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Distracted teens

Distracted teens
Distracted teens

-Distracted teens

-The dreamboat next door-

DO FRIENDS of the opposite gender distract teenagers, hampering their academic performance? It may seem obvious, at least to paranoid parents, and yet it is hard to prove. Simple analysis of a survey of American schoolchildren conducted in 1995, for example, suggests no link between the proportion of a girl’s friends who were boys and her grades. Boys with lots of female friends actually achieved better results than those with fewer.

A new paper* by Andrew Hill of the University of South Carolina, however, digs deeper into the data, and comes to a different result. Friendship groups are not random, which makes it tricky to isolate the effect of fraternising with the opposite sex on school performance. Pushy parents, for instance, may both encourage after-school activities (hotbeds of hobnobbing across the gender divide) and help out with homework. By the same token, the sort of boys who do not find it embarrassing to join a clique composed mainly of girls may also be more studious.

Mr Hill gets around this by looking at the proportion of schoolmates of either sex living near each student. He reasons that parents do not choose where to live based on the sex of their neighbours’ children. The gender mix of near-neighbours should therefore be unrelated to the invisible factors that influence both friends and grades. But the mix of neighbours does influence friendship groups in school, since children are much more likely to befriend other children who live close by.

Mr Hill calculates the share of boys and girls among each child’s 20 closest neighbours and uses this to identify random differences in friendship groups. He can then isolate the effect of having more friends of the opposite gender on school performance. He finds that for every 10% more children of the opposite sex among a student’s friends, his or her grade-point average (GPA) declines by 0.1 (GPAs range from 0 to 4).

Below the age of 16, the effects are restricted to science and maths, but beyond 16 they spill over to English and history as well. Girls seem to be more prone to distraction, though Mr Hill cannot muster the statistical power to be certain. This tentative result is consistent with other studies that find that girls gain more from moving to single-sex schools.

Readers rushing to remove their children from co-ed schools should know, however, that Mr Hill’s results came with a twist. Having more friends of the opposite sex may be bad for grades, but it has other effects, too. Among the children from the original survey who were successfully re-interviewed 14 years later, those whose grades had been dragged down by friends of the opposite gender were more likely to be (or have been) married. Traditionalists worried about a child mooning over the heartthrob next

door may comfort themselves with that.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (English - Chinese)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 高效青少年的七个习惯 Part I – The Set-up設置 Get in the Habits养成习惯 They Make You or Break You成、败的选择 Paradigms and Principles观点与原则 What You See Is What You Get所见所得(种瓜得瓜) Part II – The Private Victory个人胜利 The Personal Bank Account个人修养 Starting with the Man in the Mirror从镜中人开始 Habit 1: Be Proactive习惯一:主动积极 I Am the Force我是动力 Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind习惯二:以终为始 Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will主宰你的命运或由别人来主宰Habit 3: Put First things First习惯三:要事第一 Will and Won’tPower要与不要的力量 Part III – The Public Victory公众胜利 The Relationship Bank Account社交修养 The Stuff That Life Is Made of组成生命的元素 Habit 4: Think Win-Win 习惯四:双赢思维 Life is An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet生命是一顿任你吃的自助餐 Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 习惯五:知彼解己


