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Unit 1

1. We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations perhaps because they testify to a bona fide type of psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There seems to be a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive responses to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest. In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives have subsequently in some ways improved.


2. It turns out that some of the people who have suffered the most, who have been forced to contend with shocks they never anticipated and to rethink the meaning of their lives, may have the most to tell us about that profound and intensely fulfilling journey ‖that philosophers used to call the searc h for “the good life”.


3.In that moment, our sense of invulnerability is pierced, and the self-protective mental armor that normally stands between us and our perceptions of the world is torn away.


4. Still, actually implementing these changes, as well as fully coming to terms with a new reality, usually takes conscious effort. (TS)Being willing and able to take on this process is one of the major differences between those who grow through adversity and those who are destroyed by it. The people who find value in adversity aren’t the toughest or the most rational. What makes them different is that they are able to incorporate what happened into the story of their own life.

尽管如此,要实际实现这些转变并完全接受新的现实,通常需要有意识地付出努力。是否愿意并有能力承担这个过程,就是那些在灾难中成长和那些被灾难所摧毁的人之间主要的区别之一。认为灾难有价值的人并不是最坚强或最理性的人。使他们与众不同的是他们能够将所遭遇的事融入他们自己的人生历程中。Unit 2

1.Never before have decisions about sports and the social relationships connected with sports been so clearly influenced by economic factors. (Para. 1)


2.The bottom line has replaced the goal line for many people, and sports no longer exist simply for the interests of the athletes themselves. (Para. 1)


3.Although spectators often have a variety of motives underlying their attachment to sports, their interest in any sporting event is usually related to a combination of three factors. (Para. 2)


4.Without this technical knowledge, people are easily impressed by things extrinsic to the game or match itself; they get taken in by hype. (Para. 4)


5.They like athletes who project exciting or controversial personas, and they often rate performances in terms of dramatic expression leading to dramatic results. (Para.



6.As the need to please na?ve audiences becomes greater, so does the emphasis on heroic orientation. (Para. 7)


7. Therefore athletes in many commercial sports find themselves cut out of decision-making processes even when decisions affect their health and well-being. (Para. 7)


Unit 4

1.Thanks to the ubiquity of text on the Internet, not to mention the popularity of text-messaging on cell phones, we may well be reading more today than we did in the 1970s or 1980s, when television was our medium of choice. (Para. 6)


Unit 5

1. John Bodman was a man who was always at one extreme or the other. This probably would have mattered little had he not married a wife whose nature was an exact duplicate of his own. ( Para. 1)

约翰.伯德曼是一个常常走极端的人。这本应该没有什么,但可惜, 他妻子的性格整个是他的翻版。

2. Doubtless there exists in this world precisely the right woman for any given man to marry and vice versa. (Para. 2)

毋庸置疑, 对于任何一个男人,这世界上总会有一个相当适合的女人能和他成家,反之亦然。

3. Marriage at best is but a compromise, and if two people happen to be united who are of uncompromising nature there is bound to be trouble. (Para. 2)

婚姻充其量不过是一种妥协, 而如果恰好两个个性上互不妥协的人结合了, 那就肯定会有麻烦。.

4. In the lives of these two young people there was no middle distance. ( Para. 3) 对于这样两个年轻人来说, 生活没有什么中间点。

5. In some parts of the world, incompatibility of temper is considered a just cause for obtaining a divorce, but in England no such subtle distinction is made, and so until the wife became a criminal, or the man became both criminal and cruel, these two were linked together by a bond that only death could sever. (Para. 4)

在这世界上的某些地方,夫妻性情不合就能成为离婚的正当理由, 但是在英格兰并没有如此微妙的区分,所以除非妻子犯罪,或丈夫犯罪并且为人残暴,否则两者的婚姻关系一直维系下去,直至死神将他们分开.

