当前位置:文档之家› 商务英语翻译试题(五)试卷及答案_5范文






(1) friction

A. an accepted opinion

B. disagreement or unfriendliness

C. a part of something

D. a tale or a story

(2) to assess

A. to judge or decide the amount, value of something

B. to assign a task

C. to possess something

D. to support by giving money

(3) valid

A. based on truth, able to be accepted

B. not to be accepted

C. to be discussed

D. to be useless

(4) extend

A. to become larger

B. to offer or give

C. to get out of

D. to be satisfied with

(5) resort to

A. to use something for help

B. to refuse someone

C. to claim for something

D. to prevent something from happening

(6) decision-making body

A. an institution to make up a decision

B. a person who makes up a decision

C. the core of a decision

D. a plan

(7) to allocate

A. to give one’s place to each

B. to contribute a fund

C. to project a program

D. to come up with ideas

(8) succumb

A. to lose the determination to oppose sth.

B. to succeed

C. to take back property

D. to take place

(9) intangible

A. much greater than usual

B. necessary and important as a part of a whole

C. slightly earlier than or before sth. Else

D. not solid or able to be seen or felt

(10) entitle

A. to pay for the damage

B. to refuse to give

C. to have a particular right to do

D. to compare with

2. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解



(1) It is stipulated that …

A. 按照规定

B. 据说

C. 必须承认

D. 可以预料

(2)to run a competition

A. 进行培训

B. 进行竞争

C. 进行考核

D. 投入生产

(3)embark on

A. 开始

B. 阻止

C. 出现

D. 使…困难

(4) hire-purchase

A. 分期付款

B. 租赁业务

C. 期货交易

D. 购买

(5) claim clause

A. 要求

B. 索赔条款

C. 补偿条约

D. 保留条款

(6) free of charge

A. 免除罚金

B. 自由赔偿

C. 自由索赔

D. 免费

(7) secured bond

A. 抵押债券

B. 中长期债券

C. 短期债券

D. 保证债券

(8) credit interest rate

A. 信用利息

B. 存款利率

C. 贷款利率

D. 法定准备金

(9) double-entry

A. 复式记账

B. 两个入口

C. 合伙经营

D. 联合战略

(10) endorse

A. 认可,赞同

B. 调查

C. 批准

D. 组成,构成



要求:A 词语的特定环境所产生的意义。

B 词语的情态色彩意义。

C 词语的语法意义

D 句子与超句群在特定的集约形式中的意义。

E 语篇的主题意义


Text Stock

Nowadays, corporations usually need a large amount of capital for the __1____ of their production and business but their own funds are far from __2___. It is the stock issuance that makes it possible for them to fill up the gap.

The stocks are mainly issued through a special market in a way similar to that of bond issuance. Buyers will obtain a kind of stock bills by providing their funds to the issuing corporation. But the relationship between a stock-issuer and its buyers is obviously different from that between a bond-issuer and its buyers. For a bond, it is establishing a debtor-creditor relationship between the __3___, who should pay on time the bond ___4___ and interest, and the buyers, who will receive such repayment. But for a stock, it is an ownership certificate, which means that the buyer has become one of the members in possession of the corporation (issuer)’s ___5___ and his share is equal to the face value of the stock he has purchased. In addition, there is no term for a stock, so in no circumstance can a buyer __6____ his investment from the stock except his reselling it in a secondary market or his claiming indemnity from the corporation when it is facing __7__. What he can get annually is only the dividends and bonus drawn from the profit produced by the stock in which he has invested.

When a stock has been issued in the primary market and become negotiable for free purchase and resale in the secondary market, its price will __8____from its original face value and __9__ up and down along with the market tone. If there are more purchases than sales on it, which render its price up, it is called “__10__ Market”; if on the contrary , it is called “Bear Market” .

1. A. boost B. beginning C. purchasing D. presenting

2. A. loss B. adequate C. effective D. large

3. A. buyer B. issuer C. man D. person

4. A. money B. currency C. principal D. principle

5. A. goods B. values C. properties D. shipment

6. A. revoke B. draw C. withdrawal D. withdraw

7. A. boom B. bankrupt C. bankruptcy D. apartment

8. A. depart B. divide C. differ D. render

9. A. do B. fluctuate C. fill D. share

10. A. Bear B. Cat C. Bull D. Cow



Advertising in the United States is successful under the following circumstances: (1) when it creates a favorable company image; (2) when it relies on scientific research for an accurate evaluation of trends, fashions, needs, attitudes, and motivation; (3) systematically applies the findings of research in solving its problems; (4) avoids exposing the sponsor to charges of unethical practices.

