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Inventory management

Inventory Control

On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion.

The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility.

Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments .

Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of these big boys, but also their simple modules inside the warehouse management functionality is defined as "inventory management" or "inventory control." This makes the already not quite understand what our inventory control, but not sure what is inventory control.

In fact, from the perspective of broadly understood, inventory control, should include the following:

First, the fundamental purpose of inventory control. We know that the so-called world-class manufacturing, two key assessment indicators (KPI) is, customer satisfaction and inventory turns, inventory turns and this is actually the fundamental objective of inventory control.

Second, inventory control means. Increase inventory turns, relying solely on the so-called physical inventory control is not enough, it should be the demand and supply chain management process flow of this large output, and this big warehouse management processes in addition to including this link, the more important The section also includes: forecasting and order processing, production planning and control, materials planning and purchasing control, inventory planning and forecasting in itself, as well as finished products, raw materials, distribution and delivery of the strategy, and even customs management processes. And with the demand and supply chain management processes throughout the process, it is the information flow and capital flow management. In other words, inventory itself is across the entire demand and supply management processes in all aspects of inventory control in order to achieve the fundamental purpose, it must control all aspects of inventory, rather than just manage the physical inventory at hand.

Third, inventory control, organizational structure and assessment. Since inventory control is the demand and supply chain management processes, output, inventory control to achieve the fundamental purpose of this process must be compatible with a rational organizational structure. Until now, we can see

that many companies have only one purchasing department, purchasing department following pipe warehouse. This is far short of inventory control requirements. From the demand and supply chain management process analysis, we know that purchasing and warehouse management is the executive arm of the typical, and inventory control should focus on prevention, the executive branch is very difficult to "prevent inventory" for the simple reason that they assessment indicators in large part to ensure supply (production, customer). How the actual situation, a reasonable demand and supply chain management processes, and thus set the corresponding rational organizational structure and is a question many of our enterprises to explore

The role of inventory control

Inventory management is an important part of business management. In the production and operation activities, inventory management must ensure that both the production plant for raw materials, spare parts demand, but also directly affect the purchasing, sales of share, sales activities. To make an inventory of corporate liquidity, accelerate cash flow, the security of supply under the premise of minimizing Yaku funds, directly affects the operational efficiency. Ensure the production and operation needs of the premise, so keep inventories at a reasonable level; dynamic inventory control, timely, appropriate proposed order to avoid over storage or out of stock; reduce inventory footprint, lower total cost of inventory; control stock funds used to accelerate cash flow.

Problems arising from excessive inventory: increased warehouse space and inventory storage costs, thereby increasing product costs; take a lot of liquidity, resulting in sluggish capital, not only increased the burden of payment of interest, etc., would affect the time value of money and opportunity income; finished products and raw materials caused by physical loss and intangible losses; a large number of enterprise resource idle, affecting their rational allocation and optimization; cover the production, operation of the whole process of the various contradictions and problems, is not conducive to improve the management level.

Inventory is too small the resulting problems: service levels caused a decline in the profit impact of marketing and corporate reputation; production system caused by inadequate supply of raw materials or other materials, affecting the normal production process; to shorten lead times, increase the number of orders, so order (production) costs; affect the balance of production and assembly of complete sets.


Inventory management should particularly consider the following two questions:

First, according to sales plans, according to the planned production of the goods circulated in the market, we should consider where, how much storage.

Second, starting from the level of service and economic benefits to determine how to ensure inventories and supplementary questions.

The two problems with the inventory in the logistics process functions. In general, the inventory function:

(1) to prevent interrupted. Received orders to shorten the delivery of goods from the time in order to ensure quality service, at the same time to prevent out of stock.

(2) to ensure proper inventory levels, saving inventory costs.

(3) to reduce logistics costs. Supplement with the appropriate time interval compatible with the reasonable demand of the cargo in order to reduce logistics costs, eliminate or avoid sales fluctuations.

(4) ensure the production planning, smooth to eliminate or avoid sales fluctuations.

(5) display function.

(6) reserve. Mass storage when the price falls, reduce losses, to respond to disasters and other contingencies.

About the warehouse (inventory) on what the question, we must consider the number and location. If the distribution center, it should be possible according to customer needs, set at an appropriate place; if it is stored in

central places to minimize the complementary principle to the distribution centers, there is no place certain requirements. When the stock base is established, will have to take into account are stored in various locations in what commodities.


























Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


英文翻译说明 1. 英文翻译文章输成word,5号新罗马(New Times Roman)字体,1.5倍行间距,将来方便打印和一起装订;英文中的图表要重新画,禁止截图。 2. 整篇论文1.5倍行间距,打印时,用B5纸,版面上空2.5cm,下空2cm,左空2.5cm,右空2cm(左装订)。 3. 论文翻译后的摘要用五号宋体,正文小四号宋体、英文和数字用新罗马(New Times Roman)12、参考文献的内容用五号字体。图和表头用五号字体加粗并居中,图和表中的内容用五号字体。论文翻译的作者用五号字体加粗。 论文大标题………小三号黑体、加黑、居中 第二层次的题序和标题………小四号黑体、加黑、居中 第三层次的题序和标题………小四号宋体、加黑、居中 正文……………………………小四号宋体、英文用新罗马12 页码……………………………小五号居中,页码两边不加修饰符 4. 论文中参考文献严格按照下述排版。 专著格式:序号.编著者.书名[M].出版地: 出版社, 年代, 起止页码 期刊论文格式:序号.作者.论文名称[J]. 期刊名称, 年度, 卷(期): 起止页码 学位论文格式:序号.作者.学位论文名称[D]. 发表地: 学位授予单位, 年度 例子: (1).胡千庭, 邹银辉, 文光才等. 瓦斯含量法预测突出危险新技术[J]. 煤炭学报, 2007.32(3): 276-280. (2). 胡千庭. 煤与瓦斯突出的力学作用机理及应用研究[D]. 北京: 中国矿业大学(北京), 2007. (3). 程伟. 煤与瓦斯突出危险性预测及防治技术[M]. 徐州: 中国矿业大学出版社, 2003.


数据库外文参考文献及翻译 数据库外文参考文献及翻译数据库管理系统——实施数据完整性一个数据库,只有用户对它特别有信心的时候。这就是为什么服务器必须实施数据完整性规则和商业政策的原因。执行SQL Server的数据完整性的数据库本身,保证了复杂的业务政策得以遵循,以及强制性数据元素之间的关系得到遵守。因为SQL Server的客户机/服务器体系结构允许你使用各种不同的前端应用程序去操纵和从服务器上呈现同样的数据,这把一切必要的完整性约束,安全权限,业务规则编码成每个应用,是非常繁琐的。如果企业的所有政策都在前端应用程序中被编码,那么各种应用程序都将随着每一次业务的政策的改变而改变。即使您试图把业务规则编码为每个客户端应用程序,其应用程序失常的危险性也将依然存在。大多数应用程序都是不能完全信任的,只有当服务器可以作为最后仲裁者,并且服务器不能为一个很差的书面或恶意程序去破坏其完整性而提供一个后门。SQL Server使用了先进的数据完整性功能,如存储过程,声明引用完整性(DRI),数据类型,限制,规则,默认和触发器来执行数据的完整性。所有这些功能在数据库里都有各自的用途;通过这些完整性功能的结合,可以实现您的数据库的灵活性和易于管理,而且还安全。声明数据完整性声明数据完整原文请找腾讯3249114六,维-论'文.网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0b18944903.html, 定义一个表时指定构成的主键的列。这就是所谓的主键约束。SQL Server使用主键约束以保证所有值的唯一性在指定的列从未侵犯。通过确保这个表有一个主键来实现这个表的实体完整性。有时,在一个表中一个以上的列(或列的组合)可以唯一标志一行,例如,雇员表可能有员工编号( emp_id )列和社会安全号码( soc_sec_num )列,两者的值都被认为是唯一的。这种列经常被称为替代键或候选键。这些项也必须是唯一的。虽然一个表只能有一个主键,但是它可以有多个候选键。 SQL Server的支持多个候选键概念进入唯一性约束。当一列或列的组合被声明是唯一的, SQL Server 会阻止任何行因为违反这个唯一性而进行的添加或更新操作。在没有故指的或者合适的键存在时,指定一个任意的唯一的数字作为主键,往往是最有效的。例如,企业普遍使用的客户号码或账户号码作为唯一识别码或主键。通过允许一个表中的一个列拥有身份属性,SQL Server可以更容易有效地产生唯一数字。您使用的身份属性可以确保每个列中的值是唯一的,并且值将从你指定的起点开始,以你指定的数量进行递增(或递减)。(拥有特定属性的列通常也有一个主键或唯一约束,但这不是必需的。)第二种类型的数据完整性是参照完整性。 SQL Server实现了表和外键约束之间的逻辑关系。外键是一个表中的列或列的组合,连接着另一个表的主键(或着也可能是替代键)。这两个表之间的逻辑关系是关系模型的基础;参照完整性意味着这种关系是从来没有被违反的。例如,一个包括出版商表和标题表的简单的select例子。在标题表中,列title_id (标题编号)是主键。在出版商表,列pub_id (出版者ID )是主键。 titles表还包括一个pub_id列,这不是主键,因为出版商可以发布多个标题。相反, pub_id是一个外键,它对应着出版商表的主键。如果你在定义表的时候声明了这个关系, SQL Server由双方执行它。首先,它确保标题不能进入titles表,或在titles表中现有的pub_id无法被修改,除非有效的出版商ID作为新pub_id出现在出版商表中。其次,它确保在不考虑titles表中对应值的情况下,出版商表中的pub_id的值不做任何改变。以下两种方法可


