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Part III Holidays and Festivals

1. Holidays in English Countries

1st January ----New Year’s Day 元旦新年(1月1日)

On N ew Year…s Eve,31st December, people celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one. On 1st January, people make wishes for the New Year, families and friends meet for a meal. In American there are big football games and colorful parades.


14th February ----(Saint/St.) Valentine’s Day

Valentine?s Day, February 14, is a holiday honoring lovers. It is celebrated by the custom of sending greeting cards or presents to express affection. The cards, known as valentines, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love .The holiday probably derives form the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalis (February 15). During Lupercalia, women wrote their names on love notes and put then into a container. Men then drew theses love notes form the container; the men could seek the favors of the woman whose love note he drew. The festival gradually became associated with the feasts day (February 14) of two Rome martyrs, both named St Valentine has traditionally been regarded as the patron saint of lovers.

每年的2月14 日是瓦伦丁节,也被称为情人节。情侣们在这一天互赠情人卡或礼物来表达爱慕之情。情人卡通常被设计成心形以象征爱情。传说情人节源于古罗马的牧神节。在牧神节上,姑娘们会把自己的名字下载纸条上,然后把纸条放在一个容器里。小伙子从容器里抽取纸条,抽到谁的他就可以向谁求慕芳心。后来,牧神节渐渐与2月14日的大餐日连在一起。大餐日是为了纪念两个罗马的殉道士都叫瓦伦丁。后来瓦伦丁逐渐被认为是情人节的守护神。因此,牧神节也被叫做瓦伦丁节。

Third Monday of February ---- Presidents’ Day 总统节2月的第三个星期一Presidents? Day was originally designated in honor of George Washington?s birthday and is still legally called “Washington?s birthday” .It is celebrated on the third Monday of February. Both Presidents Day and Presidents? Day are considered correct by dictionaries and usage manuals.

Presidents?Day is a good chance to learn more about American history, civic responsibility and even U.S. geography. Many American schools use the Presidents? Day to educate about the history of the Presidents of United States especially Washington and Lincoln.


第三个星期一。Presidents Day和Presidents? Day两种写法都比较常见,在字典和用法手册中被认为是正确的。


8th March ----International Women’s Day

International Women?s Day is marked on March 8 every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political, and social achievements of women.

Started as a political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries.

In some celebrations, the day lost its political flavors, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love to the women around them in a way somewhat similar to Mother?s Day and Valentine?s Day mixed together.



1st April --- April Fool’s Day 愚人节4月1日

It falls on 1 April. On this day, people play tricks on their friends. Most children love April Fool?s Day. All tricks must finish at 12o?clock in the morning. And the people who are tricked are called “April fool”. So you have to watch and listen very careful on this day.

One story about this tradition is that it began in France. In 1564, the king of France changed the first day of the new year from 1st January. Some people did not accept this and on 1st April people made fun of them.

In the Western countries, April Fool?s jokes are played mostly by children, who enjoy the holiday immensely. Here are some typical pranks:

Calling the zoo and asking to speak to Mr lion.

Putting salt in the sugar bowl.

Setting the clocks bake an hour.

Saying to a friend,“Oh, my God! You have four big holes in your coat -----buttonholes!”

Tying a string to a wallet and leaving the wallet in the middle of the sidewalk. When someone stops to pick it up, the prankster yanks it out of reach.






对朋友说:“天哪,你的衣服上有4各大洞!----- 扣眼!”


1st May --- May Day五一节(五月一日)

May 1st is May Day. It is a very old festival. In the past, May Day celebrated the start of spring in American and summer in Britain. Today it is a national holiday in Britain. In some towns people dance around a maypole on May Day.


Second Sunday of May ---Mother’s Day 母亲节(5月的第二个星期日)

It falls on the second Sunday of May. Children in North American honor their mothers. Children make or buy small presents or cards, give their mothers flowers, and often do chores that their mothers usually do, so that their mothers can have a day off. Many businesses give presents to parents on Mother?s Day.


In Britain, Mother?s Day is also called Mothering Sunday and it falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent. On this day, children give flowers and cards to their mother, to thank her for love and care. They may even make breakfast for her or bring her a cup of tea before she gets up in the morning.

