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基数词及不定冠词修饰,但可用much> some等词修饰。


1.(2015 广安)一How many can you see in the picture? —Two.

A. dog

B. child

C. sheeps

D. sheep

2.(2014 遵义)Mr. Li is always patient to give me on how to work out

the problems.

A. an advice

B. many advice

C. some advice

D. any


3.(2014 巴中)一Let's make a banana milk shake. What do we need?

一We need some and two.

A. bananas; cup of milk

B. bananas; cups of milk

C. banana; milks

D. banana; milk

4.(2014 安顺)There are fifty in our school. They are all friendly to us.

A. woman teachers

B. women teacher

C. woman teacher

D. women teachers

5.(2015 安徽)Please accept our best w(祝愿)for our exams.

6.(2015 武威)The(monkey) are trained to do a lot of things like humans.


名词所有格分为三种:’S所有格、of所有格和双重所有格。①,S形式所有格: 此类所有格一般用于有生命的但单数名词(以・s结尾的复数名词用)以及表示时间和距离的名词。②。f所有格:没有生命的名词表示所属关系时,一般用of短语来表示所有格。③双重所有格:表示所属物的名词前有不定冠词、数词、非确定特指的限定词(some、any> a few等)、物主代词(my、your等)或指示限定词(this、that、these、those)时,常用“of +所有格/名词性物主代词”的形式,即双重所有格来表示关系。


7.(2014 长沙)一Is the school bag under the desk yours?

一No, it's my. He left it there just now.

A. brother

B. brother's

C. brothers5



of China. Do you think so? D. shape sweet and D. sound D. success

8. (2014 曲靖)Knowledge can help open up the eyes to the outside

world and give

them a good start in life.

A. students'

B. student's

C. students

D. student'

9. (2014 鄂州)一It's convenient to travel from Ezhou to Wuhan by taking the


green railway.

一Yes. It's said that is enough.

A. fifteen minutes drive

B. fifteen-minutes drive

C. fifteen minute's drive

D. fifteen minutes' drive

10. (2015 凉山)一 fathers didn't come to the meeting. Why?

一Because they have gone to Beijing.

A. Jeff's and Amy's

B. Jeff and Amy

C. Jeff's and Amy

D. Jeff and Amy's

11. (2013 新疆)一Look at that photo, what a happy life!

一Yes, it's a photo my family.

A. at

B. for

C. of

D. in

12. (2014 贺州)一Who's that girl over there? —Julia, she is a student of .

A. my fathers'

B. my father

C. my fathers

D. my father's


名词词义辨析主要考查学生在不同的语言环境中,通过理解上下文来准确掌 握一些近义词的意义,然后做出正确的选择的能力。近年来,这一考点成为考查 名词的主要形式之一,并且越来越受到各地命题人的青睐。


13. (2015 滨州)一I think dragons are the

一I agree with you.

A. symbol

B. situation

C. promise

14 (2015 山西)Every time I see the strawbemes, the

beautiful color

always make my mouth water.

A. voice

B. taste

C. shape

15. (2015 安徽)一How can I get some about the 2016 Olympic Games?

一Why not search the Internet?

A. information

B. experience

C. practice 中考冠词考点梳理

冠词是置于名词之前,说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词,它不能离 开

名词而单独存在。冠词有a 、an> the 。a 和an 是不定冠词;the 是定冠词;名 词前不用冠词的情况被称为零冠词。纵观历年中考英语试题,对冠词的考查主要 集中