6. When a man's mind dwells too much on one subject, no one can tell just how far he will go.


7. And in the neighborhood were many picturesque walks to points more or less dangerous. (Para. 7)


8. John Bdman had planned his crime as grimly and relentlessly, and as coolly, as he had ever concocted a deal on the stock exchange. (Para. 11)

约翰.伯德曼冷酷,无情,沉着地谋划着他的罪行,一如他在证券交易所策划交易. 9. She repeated these words under her breath as they walked the few remaining steps to the Outlook. (Para. 27)

她低声反复嘀咕着这几句话, 两人走完剩下的几步来到了“悬望角”。

Unit 6

1. United,there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.(para.6)


2. --for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. (Para.6)


3. ---and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside. (Para.7)


4.But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of the hostile power. (Para.9)


5. ---to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective---to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak--- and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run. (Para. 10)


6. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. (Para.



7. “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation” (Para. 22)


8.Only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. (Para. 24)


9.…, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. (Para. 27)


10.Let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing…knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own. (Para. 27)


Unit 7

1.If we consider how much less the beauty and majesty of a building depend upon its pleasing certain prejudices of the eye, than upon its rousing certain trains of meditation in the mind, it will show in a moment how many intricate questions of feeling are involved in the raising of an edifice. (Para. 1)


2. … to trace in the distinctive char acters of the architecture of nations, not only its adaptation to the situation and climate in which it has arisen, but its strong similarity to, and connection with, the prevailing turn of mind by which the nation who first employed it is distinguished. (Para. 2)


3. I consider the task I have imposed upon myself the more necessary, because this department of the science, perhaps regarded by some who have no ideas beyond stone and mortar as chimerical, and by others who think nothing necessary but truth and proportion as useless, is at miserably low ebb in England. (Para. 3)


6. Every citizen may box himself up in as barbarous a tenement as suits his taste or inclination; the architect is his vassal, and must permit him not only to criticize, but to perpetrate. (Para. 5)


7. We shall consider the architecture of nations as it is influenced by their feelings and manners, as it is connected with the scenery in which it is found, and with the skies under which it was erected; we shall be led as much to the street and the cottage as to the temple and the tower; and shall be more interested in buildings raised by feeling, than in those corrected by rule. (Para. 6)



Unit 8

1. It is an outburst of wild defiant sorrow, and of contempt for all the adversities of the world. (Para. 1)


2. Every living thing (and perhaps many a dead one as well) pays heed to that call. (Para. 2)

大山中所有的生物(可能也包括许多死去的生物)都侧耳倾听这声号叫。3.Those unable to decipher the hidden meaning know nevertheless that it is there, for it is felt in all wolf country, and distinguishes that country from all other land. (Para. 3)


4. We saw what we thought was a doe fording the torrent, her breast awash in white water. (Para. 4)


5. In the end the starved bones of the hoped-for deer herd, dead of its own too-much, bleach with the bones of the dead sage, or molder under the high-lined junipers. (Para. 7)


6.And perhaps with better cause, for while a buck pulled down by wolves can be replaced in two or three years, a range pulled by too many deer may fail of replacement in as many decades. (Para. 8)


7. A measure of success in this is all well enough, and perhaps is a requisite to objective thinking, but too much safety seems to yield only danger in the long run. (Para. 10)


Unit 9

1. Mass media both overwhelm us with information, and help us to sort it out ( Para. 3)


2. Mass media seek a broad audience for a typically narrow ( and often biased) message that’s typically embedded in entertainment or useful information /opinion. (Para.4)


3. The mass media have a “ slow news day” problem. (para.5)

大众传媒总会遇到这样一个问题--- 某天没有任何值得报道的新闻。

4. A free-speech society can thus tolerate instances of false information, stupidity,

and vulgarity---assuming them to be a temporary irritant. (para.7)


5. In a stimulating competitive environment, a media program must score quickly (para.9)


6. Our basic biological challenge is to survive and get into the gene pool…( para.10)


7. Similarly, other forms of mass media, from churches to sporting events, explicitly or implicitly include these attention-getters in their programming. (para.12)


8. Osama Bin Laden had previously been a peripheral media figure.(para.13)


9. The several thousands of victims had been invisible office workers, until many newspapers published a series of anecdotal obituaries about them. (para.13)


10. Police and firefighters across the country were suddenly elevated in esteem. (para.13)


11. A nation already beset by a financial downturn had to become emotionally aroused to respond. (para.13)


12. Given such manipulating potential over our a ffective process, it’s important to know who determines the content of the mass media.


