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(1925) King George V reigns over a quarter of the world's people.

He asks his second son, the Duke of York,

to give the closing speech at the Empire Exhibition in Wembley, London.

The King's Speech

You're live in two minutes. Your Royal Highness


Thank you

Let the microphone do the work, sir.

I am sure you will be splendid. Just take your time. Time to go.

Good afternoon.

This is the BBC National Programme and Empire Services

taking you to Wembley Stadium for the Closing Ceremony of the Empire Exhibition.

where His Royal Highness the Duke of York

will read a message from the his father,

his Majesty, King George the fifth.

British Colonies and Dominions have taken part, making this the largest Exhibition staged anywhere in the world.

Your Majesty, flashes, and steady red means you're live.

Using the new invention of radio

The Opening Ceremony was the first time his Majesty the King

addressed his subjects on the wireless.

At the close of the first Season

The air to the throne His Royal Highness the Prince Wales made his first broadcast

And today, his younger brother his Royal Highness, the Duke of York

will give his inaugural broadcast to the Nation and the World.

I have received

from his Majesty


...the King

Piccadilly, London

Inhale deep into your lungs, your Royal Highness. Relaxes your larynx, does it not?

Cigarette smoking calms the nerves and gives you confidence.

If Your Highness will be so kind as to open your hand...


Now...if I may take the liberty?

...insert them into your mouth.

Excuse me, Doctor. What is the purpose of this?

It's the classic approach that cured Demosthenes. That was in Ancient Greece. Has it worked since? Now if you would be so kind as to read. A wealth of words.

Fight against those marbles Your Royal Highness. Enunciate!

A little more concentration your Royal Highness.

I nearly swallowed the bloody things!

Thank you so much, Doctor,

it's been most interesting.

Your Royal Highness

Insert marbles!

He can insert his own bloody marbles....!

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

You can't keep doing this, Bertie.

I know. Promise me

Promise me: no more.

Harley Street

Dr. Chapman, L Logue, Speech Defects

Australia is calling;Sydney bridge celebrations mar Hello. Is anyone there?

I'm just in the loo.

Hello Mrs Johnson, there you are.

Sorry I don't have receptionist.I like to keep things simple

“Poor and content is rich and rich enough”


Shakespeare. How are you?

How do you do

Ahh, traveling alone

Now, this is slightly awkward

But I'm afraid you're late.

Yes, I'm afraid I am.

Where's Mr Johnson?

He doesn't know I'm here.

That's not a very promising start.

No. My husband has seen everyone to no avail. He's given up hope.

He hasn't seen me.

You're awfully sure of yourself.

I'm sure of anyone who wants to be cured.

Of course he wants to be cured.

My husband is required to speak publicly.

Perhaps he should change jobs.

He can't.

Indentured servitude?

Something of that nature.Yes

Well we need to have your hubby pop by...

Tuesday would be good...

He can give me his personal details and I'll make a frank appraisal.

And then we can take it from there

Doctor, forgive me.

I do not have a “hubby”. We don't ‘pop'.

And nor do we never talk about our private lives.

You must come to us.

Sorry, Mrs J, my game, my turf, my rules.

You'll have to talk over with your husband

And then you can speak to me on the telephone Thank you very much for dropping by.

Good afternoon

And what if my husband were the Duke of York?

The Duke of York?

Yes the Duke of York.

I thought the appointment was for “Johnson”?

- Forgive me, your Royal...? - Highness.

Your Royal Highness.

Johnson was used during the Great War

when the Navy didn't want the enemy to know ‘he' was aboard.

Am I considered the enemy?

You will be if you remain un-obliging.

You'll appreciate the need for absolutely discretion

Of course.

How did you find me? Your Royal Highness

The President of the Society for Speech Therapists Eileen McCleod? She's a sport.

She warned me your antipodean methods were “unorthodox and controversial”.

I warned her...they were not my favorite words.

I can cure your husband.

But for my method to work

I need trust and total equality here in the safety of my consultation room.

No exceptions.

Well then, in that case...


Still sounds a bit rough.

You make me drive too slowly, Dad!

Did you pick mum up from Bridge?

Yes, I've hardly been out of the car all day.

I had a special visitor this afternoon.

May I be please leave the table?

How special is special?

You must stay, bored stupid,listening to your parents' inane conversation.

Thanks, dad!

- And mum. - And mum!

- Me too - You're meeting Jean?

No, someone else

Doctor? Doctor? Don't you help you brother with the washing up

I'm fine

Who is it Lionel?

Why bring it up if you can't talk about it?

Myrtle, just a woman looking to help her husband. And I had a ‘call'. For an audition

- One of my favourates.- Aren't they all.

- Could be a lot of fun – I'm sure you'll be splendid

In the amateur scene, they're a highly regarded group From Putney.

That's all girls.Tomorrow, Chapter ,The Flight

- I long to know they fly to - I can't wait

Oh, to fly away!

Weren't they lucky!

Now Papa tell a story!

Could I be a penguin instead?

Now I want to a penguin story.

Very quickly

Once there were two princesses

Princesses Elisabeth, and Princesses Margret

Their papa was a penguin

This was because he been turned into by a wicked witch

This was inconvenient for him because he loved

to hold his princesses in his arms

and you can't do that if you're a penguin,

because you have wings like herrings.

Herrings don't have wings.

Penguins have wings which like the shape of herrings. And what make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole

which is an awfully long walk back if you can't fly. When he reached the water

He dived in, through the depth so fast

that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime. From there he took the . to Weybridge, changed at Clapham Junction

and asked a passing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace.

He swam up the Thames and out through the plughole, giving the cook mama and Mrs Whittaker quite a shock.

When the girls heard all the commotion

They run to the kitchen where they gave him

a good scrub, a mackerel and a kiss.

And as they kissed him guess what he turned into?

A handsome prince!

A short-tailed Albatross.

With wings big enough that he could wrap them both around his two girls together

Now girls, time for bed. Come on

Take the horses to the stable

You have exactly a minute

Good night

feed them brush them and to bed.

Will Mrs Simpson be there?

My brother's insisting.

Is he serious?

About our coming to dinner?

No. About her!

A married woman? He can't be.

She can. By the way I think I found someone rather interesting.

On Harley Street. A doctor.

Out of the question. I'm not having this conversation again.

The matter's settled.

His approach seems rather different....



“Now is the winter of our discontent

Made glorious summer by this sun of York.”

“And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house

In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths; Thank you.

Lovely diction, Mr... Logue. Lionel Logue.

Well, Mr Logue,

I'm not hearing the cries of a deformed creature yearning to be King.

Nor did I realize Richard the Third was King of the Colonies.

I do know all the lines.

I've played the role before.

- Sydney? - Perth.

- Major theater town, is it? - Enthusiastic.

- Ah. - I was well reviewed.


I think our dramatic society is looking for

someone slightly younger

and a little more regal.

You have to shut that one first.

Close that one first, that

Where did you find this...physician?

Classifieds, next to “French model, Shepherd's Market”.

He comes highly recommended.

Charges substantial fees in order to help the poor.

Oh dear, perhaps he's a Bolshevik?!

He has no receptionist. He likes to keep things simple. The Johnsons.

You can go in now, “Mr. Johnson”.

Lionel says...wait here if you wish, Mrs Johnson. Or, it being a p-pleasant day,

p-perhaps take a stroll.

Was that alright...Lionel?

Marvellous, Willy

You can stay here and wait for your mum.

Mrs Johnson. Mr.Johnson, do come in.

Would you like a sweetie

He's a good lad, Willy.

He could hardly make a sound, you know,

when he first came to me.

My boys made those. Good, aren't they.

Please, make yourself comfortable.

I was told not not to sit too close.

when speaking with a prince, one waits for the prince to choose the topic.

Waiting for me to… commence a conversation

one can wait a rather long wait.

Do you know any jokes?

Timing isn't my strong suit.

Cuppa tea?

No thank you.

I think I'll have one.

Aren't you going to start treating me Dr Logue?

Only if you're interested in being treated.

Please, call me Lionel.

I… I prefer Doctor.

I prefer Lionel. What'll I call you?

Your Royal Highness, then Sir after that.

A bit formal for here. I prefer names

Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George?

How about Bertie?

Only my family uses that.

Perfect. In here, it's better if we're equals.

If we were equal.. I wouldn't be here.

I'd be.. at home with my wife and no-one would give a damn.

Please don't do that.

I'm sorry?

I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you. My physicians say it relaxes the throat.

They're idiots.

They've all been knighted.

Makes it official then.

My 'castle', my rules.

Thank you

What was your earliest memory?

What an earth do you mean?

Your first recollection.

I'm not…

here to discuss personal matters.

Why're you here then?

Because I bloody well stammer!

You have a bit of a temper.

One of my many faults.

When did the defect start?

I've always been this way!

I doubt that.

