻译为:他打算辞职,不是因为他讨厌这项工作,而是因为他年纪太大了,工作。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:对不适合这项4、It is not tha t Kate doesn’t want to help you, but that it is beyond her power.可翻译为:不是凯特不想帮你,而是这超出了她的能力范围。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:对 正确答案: A 2、“ The Int ernet is a powerful tool, but make sure that you use it wisely fothe good value it offers and that you won’t let too much of a good thing becomer allsomething bad.”的翻译是:互联网是一个强大的工具,但是你要确保能明智地利用它,来获得它所具备的一切好处,确保你不会过度使用它而使之变成害人的东西A:对 B:错


2020智慧树,知到《世界优秀影片赏析(山东联盟)》章节测试完整答案 智慧树知到《世界优秀影片赏析(山东联盟)》章节测试答案 第一章 1、电影最早诞生在()。 答案: 法国 2、《艺术家》是一部( )。 答案: 黑白默片 3、《艺术家》成功的元素有( )。 答案: 精湛的演技和动人的故事情节 4、《艺术家》没有获得奥斯卡金像奖的奖项是()。 答案: 最佳女主角 5、法国电影《虎口脱险》是一部()题材的电影? 答案: 二战 6、《虎口脱险》的导演是()。 答案: 杰拉尔?乌里 第二章 1、《罗马假日》的导演是()。 答案: 威廉?惠勒 2、下列哪部影片不是奥黛丽?赫本主演的__。 答案: 《音乐之声》 3、下列哪部影片不是克里斯托弗?诺兰拍摄的?

答案: 《变形金刚系列》 4、莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥在哪部影片中没有获得奥斯卡提名? 答案: 《盗梦空间》 5、诺兰在《盗梦空间》中营造了几层时空? 答案: 六层 6、影片《盗梦空间》的中心矛盾是什么矛盾? 答案: 现实与梦境的矛盾 7、《西雅图夜未眠》的男主演是()。 答案: 汤姆?汉克斯 第三章 1、《127小时》是根据哪部传记改编而成? 答案:《生死两难》 2、丹尼?博伊尔凭借哪部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖。 答案:《贫民窟的百万富翁》 3、阿伦能够脱险的原因不包含下列哪个因素? 答案:刚愎自用 4、下列哪部作品不是丹尼?博伊尔的代表作品? 答案:《国王的演讲》 5、英国著名导演丹尼?博伊尔的影片《127小时》的主题是什么? 答案:对生命意义的思考 6、在影片《127小时》的开头,重叠镜头和移动镜头的使用没

有起到一下哪种作用? 答案:彰显阿伦自救的能力 第四章 1、意大利电影《美丽人生》的导演是__。 A.安东尼奥尼 B.罗伯特?贝尼尼 C.贝托鲁奇 D.费里尼 答案:B 2、意大利电影《美丽人生》采用_的手法描述了奎多一家在纳粹集中营中的悲欢离合,展示了奎多对美丽人生的憧憬和在残酷环境中特有的乐观。 A.独特的诙谐与夸张 B.快速剪辑 C.黑白色调 D.征和怪诞 答案:A 3、1999年获得了奥斯卡最佳外语片奖的意大利影片是__。 A.《美丽人生》 B.《入殓师》 C.《末代皇帝》


智慧树知到《英文电影鉴赏》章节测试答案 第一章 1、如图 A:E,J,O,D,I,N,C,H,M,L B:J,E,O,D,I,N,C,H,L,M C:E,J,D,O,I,N,C,H,M,L D:J,E,O,D,I,N,C,H,M,L 答案: E,J,O,D,I,N,C,H,M,L 2、如图 A:B,F,E,A,J,C,H,D,I,G B:F,B,E,A,J,C,H,D,I,G C:F,B,E,A,J,C,H,D,G,I D:B,F,E,A,J,C,H,D,G,I 答案: F,B,E,A,J,C,H,D,I,G 3、Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient____break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. A:ill B:grudge C:nastiness D:complaint 答案: grudge 4、What is a youth? Impetuous fire. What is a main? Ice and desire. The world wags on. A rose will bloom. It then will fade.

