当前位置:文档之家› 八大时态、被动语态、动词非谓语形式专题





①一般现在时句子中常有的时间状语:often,usually,sometimes,always,every (day等), once/twice,a (week等), on (Sunday等),never,in the (morning等)。如:They go to the Palace Museum once a year.(他们每年去一次故宫)/ They often discuss business in the evening.(他们经常在晚上商谈生意)

②表示客观真理、事实、人的技能或现在的状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。如:The earth turns round the sun.(地球绕着太阳转)/ Light travels faster than sound.(光传播比声音快)

③表示十分确定会发生(如安排好的事情)或按照时间表进行的事情,用一般现在可以表达将来,句子中可以有将来时间。如:The train for Haikou leaves at 8:00 in the morning.(开往汉口的列车上午8点开车)

④在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件状语从句中(以if,unless引导),用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句子可以有将来时间。如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany.(你一到德国就给我打电话) / If it rains tomorrow,we will have to stay at home.(如果明天下雨我们就只好呆在家)

⑤一般现在时用于倒装句中可以表示正在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。如:Here comes the bus. (车来了) / There goes the bell.(铃响了)。

⑥一般现在时常用于体育比赛的解说或寓言故事中。Now the midfield player catches the ball and he keeps it.

⑦人的心理活动和感官动作一般用一般现在时而不用现在进行时表达,常见动词有:like, love, hate, dislike, want, wish, hope, think(认为),understand, remember, forget, mean, need, hear, feel, see. 如:I think it is going to snow.(我想天要下雪了)/ I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(我真的希望你愉快地呆在这儿)



①表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning),(ten minutes) ago, when引导的时间状语从句。如:I got up at 6:00 this morning.(我是早上六点钟起床的)/ Little Tom broke the window at half past nine this morning.(小汤姆今天早上九点半把窗子打破了)/ When he went into the room,he saw a stranger talking with his father.(他走进房间时发现一个陌生人正和他父亲谈话)

②表示过去一段时间内不知何时发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:yesterday, last (year等), in (1998 等)。如:He came to our city in the year 2000.(他2000年来到我们市)

③表示过去一个阶段中经常发生的事情时,时间状语有:last…, in…, from…to…, for(10 years),often,usually, sometimes, always, never等。如:Mr Jackson usually went to evening schools when he was young. / Every day he went to the rich man and borrowed books from him.

④讲故事、对过去经历的回忆、双方都明白的过去事件等一般用过去时,而且经常省略时间状语。如:I happened to meet Rose in the street.(我正好在街上遇到露西)

(3) 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻或经常发生的动作或状态。

①一般将来时的时间状语有:tomorrow,this (afternoon),next (year),one day,now,soon,

someday,sometime, in the future, when引导的从句等。


用于所有人称。如:I will graduate from this school soon.(我很快就要从这所中学毕业了)/ You will stay alone after I leave.(我走了之后你就要一个人过了)

③“am/is/are going to+动词原形”表示打算或准备要做的事情,或者主观判断即将要发生的事情,而“am/is/are to +动词原形”表示安排或计划中的动作。如:A man told them that the woman was to give birth to the special baby.(有一个人告诉他们那个妇女就会生下那个特别的男孩)/ It’s going to rain soon.(天快要下雨了)

④表示一个人临时决定要做某事,可以用will表达。如:I will go to the lab to get some chemicals(化学药剂). So please wait until I return.(我要到化学实验室去取些药品,请等我回头)


⑥shall和will 在口语的一些疑问句中相当于情态动词。Shall一般与第一人称连用,will与第二人称连用。如:Shall we go to the zoo next Saturday?(我们下周六去动物园好吗?)/ Will you please open the door for me?(替我把门打开好吗?)

⑦“be to +动词原形”表示按照计划将要发生的事情。如:An angel came to tell her that she was to have this special boy.


①现在进行时由“助动词be (am is are ) +现在分词”构成。

②现在进行时的时间状语有:now, this …, these…等,但经常不用。如:What are you doing up in the tree?(你在树上干什么?)/ I am writing a long novel these days.(我最近在写一本长篇小说)

③表示即将发生的动作,一般指近期安排好的事情。常见的动词有:come, go, stay, leave, spend, do等。如:I’m coming now.(我就来)/ What are you doing tomorrow?(你明天干什么?)/ He is leaving soon.(他就要走了)

④表示频繁发生或反复进行的动作,常与always等频度副词连用,以表示赞扬、不满或讨厌等感情色彩。如:He is always borrowing money from me and forgetting all about it some time later.(他老是向我借钱,过一些时候就忘得一干二净)



②过去进行时的时间状语有:then, at that time, this time yesterday, at (eight) yesterday (morning),(a year) ago, 以及由when引出的时间状语从句。如:He was cooking supper this time yesterday.(昨天这个时候他正在做晚饭)/ The little girl was playing with her toy when I saw her.(我看到小女孩的时候她正在玩玩具)

③用于宾语从句或时间状语从句中,表示与主句动作同时进行而且是延续时间较长。句子中通常不用时间状语。如:She was it happen when she was walking past.(她路过时看到事情的发生)/ They sang a lot of songs while they were walking in the dark forest.(他们在黑暗的森林里走时唱了很多歌)

④也可以表示过去一个阶段频繁发生或反复进行的动作,常与always等频度副词连用,以表示赞扬、不满或讨厌等感情色彩。如:He was always borrowing money from me when he lived here.(他住在这里时老向我借钱)


①在完成时由“助动词have (has)+动词的过去分词”构成。

②表示发生在过去的对现在仍有影响的动作时,时间状语有:already, yet, just, once, twice,ever, never,three times, before等。如:I have never seen such fine pictures before. (我以前从来没有看过这么好的画)/ He has just gone to England.(他刚去英国)

③表示在过去开始一直延续到现在(可能延续下去)的动作或状态时,时间状语有:for (two years),since 1990, since (two weeks ago)和since引导的状语从句。如:I have been away from my hometown for thirty years.(我离开家乡有30年了)/ Uncle Wang has worked in the factory since it opened.(自从这家工厂开张,王叔叔一直在那儿工作)