Don't.. tell me! It's my stammer!

It's my field. I assure you,

no infant starts to speak with a stammer.

When did it start?

Four or five.

That's typical.

So I've been told.

I can't remember not doing it. I can believe that. Do you hesitate when you think? Don't be ridiculous.

How about when you talk to yourself?

Everyone natters occasionally, Bertie.

Stop calling me that!

I'm not going to call you anything else.

Then we shan't speak!

Are you charging for this, Doctor?

A fortune.

I'll just save that brew

So, when you talk to yourself, do you stammer?

Of course not!

That proves your impediment isn't a permanent part of you.

What do you think was the cause?

I don't know! I… don't care!

I stammer. And no one can fix it.

I'll bet you, you can read flawlessly, right here, right now.

And if I win the bet, I get to ask you more questions. And if I win?

You don't have to answer them.

One usually… wagers money.

A bob each to keep it sweet? Let's see your shilling.

I don't… ca rry money.

I had a funny feeling you mightn't.

I'll stake you. And you can pay me back next time.

If there is a next time.

I haven't agreed to take you on yet

So please stand, and take a look at that, from there

I can't read this.

Then you owe me a shilling for not trying.

“To.. to..be or not to be,

That… is..” damn

I haven't finished yet.

I'm going to record your voice

And then play it back to you on the same machine. This is brilliant. It's the latest thing from America :a Silvertone.

Pop these on?

There's a bob in this, mate. You can go home rich!

- You're playing music. - I know.

How can I hear what I'm saying?!

Surely a Prince's brain knows what its mouth is doing? You're not well acquainted with Royal Princes, are you?

to be or not to be.. that is the question

Hopeless. Hopeless!

You were sublime.

Would I lie to a prince of the realm to win twelve-pence?

I've no idea what an Australian might do for that sort of money.

- let me play it back to you - No.

Alright then, I'll get to ask you the questions.

Thank you Doctor, I don't… feel this is for me. Thank you for your time. Bye


The recording is free.

Please keep it as a souvenir?


Ah well.


King George V.Christmas Broadcast ,

For the present(Sandringham House,Norfolk)

the work to which we are all equally bound,

is to arrive at a reasoned tranquility...

...within our borders, to regain prosperity in this time of depression without self-seeking

and to carry with us those whom the burden of past years has disheartened or overborne.

To all, to each, I wish a Happy Christmas.

God bless you.

And off air

Easy when you know how.


Have a go yourself.

Congratulations, Sir.

Ah, Mr Wood. Splendid fellow.

Chap taught me everything I know:

let the microphone do the work.


Thank you.

Sit up, straight back,

face boldly up to the bloody thing and stare its quare in the eye,

as you would any decent Englishman.

Show who's in command.

Papa I don't…think I read this

This devilish device will change everything if you won't.

In the past all a King had to do was look respectable in uniform and not fall off his horse.

Now we must invade people's homes and ingratiate ourselves with them.

This family has been reduced to those lowest

beast of all creatures...we've become...actors!

we're not a family, we're a firm.

Yet any moment some of us may be out of work. Your darling brother... and future king

The only wife he appears interested in is invariably the wife of another!

He's broken off with Lady Furness.

And taken up a Mrs Simpson, a woman with two husbands living!

I told him straight no divorced person can ever be received at court.

He said she made him sublimely happy.

I imagined that was because she was sleeping with him.

“I give you my word” this is what he said

“I give you my word, we've never had immoral rel ations,”

Stared square into his father's eyes...

and lied.

When I'm dead that boy will ruin himself, this family, and this nation, within twelve months.

Who'll pick up the pieces?

Herr Hitler, intimidating half of Europe,

Marshall Stalin the other half?

Who'll stand between us, the jackboots,

and the proletarian abyss? You?


With your older brother shirking his duties,

you're going to have to do a lot more of this.

Have a go yourself.

Through..the… one of the m-

Get it out boy!

...m-marvels of m-

Modern - just take your time

form your words carefully

Science, I am enabled, this C

Relax! Just try it!

...this Christmas Day, to speak to all my p-

Do it!

Lying bastard.

- You're playing music. - I know.

How can I hear what I'm saying?!

Surely a Prince's brain knows what its mouth is doing? You're not well acquainted with Royal Princes, are you?

“To be, or not to be, - that is the question: - “...whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them..

To die, to sleep no more

And by a sleep to say we end

The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to? ‘tis a consummation…”Hopeless! Hopeless!

Strictly business. No.. personal nonsense.

I thought I'd made that very clear in our interview. Got the shilling you owe me?

No I haven't

Didn't think so.

Besides, you…tricked me!

Physical exercises and tricks are important

But what you're asking will only deal with the surface of the problem.

Is that that's sufficient? Ah, no.

As far as I see it, my husband has mechanical difficulties with his speech.

Maybe just deal with that.

I..I'm willing to work hard, Doctor Logue...


Are you… willing to do your part?

Alright. You want mechanics?

We need to relax your jaw muscles and strengthen your tongue.

By repeating tongue twisters for example.

“I am a thistle-sifter.

I have a sieve of sifted thistles

And a sieve of unsifted thistles.

Because I am a thistle sifter.”


You do have a flabby tummy,

We'll need to spend some time strength in your diaphragm.

Simple mechanics.

That is all we ask.

And that's about a shilling's worth.

Forget about the blessed shilling!

Perhaps, upon occasion, You might be request to assistance…

in coping with…some minor e vent.

Will that be agreeable?

Of course.

That will be the full extent of your services.

Shall I see you next week?

I shall see you every day.

Feel the loosening of the jaw

Good. Little bounces,bounces

Shoulders. shoulders

Now loose

Take a nice deep breath, expand the chest

Put your hands on your ribs

Deeper, good

How do you feel?

Full of hot air.

Isn't that what public speaking is all about?

My wife and I are glad to visit this important…

Take a good deep breathe, and up come your Royal Highness

And slowly exhale and down come your Royal Highness

- are you alright, Bertie? - yes

this is actually quite good fun. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmother.

Short the humming each time Manufacturing…the district…

- Another deep breath and “jack and Jill” - “Jack and Jill”

- Went up the hill - went up the hill

Just sway… perfect

We are not permit to ask…to

Loosen the shoulder

Ding dong bell, Pussy's in the well

Who put her in? Little Johnny Green

Have a short memory Bertie? Come on

- cow - cow

- king - king

Anyone who can shout vowels in an open window can learn to deliver a speech.

- Deep breath. And it is..

- it is ... - let the words flow

mine doesn't bloody work

come on, one more time, Bertie

you can do it

a sieve of sifted thistles

- father - father

- father(父亲)

- Wait for “aa” in patient - father

Sandringham Estate

- Hello, Bertie. - Hello David

- I see you've been coming out - Not at all

Been waiting long? For Christ, bloody freezing Where've you been?

Been busy.

So was I. Elizabeth has pneumonia.

I'm sorry. She'll recover.

Father won't.

I'll drive.

Old bugger's doing this on purpose.


Departing prematurely to complicate matters with Wallis.

Oh for heaven's sake, David.

You know how long he's been ill.

Wallis explained. She's terribly clever about these things.

... whereas by letters patent under the Great Seal, bearing date of Westminster, the eleventh June

his Majesty King George V did constitute,

order and declare that there should be a guardian,

- what's going on here? - Custos Regni, in the form of Councilors of State.

I cannot follow you. I'm confused and I don't understand

- … what you're taking about - It's the order of the Council for the State, Sir.

- would you do that? - So we may act on your behalf. not clearly I'm afraid...I'm still confused...

But Approved. Thank you.

- Let me help you sir - alright

- thank you sir - thank you

Feeling a little better Sir?

No. I'm not feeling any better. I feel dreadful.

Been ice-skating?

No, George.

Yes, he's alright. Of course.

I know, darling, a talk, even a lovely long talk,

is a poor substitute for holding tight and making drowsy.

Nor making our own drowsies either,

as we've had to do far too often lately. - David, the dinner - I'm on with Wallis

It's Bertie.

No, it's not important. No. I don't want to

No, telephone me later? Right, bye

Wallis misses me terribly.

Mama says you're late for dinner.

She forgets Papa's bloody clocks were always half an hour fast!

How is the king? I hope he is not in pain.

No, no, His Majesty is quieter now.

Thank you

David, if your father were here, tardiness would not be tolerated.

None of this..unpleasantness would be tolerated

You know Sir, I appreciate that you are different from your father

Both in outlook and temperament.

I want you to know that whenever the King questioned your conduct,

I tried in your interest to present it in a most favorable light.

I can always trust you to have my best interests at heart.

I'm fear our vigil will not be of long duration. Please continue, thank you

just commend our brother George to the mercy of God,

our Maker and Redeemer.

Long live the King.

I hope I will make good as he has made good.

What on earth was that?

Poor Wallis. Now I'm trapped!