A:青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。 B: 年轻是什么?冲动猛烈的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。 C:青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰和欲望的主宰。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。 D:年轻是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。 答案: 青春是什么?激烈燃烧的火,少女是什么?冰霜和欲望的结晶。年华如此迁移下去,玫瑰会盛开,然后凋零。 5、离别是这样甜蜜又悲伤,我要对你说再见一直说到大天亮。 A:Parting is so sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow. B: Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow. C: Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it will be morrow. D: Parting is so sweet sorrow that I should say good night till it be morrow. 答案: Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow. 第二章 1、如图 A:B,G,C,L,H,M,D,I,N,E B:B,G,L,C,H,M,D,I,E,N C:B,G,L,C,H,M,D,I,N,E D:B,G,L,C,H,M,I,D,N,E 答案: B,G,L,C,H,M,D,I,N,E 2、如图


第一章测试 1 【多选题】(10分) 以下属于“MassMedia”下义词的有() A. TV B. Radio C. Newspapers D. Internet 2 【单选题】(10分) Asisvividly______inthecartoon,twotouristsaresightseeingonasmallboatwhilediscardingt heirpicnicleftoverscasuallyintoalake. A. portrayed B. possessed C. postered D. poisoned

3 【单选题】(10分) Andbelowthedrawing,thereisa________whichsays:“after”thetravelor“Remains”inthetrav el. A. capture B. caption C. captive D. captain 4 【单选题】(10分) Therewasa_______increaseinthenumberofprivatecarsinChinafrom2013to2016. A. stiff B. stolen C. stricken D. stable

5 【单选题】(10分) Hehasgotthreetimesas______booksashissister. A. much B. more C. many D. less 6 【多选题】(10分) Thepiechartabove________anexpenditurestructureoftheresidentsduringtheSpringFesti valinaChinesecity. A. presents B. shows C. misleads D. reveals


北京语言大学22春“英语”《英语电影赏析》期末考试高频考点版(带答 案) 一.综合考核(共50题) 1. After Brooks is released after 50 years in Shawshank, he tries to get along on the outside but finds he can't. In one of the most emotional moments in the movie he hangs himself in his room after carving a few words into the wall. What did Brooks carve in A.Brooks was here B.I love here C.I am brooks D.I am free 参考答案:A 2. As a ghost, Sam can move things.() A.错误 B.正确 参考答案:B 3. The school's headmaster is a cruel and hypercritical man.() A.错误 B.正确 参考答案:B 4. Where did Jane and Rochester meet? A.on the bus B.at home C.on a muddy road D.in a church 参考答案:C

5. Where did Scarlett live at the very beginning? A.Atlanta B.Twelve Oaks C.Tara D.Old Guard 参考答案:C 6. Joe knew that the girl was a princess.() A.错误 B.正确 参考答案:A 7. What did Maria do in Von Trapp's family? A.servant https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a19316873.html,erness C.guard D.babysitter 参考答案:B 8. What color are the flowers in Maggie's bouquet in her first attempt to marry Ike? A.red B.white C.yellow D.black 参考答案:C 9. Where was Rhett Butler from?


