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1.abbreviate 2.accuse 3.adjective 4.administrative 5.adverb 6.aggressive 7.alphabet 8.amuse 9.ankle 10.a nniversary 11.a ppropriate 12.a pproval 13.a rch 14.a rtificial 15.a utomatically 1.bacteria 2.beam 3.bean 4.bend 5.bent 6.betray 7.bite

8.blow 9.bluish 10.b order 11.b owels 12.b reathe 13.b reed 14.b ullet 15.b unch 16.b urnt 17.b ury 18.b ush 1.cable 2.canal 3.capable of 4.capture 5.card board 6.carpet 7.carriage 8.cassette 9.ceiling 10.c ell 11.c ent

12.c elebrate 13.c harity 14.c heek 15.c heque 16.c hew 17.c himney 18.c hin 19.c hop 20.c ircular 21.c lause 22.c lay 23.c lothing 24.c oast 25.c oin 26.c oloured 27.c olumn 28.c ommittee 29.c omplaint 30.c omplicated 31.c onscious 32.c onsonant 33.c ontainer


《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的语法性研究 文献综述 一、该选题的国内外研究现状 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的语法性研究与分析对于词典的编纂提供了很好的向导,也对英语学习者对英语的学习带来了帮助。英语词典吸收了新的语言学理论,出现了许多新的释义方式,词典编纂者应时刻掌握使用者需求动态与认知习惯要求,编纂出更适合需求的词典。 (一)国外研究现状 早在二十世纪七十年代,Hornby A S于1978发表了“Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English-The complete Guide to Written and Spoken English ”的文章,从而对词典的研究打开了序幕,将词典的功能扩大化、细致化。 《牛津高阶》是历史悠久的字典,许多字典的标准是由它所建立,可以称为字典的大哥大。针对读者学习需求,不收古语、罕语,也不收字源。以国际音[IPA]为准,兼收英国音和美国英;英文定义简明;例句丰富;动词分及物和不及物,名词分可数和不可数。作为ESL词典的开山鼻祖,OALD确立了很多词典编写的标准,这些标准广泛的被其他出版社采用。OALD也一直把发行量第一作为广告来宣传自己。 A.P.Cowie于2002年发表的一篇论文名为“English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners: A History”也描述了英语词典对于外国学习者在学习英语的过程中所起到的作用,并且对其历史也作了详细的研究。同年,Rundel L.M. 也发表了一篇名为“Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners”的论文,他主要是针对一些进阶的学习者做的一些研究,他是用麦克米伦英语词典来作为研究对象,旨在通过对麦克米伦词典的研究来达到研究出增进人们学习英语的最佳途径以及编辑英语词典的方法等等。 (二)国内研究现状


牛津释义3000词汇 abandon vt.丢弃;放弃,抛弃abandoned a. 被抛弃的;无约束的ability n.能力;能耐,本领 able adj.有能力的;能干的about prep.关于;在…周围 above prep.在…上面;高于abroad ad.(在)国外;到处absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏absent a.不在场的;缺乏的absolute a.绝对的;纯粹的absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地 absorb vt.吸收;使 专心 abuse vt.滥用;虐 待n.滥用 academic a.学院 的;学术的 accent n.口音,腔 调;重音 accept vt.vi.接受; 同意 acceptable a.可接 受的,合意的 access n.接近;通 道,入口 accident n.意外 的;事故 accidental adj. 意 外的,偶然的 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地; 偶尔,附带 accommodation n. 招待设备;预定铺 位 accompany vt.陪 伴,陪同;伴随 according ad. 根 据 account n.记述; 解释;帐目 accurate a.准确的, 正确无误的 accurately adj. 准 确地;ad. 准确 地;精密地 accuse vt.指责;归 咎于 achieve vt.完成,实 现;达到 achievement n.完 成;成就,成绩 acid n.酸;酸的, 酸性的 acknowledge vt.承 认;告知收到 acquire vt.取得; 获得;学到 across prep.横过, 穿过 action n.行动;作 用;功能 active a.活跃的; 积极的 actively adv. 积极 地,活跃地 activity n.活动,能 动性 actor n.男演员;演 剧的人 actual a.实际的; 现行的 actually adv.实际 上 ad n. (缩)广告 adapt vt.使适应; 改编 add vt.加,增加 addition n.加,加 法;附加物 additional a.附加 的,追加的 address n.地址; 演说;谈吐 adequate a.足够 的;可以胜任的 adequately adv. 恰当地;足够地 adjust vt.调整,调 节;校正 admiration n.羡慕, 钦佩;赞赏 admire vt.钦佩;羡 慕;赞美 admit vt.&vi.承认 adopt vt.收养;采 用;采取 adult n.成年人a. 成年的 advance vi.前进; 提高n.进展 advanced a.先进


