当前位置:文档之家› 商务信函还盘





1. 永康盛辉公司的Frank Luo收到美国Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd. 经理Adam


Dear Adam,

We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogues and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm.

Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latest

catalogues and pricelist covering our exports available at present and hope that you

will find many items in it which

interest you.

We look forward to receiving your inquiries soon.



2. 美国客商在收到材料后,表示对其中三款角磨机感兴趣并寻问Frank Luo能否


Dear Frank,

Thanks for your information. We are interested to buy large quantities of Angle Grinder and shall appreciate it if you would give us the best FOB Ningbo price.

I have

now listed below the models that are of interest:

AG105L, AG203S, AG880H

Please send us some samples for testing. We will pay the sample fees.

How about MOQ?

We are waiting for your reply.

Best Regards,


3. 收到询盘后,Frank Luo给美国客商做了回复。

Dear Adam,

With reference to your last inquiry, we have already forwarded you the samples

and take pleasure in making the following offer:

Art No. AG105L: /PC FOB Ningbo,

Art No. AG203S: /PC FOB Ningbo,

Art No. AG880H: /PC FOB Ningbo”

Please note the prices we have quoted above are based on our MOQ600PCS for each item. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question.



4. 美国客商对样品很满意,但还是不能接受盛辉公司给出的优惠价,希望


Dear Frank,

We have already done a test for the samples, I have to say that the quality and function are really good.

But comparing to the price which is showed in the pricelist, the new price has not changed much. We hope you can give us a discount of 5% on the basis of the order, 5000 pieces of Angle Grinder.

Best Regards,


5. 在收到美国Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd.的还盘后,盛辉公司的Frank Luo表示商品单价不变但为了合作愿意给出5%折扣,同时提醒对方要抓住机会。

Dear Adam,

The new price has already reached to the bottom of price range. You can not buy Angle Grinder of similar quality at such a price anywhere else. However, as this is the first time to do business with you, we

accept your request to give you a discount of 5%.

As we have received large numbers of orders from our clients, it is quite probable that our present stock may soon run out. We would therefore suggest that you take advantage of this attractive offer.

We look forward to receiving your first order.



6. 美国客商很高兴地接受了修改后的报价。

Dear frank,

Thank you for your letter of October 8th, 2010. We do appreciate your concession and want to accept your revised price and please send us your PI.

Best Regards,Adam





and desires

take inter est in …对…感兴趣

be interested in …对…感兴趣

be in the market for … 欲购买…

be desire of …想要…

2. Enquiries (询盘)

send quotation for … 对…的报价

send particulars of… 告知某人某件事情的详细情况

enquire for 询购

We are receipt of your letter of June 12, enquiring for our black tea.

make enquiry for询购

have an enquiry for 有…的询盘

We have an enquiry for 50 ton

s for chemical fertilizer.

state terms of说明…的条款

When quoting, please state terms of payment and time of delivery.

allow sb. a special allowance 给予某人特别折扣

Will you please allow us a special allowance on annual total annul purchase above $ 500,000?

3. Reply (询盘回复)

in reply 回复(某人的询盘)

This is in reply to your enquiry of , 2008.

thank sb. for one’s enquiry f or…感谢某人对某商品的询价

We thank you for your enquiry of , 2008

enclose a catalogue and a price list 随函附寄目录表和价格表


20th August,2008 China National Import & Export Corp.



Dear Sirs

We are glad to inform you that we are interested in hand-made gloves in a variety of genuine leather. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality and, although sales are not particular high, good prices can be obtained.

Will you pleased send us a copy of your catalogue for gloves, with details of your prices and terms of payment. We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various leather of which the gloves are made.

Your faithfully

Casio & Pomponio Co., Ltd.


样信2 (询盘回复)

May 3,2008

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of April 14 for low wattage Microwave Oven. We wish to inform you that at present we are able to supply 650W Microwave Oven only, the price of which is similar to that of 600W, at USD 320 per set CIF… less 2% discount. As a matter of fact it is better than the one you enquire for, and we are sure you will find it worth buying when you read the enclosed illustrated leaflet.

We welcome your order and can assure you that shipment will be made within 20days after receipt of your L/C. we except to have your decision at an early date.

