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高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案
高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

学习目标1能够熟读课文并背会部分段落。 2掌握本单元重点词和



1.__________ adj. 有价值的

2.__________ vi. 幸免

3.__________ n. 朝代

4.__________ vt. 惊讶

5.__________ vt. 挑选

6.__________ n. 蜂蜜

7.__________ n. 设计

8.__________ adj. 奇特

9.__________ n. 风格 10.__________ v. 装饰

11.__________ n. 珠宝 12.__________ vi. 属于 13.__________ n. 接待 14.__________ vt. 移动 15.__________ n. 怀疑,

16.__________ adj. 值得的 17.__________ n. 证据

18.__________ vi 爆炸 19.__________ vi. 下沉 20.__________ n. 争论写出下列短语的意思 1. in search of ___________ 2. belong to _____________ 3. at war ________ _______ 4. in return

_____________ 5. less than ______________ 6. take part

in____________ 7. think highly of _______________ 8. pay much attention to __________ 9. rather than ______________ 10. there is no doubt that_________


1、In search of the amber room 寻找琥珀屋 search vt. 搜查 We searched the whole town, but could not find one flower shop. 我们找遍了整个城镇,但没找到一家花店。(1)search for 寻找What are you searching for? money? 你在找什么?钱吗? 2)in search of 找寻 The man walked through the streets in search of his lost bike. 那个人在好多条街道转寻找他丢失的自行车。即时活用: 1)She tried ____ but failed; now she could do nothing but wait till her husband came. A. to search the pockets her key B. searching her keys for her pockets C. searching the pockets for her keys D. to search her keys for the pockets

2、This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because

several tons of amber were used to make it. 这个礼物就是琥珀屋,起这个名字是因为做它用了好几吨的琥珀。 be used to do sth. 被用于 Wood is used to build houses. 木头被用于建房子。 be used to do sth.还有一个同义句型be used for… Wood is used for building. 木头被用于建筑。拓展。(1)used to do sth. 过去(常常)做某事 The old man used to tell stories to children. 那

个老人过去常给孩子们讲故事。提示。A. used to do sth. “过

去(常常)做某事”句型暗示“现在不再做了”。 B. 这个句型的否定形式有两种。 The old man used not to tell stories to children. 那个老人过去不给孩子们讲故事。The old man didn’t use to tell stories to children. 那个老人过去不给孩子们讲故事。(2)be / get used to sth. / doing sth. 习惯于做某事 I have got used to getting up early in the morning. 我已经习惯于早上早起了。练习 1)、After half a year’s training, they were made entirely used _______underwater. A.to stay B.to staying C.staying D.stay 2)、The key you have just got ____ the front door. A. is used to opening B. is used to be opened C. is used to open

3)、The experienced driver has got ______ in all kinds of weather.

A. used to drive

B. use d to driving

C. use to drive

D. use to driving 3The amber which was selected had a beautiful

yellow-brown color like honey.被挑选的琥珀有着像蜂蜜一样漂亮的黄棕色。辨析;select; choose; elect; pick out 挑选;选择1)select 在同类的许多东西中,进行有斟酌的精选。强调以客观为

标准进行选择。强调从许多不同种类中进行强调从许多不同种类中进行选择时的挑剔态度。 The woman selected the best tings from the shop. 那位妇女挑选了商店里最好的东西。 2)choose 侧重于凭个人意愿或判断力在一些人、物或行为方式中选出一个的意思。 Finally I chose the job that the company offered. 最后我选择了公司提供给我的工作。 3)elect 指选举或用其他方法推选人,有时也可治“决定”。这种选择通常指通过深思熟虑。 All the people agreed to elect me their chairman. 所有人都同意选我当主席。 4)pick

