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高中英语-教学设计比赛-学案 (2)-139

高中英语-教学设计比赛-学案 (2)-139
高中英语-教学设计比赛-学案 (2)-139


一.Have a brainstorm.

When it comes to sports stars, what kind of words will you use?

二.Read the text quickly and match the headings of each paragraph.

Family background para1

Training and study para2

Success and achievements para3

Brief introduction para4

三.(1)Scan the text carefully and answer the following questions.

①.Why are the sisters unusual?

②.What kind of background are they from?

③.Who helped them to succeed?

④.How do the two sisters get on at home?

(2)True or False.

①The two sisters plan to take up tennis career all their life.

②In competitive matches the two sisters seldom played each other.

③Williams’ parent s played an important part in their success.

④The two sisters have no common hobby except tennis.

⑤If one of them loses the game in their match, the other does the dishes.

⑥In their childhood the people around Williams sisters often fought each other using guns. 四.Language learning

五. Homework .

1. Read the text fluently and finish EX6. (all students)

2. Write a short composition according to the following requirements. (you can choose either of one according to your own level.)


注意要点,1. 字数100-200字左右

2. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Level 1. Use the following key words to help you.

Useful words and phrases:



3.look back

https://www.doczj.com/doc/165061976.html,pete against

5.express an interest in

https://www.doczj.com/doc/165061976.html,e to an end



9.fortunately 10.make progress 11.improve

Level2. Write a short composition according to the requirements listed above.



高一英语教学设计 unit4Reading Communication: no problem? 新钢中学刘龙寿

3.使学生了解在各国相同身势语所表示的不同交际含义。增强对中外“身势语”差异的敏感性,培养世界意识;通过文化地域对比,加深对祖国相关知识的理解,增强对祖国热爱之情。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点 1.训练学生的略读与扫读技巧是本课的重点。根据英语课程标准关于语言技能的教学建议,略读与扫读是阅读教学的基本技能之一,是学生必须掌握的。 2.提高学生把握文章篇章结构、把握文章细节和理解文章主题的能力,培养学生的阅读策略,使其形成快速获取信息的能力。 教学难点:怎样使学生理解不同国家的身势语,正确地使用身势语及比较各国身势语的不同是本课的难点。根据英语课程标准,文化意识是内容标准之一,要求学生掌握一些行为规范、风土人情等方面的知识,这有利于培养学生的世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 5.教学过程设计 步骤1:Lead in(8 minutes) 1.英文歌曲If you are happy 2.游戏Act and guess The teacher invites four students to act some gesture by using body language. Students guess what the body language means. Be quiet! (请安静) I’m full! (我饱了)

Making a call. (打电话) Good luck! (祝你好运) Goodbye! / See you! (再见) Stop! (停) I’m thinking! (我在思考) You are great! (太棒了) Come here! (到这里来) I’m tired! (我累了) 设计意图: 1.通过熟悉欢快的歌曲旋律,使课堂充满轻松愉悦的气氛,且Clap your hands ! Stamp your feet ! 与主题“Body language”密切相关。 2.游戏的方式极大地激发了学生参与课堂的热情,让学生了解“Body language”的传达信息的作用。 步骤2:Reading(30 minutes) 1.F ast reading(8 minutes) Which is the main idea of the text? A. There are different customs in different countries. B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting. C. People use body language to send messages and different body language has different meanings. D. The importance of knowing customs. How many parts can this passage be divided into?


模块5第二单元Reading The economy or the environment Must we choose? 江苏省海州高级中学英语组韩燕 【教学目标】 (1) To read a passage about economy and environment to improve their reading ability. (2) To make them aware of the problems caused by man with the development of economy. (3) To make students pay attention to the environment problems and think about what they can do to help protect the environment. (4) To learn how to read a debate. 【教学重点】 To help the students learn how to keep the balance between economy and environment. To help the students develop their ability in solving problems and improve their oral English. 【教学难点】 To help the students learn how to read a debate. Master some important language points and use them correctly. 【知识链接】 1.根据首字母提示写出符合句意的单词。 1)Some experts are worried about the situation because profits are f__________(流动)out of the country. 2)With the development of our economy, many companies are thinking of e_______(扩大) their business relationship with China. 3)With the environment polluted, it is high time that we took e________(有效的)measures to solve this serious problem. 4)It is well-known that scientific farming is the k________ (关键)to the further development of agriculture. 5)Before making the final decision, the girl d_________(辩论)with herself for a while. 6)We all know that in practice most planes are delayed or arrive ________ (稍微的)ahead of schedule. 7)For the local people, the war is still a (an ) _________ (可怕的)experience in their mind. 8)In our country, everyone should bear ______ (责任)for the stability of society. 9)It is ________ (荒唐的)to make a stupid mistake in examination, but my daughter is always doing so. 10)It was ________ (明显的)that some disaster had occurred in this flooded area. 2.歌曲欣赏。 Earth song — Michael Jackson I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars now I don’t know where we are although I know we’ve drifted far hey, what about yesterday, what about us, what about the seas, what about us the heavens are falling down, what about us I can’t even breathe, what about us what about the bleeding earth, what about us can’t we feel its wounds, what about us what about nature’s worth, ooo, ooo It’s our planet’s womb, what about us what about animals, what about it we’ve turned kingdoms to dust, what about us what about elephants, what about us have we lost their trust, what about us what about crying whales, what about us we’re ravaging the seas, what about us what about forest trails, ooo, ooo burnt despite our pleas, what about us what about the holy land, what about it torn apart by creed,