13. Sunday morning political TV shows are characterized more by argument than agreement. (Para. 14)


14. Magazines and radio stations are perhaps the most successful narrowly defined mass media formats--- typically being upfront about seeking an audience who shares their narrow perspective. (para.15)


15. We are simultaneously experiencing the centralization of influence in corporate mass media and the rapid expansion of populist mass media. (Para 17) 我们一方面在见证传媒业日趋集中的势头,而另一方面又在经历着大众传媒向平民化方向迅猛发展的大潮。


2021考研英语:翻译的40个英语句子 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2021考研英语:翻译的40个英语句子”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯! 2021考研英语:翻译的40个英语句子 1.Do you have a family? 你有孩子吗? 2.It's a good father that knows his son.就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子。 3.I have no opinion of that sort of man.我对这类人很反感。 4.She put 5 dollars into my hand,"you have been a great man today."她把5美圆塞到我手上说:“你今天表现得很好.” 5.I was the youngest son, and the youngest but two.我是最小的儿子,但我还有两个妹妹. 6.The picture flattered her.她比较上照。 7.The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.她在那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国. 8.He is a walking skeleton.他很瘦。 9.The machine is in good repair.机器已经修好了。 10.He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.他让法官的职责战胜了父子的亲情,最终宣布儿子有罪。


1.Whatever the explanation, the idea of a work-life balance is a staple of European discourse, studied in think tanks, mulled over by policymakers. In the US, the term, when it’s used at all, is said with the sort of sneer reserved for those who eat quiche. But it might still catch on. When Bill Keller was named executive editor of the New York Times last week, he encouraged the staff to do “a little more savoring” of life, spending time with their families or viewing art. 不管如何解释,工作与生活的平衡总是欧洲人的主要谈资,同时也是智囊团和政策制定者研究和考虑的主题。在美国,人们使用这个说法时总是带着几分针对那些吃蛋奶火腿馅饼的悠闲人士才会表现出来的冷嘲热讽的态度。但是,它可能还是会流行起来的。时任《纽约时报》执行主编的比尔?凯勒曾鼓励员工们要给生活增加一些色彩,多陪陪家人或去欣赏艺术。 2.P. L. Travers, the author of the Mary Poppins books, put it best when she wrote, “You do not chop off a section of your imaginative substance and make a book specifically for children, for— if you are honest—you have, in fact, no idea where childhood ends and maturity begins. It is all endless and all one.” There is plenty for children and adults to enjoy in Rowling’s books, starting with their language. Her prose may be unadorned, but her way with naming people and things reveals a quirky and original talent. 《欢乐满人间》的作者帕梅拉·林登·特拉弗斯概括得精辟之极。她写到,“你不能把你想象的东西砍掉一部分然后写成一本专给孩子看的书,坦白地说,因为事实上你根本无从知道童年究竟是什么时候结束的而成人期又是什么时候开始的。它们互相连接、浑然一体。”在罗琳的书中,从语言开始,就有足够多的让大人和孩子都喜欢的东西。也许她的文风朴实,但是她给人和物命名的方式显示了独特的原创才能。 3.Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, and is typical of food from along the lower Yangtze River. One famous dish is West Lake Vinegar Fish, which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature. Many Chinese restaurants in China, as well as other parts of the world, serve this dish, but often the flavor is less authentic compared to that found in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which has unique access to the fish and water of West Lake. 4.Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can increase a person’s stren gth, flexibility and sense of well-being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many. 每天练习瑜伽会达到最好的效果,随着动作越来越熟练,你就可以加大强度和难度这样瑜伽就能成为你相伴终生的日常锻炼方式了。练习基础的瑜伽动作即可收到增强力量,改善柔韧性并使人感到舒适的效果,但要想达到完美和高深的境界还是需要日积月累的练习,这也是瑜伽吸引人的地方之一。 5.What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? Many people believe that “there’s one person out there that one is meant for” and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are roman tic but unrealistic. Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together. We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are “filtered out” by formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due to factors such as age, race, distance, social class, religion, sexual orientation, health, or physical appearance. 一开始让人相互吸引的是什么?许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起。这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起。我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层、宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表。 6.Much research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along with friends, how well they do in school, how they react to new and possibly stressful situations, and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons that people’s early intimate relationships within