out 指从个人角度在众多中进行挑选,常用于经过对比就能做出决定的场合。 Will you help me pick out the good apples? 能帮我把好苹果挑出来吗?练习1)、This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ____ my father. A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out 2)、----- Have you ______ what y ou want to eat? -----Not yet . A. chosen B. elected C. selected D. picked out 4、However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈.威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。belong to不用进行时态和被动式。 1)、The ship ----- the American company by the rainstorm. A.belonged to, was destroyed B.which was belonged to, destroyed C.belonging to, destroyed D.which belonged to, was destroyed 2、This 486 computer used to to my cousin. A.be belonged B.be belonging C.belonging D.belong 5、In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his of his best soldiers.作为回报,沙皇送了他一支最好的军队。 in return作为报答;回报 I wish I could do something for you in return. 我希望我能做点什么来报答你。 6、Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing. 虽然琥珀屋被看作世界上的奇迹之一,但悲伤的是,现在它丢了。 consider 用法归纳:(1)考虑A. +名词 You should consider the matter carefully. 你应该认真考虑一下这个问题。 B. +连接代词或连接副词+to do We haven’t considered when to start. 我们还没有考虑什么时候开始。 C. +连接代词或连接副词引导的从句 Have you considered what course you will take when you are in college? 你考虑没有到大学后学什么专业? D. + 动名词 I am considering giving up smoking. 我在考虑戒烟。特别提示:1、consider当“考虑”讲时,多考其后跟doing的用法。 2、consider当“考虑”讲时,其后一般不跟that引导的从句。(2)认为A. + that 从句 We all consider that the educational reform in China is necessary. 我们都认为中国的教改是必要的。 B.

consider + O + 形容词 We consider it important for students to learn English well. 我们认为学生们把英语学好很重要。 C. consider + O +名词 Do you consider me your friend? 你认为我

是你的朋友吗? D. consider + O + 过去分词 Our English teacher considers my English greatly improved. 我们英语老师认为我的

英语有很大提高。 E. consider + O + to be Some foreigners consider Xi’an to be a good place to live in. 一些外国人认


思的不同规定选择答案。 2. 考查consider + O+ OC结果时,一般

会把宾语前置,这时,宾语补足语直接跟在 consider后。练习1)、He is considered ______ a go od student. A. being B. to be C. be D. is 2)、______ away from the noise, he was considering _____ to t he country. A. To be; moving B. Being; moving C. Being; to move D. To be; to move 3)、We are considering ________ a trip around the island this summer. A. take B. to take C. to be taking D. taking 答案:D 7、There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海海边的一个城市。 doubt无论作动

词还是作名词,用于肯定时后面跟whether / if 从句;用于否定时后面跟that引导的从句。 I doubt if it will be a fine day tomorrow. 我怀疑明天是否能是个好天。 There is no doubt that Wang Po will be punished. 毫无疑问王珀将会受到惩罚。练习1)、?C W ill it rain tomorrow?-- No. I don’t doubt ________. A. whether it will rain B. that it will rain C. whether it rains D. that it rains 2)、There is no doubt ________ my friend is not important to them all. A. why B. whether C. if D. that 8、Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing ?重建像琥珀屋或北京圆明园这样的文化遗址值得吗? Worth用法归纳;(1)值(多少钱)句型:be worth +

钱数 The book is worth ten Yuan. 那本书值十块钱。(2)值…的价值 The second-hand car that you bought is not worth the price. 你买的二手车不值那个价格。(3)值得句型: be worth + n. / doing The book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读。提示;;表示“很值得做某事”时,用well,并且well要放在worth 前。拓展;;worthy adj. 有价值;有意义;值得(1)+ to do He is not worthy to take the position. 他不配那个职位。(2)be worthy of + 名词 All these matters are worthy of attention. 所有这些问题都值得注意练习1)、They all say TITANIC is a good movie which is worth ______second time. A. seeing the B. seeing a C. to see a D. being seen the 2)、?C I had to pay ten dollars for this bowl. ---It’s probably ________. A. worth B. worth so C. worth them D. worth it 9、I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room. 我赞扬那些正在寻找琥珀屋的人。think highly of赞扬;高度评价We think highly of the student’s deed. 我们高度评价那个学生的行为。联想扩展: (1)think highly of还可以用下列句型表示:think/speak highly / well /much of…;sing high praise for…;praise sb. for sth. / doing sth. (2) 否定形式为think / speak little / poorly / nothing of… 觉得…不怎么样