Your sincerely


Encl. 1 leaflet



虚盘(non-firm offers), 即无约束力的报盘。一般情况下,多数报盘均为虚盘,虚盘不规定报盘的有效日期,并且附有保留条件,如:The offer is subject to our final confirmation/prior sale. 该报盘已我方最后确认为准/是否事先售出为准。

实盘(firm offers)则规定有效日期,而且卖盘一旦被接受,报盘人就不能撤回。




competitive 竞争的competitive price 有竞争力的价格

mass-produced 大量生产profit 利润

allowance/ discount 折扣stock存货

counter-offer 还盘approximate 大约

deliver (n.)发货delivery 发货

supply (v.)供给,供应s upply something to sb. 向某人供应某物

decline (v.)谢绝,拒绝(n.)下降,减少,衰退

cost of production 生产费用reasonable 合理的

the preference of one’s offer 优先报盘wild speculation 漫天要价


1. Quotations (报价)

①quote sb. a price for something 报价

②quote for something at… 报价

We quote for this article US$ 10 per case FOB Shanghai.

③send sb. one’s quotation for… 给最好(低)的报价

2. Offers

①offer sb. something向某人报盘

We offer you 1,500 Forever Bicycles at US$32 per CTF Lagos for delivering in May.

②offer CIF

We offer CFR Darwin for 60 tons Albumen .

③offer as follows报盘如下

Thank you for your enquiry dated March 18th and now we offer as follows.

④make sb. an offer for sth 向某人报盘

Please make us an offer CIF Kabe for 10 tons Frozen Fish

⑤subject to one’s confirmation 以…确认有效

⑥be firm for… 有效期为…

This offer is firm for 5 days.

⑦to advise sb. to accept an of fer…建议某人接收报盘

As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to accept the offer without delay.

⑧suggest that one accept…建议某人接受报盘

⑨look forward receiving one’s order 期望收到某人的订单

We trust you will find out offer satisfactory and look forward receiving your order.


Please make an offer for the bamboo shoots of the quality as that in the last contract.


We are in a position to offer tea from stock. 我们现在可以报茶叶现货。

We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.


We have accepted your firm offer. 我们已收到了你们报的实盘。

We offer firm for reply 11 tomorrow. 我们报实盘,以明天上午11点答复为有效。

We’re willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。

All your prices are on basis. 你们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。

Can you make an offer, C & F London, at your earliest convenience?


I’d like to have your lowest quotations, Vancouver. 请报温哥华到


Our offer is RMB300 per set of tape-recorder, Tianjin.


My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.


No other buyers have bid higher than this price.


It was a higher price than we offered to other suppliers. 此价格比我们给其他供货人的出价要高。

We can’t accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.


This offer is subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month.



The offer holds good until 5 o’clock 23nd of June, 1997, Beijing time.


We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall be kept open against reply by wire.

相信贵方能接受我们的报价, 此盘有效期可到回电为止。

This offer will remain open until receipt of your wire per return. 此盘有效期至收到你方回电为止。

We offered them the goods. 兹向该公司提供这些商品的报价。

We offered the articles to the firm. 我们向该公司提供这些商品的报价。

We offer the goods at the current season’s prices of 上列货物, 按本季行情, 报价为:

This offer is firm subject to your immediate reply which should reach us not

later than the end of this month. There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.

上述报盘, 以你方答复在不迟于本月底前到达我方为有效。一旦此报盘过期, 此货不可能存留不售。

In our offer, we shall make it our business to charge you the lowest possible price for any quantity you may require, in order to give you an entire satisfaction and to retain your customs.

为使你满意并维持顾客, 对贵公司的需求, 我们不计较数量多少, 均提供最低价格。


现减价处理库存货物, 价格至少减50%, 是家俱及五金制品前所未有的优惠价, 请勿失良机。

The stock on hand at present will be sold at a reduction of at least 50 per cent., and purchasers are respectfully in vited to

avail themselves of this opportunity of providing themselves with articles in furniture and ironmongery at unprecedentedly low prices.

Purchasers are respectfully requested to come early to prevent disappointment. 请各位早日光临, 勿失良机。

我们正在清仓, 有丝织品、天鹅绒、丝带、披风、披肩、毛制品、棉织品以及其他男士服饰, 均以进货价出售, 特告。

We are pleased to notify you that the whole of their extensive stock of silks velvets, ribbons, mantles, shawls, woollen and cotton goods. Haberdashery, is now on sale at prime cost.

