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武汉大学研究生英语Unit 7 考试难句翻译

武汉大学研究生英语Unit 7 考试难句翻译
武汉大学研究生英语Unit 7 考试难句翻译

1.It was a big, frame squarish house that had once been white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street. (Para 2)


2.only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps 一an eyesore among eyesores. (Para 2)


3.Colonel Sartoris invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily’s father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of business, preferred this way of repaying. (Para 3)


4.When the Negro opened the blinds of one window, they could see that the leather was cracked;and when they sat down, a faint dust rose sluggishly about their thighs, spinning with slow motes in the single sun-ray.(Para 5)


5.Her skeleton was small and spare; Perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her: Because of her small frame, extra weight became much more visible and exaggerated on her. (Para 6)


6.Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. (Para 6)


7.With all her strength, she defeated those who came for the tax as what she did to their fathers about the smell thirty years before. (Para 15)

她就这样把他们"连人带马"地打败了, 正如三十年前为了那股气味的事战胜了他们的父辈一样.

8.We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and chutching a horsewhip; the two of them framed by the back-flung front door. (Para 25)


9.So when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated; even with insanity in the family she wouldn’t have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized. (Para 25)


10.Now she too would know more or less about the importance of a penny that makes people excited or despaired. (Para 26)


11.Later we said, “Poor Emily”behind the jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove. (Para 43)


12.…as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman’s life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die. (Para 47)


13.Now and then we would see her in one of the downstairs windows –she had evidently shut up the top floor of the house—like the carven torso of an idol in a niche, looking or not looking at us, we could never tell which. Thus she passed from generation to generation ---dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse. (Para 51)


14.She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain, her gray head propped on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight. (Para 53)


15.They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre…(Para 55)


16.…confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottle-neck of the most recent decade of years. (Para 55)他们把按数学级数向前推进的时间给搅乱了。这是老年人常有的情形。在他们看来,过去的岁月不是一条越来越窄的路,而是一片广袤的连冬天也对它无所影响的大草地,只是近十年来才像窄小的瓶口一样,把他们同过去隔断了。

17.The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. (Para 57)


18.Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair. (Para 60)



1.1 What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment. 2 some of the dire projections may not occur, but in light of the warnings from our best scientists, it will be beyond irresponsible to take that bet. 3By badly disrupting that envelope, we adversely affect every dimension of human well-being that is tied to the environment. 4 In 2004, Swiss Re warned in a report that the costs of natural disasters, aggravated by climate change, threatened to double to150 billon a year in 10 years. 5The threat of this major disruption coming from a number of factors, including the increased costs of damage from extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, heat waves, and major storms. 6 Stern also points to the consequences of climate change on the environment and on human health as economic growth and productivity suffer under the weight of degrading environmental conditions. 7Moreover, we would incur a very large opportunity cost, having lost out on the chance to become the economic leader in developing alternative and more efficient uses of energy. 4.1In recent years the mushrooming power, functionality and ubiquity of computers and the Internet have outstripped early forecasts about technology’s ra te of advancement and usefulness in everyday life. 2Alert pundits now foresee a world saturated with powerful computer chips, which will increasingly insinuate themselves into our gadgets, dwellings, apparel and even our bodies. 3In light of what I have just described as a history of largely unfulfilled goals in robotics, why do I believe that rapid progress and stunning accomplishments are in the offing? 4Properly educated, the resulting robots will become quite formidable. In fact, I am sure they will outperform us in any conceivable area of endeavor, intellectual or physical. 5 Human will play a pivotal role in formulating the intricate complex of laws that will govern corporate behavior. 5.1Sundown had seen his pockets empty before, but sunrise had always seen them lined. 2Along came a youngster of five, headed for the dispensary, stepping high with the consequence of a big errand, possibly one to which his advancing age had earned him promotion. 3 Content, light-hearted, ironical, keenly philosophic, he watched the moon drifting in and out amidst a maze of flying clouds. 4People’s money must be spent to advance their priorities, not to line pockets of contractors or to maintain projects that don’t work. 5 They had entered a maze of fences, through which they twisted and turned for a long time before finally finding their way out again. 7.1 Through necessity, I was entering a club more viewers are joining by choice: the post television society. 2Unless you got proactive with VCR, you did not copy, carry or remix what you saw. This was why mass media were culturally unifying: those moments that mattered, we all saw in exactly the same way. 3Why sit through 90 minutes waiting for the good bits when an army of online editors will separate the wit from the chaff? 8.1But amid this gloom, there’s buzz about consumers’ shifting demand toward ‘green homes’---and how builders with this expertise remain busy despite the bust. 2.It’s taken almost as a fait accompli,that green building is where the market is headed. 3.If there is a downside to this trend, it may be the growing numbers of green homeowners who’ll brag about low utility bills the way golfers boast of low golf scores.