And in these last crowded troubled glorious years

If there's one thing that King George has taught

t is the art of the leader with also a brother to his followers

As long as he lives he was the guiding star of a great nation

Dad? (When he died, the little children cried in the street)

Time for a Shake, dad?

- You sure? - Go on

Put your thinking caps o

Bet its the Scottish Play.

No, I bet it's Othello. It's always Othello.

“Art thou afeard? Be not afeard”

- Caliban! - Oh! For heaven's sake.. that was a lucky guess!

Don't listen to egghead. Go on, Dad.

“the isle is full of noises,

Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments

Will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices, That, if then I had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again:”

Alright, clever clogs, what comes next?

- “..and then, in dreaming, Me thought the clouds” - the clouds me thought

“The clouds me thought would open,

And show riches Ready to drop upon me; that...””...when I waked, I cried to dream again.”

It's such a sad thought.

My next patient must be a bit early. You better go lads, I'm sorry.

Won't be a moment, Clifford.

Bertie, they told me not to expect you.

Sorry about your father.

I don't wish to intrude..

No..Not at all, please come in

I've been practising. One hour a day.

In spite of everything.

What's going on there?

I was, sorry, mucking around with my kids.

Do you feel like working today?

A Curtis bi-plane.

I'll put on some hot milk.

Logue, I'd kill for something stronger.

I wasn't there for my father's death.

Still makes me sad.

I can imagine so.

- What did you father do? - He was brewer.

- Oh. - At least there was free beer.

Here's to the memory of your father.

I was informed, after the fact,

my father's …last words were:

“Bertie has more.. guts than the rest of his brothers.. put together.”

He couldn't say that to my face.

My brother.

What about him?

- Try singing it. - I'm sorry?

What songs do you know? - Songs? - “Swanee River”

- I love that song. - Happens to be my favorite.

- Sing me the chorus. - No. Certainly not.

I always.. wanted to build models.

Father… wouldn't allow it. He.. collected stamps.

We had to collect stamps.

You can finish that off. If you sing.

- “My brother David, doo-dah” - I'm not going to sit here wobbling

You can with me.

Because… you're peculiar.

I take that as a compliment.

Rules are rules

I'm not…crooning “Swanee River!”

Try “Camptown Races” then.

“My brother D, he said to me, doodah doo-dah...”- Continuous sound will give you flow. - No

Does it feel strange, now that David's on the throne? Tell you the truth, It was a relief...

Knowing.. I wouldn't be ..King.

But unless he produces an heir, you're next in line. And your daughter, Elizabeth, would then succeed you.

“You're barking up the wrong tree now, Doctor, Doctor.”

“Lionel,” You didn't stammer.

Of course I didn't stammer, I was singing!

Well, as a little reward,

you get to put some glue on these struts.

- your boy wouldn't mind? - No, not at all

David and I were very close.

Young bucks... You know.

Did you chase the same girls?

David was always very helpful in arranging introductions.

We shared… the expert ministrations of “Paulette” in Paris.

Not at the same time of course.

Did David ever tease you?

Oh yes they all did.


Father encouraged it.

“Get it out, boy!”

Said it would make me stop.”

Said...”I was afraid of my father,

and my children are damn well going to be afraid of


Are you naturally right handed?

Left. I was… punished. Now I use the right.

Yes, that's very common with stammerers.

Anything other corrections?

Knock knees.

Metal… splints were made...worn…day and night That must have been painful.

Bloody agony. Straight legs now.

Who were you closest to in your family?

Nannies. Not my first nanny..

she loved David...hated me.

When I.. was presented to my parents for the daily viewing,

she'd...She pinch me so I'd cry,

and be…handed back to her immediately,

then she wouldn't…

- sing it - then she wouldn't feed me, far far away.”Took my parents three years to notice.

As you can imagine,

it caused some stomach problems. Still.

What about your brother Johnnie?

Were you close to him?

Johnnie, Sweet boy.

Epilepsy...and...he was 'different'.

He died at , hidden from view.

I've been told it's not catching.

- Do you want a top-up? - Please.

You know, Lionel,

- you're the first ordinary Englishman... - Australian. ...I've ever really spoken to.

when I'm driven through the streets and see,

you know, the Common Man staring at me,

I'm struck by how little I know of his life,

and how little he knows of mine.

- Thank you - What're friends for.

I wouldn't know.

Balmoral Castle, Scotland

“I sifted seven thick-stalked thistles

through strong thick sieves.

I sifted seven...”

- isn't that enough darling? No? - I have to keep doing this

This is your fault.

- I sifted seven - Oh no

One hundred year old spruces removed to improve the view!

Who do you think she is?

Nonetheless...we must try to be pleasant towards Mrs Simpson.

You know she calls me “The Fat Scottish Cook”?

You're not fat.

I'm getting plump.

You seldom cook.

- I sifted seven. - Shut up!!

I sifted…

- ,, and booze - Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York.

How lovely to see you both.

Welcome to our little country shack.

I came at the invitation of the King.

Your Majesty

- All right - Sorry we're late

Very nice to see you, Mrs Simpson

Very nice

Hello David.

Making… some changes to the garden I see.

I am. I am not quite finished yet.

Don't tell me I behaved badly, Mr Churchill.

On the contrary, your Royal Highness.

Etiquette decrees royalty should be greeted by the official host:

in this case: the King. Not a commoner.

- Thank you. - what is her hold on him?

I've no idea.

Apparently she has certain...skills,

which she learnt in an establishment in Shanghai.

- David - just be a sec, darling

Excuse me.

David, I've been trying to see you...

I've been terribly busy.

- Doing what? - Kinging.


Kinging.. is a precarious business these days!

Where is the Tsar of Russia?

Where is Cousin Wilhelm?

You're being dreary.

Is Kinging laying off eighty staff and buying yet more pearls for Wallis

while there are people marching across Europe singing “The Red Flag”?

Stop your worrying. Herr Hitler will sort that lot out.

Who'll sort out Herr Hitler?

Where's the bloody '?

And you've put that woman into our mother's suite? Mother's not still in the bed, is she?

That's not funny.

Here it is, Wally likes the very best.

I don't care what woman you carry on with at night, as long as you show up for duty in the morning! Wallis is not just some woman I am carrying on with. We intend to marry

Excuse me?

She's filing a petition for divorce.

Good God.

Can't you just give her a nice house and a title?

I'm not having her as my mistress.

The Church does not recognise divorce

and you are the… head of the Church.

- Haven't I any rights? - Many privileges...

Not the same thing. Your beloved Common Man may marry for love,

Why not me?

If you were the Common Man,

on what basis could you possibly claim to be King?! Sounds like you've studied our wretched constitution. Sounds like you haven't.

Is that what this is all about? Bashing up?

Hence the elocution lessons?

That's the scoop around town.

I'm trying to…to...

Yearning for a larger audience are we,



What's that? I'm sorry.

Young brother trying to push older brother off throne...

Po..Po..sitively medieval.

- Wallis - where have you been all this time?

I've been talking to.

Never mind.

- It's very complicated little king you're - I tried to be

All that work, down the drain.

My own ..brother... I couldn't say.. a single word to him in reply!

Why do you stammer more with David than you do with me?

Because you're bloody well paid to listen!

Bertie I'm not a geisha girl.

Stop trying to be so bloody clever!

What is it about David that stops you speaking? What is it about you that bloody well make you want to go on about it the whole bloody time?

Vulgar but fluent. You don't stammer when you swear. Bugger off!

Is that the best you can do?

Well bloody bugger to you, you beastly bastard.

A public school prig can do better than that.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

Defecation flows trippingly from the tongue? Because I'm angry!

Ah. Know the f-word?



Oh Bertie.


Fuck. Fuck, fucking, fuck!

Bugger, bugger, bugger!

Fuck Fuck ass

- Balls Balls Fuckity - Yes! You see! Not a hesitation! Willy, Shit and Fuck, and tits

Dad? What's going on?

Sorry. Just finish your homework.

Well that's a side of you we don't get to see all that often.

No. No we're not supposed to really, not publicly.

Let's get some air.

No Logue, I don't think that's a good idea.

What's the matter? Why are you so upset?

Logue, you have no idea.

My brother.. is infatuated with a woman who's been married twice

She's asking for a divorce

And he is determined to marry her.

Mrs Wallis Simpson of Baltimore.

That's not right. Queen Wallis of Baltimore? Unthinkable.

- Can he do it? - Absolutely not.

But he's going to anyway. All hell's broken loose. Can't they carry on privately?

If only they would.

Where does that leave you?

I know my place!

I'll… do anything within my power to keep my brother on the throne.

Is it that serious? Your place may be on the throne.

I am not an alternative to my brother.

- You can outshine David... - Don't take liberties! That's bordering on treason.

I'm just saying you could be King. You could do it! That is treason!