在英国,Mother?s Day 又称为Mothering Sunday, 一般在大斋期的第4个星期天(3月份)。这一天,孩子们给妈妈送花和卡片一赶下她的关心和爱护。有的孩子甚至还为妈妈做早饭,或是她起床前给她端上一杯茶。

Last Monday of May---Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日(5月的最后一个星期一)

In the United States Memorial Day is a federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it is a day of remembrance for those who have died during the American Civil War. After World War I , it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. It is traditionally viewed as the beginning of summer by many, for many schools are dismissed around Memorial Day.

This is a day for people to remember those who died in wars. Many people remember their dead friends and relatives on this day, too.

美国最庄严神圣的爱国节日之一。北部各州哥伦比亚特区及其他一些地区庆祝该节日,纪念所有在战争镇南关牺牲的将士们。这一天,军队,男女童子军和其他一些组织举行盛大的游行。人们来到阿灵顿国家公墓(Arlington National Cemetery), 在无名战士墓碑(Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)前举行纪念仪式,向


Third Sunday of June---- Father’s Day 父亲节(6月的第三个星期日)

On the third Sunday in June, children in North American honor their fathers. Small presents are made or purchased beforehand, and children often do chores that their fathers usually do.


In the United States, the driving force behind the establishment of the celebration of Father?s Day was Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd, born in Creston, Washington. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, as a single parent raised his six children in Spokane, Washington. She was inspired by Ann J arvis?s efforts to establish Mother?s Day. The first F ather?s Day was personally feted by his family in 1916. the holiday was not officially recognized until 1972 ,during the presidency of Richard Nixon.

Just as the carnation became a symbol of Mother?s Day, the rose was suggested and became connected to F ather?s Day. Some observe the custom of wearing a red rose to indicate that one?s father is living or a white rose to indicate that he is deceased.

在美国,促使“父亲节”建立的推动力来自于约翰·布鲁斯·多德夫人。她出生在美国华盛顿州东部的一个乡下农场,她的父亲威廉·杰克逊·斯玛特先生参与过美国南北战争。多德夫人的母亲早亡,其父独自一人,父兼母职抚养六名子女长大成人。多德夫人受“母亲节”的启发,萌发了设立父亲节的想法。在多方支持下,美国华盛顿州便在1910年6月19日举行了第一次父亲节聚会。1916年她的建议得到伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)总统的同意。1972年,美国总统尼克森(Richard Nixon)签署正式文件,将每年六月的第三个周日,定为全美国的父亲节。从此,父亲节逐渐成为美国一个重要的节日。这一天子女们佩戴红玫瑰想父亲表达敬爱之情;若父亲以故的则佩戴白玫瑰以示怀念。

4th July ----Independence Day 美国国庆节/独立日(7月4日)

In 1776, this United States declared her independence from English. It was a beginning of a new nation. On this day, families and friends celebrate, and every town and city has parades, games and sports with prizes. There are picnics and barbecues, and in the evening there are big firework displays. It also marks the beginning of the summer vacation of the students.

为纪念1776年《独立宣言》(Declaration of Independence)的发表,美国脱离英国的统治,人们在这一天举行游行放焰火及升旗仪式等各种活动。这一天也标志着暑假的开始。

First Monday of September ------Labor Day 劳工节(9月的第一个星期一)

This is a day for the worker. It is celebrated by labor union parades. It also marks the end of the summer and the beginning of the school year.


31st October ------Halloween万圣节前夕(10月31日)

It is a very old festival. It begins in England more than 2000 years ago. It is a festival of the dead and harvest. For this reason the symbols of Halloween include ghosts, devils, jack-o?-lanterns, witches, cats, apples, corn, and scarecrows.

Today it is a festival of fun. It is decorated with Halloween lantern made by putting a candle in the hollowed pumpkin or melon cut the shape of a face. It is one of the children?s favorite holidays in the U.S.A. They dress up in costumes and demand to be given candy or treats at each house they visit or threaten to play tricks on the inhabitants of the house. Parties are also popular in the evening and both children and adults come to the party in costumes. Traditional games like bobbing for apples, telling fortunes, and listening to ghost stories are popular. Schools also often have parties or costume parades.




Witch : today the image of a witch is an ugly, old woman with bony fingers, a wart on her nose, a broomstick, and often a cat .


Ghost: it is the spirit of a dead person with no body. Ghosts return to their homes on October 31. Fire was built on the hilltops to guide kind ghosts and frighten evil ones away.