(1) _______________ In the competitive world of American business, a positive company image is essential to a company's survival and growth. Any adverse publicity could destroy the image, thereby causing a "recession" in the company's ability to sell its product, keep the value of its stocks high and maintain a healthy state of company morale. Furthermore, the self-images project- ed to the consumer are one of the essential techniques for pulling people into the product commercial, of getting them involved with the situation and consequently with the product (2) _______________ The composite American, as projected in TV and radio commercials, might be pieced together somewhat as follows always eating, troubled with insomnia, constantly worried, extremely clean, fond of fun and luxury, wholesome, highly individualistic, looking for the easiest and quickest way of doing everything, and searching for reality-even if it' s only a real cigarette.

Successful advertising appeals more to emotion than to reason. Research shows that data from surveys may be inaccurate because people frequently do not give reasoned answers to questions, but answers that convey a good impression to the re- searcher. (3) _______________ Reasoning power is

called into play only when people have to give themselves a solid excuse for buying something that appeals to them emotionally. Since a major part of advertising is aimed at the emotions, there is some concern that through exploitation of the emotions by advertisers, Americans will become less rational and less independent in their ability to make decisions.

However, recent research indicates that people's ability to reason is not adversely affected by advertising because too few advertising messages really get through them. (4) _______________

If a company's drive for successful advertising disregards ethical practices, the public must rely on various agencies to discipline the offender with the threat of damaging its image. On the other hand, advertisers have found it advantageous to enrich our re hours by providing great entertainment, often unavailable otherwise. (5) _______________ What does it mean? It means that we associate the brand name, the trademark, or the slogan with the entertainment. It means the company has won our favor and that, in all probability, we will buy that company’s products and/or invest in its stocks.

Ultimately, the American dream of everlasting affluence depends for its fulfillment on the advertiser's continued success in keeping people amused, dissatisfied with what they already have, and eager for more and more and still more of the good things. Therefore, every step in the advertising process is aimed at stimulating Americans to work harder, to train longer, and to earn more in order to acquire a generous share of the material conveniences and luxuries that the giants of industry have been able to produce.

A. Effective advertising is a powerful image-builder.

B. As a result of all this image-making activity, the advertiser arrives at a composite of all the images projected, a national image with which the majority of consumers can identify.

C. Effective advertising can help a company sell its products.

D. People always pay little attention to commercials, because they are so money-oriented.

E. We hum the tunes, recount the tales, and laugh at the comic situations brought to us by the advertiser.

F. It was the motivation analysts who found that companies must sell emotional security first and foremost.

G. People watch the commercial and listen to the sales message, but often pay little attention to what is going on.




2. 中国加入世贸组织是中国自身经济发展的需要,也是世贸组织自身完


3. 我们很高兴通知贵方,我公司的贸易代表团准备在五月份访问贵国。

4. 我们现在寄上一本样本及新产品的价目表,我们相信优良的品质一定


5. 我们很高兴的通知你们,我们已向中国人民保险公司为上述货物投保


IV. 风格意义类试题(共30分)


During the period from the date of effectiveness to the termination of this Contract, the two parties shall hold a meeting every year to discuss problems in the execution of the Contract, to exchange views on technical development and improvement and thus to lay a foundation for further technical cooperation. The aforesaid meeting shall be held in the two countries in turn. The content and conclusion of such discussions shall not be written in memorandum. The number of attendants of each party shall not exceed five persons. Each party shall bear its own expenses. .

If the other party fails to perform its obligation in the contract within the time agreed upon in this Contract, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 15 days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party and still again fails to perform the contract within the period of time allowed for delayed performance, in such case the non-breaching party shall be entitled to rescind the contract by a written notice to the defaulting party and still have the right to claim damages from de-faulting party.



1.(1-5)BAABA (6-10)AAADC

2.(1-5)ABAAB (6-10)DDCAA



(1-5)ABBCC (6-10)DCABC


(1-5) ABFGE


1.The prospects for China’s tourist industry are quite optimistic. The World Tourism Organization estimated that by 2020 China would become the top tourism destination country and the fourth largest supplier of tourist resources. 2.Entering the WTO fulfills a need in China’s economic development, and also a need in the WTO’s development.

