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Programming Principles 1


Exercises 1.2

Determine by hand calculation what will happen to each of the configurations shown in Figure 1.1 over

the course of five generations. [Suggestion: Set up the Life configuration on a checkerboard. Use one color of checkers for living cells in the current generation and a second color to mark those that will be born or die in the next generation.]



Figure remains stable.




Figure is stable.


2 Chapter 1 _ Programming Principles



Figure repeats itself.




Figure repeats itself.




Figure repeats itself.

Section 1.3 _ Programming Style 3


Exercises 1.3

E1. What classes would you define in implementing the following projects? What methods would your classes


(a) A program to store telephone numbers.

Answer The program could use classes called Phone_book and Person. The methods for a


object would include look_up_name, add_person, remove_person. The methods for a Person object would include Look_up_number. Additional methods to initialize and print objects of

both classes would also be useful.

(b) A program to play Monopoly.

Answer The program could use classes called Game_board, Property, Bank, Player, and Dice. In addition

to initialization and printing methods for all classes, the following methods would be useful. The class Game_board needs methods next_card and operate_jail. The class Property needs methods change_owner, look_up_owner, rent, build, mortgage, and unmortgage. The class Bank needs methods pay and collect. The class Player needs methods roll_dice, move_location, buy_property and pay_rent. The class Dice needs a method roll.

(c) A program to play tic-tac-toe.

Answer The program could use classes called Game_board and Square. The classes need initialization and printing methods. The class Game_board would also need methods make_move and

is_game_over. The class Square would need methods is_occupied, occupied_by, and occupy. (d) A program to model the build up of queues of cars waiting at a busy intersection with a traffic light. Answer The program could use classes Car, Traffic_light, and Queue. The classes would all need initialization

and printing methods. The class Traffic_light would need additional methods change_status

and status. The class Queue would need additional methods add_car and remove_car.

E2. Rewrite the following class definition, which is supposed to model a deck of playing cards, so that it

conforms to our principles of style.

class a { // a deck of cards

int X; thing Y1[52]; /* X is the location of the top card in the deck. Y1 lists the cards. */ public:

a( );

void Shuffle( ); // Shuffle randomly arranges the cards.

thing d( ); // deals the top card off the deck




class Card_deck {

Card deck[52];

int top_card;


Card_deck( );

void Shuffle( );

Card deal( );