上外考研翻硕 英语基础长难句英译汉翻译整理 1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, marketoriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. [参考译文] 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。 2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. [参考译文] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求与商人试图最大化其利润的欲望和个人想最大化其收入效用的欲望相结合,一起决定了什么应该被制造,以及资源如何被用来制造它们。 3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. [参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那

研究生专业英语 第一到第六单元 句子翻译 修改版

Unit 1 1.他相当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。 His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by. 2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。 A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident. 3.学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。 Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。 Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time , hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck. 5.每天夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。 Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing. 6.他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于哪里的新奇事物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已经成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道赶快躲开。 The have been to St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches. Unit 2 1.有些网络专家认为因特网可以防止战争、减少污染,还能克服种种形式的不平等。Some cyber gurus claim that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. 2.不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但他却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而引起的。 Although the Internet undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to war, since wars are by no means caused simply by the failure of different peoples to understand each other adequately. 3.只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。 The Internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution only if doing things online genuinely displaces real-world activities. 4.穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它,所以提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网机会更有意义。 The poor are not shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it. The problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively. Therefore, it makes more sense to aim for universal literacy than universal Internet access. 5.因为有了因特网,在不同国家从事类似工作的人们之间收入上的不平等减少了,但是贫穷


南京航空航天大学 2016年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题 A卷 科目代码:842 满分:150 分 科目名称:翻译与写作(英语) 注意: ①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;③本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回! Part One: Translate the following into Chinese ( 60 points) (1) The quantum hypothesis explained the observed rate of emission of radiation from hot bodies very well, but its implications for determinism were not realized until 1926, when another German scientist, Werner Heisenberg, formulated his famous uncertainty principle. In order to predict the future position and velocity of a particle, one has to be able to measure its present position and velocity accurately. The obvious way to do this is to shine light on the particle. Some of the waves of light will be scattered by the particle and this will indicate its position. However, one will not be able to determine the position of the particle more accurately than the distance between the wave crests of light, so one needs to use light of a short wavelength in order to measure the position of the particle precisely. Now, by Planck’s quantum hypothesis, one cannot use an arbitrarily small amount of light; one has to use at least one quantum. This quantum will disturb the particle and change its velocity in a way that cannot be predicted. Moreover, the more accurately one measures the position, the shorter the wavelength of the light that one needs and hence the higher the energy of a single quantum. So the velocity of the particle will be disturbed by a larger amount. In other words, the more accurately you try to measure the position of the particle, the less accurately you can measure its speed, and vice versa. (2) The beauty of our country is hard to define as it is easy to enjoy. Remembering other and large countries we see at once that one of its charms is that it is immensely varied within a small compass. We have here no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains. But we have superb variety. A great deal of everything is packed into little space. I suspect that we are always faintly conscious of the fact that this is a smallish island, with the sea always round corner. We know that everything has to be neatly packed into a small place. Nature, we feel, has carefully adjusted things——mountains, plains, rivers, lakes——to the scale of the island itself. A mountain 12,000 feet high would be a horrible monster here, as wrong as a plain 400 miles long, a river as broad as the Mississippi. Though the geographical features of this island are comparatively small, and there is astonishing variety almost everywhere, that does not mean that our mountains are not mountains, our plains not plains. (3) About dusk the snow will stop, and by full dark a high, white moon will come sailing in like a galleon, and an icy, diamond powdering of stars will follow. In the blue-and-silver night there are no blurred edges. This is the time of clarity, of cutting beauty. Out in the night there will be no sound except of branches clicking together and a vast, far skein of wind flung down from the sky. I know if I sit here long enough by the window, I will see the red conflagration of dawn, and in the new day there will be the wonderful gifts that only brilliant winter day after a storm brings: the shattering scarlet of redbirds at the back-yard feeder. It will be a day to sweep the path to the bird feeders and put out seed and withered apples like old ladies’ cheeks for the impatient animals.