Teens A brain full of noodles IF there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time in China, it’s that Chinese noodles are not well-represented in the US. Sure, I often ate dandanmian at a Sichuan restaurant in my hometown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but those aren’t authentic (正宗的). And the Taiwan restaurant in town offered a decent (像样的) plate of Hong Kong-style pan-fried noodles, but no mainland mian. So when I got to Beijing, I began my noodle mission: eat as many different types of Chinese noodles as possible. Over a yea r later, I’m still nowhere near finished –after all, this country produces a lot of noodles. But so far, my two favorites would have to be lamian from Gansu province and biangbiangmian from Shaanxi. On first glance, a bowl of lamian, which is often served and eaten by Muslims from northwestern China, seems unremarkable (不值得注意的). It looks just like niuroumian, or beef noodles. But as soon as I tasted the hand-pulled lamian and sipped (吮吸) its delicious broth (汤汁), I realized I was dealing with something different. Stirring (搅拌) in some chili brings out the explosive (强烈的) flavor of the soup’s tender (嫩的) beef slices, white radish (萝卜) and cilantro (香菜叶). An even bigger discovery, for me, was biangbiangmian. Dry noodles have an advantage over soup noodles in that you can eat them during summertime. So this past summer, all I did was eat various types of noodles from my local Shaanxi restaurant. According to China Daily, biangbiangmian gets its name from the sound, “biang!”, made when the noodle-puller bangs the dough against the kitchen counter. The noodles are wide, long and strong, served in a bowl with pork, bean sprouts (豆芽), Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, oil, vinegar and several types of ground pepper (胡椒粉). The combination is out of this world. I’m getting hungry just writing about it. Hey, wait a minute… It’s 12:00 already? Time to eat noodles! Thanks, China. Coins for college THE pickle jar (泡菜坛), as far back as I can remember, sat beside the dresser in my parents’ bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would toss any coins that were in his pockets into the jar. As they dropped, they landed with a merry jingle (叮当声). Whenever the jar was full, Dad would sit at the kitchen table and roll up the coins before taking them to the bank. Every time, as he slid the box of rolled coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier (收银员), he would smile proudly and say: “These are for my son’s college fund (基金).” We would always celebrate each deposit (储蓄) by stopping for an ice cream cone. Dad would show me the coins in his change and say: “When we get home, we’ll start filli ng the jar again.” He always let me drop the first coins into the empty jar. “You might have to get to college on loose change,” he said. “But you’ll get there.”


高二英语课外阅读2017.10.24 Xi’s words inspire youth 习近平主席给年轻人的七条人生建议。 takes time to share his experiences and wisdom with the country?s young people. From forming a healthy lifestyle to keeping a positive attitude toward life, his wise words are like a lighthouse (灯塔) that guides China?s youth on the right path to personal growth. Here are seven pieces of advice he has given to Chinese youth on different occasions. Let?s take a look. Refine (磨炼) professional skills ①The youth must refine their professional skills. Study is the ladder of progress and practice is the realizing the Chinese Dream. (May 4, 2013) The buttons of life ②Living one?s life is like buttoning up one?s jacket. If the first button is not fastened correctly, the beginning. (May 4, 2014) Young people should avoid staying up late ③I was so eager to do my job well but fell ill quite often. The reason? I always burnt the midnight oil. Later, I came to realize that I couldn?t work like this anymore. One has to be fully aware that one cannot finish all the work at a time, however enthusiastic one may be about the job. (Jan 12, 2015) Happiness does not fall from the sky ④The future is encouraging and inspiring. But happiness does not fall from the sky. We shall Honest work ⑤The whole society should vigorously promote the spirit of hard work, encouraging people to realize their dreams and change their fate through honest work, while opposing negative thoughts such as profiting from other people?s work, opportunism and indulging in ple asure and comfort. (April 26, 2016) Roll up our sleeves (袖子) to work harder ⑥As the saying goes, “success comes to those who share in one purpose”. As long as our 1.3 billion-plus people are pulled together for a common cause, as long as the Party stands together with the people and we roll up our sleeves to work harder, we will surely succeed in a Long March of our generation. (Dec 31, 2016) Not slack in prosperity and not lose faith in adversity ⑦During one?s growth and endeavor, the young may gain succes s and joy, but may also face difficulties and pressure. One should treat the success and failure at the moment with a correct attitude, not slack in prosperity and not lose faith in adversity. One should consider both the success and failure as wealth in life instead of burdens. (May 3, 2017) Question: Which one impresses or inspires you most? And why? Try to share your own ideas and combine them with your own life experience.