Skeleton: it is the bones of a dead person.


Devil:He is the king of the land of evil.


Vampire: Dracula was a vampire. He came out only at night and liked to suck blood from people?s necks.


Black cat: cats helped witches with their magic. A cat could be a witch in disguise.


Spider:a scary bug. 蜘蛛。

Fairy:a small magical being in human form. 小精灵

Clown: a character that makes people laugh. 小丑。

Pirate: a scary sailor with a patch on his eye, a hook for a hand and often a peg leg.一个面目狰狞的海盗船长,一只眼睛戴着眼罩,一只手是个钩子,一只脚是假肢。

Batman: popular, fictional characters are often used as Halloween costumes. 蝙蝠侠。虚构的角色,很受人欢迎,常用做万圣节的服装。

Mummy: a dead body wrapped in cloth.


Fourth Thursday of November---- Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(11月的最后一个星期)

Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday in the U.S.A. which is observed as an acknowledgement of the divine favor received during the year. It was first celebrated by the Plymouth Colony. In1621, William Bradford, the governor of Massachusetts, decided to have a thanksgiving dinner for all the people. He wanted to thank God for many things. It was a difficult year, but the people still had food to eat. He wanted a way to share this good fortune with the American Indians who helped them. The meal lasted three days. Today the traditional Thanksgiving meal is similar to the first. Usually three is a turkey, sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie. It is a special day for families to get together.


英国清教徒“五月花号”(may flower)船抵达普利茅斯,在印第安人的帮助下,他们种植的庄稼于1621年喜获丰收。为感谢上帝的赐福和印第安人的帮助,人们句型了盛大的庆祝活动。传统的节日食品为火鸡土豆玉米和南瓜馅饼。这一天是全家人团圆的日子。

25th December ----Christmas 圣诞节(12月25日)

Christmas falls on 24---26 December. December 24 is called Christmas Eve (圣诞节或平安夜);December 25 is called Christmas Day and December 26 is called Boxing Day (节日礼)。It is the most important holiday in the West. It is a religious holiday in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ (耶稣基督)。Christmas presents are symbols of the gifts given to the baby Jesus by the Three Kings. Now it is a time of celebration, visiting and feasting, a time to be close to family and friends and a time for giving and receiving cards and presents. During the weeks before Christmas, people are busy shopping. Shops are decorated with colorful lights. There is always Santa Claus/Father Christmas (圣诞老人) (with a long white beard and in a red suit)standing at the door or in the shop smiling at people. Almost everybody will return home to celebrate Christmas because it is a very important occasion for family gathering. People send greeting cards to each others. Most families in their houses have big Christmas trees with symbols of Christmas: angles, holly (冬青),snow , robins(知更鸟),stockings, candles, bells crackers and lanterns. On Christmas Eve, many people go to church and sing Christmas carols (圣诞颂歌) and the President gives his Christmas message on TV. Children enjoy Christmas most. They are told that Santa Claus will come from the North Pole (北极) on sleigh (雪橇) pulled by reindeer (驯鹿) to put gifts into their stockings. On Christmas morning, they are surprised to find their stocking filled with a lot of toys, candies and other gifts. And people greet each other with “Merry Christmas”and “Happy New Year”. They open their presents and have a special meal with traditional foods such as turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pies. In school, children make presents for their parents, have Christmas parties, and perform Christmas pageants of songs and plays that their families come to watch.



Christmas tree: Evergreen or artificial trees are decorated with lights and ornaments.


Star: The star on the top of a Christmas tree symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem that led Three Kings to baby Jesus.


Bell: Bells are bung on Christmas to symbolize joy and gladness.


Present: Christmas presents are given as symbols of good wishes.


Candy cane: It is a traditional, ginger-spiced Christmas cookie.


Gingerbread: it is a traditional, ginger-spiced Christmas cookie.


Turkey: it is often eaten at Christmas time.


Stocking: Santa fills these with small presents, nuts, candy, and fruit.


Sleigh: Santa flies from house to house in a sleigh, delivering presents to good girls and boys.


Reindeer: Eight sometimes nine, flying reindeer pull Santa?s sleigh.


Angel: angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds. Angels are common decorations.


Santa Claus: he is also called Kris Kringle, Father Christmas or St Nicholas. Santa brings presents to good children.