3.We are pleased to announce that a Trade Delegation of our Corporation is planning to visit your country in May.

4.We are sending you a sample book with a price-list of our new products, the high quality of which, we trust, will induce you to place a trial order with us.

5.We are pleased to inform you that we have insured the above shipment with the People’s Insurance Company against War Risks.

IV. 风格意义类试题(共30%)




商务英语翻译试题(四) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规。 (10分) (1) currency A. the money in use in a particular country B. flow of price C. at present D. deposit in the bank (2) vary A. to change or be different B. to choose C. to apply for D. to refuse (3) tumble A. to be trapped in difficulty B. to fall quickly and without control C. to be tired of doing D. to become less in number or smaller (4) breach A. an act of breaking a law, promise B. a specialized company C. a part of an institution D. an agreement or contract (5) take the law into their own hands. A. to solve the problem by themselves B. to break or violate the law C. to explain the clauses in the law D. to understand the law as they think (6) seminar A. survival B. study of a university C. sightseeing D. social setting (7) grace A. a person who controls property B. a period of time allowed before sth. happens C. a generally accepted opinion D. a way of dealing with a problem (8) veto A. a refusal to allow sth. to be done B. a particular right to do sth. C. an amount of money paid to obtain insurance D. disagreement or unfriendliness (9) priority A. to pose a threat B. to produce life cycle


小学五年级上册英语试题及答案 第二部分笔试(20分) 一、词汇。(5分) 根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。 1.TheywalkedontheGreatWallforoneh__ur(小时). 2.Thereisonecrayononthefl____r(地板). 3.Ith__nk(认为)https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2530065.html, 4.Whatt__me(时间)doesyourschoolstart? 5.Hewasinthelivingro__m(房间). 二、选择填空。(5分) 从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项。把它的编号填入题前括号内。 ()1.WebacklastSunday. https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2530065.html,e B.came ()2.Lookthoseapples. A.at B.in ()3.Youcanfootballwell. A.play B.played ()4.Theretwenty-onecrayons. A.is B.are ()5.I’msendingemail.

A.a B.An 三、完成对话。(5分) 根据对话情景,从后面方框中选择恰当的句子填空,使对话完整。请把它的编号填写在空格线上。每个选项只用一次。 Amy:HelloSam,Howareyou? Sam:1 Amy:Wheredidyougolastweekend? Sam:2 Amy:Howdidyougothere? Sam:3 Amy:Whatdidyoudothere? Sam:4 Amy:Didyoucomebackyesterday? Sam:5,Bye-bye. Amy:Good-bye. A:Yes,wedid. B:I’mfine,thankyou. C:Wewentswimminginthesea. D:Wewenttherebyplane. E:WewenttoHaiNan. 四、阅读理解。(5分) 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的在题前括号内写T,错误的在 题前括号内写F.



商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth. 2

传感器最新试卷及答案2 (1)

传感器原理及其应用 一、简答题(30分,6分/题) 1. 传感器的定义和组成框图.画出自动控制系统原理框图并指明传感器在系统中的位置 和作用。 答:传感器是能感受规定的被测量并按照一定规律转换成可用输出信号的器件或装置传感器。通常由直接响应于被测量的敏感元件和产生可用信号输出的转换元件以及相应的信号调节转换电路组成。 传感器处于研究对象与测试系统的接口位置,即检测与控制之首。传感器是感知、获取与检测信息的窗口,一切科学研究与自动化生产过程要获取的信息都要通过传感器获取并通过它转换成容易传输与处理的电信号,其作用与地位特别重要。 2. 从传感器的静态特性和动态特性考虑,详述如何选用传感器。 答:考虑传感器的静态特性的主要指标,选用线性度大、迟滞小、重复性好、分辨力强、稳定性高、抗干扰稳定性高的传感器。考虑动态特性,所选的传感器应能很好的追随输入量的快速变化,即具有很短的暂态响应时间或者应具有很宽的频率响应特性。 3. 直流电桥和交流电桥有何区别?直流电桥的平衡条件是什么?应变片式电阻传感 器、自感式、互感式、涡流式、电容式、热电阻式传感器分别可采用哪种电桥作为测量电路? 答:根据电源不同分为直流和交流电桥。直流电桥优点:高稳定度直流电源容易获得,电桥平衡电路简单,传感器至测量仪表的连接导线分布参数影响小。但是后续要采用直流放大器,容易产生零点漂移,线路也较复杂。交流电桥在这些方面都有改进。直流电桥平衡条件:R1/R2=R3/R4,R1R4=R2R3。 4. 光电效应可分为哪三种类型,简单说明其原理并分别列出以之为基础的光电传感器。 答:当用光照射物体时,物体受到一连串具有能量的光子的轰击,于是物体材料中的电子吸收光子能量而发生相应的电效应(如电阻率变化、发射电子或产生电动势等)。这种现象称为光电效应。光电传感器的工作原理是基于物质的光电效应,目前所利用的光电效应大致有三大类:第一类是利用在光线作用下材料中电子溢出表面的现象,即外光电效应,光电管以及光电倍增管传感器属于这一类;第二类是利用在光线作用下材料电阻率发生改变的现象,即内光电效应。光敏电阻传感器属于这一类。第三类是利用在光线作用下光势垒现象,即光生伏特效应,光敏二极管及光敏三极管传感器均属于这一类。 5. 光导纤维导光的原理是什么?按其传输模式分为哪两种类型?并分别指出对应类型 光纤传感器的典型光源。 答:光导纤维工作的基础是光的全内反射,当射入的光线的入射角大于纤维包层间的临界角时,就会在光纤的接口上产生全内反射,并在光纤内部以后的角度反复逐次反射,直至传递到另一端面。按其传输模式分为单模和多模.


