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样降低交通事故发生率。你好,Hello everybody, Welcome to the online traffic, I'm the host MR zhang, today the second team captains from nanjing xuanwu borough traffic police brigade Comes to the scene of the show , now let us welcome MR yang, Today we will talk about the traffic problem in our life and how to reduce the incidence of traffic accidents together with MR yang,hello MR yang

大队长:你好,主持人,各位观众朋友们好。hello host,hello Everyone audience friends,


的呢?anjing's traffic in the rush hour now often appears congestion phenomenon, what cause this phenomenon?

大队长:随着市民生活质量的提高,人们对物质的要求也就越来越高As people life quality rise, people are more and more high to the

requirement of material,所以现在南京市40%的居民都有自己的私家车,So now, 40% of the residents of nanjing has its own

private cars很多人不想乘坐公交去上班,就开车去上班,A lot of people

don't want to go to work by bus, So they drive to work从而

造成道路上的车流量增大,进而导致在上下班时道路拥堵的现象。Resulting in

increase of road traffic, leading to road congestion

phenomenon during work

主持人:除了私家车的增多,还有其他原因吗?In addition to the increase in the number of private cars, there are other reasons

大队长:另外一个原因,也是一个很重要的原因,就是我们个别市民的个人素质不是很高,Another reason, is also a very important reason, is our

individual citizens' personal quality is not high经常闯红灯,造


They often go through a red light, causing vehicles can

not be normal, which may lead to a slow car, this is also

the important reasons for traffic congestion

主持人:B说的第二个原因呢,确实是发生在我们周围,B says the second reason,

is indeed happening all around us一些市民就是在红灯还有十来秒


是很不文明的行为。Some citizens can not wait to cross the

pavement before the red light turn red , so as to make

the vehicles slow down or even stop, this also is very

uncivilized behavior.宁可多等一分,也不强行一秒。We should

keep Would rather wait a minute, not to force a second in


大队长:还有一个因素也是应该考虑的,There is another factor also should be considered就是南京现在正在修建地铁,造成路面的阻塞,也导致了车流


通的压力。There is another factor also should be considered,


is the subway is being built in nanjing now, causing the

road block,and also leds to traffic speed slow.

Expected by the end of 2015, the nanjing subway will

comprehensive open, which will greatly alleviates the

traffic pressure

主持人:地铁是一项很重要的惠民工程,这也将给南京带来不可估量的发展。但是现在的交通事故发生的特别频繁,我们应该如何去减少交通事故的发生呢?Subway is

a very important huimin project, it will bring immeasurable

development in nanjing. But now facing particularly

frequent traffic accidents, what should we do to reduce

the number of traffic accidents?



己的行车安全。80% of all traffic accidents happen because of

failure to observe the traffic rules, the most traffic

accidents caused by drunk driving, so once again remind

the driver friends here,do not drive the car when after

you drink .At the same time, also remind the drivers

that pay attention to the things around, and avoid

suspicious vehicles to ensure both you safe .

主持人:喝酒误事,不仅是对自己身体的不负责任,也是对家人的不负责任,更是对别人生命的一种亵渎,drinking is not only irresponsible of her body, but