圣诞老人:也可叫Kris Kringle,Father Christmas或St Nicholas,给孩子们送去礼物。

A Sunday between 22 March and 25 April 14,

Easter Day 复活节(3月22日与4月25日之间的某个星期日)Easter is always between 22 March and 25 April, actually the first Sunday after the first moon after 21 March. This is a festival to celebrate the day when Jesus came back from the dead and later the start of spring and “new life”. Eggs and chicks are symbols of Easter, as they are symbols of birth. On this occasion, people give colored and chocolate Easter eggs and cards to their friends. People, especially children, play “Hide and Seek”. They hide the painted eggs and look for the eggs.


Supplementary Reading 补充阅读

Easter Symbols 复活节象征物

Easter Eggs

The custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life. Christians remember that Jesus, after dying on the cross, rose from the dead. This miracle showed that life could win over death.


For Christians the egg is a symbol of Jesus?resurrection. Egg are always thought to be special because although they do not seem alive, they have life within them especially at springtime when chicks hatch out.


Eggs are a good symbol of spring and new life. Before they were replaced by chocolate Easter eggs, real eggs are used. These would be decorated with bright paints.


Easter Bunny

Rabbits have been associated with springtime since ancient times. It is believed that the symbol of the Anglo-Saxon Godless of Spring Eostre was the hare. It was Eostre?s sacred animal since it was a symbol of fertility and the rebirth of nature following winter. As rabbits are similar to hares and are very common everywhere, Christians changed the symbol to the Easter bunny.

The tradition of the Easter bunny leaving a basket of treats such as Easter eggs and chocolates on Easter Day is common in America but not in Britain.


逊的春天女神(Eostre)是一只兔子。兔子是多产的象征,也是冬去春来时新生命的开始。因为家兔与野兔一样非常普遍,随处可见,基督徒就将复活兔改成the Easter bunny.


Easter Activities 复活节活动

Easter games are an important part of the celebration for many people and provide children with happy memories for ears to come.


Egg Hunt

Probably the most popular Easter Game is an egg hunt. You might not have to worry about preparing for this one, because if you?re lucky, when you wake up on Easter morning, the E aster Bunny will have already come to your house and hidden the eggs. However, if the bubby was too busy to hide the eggs, you have to do it yourself. Here are a few egg hunt hints:

1. Take a count of how many eggs are hidden and how many are found. Make sure they match.

2. Hide eggs in easy and difficult places to find to keep it interesting for all the kids.

3. Sometimes it?s a good ideas to give little kids a minute or so head start on their older siblings.

4. For extra fun, let the kids know that finding certain designated colored eggs will earn an extra prize


1. 数好你藏了多少,最后找到了多少,最后找到了多少,确认最后的数目相同。

2. 将一些蛋藏在易找的地方,一些则藏在相对难找的地方,




In America, parents tell their children the Easter Hare or Bunny has hidden chocolate eggs and they race to find them round the house or the garden. Sometimes their children leave out carrots for the Easter bunny. The ides of an egg-laying rabbit went to America in the 1700?s through immigrants from Germany. They told their children to make “nests” before Easter with their caps and bonnets and if they were good the Easter bunny would leave them colored eggs.


Egg Rolling

In the north of England, there is the custom of egg rolling. Hard boiled eggs are rolled down slopes to see whose egg goes the furthest.

For an egg roll, you must have some sort of incline, preferable a hill. The Egg Roll is basically a race, the eggs are rolled down the hill and the one that reaches the bottom first, wins. Steep hills make great races, but slow climbing.



The game of egg rolling is also a popular Easter game in the United States. This is usually done with colored eggs. Children decorate hard-boiled eggs at Easter time by painting or dyeing them. One of the most well-known events is held in America on the White

House lawn. Children and parents push the eggs along through the grass with wooden spoons.


Egg Banging

You hold an egg in the palm of the hand and bang against your opponent?s egg. The loser is the one whose egg breaks first.


Egg Bowling

When coloring boiled eggs, leave one white for this game which is very similar to Italian Bacci Ball. Place the white egg in the center of an open space and take turns to see who can roll their dyed egg closest to the white egg without touching or moving it.