PEP Grade 5 (上)Final Test 1. Listen and number 2. Listen and tick (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) day ( ) say ( ) play ( ) may ( ) peach ( ) bean ( ) tea ( ) sheep ( ) how ( ) now ( ) mouth ( ) house ( ) 年轻的数学老 师,高高瘦瘦 的,手里拿着 三角尺和圆规 ( ) 矮矮胖胖的地理老师,上了年纪,手里拿 着地球仪 ( ) 日历上写着7 Tuesday ( ) 日历上写着7 Thursday 茄子 ( ) 一盘猪肉 ( ) 床下有一双鞋 子 床旁边有一双鞋子 书柜旁边 是一面镜 子 书柜旁边是写字台 衣着时髦的Candy 在开心地玩电脑 衣着时髦的Candy 在做饭

3.Listen, choose and write (1) math (2) Chinese (3) English (4) music (5) P.E. (6) play computer games (7) Thursday (8) Monday (9) Wednesday (10) Tuesday (11) Friday (12) Saturday (13) Sunday Model: I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8). (1)At on , I have a class. (2)There is a class at on . (3)I have a class at on . (4)There is a class at on . (5)I can on and . 4.Look and write (1)Monday — Mon. Wednesday —______ Thursday —______ Friday—______ Sunday —______ Tuesday —______ Saturday —______ (2)tall — ball coat —______ on —______ sour —______ pork —______ short —______ horse —______ (3)three — tree too —______ read —______ any —______ from —______ (4)red — green young —______ active —______ strong —_______ sweet —______ tall —_________ in front of —_________ (5)he’s — he is they’re —___________ don’t —__________ I’d like —_________ what’s —___________ she’s —_________ 5.Make sentences


商务英语翻译试卷(第1套) Ⅰ、Multiple Choice (20 points, 2 points for each) 1.Rising damp, if not treated effectively, could in time cause extensive damage to the structure of your home, ruin decoration and furniture. A.如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。 B.如果处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大面积破坏和损害。 C.如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。 D.如果处理不当,墙内的潮湿气体准时可能会对房屋的结构、装修以及家具造成大面积破坏。 2.This contract is entered into as of the seventh day of March, 2002, by and between Lonk Co. Ltd., a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Purchaser"), and Wingo Co. Group, a corporation organized under the laws of the People’s Republic of China ( hereinafter called the "Seller"). A.2002年3月7日,本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称甲方]和依照中华人民共和国法律 成立的文果集团公司[以下简称乙方]订立。 B.本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称甲方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团 公司[以下简称乙方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。 C.本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律成立的文果集团 公司[以下简称卖方]之间于2002年3月7日订立。 D.2002年3月7日,本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司[以下简称买方]和依照中华人民共和国法律 成立的文果集团公司[以下简称卖方]订立。 3.Multinational bank's services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign exchange, issuing banker's acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds. A.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款 以及发行欧洲货币债券。 B.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以 及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 C.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款 以及发行欧洲货币债券。 D.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以 及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 4.Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of US$30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may draw the sum in due time. A.卖方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部货 款计30000美元,以便卖方及时提取款项。 B.卖方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部 货款计30000美元,以便买方及时提取款项。 C.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部 货款共计30000美元,以便卖方可以及时提取该笔货款。 D.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部货 款30000美元,以便卖方可以及时提取该笔货款。 5.Ch ina’s compliance with an intellectual-property accord is seen as a keen test of its sincerity in abiding by WTO rules. A.能否遵守国际知识产权协议视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的监测手段。 B.能否遵守国际知识产权协议,被视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的试金石。 C.能否遵守国际知识产权协议已经视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的试金石。 D.能否遵守国际知识产权协议,被视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的监测手段。 6.The new prosperity may represent a long, sustained plateau of brisk demand, plentiful jobs, and increased living standards. A.新的繁荣表现为一段时间持续较长的旺盛的需求、大量就业机会,生活水平也得到了改善。 B.新的繁荣可能表现为持续时间较长的旺盛需求、大量的就业机会,生活水平也得到了提高。