As the premises will be shortly required for other purposes, the whole of the goods must be immediately disposed of without reserve. 本店另有他用, 全部货物急需清仓处理。


我们与本地一流的厂商均有贸易联系, 所以能提供贵方所需的东西, 只要贵方有吩咐,定能使贵方满意。冒昧请你关照。

We venture to solicit a share of your favour, as being in touch with all the leading merchants here, we are able to deal satisfactorily with any commissions with which you may entrust us.

尽管孟加拉在抵制英货, 但棉织品仍然畅销。贵方如委托我们试销, 相信您不会失望。

In spite of the boycott of British manufactures in Bengal, there is still a fine market for cotton goods, and if you would consign us a small trial parcel, we are sure you will not be disappointed with the result.

我公司是制造厂商, 能保证产品质量和做工精美。贵公司订货如能一如既往, 将不胜感激。我当迅速、认真履约, 提供高效优质服务。

Being actual manufacturers, we are able to guarantee a uniform quality and excellent workmanship of our goods, and we shall be glad to be favoured, as before, with your esteemed orders, which shall have our prompt and careful attention.

Since I wrote to you a few days ago, there hsas been an important development as regards the offer I then made you. 数日前写给贵公司的信谅已收到, 前函的发盘现又有重要进展。

关于经营地毯可见效益一事, 在上星期写给贵公司的信中, 有个要点没有提到, 即:

Referring to the letter which I wrote to you last week about the profit you could make by taking up the sales of rugs, there is an important point which I did not mention. It is this:

为不使我们的顾客失望, 贵公司如对这次生意有兴趣, 请迅速通知我们。因目前所剩余货不多, 日后我们无法再以


商务函的格式及范文格式 商务信函属于商务礼仪文书范畴,是指企业与企业之间,在各种商务场合或商务往来过程中所使用的简便书信。其主要作用是在商务活动中用来建立经贸关系、传递商务信息、联络商务事宜、沟通和洽商产销;询问和答复问习题、处理详细交易事项。其品种包括联络函、推销函、订购函、确认函、索赔函等多种。 文种特性 〔一)语气白话性 每一封商务信函的往来都是不同的企业之间或者企业彼此之间的一种情感交流。人都是感性的,所以商务信函更多地体现了感性的一面。而不是人们想象的商务信函应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,信函读起来使人感到非常热情、友好,就像朋友之间的谈话那样简单、自然、人性化。无论是歉意的道歉函,还是善意的劝说函,或者购买函,完全可以通过信函中的语气、语调来表现。 (二)内容直接性 企业每天都要阅读大量信函文件。商务信函不需要用华美的词句。所

以,商务信函要写得简明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,使信函读起来简单、清楚、容易理解。当涉及数据或者详细的信息时,如时间、地点、价格、货号,等等,要用语准确,使交流的内容更加清楚,这更有助于加快商务活动的进程。 (三)态度真诚性 商务信函要能够充分体现真诚、礼貌。不管说什么,都要带着诚意去说。把写好的商务信函拿起来读一遍,确保假如此时对方正在电话中与你通话,他一定能够感受到你的自然、真诚和礼貌。这里所说的礼貌,其实不是简单用一些礼貌用语,而是体现了一种为别人考虑,多谅解对方心情和处境的态度。 (四)主旨单一性 商务信函具有纯粹的业务性,一般要求专文专事,内容集中单一,围绕公务,突出主旨。 (五)格式标准性 商务信函构造类似于一般的书信,有称呼、有正文、有署名。外贸商务函、电的写作则必须按照国际惯例,用英语或对方国家所使用的语


Practical English Writings 实用应用文写作 Jessie Peng 6) 体谅原则 一封有效的书信能给收信人以深刻印象和影响,要想达到此目的,就应当设身处地为收件人着想,考虑他的要求、希望和利益等。周密的思考有助于你更理解你的收件人,因此,你的要求将会更加实际和可以理解。 写作时要注意以下问题: (1)采取收信人的态度,即“You”attitude,避免采取写信人的态度,即“We” attitude。比较下列句子: “We attitude” We allow a 5% discount for cash payments. “You attitude” You earn a 5% discount when you pay cash. “We attitude” We are pleased to announce that… “You attitude” You will be pleased to know that… 下面两封信是这两种态度的典范。第一封信是以“We” attitude 的方式写的,而第二封信是以“You” attitude 的方式写的。