TEENS 第11期

Teens 第11期 班级________________________________姓名_________________________________ I. Listen and fill the blanks with missing words. A Fit the role When talking about Taiwan actor Eddie Peng, what’s the first thing you______________? In the past most people would say he is ____________. But now, more people will see how _________________ an actor Peng is. Very few actors _______________________________ spend a year to train for a movie. But Peng did. In 2011, he played a gymnast (体操运动员) in the movie Jump! Ashin (《翻滚吧!阿信》). To play the role well, he worked with a gymnast for 11 months. It was really hard training for a person with no ___________________ before. Peng fell from the vaulting horse (鞍马) ___________________________. He kept losing his _______________ while doing backward somersaults (后空翻). But he didn’t give up. Finally, Peng was able to finish 80 percent of the gymnastics in the movie like a real athlete. Two years later, Peng got to play a boxer (拳击手) in the movie Unbeatable (《激战》). To make himself look more like a boxer, Peng started ______________________________. For three months, although feeling hungry, he had to do exercise and practice boxing eight hours a day. “It’s not just about the figure,” said Peng. “You only_________________________what a real boxer thinks after the same hard training he or she had.” Peng’s newest role is a cyclist (自行车手). He has already cycled 120km every day for some time. The 32-year-old said he really ___________________ himself into the characters. “Every time I shoot a movie, I got to learn a new skill,”he said. “It’s like a bonus (奖励) for acting!” II. Write down phrases or words according to the first letter and the Chinese meaning. B HALLOWEEN is a very popular festival in Western countries. They go trick-or-treating and have wonderful parties. This Halloween, I wore the traditional Hanfu (汉服). And my best friend chose a t___________(传统的) Korean costume. Others dressed like witches (女巫), ghosts or other things. Our art teacher dressed like a butterfly, and she looked really pretty. Our history teacher was really interesting. He is bareheaded (光头的), but he wore a wig (假发) that day. We didn’t r______________(认出) him at first.

初中英语人教版七年级下册Teens Junior 1, No. 584

Teens Junior 1 No. 584 2017年6月5日 人机围棋大战:柯洁vs AlphaGo。 Computer programs (程序) can do a lot of things. But they might be even smarter than you think. AlphaGo is a program made by Google’s company DeepMind. From May 23 to 27, AlphaGo played Go games (围棋) with the world’s top Go player Ke Jie. AlphaGo beat (打败) the 19-year-old Chinese 3-0. Programs like AlphaGo are called “artificial intelligence (AI, 人工智能)”. AI is when computers or computer programs have smart behavior. For example, it can think or act like a human. Scientists now are trying to make AI do everything from driving cars to writing stories, reported The New York Times. This worries some people. UK scientist Stephen Hawking said that the “development (发展) of AI could mean the end of humans”. But others don’t think this will happen. They believe AI can help people solve many hard problems in science and technology (技术), like analyzing (分析) medical information and curing (治疗) illnesses. It is a tool for us to learn new things in different areas. TEENS New pasta takes shape


1.occasionally adv.偶尔,有时 Occasionally, things don’t go as planned. 2.embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的 I was really embarrassed when she caught me talking about her. 3.length n.长度 His foot measures 10 inches in length. 4.focus n.中心,焦点 The study’s main focus is adults with sleep disorders. 5.multiple adj.多样的 She made multiple copies of the report. 6.live under a rock与世隔绝 -Who is our president? -Are you serious!? Do you live under a rock? 19.longing n. 渴望 She spoke of her longing to return home. 20.overshadow vt.使……失色,遮蔽 Her success was overshadowed by that of her brother. 21.passion n.激情,热情 She spoke with passion about protecting the building. 22.expressive adj.有表现力的,富有表情的 She has wonderfully expressive eyes. 23.recall vt.记起,想起 She wanted to send him a letter but couldn’t recall his address. 24.classic adj.最优秀的,杰出的,经典的 The novel is regarded as one of the classic works. 7.basically adv.基本地,主要地 All cheeses are made in basically the way. 8.generation n.一代,一代人 He was a hero to generations of students. 9.category n.类别 William’s style does not fit easily into the category of jazz. 10.platform n.平台 The company plans to use the show as a platform to promote the new soft drink. 11.electronic adj.电子的 The identity cards are examined by an electronic scanner. 12.rhythmic adj.有节奏的,有韵律的 We could hear a rhythmic chant outside. 25.fade vi.消褪,逐渐消失 The smile faded from his face. 26.background n.背景,(个人出身、受教育)经历Steve has a background in computer engineering. 27.potential n.潜力 The company certainly has the potential for growth. 28.release vt.发布 A version of the game for Mac computers will be released in February. 29.ceremony n.仪式 Mike invited me to his wedding ceremony. 30.defend vt.辩护,辩解 Students should be ready to explain and defend their views. 31.typical adj.典型的 13.represent vt.代表 Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference. 14.immediately adv.立即 The telephone rang, and he answered it immediately. 15.evolve vi./vt.发展 The group gradually evolved into a political party. 16.identify vi.认同(常与with连用) Many readers identify with the characters in her novels. 17.consist of由……构成 The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes. 18.kick in开始 The storm is expected to kick in shortly after sunrise. It was typical of her to be late. 32.define vt.下定义 She believes that success should be defined in terms of health and happiness. 33.mark vt.标志 His artwork is marked by unusual uses of color. 34.delicate adj.精美的,精致的 We hung delicate lace curtains in the windows. 35.live adv.现场地 We are broadcasting live from downtown. 36.privileged adj.幸运的,荣幸的 I felt privileged to be part of the winning team. 37.claim vt.声称 He claims to know nothing about the accident.