北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英语电影赏析》网课 测试题答案 (图片大小可自由调整) 第1卷 一.综合考核(共15题) 1.It was Andy who killed his wife.() A.错误 B.正确 2.According to the movie, what two instruments can Ike play? A.Trumpet and Drums B.Guitar and Piano C.Drums and Saxophone D.Trumpet and Saxophone 3.Seeing an old penny is a good omen.() A.错误 B.正确 4.Judith and her horse were killed in an accident.() A.错误 B.正确 5.Where did Jane go after leaving her aunt's home? A.Lowood B.Thornfield C.Wuthering D.London 6.What was Ike's work? https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a19316873.html,wyer B.banker C.reporter D.teacher 7.Tom's wife Rachel played in an orchestra. What instrument did she play? A.viola B.cello C.violin D.clarinet 8.Did one of the Von Trapp children say that he was impossible? A.Yes B.No 9.What color are the flowers in Maggie's bouquet in her first attempt to marry Ike? A.red B.white C.yellow D.black 10.Who does Rhett tell Scarlett that he'd back her against any day? A.the carpetbaggers B.the slaves C.the yankees D.the dowagers 11.Joe and his friend sold the princess' pictures at a high price.() A.错误 B.正确 12.Which word appeared in Carl's computer? A.murder B.kill C.dead D.Carl 13.After Brooks is released after 50 years in Shawshank, he tries to get along on the outside but finds he can't. In one of the most emotional moments in the movie he hangs himself in his room after carving a few words into the wall. What did Brooks carve in A.Brooks was here B.I love here C.I am brooks D.I am free 14.What is the dance that Rhett pays money for to be allowed to dance with Scarlett? A.Waltz B.Virginia Reel C.Blue Bell Hop D.Line Dance


北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《大学英语(二)》网课 测试题答案 (图片大小可自由调整) 第1卷 一.综合考核(共10题) 1.Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by“drugs” that aren't really drugs at all, ____ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements. A.or rather B.rather than C.but rather D.other than 2.Man must stop ____ the earths atmosphere. A.polluting B.filling C.emitting D.wasting 3.There are beautiful clothes ____ in the shop windows. A.spread B.displayed C.exposed D.located 4.If I had remembered ____ the window, the thief would not have got in. A.to close B.to have closed C.closing D.having closde 5.Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can ____ attack their trainer. A.unexpectedly B.deliberately C.reluctantly D.subsequently 6.____ it is you've found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to. A.That B.What C.Whatever D.However 7.The real trouble ____ their lack of confidence in their abilities. A.lies in B.lies on C.resluts in D.leads to 8.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ____ a quiet neighborhood. A.all in all B.above all C.after all D.over all 9.You can't ____ 200 calories a day. A.live by B.live on C.live with D.live up to 10.I'll ____ my aunt at the station. A.encouter B.meet C.confront D.run into 第1卷参考答案 一.综合考核 1.参考答案:C 2.参考答案:A


第一章 1.All these parts are supposed to _______ in this device. ()答案:fit together 2.I am afraid this plan of yours does not ______ the company’s overall marketing strategy. ()答案:fit into 3.No details of the company’s financial condition were _______ at the recent shareholder meeting. ( )答案:revealed https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a19316873.html,ernments of all levels should take positive steps to conserve our oceans _______ future generations. ( )答案:for the benefit of 5.As a diplomat, he has witnessed the birth of the new nation and is well placed to _______ its growth during this critical period of its history. ( )答案:observe 6.The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake, _______ the students to return to their classrooms. ( ) 答 案:enabling 7._______ the global financial crisis, the Chinese government has taken many measures _______ people’s life to deal with it. ( ) 答案:Facing; related to 8. A person______ a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language as often as possible. ( ) 答案:learning 9.The lady walked around the shops, _______ an eye out for bargains. ( )答 案:keeping 10.On receiving a phone call from his wife_______ she had a fall, Mr.Gordon immediately rushed home from his office. ( ) 答案:saying 第二章 1.I got a job offer from an organization working on protecting animals _____ with extinction. ( )答案:threatened 2.Every time I visited my grandparents, my grandma would ______ how cute I was when I was a baby. ( )答案:recall 3.The beautiful coastal city is quiet in most of the year, but it attracts huge numbers of people in summer when it ______ an annual film festival. ( )答 案:hosts 4.The professor delivered a very interesting lecture about the _____ of ancient Chinese philosophy at the seminar. ( )答案:boost


