当前位置:文档之家› (三年经典)2020-2020全国各地中考英语试题精选:数词



【2020甘肃?兰州】37. I think ______ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam ______ easy.

A. three fourths, is

B. third four, are

C. three fourths, are

D. three fourth, are



【2020四川·达州】27. ____ trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.

A. Two hundreds

B. Hundred of

C. Hundreds of

D. Hundreds


【解析】这里考查数词。Hundred, thousand, million前有数字时,用单数形式;前面无数字修饰时,用复数,并接of 短语来修饰名词。故此题答案应选C。

【2020四川·宜宾】I got a good present on my ____ birthday.

A. nine

B. ninth

C. the nine

D. the ninth


【解析】第九个生日用序数词,又因前面有物主代词my,不能用the., 故答案应选B

【2020湖北·咸宁】22. The World Table Tennis Championship began the morning of May 25, 2020 Moscow, Russia.

A. Fifty; in; in

B. Fiftieth; on; in

C. Fiftieth; in; on

D. Fifty; on; in


【解析】数词、介词用法。首先,第十五届世乒赛要用序数词the Fiftieth, 其次,在2020年5月25日具体一天的上午要用介词on;而在俄罗斯的莫斯科市要用给介词in。所以选择答案B.

【2020贵州·铜仁】30.The number of the students in our school is about nine ____. ____ of them are boys.

A. hundred; Two thirds

B. hundred; Two third

C. hundreds; Two thirds

D. hundreds; Two third


【解析】数词。表示确数时,记数单位如hundred, thousand不用加复数。表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如分子大于1,分母用序数词的复数形式。故选择A。

【2020江苏·苏州】9.________of the land in that district________ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifths;is B.Two fifth;are C.Two fifth;is D.Two fifths;are



【2020重庆】30. I got a beautiful bike on ____ birthday. I like it very much.

A. fifteenth

B. fifteen

C. my fifteen

D. my fifteenth



【2020甘肃.定西】12. ______girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded.

A. Million of

B. Many million of

C. One million of

D. Millions of



【2020甘肃.定西】16. —What would you like,sir?


A. Two pop

B. Two bottles pop

C. Two bottles of pop

D. Two bottle of pop



【2020江苏·无锡】1. Nearly ______ of the earth _______ covered by sea。

A. three fourth; is

B. three fourths; is

C. three forth; are

D. three fourths; are



【2020清远】37. Every year, _____ people go to visit their factory

A. a thousand of B thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of

答案D【解析】考查数词。数词hundred, thousand, million等后面跟of 时,要变复数。排除C。thousand前接具体数字时,后面不能跟of,排除A。thousands后要加of,排除B。(2020四川资阳)17. Tom has just finished writing a _________ article.

A. nine-hundred-words

B. nine-hundreds-word

C. nine-hundred-word

D. nine-hundreds-words



【2020江苏淮安】9._______ people lost their homes in Japan’s earthquake.

A. Two thousands

B. Thousand

C. Thousands of

D. Thousand of


【解析】考查hundred等词用法。hundred, thousand 如果有具体数字修饰,用单数形式,表示具体数目。表示约数时,用hundreds of , thousands of 的形式,表示“成百上千的”,“成千上万的”。语境为“在日本地震中上千人失去了家园。”。故选C.

【2020广西百色】https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4457924.html,st year, I visited a chemical factory in Baise, there are about _____ workers in it.

A. six thousands

B. six thousand

C. six thousands of

D. six thousand of


【解析】本题考查数词的用法,“六千名工人”的正确表达是“six thousand workers”。

【2020黑龙江绥化市】27. About_______of the students in our class were born in the_

A. two-thirds, 1990s

B. two-thirds, 1990

C. two-third, 1990s



【2020呼和浩特】4. Nowdays of business letters are written in English.

A. two third

B. two thirds

C. two three

D. second three



【2020四川达州】28. —If a=4, b=5, what’s the answer to the question “ a + 2ab +1 =?”


A. Forty-fifth

B. Forty-five

C. Twenty-three

D. One hundred and twenty-one



【2020?四川广元】3. —How often do you exercise?


A. Two

B. Twice

C. Second



【2020乌鲁木齐】33. The teacher said that__ of the boys would take part in the talent show.