I'm trying to get you to realize you need not be governed by fear.

I've had enough of this!

What're you afraid of?

Your poisonous words!

Why'd you come to me?

You're not middle-class banker who want elocution lessons…

- so you can chit-chat at posh tea parties? - Don't attempt to instruct me on my duties!

I'm the son of a… King...

the brother of a King.

You're the disappointing son of a brewer!

A jumped-up jackeroo from the outback!

You're nobody. These sessions are over!

Through here sir.

Garden Entrance.Prime Minister's Office. Dawning Street

It's not just because she's an American.

That the least of it, it's because she is soon to be a twice divorced American

and the King, as the head of Church of England…

can not marry a divorced woman.

And sir, I apologize for the nature of this, but... according to Scotland Yard,

the King has not always possess exclusive rights to Mrs.Simpson's favours and affections,

sharing them with a married used car salesman

a certain Mr Guy Trundle.

In addition, it is also rumored that Hitler's ambassador, Count von Ribbentrop, sends her carnations every day......

Should His Majesty continue to ignore the advice of His Government,

He must abdicate. Otherwise His Government has no choice but to resign.

Prime Minister, you'd leave the country without a… government?

Does the King do what he wants,

or does he do what his people expect him to do?

As crowds on Donning Street watch Ministers come and go

There raised an age-old problem.

Can the King separate his personal life from his public duty?

- What's the matter, love? - I'm just having trouble with a patient

- it isn't like you. Why - He's scared.

Frightened of his own shadow.

Isn't that why they come to you?

This fellow could really be somebody great. He's fighting me.

Perhaps he doesn't want to be great.

Perhaps that's what you want.

I might have overstepped the mark.

Apologize. Deep of good.

I'm very sorry, Mr Logue,the Duke is busy

I'm happy to wait. Or I could come back later.

As I said, the Duke is terribly busy.

Thank you

Thank you

Parliament will not support the marriage.

But there were other reasons for concern.

He was careless with state papers.

He lacked commitment and resolve.

There were those that worried where he would stand when war with Germany.

We're not coming to that?

Indeed we are, Sir. Prime Minister Baldwin may deny this,

but Hitler's intent is crystal clear.

War with Germany will come,

and we will need a King we can all stand behind united.

I fear..my brother is of sound mind at this time

Have you thought what you will call yourself?


Certainly not Albert, Sir. Too Germanic.

What about George? After your father

George the sixth.

It has rather a nice continuity to it, don't you think. David! Thank God. You look exhausted!

without the help and support of the woman I love...

And I want you to know, this decision has been made less difficult to me

by the sure knowledge that my brother,

with his long training in the public affairs of this country...

...and with his fine qualities...

...will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption

or injury to the life and progress of the empire. Accession Council.St James's Palace.th Dec,

I meet you today.. in..

in circumstances which are ..

I'm sure you'll love it.

Thank you darling, saddles, Margret

Yes mom.

Good boy.

- Mama, here's the Wilson saddle - thank you

Don't worry, we'll get you food in a minute

Mama, will we have space for our horses in our new home?

Of course we will, darling, we'll have a palace of rooms.


Your Majesty.

How was it?

I'm trying to… familiarise myself with what a state paper looks like.

A despatch from Mr Baldwin which I don't understand a word of.

David's finances.

The Christmas broadcast –

I think that might be a mistake.

Don't worry about that

Plans for the Coronation. I think that's an even bigger mistake.

I'm not a King.

I'm a naval officer. That's all I know

I'm not a King, not a king.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - No. Dear.

Dear, dear man...

I'm sorry.

You know, I refused your first two marriage proposals, Not because I didn't love you,

but because I couldn't bear the idea of a royal life Could bear the idea of a life of tours and public duties, a life that no longer was really to be my own. Then I thought...he stammers so beautifully...

they'll leave us alone.

STAND BY THE KING.GOD SA VE THE KING Waiting for a king to apologize,

one can wait rather a long wait.

I'm afraid we're slightly late.

This is home. Myrtle's at bridge.

I've made sure the boys are out.

It's lovely. Absolutely lovely.

- May I sit down? - Yes, of course

Would you like some tea, Ma'am?

Yes. I'll help myself.

Off you go now. Or must I knock your heads together? Here's your shilling

I.. understand what you were trying to say, Logue.

I went about it the wrong way. I'm sorry.

So here I am.

Is the nation ready for two minutes of radio silence? Every stammer always fears they will fall back to square one.

I don't let that happen.

If I fail in my duty... David could come back.

I've seen the placards

“God Save Our… King!”

They don't mean me.

Every other monarch in history succeeded someone who was dead,

Or about to be.

My predecessor is not only alive, but very much so. Bloody mess! I can't even give them a Christmas Speech.

- Like your Dad used to do? - Precisely.

He's not here anymore.

Yes he is. He's on that shilling I gave you.

Easy enough to give away.

You don't have to carry him around in your pocket.

Or your brother.

You don't need to be afraid of things you were afraid of when you were five.

You're very much your own man, Bertie.


Your face is next, mate.

Lionel? Dear?


- Is this your wife? - Yes.

Bertie, come here

- Are you alright, Logue? - Yes

Shall we go through?

Trust me it's important.

What is it?

Your... your...

It's “Your Majesty”, the first time.

After that, “Ma'am”, as in ham, not Ma'lm as in palm.

I haven't told her about us. Sit down, relax.

I'm told your husband calls my husband Bertie

and my husband calls your husband Lionel.

I trust you won't call me Liz.

Your Majesty, you may call me Mrs Logue, Ma'am. Very nice to meet you, Mrs Logue

- Logue, we can't stay here all day. - Yes we can.

- Logue.. - Look, I need to wait for the opportune moment.

- You're being a coward! - You're damn right.

Get out there, man!

Oh! Hello, Myrtle darling! You're early.

I believe you two have met!

I don't believe you know....King George VI?

It's very nice to meet you

Will their Majesties be staying to dinner?

We would love to, such a treat, but alas...

a previous engagement. What a pity.


Welcome your Majesty.

What a glorious transformation, Sir.

I hope you'll forgive us if we continue our preparations.

Now, allow me to guide you through the ceremony. We begin, of course at the West Door, then into the nave.

I see all your pronouncements are to be broadcast, Archbishop.

Ah, yes, wireless is indeed a Pandora's Box.

I'm afraid I've also had to permit the newsreel cameras.

The product of which I shall personally edit. Without momentary hesitation.

This is Dr. Logue from Harley Street.

He's… my speech therapist.

Your Grace

Had I known Your Majesty was seeking assistance

I would've made my own recommendation.

Dr. Logue will be attending the Coronation. Well of course I shall speak to the Dean,

but it will be extremely difficult.

I should like… the Doctor to be seated in the… King's Box.

But members of your Family will be seated there, Sir. That why it's suitable.

And now, if you don't mind, your grace we need the premises.

My dear fellow, this is Westminster Abbey!

The Church must prepare his Majesty.

My preparations are equally important.

With complete privacy. If you don't mind.

Those are my wishes, Your Grace.

I will place the Abbey at Your Majesty's disposal...this evening.

Your Majesty.

Look, he again. Come on.

I can't believe I'm walking on Chaucer and Handel and Dickens.

Everything alright? Let's get cracking.

I'm not here to rehearse, "Doctor" Logue.

Call me Lionel

True, you ne ver…

called yourself 'Doctor'.I did that for you.

no training, no diploma, no.. qualifications.

Just a great deal of nerve.

the star chamber inquisition, is it?

You asked for trust and.. total equality.

Bertie, I heard you at Wembley,

I was there.

My son L aurie said “Do you think you could help that poor man?”

What, as a failed actor!?

It's true, I'm not a doctor, and yes I acted a bit,

I recited in pubs and taught elocution in schools. When the Great War came, our soldiers were pouring back from the front,

shell-shocked and unable to speak

and somebody said,"Lionel, you're very good at all this speech stuff.

Do you think you could possibly help these poor buggers”.

I did muscle therapy, exercise, relaxation,

but I knew I had to go deeper.

Those poor young blokes had cried out in fear,

and no-one was listening to them.

My job was to give them faith in their voice

and let them know that a friend was listening.

That must ring a few bells with you, Bertie.

You give a very noble account of yourself.

Make inquiries. It's all true.

Inquiries have been made!

You have no idea who I have breathing down my neck.

I vouched for you and you have no…credentials.

But lots of success! I can't show you a certificate there was no training then.

All I know I know by experience,

and that war was some experience”

May plaque says, ‘L.Logue, Speech Defects'.

No Dr., no letters after my name.

Lock me in the Tower.

I would if I could!

On what charge?

Fraud! With war looming,

you've saddle this nation with a voiceless King.

You destroyed the happiness of my family...

all for the sake of ensnaring a star patient

you couldn't possibly hope to assist!