第一章测试 1.电影是谁发明的?() A:莱特兄弟 B:卢米埃尔兄弟格林兄弟 C:坎贝尔兄弟 答案:B 2.早期美国主流电影常见主题是什么? ( ) A:善有善报,恶有恶报 B:不管你如何穷,总还有人比你更苦 C:贫穷和善良比为富不仁要好 D:机会面前人人平等 答案:ABCD 3.二十世纪初叶,美国电影业主要被哪些公司垄断 ( ) ? A:维太格拉夫公司 B:苹果公司 C:比沃格拉夫公司 D:爱迪生公司 答案:ACD 4.从欧洲来到好菜坞的导演中,法国的刘别谦(1892-1947)最负盛名,他擅拍 以两性生活为题材的“雅致喜剧”,赢得了美国中产阶级观众的青睐。() A:错 B:对 答案:A 5.资产阶级把其他社会制度和思想意识的产物一古老艺术一奉为一切艺术的绝 对标准和唯一典范。这种艺术观使文明的欧洲成为不利于电影这门全新的 20世纪艺术发展的环境,而既没有什么传统、也没有什么偏见的美国人则很容易接受这门艺术的突进现象。() A:对 B:错 答案:A 第二章测试 1.早期电影的制作基本依靠“导演制度”。() A:对 B:错 答案:B 2.早期电影由摄影师、导演、策划和制片人共同制作。() A:错 B:对 答案:A

3.早期电影最显著的特点是:() A:叙述故事 B:大量穿插歌舞 C:记录和重现现实生活 D:幻想未来 答案:C 4.早期电影主要倚赖于影象,而非叙事。() A:对 B:错 答案:A 5.早期电影被称为“叙事性的电影”。() A:对 B:错 答案:B 第三章测试 1.角色塑造与表演是相辅相成的。() A:错 B:对 答案:B 2.好莱坞的表演有两种完全不同的发展方向:“角色表演”和“明星表演” 。() A:对 B:错 答案:B 3.电影角色可划分为三种基本功能,不属于其中的一项是() A:反面角色 B:主要角色 C:次要角色 D:小角色 答案:A 4.电影的“主人公”就是电影的主要角色。() A:错 B:对 答案:A 5.《公民凯恩》的主要角色是只有凯恩自己。() A:对 B:错 答案:B


1.What was Oda Mae’s work? A.a doctor B.a lawyer C.a huckster D.a book seller 【参考答案】: C 2.How old is Briggita? A.11 B.9 C.12 D.10 【参考答案】: D 3.Tom’s wife Rachel played in an orchestra. What instrument did she play? A.viola B.cello C.violin D.clarinet 【参考答案】: B 4.What is the dance that Rhett pays money for to be allowed to dance with Scarlett? A.Waltz B.Virginia Reel C.Blue Bell Hop D.Line Dance 【参考答案】: B 5.What was Ike’s work? https://www.doczj.com/doc/1a19316873.html,wyer B.banker C.reporter D.teacher 【参考答案】: C 6.Why didn’t Jane accept St. John’s proposal? A.he didn't love her B.neither of these C.she didn't love him D.both of these 【参考答案】: D

7.Where does Maria keep her suitcase? A.Under her bed B.In a corner of her room C.In the top of her wardrobe 【参考答案】: A 8.When Blanche returns from her visit with the gypsy, she gets a book and sits down by herself. What does Jane notice that suggests Blanche’s mind wasn’t on the book? A.She doesn't turn the pages B.The book is written in a foreign language that Blanche can't read C.The book is upside down D.Blanche turns the pages backwards 【参考答案】: A 9.Mr. Rochester tells Jane that he is going to be married to whom? A.Amy Eshton B.Blanche Ingram C.Louisa Eshton D.Mary Ingram 【参考答案】: B 10.During one of Oda Mae’s seances, a woman was trying to contact her dead husband. When he saw her, he wanted to know what she had done to her hair. What was the name of the hairdo? A.Spring Blossom B.Summer Dawn C.Autumn Sunset D.Autumn Sunrise 【参考答案】: D 11.On her fist day teaching Adele, what good characteristic did she show?