高中英语人教版必修二学案:Unit 1 Using Language

Using Language Ⅰ.重点单词 1.trial n.审判;审讯;试验 2.evidence n.根据;证据 3.explode v i.爆炸 explosion n.爆炸 4.entrance n.入口 5.sailor n.水手;海员;船员 6.sink v i.下沉;沉下 7.maid n.少女;女仆 8.informal adj.非正式的 formal adj.正式的 9.debate n.争论;辩论;v i.争论;辩论 10.prove v t.证明;证实 v i.结果是;证明是 Ⅱ.核心短语 1.be buried in埋在…… 2.care about关心;在乎 3.rather than而不是 4.the entrance to...……的入口 5.think highly of看重;器重 Ⅲ.经典句式 1.In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. 在审判中,法官必须断定哪些证人可以相信,哪些证人不能相信。 2.He/She only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information,which must be facts rather than opinions. 他/她关心的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,这些信息必须是事实而非个人观点或看法。 3.Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 我也认为他们不应该把它交给任何政府。

新译林版高中英语必修二课文翻译(Unit 1)

Unit 1 Lights,camera,action! Reading Behind the scenes 幕后 Hello,everyone!Let me start by asking you a question:what's the first thing you notice about a film?The acting?The music?Maybe the amazing sets?Whatever your answer is,there's always a lot more to it than first meets the eye.Actually,the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work,most of which takes place behind the scenes.Today,I'll give you a brief introduction to some aspects of film-making you might not be familiar with. 大家好!让我来先问你们一个问题作为开场:对于一部电影你首先会注意什么?表演?配乐?也许是令人惊叹的布景?无论你们的答案是什么,事情总比你们认为的要复杂得多。事实上,你在银幕上看到的电影是大量艰苦工作的产物,其中大部分工作发生在幕后。今天我将就电影制作中你们可能不太熟悉的几个方面作一个简单的介绍。

To begin with,l'd like to draw your attention to an important factor of a film-sound affects.These are often added after a scene has been shot and might not be made in the way you would expect.For example,in Jurassic park,the sounds of different animals,including a baby elephant and a tiger,were mixed by a computer to make a dinosaur roar.The sound of the doors opening in the Star Trek films was made simply by pulling a sheet of paper out of an envelope. 首先,我想请你们注意电影的一个重要元素—音效。音效通常是在一个场景拍摄完成之后添加的,而且可能是以你意想不到的方式制作的。例如,《侏罗纪公园》中恐龙的吼叫声,是用包括小象和老虎在内的不同动物的声音通过电脑合成的。在《星际迷航》系列电影里,开门的声音不过是通过从信封里抽取纸张来实现的。 Another aspect I attach great importance to is visual special effects.CGI has been frequently used in film—making as a special effects technology.Generally,scenes requiring CGI are filmed in front of a green in the studio.As green doesn't match any natural hair or skin colour,actors can be easily separeted from the


牛津高中英语必修一词汇表 Unit 1 enjoyable / enjoy/ enjoyment adj.有乐趣的/vt.喜爱,享有/n.愉快,乐趣,令人愉快事experience /experienced n.&vt经历,体验/adj.老练的,有经验的assembly n.集会,会议 headmaster n.校长 earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 earn a/one's living 谋生 respect / respectable n. vt.尊敬,敬重/adj.值得尊敬的,体面的 show/have respect for 尊敬/敬重… with respect 尊敬地 respect sb/sth for…因…敬重/尊重某人或某物 devote /devoted vt.致力于;献身/adj.专心致志的,挚爱的 devote oneself to 献身于 devote one's time/energy to…把时间/精力奉献于… literature n.文学 average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的n.平均数,一般水平 on average 平均的 above/below average 在平均水平以上/以下 struggle vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎,n. 难事;斗争;努力struggle for 为…而斗争 struggle with/against 与…而斗争

struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来 challenging /challenge adj.具有挑战性的/n.&vt.挑战encouragement /encourage n.鼓励/vt.鼓励 an encouragement to sb 对某人来说是一个鼓励 cooking / cooker/ cook n.做饭;烹饪,烹调/n.炊具/n.厨师 for free 免费 extra adj.额外的,外加的 fond adj. 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢 Spanish n. adj.班牙语(的);西班牙人(的)sculpture n.雕像,雕塑 dessert n. 甜点 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction / satisfy /satisfied n.满意/vt.满足,使满意/adj.满意的/adj.令人满意的/satisfactory to one's satisfaction 令人满意的是 surf vt. vi.冲浪 academic adj. 学业的,学术的 exchange n. vt. 交换;交流 in exchange for 作为…的交换 exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物 exchange sth for sth 以…交换...

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案 学习目标1能够熟读课文并背会部分段落。 2掌握本单元重点词和 短语的用法。学习方法1在理解的基础上记忆并运用本单元重点词汇。 预习案一.单词拼写。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.__________ adj. 有价值的 2.__________ vi. 幸免 3.__________ n. 朝代 4.__________ vt. 惊讶 5.__________ vt. 挑选 6.__________ n. 蜂蜜 7.__________ n. 设计 8.__________ adj. 奇特 9.__________ n. 风格 10.__________ v. 装饰 11.__________ n. 珠宝 12.__________ vi. 属于 13.__________ n. 接待 14.__________ vt. 移动 15.__________ n. 怀疑, 16.__________ adj. 值得的 17.__________ n. 证据 18.__________ vi 爆炸 19.__________ vi. 下沉 20.__________ n. 争论写出下列短语的意思 1. in search of ___________ 2. belong to _____________ 3. at war ________ _______ 4. in return _____________ 5. less than ______________ 6. take part in____________ 7. think highly of _______________ 8. pay much attention to __________ 9. rather than ______________ 10. there is no doubt that_________ 探究案 1、In search of the amber room 寻找琥珀屋 search vt. 搜查 We searched the whole town, but could not find one flower shop. 我们找遍了整个城镇,但没找到一家花店。(1)search for 寻找What are you searching for? money? 你在找什么?钱吗? 2)in search of 找寻 The man walked through the streets in search of his lost bike. 那个人在好多条街道转寻找他丢失的自行车。即时活用: 1)She tried ____ but failed; now she could do nothing but wait till her husband came. A. to search the pockets her key B. searching her keys for her pockets C. searching the pockets for her keys D. to search her keys for the pockets 2、This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because


模块一 Unit1 enjoyable adj.有趣的, 愉快的 experience n. 经历, 经验vt. 经历, 体验 assembly n. 集合, 集会, 装配 headmaster n. (中小学的)校长 earn vt. 赚得, 赢得, 生利 respect n. 尊敬, 敬重; 关系, 方面vt. 尊敬, 尊重; 关于, 涉及devote vt. 投入于,献身 literature n. 文学, 文献 average n. 平均数,平均水平 adj. 一般的,通常的,平均的 vt. &vi.平均值,达到平均水平 struggle n. 竞争,努力,奋斗v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎challenging adj.具有挑战性的;引起兴趣的;令人深思的 v.挑战,质疑(challenge的现在分词) encouragement n. 鼓励 cooking adj. 烹饪的 n. 烹饪动词(cook的现在分词) for free adj. 免费 extra adj. 额外的adv. 特别地n. 额外的事物,另外收费的Spanish adj. 西班牙的n. 西班牙语 sculpture n. 雕塑vt. 雕刻,雕塑vi. 当雕刻师 dessert n. 甜食 look back (on) 回忆,回顾 satisfaction n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信 surf n. 海浪拍岸,冲浪 vi. 冲浪,浏览vt. 浏览 academic n. 教学人员,学术人adj. 学院的,理论的,学术性的exchange n. 交换,交换物,汇兑,交易所vt. &vi. 交换,交易,兑换former adj. 以前的,在前的, 前任的pron.&n. 前者 n. 模型,样板,构成者,创造者,起形成作用的人,[无线]线圈架 fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的 painting n. 水彩画,油画 donate vt. 捐赠,转移(电子) vi. 捐款


