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Life-Casting, Can We Call It Art?




Multitasking Debate



Save Endangered Language



Roller Coaster

chain/loop/gear/simple motor/ice/waxed slides/melt/wheels/coal/steam engine


Mammoth Kill

Hunting / overkill model / disease / empirical evidence / climatic

instability / geographical ranges(原文在题目上少留了一个空,在reduced的后面,答案就是这个词) / Younger Dryas event / A / B / A / B / B / C

The Fruit Book


fruit/fibre/uxi/unpredictable/piquia/subsistence/commercial potential/NTFPs(or non-timber forest products)

Alfred Nobel


Sobrero/gunpowder/Stockholm/detonator/pneumaticdrill/ cost

The History of Automobiles


internal combustion(engine)/status/93 minutes(or 1 hour 33 minutes)/(polluting)gas-guzzler/the oil crisis/fuel efficiency(or power)/fuels







Children’s Literature




Origin of Species and Continent Formation


migrated/withering skin/tectonic pates/dispersalism/vicarisanism

Memory and Age


memory-notorious/psychological/semantic memory/episodic memory/algebra/vocabulary


Bright Children



Going Bananas

10,000(or ten thousan)/South-East Asia/hard seeds


Tulip Bubble Burts in Holland



fighting/commerce/flower gardens/flower lovers

Longaeva: Ancient Bristlrcone Pine

H /B /C /A /D /A /C

Energy/stratification/(bands of)bark/(dry mountain)air/ground cover/distance

Going Nowhere Fast New Transport




Biology of Bitterness


naringi/poisonous/supertasters/tatse buds


California’s Age of Megafires

spread/rain/fire seasons/climate change/10 times/(primary) fuel/C/B/D/TRUE/NOT GIVEN/TRUE/FALSE

What Do Babies Know




What Dreams Are Made of



雅思阅读模拟试题:音乐 Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shop and restaurants in the US. But it soon spread to other arts of the world. Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music. To begin with, “ muzak ” (音乐广播网) was intended simply to create a soothing (安慰) atmosphere. Recently, however, it’s become big business –thanks in part to recent research. Dr. Ronald Milliman, an American marketing expert, has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third. But, it has to be light music. A fast one has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 38%. This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they like to buy. Yet, slow music isn’t always answered. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0813068948.html,liman found, for example, that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced overall sales. So restaurants owners might be well advised to play up-tempo music to keep the customers moving – unless of course, the resulting indigestion leads to complaints! ( )1. The reason why background music is so popular is that ______. A. it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it B. it can help to create a soothing atmosphere C. it can boost sales or increase factory production everywhere D. it can make customers eat their meals quickly ( )2. Background music means ________. A. light music that customers enjoy most B. fast music that makes people move fast C. slow music that can make customers enjoy their meals D. the music you are listening to while you are doing something ( )3. Restaurant owners complain about background music because ______. A. it results in indigestion B. it increases their sales C. it keeps customers moving D. it decreases their sales ( )4. The word “ up-tempo music” probably means_____. A.slow music B.fast music C.light music D.classical music


2019年雅思阅读模拟试题:流程图题(1) BAKELITE The birth of modern plastics In 1907, Leo Hendrick Baekeland, a Belgian scientist working in New York, discovered and patented a revolutionary new synthetic material. His invention, which he named 'Bakelite,’was of enormous technological importance, and effectively launched the modern plastics industry. The term 'plastic' comes from the Greek plassein, meaning 'to mould'. Some plastics are derived from natural sources, some are semi-synthetic (the result of chemical action on a natural substance), and some are entirely synthetic, that is, chemically engineered from the constituents of coal or oil. Some are 'thermoplastic', which means that, like candlewax, they melt when heated and can then be reshaped. Others are 'thermosetting': like eggs, they cannot revert to their original viscous state, and their shape is thus fixed for ever. Bakelite had the distinction of being the first totally synthetic thermosetting plastic. The history of today's plastics begins with the discovery of a series of semi-synthetic thermoplastic materials in the mid-nineteenth century. The impetus behind the development of these early plastics was generated by a number of factors—immense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supplies of 'luxury' materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory.