A. three five

B. three fives

C. thirds fifths

D. three fifths



【2020?广西柳州】Tomorrow is th e boy’s ________ birthday.

A. seventh

B. seven

C. seventeen



(2020贵州毕节)24.—Which is the biggest number of the four?


A.One-third B.Two-thirds C.A half D.A quarter


【2020福建莆田】26. —Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket?

—You can go to the Men's Wear Section on the_________ floor.

A. two

B. twice

C. second



(2020湖南岳阳中考)26. of the land is covered with trees and grass in Pingjiang, Yueyang.

A. Three fives

B. Three fifths

C. Three fifth


【2020雅安】8. September is _____ month of the year.

A. ninth

B. nine

C. the nine

D. the ninth



【2020凉山】—How was your day off yesterday?

—Perfect! It was my grandma’s ________ birthday. We had a big cake.

A. eighty

B. eightieth

C. the eightieth


解析:考查数词的用法。表示“某人多大生日”应该使用序数词,且不需要使用定冠词。【2020广西崇左】40.Look at the table .Han Fang wants to buy two pieces of bread ,a bottle of orange juice and an ice cream .How much will she pay?

A. Five yuan and eighteen fen

B. Six yuan and twenty fen

C. Seven yuan and twenty fen

D. Eight yuan and twelve fen

【解析】C 考查点:计算题。解题思路:根据图表可知:面包的价格是1.2元,果汁的价格是1.8每瓶,冰激凌的价格是2元。根据句意:韩方想买2片面包,一瓶果汁,与一个冰激凌。可知他要付6元2角。故选C。

【2020广西贺州】33. _people will visit Qinzhou during the 12th Games of Guangxi.

A. Thousand

B. Two thousands

C. Thousands of

D. Thousand of



【2020郴州】26. —Excuse me, how can I get to the museum?

-- Sorry. It's my______ time to he here.

A. one

B. first

C. once



【2020河源】42.You can see _______ if you go out at night.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4457924.html,lion stars

B.thousand of stars

C.hundreds stars https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee4457924.html,lion of stars


【2020遵义】28.—Is this your ________ visit to my hometown,Zunyi?

—No.I’ve been here for many times.


B.the first



【2020黑龙江齐齐哈尔】22. All the visitors live on floor.

A. two

B. second

C. the second


【2020重庆江津】29.More than nine students are doing sports now.

A .hundreds B. hundred of C. hundred D. hundreds of


【2020山东滨州】25. Now, everybody, please turn to Page ________ and look at the ________picture.

A. Fifth; five

B. Five; fifth

C. Fifth; fifth

D. Five; five


【解析】考查数词的用法。数词分为基数词和序数词。基数词前没有冠词,序数词前有定冠词the。本题句意为“请翻到第5页,看第5副图”,Page Five“第5页”,用基数词;the fifth picture“第5副图”,用序数词。故选B。

【2020浙江杭州】19. For breakfast, I usually have______ and two pieces of bread.

A. a cup of mild half

B. half a cup of milk

C. a half milk cup

D. half a milk cup


【解析】half的用法。表示“半……”用“ half a / an+名词of ...”。

【2020重庆】29. The government of Chongqing is building_______ cheap and good houses for the people.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C. thousand of

D. thousands of


【解析】考查数词用法。表示不确切数目时,需在数词词尾加s,后跟of。thousands of意为“成千上万”。句意为“重庆政府部门正在建设为民众建设上万套质量好的廉价房”。故选D。【2020邵阳】29.______ trees were cut down. And many birds lost their home.

A. Two thousands

B. Thousands of D. Thousand of



【2020广安市】25.-How was your day off yesterday?

-Perfect! It was ____ birthday of my grandpa’s . We had a big family celebration.

A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth



【2020湖北黄冈】32. —Jackie Chan has donated_________ dollars to charity.

—He is an example to us all.

A. thousand

B. thousands

C.thousand of

D. thousands of


【解析】考查数词用法。表示不确切的概念时,用thousands of,意为“数以千计的;成千上万的”。故选D。

【2020湖南怀化】25. July 1st of this year is ______ birthday of CPC (中国共产党).

A. ninety

B. the ninety

C. the ninetieth



【2020贵州安顺】21. —David, how old is your father this year?

—______. And we just had a special party for his _____ birthday last weekend.