2020年新人教版高中英语必修一导学案全套 Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 导学案 【学习目标】 1.学会本节单词、短语。 2.掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习重难点】 掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习过程】 一、词汇学习 1. get to know 逐渐了解 2. exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 3. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;交易;兑换 4. registration n. 讲座;注册;挂号 5. sex n.性别 6. nationality n. 国籍;民族 7. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的 8. annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 9. frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的 10. senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人 11. outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 12. impression n.印象;感想 13. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的 14. junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年 15. explore vt.&vi. 探索,勘探 16. confident adj.自信的;有把握的

17. designer n. 设计师;构思者 二、知识运用 1. exchange 词性:________ 意思:__________ 词性:________ 意思:__________ 短语搭配: in exchange (for......)作为(与.......的)交换 exchange A for B 以A交换B;把A兑换成B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物 exchange opinion/ideas/views 交流意见/想法/看法 练习:The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange ______ a small fee. 2. designer (1)词性:_________ 意思:________ (2)词性:_________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:make designs for.....为......做设计 by design(=on purpose)故意地 design sth. for.......为......设计某物 be designer to do.......旨在做.......,用于做........ 练习:Lucy was born on January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married to a fashion_____(design). 3. anxious 词性:__________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:be anxious for sb./about sth. 为某人/某事担心/担忧 be anxious for......渴望........ be anxious (for sth.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that.......渴望(从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略) 练习:She lost her job last month. Therefore, she is anxious_______ (find) a new job.

人教版课标必修二 Unit 1 Cultural relics 学案

Unit 1 Cultural relics Warming up & Reading Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? Is it enough to have survived for a long time? 文物一定要总是稀有并且有价值的吗?保存了很长一段时间就足够(成为文物)了吗? 动词不定式的完成式to have survived表示survive这个动作早已经开始。 Reading 课文学习 IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM 寻找琥珀屋 Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country's best artists about ten years to make. 普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世绝不会想到,他最大送给俄罗斯人民的礼物会有这样惊人的历史。这个礼物是琥珀宫,取这个名字是因为用了几吨琥珀来造它。所选的琥珀有像蜂蜜一样黄褐色的漂亮颜色。房间的设计是当时流行的别致风格。它也是一件用黄金和珠宝装饰的珍宝,用了这个国家最好的艺术家大约十年时间建造它。 In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors. 事实上,这间房不是作为礼物而造的,它是设计用作弗雷德里克一世皇宫的。然而,虽然这间琥珀宫是属于下一代普鲁士国王,弗雷德里克·威廉一世的,他却决定不要它。1716年,他送给了彼得大帝。作为回报,沙皇送他一群最好的士兵,这样琥珀宫成为沙皇在圣彼得堡冬宫的一部分。这间约四米长的房间充当重要访客的小型接待厅。 Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing. 后来,凯瑟琳二世把琥珀宫搬到了她过夏的圣彼得堡外面的一座宫殿那里,她要她的艺术家对它添枝加叶。1770年,房间竣工成她想要的样子。近六百支蜡烛照亮房间,镜子和图片相映如金。遗憾的是,尽管琥珀宫被认为是世界奇迹之一,但现在却了无踪影了。 In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time when the two countries were at war. Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is


1.convince vt .使确信,使信服;说服 convince sb.of 使某人确信 convince sb.that 使某人确信 convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事 convinced adj .确信的 convincing adj .有说服力的,令人信服的 ①That explanation doesn't convince me.那种解释无法使我信服。 ②I tried to convince them of her innocence. 我努力使他们相信她是无辜的。 ③Her smile convinced me that she was happy. 她的微笑使我确信她是快乐的。 ④We convinced him to go to New York by train. 我们说服他乘火车去纽约。 反馈1.1Scientists are convinced ______ the positive effect of laughter ______ physical and mental health. A .of ;at B .by ;in C .of ;on D .on ;at 反馈1.2 ______ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis ,people are optimistic about the future of the country. A .Convincing B .Convinced C .To convince D .Having convinced 2.due to 由于,因为 due (1)“到期的”“应付(给)的”,通常只用作表语。 高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetie ji 学生姓名: 年级: 任教学科:英语 教学次数: 教学时间: 指导教师:江洪 教学模式: 教学地点:滨湖联创 新区宝龙 胡埭校区