2019年雅思阅读模拟试题:流程图题(2) The Search for the Anti-aging Pill In government laboratories and elsewhere, scientists are seeking a drug able to prolong life and youthful vigor. Studies of caloric restriction are showing the way As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging - the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we grow older. But one intervention, consumption of a low-calorie*yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health. Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay aging and increase longevity in humans, too. Unfortunately, for maximum benefit, people would probably have to reduce their caloric intake by roughly thirty per cent, equivalent to dropping from 2,500 calories a day to 1,750. Few mortals could stick to that harsh a regimen, especially for years on end. But what if someone could create a pill that mimicked the physiological effects of eating less without actually forcing people to eat less? Could such a 'caloric-restriction mimetic', as we call it, enable people to stay healthy longer, postponing age-related disorders (such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and cancer) until very late in life? Scientists first posed this question in the mid-1990s, after researchers came upon a chemical agent that in rodents seemed to reproduce many of caloric restriction's benefits. No compound that would safely achieve


医学检验远秋网三基题库 质量管理 一、单选题[A1/A2](每题只有一个正确答案,共19道题) 1、统计学中用来描述数值变量集中趋势的指标是: A A、平均数 B、标准差 C、方差 D、变异系数 2、某生化指标在人群中呈正态分布,制定其参考区间常用: B A、±s B、X±1.96s C、X±2.58s D、取百分位数法第5%和第95%百分位的数值 3、Levey—Jennings质控图中警告线一般设为: B A、X±S线 B、X±2s线 C、X±3s线 D、X±4s线 4、一个用于确定诊断的方法最希望有: B A、高灵敏度 B、高特异性 C、重复性好 D、准确度高 5、在某次临床化学室间质评活动中,对于5个不同批号的结果,其中有一个批号结果超过规定的范围,其得分应为: A A、80% B、100% C、60% D、90% 6、室内质控图制作的关键是选择: D A、标准差 B、质控血清 C、试剂盒 D、控制限 7、医学决定水平能为病人诊断、治疗和预后: B A、提供参考依据 B、提供决定性依据 C、不能提供依据 D、以上都不是 8、重复性试验是考查检测方法的: A A、随机误差 B、过失误差 C、方法学误差 D、系统误差 9、对一检测系统做灵敏度实验时需要以下样品: C A、空白样品和质控品 B、质控品和校准品 C、校准品和检测限样品 D、空白样品和检测限样品 10、记录室内质控结果时应该:C A、只记录在控结果 B、只记录失控结果 C、记录所有结果 D、每天观察不用记录 11、L-J室内质控图中X±2s表示: A A、质控结果在此范围内的可能性为95.5% B、质控结果在此范围内的可能性为99% C、质控结果在此范围内的可能性为99.7% D、质控结果在此范围内的可能性为68.2% 12、对同一分析项目,连续两次活动或连续三次中的两次活动未能达到满意的成绩则称为: D A、不满意的EQA成绩 B、不满意但成功的EQA成绩 C、成功的EQA成绩 D、不成功的EQA成绩 13、室内质控中最初求取均值的样本,测定次数不应少于: B A、10次 B、20次 C、50次 D、100次 14、对同一样品进行重复检测,所得结果: B A、差别越小,精密度越低 B、差别越小,精密度越高 C、差别越小,准确度越高 D、差别越小,准确度越低 15、反复测定样品中某物质的结果很接近于真值,说明所采用的测定方法:A A、准确度高 B、精密度高 C、灵敏度高 D、实用性强 16、一血液样品在甲医院测得血糖结果在正常范围,乙医院测得结果异常,后经核查,乙医院所用标准液已变质,这种误差属于: A A、系统误差 B、偶然误差 C、允许误差 D、随机误差 17、假定尿素在常规实验室20天测定的质控结果的均数为6.5 mmol/L,标准差为0.45 mmol/L~第一个月在控数据的平均数为6.3 mmol/L,标准差为0.20 mmol/L;累积数据计算的平均数为6.4 mmol /L,标准差为0.30 mmol/L。您认为第二个月的室内质控图,应采用的均值和标准差为: B A、6.5 mmol/L和0.45 mmol/L B、6.4 mmol/L和0.30 mmol/L C、6.3 mmol/L和0.20 mmol/L D、6.4 mmol/L和0.45 mmol/L 18、一般认为用于过筛实验的分析方法希望有: A