④口语中have got往往表示have(有)的意思。如:They have got thousands of books in their library.(他们图书馆有上万本书)

⑤have been to与have gone to的区别:have gone to(“已经去了”)表示人不在这里,have been to(“去过”)表示人在这里。如:--Where is Mr Li? –He has gone to the UK.(李先生在哪里?他去了英国。)/ --Do you know something about Beijing? –Yes,I have been to Beijing three times. (你知道北京的情况吗?是的,我去过那里三次。)



have (already) gone to…have been in / at …f or (two years)

has come to…has been here since (1990)

(had) left…(had) been away from…

arrived…been in…

died been dead

begun been on

ended been over

bought... had…


joined…been in …


It is / has been + (多久)+ since + 主语(人)+谓语(过去时)+……+过去时间状语

[注意] 在其它的时态中也存在类似问题,记住,关键是:瞬间动词不能和表达一段时间的状语连用。如:How long may I keep the book?(这本书我能借多久?)(句子中keep取代了borrow)

(7) 过去完成时过去完成时表示过去某一时间或某一动作发生之前已经完成的动作。简言之, 过去完成时所表示的时间是“过去的过去”。


②过去完成时时间状语有:by (yesterday), by then, by the end of (last…)或者由when,before等引出状语从句。有时句子中会有already, just, once, ever, never等词语,也会有for…或since…构成的时间状语。如:They had already finished cleaning the classroom when their teacher came.(当老师来的时候他们已经打扫完了教室)/ The woman had left before he realized she was

a cheat.(在他发觉那个妇女是个骗子时她已经走掉了)


After I had put on my shoes and hat,I walked into the darkness.(我穿上鞋子戴上帽子走进了黑暗之中)/ He said that he had never seen a kangaroo before.(他说他以前从来没有见过袋鼠)


①过去将来时由“助动词should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称)+动词原形”构成。在美国英语中,过去将来时的助动词一律用“would +动词原形”。

②过去将来时常由于宾语从句中,时间状语有:later, soon, the next (day).

③在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中不可以使用过去将来时,而应该使用一般过去时。如:He promised that he would pay me a lot if I helped him with the project.(他答应付给我许多钱如果我帮助他搞那个项目)/ Every time when he was free,he would sit down and read some books.(每次只要他有空他就会坐下来看看书)

④表示纯粹的将来时用would或should,表示打算或主观认为的事情用was/were going to (+动词原形)。如:She told me she would be 18 the next month.(她告诉我她下个月就18岁了)/ She told me that she was going to have a walk with her pet dog.(她告诉我她打算带她的宠物狗去散步)

⑤过去将来时还可以表示一个过去经常性的动作。如:When it rained in the day, he would bring an umbrella with him.(白天下雨时他会随身带一把雨伞)

(9)现在完成进行时:现在完成进行时指一个从过去就开始一直延续到现在并由可能继续下去的动作,它具有现在完成时和现在进行时双重特征,结构是:“have/has + been +动词的现在分词”。如:I have been swimming in the cold water for about two hours.(我已经在冰冷的水里游了将近两个小时)/ How long have you been waiting here?(你在这里一直等了多久?) 被动语态:


(2)英语中被动语态由“助动词be +动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be有时态、人称和数的变化。被动语态后的by短语有时可省去。具体结构见下表:



is +p.p.

are am

is +being+p.p.

are will + be+p.p.


is +going to+ be + p.p.

are have(has) +been+p.p.


谓语动词构成was +p.p.

were w as


were w ould +be+p.p.

was +going to+be+p.p.

were h ad +been+p.p.

[注] p.p.表示过去分词。

(1) 被动语态的用法:

①不知道谁是动作的执行者(即不知道谁做)时用被动语态,省略by短语。如:A man was killed in the accident.(一个人死于事故)/ This window was broken yesterday.(这扇窗子是昨天被打破的)

②不说或者众所周知是谁做时,用被动语态,省略by短语。如:Rice is also grown in this place.(这个地方也种水稻)/ A railroad will be built here in three years.(三年之后这里将要修建一条铁路)

③强调动作的承受者,句尾加by短语。如:It was written by Lu Xun.(它(书)是鲁迅写的)/ A pet dog is never killed by its owner.(宠物狗是不会被主人宰杀的)

(2) 主动语态如何改写为被动语态:

主动句:主语(人/物) + 谓语(及物动词) + 宾语(人/物) + 其他+ 状语(动作的执行者) (各种时态形式) (动作的承受者)

被动句:主语(人/物) + 谓语(及物动词) + by +人/ 物+ 其他+ 状语(动作的承受者) (be +过去分词) (动作的执行者)

(3) 注意点:


His teacher gave him a dictionary.→He was given a dictionary by his teacher.(老师给他一本字典→他得到老师一本字典)

也可以用直接宾语做被动句的主语,但是需用to或者for引出原句的间接宾语。如:His teacher gave him a dictionary.→A dictionary was given to him by his teacher.(老师给他一本字典→一本字典由老师送给了他)/His father made him a kite.→A kite was made for him by his father.(他的父亲给他做了一个风筝→一个风筝由他的父亲做给了他)

②“动词+宾语+动词原形”改为被动时,动词原形前要加to.如:The boss made the poor man work 12 hours a day.→The poor man was made to work 12 hours a day.(老板让这个可怜的人一天工作12小时→这个可怜人被迫一天工作12小时)

③“动词+…+介词”改为被动时,介词一般在原位不动。如:The girl takes good care of her little brother.→The girl’s little brother is taken good care of by her.(女孩照顾小弟弟→女孩的小弟弟由她照顾着)


He is pleased / worried / tired /…….(系表)(他高兴/焦虑/疲劳……)

He was hit / knocked down / told / shot / …….(被动)(他被击中/撞倒/关照/射中……)




①形式:动词不定式基本形式由“不定式记号to+动词原形”构成。它的否定形式只要在“to”前面加上“not”。它的疑问形式是:“wh-疑问词+to+动词原形”。*它的被动形式:“to be +过去分词”。*它的完成形式:“to have +过去分词”。