It'll be like mad …King George the Third,

there'll be…Mad King George the Stammerer,

who let his people down so badly in their hour of need What're you doing? Get up! You can't sit there! Get up Why not? It's a chair.

No, it's not, that is… Saint Edward's Chair-

People have carved their name into it!

That chair is the seat on which every King and Queen It's held in place by a large rock!

That is the Stone of Scone,

- you are trivialising everything - I don't care.

I don't care how many Royal arses have sat in this chair-

Listen to me... ! Listen to me... ! Listen to me... !

- Listen to you?! By what right?

My divine right, if you must! I'm your King!!! Noooo you're not! Told me so yourself.

Said you didn't want it. Why should I waste my time listening to you?

Because I have a right to be heard!


Yes you do.

You have such perseverance, Bertie, you're the bravest man I know.

you'll make a bloody good king.

What on earth's going on, Sir?

It's quite all right, Archbishop.

Mr Logue, you should know that I have found a replacement English specialist

with impeccable credentials. Hence, your services will no longer be required.

I'm sorry?

Your Majesty's function is to consult and be advised. You didn't consult, but you've just been advised.

Now I advise you: in this personal matter I will make my own decision.

My concern is for the head upon which I must place the crown.

I appreciate that Archbishop

but it's my head!

Your humble servant.

Thank you Bertie.

Shall we rehearse?

Come on, up on your perch

Now when you and Elizabeth enter through West door,

you'll be greeted with the hymn “I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me.”

You won't actually be that glad,

because they sing it for a great long time.

Then your friend the Archbishop will ponce up the stairs towards you

and say, "Sir, is Your Majesty willing to take The Oath?"

“I am willing”.

Course you are! I'll see what it sounds like from the cheap seats

so even your old nanny can hear.

“Will you govern your peoples of Great Britain, Ireland,

Canada, Australia and New Zealand according to their lands and customs?”

"I solemnly promise so do so."

LOUDER! I can't hear you up the back.


Very good! "Will you to your power cause Law and Justice,

in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will." “I WILL!”

Then a long bit about upholding the faith goes on, rubbish, rubbish

To which you finally say...

“These things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.”

That's all you have to say. Four short responses,

kiss the book and sign the oath.

There you are: you're King.


You nearly crowned him backwards Archbishop! Someone had removed the thread marking the front of the Crown, Sir.

Try not lose the thread, Archbishop.

Archbishop, your missing Papa.

Very good, very good. Archbishop.

Well, I hope Your Majesties are thrilled with the result.

You can switch that machine off now.

No, wait, keeping going.

Do have a seat, Archbishop.


Papa, what's he saying?

I don't know, but he seems to be saying it rather well. Sir, I have asked to see you today in order to tender my resignation as Prime Minister.

I am so sorry to hear that, Mr Baldwin.

Neville Chamberlain will take my place as Prime Minister.

It's a matter of principal. I was mistaken.

I have found it impossible to believe that

there is any man in the World so lacking in moral feeling as Hitler,

but the world might be hurled for a second time into the abyss of destructive War.

Churchill was right all along. This was always Hitler's intention.

I am only sorry to leave you in this great time of crisis.

I am very much afraid Sir,

That your greatest test is yet to come.

I am speaking to you from the cabinet room of Downing Street.(rd,Sep,)

This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government

a final note stating that unless we heard from them by o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland,

a state of war would exist between us.

I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received,

and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.

At last. Sir, here's your speech. You are on air at six. I've timed it to just under nine minutes.

The wording is fully approved.

The Prime Minister will be joining you for the broadcast

which will go out live across to the Nation,

the Empire and to our Armed Forces.

Get Logue here immediately.

there are the barrage balloons.

Yes, they got them up there quickly.

Should we pull over and find shelter?

No, go straight there. We'll be alright.

- Yes sir? - Lionel Logue, Major Harding is expecting me

This is my son Laurie

- Thank you Laurie -Good luck dad

- The King's speech, we have about minutes to the broadcast - Thank you

Thank you very much. Thank you

"There may be dark days ahead,and..."

Try again.

“There may be dark days ahead, andw-... ”

Turn the hesitations into pauses, and say to yourself, “God save the King”.

I say that continually, but apparently no one's listening.

Long pauses are good: they add solemnity to great occasions.

Then I'm the solemnest king who ever lived.

If I am a..King...where is my power?

Can I form a Government,

Can I levy a tax or declare a war?

No! Yet I am the seat of all authority.

Why? Because the Nation believes when I speak,

I speak for them. Yet I cannot speak!

Let's take it all again from the top. "In this grave hour..."

“In this grave hour fuck fuck fuck

perhaps the most fateful in our


Hope i s good th i ng and maybe the best of th i ng. And no good thing ever dies 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 There is something inside,that they can,t get to ‘that they can, t touch .Thas yours. 那是一种内在的东西,他们到达不了,也无法触及,那是你的。 Stup i d i s as stup i d does. 蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。 Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。 It made me look I ike a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 Dea th i s jus t a part of I ife, some thing we1 re al I desti ned to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 I don11 know if we each have a destiny or if we1 re al I just r floating around accidentaI Iy—I ike on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。

《TITANIC泰坦尼克号》 Outwardly, I was everything a we I l-brough t up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming. 外表看,我是个教养良好的小姐,骨子里,我很反叛. There is not hi ng I couldn11 give you, there is not King if you would not deny me. Open you1re heart to I would deny you f me. 如果你不违背我,你要什么我就能给你什么,你要什么都可以?把你的心交给我吧. What the purpose of uni versity is to find a suitable husband. 读大学的目的是找一个好丈夫. Remember, they love money, so just pretend I ike you own a go I dmine and you1re in the club. 只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎 Al I Iife is a game of Iuck. 生活本来就全靠运气。 I Iove waking up in the morning and not knowing what v s going to happen. or who I r m going to meet, where I v m going to wind up. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人,会有什么样的结局。 I figure life is a gift and I don11 intend on wasting it. You never knowwhat hand you1re going to get dealt next. You learn to take I 汗e as itcomes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,


《国王的演讲》优秀观后感范文5篇 国王的演讲观后感范文(一) 看《国王的演讲》这部电影,实在是让我受益匪浅。这是我看了众多部电影以来自认为最精彩的电影。 这部精彩的电影主要讲的是:一位患有口吃的王子放弃了期望,经过一场失败的演讲过后,王子拒绝了治疗。王子的妻子特意给他找了一个偏门的口吃治疗师——莱昂纳尔·罗格医生。用自我特殊的方法把王子给治疗好了,王子有了自信,从此成了口齿凌厉的国王,而莱昂纳尔·罗格医生也与国王成为了最好的朋友。 看完影片后,我静静地坐在椅子上整理着自我的思绪,感觉自我已经完全沉浸在《国王的演讲》当中,不能自拔。其实在很多时候,我们就如影片中的国王一样,总是放弃了对明天的期望,糊涂地浪费了今日。不敢在什么时候,我们都要扬起对新生活的活力。仅有拥有了信心,才能走出生活的低谷。莱昂纳尔·罗格医生就是国王心中的那一束光芒,永久点燃那熊熊热火。 我以往在网上看到过一个新闻,是一个小孩本来学习成绩很好,可由于在考试时太过于紧张,没有信心,所以结果跌了十几名。多可惜啊!从中能够看出,自信心会给一个人带来多大的改变!所以啊,不

管在学习还是在生活当中,我们都应当坚持着一颗平和的心态,平和的心态又来源于自我的信心。仅有这样,我们才能永远欢乐。 拥有自信比什么都重要。——这是《国王的演讲》带给我的道理。 国王的演讲观后感范文(二) 《国王的演讲》是一部历史片,讲述了英国国王乔治六世和他的语言治疗师莱纳尔罗的故事。这个“被国王”的国王,一辈子活在父亲跟哥哥的阴影下,这皇帝患有严重的口吃。国难当头,政局危机,在语言治疗师的帮忙下,一步一步战胜口吃,最终发布了一场令全国人民活力洋溢、热血沸腾的精彩反战演讲。必须说,这个故事本身并不新奇,甚至于能够说,这样的故事,在那些所谓的自诩为“心灵鸡汤”的杂志中,随便就能找到。可这个电影还是胜出了。“电影很励志,人要战胜的始终是自我”,这是大多数媒体对《国王的演讲》的评价。 “惩罚教育”“否定教育”显然是错误的,结果导致的不只是独立人格的残缺,还会引发各种生理疾患。口吃是复杂的语言失调症,与后天因素有很大的关系,各种负面的心理情绪与外部压力,都会加剧症状的恶化,所以首先要纠其病因,要打开心结,治疗心理创伤。这不单单表此刻说话上,我以往见过一个小朋友,他的妈妈责备他学习成绩差,他就会用课本敲打自我的脑子,一敲就是半个小时、一个