教版高一数学必修一知点 【一】 一、集合及其表示 1、集合的含: “集合” 个首先我想到的是上体育或者开会老常喊的“全体集合”。数学上的“集合”和个意思是一的,只不一个是一个是名而已。 所以集合的含是:某些指定的象集在一起就成一个集合,称集,其中每一个 象叫元素。比如高一二班集合,那么所有高一二班的同学就构成了一个集合,每一个同学就称个集合的元素。 2、集合的表示 通常用大写字母表示集合,用小写字母表示元素,如集合A={a, b ,c}。 a、 b、 c 就是集合 A 中的元素,作a∈ A,相反, d 不属于集合A,作 dA 。 有一些特殊的集合需要: 非整数集 (即自然数集 )N 正整数集N* 或 N+ 整数集 Z 有理数集Q 数集 R 集合的表示方法:列法与描述法。 ①列法: {a,b,c ??} ② 描述法:将集合中的元素的公共属性描述出来。如{xR|x-3>2},{x|x-3>2} ,{(x,y)|y=x2+1} ③言描述法:例:{不是直角三角形的三角形} 例:不等式 x-3>2 的解集是 {xR|x-3>2} 或 {x|x- 3>2} :描述法表示集合注意集合的代表元素 A={(x,y)|y=x2+3x+2} 与 B={y|y=x2+3x+2} 不同。集合 A 中是数元素(x,y),集合 B 中只有元素y。 3、集合的三个特性 (1)无序性 B={2,1},集合A=B。 指集合中的元素排列没有序,如集合A={1,2},集合 例:集合A={1,2},B={a,b},若 A=B,求 a、 b 的。 解:,A=B 注意:有两解。 (2)互异性 指集合中的元素不能重复,A={2,2}只能表示{2} (3)确定性 集合的确定性是指成集合的元素的性必明确,不允有模棱两可、含混不清的情况。 二、集合的基本关系 1.子集, A 包含于 B,:,有两种可能 (1)A 是 B 的一部分, (2)A 与 B 是同一集合, A=B, A、B 两集合中元素都相同。 反之 :集合 A 不包含于集合B,作。 如:集合 A={1,2,3} ,B={1,2,3,4}, C={1,2,3,4},三个集合的关系可以表示,,B=C。A是 C 的子集,同 A 也是 C 的真子集。 2.真子集 :如果 AB, 且 AB 那就集合 A 是集合 B 的真子集,作 AB(或BA)


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 高一英语必修一导学案全集 Unit 1 friendship (1) 课标要求: 知识与技能1. Grasp the commoly used words and expressions related to “Friendship”. 2.Encourage the students to complete some opening given topics. 过程与方法Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion 情感态度与价值观 1.Get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship. 2.Learn to evaluate friends and friendship. 预习内容: (1) 阅读词汇p92 (from “survey”to “on purpose” (2) 查阅字典----查找描绘朋友的形容词(honest ,friendly….) (3) 认真阅读Page one --- 划出你的问题 同学讨论的问题-----参考《学习指导》 Add Until Go without Get it repaired ask sb to do sth (宾语补足语) Borrow lend keep Concern Walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose. 分词做状语

Get loose get burnt get married (系表) 教师检测的内容: 《学习指导》p1 (1) 单元概览(2)要点预览 我的疑问: 魅力精释: 即时训练: 《学习指导》p1 p2 p4 (短语诠释) 教师反馈: Unit I friendship (2) 课标要求: 知识与技能1. Grasp the commoly used words and expressions related to “Friendship”. 2.Encourage the students to complete some opening given topics. 过程与方法Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion 情感态度与价值观 1.Get the students to realize the importance of friends and friendship. 2.Learn to evaluate friends and friendship. 预习内容: 朗读单词p92 ( from “in order to ”to “item” )