Unit one Stumbling block in intercultural communication 1 在这个国际舞台发生重大变化的时刻,探讨为什么尝试交流的结果却令人失望的原因是必要的,这些原因实际上是跨文化交流中的绊脚石。 It’s appropriate at this time of major changes in the international scene to take a look at some of the disappointing results of attempts at communication. They are actually stumbling block in international communication. 7 本国居民可能会被灌输有这种期望:既然外国人穿着合适,并且能说一些本国话,那么他或她也有同样的非语言的准则、想法和感觉。 The native inhabitants are likely to be lulled into the expectation that ,since the foreign person is dressed appropriately and speak some of the language,he or she will also have similar nonverbal codes ,thoughts and feelings. 8 更糟糕的问题是死死抱住新语言中一个词汇或短语的一种意义,而不顾隐含义和语境。 A worse language problem is the tenacity with which someone will cling to just one meaning of a word or phrase in the new language, regardless of connotation or context. 11 先入为主和程式化思维的现象


English Examination for Graduates (Paper A) 20111229 I. Listening Comprehension (20%) Directions: In this part, you are going to listen to four passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passages and the questions will be read only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. 1. A. He read a lot of books on management. B. He made every step safe enough. C. He prepared himself well beforehand. D. He had knowledge for the next phase. 2. A. news reporter B. American dream C. lucky boy D. poor child 3. A. generals B. committees C. armies D. schools 4. A. reading different books B. attending seminars C. listening to audiotapes D. learning on one’s own 5. A. face-to-face contact B. eyeball-to-eyeball contact C. person-to-person contact D. call-to-call contact Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. 6. A. More and more people take up the habit of smoking. B. There are more smoking women than smoking men in the USA. C. It is good news that more people have given up smoking. D. The U.S. has more smoking people than any other country. 7. A. age, income and education B. age, sex and income C. occupation, income and sex D. occupation, income and education 8. A. City people are less likely to smoke. B. People in rural areas are more likely to smoke. C. Men with higher incomes tend to smoke. D. Well –educated men with high incomes are generally less likely to smoke. 9. A. The situation is quite the same for women as for men. B. Better-educated women are likely to smoke heavily. C. There are more women smokers with low incomes. D. Women with higher incomes and higher education do not tend to smoke. 10. A. The picture about the teenage smokers is similar to that of women smokers. B. The situation among teenagers is quite the same with men. C. High school students are more likely to smoke than college students. D. Farmers? children tend to smoke more. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. 11. A. crying one’s goods in the street B. signs with pictures

学术综合英语英语填空题翻译Unit 3

Unit3 Traffic Vocabulary Development [P80-81] A: 1.They asked him to leave. In other words, he was fired. 他们让他离开。换句话说,他被解雇了。 2.The United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in this area. 联合国军队在这片区域实行了停火。 “实行”修改成“执行”,“停火”修改成“停火协议” 联合国军队在这片区域执行停火协议。 3.The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not. 无论他们是否有孩子,金额都将支付给每个人。 “金额无法支付” 无论他们是否有孩子,支付给每个人的金额是相同的。 4.Your paper does not address the real issues. 你的论文没有解决主要的问题。 5.How many vehicles were involved in the crash yesterday? 昨天的车祸有多少辆车相撞。 “相撞”修改成“涉及” 昨天的事故涉及多少辆车。 6.She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria. 她感到焦虑接近歇斯底里的状态。 7.The new technology can be applied to farming. 新的技术能够应用于农业。 8.What do these results suggest to you? 你对这些结果有什么意见? “意见”修改成“建议” 这些结果对你有怎样的建议? 9.He has six previous convictions for theft and burglary. 他有六个前科有关于偷盗和入室抢劫的前科。 删除了结尾的前科(重复的名词) 他有六个前科有关于偷盗和入室抢劫。