试对它们进行比较,看看它们给你的印象有什么不同。 (a)May I express my thanks for the account you recently opened with our store. We are pleased to furnish a wide variety of products for the home or individual. We trust you will take full advantage of our store services, for we have the largest stock in the city. Also we make deliveries of our customers’purchases free of charge within thirty miles of our store. We welcome you to Johnson’s. If we can be of additional service in any manner, please call on us. Translation: 让我对你最近在我公司开户一事表示感谢。我们乐意提供家庭和个人使用的各种产品。 我们相信你会充分利用我们的服务的,因为我公司所备货物时本地最充足的。同时,我们的顾客所购货物,在距离公司30英里范围内,可以免费送货。 我们欢迎你光临本公司。如果我们能在其他方面为你服务,请打电话给我们。 Thank you for the account you recently opened at Johnson’s. Serving you with your needs for clothing and home furnishings is a pleasure. You will find 34 departments at Johnson’s stocked with a variety of quality items. And courteous sales clerks are here to assist


商务信函常用语大全 ● 敬上 谨致问候 Yours (very) truly, *用于商业。 谨致问候 Sincerely yours, *稍带亲近的感觉,用于商务信函或给朋友的信中。 谨致问候 Cordially, *稍带亲近的感觉,用于商务信函或给朋友的信中。 谨致问候 My best regards, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。 谨致问候 With best regards, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。 谨致问候 The very best to you, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。 谨致问候 Best wishes, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。 ●请求回函 如能尽早回复,我们将不胜感激。 We would appreciate an early reply. *比较直率的表达方式,要注意是发给谁的。 我们期待着您满意的回答。 We look forward to your favorable reply. *也可用于客人。favorable 表示“好意的,喜欢的”。 我们盼望着不久能听到您的回音。 We look forward to hearing from you soon. 如果就此事您能尽早回信的话,我们将衷心感谢。 Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. *prompt “迅速的,敏捷

的”。 Your prompt attention in this matter will be appreciated. 回信请寄到上述地址。 Please write us at the above address. ●请多关照 我们希望您能…… We hope that you will... 在此方面如果能够得到您的合作我将非常感谢。 Your kind cooperation in this respect is greatly appreciated. Your kind cooperation on this issue is greatly appreciated. 我们希望能够继续得到你们的合作和支持。 We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support. *只限用在对方比较熟悉的情况下。count on “指望”。 我们期待着您的…… We look forward to your... 我们确信我们的请求将…… We trust our request will... *trust 包含了hope(希望)和believe(相信)两个词的意义。 ●表明热情、诚意;要求合作 我们期待着当……的那一刻。 We are looking forward to the time when... 请您不必客气,尽管与我们联系。 Please do not hesitate to contact us. *hesitate “犹豫,踌躇”。 Please do not hesitate to call us. 我们渴望在……方面给您以援助。 We are always anxious to assist you in... *be anxious to “渴望,想……”。 We are always willing to assist you in...


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务信函咨询中文 篇一:八种经典中英文商务信函范文 八种经典中英文商务信函范文 第一种、介绍信LettersofIntroduction 实例之一: Dearmr./ms.Thisistointroducemr.FrankJonesournewmark etingspecialistwhowillbeinLondonfromApril5tomidApri lonbusiness.weshallappreciateanyhelpyoucangivemr.Jo nesandwillalwaysbehappytoreciprocate.Yoursfaithfull y尊敬的先生/小姐,现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。您诚挚的 实例之二: Dearmr./mswearepleasedtointroducemr.wangYouourimpor tmanagerofTextilesDepartment.mr.wangisspendingthree weeksinyourcitytodevelopourbusinesswithchiefmanufac

turesandtomakepurchasesofdecorativefabricsforthecom ingseason.weshallbemostgratefulifyouwillintroducehi mtoreliablemanufacturersandgivehimanyhelporadvicehe mayneed.Yoursfaithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。您诚挚的 第二种、约定Appointments 实例之一: Dearmr./msmr.Johngreenourgeneralmanagerwillbeinpari sfromJune2to7andwouldliketocomeandseeyousayonJune3a t2.00p.m.abouttheopeningofasampleroomthere.pleasele tusknowifthetimeisconvenientforyou.Ifnotwhattimeyou wouldsuggestYoursfaithfully尊敬的先生/小姐我们的总经理约翰格林将于六月2日到7日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于六月3日下午2:00点拜访您。请告知这个时间对您是否方便。如不方便,请建议具体时间。您诚挚的 以下为回信范文 Dearmr./msThankyouforyourletterinformingusofmr.gree n’