一、填空(30分,每空1.5分) 1、有一温度计,它的量程范围为0∽200℃,精度等级为0.5级。该表可能出现的最大误差为,当测量100℃时的示值相对误差为。 2、在选购线性仪表时,必须考虑应尽量使选购的仪表量程为欲测量的 倍左右为宜。 3、传感器由、、三部分组成。 4、利用热敏电阻对电动机实施过热保护,应选择型热敏电阻。 5、已知某铜热电阻在0℃时的阻值为50Ω,则其分度号是,对 于镍铬-镍硅热电偶其正极是。 6、霍尔元件采用恒流源激励是为了。 7、用水银温度计测量水温,如从测量的具体手段来看它属于测量。 二、选择题(30分,每题2分) 1、在以下几种传感器当中属于自发电型传感器。 A、电容式 B、电阻式 C、压电式 D、电感式 2、的数值越大,热电偶的输出热电势就越大。 A、热端直径 B、热端和冷端的温度 C、热端和冷端的温差 D、热电极的电导率 3、将超声波(机械振动波)转换成电信号是利用压电材料的。 A、应变效应 B、电涡流效应 C、压电效应 D、逆压电效应 4、在电容传感器中,若采用调频法测量转换电路,则电路中。 A、电容和电感均为变量 B、电容是变量,电感保持不变 C、电感是变量,电容保持不变 D、电容和电感均保持不变 5、在两片间隙为1mm的两块平行极板的间隙中插入,可测得最大的容量。 A、塑料薄膜 B、干的纸 C、湿的纸 D、玻璃薄片 6、热电阻测量转换电路采用三线制是为了 A、提高测量灵敏度 B、减小非线性误差 C、提高电磁兼容性 D、减小引线电阻的影响 7、当石英晶体受压时,电荷产生在。 A、Z面上 B、X面上 C、Y面上 D、X、Y、Z面上 8、汽车衡所用的测力弹性敏感元件是。 A、悬臂梁 B、弹簧管 C、实心轴 D、圆环 9、在热电偶测温回路中经常使用补偿导线的最主要的目的是。 A、补偿热电偶冷端热电势的损失 B、起冷端温度补偿作用 C、将热电偶冷端延长到远离高温区的地方 D、提高灵敏度 10、减小霍尔元件的输出不等位电势的办法是。 A、减小激励电流 B、减小磁感应强度 C、使用电桥调零电位器 11、测得某检测仪表的输入信号中,有用信号为20毫伏,干扰电压也为20毫伏, 则此时的信噪比为。 A、20dB B、1 dB C、0 dB 12、发现某检测仪表机箱有麻电感,必须采取措施。 A、接地保护环 B、将机箱接大地 C、抗电磁干扰 13、在仿型机床当中利用电感式传感器来检测工件尺寸,该加工检测装置是采了 测量方法。 A、微差式 B、零位式 C、偏差式


商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth.