Advantages of Managed Code Microsoft intermediate language shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language witha simple syntax , which can be very quickly translated intonative machine code. Having this well-defined universal syntax for code has significant advantages. Platform independence First, it means that the same file containing byte code instructions can be placed on any platform; atruntime the final stage of compilation can then be easily accomplished so that the code will run on thatparticular platform. In other words, by compiling to IL we obtain platform independence for .NET, inmuch the same way as compiling to Java byte code gives Java platform independence. Performance improvement IL is actually a bit more ambitious than Java bytecode. IL is always Just-In-Time compiled (known as JIT), whereas Java byte code was ofteninterpreted. One of the disadvantages of Java was that, on execution, the process of translating from Javabyte code to native executable resulted in a loss of performance. Instead of compiling the entire application in one go (which could lead to a slow start-up time), the JITcompiler simply compiles each portion of code as it is called (just-in-time). When code has been compiled.once, the resultant native executable is stored until the application exits, so that it does not need to berecompiled the next time that portion of code is run. Microsoft argues that this process is more efficientthan compiling the entire application code at the start, because of the likelihood that large portions of anyapplication code will not actually be executed in any given run. Using the JIT compiler, such code willnever be compiled.


英语毕业论文引用和参考文献格式 英语专业毕业论文引用和参考文献格式采用APA格式及规范。 一、文中夹注格式 英语学位论文引用别人的观点、方法、言论必须注明出处,注明出处时使用括号夹注的方法(一般不使用脚注或者尾注),且一般应在正文后面的参考文献中列出。关于夹注,采用APA格式。 (一)引用整篇文献的观点 引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况: 1.作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如:CharlotteandEmilyBrontewerepolaropposites,notonlyintheirpersonalitiesbutinthe irsourcesofinspirationforwriting(Taylor,1990). 2.作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,如:TaylorclaimsthatCharlotteandEmilyBrontewerepolaropposites,notonlyintheirperso nalitiesbutintheirsourcesofinspirationforwriting(1990). 3.如果作者的姓氏和文献出版年份均已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规范不需使用括号夹注,如: Ina1990article,TaylorclaimsthatCharlotteandEmilyBrontewerepolaropposites,noto nlyintheirpersonalitiesbutintheirsourcesofinspirationforwriting. 4.在英文撰写的论文中引用中文着作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏,不得使用汉字,如:(Zhang,2005) (二)引用文献中具体观点或文字 引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码出版年份,没有页码是文献引用不规范的表现。 1.引用一位作者的文献 (1)引用内容在一页内,如: EmilyBronte“expressedincreasinghostilityfortheworldofhumanrelationships,whet hersexualorsocial”(Taylor,1988:11). (2)引用内容在多页上,如: Newmark(1988:39-40)notesthreecharacteristicallyexpressivetext-types:(a)seriousimaginativel iterature注意在这些例子中引文超过一页时的页码标记方法:APA的规范是(1988,。 假若作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,则不需要在括号夹注中重复,如:TaylorwritesthatEmilyBronte“expressedincreasinghostilityfortheworldofhumanre lationships,whethersexualorsocial”(1988:11).