雅思阅读判断题应该怎么做 雅思阅读中比较让人苦恼的问题就是判断题,哪怕是久经考场的同学,对于雅思判断题也不能保证高的答对率。接下来就请跟着新通教育小编来一起学习雅思阅读判断题的答题技巧。 判断题分为两种形式:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN;YES/NO/NOT GIVEN。尽管表现形式不同,前者考信息,后者考观点,但是我们在进行判断的时候实质是一致的。 TRUE=YES=agree=一致;FALSE=NO=contradict=不一致=抵触; NOT GIVEN=if there is no information on this (未提及型);NOT GIVEN=if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (证据不足型); 雅思考试判断题的考点其实是有规律可循的,在定位好的前提下,需要熟悉判断题中的考点,以快速找到问题之所在,进行判断。一般来说,一道判断题通常考查一或两个考点,常考的考点为: 1.是非考点 2.数字考点 3.绝对考点 4.比较考点 做题步骤: 1、勾题目要求 1

2、勾定位词、考点词 3、两题一组、扫读全文、查找定位词考点词 4、与题干判断 判断题特点: 1、判断题是顺序题 2、同时定位两题 3、True 、False、Not Given百分百出现 4、True 42% False 38% Not Given 20% 区分定位词与考点词: 1)考点词仅在判断题中出现,定位词在每种题型中都有 2)考点词是考官出题点所在位置 3)定位词是主题,先主题后考点,找准两者即可 更多问题请关注新通教育官网。 一、考点词 1、是非考点词:be /can后面的部分 The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves. 定位词:parents 考点词:successful 2、表程度:only 、all Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy. 2



雅思阅读模拟试题精选 1. Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils — all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike —vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA. 2. Instead, excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves, and freezing samples as they are found, dirt and all, concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today. 3. Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA, Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris, France, and her colleagues have now shown just how important conservation practices can be. This information, they say, needs to be hammered home among the


Time to cool it 1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then they have not needed to. They are based on a robust and effective idea--draw heat from the thing you want to cool by evaporating a liquid next to it, and then dump that heat by pumping the vapour elsewhere and condensing it. This method of pumping heat from one place to another served mankind well when refrigerators' main jobs were preserving food and, as air conditioners, cooling buildings. Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration. Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something to replace them. 2 One set of candidates are known as paraelectric materials. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current. This effect is used in infra-red cameras. An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by, for example, a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image. But until recently no one had bothered much with the inverse of this process. That inverse exists, however. Apply an appropriate current to a paraelectric material and it will cool down. 3 Someone who is looking at this inverse effect is Alex Mischenko, of Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than any previously recorded. That may be enough to change the phenomenon from a laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications. 4 As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a little hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them. He foresees putting his discovery to use in more efficient domestic fridges and air conditioners. The real money, though, may be in cooling computers. 5 Gadgets containing microprocessors have been getting hotter for a long time. One consequence of Moore's Law, which describes the doubling of the number of transistors on a chip every 18 months, is that the amount of heat produced doubles as well. In fact, it more than doubles, because besides increasing in number,the components are getting faster. Heat is released every time a logical operation is performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is, the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples the heat output. And the frequency has doubled a lot. The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore's company,Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second. The Pentium 4--the last "single-core" desktop processor--clocked up 3.2 billion cycles a second. 6 Disposing of this heat is a big obstruction to further miniaturisation and higher speeds. The innards of a desktop computer commonly hit 80℃. At 85℃, they