5-20 Homework 1. 做完所发的两张卷子。周一交。 2. 周一默写Unit 6中重要单词词组,请自行准备。 3. news work (news vocab 周二默) *** 今天空英F的同学,请抄写前两次4月5月刊中共6篇文章所附的单词及例句。 News Issue 437 notes P1 Meeting the Inuits lead/live/have a …life过…的生活 set off for the destination 出发去目的地 magnetic North Pole 磁北极 a community of the residents 一群居民 excerpts from the young explorers’ blogs年轻探险家的博客节选 read the weather 判断天气,看懂天气 the same methods don’t work today 相同的方法不再奏效 unstable 不稳定的 unpredictable 不可预测的 eating, living and hunting habits 饮食,生活及狩猎习惯 junk food 垃圾食品 be astonished to see …吃惊地看到… give birth (to a baby) 生(孩子) come upon sb./sth. 不经意遇到;偶遇 freeze to death 冻死 rely on…依赖… a compromise between ancient traditions and wildlife preservation 古老传统与野生动物保护之间的折衷end up doing sth. 最终…; 以…而告终 List out something you find about Inuit people’s life? P2 After the tragedy move into a new apartment 搬入新公寓 surrounding areas 周边地区 an 8.0-magnitude earthquake 里氏八级地震 leave millions (of people) homeless 使几百万人无家可归 worst-hit areas 受灾最严重地区 rise from the ruins 从废墟中崛起 reconstruction projects 重建工程 at a news briefing 在新闻通气会上(简要新闻发布会)the overall reconstruction budget 全部的重建预算 renovate v. renovation n. 翻新,整修 protect everyone by social security 使每个人有社会保障 quake-hit areas / quake-stricken areas 地震灾区 preserve v. preservation n. 保存,保护 cast a shadow over the lives of residents 使居民的生活蒙上阴影 sorrowful atmosphere 悲伤的氛围 leave their sorrows behind 忘掉悲伤(leave… behind 留下)

21世纪学生英文报 阅读练习 Teens 391-393

The right direction (P1) 请选择最佳的答案 ( ) 1. Which band sings the song What Makes You Beautiful? A. One Direction B. The Right Direction C. UK boy band D. Justin Bieber ( ) 2. How many members are there in the band? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six ( ) 3. When did the band start? A. In 2009 B. In 2010 C. In 2011 D. In 2012 ( ) 4.Where did they sing the song What Makes You Beautiful? A. Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics B. Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics C. Closing Ceremony of the London Olympics D. Closing Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics ( ) 5. Who is the youngest of them? A. Zayn Malike B. Louis Tomlinson C. Niall Horan D. Harry Styles It all adds up for Lloyd Liu (P3) 请选择最佳的答案 ( ) 1. Which grade is Lloyd Liu in? A. In Grade 6 B. In Grade 7 C. In Grade 800 D. In Grade 13 ( ) 2. --When do most students begin to learn calculus? ---When they are ____. A. In high school B. In primary school C. In math school D. In the university ( ) 3. What’s important when studying math in Liu’s opinion? A. Calculus B. Logical thinking C. the SAT D. Multiplication tables ( ) 4. What did Liu advise to learn math? A. Calculating B. Thinking C. Doing exercises D. Understanding Moments of joy for Chinese superstars (P4) 判断句子正确与否,对的写T(True)错的写F(False): ( ) 1. China got 88 gold medals at the London Olympics. ( ) 2. Lin Dan fell behind at first in the game with Lee Chong Wei. ( ) 3. Sun Yang is the first male Chinese to win an Olympic gold. ( ) 4. Ye Shiwen got two gold medals at the London Olympics. Key: 1-5 ACBCD 1-4 BABD 1-4 FTFT