研究生英语阅读综合教程上 Reading More 翻译 Unit 1 Why Do We Work? Lawyers practice a difficult and demanding profession. They expect to be well compensated. In thinking about what that means, it can help to consider the basic question, “Why do we work?” Samuel Johnson supplied an obvious answer when he famously observed, “No man but a blockhead ever wrote,except for money.” But I am not being paid to write this article, and instead of labeling myself a blockhead, let me refer to the insight of eminent psychologist Theodor Reik: "Work and love—these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis." 律师们从事的是一项要求很高又费神的职业。他们期待优厚的报酬。在思考这句话的含义时,考虑一下这个基本问题会对我们有所帮助:“我们为什么工作?”塞缪尔·约翰逊在他的着名论断“除了笨蛋没有人会写作,除非为了钱。”中显然给出了答案。但我写这篇文章时并没有人付我钱。,而且我非但不会把自己当作傻瓜,还想引用一下着名的心理学家西奥多·赖克的深刻见解:“工作和爱——这是基本需求。没有这两样,人就会得神经官能症。” Why do we work? For money, but also for sanity. We expect and need to be compensated in nonmonetary ways. Noneconomic compensation matters to top-flight lawyers—otherwise, they would have long ago fled to investment banks. Law firms that want to recruit and retain the best (and the sanest) must compensate not only in dollars but also in psychic gratification. Accordingly, managers of elite firms need to think consciously about what lawyers are looking for beyond money. Here are some key noneconomic elements of compensation. 我们为什么工作?为钱,也为有明智的头脑。我们期待并且需要以非货币的方式获得回报,非经济报酬对一流的律师们来说很重要——要不然,他们早就跑到投资银行去了。律师事务所如果要招募并挽留住最好的(也是最有头脑的)律师的话,就必须不仅仅以美元的方式,而且还要以精神满足的方式支付报酬。相应地,一流律师事务所的经理们需要认真地考虑,除了钱律师们还在寻找什么。以下是非经济报酬的一些关键因素。 Professional identity 职业认同感 Many lawyers define themselves with reference to the privileges and attributes of their profession. When firms recognize professional prerogatives, they provide an important form of compensation. 许多律师从行业的特权和性质来诠释他们自己。当律师事务所认可了他们的职业特权时,便提供了一种重要的补偿方式。 For example, Lawyers pride themselves on belonging to a learned profession. By providing opportunities for continued intellectual growth, law firms can simultaneously provide a form of compensation and reinforce a core value of the profession. This isn’t hard to do. Organize and host seminars with leading scholars, support scholarship in-house with