英语课教案范文 【篇一:高中英语教案范例】 新年第一节英语课(高一教案) step i greetings and lead in(问候以及导入) 1. happy new year! t: well, i am so happy to see you again after the long vacation. i wish everyone of you had a happy holiday. so how about your holiday? had you done some travel? 2. learn some expressions about “dragon”(学习一些关于中国龙的习语、成语)t: this year is the year of dragon, so we will play a guessing game. i will show the english expressions and you try to guess the chinese expressions, long included. step ii revision(复习) 1. dear, how many words can you still remember after a months winter holiday? 2. 2. how many phrases can you still remember? 3.3. do you still remember the grammar very closely? there is no shortcut in the science road ,only be deligent.在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。”(马克思) you never know what you can till you try. a good beginning is half done. 中学英语全英文说课范文(模板) unit 16 lesson 63


Writing How to write an English diary Teaching aims: a) How to write an English diary. b) The form of English diaries. c) To improve the students’ writing ability. Important points: The skills of English writing. Difficult points: How to make every sentence appropriate and precise. Teaching procedure: Step I.Leading-in After exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in English.(As we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. But few of you write in English, which is a good way to improve your writing and speaking. So why not write English diaries? Today our topic is how to write English diaries.) Step II. Discussion First, give the students about three minutes to check their


高中英语教学设计 【导语】 高中英语教学设计 (汇总5篇) 由***整理投稿精心推荐,我希望对你的学习工作能带来参考借鉴作用。 【目录】 篇1:高中英语教学设计 篇2:高中英语教学设计 篇3:高中英语教学设计 篇4:高中英语教学设计 篇5:高中英语教学设计 【正文】 篇1:高中英语教学设计 教学准备 教学目标 知识目标: 复习两个阅读技能---scanning, skimming; 学习本单元的部分生词。 本事目标: 能构成文章的图式,在图式的帮忙下自主地复述本课的主要资料,在此

过程中实现生词的重现。 情感目标: 学生在教师的启发下,经过师生互动和生生互动,进一步探究知识。在这一过程中,学生能够不断地实现互相教育和自我教育,并能寻求自我发展; 学生能明白计划的重要性,并能收获一些与之相关的谚语。 教学重难点 构成文章的图式,并在图式的帮忙下复述文章的主要资料。 教学工具 课件 教学过程 steps teacher’s activity students’ ac tivity aims step 1 show and tell the students the learning goals for them and make possible explanations students listen to the teacher and have an idea of what they are going to learn in this class。 to make the students know what they are to learn in this class step 2

高一英语:Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设计方案(参考文本)

高中英语标准教材 高一英语:Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设计方 Learning English is conducive to understanding the customs and culture of other countries, reading foreign books, etc. 学校:______________________ 班级:______________________ 科目:______________________ 教师:______________________

--- 专业教学设计系列下载即可用 --- 高一英语:Unit 15 Healthy eating Lesson 57 教学设计方案(参考文本) Lesson 57 教学设计方案Step I Lead in 1.Revise illnesses ( headache, backache, toothache, cough, cold, etc) 2.The T will ask the questions to the Ss. 1) If yon are sick or don’t feel well,where do you have to go? 2)What does a doctor do when you go to see him?Step II Watch and Answer l)What’s wrong with Sharon?