毕业论文英文文献翻译 之 中文翻译

译文 学院:土建学院专业:土木工程学号:064&&&&&&&姓名:&&&&&& 指导教师: &&&&&&教授

江苏科技大学 2010年 03 月 28 日 均布荷载作用下挡土墙上的土压力 G. I. Shvetsov UDC 624.131.531.2 在前一篇文章中,我们确定了在只考虑填土自重的试验条件下,作用在挡土墙上的压力。这篇文章是第一篇文章的延续,致力于探索填土在外界均布荷载作用下,在挡土墙上产生的荷载问题,当在使用到先前得到的岩土平衡微分方程时,我们仅仅只改变边界条件,因为在这种情况下我们使用了与初始解决方案相同的原理。我们只提取那些与附加土压力有关的新成果,以及仅定义那些第一次出现的新符号。 在设计中,我们通常把作用在挡土墙上的土压力看作是呈三角形分布的,应力也被假设为是沿着墙体均匀连续分布的,但是实验结果并没有证实这一理论,试验表明表面

的附加应力随墙的高度变化并不均匀,而是从回填土顶部的最大值开始一直减小到其底部的最小值。因而,在M.C.瓦尔跟实验图的纵坐标的最大值超出理论计算值近两倍,最小值达到理论计算值的0.65倍,因为土压力的增加主要是在墙的上部,由此所得出的作用点比计算所得出的要高很多。 F.M.shikhiev 的理论里包含了关于挡土墙均布荷载作用下的二维应力折减问题,但是, 附加应力的分布对挡土墙受超荷载作用的效果问题的影响,并没有经过合适的理论研究。 虽然,不同研究人员所做的无数次试验已经确定,侧壁的扭曲效应更大,随着表面的粗糙程度而变大,随挡土墙的宽度和高度之比。在这篇文章里,我们将尽可能的填补这方面的空白。 在边界条件0q 0,y x ==的基础上,我们可以确定试验中作用在有侧向限制的填土上没有超荷的垂直应力。如果一个外附加应力作用在楔块表面上的强度为x σ,则在这种情况下,我们可以从已知条件得出,当y=0时,x q = x σ,既可以得出方程 ()()1 1 1/2/k x x w w h y h A q f m h A λσξ+-=+ (1) 其中 ,荷载分配的不均匀系数A 1和土的深度有关: ()() 111/1/k k A y h y h -= --- (2) 方程一是通用的,因为对于任意一种荷载分布x σ它都可以计算出任意土层中某一点的应力,因此便足以表明应力在X 轴方向的分布规律。当0=x σ时,方程便简化成相应的没有附加应力的形式,并且,当0=w f 而且0>x σ时,它反映了在考虑了附加应力条件时的二维问题,即: 11k x x h y q A h γσ?? =+- ??? (3) 满布在滑动楔上的均布荷载对我们已经知道的设计系数k ,n,和ξw 的值并没有影响,所以,计算作用在挡土墙上的正应力,切应力和总应力的表达式如下:


基于反馈神经网络肘关节力矩的动态预测 R.Song K.Y.Tong 健康技术与信息学系,香港理工大学 KowIoon,香港

摘要 肌肉模型是身体部分运动分析的一个重要组成部分。尽管许多研究已经集中在静态条件下,但是肌电信号(EMG)和关节转矩在自愿动态情况下之间的关系并没有被很好的研究。本研究的目的是调查的一个反馈人工神经网络的性能(RANN)自愿动态情况下的复杂肘扭矩估计。肌电信号和运动数据,其中包括角度和角速度,被用来作为估计在运动过程中预期的扭矩输入。此外,角度和角速度的预测精度的作用进行了研究,并比较两个模型。一个模型的肌电图和关节运动的投入和其他的模型只使用肌电图无运动数据输入。六例健康体检者,和两个平均角速度(60°S 7和90°S 7)三种不同负荷(0公斤,1公斤,2公斤)在手的位置被选择来训练和测试90°屈肘、全伸肘之间的递归神经网络(0 ~)。训练结束后,根平均平方误差(RMSE)预期的扭矩和扭矩之间的模型预测,在训练数据集的肌电图和关节运动的投入和测试数据集,分别为0.17±0.03 nm和0.35 + 0.06 nm。预期的扭矩和预测模型的RMSE值之间的扭矩,在训练数据集只有肌电输入和测试集,分别为0.57 t - 0.07 nm和0.73 T 0.11 nm。结果表明,肌电信号一起运动的数据提供了更好的性能预测的关节力矩;关节角度和角速度提供了重要信息的关节力矩的估计在自愿的运动。 关键词:肌肉骨骼模型,自愿的运动,反馈人工神经网络,逆动力学模型