内分泌 1.正常成人甲状腺重量约 A:10~20g B:20~30g C:30~40g D:40~50g E:50~60g 答案:B 2.甲亢性心脏病中,最常见的心律失常是 A:室上性心动过速 B:室性早搏 C:房室交界性早搏 D:心房颤动 E:心房扑动 答案:D 3.以下治疗甲状腺危象的方案中,哪一种最完善? A:抗甲状腺药物,强心药,镇静剂,抗生素 B:抗甲状腺药物,强心药,镇静剂,β-受体阻滞剂 C:大剂量抗甲状腺药物,糖皮质激素,镇静剂 D:大剂量丙基硫痒嘧啶,大量复方碘溶液,糖皮质激素,β-受体阻滞剂 E:大剂量复方碘溶液,糖皮质激素,β-受体阻滞剂,强心药答案:D 4.关于周期性麻痹的论述,下列哪一点是正确的 A:发作时血钾一定是低的 B:发作时肌细胞内钾离子正常,而血清钾低 C:发作时肌细胞内钾低,血清钾正常 D:甲亢合并本症时,尿钾增高 E:甲亢合并本症时肌细胞内钾高,血清钾低 答案:E 5.甲状腺素是指 A:一碘酪氨酸(MIT) B:二碘酪氨酸(DIT) C:3,5,3’-三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3) D:3,3’,5’-三碘甲腺原氨酸(反T3) E:四碘甲腺原氨酸(T4) 答案:E 6.抗甲状腺药物的副作用中最常见的是 A:药疹 B:药物热 C:肝功能损害 D:白细胞减少 E:粒细胞缺乏 答案:D

7.下列哪种甲亢患者适宜碘131治疗 A:妊娠、哺乳期妇女 B:18岁,女性病人 C:50岁,男性,出现心房颤动 D:重度浸润性突眼 E:用海藻、昆布等中药治疗无效者 答案:C 8.甲亢性心脏病中,以下描写哪一点最具诊断价值 A:必须有甲亢临床表现 B:心率增快,常有心房颤动 C:可有心绞痛 D:必须甲状腺功能增高 E:甲亢控制后心房颤动消失 答案:E 9.硫脲类药物治疗毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿的主要机制是 A:抑制甲状腺摄碘 B:抑制甲状腺结合球蛋白的分解 C:抑制促甲状腺激素与甲状腺细胞上受体的结合 D:抑制T4转变为T3 E:抑制甲状腺内酪氨酸碘化及碘化酪氨酸的偶联 答案:E 10.某妊娠妇女,伴较明显的交感神经兴奋症状,疑为甲亢,其可行的、最有诊断意义的检 查项目为 A:T3,T4 B:FT3,FT4 C:TSH D:甲状腺微粒体抗体 E:I131甲状腺摄取率 答案:B 11.毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿时,其检验结果应是 A:TRH升高 B:TSH升高 C:TSH升高,TSAb阳性 D:TSAb阴性 E:TSAb阳性,TSH下降 答案:E 12.一门诊病人,经甲状腺功能检查,证实为轻度毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿,甲状腺Ⅱ度肿大, 无杂音,无突眼,其最佳治疗方案为 A:抗甲状腺药物 B:甲状腺次全切除 C:碘131 D:β-受体阻滞剂 E:大剂量镇静剂 答案:A