③动词不定式可以放在谓语前句子作主语。但是通常将作主语的动词不定式或不定式短语放在谓语后面,而在主语位置用“it”作形式主语(有时在不定式的前面还会用for sb.表示不定式的逻辑主语)。如:To help animals is helping people.(帮助动物就是帮助人)/ It is very difficult (for us) to learn Chinese well.((对于我们而言)学好汉语是非常的困难)/ It took me half an hour to work out this problem.(解出这道题花了我一个小时的时间)


[A] 及物动词+不定式一般形式:

谓语动词(vt.) +不定式

(作宾语) [说明]

want(想) / try(试图) / decide(决定) / would like(想要) / hope(希望) / love(喜爱) / learn(学会) / afford(提供) / agree(同意) / fail(失败、未能) / mean(意味着) / prefer(宁愿) / wish(希望) + to (do) (无)

help(帮助) to可以省略

begin(开始)/ start(开始)/hate(憎恨) 也可跟动名词,意义变化不大

forget(忘记) / remember(记得)/ like(总爱) 也可跟动名词,意义变化较大如:I would like to have a rest at the moment.(我现在想休息一下)/ They began to search the room for the thief.(他们开始在屋子里搜寻小偷)/ He liked to have a swim in the pool near his house.(他喜爱在靠家的水塘里面游泳)/ When did you learn to speak English?(你什么时候开始学英语的?)/ Don’t forget to close the door when you leave.(你离开时别忘了关门

[比较] He forgot to turn off the light.(他忘了关灯.) (没关)/ He forgot turning off the light.(他忘记关过灯.)(关了) / Please remember to ring me up.(记得给我打电话.)(还没打电话) / I remember calling you yesterday but you forgot.(我记得昨天给你打电话了,但是你忘记了.)(打过电话)

[B] 及物动词+疑问词+不定式:

谓语动词(vt.) +wh-疑问词+不定式(作宾语) [说明]

tell (告诉) / show (显示) / know (知道) / ask (问) / find out (发现) / understand (明白) / wonder(疑惑) / learn(学会) / forget(忘记) / remember(记得) / teach sb.(教某人) / discuss(商讨) what


+ how + to (do)




如:He does not know which one to take.(他不知道该选哪个)/ Tell me how to get to the station.(告诉我怎么样去火车站)/ She asked me what to do for today’s homework.(她问我今天家庭作业做什么)/ Can you teach me how to search the internet?(你能教我怎样上网吗?)

[C] 不定式作宾语而后面又有宾语补足语时,通常用it代替作形式宾语,而不定式则后置。如:I found it not very easy to learn to ride a bike.(我发现学骑车不很容易)


[A] 记住下面的一些结构:

被修饰部分+ 不定式(作后置定语) 汉语意思

a key to lock the door 锁门的钥匙

a box to hold these things 装这些东西的箱子

give her a book to read 给她一本书读

Is there any (+名词/代词) to (do)? 有…要(做的)吗?

It’s time to go. 是走的时间了。/ 该走了。

Do you have any work to do? 你有工作要做吗?

I’d like somethingto eat. 我要点儿吃的。

I have nothing to say. 我没有话要说。

Would you like something to drink? 你要点儿喝的吗?

[B] 在这种情况下,如果不定式动词是不及物动词,则后面必须加介词。如:

They could not find a place to live in.(他们找不到住的地方)/ Please give me a chair to sit on.(请给我一张椅子坐坐)/ He has got a writing brush to write with.((他找到了写字的毛笔)


[A] 放在不及物动词(come, go, stop, finish, wait等词)的后面。如:He came to see her yesterday.(他昨天来看望她)(表示来的目的)/ I stopped to have a rest.(我停下来休息一会儿)(表示停下来的目的)

[B] 放在完整的谓语之后(即“谓语+宾语”、“谓语+宾语+补语”、“动词+表语”之后)。如:We cleaned the room to let him play in it.(我们打扫了房间以便让他在里面玩)/ I opened the window to see more clearly.(我打开窗子以便看得更清楚点儿)

[C] 有时表示目的的不定式短语可以放在句首。如:To arrive there on time,I got up one hour earlier than usual.(为了按时到达,我们比平时早起了一个小时)(表示早起的目的)

[注意] stop to do 与stop doing的不同。如:They stopped to have a look.(他们停下来看看)(不定式作“停下来”的目的状语)/ They stopped looking out of the window and began to listen to the teahcher.(他们停止向窗外望,开始听老师讲课)(动名词作宾语,表示“停止”的内容)

⑦动词不定式可以在句子中用作表语,限用于连系动词之后。如:My job is to keep the goal.(我的工作就是守住球门)


谓语动词(vt.) + 宾语(人/ 物) +不定式(作宾语补足语)

ask(请) / tell(关照) / teach(教) / want(想要) / would like(想要) / get(让) / help(帮) / invite(邀请) / like(喜欢) / warn(警告) / +sb. / sth. +to (do)

make(使得) / let(让) / hear(听) / see(看) / feel(感觉) / watch(观看)/ have(使得) / help(帮助) +sb. / sth. + (do)

如:Mum asked me to help her with the cooking.(妈妈叫我帮助她做饭)/ I would like you to see my parents.(我想要你见见我的父母)/ The boss often made the workers work 14 hours a day.(老板常让工人们一天工作14小时)/ Now let me hear you play the violin.(现在让我来听你拉小提琴)

[注意] help之后做宾补的不定式符号to可以省略;hear / see / feel / watch之后的宾补用不定式与现在分词时,含义不同,需特别注意,(参见现在分词部分)。试比较:

I heard her crying when I walked past.(我路过时听到她正在哭)(指当时瞬间的情况)

I sat near her and heard her sing the new song.(我坐在她附近听她唱新歌)(指整个过程)



②动名词可以作主语。一般可用it作形式主语而将动名词短语后移。如:Learning English all

by yourself is not so easy.(自学好英语不那么容易)(=It is not so easy learning English all by yourself.)