五年级上英语试题 One day Mr Wind and Miss Sun are chatting in the sky. “I’m s________. I can do anything!” says Mr Wind. “Can you s_____ the man and the little girl down there? I can blow their c ________off. Watch me!” Mr Wind blows h______. “Dad, I fell c_______,”says the girl. “Button up your c_______, Milly. It’s windy,” says her father. At last Mr Wind gives up. “I can’t do it,” he says to Miss Sun. “You try”. Miss Sun smiles warmly at the p______. It’s warm and s_______now, Dad,”says the girl. “Let’s take off our coats.” 七、阅读(5) My friend----Michelle In my happy childhood(童年), I have many good friends, but I think Michelle is my best friend. She is patient because she writes and draws patiently(耐心地).She has short hair. She is black. But she looks so cute. She es


商务英语翻译测试题及 答案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended

without the agreement by the both parties. 3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.

II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil.


1、已知一等强度梁测力系统, R x 为电阻应变片,应变片灵敏系数 K=2,未 受应变时,R < = 100 ?。当试件受力 F 时,应变片承受平均应变 £ = 1000卩m/m , 求: (1) 应变片电阻变化量 ? R <和电阻相对变化量? R x /R x 。 (2) 将电阻应变片 R <置于单臂测量电桥,电桥电源电压为直流 3V, 求电桥输出电压及电桥非线性误差。 (3) 若要使电桥电压灵敏度分别为单臂工作时的两倍和四倍,应采取 解: (1) RX K R X R X K R X 2 1000 100 0.2() 化时,电桥输出电压为 U O (3)要使电桥电压灵敏度为单臂工作时的 2倍,则应该在等强度梁的正反面对应贴上两 个相同的应变片,一个受拉应变,一个受压应变,接入电桥相邻桥臂,形成半桥差动电桥, 且取其他桥臂电阻也为 Rx 。 1 R X 此时,U o — E - 0.003(V),r L 0 2 R X 要使电桥电压灵敏度为单臂工作时的 4倍,则应该在等强度梁的正反面对应贴上四个相 同的应变片,2个受拉应变,2个受压应变,形成全桥差动电桥。 2、有一个以空气为介质的变面积型平板电容传感器(见下图) 。其中 a=16mm,b=24mm,两极板间距为4mm 。一块极板分别沿长度和宽度方向在原始位置 上平移了 5mm ,求: R X R X 0.2 100 0.2% (2)将电阻应变片 Rx 置于单臂测量电桥,取其他桥臂电阻也为 Rx 。当Rx 有? Rx 的变 R X R X U O (云r i )E 3 (100 0.2 丄) 200 0.2 2 0.0015(V) 非线性误差: r L R X /2R X 1 R X /2R X 100% 0.1% 此时,U o R X R X 0.006(V),r L 0


全国商务英语翻译统一考试初级笔译练习试题 练习一 Part I Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese 1.迄今为止,各国的移民政策侧重于为低技能工人设置障碍,同时鼓励高技能专业人才、工程师、科学家和企业家前来工作,甚至定居。 2.Kasda是瑞士的汽车、能源和食品集团公司。本年度第一季度,尽管它的总营业额下降了6%,但是利润却增加了12.1%。 3.“海洋城”以其绵延10英里(相当于16公里)的海滩而闻名,每年接待约800万游客 4.当富人想到将财富传给子孙的时候,他们通常会有两种情绪:害怕和忧虑。他们害怕或忧虑金钱会对子孙产生消极影响;害怕金钱会让子孙失去通过努力工作获得成功的人生动力。 5.关于我方第315号订单,由于到货质量低劣,我方被迫表达强烈不满。 6.China is fielding its largest-ever Olympic team at the upcoming Beijing Games, with 639 athletes competing in all 28 sports. The Chinese team will attempt to surpass the 32 gold medals won at the Athens Olympics, four less than the United States. 7.A Japanese media report says Japan and China have reached a compromise and agreed to jointly develop gas fields and share profits in disputed areas of the East China Sea. 8.The number of newly laid-off U.S. workers rose last week, the latest sign that the economic downturn is affecting the job market. A report Thursday from the Labor Department said the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time rose 22–thousand, to 378–thousand. 9. Chinese economy suffered only a mild setback in the first quarter of 2008, and remains resilient despite inflation and worsening global credit crisis. 10. Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs, saving on the cost of finding replacements. Part II Translate the following passages into Chinese. Passage 1 Most Americans believe someone isn’t grown up until age 26, probably with a completed education, a full-time job, a family to support and financial independence, a survey said. But they also believe that becoming an official grown-up is a process that takes five years from about the age of 20, concluded the report from the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center. The findings were based on a representative sample of 1398 people over age 18. The poll found the following ages at which people expect the transitions to grown-up status to be completed: age 20.9 self-supporting; 21.1 no longer living with parents; 21.2 full-time job; 22.3 education complete; 24.5 being able to support a family financially; 25.7 married; and 26.2 having a child. “There is a large degree of consensus across social groups on the relative importance of the seven transitions,” said Tom Smith, director of the survey. The only notable pattern of differences is on views about supporting a family, having a child and g etting married. “Older adults and the widowed and married rate these as more important than younger adults and the never-married do,” he added. “This probably reflects in large part a shift in values across generations away from traditional family values.” The most valued step toward reaching adulthood, the survey found, was completing an education, followed by full-time employment, supporting a family, financial independence, living independently of parents, marriage and parenthood. Passage 2 Spend less than you earn. This is perhaps the most worn out, overused phrase in the world of personal finance. But guess what? It’s also the single most important financial lesson you’ll ever learn. No matter how hard you work and how much money you earn, you’ll never achieve financial security if you spend more than you earn, so…… do whatever it takes to make sure that this doesn’t happen. This takes self-discipline, and might require constructing a budget, but if you ever want to get to a point where you can afford all the little niceties in life, you need to make it happen. Plan for the future. I’ve been where you are, and I know that “the future” seems like it’s a million miles away. Do yourself a favor. Sit down and define short, intermediate, and long-term goals and then put together a plan for getting there. It’s not easy, and you probably won’t get it right at first but once you do this, you’ll have something concrete to work from (and to modify in the future). Start small and work your way up. Be patient. Building a solid financial foundation takes time. Don’t look for shortcuts or try to strike it rich overnight wit h the latest hot investment tip. Likewise, don’t make major financial decisions wi thout fully considering the ramifications. This isn’t to say that you should be paralyzed fear. Rather, you need to do your homework. Turn those unknowns into knowns, and