teens 词汇

Vocabulary from Teens Junior 2 Edition (Issue 1) P. 1 School bell rings 1. issue n. 议题;问题 A key issue for higher education in the 1990s is the need for greater diversity (多样性) of courses. 2. focus on 集中于 Our meeting focuses on the question of women's right. 3. determine v. 决定 The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time. 4. spend v. 话费 Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions. P. 2 New time new rules 5. discuss vt. 讨论 I will be discussing the situation with my classmates tomorrow. 6. control n.&v. 掌控 Nobody knows who is in control of the club. 7. protect vt. 保护 What can women do to protect themselves from heart disease? 8. encourage vt. 鼓励做某事 When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up. P3. Humor fills the start of my Australian adventure 9. humor n.&v. 幽默;迎合 She felt sorry for the man but couldn't ignore the humor of the situation. 10. pull one’s socks up 奋发向上 There is still plenty to do for our nation if we pull our socks up. 11. fit in 相处融洽 She was great with the children and fit in beautifully. P. 4 The ‘hidden’ language of Britain 12. fluent adj. 流利的 She studied eight foreign languages but is fluent in only six of them 13. powerful adj. 强大的;有影响力的 You're a powerful man – people will listen to you. 14. spread n.&v.&adj. 传播;伸展 Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as they will go without overstretching. 15. proud adj. 骄傲的;自豪的

21 世纪报 Teens 周刊八年级下阅读英语练习(三)(pdf版)

21世纪报Teens周刊八年级下阅读练习(三) 中文名字: A China’s vaccine aid(n.救援) Have you gotten vaccinated(v.接种疫苗)?This question has become a common way to greet(v.打招呼)others in China since the country rolled out(推出)mass(大规模的)COVID-19vaccinations in December. China is also providing vaccines to other countries.It is sending COVID-19vaccines to28 countries and providing help to69countries in need,Xinhua reported.Most of these countries are developing nations(发展中国家),such as Pakistan,Mongolia and Mexico. The leaders(n.领导)of these countries are taking the lead(带头)in receiving vaccine shots(注射). They include Indonesian President(n.总统;总裁)Joko Widodo and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. According to the World Bank,in terms of(在……方面)vaccinating their citizens(n.市民;公民),small and medium-sized developing nations could end up a year behind larger developing nations and developed countries.Some wealthier nations have already locked up(囤积)many vaccine doses(剂)for their own citizens.Some of them have ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate their populations(人口)two or three times,The Washington Post reported. For countries that have not yet developed(v.发展;研发)or gotten a vaccine,China may be the only solution(n.解决方案),AP noted.China is one of the few nations(n.国家)that can produce(v.生产) vaccines on a large scale(大批量). China has joined COVAX,a mechanism(n.机制)organized by the World Health Organization,to make sure that all members get the vaccine in the future.China has decided to offer10million vaccines to COVAX,Xinhua reported. 1.From Paragraph2,we know that_____. A.some people have questioned the safety of Chinese vaccines B.China has only sent vaccines to nearby Asian countries C.Chinese vaccines have been welcomed in many countries D.China offers vaccines to other countries for free 2.As for COVID-19vaccinations,small and medium-sized developing nations_____. A.have received help from western countries B.have fallen behind in vaccinating their citizens C.have locked up enough vaccines for their citizens D.have started to develop their own vaccines 3.What do we know from the story? A.China is leading the way in developing COVID-19vaccines. B.Chinese COVID-19vaccines are cheaper and safer than others. C.The COVID-19pandemic will soon end. D.China might offer COVID-19vaccines globally. B China’s biggest waterway makes development possible An exhibition(n.展览)about the Grand Canal---Paddling for a Thousand Miles(《舟楫千里——大运河文化展》)---ended at the National Museum of China(中国国家博物馆)in Beijing on March1. The Grand Canal is more than2,500years old.It is made up of(组成,构成)the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal,the Sui and Tang Grand Canal,and the Zhedong Canal.At nearly3,200kilometers long, it is the world’s longest man-made waterway.It has influenced(v.影响)the development of Chinese economics(n.经济)and culture for hundreds of years. Before it was built,people in ancient China used horses and oxen,or simply traveled by foot,to

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