2)What did she eat the day before yesterday and what did the doctor advise her not to do? Key: 1) She has got a pain and couldn't sleep last night. 2) She had a green peach and the doctor advised her not to eat fruit that is not ripe in future.Step III Listen and Answer Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then let the Ss answer the questions. 1) Why do you think the doctor asked Sharon what she had yesterday? 2) Was it serious? How do you know? 3)Did the doctor give Sharon any medicine? What did the doctor ask Sharon to do with the medicine?Step IV Language points Go through the dialogue with the Ss and make sure the Ss understand it. Explain any difficult language points. 1.Ouch!: a cry of pain


Unit 1 Friendship Teaching Aims: 1. 能力目标: a. Listening: get information and views from the listening material. b. Speaking: express one's attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words. c. Reading: enable Ss to get the main idea and be familiar with reading skills. d. Writing: write some advice about making friends as an editor. 2. 知识目标: a. Talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship. b. Use the following expressions: I think so. / I don't think so. I agree. / I don't agree. That's correct. Of course not. Exactly. I'm afraid not... c. Enable Ss to master Direct Speech and Indirect Speech. d. Vocabulary:

add point upset calm concern careless loose cheat reason list share feeling thought German series outdoors crazy moonlight suppose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice quiz editor communicate situation habit add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in 3. 情感目标: a. Arose Ss' interest in learning English b. Encourage Ss to be active in the activities and make Ss be confident c. Develop the ability to cooperate with others. 4. 策略目标: a. Develop Ss' cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening. b. Develop Ss' communicative strategy. 5. 文化目标: a. Enable Ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries. Teaching design: Period 1 Warming-up 1课时 I. Teaching objectives:

牛津高中英语(译林版)高中The Curse of the Mummy教学设计

牛津高中英语(译林版)高中The Curse of the Mummy教学设计 一、教案背景 1、面向学生:中学 2、学科:英语(译林出版社) 3、版块:模块二高一上学期 4、课题:Reading:The Curse of the Mummy 5、课型及课时:阅读课第1课时 二、教材分析 教学内容: 牛津高中英语(译林版)模块二高一上学期第三单元“Amazing People”第一课时Reading: The Curse of the Mummy 教材分析: 本课为模块二第三单元Reading教学的第一课时,第三单元主要讲述神秘的古代文明,而本课主要讲述埃及金字塔以及有关木乃伊的诅咒。埃及金字塔及木乃伊是世人不断研究及探索的领域,也是我们学生非常感兴趣的领域。本课主要帮助学生通过阅读这篇文章掌握阅读此类文章的阅读策略和阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读能力和综合运用语言的能力。同时,通过本课教学,培养学生科学探究的精神。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、了解一些有用的关于金字塔,埃及,探险的单词,词组表达:curse, explorer, secretary, curious, coincidence等. 能力目标: 1、通过对阅读策略的学习,掌握预测课文内容和获取学习的能力; 2、培养学生的说、读、写能力、竞争意识和自主、合作、探究的意识。 情感目标: 1、使学生了解木乃伊的神秘世界,激发他们的求知欲; 2、努力学习,学会用科学的方法来破解这一未解之谜 学习策略: 1、利用图片或者特定语境来学习新的单词和短语; 2、采用激励性评价体制,激发学生的积极性和主动性; 3、小组活动,通过小组成员合作学习,培养学生自主运用语言的能力。 教学重难点: 通过对阅读策略的学习,掌握预测课文内容和获取学习的能力; 教学准备:多媒体课件 教学方法:任务教学法、小组讨论法等 Step1Leading-in Watch a video about mummy T: Have you seen this film? It is about mummy. Do you know what is mummy? It is preserved dead body. And it is famous in Egypt. Okay, now let’ s enjoy this video. While watching, please pay attention to what message did the mummy leave? Have you found out the message?


高中英语阅读教学课案 一、课案主题 在英语教学中落实新课程标准,就是贯彻执行国家教育部关于课程改革的决定。新课程标准的三维教学观,具体到英语学科就是要整合发展学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的素养,培养学生综合运用语言的能力探究学习、合作学习、任务型学习是在新课程标准下实施素质教育的关键环节,所以在我的教学设计里,时时体现着这几种原则。 二、课案背景 一方面,高中年龄段的学生对周围的事物较为敏感,有自己的观点和看法,他们不满足于教科书上的知识,想获得更多的信息。在英语学习上,他们不只是想把英语作为一门死记硬背的课程来学,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。另一方面学生对体育比较感兴趣,对吉尼斯纪录有一定的了解因此,应结合学生的实际情况,因材施教,激发学生兴趣,让学生主动学习,学有所获。 本课案是高一必修5第五模块里的Reading部分,转绕“A life in sport”这一健康主题,主要通过网络,电影的形式开展学习活动,让学生观看电影并自主通过网络查找资源,协作学习,通过讨论,了解当今体育名人李宁。要求学生学完本课后能够通过讨论图片来提高英语口语能力。 三、课案描述 Step I.lead in Teachers use the pictures connected with instruments and listen to a piece of music to lead in. show some pictures of some famous people and think of these questions: 1.which of the instruments do you like listen to 2.Who the people are? 3.Which famous musicians play them?