武汉大学研究生英语期末试题 答案及评分 2009级

Keys to Paper A (1---65 题每题一分,客观题共65分) 1-10 B D A C B C C D A B 11-20 A B D A C A D C B D 21-30 B D C A B D C A C B 31-45 D A D A B D C A C B C D C A B 46-55 A D C A B A C C D D 56-65 A C D B D A B C C D Part IV 汉译英(评分给正分,每小题都需打分,精确到0.5分) 1. China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses. (2分) 2. An investigation indicates that non-smoking women living in a smoking family environment for 40 years or still longer will have double risk of developing lung cancer. (2分) 3. In our times, anyone who wants to play an important role in a society as he wishes must receive necessary education. With the development of science, more courses are offered in primary schools and middle schools. Compared with the education in the past, modern education places more stress on practicality. (3 分) 英译汉(评分给正分,每小题都需打分,精确到0.5分) 4. 程式化思维是人们交流的绊脚石,因为它有碍于人们对事物的客观观察。客观观察指人 们敏感地搜寻线索,引导自己的想象更接近他人的现实。(2分) 5. 当经济学家最初探讨经济发展的原因时,他们发现:人们一直认为无法解释的剩余因素是人力资本。人力资本,即人口的技能,是造成各国生产力差距以及地位不平等的一个重要因素。(3分) 6. 下文从解决妇女贫困问题的角度出发,探讨两性平等、减轻贫困和环境的可持续性诸目的之间的协同作用,涉及能源短缺、水资源缺乏、健康、气候变化、自然灾害,以及授予妇女在农业、林业、生态多元化管理领域中的权力使之创造可持续的生存方式等问题。(3分) Part V Summary (20分) 评分标准:主要看考生是否了解概要写作的方法以及能否用恰当的语言来表达。概要一定要客观简洁地表达原文的主要内容,不需要评论,不能照抄原文。具体给分标准为:(1)内容和形式都达标,仅有一二处小错:18-19分。(2)内容缺少一到三点,形式错误不过三处:16-17分。(3)内容欠缺较多,形式错误有五六处:14-15分。(4)内容欠缺较多,形式错误有十来处:12-13分。 Science and Humanity The twentieth century has made greater change to the world, which was brought by the progress in science, than any previous century. Unfortunately, not all these changes did good to the human society. Some of them have done serious damage to mankind and have been even predicted to destroy the whole world someday if out of control. In fact, mankind is not biologically programmed for violent behaviors like war. People are faced with a dilemma in which we would like to see science develop freely, but cannot afford the result of that. It is a


human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to sense of reality by giving meaning to events. 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker?s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?” Choose words that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an impli cit comparison between things that are different yet have something in common; it does not contain the words “like” or “as”. 生动地用词能让演讲鲜活起来!比喻,这种能产生文字图像的修辞,可以使演讲达到生动的效果。比喻要用具象的语言,分为明喻和隐喻。 明喻是指在本质上有区别但仍然有相同点的事物之间做一个明确的比较,一般句中会含有“像”或“似”。隐喻则是一种隐藏的比较,不会出现like 和as 这些连接词。 Another way to make your speeches vivid is by exploiting the rhythm of language. Four devices for creating rhythm are parallelism, repetition, alliteration, and antithesis. Parallelism is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences. Repetition is the use of the same word or set of words at the beginning or end of successive clauses or sentences. Alliteration comes from repeating the initial constant sounds of close or adjoining words. Antithesis is the juxtaposition of


Intercultural Communication In recent years, it is widely acknowledged that interculturalcommunication has been becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. From my point of view, a number of factors could account for this trend. First and foremost, the development of transportation.Now jet planes fly everywhere. It used to take months to travel from Shanghai to Los Angeles, but now it takes only 12 hours. It is now much easier for people to move from one country to another. People of different countries and races get together much oftener than before. What’s more, the advancementof communication means. Nowadays people get in touch with each other in various ways, through internet, telephone, mobile phone and so on. These efficient means sharply promote intercultural communication to a large extent. Besides, the ongoingof economicglobalization.Since economic globalization lead to the production and market globalization, more and more multinational corporations now operate in quite a few countries. Theiremployees are of different ethnic groups and from different countries. Last but not the list, the increasing of https://www.doczj.com/doc/4416766473.html,lions of people now move across national borders every year. Therefore, all these causes contribute to the fact that intercultural communication is now a daily occurrence. Its importance now is being recognized by a growing number of people.