雅思考试全题模拟试题(1) Listening TIME ALLOWED: 30 minutes NUMBER OF QUESTION: 40 Instruction You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check you work. All the recordings will be played ONCE only. The test is in four sections. Write your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Now turn to Section 1 on page 2. SECTION 1 Question1-9 Question 1-6 Listen to conversation between friend and the housing officer and complete the list below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer. HOUSING LIST HOUSING LIST Address Number of rooms Price per week Additional information Mr. J Devenport 82Salisbury Road Brighton BN 16 3 AN Tel 01273 884673 2 bedrooms sitting room kit. bath Example £120 Unfurnished Mrs E.S. Jarvis2Wicken Street Brighton BN 15 4JH Tel 01273 771621 (1) sitting room kit.bath (2) First floor Mrs. E.C. Sparshott 180Silwood Road Brighton BN 14 9RY Tel (3) 2 large rm/s shared kit and bath £35 Nice area (4) Mr A Nasiry 164 Preston Road Brighton BN5 7RT Tel 01273 703865 large bedroom sitting room with kitchenette.bath. (5) Ground floor Central (6) 2 harrow Road Brighton BN9 9HK Tel 01273 745621 2 large rooms kit bath £86 No pets Questions 7-9 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer 7.When is the accommodation available? 8.Where is the telephone? 9.How is the flat heated? SECTION 2 Questions 10-20


精心整理 盐龙街道社区卫生服务中心 三基三严内科试题 (第二季度) 姓名:得分: 一、1.A.2A.D.3A.休克4、.A.5A.D.6、糖尿病最常见的神经病变是 A.周围神经病变D.神经根病变C.自主神经病变D.脊髓病变E.脑神经病变7、尿毒症伴高血钾时,最有效的治疗方法是 A.输入小苏打D.输入钙剂C.输入高渗葡萄糖加胰岛素 D.血液透析 E.口服钠型阳离子交换树脂

8.、下列哪项属于甲类传染病 A.狂犬病 B.麻疹 C.肺结核 D.麻风病 E.霍乱 9、世界卫生组织规定的高血压标准是 A.血压≥160/95mmHg B.血压≥140/90mmHg C.血压≥160/90mmHg D.血压≥160/105mmHg E.血压≥128/90mmHg 10 A. D. 11. A. 12 A. D. 13、. A. E.失血 14、. A. D. 15、.甲亢治疗方法中,哪种最易引起甲状腺功能减退 A.甲硫氧嘧啶 B.他巴唑 C.放射性碘131 D.手术切除甲状腺 E.中药治疗 16、糖尿病膳食治疗的目的中,下列哪项是错误的 A.调整膳食中糖的供给量 B.减轻胰岛细胞的负担 C.纠正糖代谢紊乱 D.降低血糖 E.消除症状

17、.下列哪项不是心绞痛的疼痛特点 A.阵发性前胸、胸骨后部痛 B.劳动或情绪激动时易发作 C.可放射至心前区与左上肢 D.胸痛一般持续3~5分钟 E.多数患者伴有心律不齐 18、下列哪项不是右心衰的临床表现 A.颈静脉充盈或怒张 B.肝脏肿大和压痛 C.周围型发绀 D. 19 A. D. 20 A.软食 21、. A. D. 22. A. 23、. A. D.进食一缓解一疼痛 E.进食一疼痛一缓解 24、下列哪项不是白血病的临床表现 A.发热 B.出血 C.血糖降低 D.贫血 E.器官浸润 25、目前糖尿病主要死亡原因是 A.心血管并发症 B.糖尿病酮症酸中毒昏迷 C.神经病变


