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张凤鸣, 褚文奎, 樊晓光, 万 明

(空军工程大学工程学院,西安 710038)

摘 要:军用航空电子系统体系结构关系到战机的可靠性、安全性、可用性、生存性、扩展性和维修性等方面。综合模块化航空电子(I M A )是目前机载航空电子系统结构发展的最高阶段,其特征和优势已经在美国四代机上得到充分展现和发挥,为我国四代机综合航电的研制工作提供了参考依据。回顾了机载航空电子体系结构的发展史,分析了推动I M A 体系结构发展的3个主要因素,归纳了I M A 的特点,从信息流处理的角度对I M A 体系结构进行了划分,并研究了适应于I M A 的两种典型的综合航电软件体系结构,指出了发展趋势。最后就我国综合航电体系结构的研究和发展所面临的问题进行了初步探讨。


中图分类号:V243 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-637X (2009)09-0047-05

Research on Arch itecture of I n tegra ted M odul ar Av i on i cs

ZHANG Feng m ing, CHU W enkui, F AN Xiaoguang, WAN M ing

(Engineering College,A ir Force Engineering University,Xi πan 710038,China )

Abstract:The architecture of avi onic syste m is of great i m portance for reliability,safety,availability,survivability,extensibility and maintainability of the whole aircraft syste m.

I ntegrated Modular Avi onics

(I M A )is the ne west avi onic architecture,which has been fully used in F 222and F 235with great perfor mances .Devel opment of integrated avi onics in China can get s ome references and experiences fr om I M A and its app licati ons .Based on the evoluti on of avi onics architectures,three maj or fact ors that dr ove the devel opment of I M A are analyzed,and features of I M A are summarized .I M A architecture and its s oft w are architectures are then p resented .The I M A architecture is divided fr om the vie w of infor mati on p r ocessing .T wo of the most typ ical s oft w are architectures used in I M A are compared with each other and the devel opment tendency of s oft w are architecture is discussed .A t last,s ome advices are p resented about how t o research and devel op avi onics architecture in China .

Key words:I ntegrated Modular Avi onics (I M A );avi onic architecture;s oft w are architecture;

the 4th

generati on aircraft

0 引言

如果说发动机是战机的“心脏”,那么军用航空电子系统(简称航电)则是战机的“大脑”或“中枢神经”。它承载了战机绝大多数任务,比如电子战、通信/导航/识别(CN I )等,是决定战机作战效能的重要因素。从这个意义上说,没有先进的航电,就没有先进的战机,

收稿日期:2008-08-31 修回日期:2008-10-21




综合模块化航空电子(I M A )是当前航电体系结构发展的最高阶段,在国内通常被称为综合航电。随着我国四代机和“大运”等项目的开展,研制相应的综合航电成为一项迫切的任务。本文研究I M A 体系结构的根本目的在于为我国四代机甚至“大运”上的综合航电的研制进行初步的探索。

1 航电体系结构发展历程





 第16卷 第9期2009年9月

电 光 与 控 制Electr onics Op tics &Contr ol Vol .16 No .9