目录Chapter 1 外贸函电 1. 资信调查Credit Information 2. 推销Salesmanship 3. 建立贸易关系Establishing Business Relations 4. 询盘Inquiry 5. 报盘Offer 6. 还盘Counter-offer 7. 下订单Order 8. 接受订单Accepting the Order 9. 拒绝订单Declining the Order 10. 支付方式Terms of Payment 11. 催款Reminder 12. 更改信用证Amending the L/C 13. 理赔Settlement of Claims 14. 代理Agency Chapter 2 商务报告 1. 建议报告Proposal Report 2. 工作进度报告Progress Report 3. 述职报告Work Report 4. 说明报告Introduction Report 5. 总结报告Final Report 6. 可行性报告Feasibility Report 7. 评估报告Appraisal Report 8. 市场调查报告Investigation Report Chapter3 行政文书 1. 便条Note 2. 启事Announcement 3. 简报Briefing 4. 广告Advertisement 5. 备忘录Memorandum 6. 介绍信Letter of Introduction 7. 会议日程表Agenda of the Meeting 8. 会议记录Minutes 9. 公司决议Directors’ Resolution Chapter 4 申请函


27种常用英文商务信函 1请求建立商业关系 Rogers Chemical Supply Co. 10E.22Street Omaha8,Neb Gentlemen: We have obtained your name and address fro m Aristo Shoes, Milan , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business re lations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and q uotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours 自米兰职权里斯托鞋类公司取得贵公司和地址,特此修函,祈能发展关系。多年来,本公司经营鞋类进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围。盼能惠赐商品目录和报价表。如价格公道,本公司必大额订购。烦请早日赐复。此致 2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relat ions with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cov er, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevo cable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. 本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。此致敬礼 3.请求担任独家代理 We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis fora number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our colla boration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding o ur company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factoryfor the promotio n of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply. `本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。盼望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。此致敬礼


英文商务信函模版(本商务英语课程所涉及信函) 一、信封的书写 1、发信人的姓名地址写在左上角或信封背面。 2、收信人姓名地址写在信封中间;姓名先写,然后由小到大写地址;姓名单独占一行,地址可占二或三行等;收信人姓名前加头街。 本书中信封书写如下: 1)信封模版: 发信人姓名、地址 Michelle Sussman(姓名) 21 West Main Street(门牌) Coshocton, NY 11222(镇-市-邮编) August 3, 2010 收信人姓名地址 Dr. Linda Peters, Director(姓名,职位) County General hospital(如有公司名称则写公司名称) Route 97(门牌) Callicoon, NY 11203(镇-市-邮编) 2)正文模版(投诉信、索赔信或理赔信等) Dear_______, I am . (自我介绍) I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_______. The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______________(总体介绍). In the first plac e,_________________________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, _________________ ___________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ___(感觉) to _ ___________________________(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could_______________________(提出建议和请求), preferably __________(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settl ed by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely (这个必须有) Michelle Sussman (姓名)