一、判断正误题,(正确的用字母“A”表示,错误的用字母“B”表示。每小 题1分,共计20分。其他答题形式不得分) ( A )1. Excel 2000 中的工作簿是工作表的集合。 ( B )2. 在Windows 的资源管理器中不能查看磁盘的剩余空间。 ( A )3. 在用Word编辑文本时,若要删除文本区中某段文本的内容,可选取该段文本,再按Delete键。 ( A )4. Excel是一种表格式数据综合管理与分析系统。 ( B )5. 在Excel中,图表一旦建立,其标题的字体、字形是不可改变的。( B )6. “写字板”中没有插入/改写状态,它只能以插入方式来输入文字。( B )7. 在汉字系统中,我国国标汉字一律是按拼音顺序排列的。 ( A )8. 大小为3.5英寸的软盘,其一个角上设有写保护口。当滑动保护片将其盖住时,软盘就被写保护了。 ( B )9. (WORD文字处理)WORD进行打印预览时,只能一页一页的看。 ( A )10. 在Excel 2000 中进行单元格复制时,无论单元格是什么内容,复制出来的内容与原单元格总是完全一致的。 ( B )11. 若一台微机感染了病毒,只要删除所有带毒文件,就能消除所有病毒.。 ( B )12. 汇编语言和机器语言都属于低级语言,之所以称为低级语言是因为用它们编写的程序可以被计算机直接识别执行。 ( B )13. 软盘的读写速度比硬盘快。 ( B )14. 计算机中的字符,一般采用ASCII码编码方案。若已知“B”的ASCII 码值为42H,则可能推断出“K”的ASCII码值为51H。 ( A )15. Word的“自动更正”功能仅可替换文字,不可替换图像。 ( A )16. 高级语言程序有两种工作方式:编译方式和解释方式。 ( A )17. 在Windows的资源管理器中,利用[文件]菜单中的[重命名]既可以对文件改名, 也可以对子目录改名。 ( A )18. 文档窗口最大化后将占满整个桌面。 ( A )19. 同一软盘中不允许出现同名文件。


三基理论试题答案(医疗) 一、选择题(每题 1 分,共 40分) 1-5. D E C B E 6-10 . B E B C D 11-15 . A C C A E 16-20 . A E C C C 21-25.D E A A C 26-30 .B C A B C 31-34 . B B A D 35-40 . CDE ABCE ABCDE ABCD BD AC 二、填空题(每空 1 分,共 10分) 1.体液免疫 2. 乙酰乙酸和B羟丁酸 3.3.5 4. 加压包扎止血 5. 耻骨联合 6. 血浆胶体渗透压 7. 促凝 8. 叶段以上支气管 9. 意识障碍 10. 接触性阴道出血 三、判断题(每题 1分,共 10分;正确的在括号内标“+” ,错误的标“-”) 1-5 . - - + + + 6-10 . - - + + - 四、名词解释(每题 3 分,共 15分) 1.院内感染性肺炎答:院内感染性肺炎:是指患者入院时不存在,也不处于感染潜伏期,而是于入院 48 小时后在医院内发生的肺炎。最常见的病原菌是革兰染色阴性菌。 2.肾病综合征 答:肾病综合征:是指一组包括高度水肿、大量蛋白尿(3. 5 g /d)、高脂血症、低白蛋白血症(<30 g /L),俗称三高一低的症候群。 3. 腹膜刺激征 答:包括腹肌紧张度增加、压痛及反跳痛。 4. 围生期 答:是指产前、产时和产后的一段时期。我国对围生期的规定是指从妊娠满 28 周(即胎儿体重》1000g或身长》35cm至产后1周。 5. 高血压危象答:高血压危象:系指在原发性或继发性高血压疾病过程中,周围小动脉发生暂时性强烈痉挛,引起以收缩压升高为主的血压急骤升高,出现一系列临床表现的危急状态。 五、问答题(共 25分) 1 .简述颅内压增高的三主征。(5 分) 答:颅内压增高的三主征如下。①头痛:是最常见的症状,常呈持续性伴阵发性加剧,一般以清晨及晚间明显,随颅内压的增高而进行性加重,用力、咳嗽、大便或低头活动头痛明显,头痛部位可能与病变部位一致。②呕吐:常出现于头痛剧烈时。典型喷射性呕吐并不多见,较易发生于食后。小儿常以呕吐为首发症状,可伴强迫头位(Bruns 征)。③视盘水肿:是颅内压增高的重要客观体征。早期常不影响视力,晚期可导致视神经继发性萎缩而有视力减退甚至失明。视野呈向心性缩小和盲点扩大。重者可见眼底静脉怒张、出血和大量渗


Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years,European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution,laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted, not immobilised, by this setback. D. In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty —the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union”and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances,the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it) they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty. All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional

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