高一地理 必修二第一单元学案

高一地理 必修二第一单元 人口的变化导学案 第一讲 人口的数量变化和人口的合理容量 [考情展望] 1.掌握人口增长模式的类型、特点及地区分布。2.理解不同国家和地区的人口问题及对策,环境承载力和人口合理容量的含义与区别。3.学会各类人口统计图表的判读。 知识点一 人口的自然增长 1.决定因素:出生率和死亡率。 2.总趋势:不断增长。 3.两种差异 (1)时间差异 (2)空间差异 ①特点:地区上不平衡。 ②表现? ????发达国家:人口增长缓慢发展中国家:人口增长很快 小贴士:影响人口增长快慢的因素是多种多样的,但最根本的是生产力水平的高低。 知识点二 人口增长模式及其转变 1模式类型 Ⅰ.原始型 Ⅱ.高高低 Ⅲ.现代型 特点 传统型 高低高 低低低 转变过程 原始型传统型现代型 影响因素 社会经济发展、传统文化观念和相关的人口政策 2.人口增长模式的地区差异 (1)发达国家:现代型。 (2)大多数发展中国家:传统型。 (3)全世界:由传统型向现代型过渡。 (4)我国:基本实现了由传统型向现代型的转变。 小贴士:人口增长模式的转变是从死亡率的下降开始的,但人口增长模式转变的真正实现,要通过出生率下降来完成。 知识点三 环境承载力与人口的合理容量 1.环境承载力 (1)概念:环境能够持续供养的人口数量。 (2)衡量指标:人口数量。 2.环境人口容量 (1)实质:某地环境承载力的直观反映。 (2)制约因素:资源、科技发展水平以及人口的生活和文化消费水平等。

3.人口合理容量 (1)实质:一个国家或地区最适宜的人口数量。 (2)意义:影响一个国家或地区的人口战略和人口政策的制定,进而影响区域的经济社会发展战略。 (3)谋求措施 小贴士:在制约环境人口容量的三个主要因素中,资源是最主要的因素,科技发展水平、人口的生活和文化消费水平都通过影响资源供应能力来影响环境人口容量。如下图所示: 考点一[032] 世界人口增长的空间差异和人口问题 1.人口增长在空间上的不平衡性 2. 3.分析人口空间差异的一般思路 比较不同区域的人口增长状况的差异→分析不同区域人口增长差异产生的原因→说明其各自存在的人口问题及其影响→探寻解决人口问题的对策 (1)一个地区的人口增长数量不仅取决于人口自然增长率,也取决于人口基数的大小。 (2)一般来说,人口的出生率、死亡率和自然增长率是随着社会的发展而不断发生变化的。但在某一特定阶


马坝中学2009—2010学年度第二学期质量调研试卷 高一英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共120分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、学号写在答题纸的密封线内。选择题答案按要求填涂在答题纸上;非选择题的答案写在答题纸上对应题目的答案空格内,答案不要写在试卷上。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。 第一卷(三部分,共85分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后.你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the weather like? A. It’s raining B. It’s cloudy C. It’s sunny 2. Who will go to China next month? A. Lucy B. Alice C. Richard 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. The man’s sister B. A film C. An actor 4. Where will the speakers meet? A. In Room 340 B. In Room 314 C. In Room 223 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a restaurant B. In an office C. AT home 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的做答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.Why did the woman go to New York? A. To spend some time with the baby B. To look after her sister. C. To find a new job. 7. How old was the baby when the woman left New York? A. Two months B. Five months C. Seven months 8. What did the woman like doing most with the baby? A. Holding him. B. Playing with him C. Feeding him 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.What are the speakers talking about? A. A way to improve air quality B. A problem with traffic rules C. A suggestion for city planning 10. What does the man suggest? A. Limiting the use of cars B. Encouraging people to walk C. Warning drivers of air pollution 11. What does the woman think about the man’s idea? A. It’s interesting. B. It’s worth trying C. It’s impractical