A. Fortieth; forty

B. Forty; forty

C. Forty; fortieth

D. Fortieth; fortieth



(2020 湖南衡阳) 20.Kangkang is a school boy. He got a good gift on his birthday.

A. fourteenth

B. fortieth

C. the fortieth



【2020湖北黄石】30. My uncle bought me an iPhone for my _______birthday.

A. twelve

B. twelfth

C. the twelve

D. the twelfth


【解析】考查序数词用法。第几个生日,应用序数词,序数词前如果有形容词性物主代词时,省略the。句意:在我第十二个生日时,我的叔叔给我买了一个iphone手机。故选B。【2020广东】29. After the Asian Games, ______ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.

A. thousand

B. thousands of

C. five thousands

D. five thousands of


【解析】本题考查数词thousand的用法。当thousand与具体的数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且其后也不接of; 当thousand不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要用复数,而且要后接of,然后才能接名词。故选B。

【2020四川德阳】3. I don’t believe that this _____ boy can paint such a nice picture.

A. five years old

B. five-years-old

C. five-year-old


【解析】本题考查five-year-old作前置定语的用法。five-year-old 这类复合词可以用作形容词,意为“五岁的”,并且其中表示计量的名词(如year, month等)总是用单数形式。这类结构通常用作前置定语,不用作表语(作表语时可改用seven years old这样的形式)。排除B项,又因为five years old在句中做表语,也排除。修饰boy只能用five-year-old。故选C。【2020四川德阳】5. Football is so exciting that _____ people in the world play it.

A. million of

B. millions of

C. two millions of


【解析】本题考查数词millions的用法。当million与具体的数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且其后也不接of; 当millions不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要用复数,而且要后接of,然后才能接名词。故选B。

【泸州市2020】3. There are over ______ students in their school.

A. hundreds

B. nine hundreds

C. hundreds of

D. nine hundred



【2020.云南昆明】32. We are organizing a lot of activities to celebrate the _______ birthday of the Communist Party of China these months.

A. nineteen

B. ninety

C. nineteenth

D. ninetieth



33. 【2020?东营】—There are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use weibo very often. —44? That means about_______of your classmates are weibo users, right?

A. half

B. one third

C. two thirds

D. three quarters


【解析】考查数词的用法。Half“二分之一”;one third “三分之一”;two thirds“三分之二”;three quarters“四分之三”。根据句意“大约四分之三的学生在你们班用微博。”故选D。

(2020海南三亚)24. More than _____children took part in activities last month.

A. two thirds

B. thirds second

C. second three

D. two third


【2020山东济南】33. I'm 13 years old and my sister is 15 years old. So my sister is___ years older than me.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

33. B【解析】考查数词用法。句意为“我13岁了,我姐姐15岁了,我姐姐比我大2岁。”故选B。

【2020黔西南】18. ________ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year.

A. Thousands of

B. Two thousands

C. Thousand of

D. Thousand

【解析】A. 考查数词。当hundred,thousand,million和billion表示具体的数目时,用单数形式;当表示不具体的数目时,用复数形式,且跟介词of连用,故选A答案。

【2020广东】29.— How was your weekend?

—Great! It was my grandfather's _____birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.

A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth

D. Seventeenth


【2020贵州铜仁】26 About ____of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_____.

A. three five; 1996.

B. three fifths; 1990s

C. third fifth; 1997.

D. third fifths; 1990s


【2020湖北恩施】32. He wrote his ______ novel when he was ______.

A. five; fifties

B. fifth; fifty

C. fifth; fiftieth


【2020 湖北黄石】29.Let me tell you ______news about cellphones(手机)—Apple asks Samsung to stop copying, and hundreds of people lined up to buy iPhone 4S.






2020湖北随州】23.May is the _____ month of a year.

A. fifty

B. fifteen


D. five

【2020甘肃鸡西市】22. A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-old

B. three-years-old

C. three years old


【2020湖北宜昌】36. —Our school is going to hold the Culture Festival.

—I see. And we can take part in activities.

A. tenth; tenth

B. ten; tenth

C. tenth; ten

D. ten; ten




【2020江苏连云港】14.—The volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on Children’s Day.

A. two hundreds of

B. two hundred of

C. two hundreds

D. two hundred


【2020江苏苏州】8. The chairperson received about three ______ applications to join the Bird watching Club.