2018考研英语冲刺之长难句翻译赏析 所谓长难句,就是指句子中有着复杂的结构和一些生僻名词或者熟词僻意词汇,句子本身较长,结构复杂,理解有难度,试想,如果句子中的词汇不是很熟悉,一定会对理解造成一定的影响,考研英语一中会出现超纲词汇,考生不可避免的会“懵”出词汇含义,这就考察到翻译的技巧。下面为考生展现了一些晶灿的长难句翻译,希望考生从中领悟翻译精髓。 It is not obvious how the capacity to visualize s and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers. 【精彩译文】构思物体和找出数字模型的能力是如何让一个人去回答那些连最好的诗人和哲学家都回避的问题的,这点我们还不是很清楚。 Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters,whether it’s knowing when to guess or what question to skip. 【精彩译文】任何一个参加过SAT考试的人都会证实考试的技巧也很重要,无论这种技巧是知道什么时候去猜还是知道什么问题应该跳过。 On another level ,many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying. 【精彩译文】在另一个层面上,很多医疗界的人事承认,关于医生帮助下的自杀的讨论部分是因为病人的绝望情绪,对病人来说,现代医学已经延长了死亡的身体痛苦。 The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training , and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom . 【精彩译文】很自然,这种趋势会在尤以数学或实验室训练为基础的自然科学领域中表现得最为明显,并且可以用英国的地质学发展作为例证来说明。 The findings add weight to the theory that large areas of the Amazon have recovered so well from past periods of agricultural use that the regrowth has been mistaken by generations of biologists for“birgin”forest. 【精彩译文】有理论认为亚马逊流域很大一部分从过去的农业耕作中如此完美地恢复了过来,以至于哪些重新生长的部分被好几代生物学家都错误地认为是原始森林。这些发现进一步地证明了这一理论。 An invisible border divides those arguing for computers in the classroom on the behalf of student’s career prospects and those arguing for computers in the classroom for broader reasons of radical education reform. 【精彩译文】一条五星的界限将支持计算机课堂的人分成两类:一类是从学生的职业前景出发考虑的,另一类人想得是像教育的彻底改革这样的一些更广泛的理由。 Instead , we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles , which now more than


2012年四川外国语大学811英语翻译与写作考研真题及详解 I.Translate the underlined parts into Chinese.(50Points) I have a mind to fill the rest of this paper with an accident that happened just under my eyes,and has made a great impression upon me.I have just passed part of this summer at an old romantic seat of my Lord Harcourt’s,which he has lent me.It overlooks a common field,where,under the shadow of a haycock,sat two lovers,as constant as ever were found in romance,beneath a spreading beech.The name of the one(let it sound as it will)was John Hewett;of the other,Sarah Drew. John was a well-set man about five-and-twenty;Sarah a brown woman of eighteen. John had for several months borne the labor of the day in the same field with Sarah; when she milked,it was his morning and evening charge to bring the cows to her pail.Their love was the talk,but not the scandal of the neighborhood;for all they aimed at was the blameless possession of each other in marriage.It was but this very morning that he obtained her parents’consent,and it was but till the next week that they were to wait to be happy. Perhaps this very day,in the intervals of their work,they were talking of their wedding clothes;and John was now matching several kinds of poppies and field flowers to her complexion,to make her a present of knots for the day.While they were thus employed(it was on the last day of July,)a terrible storm of thunder and lightning arose,that drove the laborers to what shelter the trees or hedges afforded. Sarah,frightened and out of breath,sunk on a haycock,and John(who never


Unit 1 1. 他相当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。 His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by. 2. 一架波音747 飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。 A Boeing 747 aircraft didn 't gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident. 3. 学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4. 当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。 Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time , hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck. 5. 每天夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。 Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing. 6. 他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于哪里的新奇事物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已经成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道赶快躲开。 The have been to St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches. Unit 2 1. 有些网络专家认为因特网可以防止战争、减少污染,还能克服种种形式的不平等。Some cyber gurus claim that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. 2. 不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但他却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而引起的。 Although the Internet undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to war, since wars are by no means caused simply by the failure of different peoples to understand each other adequately. 3. 只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。 The Internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution only if doing things online genuinely displaces real-world activities. 4. 穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它,所以提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网机会更有意义。 The poor are not shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it. The problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively. Therefore, it makes more sense to aim for universal literacy than universal Internet access.

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