[A] want / need之后用动名词时,含有被动意思。如:Your car needs reparing badly.(你的车急需修理。)(被修)My hair needs cutting.(我要理发。)(头发被理)

[B] remember / forge / stop / finish之后用动名词时,与用不定式含义不同。如:I forgot to write a letter to him.(我忘了给他写封信)(根本没写) / I forgot writing a letter to him.(我忘了给他写过信)(写了却忘了) / They stopped to look back.(他们停下来向后看)(停下的目的是向后看) / They stopped looking back.(他们停止向后看)(不向后看了)

[C] enjoy / mind / keep / hate/ go等词一般用动名词作宾语。如:Do you mind my closing the door?(把门关上你介意吗?)/ She hates travelling by air.(她讨厌坐飞机旅行)/ They went swimming every afternoon.(他们每天下午去游泳)/ I enjoy walking around the town.(我喜欢在镇上转悠)

[D] like / love / start / begin / learn后面用动名词时,与用不定式意思相近或相同。如:We began to study English when we were at primary school.(我们在小学时就开始学英语了) / We began studying English when we were at primary school. (我们在小学时就开始学英语了)

④动名词可以作表语,此时特别注意不要与现在进行时混淆。如:My job is putting these parts together.(我的事情是把这些部件拼起来) / I am putting these parts together.(我正在把这些部件拼起来)

⑤动名词与现在分词构成相同,但是含义不同,动名词主要表示事情,而现在分词则主要表示进行着的动作。如:Eating too much is not good for your health. (动名词短语,作主语) / Seeing is believing.(动名词短语,分别作主语和表语) / He ran after a moving bus and got onto it.(现在分词,作定语) / His father saw him sitting on some eggs.(现在分词,作宾补)




[A] 作定语:分词作定语时,一般要放在修饰的名词之前,分词短语作定语时,则要放在所修饰的名词之后。如:I have got a running nose.(我流鼻涕) / The woman running after the thief shouted very loudly,“Stop the thief!”(跟着小偷追的妇女大喊:捉小偷!) / Yesterday I met a man called Mr. Black.(昨天我遇见了一个名叫布莱克先生的人)/ He only gave me a broken glass,so I was very angry with him.(他只给了我一个坏玻璃杯,所以我很生他的气)

[B] 现在分词可以作下列动词的宾语补足语。(参考不定式作宾语补足语)

谓语动词(vt.) 宾语宾语补足语

keep(保持) / see(看到) /

hear(听到) / watch(注意到) / feel(感觉到) sb./sth. (do)ing

如:Mum kept me working all the week.(妈妈让我一个星期都在工作)/ When I entered the room,I saw Jack eating a big pear.(我进入房间时看到杰克正在吃一只大梨子)/ In the dark I felt something very cold moving on my foot.(黑暗之中我感到有个冷的东西在我的脚上移动) [C] 现在分词可以作状语,表示伴随情况。如:She came into the classroom,holding a pile of papers in her hand.(他走进教室,手上抓着一沓纸)/ I am very busy these days getting ready for the coming oral test.(这些日子我正忙着准备即将来到的口语考试)

[D] 过去分词可以作表语,放在连系动词后面,但要注意不要与被动语态混淆,“主系表”主要表示状态,而被动语态则表示动作。常用过去分词作表语的结构有:be worried (焦虑) / be

pleased (高兴) / be tired (疲劳) / get dressed (打扮好) / get lost (迷路) / get caught (遭遇) / beome frustrated (沮丧) / become intereted in (对…感兴趣)等等。例略。

[E] 过去分词可以作宾语补足语。如:I had my hair cut this morning.(今天早上我让人给我理了发)(注意:have sth. done表示动作由别人来做,而have done sth.则为现在完成时的结构,两个结构不可以混淆)


1. The sun ________ in the east.

A. is always rising

B. always is rising

C. rises always

D. always rises

2. He often ________ his clothes on Sundays.

A. washing

B. washes

C. has washed

D. wash

3. I’m Japanese. Where ________ from?

A. do you come

B. you are coming

C. you come

D. are you coming

4. A mother who ________ her son will do everything for his happiness.

A. is loving

B. loves

C. loved

D. has loved

5. ________ at a higher temperature than water?

A. Has milk boiled

B. Is milk boiling

C. Does milk boil

D. Was milk boiling

6. He signed to us with his hand, “The lesson is over. You ________.”

A. dismissed

B. are dismissed

C. have dismissed

D. were dismissed

7. I haven’t met him for ages, but his mother ________ him sometimes.

A. had still seen

B. still sees

C. has still seen

D. still saw

8. We will start as soon as our team leader________ .

A. comes

B. will come

C. come

D. is coming

9. I think Jack ________ the answer.

A. has known

B. does know

C. is knowing

D. knows

10. My father ________ George quite well; they were introduced at a party.

A. is knowing

B. was knowing

C. knows

D. had been knowing

11. Where ________ ?

A. Mary works

B. works Mary

C. does Mary works

D. does Mary work

12. I think this question ________ to answer.

A. easy

B. is easy

C. was easy

D. Both A and B

13. ________ oil or butter when you cook it ?

A. Do you use

B. Did you use

C. Were you using

D. Have you used

14. I ________ some newspaper at seven yesterday evening.

A. am reading

B. read

C. was reading

D. will read

15. Now he ________ a book about New York. I don’t think he will finish it.

A. writes

B. wrote

C. has written

D. is writing

16. Zhang Hua does a lot of housework every evening, but now he ________ his schoolmates with their lessons.

A. help

B. is helping

C. helps

D. has helped

17. Mother washes the girl’s hair. Look, she ________ .

A. is washing it now

B. washes it

C. is washing them now

D. washes them now

18. He usually listens to the radio, but at the present moment he ________ television.

A. watches

B. is watching

C. has watched

D. had watched

19. How long ago ________ playing with soldiers?

A. have you stopped

B. had you stopped

C. did you stop

D. do you stop

20. Look at John! What ________ ?

A. does he

B. he is doing

C. is he doing

D. does he do

21. It ________ hard when I left my house.

A. is raining

B. rains

C. was raining

D. will rain

22.The railway ________ in three years.