中文书信主要由称呼、启词、正文、酬应过渡、祝颂词、签署、日期等七部分组成。 1、称呼称呼是写信人对受信人的尊称,主要依据相互间的隶属关系、亲疏关系、尊卑关系、长幼关系等而定,一般都用“敬语+称谓”的形式组成。如:“尊敬的王总经理”、“亲爱的刘主任”、“尊敬的董事长先生阁下”等。对某些特殊的内容或与境外华文地区的人员往来还可加上“提称”如:“尊敬的王博士总经理海成先生台鉴”、“亲爱秘书明玉小姐雅鉴”等等。(顶格写,后面加冒号。) 2、启词启词是信文的起首语,可有多种表示法。如问候式的“您好”、“别来无恙”;思怀式的“久不通信,甚为怀想”、“去国半载,谅诸事顺遂”等;赞颂式的“新春大吉”、“开张大吉”等;承前式的“上周曾发一传真件,今仍具函,为××事”,“贵公司×月×日赐函已悉”等等。不分对象,不论内容,一律以“您好”为书信之启词,实在极不恰当。此外,公务书信的启词还可用“兹为、兹因、兹悉、兹经、兹介绍、兹定于”;“顷闻、顷悉、顷获”;“欣闻、欣悉、欣逢、值此”,以及“据了解、据报、据查实”等一系列公文用语,以提领全文。(在称呼下面另起一行,前空两格!) 3、正文正文是书信的主体,是书信能否达到写信人理想效果的关键。一封信可以专说一件事,也可以兼说数件事,但公务书信应该一文一事。正文要清楚、明了、简洁,并注意情感分寸,不应有昵亵轻狂之嫌,也不可显侮蔑轻慢之意。(在启词下面另起一行空两格。) 4、酬应过渡正文结束时,可写几句酬应性的话作为全文的过渡。如“我方相信,经过此次合作,双方的友谊将有进一步发展”。又如“再次表示衷心的感谢”或“代向公司其他同志问候”等等。也有用公务书信的常用结语过渡,如“特此函达、特此说明、特此重申、特此函询、特此致歉”,或“肃此专呈、肃此奉达”,也有“特此鸣谢、敬请谅解、尚祈垂察、务请函复、至希鉴谅”,以及“承蒙惠允、承蒙协办、承蒙惠示、不胜荣幸、不胜感激”等等。(过渡一下更符合礼仪规范) 5、祝颂词书信的最后,写祝颂词是惯例。由于写信人与受信人的关系各有不同,书信内容各有不同,祝颂词的写法便呈多种多样。诚祝生意兴隆”等等,有时,往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 6、签署书信的签署以写信人全名为要,不能只签个姓氏或习惯称呼,如“老王、小王、小李、张主任、赵经理”等,而要完整地写成“××部主任张金水”、“××公司经理王富成”或者“××公司办公室秘书李倩”、“××部业务员刘震”等。今天,许多书信都以计算机制成,但即使已打印了姓名,仍应再以手书签署一遍,这既表信用,亦示诚意。对某些特殊对象,署名后应有具名语,如“谨上、谨呈、敬述”等,以表示对受件者的尊重。(通常中文信函写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置,但一般E-mail商务信函也可靠左)以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。 7、日期日期明确本是应用文写作的基本要素,书信自然不可缺了这一项。日期必须准确,表现出写信人的负责态度,而万一记错日期,也许会因此而误事。(写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。) 用词要准确,不要用一些晦涩的或易于引起歧义的词语。用词不当或不准确,常常会使对方引起误解,甚至被人利用而导致一方经济损失。例如提请对方供货时,不要用“大量”、“许多”一类词语,应具体说明数量。同样,报价不能笼统地说“合理价格”或“市场价格”,而应说明具体价格为多少,用何种货币,怎样结算,有没有各种附加收费,尽量避免使用“大约”、“左右”一类词语。答复对方的来信,最好说明那封来信的日期、内容、编号,不要笼统地说“来信收到”或“上月来信”等,因为来信可能不止一封。


商务公函格式模板 今天,我给大家介绍的是商务公函格式模板,希望对大家有帮助。 (1)商务公函的概念 商务公函是用来商洽工作销售技巧和话术、联系业务、询问和答复有关具体实际问题的一种公文。 (2)商务公函的结构及写作方法 公函是平行文。在写作时,一般包括四大部分:标题、行文对象、正文、落款。 ①标题一般采用公文规范标题法,即标题由发函机关、事由、受函机关和文种组成。也有的只有事由和文种。 ②行文对象是指公函受文者,写在事由之下的第一行左边,顶格,后面加冒号。 ③正文是公函的内容即事项,是发函者要告诉对方的具体事情,由三部分组成,即发函因由,发函事项以及结语等,事项部分基本上是叙述和说明的方法,如有要求部分则要根据行文内容来安排,不可过多。结语多使用"特此复函"。 ④落款。包括发函单位的名称和主要负责人的签名以及日期。 商务公函范文1 Dear_______, I am ______ (自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_____. The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍). In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ___________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ________ (感 觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限). Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to


商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾 商务英语信函常用结束语 (1)我们盼望于近日内接获回信,等。 1. We hope to receive your favor at an early date. 2. We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay. 3. We await good news with patience. 4. We hope to receive a favorable reply per return mail. 5. We await the pleasure of receiving a favorable reply at an early date. 6. We await the favor of your early (prompt) reply. 7. A prompt reply would greatly oblige us. 8. We trust you will favor us with an early (prompt) reply. 9. We trust that you will reply us immediately. 10. We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply. 11. Will you please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter? 12. Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do? 13. We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post. 14. We are awaiting (anxious to receive) your early reply. 15. We thank you for the anticipated favor of your early reply. 16. We should appreciate an early reply. 17. We thank you in anticipation of your usual courteous prompt attention. 18. We thank you now for the courtesy of your early attention.


