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1、I’d die first. 我宁愿先死。(F )

2、Kill it please. 别干了,你!(T )

3、I find it hard to get going in the morning. 我发现早上起来就懒得动。(T )

4、The troops of the two countries are kept at arm’s length.两国军队相距很远。(T )

5、He knew that Shanghai was the bastion of Far East imperialism. 他知道上海是远东帝国主义的堡垒。( F )

6、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F)

7、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F)

8、I don’t care about going. 我愿意(可以)去。(F )

9、That’s the door. 门在那儿。( F )

10、Let the cat out of the bag. 露出马脚。(T)

11、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T )

12、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T )

13、I could not feel better. 我感觉很好。( T )

14、I could not feel better. 我感觉很不好。( F )

15、It leaves nothing to be desired. 这已完美无缺。(T )

16、Mary is a girl of a boy.玛丽是个男孩式的女孩。(F )

17、There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。(T )

18、Domestic shame should not be made public.家丑不可外扬。(T )

19、That’s too much for me. 那对我来说太多了。( F )

20、Keep it dark . 这事不可泄露出去。(T )


1、an apple of discord. ( C )

2、No man is wise at all times. ( c )

3、a dog in the manager ( A )

4、No weal without woe. ( a )

5、A merry heart makes a long life. ( F )

6、with the tail between the legs. ( f )

7、It’s never too late to mend. ( B )

8、above the salt ( E )

9、A square peg in a round hole. ( D )

10、He who hesitates is lost. ( e )

11、A square peg in a round hole. ( d )

12、a bolt from the blue. ( G )

13、Not to let the grass grow under one’s feet. ( g )

14、Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear. ( I )

15、A little pot is easy hot. ( i)

16、In hot water. ( J )

17、A word to the wise is sufficient. ( j )

18、As cool as cucumber. ( H )

19、As a man sows, so he shall reap. ( h )

A. 占着茅坑不拉屎

B. 亡羊补牢,未为晚矣

C. 祸根

D. 文不对题,不得其所

E. 尊为贵宾,位于上席

F. 笑一笑,十年少

G. 晴天霹雳

H. 泰然自若

I. 说曹操,曹操到。

J. 进退维谷

a. 有祸必有福

c. 智者千虑,必有一失

d. 文不对题,不得其所

e. 机不可失,时不再来

f. 夹着尾巴(逃跑)

g. 防微杜渐

h. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

i. 壶小易热,量小易怒

j. 明人不可重说,响鼓不可重鼓


1、to have a well-oiled tongue.


2、bastion of iron


3、A fox may grow gray but never good.


4、Jack was forced to leave his home town for political reasons. 答案:杰克由于政治原因被迫离开了家乡。

5、A fox may grow gray but never good.