A. is complete

B. will completed

C. has completed

D. will be completed

23. Don’t talk so loudly. Your father ________ .

A. sleeps

B. is sleeping

C. slept

D. had slept

24. ----- What are you doing under the table?

----- I ________ to find my pen.

A. tried

B. had tried

C. try

D. am trying

25. Jane and Tom ________ the door.

A. are walking at

B. walk at

C. walks to

D. are walking to

26. How many people does the doctor know ________ of the disease?

A. are dying

B. is dying

C. has died

D. dies

27. He ________ thin.

A. was getting

B. is getting

C. will getting

D. had been got

28. Our team ________ every match so far this year, but we still have three games to play.

A. was winning

B. has won

C. had won

D. wins

29. I shall tell you what he ____at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.

A. has done

B. has been done

C. had been doing

D. was doing

30. I ________ my homework now.

A. finish

B. finished

C. have finished

D. had finished

31. I ________ this coat for very long. It still looks quite new.

A. wasn’t having

B. haven’t had

C. hadn’t

D. haven’t been having

32. ________ reading the book yet?

A. Have you finished

B. Were you finishing

C. Had you finished

D. Are you finishing

33. The evening party ________ .You are a little late.

A. just began

B. just has begun

C. has just begun

D. has begun just now

34. The dog is still wet. It ________ out of the rain.

A. only just comes

B. has only just coming

C. was only just come

D. has only just come

35. Where did you study before you ________ to this middle school?

A. come

B. came

C. are coming

D. will come

36. He ________ home for nearly three weeks.

A. has gone away from

B. has left

C. has been away from

D. went away from

37. ----- Did your brother go to America last year? ----- ________ .

A. No, he has never go there

B. No, he has never gone here

C. No, he never was there

D. No, he’s never been there

38. My uncle ________ in that factory since 1958.

A. worked

B. had worked

C. is working

D. has worked


中考英语动词时态、语态以及非谓语形式专项训练(附答案) 1. Whe n he arrived at the bus stop, the bus _______ for 20 minu tes. A. has left B. had left C. has bee n away D. had bee n away 2. I _____ the League for 5 years so far. A. jo ined B. have joined C. have bee n in 3. The factory ________ si nee the February of 1988. A . has bee n ope n B. has ope ned C. was ope n D. ope ned 4. Mary and Rose _______ f riends since they met in 2000. A. have made B. have bee n C. made D. have become 5. You must n't ______ un til he comes back. A. be away B. leave C. be left 6. The meeti ng _________ f or a week now. A. has fini shed B. has en ded C. has bee n over 7. Miss Gao ____ this school for n early 5 years. A. has bee n in B. has come to C. has taught 8. Be n ____ a teacher for 4 years . A. has bee n B. has become C. was D. became 9. I _____ home for a week. A. have retur ned B. have bee n back C. retur ned 10. How long ______ he ________ ? A. died B. has, died C. has, bee n dead


非谓语动词用法归纳 一、表格的用法 1. doing 的用法 (1)在要求动词后(作宾语):avoid 避免appreciate 感激/欣赏acknowledge 承认/自 认admit 承认advocate 提倡/ 主张consider 考虑can't help 不禁can't stand 受不了contemplate 细想complete 完成confess 坦白dislike 不喜欢,讨厌deserve 值得delay 延迟deny 否认dread 可怕defer 拖延detest 嫌恶enjoy 享有/喜爱envy 嫉妒endure 忍受excuse 借口escape 逃跑/ 逃避finish 完成forgive 原谅fancy 幻想/ 爱好favor 造成/ 偏爱figure 描绘/ 计算hate 讨厌imagine 设想involve 卷入/ 包含keep 保持miss 错过mention 说到/ 讲到mind 介意pardon 原谅/ 饶恕permit 允许postpone 推迟practice 实行/实践prevent 阻止quit 放弃停止risk 冒险recall 回想resist 抵抗/ 阻止resume 恢复repent 悔悟resent 怨恨stand 坚持/ 忍受suggest 建议save 营救/ 储蓄tolerate 忍受

worth 值得 You should try to avoid making mistakes. The book is worth reading. The book deserves reading. (2)表进行 Walking on the grassland, I saw a snake.=When I was walking on the grassland, I saw a snake. The man speaking English is Tom. = The man who is speaking English is Tom. (3)表主动 The man speaking English is Tom = The man who speaks English is Tom. = The man who spoke English is Tom. Nobody dinks boiling water but boiled water.= Nobody dinks water that is boiling but the water that has boiled. (4)表伴随 I stand outside waiting for Mr. Chen. I lie in bed reading a novel. (5)表性质;特点 The film is very moving. She is understanding, so you had better discuss your business with her. 6)概括性, 一般性 Climbing mountain is very interesting.


语法填空(2011年全国高考时态语态非谓语动词汇编) 01.The next thing he saw was smoke (rise) from behind the house.(全国卷I) 02. If you don't like the drink that you ______(order), just leave it and try a different one.(全国卷II) 03. The island, _______ (join)to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to. (全国卷II) 04. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody (break)into the office during the night. (江西卷) 05. On receiving a phone call from his wife (say) she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his office. (江西卷) 06. Tsinghua University, (found) in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures. (福建卷) 07. The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable_______ (hold). 08. Last month, the Japanese government expressed their thanks for the aid they______ (receive)from China. (福建卷) 09. Look over there – there’s a very long, winding path (lead) up to the house.(山东卷) 10. When I got on the bus, I _____(realize)I had left my wallet at home. (山东卷) 11. She was surprised to find the fridge empty. The children _____ (eat)everything! (山东卷) 12. His first novel ( receive)good reviews since it came out last month.(陕西卷) 13.Claire had her luggage (check)an hour before her plane left. (陕西卷) 14. .More highways have been built in China, __(make)it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. (陕西卷) 15. Passengers are permitted (carry)only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.(天津卷) 16. ______ (translate)into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order. .(天津卷) 17. Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, (keep)on your feet.(北京卷) 18. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier _____ (break)into small pieces.(安徽) 19. All visitors to this village _________ (treat) with kindness.(四川卷) 20. Simon made a big bamboo box (keep)the little sick bird till it could fly. (四川卷) 21. (offer) an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous. (四川卷) 22. By the time Jack returned home from England, his son. (graduate) from college. (辽宁卷) 23. More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _____ (raise)people’s concern over food safety. (重庆卷) 24. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself_______ (remind) of his own dreams. 25. The ability _____( express) an idea is as important as the idea itself. (湖南卷) 26. The players ______(select)from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game. 27. Do you wake up every morning _______(feel) energetic and ready to start a new day? (湖南卷) 28. It is the most instructive lecture that I _______(attend) since I came to this school. (湖南卷) 29. In the near future, more advances in the robot technology _______(make) by science. (湖南卷) 30. Recently a survey _______(compare) prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. (江苏卷) 31. The rare fish, ______ (save)from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea. (上海卷) 32. At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam.Then I changed my mind, ______(realize) that he could do nothing to help. (上海卷) 33. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing… but we seem ______ (lose)the art of communicating face-to-face. (浙江卷) 34. Even the best writers sometimes find themselves (lose)for words. (浙江卷) 35. If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city (cheer)by their enthusiastic supporters. (浙江卷)