阅读原文题目:An interview with Jackie Chan 高中英语阅读课公开课原文

persons’ pictures mentioned) Ss: he/she is .... T:What qualities of your idol attract you most (I will pick up three students to answer this question) T: do you want to know who my idol is Ss:no T:have a guess .(then I will show them a picture of Jackie Chan’s profile ) 》 Ss: he is Jackie chan. T: Ok, today, I will introduce my idol—Jackie Chan to all of you. First let us enjoy a video about Jackie Chan’s life. Then I will play a video about Jackie chan. 《 $ Step 2. Pre-reading (8 min)Task1. A small quiz (individual work,3 min) T: let’s check the following sentence using true or false .and I will pick up some students to say his or her answer and tell me why it is wrong or correct. # Ss:ok. 1. Get Ss to know something about Jackie Chan. 】 2. Serve as a warm-up for the following tasks.


牛津高中英语模块一(第1讲) 【教学内容与教学要求】 一、教学内容: 牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (上) 二、教学要求: 1.掌握和校园生活有关的常用单词、词组与句型。 2.学会描述校园生活和学校设施。 High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!高中是探索、学习和辛勤劳动的时期Huge campus and low-rise building 学校面积大,没有高层建筑。 Twelve laboratories are available for different experiments.12个实验室可供不同试验使用。 Each room comes with its own bothroom and Internet access.每个房间都有自己的卫生间和英特网接口。 3.学习阅读技巧:skimming&scanning。 4.语法:定语从句(一) 【知识重点与学习难点】 一、重要单词: access achieve attend assembly article available average canteen club challenging context donate display experience extra graduate gym heading locker low-rise literature poster relax 二、重点词组: class teacher 班主任at ease with 和….相处不拘束school hours学校作息时间earn respect from 赢得…的尊敬sound like听起来象for free 免费get a general idea 了解大意as well as 除….以外, 也key words 关键词word by word 逐字逐句地find one’s way around 认识路develop an interest in 培养对….的兴趣surf the Internet网上冲浪 【难点讲解】 1.What is your dream school life like? 你理想中的学校生活是什么样子? 这里dream表示心目中最理想的. 如dream team (梦之队)。


高一英语课堂教学设计案例 (高一必修一第三单元 Travel Journal最后一课) 漳州三中高一年段英语备课组蔡清清 一、教学内容介绍 该课是根据高一英语新教材第一模块第三单元Travel Journal中课后学生用书中的Writing Task扩展而成的一节活动课,是新课程教学实践中一次较为大胆的尝试。该课教学抛开传统的教师教学生学的教学方法,让学生在课前通过小组分工合作制作英语旅游海报和课件,并在课堂上开展大量的“任务型”活动来让学生体验语言,从而提升学生综合语言运用的能力,并通过活动培养学生自主学习和合作互助的精神,激发学生学习英语的热情。 二、设计理念 (一)英语教学主要任务之一是培养学生良好的学习习惯和学习兴趣,培养其交际和运用英语的能力。要达到这些任务,首先,教师应尽快从旧教材旧教法的框框中解放出来,转变思想,更新观念。若继续沿用传统的重语言知识讲授、重译写和语法教学、轻语言运用能力的培养,调动不起大多数学生学习英语的积极性。其次,应重视学生学习英语兴趣的培养,激发学生的学习兴趣。新时期英语教学要提倡“乐”的观念,情绪越好、越乐观,对所学内容便会发生浓厚的兴趣,学习效果也将越好。再者,在新形势下,转变教学思想是搞好新教材教法的前提,更新观念是用好新教材的保证。英语教师在实际教学中应自觉转变过去以应试为目的的教育思想,充分发挥新教材的优势特点,以突出教材的交际功能为主线来培养学生初步运用英语交际的能力;尽快解决教材新与方法旧的矛盾,变“不适应”为“适应”,掌握教学的主动权。 (二)运用交际手段,培养学生的能力。绝大部分学生主要是在课堂上学习英语,而在现实生活中缺少语言交际的环境和场所。从语言学角度来看,语言是人与人之间最常用、最有效、最重要的一种交际工具。交际能力是指在真实的情景中运用语言进行听说读写、交流信息和思想感情的能力。在教学中我努力创设和提供情景操练的机会,尽可能地将真实生活搬进课堂,注意在教学中为学生创设语言交际的环境。同时,还注意到交际是双向性的,是说者和听者双向交流思想的过程。在这一过程中,双方