将煮好的鸡蛋涂上颜色,留一个为涂色的用于游戏,这与意大利的Bacci Ball 游戏相同。将为涂色的鸡蛋置于一个开阔的空地中央,然后大家一次旋转自己的菜单,比试水的菜单最靠近白色鸡蛋而又没有碰到或移动它。

2. Holidays in China中国的节日

Official Chinese Holiday 中国法定节日

Not as much celebrated as it is in other parts of the world because it is overshadowed by the upcoming Chinese New Year somewhere a month away. However, employees will enjoy a paid day off. And there will be parties everywhere, in parks, dancing halls and universities where students will leave for the winter vacation.


International Working Women?s Day (March 8)国际劳动妇女节

March 8th is International Women?s Day, a day commemorated at

and appointed by the United Nations and recognized internationally for the purpose of taking time to remember and celebrate the many milestones marked by women?s achievements around the world, especially in the advancement of equality, justice and peace. This day is basically a celebration of womanhood--- the privilege of being a woman. Interestingly, women employees will get a whole or an half paid day off on the day while the men are at the mercy of their employers.


Tree- Planting Day (March 12)植树节(3月12日)

it is highly promoted since the late 1970?s by China?s government and yet to become established. It marks the beginning of a greening campaign all over the country during the month each year.


International Labor Day (May 1) 国际劳动节(5月1日)

May Day can refer to various labor celebrations conducted on May 1 that commemorate the fight for the eight-hour-day. May Day in this regard is called International Labor Day, or Labor Day. The idea for a “worker?holiday”began in Australia in 1856. With the idea having spread around the world, the choice of May 1st became a commemoration by the Second International. May Day has become an international celebration of the social and economic achievements of the labor movement. Employees will enjoy a paid day off. Celebration parties in parks took the place of parades today.



Youth Day (May 4)青年节(5月4日)

Youth Day, celebrated in May 4 , is a day in memory of the first mass student movement in 1919. The May Fourth Movement is a movement of anti-imperialist and anti-feudalist movement as well as one that promoted the western scientific and democratic ideas. Some youth activities organized in the country today characterize the celebration of this day.


International Children?s Day (June 1)儿童节(6月1日)

It is the most memorable day of Chinese kids all over the country. Almost all entertainment places are open free to them. Elementary schools throw celebration parties while parents shower them with presents.


The CCP?s Birthday (july1)中国共产党的生日(7月1日)

It marked the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)IN 1921. It is usually characterized by front page editorials from major government newspapers.


Arm …s Day (August 1)建军节(8月1日)

This is a day to celebrate the founding of the People?s Liberation Army. A communist-led national army staged the first armed uprising in Chinese communist history against the Nationalists on August 1, 1927. It was regarded as the beginning of the Red Army (later the people?s Liberation Army). Now the anniversary is to promote better

relationships between the army and civilians.


Teacher?s Day (September 10)教师节(9月10日)

September 10 is Teacher?s Day in China. In the year 1984, Wang Zikun, former president of Beijing Normal University, suggested to establish a festival day for the Chinese teachers. In 1985, the teachers in China started to celebrate their first Teacher?s Day officially. In Taiwan of China, Teacher?s Day is celebrated on September 28. this date was chose to commemorate the birth of Confucius, the master educator of ancient China.

9月10 日是中国的教师节,是由北京师范大学千人校长王咨坤倡议设立的。1985年,中国的广大教师正式开始庆祝他们的第一个教师节。在中国的台湾,教师节设在9月28日孔子的生日这一天,以纪念这位中国古代伟大的教育家。

National Day (October 1 )国庆节(10月1日)

It is the anniversary of the founding of the People?s Republic of China in 1949. There used to be grand parades squares of major cities of the country. Now celebrations usually take the form of parties in amusement parks by day and firework and grand TV ensembles during the evening. Employees enjoy three paid days off. It is also a good occasion foe many people to take a short excursion to enjoy the beauty of the golden fall.


Chinese Traditional Festival 中国传统节日

Qing Ming Festival (Fifth of the 24 Solar Terms)清明节(农历4月5日)

Qing Ming is the fifth of the 24 solar terms. Qing Ming Festival is

a traditional festival with a long history, which is also known as pure and Bright Day. The day before the festival is the so-called Cold Dinner Day. The establishment of the Cold Dinner Day is in memory of Jie Zitui in Jin Dynasty in spring and Autumn Period. He would prefer to be burned to death rather than be officially appointed as a reward. During the two days, people are supposed to eat cold food, sweep tombs (tidy up ancestors?tombs) and go on spring excursions. Apart from these, there are also such customary activities as playing swinging, flying kites, tug-of-war competition, gamecocks fight-ing, willows planting and football playing.