怦然心动经典台词 《怦然心动》由罗伯·莱纳执导,演员摩根·莉莉、玛德琳·卡罗尔等主演影片。该片根据文德琳·范·德拉安南的同名原著小说改编,描述了青春期中男孩女孩之间的有趣战争。 朱莉·贝克虔诚地相信三件事:树是圣洁的(特别是她最爱的梧桐树)、她在后院里饲养的鸡生出来的鸡蛋是最卫生的、以及总有一天她会和布莱斯·罗斯基接吻。二年级时在看到布莱斯的蓝眼睛那一瞬间,朱莉的心就被他击中了。不幸的是,布莱斯对她从来没有感觉。而且,他认为朱莉有点怪,怎么会有人把养鸡和坐在树下看成乐趣呢? 没想到,到了八年级,布莱斯开始觉得朱莉不同寻常的兴趣和对于家庭的自豪感使她显得很有魅力。而朱莉则开始觉得布莱斯漂亮的蓝眼睛也许和他本人一样其实很空洞,毕竟,怎么会有人不把别人对树和鸡的感情当回事呢? 《怦然心动》经典台词 A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic. 一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。 The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。 Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my fathers idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart. 有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。在这绚烂的日落景象中,我慢慢领悟了父亲所说的整体胜于局部总和的道理。 Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road. 有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。


㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 4.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。 5.Get busy living or get busy dieing. 要么忙于活着,要么忙于死去。 6.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 7.forget that there are … place … in the world that are not made out of stone, there is something … inside … that they can not get to … that is hope . 不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望. ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福。 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离。 5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢。 6.You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 8.It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。 10.I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂。 11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡 12.To make each day count. 让每一天都有所值。 ㈢《The Lion King狮子王》 1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。 2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。 3. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。


国王的演讲观后感800字 导读:本文是关于国王的演讲观后感800字,希望能帮助到您! 国王的演讲观后感 高一(18)何冠雨 1925年,艾伯特王子——英国国王乔治五世的第二个儿子,被父王要求在伦敦温布利的大英帝国展览会上致闭幕词。相比于大儿子大卫——日后“不爱江山爱美人”的温莎公爵,国王更喜欢艾伯特。可是,艾伯特患有严重的口吃。场内外静静等待着艾伯特的初次亮相。可是,广播里只听得艾伯特的结巴声“……我……有事宣布……,……我承诺……”二十秒吐不出一个词。 这就是影片“国王的演讲”的开头,影片以历史上英国乔治六世战胜口吃成功进行演讲为主题,讲述了一个国王战胜困难的奋斗史。1925年在温布利举行的“大英帝国展览”闭幕演讲,也就是开头的电影情景,站在麦克风面前却说不出一个字,因此当时还是王子的艾伯特因为口吃而让他出尽洋相,自那以后妻子一直帮助丈夫寻找一名出色的语言治疗师,那些语言治疗师更想是捉弄他,影片中有一个情景就是一个语言治疗师让他在嘴里含这十一颗玻璃珠子,在让他读演讲稿。直到他的妻子找到了杰弗利·拉什饰演的澳大利亚出生的一个语言治疗师——莱昂纳尔·罗格。父亲乔治五世于1936年去世后本应该是由当时还未称王的艾伯特的哥哥继位,然而哥哥爱德华八世爱美人不爱江山,选择了

退位,担子落在了并不想成为国王的艾伯特身上,最无奈最尴尬的是乔治六世口吃。在基于历史的情况下,电影围绕乔治六世和语言治疗师罗格之间的友谊以及乔治六世为克服口吃所做的努力展开了描写。 一个新即位的国王克服了他的口吃,这本来会是个十分普通的故事。但是影片抓住了国王因为口吃而对于公开演说中的那种深深的恐惧。到了影片最后国王成功的发表了演讲,鼓舞了人心。整一部影片都给我一种很沉寂的感觉没有一大段一大段的激情,只有出现一小段又归于沉寂,但国王每次的进步都能牵动着我们观众的心情,在刻画国王内心的痛苦及其为战胜缺陷所付出的心血时,演员也是真情流露,这也正是影片动人之处。


电影《怦然心动》经典台词【中英文对照】“有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。”下面是留学为您整理的电影《怦然心动》经典台词中英文对照,希望您喜欢! A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadowby itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic. 一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。 The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。 Somedays the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father ' s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.


电影《国王的演讲》优秀观后感范文5篇 大家有没有观看过电影国王的演讲,那么有没有写过关于国王的演讲的观后感。以下 是小编整理的观后感范文5篇,希望能够分享给大家进行参考。 熬夜在线观看了《国王的演讲》,原因有二:1、这部影片很有可能获本年度的奥斯卡奖;2、这是一部关于口吃的电影。 因为我也是一个口吃者。 记得第一次感到自我说话困难还是在小学五年级的时候。有一天和同学一齐去上学的 路上想说罗瑞卿大将的名字,可是只能说"罗"这一个字,后面的"瑞卿"怎样也说不出来, 于是就不停的"罗…罗…",一向"罗"到了学校门口才讲出来。当时很诧异,搞不明白自我为 什么会这样。 之后的中学、大学好像没有异常口吃的情景,上班之后,情景开始慢慢严重起来了! 尤其是打电话,心中充满了莫名的恐惧。一次在办公室接电话的时候,想说:这个文件打不开,在"打"这个字上突然卡壳了,于是"打"至少说了五六遍,电话那头也不禁笑了出来, 放下电话,巨大羞辱感和自卑将我彻底打垮了,这样的时候数不胜数,如果你不是个口吃者,是无法理解和体会的。 今日,我还是个口吃者,还从事了一个每一天必须打电话的职业,我最初的口吃可能 就是因为害怕打电话引起的,我每次打电话都可能引发严重的口吃,这种左右为难的感觉让我简直到了痛不欲生的地步。 我每一天都在和自我斗争,努力让别人觉察不出我是个口吃者,也许我做的还不错, 相信大多数人都感觉不到我的语言障碍,我只是竭尽所能地掩饰自我罢了。 为什么我要熬夜看完《国王的演讲》呢 做为一个口吃者,没法对这部电影不敏感。我十分震惊,堂堂的日不落帝国的最高领导者竟然是一名严重的口吃者,他的情景比我严重的多,至少我在公众场合下讲话并不口吃,朗读没有什么障碍,看着乔治六世磕磕巴巴的讲话,我从心底里同情他,如果我在现场的话,我也会像英国人民一样,默默低下头去。 应当说,在这部电影里我并没有找到克服口吃的灵丹妙药,但我明白了一点,克服口吃,每个人应当都能够找到适合自我的方法,而没有必要刻意地去模仿。 不是一个口吃者,难以理解口吃带来的困惑,以及克服口吃之后给自我带来的莫大安 慰和自信,社会应当对口吃者宽容一些,更多一些同情和鼓励,做为一个正常人能够想想,在很多情景下,口吃者人生最大的心愿仅仅是能够完整流利的讲一句话而已…。


A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic. 一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。 The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。 Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart. 有时落日泛起紫红的余晖,有时散发出橘红色的火光燃起天边的晚霞。在这绚烂的日落景象中,我慢慢领悟了父亲所说的整体胜于局部总和的道理。 Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road. 有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes. 见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我心动了。他的双眸有种魔力让我如痴如醉。 The next thing I know, he's holding my hand and looking right into my eyes. My heart stopped. Was this it? Would this be my first kiss? 接下来,我所知道的就是,他紧紧握住我的手,与我深情对视。我的心跳停止了。就要来了吗?我的初吻就要来了吗? Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, gossipy, backstabbing flirt. All hair and no substance. And there she was holding hands with Bryce. My Bryce. The one who was walking around with my first kiss. 雪利·斯道尔斯是个絮絮叨叨、阴险毒辣的长舌妇,头发长见识短。可她竟然牵起了布莱斯的手。那可是我的布莱斯!带着我的初吻到处招摇的布莱斯! - And she's been stalking me since the second grade. - Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.