第一章测试 1.电影最早诞生在()。 A:意大利 B:法国 C:美国 D:英国 答案:B 2.《艺术家》是一部()。 A:黑白默片 B:彩色影片 C:3D电影 D:黑白影片 答案:A 3.《艺术家》成功的元素有()。 A:大牌明星 B:具有冲击力的视觉效果 C:精湛的演技和动人的故事情节 D:惊心动魄的大制作 答案:C 4.《艺术家》没有获得奥斯卡金像奖的奖项是()。 A:最佳女主角 B:最佳导演 C:最佳男主角 D:最佳影片 答案:A 5.法国电影《虎口脱险》是一部()题材的电影? A:爱情 B:二战 C:灾难 D:家庭伦理 答案:B 6.《虎口脱险》的导演是()。 A:吕克·贝松 B:让·雷诺 C:让·雅克 D:杰拉尔·乌里 答案:D

第二章测试 1.《罗马假日》的导演是()。 A:查理·卓别林 B:威廉·惠勒 C:约翰·福特 D:格里高利·派克 答案:B 2.下列哪部影片不是奥黛丽·赫本主演的__________。 A:《音乐之声》 B:《窈窕淑女》 C:《蒂凡尼的早餐》 D:《龙凤配》 答案:A 3.下列哪部影片不是克里斯托弗·诺兰拍摄的? A:《变形金刚系列》 B:《记忆碎片》 C:《盗梦空间》 D:《蝙蝠侠》 答案:A 4.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥在哪部影片中没有获得奥斯卡提名? A:《血钻》 B:《飞行家》 C:《盗梦空间》 D:《不一样的天空》 答案:C 5.诺兰在《盗梦空间》中营造了几层时空? A:六层 B:三层 C:五层 D:四层 答案:A 6.影片《盗梦空间》的中心矛盾是什么矛盾? A:柯布与妻子之间的矛盾 B:现实与梦境的矛盾 C:盗梦团队内部的矛盾 D:盗梦团队与雇佣公司的矛盾 答案:B 7.《西雅图夜未眠》的男主演是()。 A:汤姆·克鲁斯 B:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥


智慧树知到《英语电影赏析》章节测试答案 第一章 1、Rose comes to the after-deck to commit suicide because _______ A:she has a quarrel with her fianc e B:she wants to frighte n her fianc e C:she is tired of the life she is livi ng D:she loves somebody else tha n Cal 正确答案:she is tired of the life she is liv ing s attitude towards Jack? 2、Which of the following word could be used to describe Rose A:Complicated B:Afraid C:Con siderate D:Absorbed 正确答案:Complicated 3、How does Jack feel about the love towards Rose? A:Worried B:Self-c on temptuous C:Courageous D:Con fused 正确答案:Self-co ntemptuous 4、Why is Rose arranged to marry Cal? A:Because her family has got ban krupted.

B:Because her mother wants her to marry Cal to stay in the upper class. C:Because Rose is spoilt and cannot live without the help of Cal. D:Because Rose ' s father has arran ged the marriage beforeha nd. 正确答案:Because her mother wants her to marry Cal to stay in the upper class. 5、Titanic was said to be the most luxurious one ever floating in the ocean, which of the follow ing equipme nt is not on board the ship? A:Gy mn asium B:Swimmi ng pool C:Libraries D:Supermarket 正确答案:Supermarket 6、Which of the following is believed to be one of the clues for the film Titanic? A:The maide n voyage of Tita nic B:The life story of Jack C:The life story of Rose D:The love voyage betwee n Cal and Rose 正确答案:The maide n voyage of Tita nic 7、There is someth ing in com mon for Jack and Rose, what is that? A:Be ing in depe ndent B:Pursuit for happ in ess C:Longing for freedom D:Longing for rich lifestyle