Duanwu Festival(5th of the 5th month)端午节(农历5月5日)

Duanwu festival falls on the 5th May of Chinese Lunar Calendar, which is also known as the Dragon-boat Festival. It is said to be in memory of a great patriotic poet of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period (475-221B.C), Qu Yuan, who drowned himself to protest his emperor who gave in to the bully of State of Chin. For fear that fish may consume his body, people of Chu launched their boats and started throwing rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river where he was drowned to feed the fish. For thousands of years, Duanwu has been marked by eating Zongzi (the bamboo-leave rice dumplings) and racing dragon boats. The taste of Zongzi, apyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a special flavor, varies greatly across China. Duanwu is also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, because dragon boat races are the most popular activity during the festival, especially in Southern China.



The Seventh Eve (7th of the seventh month )七夕节(农历7月7日)

It is a traditional holiday. It originates from a legend about a cowboy and a fairy who wrer cruely separated and reunited once each year on this occasion.


Mid-autumn Festival (15th of the eighth month)中秋节(农历8月15)

It is second only to the Chinese New Year in significance. The moon on this day is the fullest and largest to the eye. Viewing it by the whole family while feasting on good wine, fruits and mooncakes features the night event. There is also a beautiful story bahind it. Children are told that there's fairy on the moon living in a spacious but cold crystal palace with her sole companion, a jade rabbit. A heavenly general and friend would occasionally pay her a visit, bringing along his fragrant wine. She would then dance a beautiful dance. the shadows on the moon made the story all the more credible and facinating to the young imaninative minds.

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the day for the Mid-autumn Festival. In China, the full moon symbolizes reunion. Whenever the Mid-autumn Festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, thinking of their nearby relatives or friends, as well as those who are far from home.

On the evening when the full moon rises, people get together to eat moon cakes.The sweet cakes are stuffed with sugar, red bean paste, malon seeds, dried flower petals or sesame. the salty ones are stuffed with meat. The surface of the cakes is patterned with clouds, the moon, the rabbit, the osmanthus tree or the other designs.



The Spring Festival (1st of the 1st month)春节(农历正月初一)The biggest and most celebrated festival in China and part of east and south East Asia. It falls on the 1st day of the first month according to Chinese Lunar Calendar. It is the most important holiday of the year in China. It is a time of family's reunion to celebrate the coming of the New Year. On New Year's Eve, families get together to send off the old year and usher in the new year which they hope will be rich in harvest, happiness and success. Everybody goes to bed later than usual. Some spend the night in watching the year go out, chatting or playing card games, and watching TV. For the children, it is a treat to set off firecrackers and fireworks and you can hear them pop and bang throughout the night.


Lantern Festival (15th of the 1st month)元宵节过大年(农历正月十五)

The Lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of Chinese Lunar Calendar. It is also called the Chinese Yuanxiao Festival because the first lunar month is called Yuan(means “the first" in Chinese) and night was called Xiao in the ancient times. This is the first full moon after the Spring Festival.

The main activity of the day is the lantern display. Therefore it is also called Lantern Festival, during which various types of lanterns are exhibited, fireworks set off and acrobatics and dances dispalyed. The custom of watching lantern displays at this time of the year began in the Han Dynasty when the emperors advocated the learning of

Buddhist doctrines and gave orders to light lanterns to pay homage to Buddha.

People eat sweet dumplings which symbolize reunion, reading the riddles on the lanterns, and getting family together in the joyful atmosphere. The Lantern Festival also marks the end of the Chinese New year season.




3.National Days 国庆节

Throughout the world, national days are important holidays that are celebrated with parties, flags and fun. These festivities may mark the day on which the nation was first set up, or when it broke away from foreign rule. Thet may eacall a famous battle or revolution, or the birthday of a king or queen. In some Christian countries, the day honors a "patron saint", a holy person specially linked with that nation.


National Days, the UK 英国国庆节

The United Kingdom is unusual in having no single national holiday. But, each of its four constituent nations has its Saint's Day, and some said that the Saint's Days are something closest to a National Day in other countries. Obviously this is very much related to religion and the history here in the UK. There has been some talking about one single common National Day for the whole country, that is , the UK.

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