教学设计 学科高中英语 课题 教材 设计者 学校 Unit3 Celebrations Lesson1 Festivals( A reading lesson)

Ⅰ Analysis of Teaching Material This is the first lesson of this unit. Before this class, the teacher have taught the students vocabulary in Warm-up and Lesson 1. The reading passage titled FESTIVALS briefly describes three traditional festivals of China. Such a topic is closely related to students’life, thus it is very easy to arouse their interest in learning this lesson. The text covers 3 sections. Teacher should encourage students to skim for the general idea for each section, and scan for further understanding, because this lesson introduces a lot of useful new words and expressions which are only used for festivals. In order not to let students feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading. After reading, students are required to do the exercises in the each step to see how much they have understood the reading passage. The teacher can let them work in pairs or in groups to find the answers cooperatively, and then check their answers with the whole class. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to talk about festivals in their own words at the end of the class. Moreover, homework is very important for an effective class. So the students are assigned to write a composition about Spring Festival, based on what they have learned in this lesson. Ⅱ Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases. 2.Let the student learn about 3 traditional Festivals of China. 3.Train the students’ skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text. 4.Encourage students to learn more about Chinese festivals and cultivate their love to our traditional culture. Ⅲ Teaching Important Points: 1.Master the following words and phrases: be celebrated by, is said to do, be made with, fall on, the first lunar month, burn down, in many shapes and sizes, mark, many different kinds of, special food 2.Enable the students to understand the three Chinese traditional festivals, Mid-Autumn

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高中英语教学设计(1)(2009-03-03 19:47:40) 标签:教学法交际法高中英语英语教学情境澳大利亚教育分类:教学设计

高中英语教学设计(2)(2009-03-03 20:08:28) 标签:音乐to amy and of教育分类:教学设计

Teaching Procedures 教学过程设计 All the class is set in the TV interview show—Heart Garden made by channel Young.De tailly, I divide the class in to three groups as the guests of this TV interview show:Frend s of the character, Nutritionists, Psychologists. The teacher play the role of the host Step1 Lead--in 1.Broadcast the VCR----Are teens trying to stay slim to an extreme from BBC ,then trans pose to our calss,which can lead students to the TV show situation T: “Good moring ,Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to Heart Garden made by Channel YOUNG STV .I am the host.Today’s topic is Dying to be thin. There are three groups :Frends of the chara cter, Nutritionists, Psychologists.Let’s talk together to slove the problem today.Finally, let’s see which group can get the most stars accroding to your active cooperation.Are you r eady? ” S: “Yes! ”. T: “First ,let me show you some picutes.Do you know them” Show students some pop stars’pictures T: “Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? How can we become thin? S: “The thin.” T: “How can we become thin?Let’s discuss ways of losing weight.” Suggested answers: Going on a diet Exercising in a gym or other places Receiv ing surgical treatment(外科治疗) Taking weight-loss pills T: Do you think eating weight-loss pills is effective and good?” S: “ No!’ T: “ Good!But the unfortunate thing also happened to our character--Amy .Let’s welcome A my.” 设计意图:把正堂课虚拟上海生活时尚频道---心灵花园节目的录制现场。让学生有种身临其境的感觉,紧紧抓住学生的好奇心,顺利展开我们的话题。在导入部分简单讨论时下减肥方法给学生热身,让学生初步认识到吃减肥药是不正确的,有害健康的。以此引出今天的话题人物—Amy Step2: Reading 1th E--mail


新年第一节英语课(高一教案) Step I Greetings and lead in(问候以及导入) 1. Happy new year! T: Well, I am so happy to see you again after the long vacation. I wish everyone of you had a hap py holiday. So how about your holiday? Had you done some travel? 2. Learn some expressions ab out “dragon”(学习一些关于中国龙的习语、成语) T: This year is the year of dragon, so we will play a guessing game. I will show the English expressions and you try to guess the Chinese expressions, "long" included. Step II Revision(复习) 1. Dear, how many words can you still remember after a month's winter holiday? 2. 2. How many phrases can you still remember? 3.3. Do you still remember the grammar very closely? There is no shortcut in the science road ,only be deligent.在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。”(马克思) You never know what you can till you try. A good beginning is half done. 中学英语全英文说课范文(模板) Unit 16 Lesson 63 Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts. Part 1 My understanding of this lesson The analysis of the teaching material: This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text. 2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words. 3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted. Key points / Teaching important points: How to understand the text better. Teaching difficult points: 1. Use your own words to retell the text. 2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea. Something about the Ss: 1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.

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