【智慧树知到】《影视鉴赏(陕西工商职业学院)》章节测试题及 答案 第一章测试 1、被称为世界”第七艺术’的艺术是()。 A、雕塑 B、建筑 C、绘画 D、电影 正确答案:D 2、法国的(),在1896年第一次公开用投影式电影放映机,放映了电影《火车进站》,这个事件标志着现代意义上电影的诞生。 A、卢米埃兄弟 B、贝拉.巴拉兹 C、卡努杜 D、巴赞 正确答案:A 3、”三性统一’包括()、()和()。 A、思想性 B、象征性 C、艺术性 D、观赏性 正确答案:ABC 4、拍摄于2002年的()是实验电影的杰作,整部影片由一个镜头完成,时长90分钟。 A、《历劫佳人》 B、《俄罗斯方舟》 C、《大事件》 D、《我是古巴》

正确答案:B 5、戏剧的核心元素是表演,电影的核心元素是()。 A、剧本 B、画面 C、摄影 D、时空 正确答案:C 6、1911年,意大利诗人和电影的先驱者()发表了一篇论著,第一次宣称电影是一种艺术。 A、巴赞 B、卡努杜 C、卢米埃兄弟 D、贝拉巴拉兹 正确答案:B 7、乔治梅里爱为人们带来的世界上的第一部科幻电影()。 A、《月球之旅》 B、《太空漫步》 C、《地心引力》 D、《星际穿越》 正确答案:A 8、压缩是影视处理的基本方式,也是蒙太奇的基本功能。可以省略无关紧要、多余的内容,精炼地实现叙事,并形成特殊的表达效果和艺术效果。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 9、电脑制作的特效制作大体分成两大类:二维特效和三维特效。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:B

10、蒙太奇一词来自法语,原意是建筑学上的构成、装配之意,借用到电影艺术中有组接、构成之意。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A 第二章测试 1、《布达佩斯大饭店》影片的整体色调是()。 A、庄重、肃穆 B、灰暗、阴郁 C、清新、略带甜蜜 D、鲜艳、活泼 正确答案:C 2、《刺客聂隐娘》中蕴含的无言之美,通过()和()传达给了观众。 A、留白 B、意会 C、象征 D、抽象 正确答案:AB 3、《飞屋环球记》中一段号称”黄金蒙太奇’的段落时长约为()分钟。 A、三分钟 B、四分钟 C、五分钟 D、六分钟 正确答案:B 4、《阳光灿烂的日子》弥漫在一种()中。 A、冷色调 B、灰暗色调 C、暖色调 D、鲜艳的色调


2020智慧树知到《英语精读与写作(二)》章节测试【完整 答案】.docx 最新资料欢迎阅读 2020 智慧树知到《英语精读与写作(二)》 章节测试【完整答案】 智慧树知到《英语精读与写作( 二) 》章节测试答案 第一章 1、The manager promised that I could ( ) some of my chocolate for the shoes I wanted. change substitute trade bill 答案 : trade 2、It ”s a very popular play, so it will be wise to ( ) seats well in advance. buy provide book take 答案 : book 3、( ) , over 1600 houses, schools and hospitals were transferred to other places in 1953. 1 In total Rather Totally 答案 : In total 4、( ) he”d come to the door, he thought he might as well go in with the others to have a look.

Now that However Although If 答案 : Now that 5、 Peter prided himself on never getting ( ) involved in his life. physically psychologically emotionally intelligently 答案 : emotionally 6、Don”t resort to cheap copies; ( ) for the real thing. save save up make up make of 答案 : save up 7 、 William always gives the best advice on how to solve problems. However, ( ) , his opinion doesn”t count. I do find it funny! during this time for once once again for a time 答案 : for once 8、This plan couldn ”t help, ( ) again, it probably couldn ”t hurt. rather however on the other side

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