中文商务信函范文 写作中文商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,精品学习网总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写中文商务信函有借鉴作用。中文商业商务信函的写作格式 如同一般信函,商业信文一般由开头、正文、结尾、署名、日期等5个部分组成。 (1)开头 开头写收信人或收信单位的称呼。称呼单独占行、顶格书写,称呼后用冒号。 (2)正文 信文的正文是书信的主要部分,叙述商业业务往来联系的实质问题,通常包括: ①向收信人问候; ②写信的事由,例如何时收到对方的来信,表示谢意,对于来信中提到的问题答复等等; ③该信要进行的业务联系,如询问有关事宜,回答对方提出的问题,阐明自己的想法或看法,向对方提出要求等。如果既要向对方询问,又要回答对方的询问,则先答后问,以示尊重;

④提出进一步联系的希望、方式和要求。 (3)结尾 结尾往往用简单的一两句话,写明希望对方答复的要求。如“特此函达,即希函复。”同时写表示祝愿或致敬的话,如“此致敬礼”、“敬祝健康”等。祝语一般分为两行书写,“此致 ”、“敬祝”可紧随正文,也可和正文空开。“敬礼”、“健康”则转行顶格书写。 (4)署名 署名即写信人签名,通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行)的偏右下方位置。以单位名义发出的商业信函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。重要的商业信函,为郑重起见,也可加盖公章。 (5)日期 写信日期—般写在署名的下一行或同一行偏右下方位置。商业信函的日期很重要,不要遗漏。 通知: 本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知。 I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address. 我方已在本市开设贸易与总代理店, 特此通知。同时,


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务信函范文信头 篇一:商务信函的格式和范文 商务信函的格式和范文 商务信函属于商务礼仪文书范畴,是指企业与企业之间,在各种商务场合或商务往来过程中所使用的简便书信。其主要作用是在商务活动中用来建立经贸关系、传递商务信息、联系商务事宜、沟通和洽商产销;询问和答复问题、处理具体交易事项。其种类包括联系函、推销函、订购函、确认函、索赔函等多种。 文种特性 〔一)语气口语性 每一封商务信函的往来都是不同的企业之间或者企业 领导者彼此之间的一种情感交流。人都是感性的,所以商务信函更多地体现了感性的一面。而不是人们想象的商务信函应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,信函读起来使人感到非常热情、友好,就像朋友之间的谈话那样简单、自然、人性化。无论是歉意的道歉函,还是善意的劝说函,或者购买函,完

全可以通过信函中的语气、语调来表现。 (二)内容直接性 企业每天都要阅读大量信函文件。商务信函不需要用华丽的词句。所以,商务信函要写得简明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,使信函读起来简单、清楚、容易理解。当涉及数据或者具体的信息时,如时间、地点、价格、货号,等等,要用语精确,使交流的内容更加清楚,这更有助于加快商务活动的进程。 (三)态度真诚性 商务信函要能够充分体现真诚、礼貌。不管说什么,都要带着诚意去说。把写好的商务信函拿起来读一遍,确保如果此时对方正在电话中与你通话,他一定能够感受到你的自然、真诚和礼貌。这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌用语,而是体现了一种为他人考虑,多体谅对方心情和处境的态度。 (四)主旨单一性 商务信函具有纯粹的业务性,一般要求专文专事,内容集中单一,围绕公务,突出主旨。 (五)格式规范性 商务信函结构类似于一般的书信,有称呼、有正文、有署名。外贸商务函、电的写作则必须依照国际惯例,用英语或对方国家所使用的语言书写,在文法和书写格式上也要符


. 商务函电翻译的用词技巧Business letters translation skills for using words

目录 摘要 (3) Abstract (4) 一、商务函电的现实意义 (5) 二、商务函电的特点 (5) (一)文体特点 (6) 1.词汇使用特点 (6) 2.语法使用特点 (9) 3.虚拟语气的使用 (11) (二)语言特点 (11) (三)翻译特点 (12) 1.词语方面 (12) 2.句子方面 (13) 三、商务函电的翻译技巧 (14) 参考文献: (18)

