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State schools School Funding State funding from central government; Supplemented by local finance 93% Public schools Tuition fees; Endowments (捐 赠) or donations from society (esp. alumni to their alma maters) 7% Public schools have better teaching staff & facilities. Students from the public schools are more promising, e.g. Eton College has educated 20 Prime Ministers, 6 Chancellors of Exchequers, etc.
Tertiary education

Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu

延续教育(Further Education)是继小学(Primary)中学 (Secondary)教育之后的“第三级教育”(Tertiary)。为进入 高等教育或者就业打下基础。也是中国的高中学生留学英的 关键阶段。一般来说接受延续教育的学生介于16和18岁之 间。 它分为两种体系:学业路线(Academic Route)和职业路 线(Vocational Route)。学业路线着重于培养学术研究方 面的人才,职业路线则结合社会各层面的职业需要,培养在 各种行业中具有专门技能和知识的人才。
Secondary Education
comprehensive school( 综合制中学) secondary modern school(现代中学) grammar school(文法 学校)
Question: What are the main differences between the two?

Two Systems of primary and secondary education in Britain:
1.State Schools (公立学校): 11-year Compulsory Education (5-16) State Primary School → Comprehensive School (84%), Grammar School (3%) or Secondary Modern School (7%) 2.Public Schools/ Independent Schools (独立学 校/公学): Prep School → Public (Independent) School (7%)


Compulsory education ends at age 16. At 16, students in England and Wales take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education中学毕业证书) examinations involving a final exam, an assessment of work done during the two-year course, or both of these things. Then they can leave school and find a job. Other pupils who decide not to go to university may choose to take vocational training and get the GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification 国家专业资格证书, 5
Pre-school education is available (often on a fee-paying basis) for children aged 2 to 4/5 through playgroups and nursery schools (many are private). The emphasis is on group work, creative activity and guided play.

Question for you: How do you interpret the beliefs above?
Individual schools enjoy great freedom and space! Although the ultimate responsibility for the educational system lies with the parliament, it doesn’t lay down what subjects shall be taught; nor does it give any directions about teaching methods, or prescribe (规定、指定、 开处方) any textbooks. The Queen once said, “ A headmaster once told me that in his opinion the freedom which teachers have is the most valuable thing in British education”.
The National Curriculum
English Design & Technology Geography Mathematics Information Technology Music

Science Art Physical Education History Modern Foreign Language

Case Study
Compared with that in Chinese counterparts, the curriculum in the UK primary or secondary schools is much simpler. (esp. mathematics & reading) WHY? Is their Intelligence Quotient low? According to a schoolmaster in Bristol: 1. The compulsory education aims to cultivate eligible (合格的) citizens rather than elites; 2. Curiosity and self-confidence matter a lot more than the knowledge itself. 3. Shaping characters and individuality is emphasized. Team spirit and leadership can be developed through games.
Chapter 5 The British Educational System
School Today
Schools Primary Schools Secondary Schools University / College
Pre-Primary Schools

Secondary Schools

State Schools (93%) 1. Comprehensive Schools (综合中学) (84%)
(No entrance exam, general education)
2. Grammar Schools (文法中学) (“the 11 plus” examination 选拔优秀小学生毕业考 试, preparing students for higher education)(3%) 3. Secondary Modern Schools (现代中学) (7%) Public Schools = Independent Schools (7%)
(Advanced General Certificate of Education 高级水 平普通教育证书=大学入学考试), usually in not
more than 3 subjects. It’s necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or other institutions of higher education.
Attendance Teaching Staff and Facilities Graduates
Primary Phase
Compulsory education begins at 5 in England, Wales and Scotland and 4 in Northern Ireland. Pupils mainly attend state sector primary schools (co-educational or mixed schools). Infants Schools = First Schools (for 2 years from 5) Junior Schools (for 4 years to 11) There’s little or no specialist subject teaching and great emphasis is on literacy and numeracy in early years. Prep Schools (预备学校) (from 7/8 to 13) (separate; fees; entrance exam )

Some more ambitious and hardworking students will take GCE O-level (一般水平普通 教育证书) exams. If they pass, they may transfer to a Sixth Form school (六年级学校) or tertiary college (三级学校) to learn A-level classes for 2 years. At 18, they take GCE A-level examinations
Widely Held Beliefs

Firstly, “the best way to ensure good results is to vest (赋予) responsibility for a job in an individual body and then allow it to go in its own way, intervening (干预) only if it’s manifestly (显而易 见地) not performing its job properly.” Secondly, “a school is not only a place for learning but also a society, free to plan and conduct its corporate life as seems best to it, provided that it keeps this life within the accepted framework laid down by social convention and the national policy for education.”