电影国王的演讲观后感范文 看完国王的演讲,我的脑袋一下子冒出三个词语:勇敢、自我、关爱。下面是给大家带来的国王的演讲观后感,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 国王的演讲观后感1 看过《国王的演讲》之后,回味悠长,我看到的不是王,而是一个有点自卑的儿子,一个充满爱心的爸爸,一个很不错的丈夫,一个外表高傲而内心懦懦的挚友,当然最重要的是一个可爱的结巴。 乔治六世,原名阿尔伯特,影片的开始就给出了一次演讲,老国王让阿尔伯特代其发言,这次演讲,我们明白了,阿尔伯特患有严重的口吃,当然,这种口吃也分场合,随后,影片又给出了阿尔伯特的第二次“演讲”,就是让这个可爱的爸爸给自我的两个可爱的女儿讲故事,讲的虽然不怎样流利,可是导演在那里告诉了我们,阿尔伯特口吃的原因是心理上的,不是生理上的。 阿尔伯特排行老二,继承王位的是他的哥哥聪明勇敢的爱德华,在宣布由哥哥继承王位时,爱德华正为情所困觉得当王会很痛苦,还有些不情愿;而阿尔伯特在内心感到的是解脱,国王对这个结巴来说,实在是太难做了。包括妻子伊丽莎白也都松了口

气:老公最终没有当上国王。影片中伊丽莎白说道婚前几次没有答应阿尔伯特的求婚就是怕他当国王,大家不要以为是影片人物的做作,在真实的历史中,她几次拒绝阿尔伯特的追求,真因为此。影片中的两位王子在继位的问题上,首先研究到的不是至高无上的权力,而是先从自我的需求研究,很让我惊讶。在中国的历史上,皇子都不想当王的情景,好像是没有的,而大多的情景是,如果哥哥当了王,皇弟们首先想到的是怎样弄死他让自我取而代之;当王的哥哥上台后,第一件事要做的是把皇弟们全干掉,免留后患;更甚至,皇父还没死,皇子等不及,先把皇父弑掉的事也多的去了。 伊丽莎白是个伟大的妻子,为了丈夫的口吃病,四处求医,在生活上、精神上给予了阿尔伯特最给力的支持。伊丽莎白找到了莱奥,这是一个把莎士比亚戏剧台词倒背如流以往在澳大利亚一座小城市做一名小剧员此刻没有行医资格的口吃矫正师。莱奥的强大,是其精神的强大,他使得阿尔伯特放下王室的架子,来其简陋的住所进行治疗,要明白,为了治病,一个寻常江湖医生要叩开王子的心门是多么的不易,他做到了,阿尔伯特成为他的挚友,并在他的帮忙下战胜了自我,最终发表了一次抑扬顿挫的成功的战时演讲。影片把阿尔伯特淡淡的惆怅,及两个男人之间难得的友谊,表现的淋漓尽致。影片中乔治六世的扮演者科林·费斯演的可谓惟妙惟肖,每一次乔治结巴的演讲,除了让影片中观


国王的演讲观后感精选范文5篇 “相信自己,克服心中的恐惧,你便能战胜自己,到达成功的彼岸!”这是我从电影《国王的演讲》中得到的最深体会,下面给大家整理国王的演讲观后感精选范文5篇,希望你们能够喜欢 国王的演讲观后感1 和影片的片名一样,《国王的演讲》一开始给人的感觉是波澜不惊,和好莱坞大片的气质相去甚远,与去年奥斯卡最佳影片《拆弹部队》对现代战争背景下的人性思考也十分不同。但波澜不惊决不是清汤寡水,《国王的演讲》仿佛一出内敛而精致的戏剧,在低调中酝酿出深厚,在深厚中铺展出令人动容的力量。 影片的故事情节非常简单,取材于真实的历史事件。英国国王乔治六世从小患有严重的口吃,最后,在莱昂纳尔的治疗下,终于克服口齿,发表了振奋人心的演讲。这个简单朴实的故事之所以会产生那么大的戏剧张力,首先就是因为细小的事情发生在了重大的历史人物和历史事件身上。时值二战,作为一国之象征的国王,需要发表演讲来凝聚人心。在这样的背景下,口吃治疗就变得尤为重要,细小的事情变得兹事体大。国王能否被治好口吃,成为整部影片最大的戏剧张力,一直到最后,在莱昂纳尔的”指挥”下,乔治六世终于完整进行了战前演讲,观众才会舒一口气。影片的张力还来自于国王和治疗师本身,这是两个身份差距很大的人,一个是国王,一个只是普通的治疗师,国

王的性格不仅内向,还容易愤怒,总有居高临下的气势。这种因为身份差异带来的个性碰撞也成为影片的亮点。治疗师莱昂纳尔的角色在这个碰撞过程中显得尤为出彩,他并没有因为治疗对象是国王而卑躬屈膝,他要求国王打破常规,到自己简陋的治疗室来接受治疗,一副”我的地盘听我的”的架势,他用自己不卑不亢的耐心和诚恳,最终打开了国王坚固的心扉,找到了国王幼年的心理阴影。他甚至故意激怒国王,让国王流利地说出骂人的话。而正是这种不卑不亢的真诚交流,让莱昂纳尔获得了尊重,国王也把他当成了一生的好友。与此同时,影片对国王的描述,也是用的一种平视的镜头,国王虽然有着崇高的地位,但同时有着普通人的缺点,影片把乔治六世饱受口吃之苦的情状展现得淋漓尽致。在别人以为当众说话是一件很容易的事情,在乔治六世那里,却是一件艰难无比的事情。在这个意义上,《国王的演讲》也是一部励志片,而且因为是国王克服内心困境的努力,励志的力量就显得更大。当国王在麦克风前憋得满脸通红,痛苦万分,但终于完整做完演讲,影片的励志力量也让人生出了绵长的感动。网上有人建议陈凯歌导演看看这部影片,这个建议真是恰当得很。一拍国王,我们总是忍不住宏大叙事,但《国王的演讲》却在一个普通和细微的故事中,拍出了深厚、浩渺的意味,奥斯卡的评委们肯定明白,感动人心的力量不一定个来自于宏大的命题,国王的口吃,同样能让人思索良多。 国王的演讲观后感2 那一天,就在我看完《国王的演讲》的那一天,我打开搜索引擎在


看国王的演讲观后感范文(9篇) 国王的演讲观后感(一): 《国王的演讲》讲了英国国王乔治六世(GeeVI)和他的语言治疗师莱纳尔罗格(LionelLogue)的故事。乔治六世就是那位为了美人而放下江山的爱德华八世国王的弟弟。二战前夕,希特勒野心勃勃,风流成行的爱德华为了娶辛普森夫人弃国家于不顾,政府威胁群众辞职,爱德华退位。于是乔治六世(约克公爵艾伯特王子)十分不情愿地被推上了国王的宝座。但是乔治六世半辈子一向活在父亲与哥哥的阴影下,还有很严重的口吃,发表讲话时十分吃力,却无法逃离公共人物的命运。幸运的是,贤惠的王后伊丽莎白经人说,为丈夫找到一位与众不一样的语言治疗师莱罗格。透过一系列的训练,国王的口吃大为好转,与罗格两人也成为了一辈子的好友。二战爆发之际,乔治六世成功发表了那篇著名的圣诞讲话,鼓舞了当时二战中的英国军民。 看完了《国王的演讲》这部电影,颇有感触,我想从三个方面谈一谈我的观感。 第一个方面,我想探讨一下国王口吃的原因。这部电影中没有讲述乔治六世的成长经历,也没有分析乔治口吃的成因。但是从电影中的一个场景可见一斑。老国王去世的当天,乔治和语言治疗师谈话,提到自己今后的打算,说道:父王对自己还是比较赏识的,但是母亲对自己不好,很恨她,还说君子报仇十年不晚之类的话,可见母亲对乔治的不公正待遇是刻骨铭心的,这给乔治幼小的心灵留下了创伤和阴影,这可能就是乔治口吃的主要原因。第二个方面,我想谈一谈这部影片中所展示的矫正口吃的方法。我注意到有以下几个方法。 1、录音。乔治第一次去见矫正师的时候,情绪很低落,也很绝望,认为自己说每一句话都很困难。当他第一次听到自己的录音时,发现原来自己也能流利地讲出一句话。这对乔治增强说话的信心很重要。 2、呼吸和发声训练。当乔治躺在地毯上,矫正师把手放在乔治的小腹上,乔治一吸一呼,矫正师的手一齐一伏。其实,这是在练习腹式呼吸。乔治站在窗前,大声发“a”,引得邻居把窗户关上。这是在练习以气推声。


国王的演讲影评(精选8篇) 国王的演讲影评国王的演讲影评精选(一): 《国王的演讲》:需要战胜的是自我的心魔 分了两次完整的看了《国王的演讲》,实话说,第一感受是还好!奥斯卡似乎对这种关注弱势群体(口吃姑且也算此类吧)的电影一向比较偏爱。《雨人》、《阿甘正传》等等都属此帮。 虽然本片的题材本身是具备吸引力的——国王的跟平民一样的成长苦恼以及战胜自我的传奇经历,几乎可看作是国王版的《阿甘正传》。然而本片过于平铺直叙的单行线性叙事形态,一开篇就很可能会让观众失去探索性观看下去的兴趣——接下来肯定是国王会继续失态,结尾肯定是在怪医帮忙下战胜口吃!事实上,看过影片只是证实了上述的推论罢了。当然,这是一部英国电影,自然与好莱坞的商业片叙事路子有些刻意的不一样了。 片中还鲜见的以辅线方式展示了大家比较关注的“不爱江山爱美人”,卸任时发表“如果没有我心爱女人的支持,我无法承担如此重任,也无法如我所愿的履行好作为国王的义务”的温莎公爵,还透过其他人的口道出“离过两次婚,还脚踏两只船”的“美人”以前“上海学艺”的民间传闻,满足了普通观众的八卦需要。