动词非谓语形式 一.基本概念: 顾名思义,不担任谓语成分而担任其他语法功能的动词称为非谓语动词,有to do (动词不定式) / -ing (现在分词 / 动名词) / -ed (过去分词)三个形式。由于他们不受主语人称和数的限制,故也称为"非限定动词"。(学习中不要刻意去区分现在分词和动名词) 二.非谓语动词的时态和语态意义: 英语中动词有两大基本特征:时态和语态的变化。非谓语动词也是动词,当然也具备动词的这两大特征。 1. 时态概念:非谓语动词只有"过去、现在和将来"三个时间概念,他与谓语动词时态的区别是:谓语动词表示的是实际时间概念,如I am learning English.是指讲话的时候或那段时间里"我正在学英语"。而非谓语动词的"过去、现在和将来"是指相对于谓语动词而言的"过去、现在和将来",即先于谓语动词的行为或状态称为"过去时",与谓语动词的行为或状态发生在同一时间(段)的称为"现在时",而发生在谓语动词的行为或状态之后的称为"将来时"。这个时间概念对于后面要讲的非谓语动词的句法功能是非常重要的。 2. 语态概念:与谓语动词一样,非谓语动词也有主动语态和被动语态之分。 也就是要记住四句话: (1) 表示将来时; (2) 表示现在时; (3) 表示过去时(一定是被动的) (4) 动词不定式的完成时表示过去时 非谓语动词的上述时态和语态概念是理解非谓语动词句法功能、应试判题和翻译的基础。 请你判断一下,下面句子中的非谓语动词是什么时态和语态: Your duty is to look after the sick child. (你的责任是照料这个病孩。将来/ 主动) The sick child needs to be looked after by a special person. (这个病孩需要专人照顾。将来 / 被动)

人教版2020中考英语试题解析汇编(第01期)专题02 单项选择非谓语动词及动词时态及语态)

专题02 单项选择(动词(词组或短语)非谓语动词及动词时态及语态) 1. 【2018年江苏省宿迁市】--I saw John in the park this morning.. --It _____be him. He has gone to HongKong. A. can’t B. can C. mustn’t D. must 【答案】A 【解析】句意:——今天早上我看见约翰在公园里。——不可能是他。他去香港了。考查情态动词辨析题。can’t不可能,表否定推测;can可以,表允许;C. mustn’t一定不要,表禁止;D. must一定是,表肯定推测。根据对句He has gone to HongKong.,结合句意语境,可知本句是否定推测,故选A。 2. 【2018年江苏省宿迁市】Liu Changjian, the command pilot of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633, successfully down the plane last month. A. has brought B. ill bring C. brought D. bring 【答案】C 3. 【2018年江苏省宿迁市】---How is our government going to deal with the office building? --- It will be _____ a library. A. turned off B. turned on C. turned out D. turned into 【答案】D 【解析】句意:——我们的政府如何处理办公大楼?——它将变成一个图书馆。考查动词短语辨析题。A. turned off关掉(开关等);B. turned on打开(开关等);C. turned out…打扮;D. turned into变成。根据句意语境,可知前三个选项都与句意不合,故选D。 4. 【2018年江苏省宿迁市】This kind of pen _____, and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some. A. writes well B. writes good C. is written well D. is written good 【答案】A 【解析】句意:这种笔写得很好,也很便宜。我想你可以买一些。考查动词语态和副词辨析题。write写,动词,需用副词修饰,good是形容词,可排除BD两项。write这个动作是由pen发出的,不可用被动语态,可排除C项。根据句意结构和语境,可知选A。


1.These model cars _____in China in 2013. A.are made B.were made C.make D.made 2. Over $30000_______for a children’s hospital by a British girl several moths ago. A.is raised B.was raised C.will be raised D.has been raised 3.Martin was so busy _____the old that he gave up his part –time job. A.helping B.helped C.to help D.help 4.The novel ____by many people today. A.is read B.are read C.reads D.were read 5.My parents didn’t allow me ____to the party. A.go B.to go C.goes D.went 6.I will try my best to stop my son from ______the same mistake. A.make B.made C.makes D.making 7.-How clean your car is! -Thank you.It ____very often. A. is washed B.washes C.was washed D.washed 8.Pukou Railway Station ______in 1911 and it has become a filming location for films and TV plays in recent years. A.build B.is built C.built D.was built 9/-What’s wrong with Simon? He isn’t at school today. -His legs hurt. He was____by a motorcycle this morning. A.treated B.hit C.operated D.cured 10.Sarah,you’d better drink more water after____for such a long time. A.run B.runs C.to run D.running 11.Many houses ____by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless. A.damaged B.were damaged C.were damaging D.are damaged 12.My time in the middle school was one of____periods of my life. A.exciting B.more exciting C.the more exciting D.the most exciting 13.Chengdu is a greener city now because more and more trees ____every spring. A.were planted B.are planted C.will be planted 14.It’s necessary for us ____to our parents when we have problems. A.to talk B.talking C.talk 15.-Don’t smoke here,Dad.Smoking_____in public places. -Oh,sorry. I’ll stop right now. A.isn’t allowed B.aren’t allowed C.doesn’t allow 16.So far,the AIIB(亚投行)_____57 countries to be the founding members. A.attracted B.has attracted C.will attract 17.When you_____a difficult task,try to continue with it and finish it. A.give B.are giving C.gave D.are given 18.Doing eye excercises ___one of the useful ways to protect our eyes. A.is B.are C.were 19.I wonder when Subway Ⅱin Harbin____.When the day comes,I’ll spend less time going to school every day. A.is finish B.will be finished C.was finished