研究生英语答案重点 小结

第一课※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1.It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is much harder to respond to than an insult. 在社会交往中,应对恭维比对付辱骂要艰难得多,这话听起来有点矛盾,却有一定的道理。 2.Here is an area of small talk where most of us act awkwardly. 闲聊时来句恭维话,往往让我们大多数人不知所措。 3.Someone utters a pleasing, praiseful remark in our direction and we grow inarticulate and our kneecaps begin to vibrate.有人对我们说上一句动听、赞美的话,我们就慌得说不出话来,膝盖开始瑟瑟发抖。 4.I can’t even accept with grace a compliment bestowed upon me for a thing that isn’t really mine. 如果别人称赞不是真正属于我自己的东西时,我根本无法欣然接受。 5.The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular compliment was the time I said, “Well, we like it.” 我在接受这种特定的恭维时,表示最能完全接受的说法就是“嗯,我们喜欢。” 6.carried away by th e vastness of his complimentary remark, a woman said, “Well, we like it.” 一位被他的这种极度夸张的恭维话所吸引的妇女,禁不住说道,“嗯,我们喜欢这个地球。” 7.I think we make a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation. 我认为,对待恭维采取否定和贬低的态度是错误的。 8.The situation here is much the same as the one regarding my view. 这种情景,与我上述提出的观点非常相似。 9.I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique for brushing off praise.He employs a sort of unreasonable realism. 我认识一个潜心研究这种问题的人,他想出了一个办法来避开别人的表扬。他采取了一种不近情理的现实态度。 10.I don’t think this fellow is on the right track. 我想这个家伙回答的方式有问题。 11.This sort of thing, the witty reply, ought to be placed under government regulation. 这种俏皮机智的应答,应该置于政府的规定之中。 12.That one, I thought, was more than passable. But for every genuinely clever retort there are a thousand that fall flat.It takes a Dorothy Parker or a George S. Kaufman to handle the quip comeback with skill.


Oral Test (Band 1) For Grade 2012 (2012, 12 ) Topic 1: Love from Parents Directions: Some people say that motherly love is unconditional, while fatherly love is conditional. Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your opinion on love from your parents respectively. Topic 2: Winning In the World Directions: Have a discussion with your partner(s) about winners in your eyes. What do you think are the most important factors that contribute to one’s success? Offer your reasons. Topic 3:A Phone Call-Making a Hotel Reservation Directions: Suppose you are a hotel receptionist and your partner is a customer who calls to make a hotel reservation. Make a conversation with your partner and get some information necessary about him/her, such as name, single or double room he/she wants, the number of nights and dates. Meanwhile, offer some information about the hotel, such as its location, price and service, etc. Topic 4: Dreams Directions: Everyone dreams. How often do you dream, and what sort of dream do you usually have? Do you believe in dreams’ function of predicting? What are the possible causes of dream? Talk with your partner(s) about these issues concerning dream. Topic 5: Dream Your Own Dream Directions: Making a dream is very common in our daily lives. What dream do you have? What will you do to realize your dream? Topic 6: Psychology in Daily Life Directions: Do you think a placebo may help a patient get well? Discuss with your partner(s) about the reasons for placeboes’ helping to he al the patients and how to make good use of psychology in daily life. Topic 7: Talking about Schedule Directions: You are to invite your partner to play badminton, but he/she is busy at the moment. Create a conversation with your partner by exchanging your information on daily schedule and deciding on a date for fun. Topic 8:Self-introduction Directions: Suppose this is your first day in class. You and your partner are getting to know each. Make a conversation by exchanging your information such as name, hometown, department, major, personalities, telephone numbers etc. Topic 9: Choosing a Job Directions: You and your partner(s) are talking about choosing a job. Exchange your opinion on the ideal job in your minds and the factors you will take into consideration when choosing a job.


Presenting a speech (做演讲) Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言 language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit 来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识, knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. 传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。[Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events]. 和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在 具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。 ——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?”Choose words that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an implicit

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