A. hundred

B. hundreds of

C. hundred of

D. hundreds


【2020江苏无锡】1. The action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.

A. 130-minute

B. 130-minutes

C. 130 minute

D.130 minutes


【2020江苏宿迁】7. Our school is so famous that people come and visit it every term. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of


【2020江苏宿迁】6. —There is milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home.

—All right.

A. much

B. many

C. little

D. few


【2020江苏镇江】14. Some word puzzles in this book are ____ difficult that _____ students can solve them.

A.such; few B. such; little C. so; few D. so; little


【广东省】29. --- how was your weekend?

---- Great! It was my grandfather’s _______ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.

A. seventy

B. seventieth

C. the seventieth

D. seventeenth


【2020湖北黄冈】36. —Do you know that there are many different _____ animals in the zoo?

—Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _____ scaring.

A. kinds of; kind of

B. kinds of; kinds of

C. kind of; kinds of

D. kind of; kind of


【2020 山东滨州】22. I am very thirsty. Could you please give me ______ water?

A. some

B. little

C. many

D. other


【2020山东聊城】34. Please turn to page __________ and look at the ____________ picture in this unit.

A. twentieth; one

B. twenty; one

C. twentieth; first

D. twenty; first


【2020 山东临沂】22. Did you know that the earth is home to _____animals?

A million B. millions C. million of D. millions of


【2020 烟台中考】22. Between the two hills _____a deep river.

A. are

B. have

C. has

D. is


【2020四川成都】41. Some scientists think it will take of years to make robots do most work for humans.

A. hundreds

B. hundred

C. thousand


【2020四川达州】25. — Is there in today’s magazine?

—Yes. Premier Wen Jiabao saw “stay-home children”May,25th.

A. anything special; hundreds of; on

B. something special; hundred of; at

C. special anything; hundreds; on

D. anything special; hundreds of; in


【2020四川广安】26. —Guang’an is a beautiful city, isn’t it?

—Yes. There are about two ______ visitors here every week.

A. thousands of

B. thousands

C. thousand


【2020四川凉山】34. There are ___teachers in our school, _____of them are women teachers.

A. two hundreds; three fourth

B. two hundred; three fourths

C. two hundred; three forths


【2020四川南充】30. I think ______ should not be allowed to drive.

A. sixteen years old

B. sixteen –year-old

C. sixteen-year-olds


【2020四川自贡】23. -- I hear your friend is visiting San Ya again. Is it the second time for him? -- Yes, and he will come for time next spring.

A. a third

B. a second

C. the third


【2020四川自贡】33. -- How soon can you finish this job?

-- Two days enough for me to finish the work. I need a week.

A. isn't

B. aren't

C. is


【2020四川自贡】38. -- Jackie Chan has donated dollars to charity.

-- He is an example to us all.

A. thousand

B. thousands of

C. thousand of


【2020四川宜宾】24. If a = 3 and b = 4, what’s the answer to the problem: a + b + 1 = ? The answer is ______.

A. twelve

B. nine

C. eight

D. seven


【2020四川宜宾】28. —Would you like to have _____ apples?

—No, thank you.. I’ve had enough.

A. other two

B. another two

C. more two

D. two others


【2020浙江杭州】19.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen________we speak.

A. as twice much as

B. twice an much as

C. as much as twice

D. as much twice as


【2020浙江温州】6. My cousins have collected stamps for two years." They have ______ stamps from different countries.

A. few

B. many

C. much

D. little


【2020贵州六盘水】27. There are _ days, in a week and Tuesday js - day of' the week.

A. seven ,third

B. seven ,the third

C. seventh ,three

D. the seventh, three


【2020贵州黔东南州】33. There _________________ twelve months in a year. September is the_______________ month.

A. are, ninth

B. is, ninth

C. are, nineth

D. is, nineth


【2020贵州铜仁】26 About ____of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_____.

A. three five; 1996.

B. three fifths; 1990s

C. third fifth; 1997.

D. third fifths; 1990s


【2020黑龙江黑河市】22. A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-old

B. three-years-old

C. three years old


【2020四川省乐山市】30. In order to finish the project, we’ll have to work hours a day.

A. more two

B. two more

C. two another


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