本片最值得肯定的是几位主要演员的表演(也包括王后、丘吉尔等),松弛而自然,深沉而内敛,很有说服力。 国王的演讲影评精选(二): 《国王的演讲》:影帝的力量是无穷的 安静稳重的《国王的演讲》最后成功地阻击了人气更高的《社交网络》,问鼎奥斯卡,获得最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳原创剧本四项大奖,当真可喜可贺,除此之外我还有一点“落井下石”般的私心——它最后干掉了我不喜欢的《社交网络》——请原谅,这完全是出于一个普通影迷的情感好恶,与其它无关。去年的奥斯卡把最佳影片授予了《拆弹部队》,而这部电影恰恰是那十部提名电影中最令我生厌的一部电影,我很欣赏它的摄影和剪辑,但却永远无法认同该片的思想资料。可见作为一个有重要影响的电影颁奖机构,奥斯卡永远不会代表所有人的意愿,而这也恰恰是它好玩的地方,去年我对奥斯卡呲之以鼻,今年我忽然觉得奥斯卡“善解人意”了。在必须程度上,奥斯卡已经成为全世界影迷共同聚首的一次无边界盛会,这就是它的魅力所在。 撇开奥斯卡评委会里那帮老学究的口味不管,作为一个影迷,对于《国王的演讲》所获得的四个奖项中,我最无异议就是最佳男主角,这是当之无愧的,在本届奥斯卡所有的提名电影中哪一个男人的表演能货真价实地超越科林。费斯?


怦然心动的经典台词 《怦然心动》是由罗伯;莱纳执导,玛德琳;卡罗尔、卡兰;麦克奥利菲主演影片,你知道有哪些经典台词吗?现在请欣赏带来的怦然心动经典台词吧! 1. 我到底是怕伤害她的感情,还是害怕她呢? 2. 这不是我送你的鸡蛋吗?是啊,我不小心掉地上了。可它们没有摔坏啊,你扔了干嘛? 3. 我的外公,在我的印象里都是一双拖鞋走天下,哪来的靴子啊? 4. 一旦坏习惯养成,就很难改了。 5. 事关诚信,有些时候长痛不如短痛。 6. 她爱着父亲,爱他的坚强和善良的心。 7. 我想为了取悦朱莉穿的帅气一点,但是又不想让她发现是为了她才精心打扮的,掌握这个尺度可是个技术活,很难把握的尺度。 8. 我感觉自己坚强,一切尽在掌握中。 9. 那是……我根本不必问,从树叶的形状,树干的纹路就能看得出,那是棵梧桐树。 10. 有些人浅薄,有些人金玉其外而……败絮其中,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已。

11. 美色当前,忠义让步。 12. 然后他就抓住我的手,注视着我,我的心跳停止,这就是了吧!这会是我的初吻吧? 13. 雪莉就是个无病呻吟的长舌妇,两面三刀的淫娃。头发长见识短。 14. 我相信他会看到雪莉的浅薄。 15. 我妈说外公经常发呆是因为想念外婆。外公可不会和我说一些推心置腹的话。事实上,他在我面前总是沉默寡言。 16. “来聊聊你的朋友朱莉”“朱莉其实算不上我的朋友”“为什么这么说”“这个人一言难尽”。 17. 朱莉登上报纸可不是因为她是什么科学天才,是因为她赖在一颗愚蠢的梧桐树上不肯下来。她自认为那是上帝赐予我们的礼物。 18. 没有什么风景比我女儿的安全更重要。是时候该下来了,迟早的。 19. 那幅画是我每天清晨醒来看到的第一个事物……也是我每天睡前看到的最后一件事物……当我不在面对画落泪时,我看到的不在仅仅是一颗树。我开始懂了那树上的那些时光对我的意义。 20. 起初只是偷偷摸摸仍蛋的行动,结果却变成了一项充斥谎言和背叛的长期任务。 《怦然心动》电影介绍:《怦然心动》是由罗伯;莱纳执导,玛德琳;卡罗尔、卡兰;麦克奥利菲主演影片。


《国王的演讲》是一部历史片,讲述了英国国王乔治六世和他的语言治疗师莱纳尔罗的故事。那么,下面是给大家分享的《国王的演讲》观后感,希望大家喜欢。 今天晚上,我组织全班同学在学校阶梯教室观看了励志电影《国王的演讲》。 电影《国王的演讲》傲视群雄,以14项提名领跑今年的第83届奥斯卡金像奖,压倒此前呼声甚高的《社交络》和《盗梦空间》等电影。最后,安静稳重的《国王的演讲》终于成功地阻击了人气更高的《社交络》,问鼎奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角和最佳剧本四项大奖。 电影讲述的是一个真实故事,故事情节很简单。 艾伯特公爵因患口吃,无法在公众面前发表演讲,这令他接连在大型仪式上丢丑。贤惠妻子伊丽莎白为了帮助丈夫,到处寻访名医,但是传统的方法总不奏效。一次偶然的机会,她慕名来到了语言治疗师莱纳尔罗格的宅邸,传说他的方式与众不同。虽然公爵对罗格稀奇古怪的招法并不感兴趣,首次诊疗也不欢而散。但是,公爵发现在聆听音乐时自己朗读莎翁竟然十分流利。这让他开始信任罗格,配合治疗,慢慢克服着心理的障碍。乔治五世驾崩,爱德华八世继承王位,却为了迎娶寡妇辛普森夫人不惜退位于弟弟。患口吃的艾伯特临危受命,成为了乔治六世。他面临的最大挑战就是如何在二战前发表鼓舞人心的演讲。 这是一部美丽的电影,它是一件艺术品。电影里没有视效,没有美女,没有硬汉,没有华服,没有恢弘的气势,更没有火爆的动作场面。画面镜头,仿佛夜半时分盛开的昙花,明明安静而没有高潮,每一秒每一分却是映入你的眼帘,扣入你的胸膛。 这是一个大人物通过努力取得成功的故事,却让看过电影的不少小人物产生了共鸣,很多幽默诙谐的台词让学生们一直在发笑。作为励志片,它没有我们期待的那么激励人心,没有太多的艰辛努力催人奋进,但我们在片中看到了很多关于友情和友爱的表达,看到了作品对人物内心世界最真实的刻画和和心灵历程变化最生动的描写。以人为本,以人性为本,便是《国王的演讲》成功的关键。 面对当今的激烈竞争,只要你努力,没有你做不到的事情。人生最大的敌人,就是你自己。国王也是人,我们人人都可以胜过国王。 面对紧张的学习,我们能有时间静下心来看一场热门的电影,学生们可能会终身难忘。今天看完了电影,也有任务。每位同学写一篇读后感,字数不限;然后在语文学习小组内交流,最后由一位同学听取小组内其他同学的意见,汇总后写一篇读后感在教室内张贴并评选出优秀作品奖。 放暑假前,语文老师告诉我们,获得第八十三届奥斯卡众多奖项的《国王的演讲》有着很深的教育意义。今天我怀着无比好奇的心情将这部影片看完了。看完后我心里久久不能平静…… 《国王的演讲》这部影片讲述了艾伯特——英国国王乔治五世的二儿子。艾伯特患有严重的口吃,所以他每次演讲,大家都只能听到他的结巴声。他的妻子为了他,千辛万苦找到


好的电影台词,如诗,如歌。是多年前看过的一出戏,记不得男女主人公的名姓,但那句话,却深印在脑海里挥之不去。《肖申克的救赎》、《阿甘正传》、《狮子王》、《乱世佳人》、《泰坦尼克号》、《西雅图不眠夜》六部经典老电影,带给你别样的人生感悟。 Shawshank Redemption《肖申克的救赎》:自由 1.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 译文:坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人 2.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. 译文:希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝. 3.some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright... 译文:有的鸟是不会被关住的,因为它们的羽毛太美丽了!

4.I find I’m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope. 译文:我发现自己是如此的激动,以至于不能静静地坐下来思考。我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱的激动心情。我希望跨越千山万水握住朋友的手,我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中的一样蓝:我希望…… 5.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. 译文:懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 6.Prison life consists of routine, and then mort routine. 译文:监狱生活充满了一段又一段的例行公事。 7.These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get u sed to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized. 译文:监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。这就是体制化。


国王的演讲英文观后感 篇一:国王的演讲英文>观后感 This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate. Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced. This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted. The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent. The dry British wit is hilarious. I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes. Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie. The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause. (Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI. I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie. He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A. It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king's struggle. Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it. He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permission. She agreed but told him 'not in my lifetime'. Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years. Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue's grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director. They got access to Lionel's diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script. This movie is an unqualified must see.

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