第一章绪论 由于希尔提出了1938肌肉的经典论文,神经生理学和神经肌肉骨骼系统的生物力学已被广泛研究,使人体运动生成的原理可以发现(希尔,1938)。 探讨中枢神经系统(CNS)激发肌肉和其后的发展力和产生不同的人体运动,许多模型来描述和定性的肌肉骨骼系统的不同层次的性能(温特斯,1990;扎杰克和温特斯,1990)。一个被普遍接受的山为基础的神经肌肉骨骼系统由以下子模型,一步一步:肌肉兴奋-收缩模型;肌腱骨骼模型;动态模型(扎耶克,1989)。 图1 肌肉骨骼模型框图 图1显示了基于hillbased模型的运动生成。图1,肌肉兴奋收缩模型是用来估计中枢神经系统指挥肌肉活动的状态。肌腱模型产生的肌肉力量不仅基于肌肉激活状态,而且基于肌腱式长度和肌腱式收缩速度,这与关节角速度和角速度(温特斯和斯塔克,1988)。前项状态的肌肉力量,它决定了肌腱的依从性,还负责肌肉力在后一阶段(扎耶克,1989)。一旦所有负责的关节运动的肌肉力量已经发现,肌肉的力量与各自的肌肉力臂和的结果求和乘法可以产生关节力矩。所有子模型的数学积分可以用来描述关节运动是中枢神经系统的命令产生哪些参数斧负责关节力矩。 肌电信号反映肌肉的活动,和许多类似的肌电力矩的关系已经在静态和动态情况的研究(张等人,1997;麦森纳和莫润,1995)。肌肉的肌电信号也常被认


软件专业毕业论文外文文献中英文翻译 Object landscapes and lifetimes Tech nically, OOP is just about abstract data typing, in herita nee, and polymorphism, but other issues can be at least as importa nt. The rema in der of this sect ion will cover these issues. One of the most importa nt factors is the way objects are created and destroyed. Where is the data for an object and how is the lifetime of the object con trolled? There are differe nt philosophies at work here. C++ takes the approach that con trol of efficie ncy is the most importa nt issue, so it gives the programmer a choice. For maximum run-time speed, the storage and lifetime can be determined while the program is being written, by placing the objects on the stack (these are sometimes called automatic or scoped variables) or in the static storage area. This places a priority on the speed of storage allocatio n and release, and con trol of these can be very valuable in some situati ons. However, you sacrifice flexibility because you must know the exact qua ntity, lifetime, and type of objects while you're writing the program. If you are trying to solve a more general problem such as computer-aided desig n, warehouse man ageme nt, or air-traffic con trol, this is too restrictive. The sec ond approach is to create objects dyn amically in a pool of memory called the heap. In this approach, you don't know un til run-time how many objects you n eed, what their lifetime is, or what their exact type is. Those are determined at the spur of the moment while the program is runnin g. If you n eed a new object, you simply make it on the heap at the point that you n eed it. Because the storage is man aged dyn amically, at run-time, the amount of time required to allocate storage on the heap is sig ni fica ntly Ion ger tha n the time to create storage on the stack. (Creat ing storage on the stack is ofte n a si ngle assembly in structio n to move the stack poin ter dow n, and ano ther to move it back up.) The dyn amic approach makes the gen erally logical assumpti on that objects tend to be complicated, so the extra overhead of finding storage and releas ing that storage will not have an importa nt impact on the creati on of an object .In additi on, the greater flexibility is esse ntial to solve the gen eral program ming problem. Java uses the sec ond approach, exclusive". Every time you want to create an object, you use the new keyword to build a dyn amic in sta nee of that object. There's ano ther issue, however, and that's the lifetime of an object. With Ian guages that allow objects to be created on the stack, the compiler determines how long the object lasts and can automatically destroy it. However, if you create it on the heap the compiler has no kno wledge of its lifetime. In a Ianguage like C++, you must determine programmatically when to destroy the