摘要 商务英语函电是国际贸易活动的最要载体,涉及到建立业务关系、询盘、报盘、还盘、保险、包装、运输、赔偿、信用证付款及其他付款方式等国际实务贸易的各个环节中的多种情况和不同问题的处理。 如果函电译文出现错误,定会引起双方的误解从而造成贸易的失败,而一篇好的译文则可以使贸易很好地完成,使双方获益。 关键词:商务英语函电翻译用词技巧

Abstract Business English Letters are international trade activities to the carrier, involving establishing business relations, enquiry, offer, counter-offer, insurance, packing, shipment, insurance, payment by L/C and other payment methods for dealing with the international trade practice every link of many kinds of conditions and different issues. The wrong letters will cause the misunderstanding of the both sides and the failure of the trade , and a good translation can make trade perform well, make both parties benefit. Keywords: Business English letters translation words skills


As the season is rapidly approaching,```由于季节很快来临,······· We shall be very much obliged ```原义是“我们将非常感激”。在商业信函中,意思相同的套语有好几个,目前多倾向于用We shall appreciate it very much```. There is a brisk demand for these goods.对这些的需求很旺盛 询盘与请求有用句型 1. Could you please``` This company specializes in student exchanges between Europe and China. Could you please send us a copy of your summer calendar of forthcoming cultural and educational events? 本公司专门举办中欧学生的交流活动,敬请寄送暑假文化教育活动日程表一份。 You have previously supplied us with cotton piece goods. Could you please now quote for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed form? 贵公司曾向我们提供过棉匹布,现在请提供所附表格上列举的货物的报价。 2. Will you please``` Will you please quote inclusive of transportation and insurance, and inform us the delivery time. 烦请贵公司提供包括运输和保险在内的报价,并告知装运时间。Will you please send us your completed/general/latest/current catalogue and price-list? 请寄送贵公司总的、普通的、最新的、最近的目录和价格表。 3. We will be interested in``` We will be interested in discussing terms with you. When the final decision has been made, would you please tell us what discounts you offer on bulk purchased?请告知贵公司对批量购买提供的折扣率,待我方做出最终决定后与贵方洽谈具体事宜。 We will be interested in importing American furniture and would be pleased to know the specifications or details of your display cabinets together with prices and the terms of payment.我公司愿意进口美国家具,请寄送有关鬼子的价格和付款条件的详情。 4. ```we are interested in``` We have been importers of shirts for many years. At present, we are interested in extending our range and appreciate your catalogues and quotations. 多年来,本公司经营衬衫进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围,盼能惠赐商品目录和报价单。 Please send us your keenest quotation for snooker tables. We are interested in purchasing them but we need to have further details of the costs before making a final decision. 请寄给我们贵公司台球桌的最优报价,我们有兴趣购买,但需要进一步


八种经典中英文商务信函范文 第一种、介绍信Letters of Introduction 实例之一:Dear Mr. / Ms.This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones our new marketing specialist who will be in Lond onfrom April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy toreciprocate.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15 日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。您诚挚的实例之二:Dear Mr. / MsWe are pl eased to introduce Mr. Wang You our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to d evel op our business with chief manufacturesand to make purchases of d ecorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliabl e manufacturers and give himany help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部的进口经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。您诚挚的 第二种、约定Appointments 实例之一:Dear Mr./Ms Mr. John Green our General Manager will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and woul d like to come and see you say on June 3 at 2.00 p.m. about the opening of a sampl e room there. Please l et us know if the time is convenient for you. If not what time you woul d suggest Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐我们的总经理约翰格林将于六月2 日到7 日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于六月3 日下午2:00 点拜访您。请告知这个时间对您是否方便。如不方便,请建议具体时间。您诚挚的 以下为回信范文Dear Mr. / Ms Thank you for your l etter informing us of Mr. Green’s visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards our manager is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He woul d however be pl eased to see Mr. Green any time after his return. We l ook forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7 日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回来后愿意在任何时间会见格林先生。希望收到您的来信。您诚挚的Back to Top 实例之二:Dear Mr/MsI represent the W/P El ectronics Company in Dallas and will be in

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