培英学校2017--2018学年度五年级英语第一学期 期中试题 (满分100分 时间60分钟) 听 力 部 分(30分) 一、听音,选择所听到的内容。(10%) ( ) 1. A. foot B. food C. would ( ) 2. A. nice B. nine C. fine ( ) 3. A. young B. kind C. funny ( ) 4. A. fish B. fresh C. fridge ( ) 5. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday ( ) 6. A. today B. thirsty C. table ( ) 7. A. heavy B. healthy C. hurry ( ) 8. A. salad B. sandwich C. should ( ) 9. A. do homework B. do housework C. do some shopping ( ) 10. A. I’d like some ice cream. B. I’d like some tomatoes. C. I’d like some potatoes. 二、听音,选出与所听内容相应的句子。(5%) ( ) 1、A. He is tall and strong. He likes sports. B. He is short and strong. He is running. ( ) 2、A. It’s Wednesday. We have art and Chinese. B . It’s Friday. We have math and Chinese. ( ) 3、A. Mary often reads books on weekends. B. Mary often does homework on Saturdays. ( ) 4、A. I have noodles and salad for dinner. B. I have chicken and tomatoes for dinner. ( ) 5、A. I like t his fish. It’s fresh and delicious. B. The fish is not fresh. I don’t want it. 三、仔细听,选出所听句子正确的中文意思。(5%) ( )1. A.你最喜欢吃什么食物? ( )2. B.你经常在公园里看书吗? ( )3. C.我喜欢四季豆和冰激凌。 ( )4. D.你应该每天做体育运动。 ( )5. E.王女士将是我们的新语文老师。 四、听音,选出正确的答案。(10%) ( )1. A. Mr. Zhao. B. He’s tall and thin. C. She’s active. ( )2. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isn’t. C. No, he is. ( )3. A. It’s sunny. B. I like Wednesdays. C. It’s Wednesday. ( )4. A. I often read books and watch TV . B. I have computer and science. C. We have hamburger and potatoes. ( )5. A. I’d like some tomatoes and salad. B. I like oranges and grapes. C. I have hot dogs and beef on Tuesdays. 笔 试 部 分(70分) 一、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(5%) ( )1. A. fresh B. sweet C. thin D. delicious ( )2. A. bedroom B. chicken C. kitchen D. bathroom ( )3. A. young B. kind C. short D. class ( )4. A. in B. old C. on D. under ( )5. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Friday D. sunny ____________ 班级:________________ 姓名:_________________ 考号:______________座位号______________ ………密……………封……………线……………内…………不……………要……………答……………题…………………

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