英文翻译 英语原文: . Introducing Classes The only remaining feature we need to understand before solving our bookstore problem is how to write a data structure to represent our transaction data. In C++ we define our own data structure by defining a class. The class mechanism is one of the most important features in C++. In fact, a primary focus of the design of C++ is to make it possible to define class types that behave as naturally as the built-in types themselves. The library types that we've seen already, such as istream and ostream, are all defined as classesthat is,they are not strictly speaking part of the language. Complete understanding of the class mechanism requires mastering a lot of information. Fortunately, it is possible to use a class that someone else has written without knowing how to define a class ourselves. In this section, we'll describe a simple class that we canuse in solving our bookstore problem. We'll implement this class in the subsequent chapters as we learn more about types,expressions, statements, and functionsall of which are used in defining classes. To use a class we need to know three things: What is its name? Where is it defined? What operations does it support? For our bookstore problem, we'll assume that the class is named Sales_item and that it is defined in a header named Sales_item.h. The Sales_item Class The purpose of the Sales_item class is to store an ISBN and keep track of the number of copies sold, the revenue, and average sales price for that book. How these data are stored or computed is not our concern. To use a class, we need not know anything about how it is implemented. Instead, what we need to know is what operations the class provides. As we've seen, when we use library facilities such as IO, we must include the associated headers. Similarly, for our own classes, we must make the definitions associated with the class available to the compiler. We do so in much the same way. Typically, we put the class definition into a file. Any program that wants to use our class must include that file. Conventionally, class types are stored in a file with a name that, like the name of a program source file, has two parts: a file name and a file suffix. Usually the file name is the same as the class defined in the header. The suffix usually is .h, but some programmers use .H, .hpp, or .hxx. Compilers usually aren't picky about header file names, but IDEs sometimes are. We'll assume that our class is defined in a file named Sales_item.h. Operations on Sales_item Objects


文献参考的注释格式 正文中的注释和参考文献是论文格式最为重要的部分,请论文作者逐条仔细阅读。建议先做好参考文献格式,再对照格式要求作夹注。 分脚注和夹注两种,。 2)脚注 正文内容如有需作出特别说明或解释之处以脚注的形式处理,编号格式设置为“○1,○2,○3…”,编号方式设置为“每页重新编号”,脚注会自动出现在当页正文下。字体采用默认值(小五号)。 1)夹注 对论文中的直接引用或间接引用部分所依据的文献以夹注的形式标出。夹注可以采用以下几种形式: 作者姓氏未在引文中出现,则夹注用括号标出作者姓氏,空一格字母再标出引文页码。为避免不必要的麻烦,中文作者用全名。 引用一位作者 “Time is no longer felt as an objective, causal progression with clearly marked-out differences between periods…” (Frank 20) As the British novelist-critic Christine Brooke-Rose has put it, the novelists now have nothing new to tell since what should be told have been told altogether (Yin Qiping 33-35) . 引用两位作者 Medieval Europe was a place both of “raids, pillages, slavery, and extortion” and of “traveling merchants, monetary exchange, towns if not cities, and active ma rkets in gain” (Townsend & Waugh 10-16). 作者有三个以上,