古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。人非生而知之者, 古代求学的人一定有老师。老师是传授道理,教授学业,解决疑难问题的人。人不是生下来就懂孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。生乎吾前, 得道理的,谁能没有疑惑?有疑惑却不跟从老师学习,他所存在的疑惑,就始终不能解决。在我之前其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也亦先乎吾, 出生的人,他懂得道理本来就比我早,我跟从他,拜他为师;在我之后出生的人,他懂得道理如果也吾从而师之。吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎? 比我早,我也跟从他学习,把他当作老师,我学习的是道理,哪里管他的年龄比我大还是比我小呢?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 因此,不论地位显贵还是地位低下,不论年长年少,道理存在的地方,就是老师存在的地方。 嗟乎!师道之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人 唉!从师学习的风尚没有流传已经很久了,想要人们没有疑惑很难呐!古代的圣人,他们超过一也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师。 般人很远了,尚且跟从老师向老师请教;现在的一般人,他们跟圣人相比相差很远了,却以向老师学是故圣益圣,愚益愚。圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其 为羞耻。所以圣人就更加圣明,愚人就更加愚昧。圣人之所以成为圣人,愚人之所以成为愚人,大概皆出于此乎!爱其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉, 都是这个原因引起的吧!众人喜爱他们的孩子,选择老师教育孩子;他们自己呢,却以从师学习为惑矣。彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读(dòu)者,非吾所谓传其道 耻,这真是糊涂啊!那孩子的老师,教他们读书,学习书中的文句,并不是我所说的给人传授道理,解其惑者也。句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不(fǒu)焉, 给人解释疑惑的老师。不理解文句,疑惑得不到解决,有的向老师学习,有的却不向老师求教小的方小学而大遗,吾未见其明也。巫医乐师百工之人,不耻相师。 面学习,大的方面却放弃了,我看不出他们有什么明智的呢。医生,乐师及各种工匠,不以互相学习士大夫之族,曰师曰弟子云者,则群聚而笑之。问之, 为耻。士大夫这类人中,如有人称人家为老师,称自己为学生,这些人就聚集在一起嘲笑他。问那些 则曰:“彼与彼年相若也,道相似也。 嘲笑者(嘲笑他的原因),他们就说:"那个人与某人年龄相近,修养和学业也差不多,(怎么能称他位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。”呜呼!师道 为老师呢?)以地位低的人为师,足以感到羞愧,称官位高的人为师就近于谄媚。"啊!从师学习的之不复,可知矣。巫医乐师百工之人,君子不齿, 风尚不能恢复,由此就可以知道了。医生、乐师及各种工匠,士大夫之类的人是不屑与他们为伍的,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤! 现在士大夫们的智慧反而不如他们。难道值得奇怪吗? 圣人无常师。孔子师郯子(tán)、苌弘、师襄、老聃(dān)。郯子之徒,其贤 圣人没有固定的老师,孔子曾经以郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃为师。郯子这一类人,他们的道德才不及孔子。孔子曰:三人行,则必有我师。是故弟子不必不如师, 能不如孔子。孔子说:"几个人走在一起,其中就一定有我的老师。"因此学生不一定不如老师不必贤于弟子,闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已。 师,老师也不一定比弟子强,听闻道理有先有后,学问和技艺上各有各的主攻方向,像这样罢了。


Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading&Comprehending 学习目标》1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读、整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会根据人物心理活动理解课文的方法。3.深刻理解拥有大自然和自由的美好;激情投入,疯狂朗读。 重点:理解人物心理活动。难点:长难句分析。 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。 2.完成时间30分钟。 I 背景展现 This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam,Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied(占据)most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933,。1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found,they would be sent to concentration camps(集中营)farther east, mostly in Poland. families were separates and transported in trains For many. days,they went without food,water,sanitation(卫生)or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding,often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis. 一、一轮阅读做题目

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