语法(一)—动词时态语态 语法考点分析: 从句会占到7-9分,非谓语动词6-8分,这两块基本是15分;虚拟语气2-3分;时态与语态(主要是完成时)会有1分或情态动词的完成体1分,主谓一致1分。 从句中,重要考点是定语从句,定语从句会占到从句中3-4分,其中which引导的非限制性定语从句、只能用that引导定语从句必考;然后是名词性从句,其中主语从句中whether 与if 的区别、whoever的用法、that与what、whatever的区别是主要考点;还有that引导的同位语从句;状语从句中主要是as引导的让步状语从句、as(so) long as\unless\in case\since 的含义及用法、 no sooner…than…\ hardly…when…\ not…until…\ however的用法、比较级中的倍数问题等是必考的。 非谓语动词中现在分词与过去分词作状语、定语与表语的区别是必考的重点。 There is no good/use/point/sense doing…, It is no good /use doing…句型、admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, mind, recall, resent, resist,, risk, suggest等动词后跟动名词、分词作状语与分词独立结构的区别 虚拟语气,if引导一般虚拟条件句中对过去的假设、用should表虚拟、常用的虚拟语气句型:would rather, had rather, would as soon、It is (high/ about ) time(是……时候了)、动词wish后的虚拟语气、but for, lest, if only后的虚拟语气是重要考点。 主谓一致考点解析:就远法当主语与with, along with, accompanied by, in addition to, together with, including, as well as, like, besides, rather than。就近法not only…but also…, or, either…or…, neither…nor…, nor、物主代词或不定代词作主语none, all, half, some, most, any, the rest, 百分数、分数作主语、(the)one of +复数名词+ who/ that / which引导的定语从句的谓语。 情态动词的完成体是情态动词的考点。 动词时态与语态考试重点:过去完成时、将来完成时、现在完成时、现在完成进行的用法。 一、动词时态 动词时态与语态 考试重点:过去完成时、将来完成时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时的用法;when, until, as soon as, before, unless, if, once, in case等引导的时间或条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来时;come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等动词用一般现在时表将来时;反义疑问


非谓语动词就是不能作句子谓语而具有其他语法功能的动词。 主语/表语: 不定式和ing分词均能作主语,二者有何区别? 1.表示某一具体的动作时,多用不定式;表示比较抽象的一般行为倾向的,多用动名词。 2.动名词作主语时通常位于句首;不定式作主语时常置于句末,用it作形式主语放在句首。 1) Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here. 2) It is not very good for you to smoke so much. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. 若主语和表语都是非谓语动词, 应保持形式上的一致。

宾语: 1. 有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语,如: …… manage, promise, pretend, plan, offer, agree, ask, dare, choose, fail, help(帮助),want(想要) , refuse等。 决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装。 主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。 2. 有些动词后只跟动名词作宾语,如: ……practise, appreciate, dislike, excuse, forgive, keep, resist, risk, deny, advise, fancy, complete, forbid, permit, allow, stand, refer to, give up, lead to, take to, set about, get down to, object to, succeed in, have difficulty in... 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。 避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡。 3.有些动词如begin, start; love, like, hate, prefer后既可以跟不定式又可以跟ing分词作宾语,意义上无多大区别(但ing分词一般表示经常性的行为;不定式表示具体的行为)。 4.有些动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟动名词作宾语,但意义上有明显差别。go on (stop/remember/regret)to do/doing can’t help to do / doing try to do/ doing mean to do(打算)/ doing(意味)be used to do / doing ( get used to doing)(used to do) 5.动词need, require, want作“需要”,deserve作“应受,应得”,主动表被动 定语: 不定式、ing 分词和过去分词都可以作定语,主要区别在于它们的时态意义和语态意义。 分词作定语与动词不定式作定语的区别是:现在分词表示主动、进行之意;过去分词表示被动与完成;而不定式表示在谓语动词表示的动作之后即将发生的动作。 不定式用来修饰序数词、最高级或no, all, any等限定词的中心词,表主动关系。 E.g.: The car to be bought is for his sister. / He was the best man to do the job. The houses being built are for the teachers. Developing countries/ developed countries 补语: 1.能接带to的不定式作宾语补足语和主语补足语的动词有:ask, advise, tell, force, get, allow, want, wish, like, hate, prefer, intend,expect, encourage, persuade, permit, request,order, warn, cause等。 Think, consider, believe, suppose, feel等后常用“to be....”作补语。 E.g.: You are not allowed to smoke here. People considered him to be a great leader. 2.使役动词,感官动词接不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的使役动词有make, let, have等;感官动词有see, hear, watch, observe, notice, feel以及look at, listen to等。 ◆“吾看三室两厅一感觉”---5看(look at, see, watch, notice, observe)3使(make,