大学毕业论文英文翻译 中文译文 计算机网络 每个一个世纪都有一种主导地位的技术。18世纪伴随着工业革命的到来的是大型机械系统的时代;19世纪是蒸汽机的时代,而20世纪的发展历程中,关键的技术是信息收集、处理和分发。在其他的发展方面,我们还可以看到:遍布全球的电话网络的建立起来了,无线电广播和电视的出现了,计算机工业诞生了,并且以超乎想象的速度在成长;另外通信卫星也发射上天了。 技术的快速发展的一个直接结果是,这些领域正在快速地融合,信息收集、传输、存储和处理之间的差别正在迅速地消失。对于具有数百个办公室的大型组织来说,尽管这些办公室分布在广阔的地理区域中,但未来期望的情景是,工作人员只要单击一下按钮,就可以查看最远处分部的状态。随着信息收集、处理和分发能力的不断提高,我们对于更加复杂的信息处理技术的需求也增长得更快。 与其他的工业(比如汽车和航空运输业)相比,计算机工业还是非常年轻,尽管如此,计算机技术却在很短的时间内有了惊人的进展。在计算机诞生之初的20年间,计算机系统是高度集中化的,通常位于一个很大的房间中。该房间通常配有玻璃墙,参观的人透过玻璃墙可以欣赏到里边伟大的电子奇迹。中等规模的公司或者大学可能会有一台或者两台计算机,而大型的研究机构最多也就几十台计算机。要在20年内生产出大量同样功能但是体积比邮票还小的计算机,在当时的人们看来纯属科学幻想。 计算机和通信的结合对于计算机系统的组织方式产生了深远的影响。把一台大型的计算机放在一个单独的房间中,然后用户带着他们的处理任务去房间里上机,这种"计算机中心"的概念现在已经完全过时了。由一台计算机来处理整个组织中所有的计算需求,这种老式的模型已经被新的模型所取代,在新的模型下,由大量独立的,但相互连接起来的计算机来共同完成计算任务。这些系统称为计算机网络(computer networks)。如何设计这些网络,并且将这些网络组织起来,这就是本书的主题。 在本书中,我们将使用术语"计算机网络"来表示通过同一种技术相互连接起来的一组自主计算机的集合。如果两台计算机能够交换信息,则称


Web应用程序安全外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Basic Security Practices for Web Applications Even if you have limited experience with and knowledge of application security, there are basic measures that you should take to help protect your Web applications. The following sections in this topic provide minimum-security guidelines that apply to all Web applications.General Web Application Security Recommendations;Run Applications with Minimum Privileges ;Know Your Users; Guard Against Malicious User Input;Access Databases Securely;Create Safe Error Messages;Keep Sensitive Information Safely;Use Cookies Securely;Guard Against Denial-of-Service Threats. 1. General Web Application Security Recommendations


长江大学工程技术学院 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 外 文 题 目 Matlab Based Interactive Simulation Program for 2D Multisegment Mechanical Systems 译 文 题 目 二维多段机械系统基于Matlab 的 交互式仿真程序 系 部 化学工程系 专 业 班 级 化工60801 学 生 姓 名 李泽辉 指 导 教 师 张 铭 辅 导 教 师 张 铭 完 成 日 期 2012.4.15 顶层配置在管路等,要求设备,所有设要求,对调整使案,编是指机确保机组中资料试

外文翻译 二维多段机械系统基于Matlab 的交互式仿真程序 Henryk Josiński, Adam ?witoński, Karol J?drasiak 著;李泽辉 译 摘要:本文介绍了多段机械系统设计原则,代表的是一个模型的一部分的设计系统,然后扩展 形成的几个部分和模型算法的分类与整合的过程,以及简化步骤的过程叫多段系统。本文还介绍了设计过程的二维多段机械系统的数字模型,和使用Matlab 的软件包来实现仿真。本文还讨论测试运行了一个实验,以及几种算法的计算,实现了每个单一步骤的整合。 1 简介 科学家创造了物理模型和数学模型来表示人类在运动中的各种形式。数学模型 使创建数字模型和进行计算机仿真成为可能。模型试验,可以使人们不必真正的实 验就可以虚拟的进行力和力矩的分解。 本文研究的目的是建立一个简单的多段运动模型,以增加模型的连续性和如何 避免不连续为原则。这是创建一个人类运动模型系统的冰山一角。其使用matlab 程 序包创建的数字模型,可以仿真人类运动。 文献中关于这一主题的内容很广泛。运动的模式和力矩的分解在这些文献中都 有涉猎。动态的平面人体运动模型,提出了解决了迭代矩阵的方法。还值得一提的 是这类项目的参考书目,布鲁贝克等人提出了一个模型——人腿模型,这个以人的 物理运动为基础的平面模型仿真了人腿——一个单一的扭簧和冲击碰撞模型。人腿 模型虽然简单,但是它展示人类的步态在水平地面上的运动特征。布鲁贝克等人还 介绍,在人腿模型的双足行走的基础上,从生物力学的角度而言,符合人体步行的 特征。这个模型具有一个躯干,双腿膝盖和脚踝。它能够合理的表现出人多样的步 态风格。一个仿真人类运动的数学模型反应出了人的部分运动状态。 图1. 力的分解 2 力的分解

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