怎么区别动词非谓语动词的时态 非谓语动词 非谓语动词(不能作谓语用)包括不定式、分词及动名词。 动词不定式 1.常用形式:一般主动式to do, 一般被动式to be done 完成主动式to have done, 完成被动式to have been done 进行式to be doing 2.语法功能:可作主语、表语、宾语、宾补、定语和状语(即除谓语之外的各种成 分)。例如: 1)主语:To master a foreign language is very important. 2)表语:My job is to drive them to the company every day. 3)宾语:Do you want to visit the Great Wall? Can you give us some advice on what to do next? 宾补:The teacher advised us to have a rest first. I didn′t notice them come in. 注:see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, let等动词后作宾补的动词不定式不带to, 但变为被动语态以后(即不定式作主补时)要带to, (其中let sb. do sth. 变为被动式为sb. is let do sth.) help(帮助)后作宾补的动词不定式可带to,也可不带to. 即help sb.(to)do sth. 定语:不定式位于所修饰的名词,代词之后,如:Who was the first one to set to the top of the hill yesterday? /He is the man to depend on/to believe in. 6)状语:in order to A.目的状语:She reads China Daily every day so as to improve her English. to 注:in order to 可以位于句首或句中,so as to 不能位于句首。 B.原因状语:I’m glad to see you . 注:这种“be+形容词+不定式”结构,其不定式有时也可视为宾语,如:He is eager to go to college./ She is sure to come here. C.结果状语:They lived to see the liberation of their home town.他们一直活到见到家乡解放。 △在“too…to…”结构中表“太…结果不能”,如:He is too weak to do the work. 注:too之前如果有only, only too 表“非常”、“很”意,此时不定式不再表否定意,而表肯定意。如:They are only too lucky to go abroad for a visit. 他们很幸运去国外访问。 另外,too后如果是happy, glad之类形容词时,不定式也表肯定意, 如:She was too happy to meet her old friend in the street. △在“形容词/副词+enough+不定式”结构中表“足以能…”,如:He is strong enough to do the work. 3.复合结构不定式(for sb. to do sth.),可作主语、表语、宾语、定语和状语。for 本身无意义,sb.可称之为不定式的逻辑主语。例如:I think it necessary for him to go there at once.(复合结构不定式作宾语)


非谓语的时态语态 1、非谓语的时态取决于它与谓语动词的时间先后比,先与谓语动词用完成时,与谓 语动词同时或之后用一般式 2、非谓语的语态取决于与它相关名词的关系,主动用主动式,被动被动态。 Yaoming is said to have retired He pretended to be doing homework when his dad came in I’m sorry for keeping your waiting He narrowly escaped being run over Not 置于非谓语前 不定式注意事项: 1、too ……(to) 太……以至于不能…… ①:很,非常:too ……to 中,形容词为: Anxious , delighted , eager , easy , glad , kind , pleased , ready Surprised , willing , ②:too 前受or , but , not , never , only , quite , really 修饰 2、to 的省略 ①:感官使意动词后的宾补与主动态中to 省略。被动态中还原 ②:but , except , besides (to do 要做表语,主语有do 的某种形式) 前有do 后无to ,前无do 后有to You can’t do anything but wait You have no choice but to wait 不定式内容省略=保留to符号 Be afraid , expect , forget , hope ,intend , like , love mean , perfect , refuse , seem ,try , want , wish ,及形容词:glad , happy , pleased , delighted Are you a student?


非谓语动词之动词不定式被动语态形 一、复习各种时态的被动语态 ★ 被动语态的基本结构:be+ done (以the book , publish 为例) 一般现在/过去时: The book is/ was p ublished 一般/过去将来时: The book will/would be p ublished The book is/was going to be p ublished 现在/过去进行时: The book is/was being p ublished 现在/过去完成时: The book has/had bee n p ublished 情态动词: The book can/could/may/might …be p ublished 二、不定式的被动式的基础知识: 1)一般式:(not/never )to be done 2)完成式:(not/ never )to have been done (表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前) 三、▲通常在believe, suppose, say, report等动词构成的句子中可以进行主动语态到被动语态以及被动语态和动词不定式的转换.如: They say that Mike is sick in bed. =lt is said that Mike is sick in bed. =Mike is said to be sick in bed. 据说麦克卧床不起. People believe that he was killed. =It is believed that he was killed. =He is believed to have been killed. 大家相信他被杀了. 四、当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者而非发出者时,不定式一般要采用被动形式(to be done). 语法功能: 1.作主语: It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. 2.作宾语: She asked to be sent to work in Xinjiang.


课后任务 动词非谓语,被动语态 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( )1.The weatherman says a rain shower this afternoon in the south. A. expects B. expected C. is expected ( )2.Mr. Green to sing an English song at the party and he sang well. A. was invited B. invited C. is invited ( )3.When the baby dog, it was very hungry. So we gave it some food. A. is found B. was found C. will be found ( )4. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been learned C. can learn ( )5.The task in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest. A.was finished B. will be finished C. can't be finished ( )6. Would you please tell me after I finished doing my homework? A. how do B. what to do C. what do I do ( )7. The girl wasn’t to lift that bookcase. A.too strong B. enough strong C. strong enough ( )8. ----What about ________ a rest? We have kept working for three hours ----OK! Let's go for a walk. A.to have B.had C.having ( )9.Bruce practices ________ basketball every day so that he can achieve his dream of being a professional basketball player.. A.play B. to play C. playing ( )10.It took me two weeks ________ reading the novels written by Guo Jingming. A.finish B.to finish C.finishes


非谓语动词的时态和语态问题 一、非谓语动词的时态问题 不定式或动词的-ing形式(包括现在分词和动名词)的动作若发生在谓语动词的动作之前,用完成式,否则就用一般式。例: 1.I don’t know whether you happen ________,but I’m going to study in the U. S. A. this September. (辽宁卷) A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard 【分析】答案选D。hear发生在谓语don’t know之前,用不定式的完成式。句意是:我不知道你是否已经听说过了,今年九月我要去美国学习。 2.The old man, ________ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland. (江苏卷) A. to work B. working C. to have worked D. having worked 【分析】答案选D。work发生在谓语(返回祖国)之前,用现在分词的完成式作状语,表示时间,相当于after he has worked abroad…不定式作状语不能表示时间。 3.“We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ________ out of the window. (四川卷) A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked 【分析】答案选A。look out of the window与谓语动词said同时发生,用现在分词的一般式作状语,表示伴随情况。 若表示不定式的动作与谓语动作同时发生,并强调正在进行的情景或持续性,可用进行式。如:

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