798:《牛津高阶》彩屏词典首次跌破千元 ——名人牛津彩屏词典D3:黑白机价格,彩屏机享受 暑假很快就要过去了,很多学生已经在为开学做准备。电子词典几乎是大学生的必备学习工具。在选购电子词典的时候,越来越多的大学生将“《牛津高阶》+彩屏”作为必选项。首先,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》是世所公认的权威英语学习词典,能够充分满足英语学习者在听、说、读、写方面的各种需要,出版60多年来畅销不衰,总发行量逾3000万册,广受全球英语学习者欢迎。其次,彩屏词典视觉效果更好,而且可以承载更多学习、娱乐功能,是必然的主流趋势。但,市场上,既是彩屏词典,又同时收录《牛津高阶》,且品质可靠的电子词典,价格都在2000元左右,绝没有低过千元的可能。这让很多大学生在选购的时候很纠结,非常渴望“《牛津高阶》+彩屏”的词典,但价位太高,要还是不要? 为了照顾大学生的购买能力,满足“《牛津高阶》+彩屏”的迫切需求,2011年暑假,有18年发展历史的国内电子词典第一品牌——名人电子词典,率先将牛津高阶彩屏词典请下千元神坛,推出名人牛津彩屏词典D3,仅售798元。接下来,让我们一起从“资源、功能、硬件、价格”等几大电子词典评判条件出发,去综合评判这款产品。 资源评判:798元!5大牛津词典+6国小语种学习+ 16本权威词典正版授权 买电子词典,首先看的就是词典,没有高品质的词典基础,功能无从支撑,

硬件形同虚设。同时,众所周知的是,学好任何一门语言,一本词典是不够的,学母语汉语是如此,学英语更不会例外。因此,在英语词典的选择上,必须是系统的,互补搭配的。 为此,名人D3除了完整内置《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,还同时完整收录《牛津英语同义词词典》、《牛津短语动词词典》、《牛津英语习语词典》、《牛津英语搭配词典》等五大牛津词典,满足不同层次,不同需求英语学习者,学得更多,更全的需求。值得一提的是,名人电子词典是国内最早与牛津大学出版社合作,也是合作时间最长的词典品牌,是牛津大学出版社中国第一战略合作伙伴。 同时,我们的母语是汉语,要完美地实现汉英之间的互译,对汉语的学习同样重要。为此名人D3还收录包括《新英汉词典》、《汉英大辞典》等中英文权威版权词典。共计16本权威词典,正版授权,一字不差、一字不漏,完全避免无版权所带来的错漏。 考虑到大学生就业、生活可能涉及的多国语言学习,名人D3还提供日、韩、德、西、俄、法6国小语种学习,是一台不折不扣的小语种学习机。 798元的名人D3,在内置学习资源上,完全媲美价值2000元以上市场主流品牌。 功能评判:798元!单词速查+单词挑战记忆+听说读写译快速精通英语 电子词典的优势不仅在于可同时收录多部词典,而且还可通过电子搜索的方式,在多部词典间快速查词。因此,查词功能是评判电子词典的重要指标。 名人牛津彩屏词典D3独有的“快查”系统,可实现快速开机,单词速查。开机速度比传统词典机快2倍,开机更快,查询更快!独有的待机模式,在两小时内,按键或开盖零等待,马上查询。同时,科学的“查学结合法”,查过的单词,系统会自动记录,便于以后查看,加强记忆。 与查词功能同样出众的是名人词典有18年技术积淀的“背单词”功能。针对大学生考前单词冲刺需求,特别设计“挑战记忆”的背单词方式:“过滤记忆”,快速过滤已知单词,将学习重点放在未知难词记忆上,避免无用的重复学习。“难词学习”:挑战未掌握或答错的单词,自动归类于不同等级的难词,通过循环学与测,消化难词、加深印象。 为了让学习更有针对性,帮助学生更快地完成过级,出国等考试,名人D3针对四六级考试,完整内置大学英语四级词库、六级词库;针对出国考试,完整内置托福词库、GRE词库、雅思词库。为考试提供更权威、更强大的专业支持!同时,名人D3还内置新东方过级听力、星火过级听力等权威四六级听力资料,还内置强大的牛津口语训练功能,还内置强大的中英文双向翻译功能……练听力、练口语、练翻译,帮学生快速精通英语。 目前,市场主流的高端彩屏词典,虽然有丰富权威的词典资源,但在英语学习方法上,就要大打折扣。相比而言,798元的名人D3,却能两者兼顾。 硬件评判:798元!4.3英寸大彩屏+4GB超大内存+TF卡最大支持8GB


a, an indefinite article abandon v. abandoned adj. ability n. able adj. unable adj. about adv.,prep. above prep.,adv. abroad adv. absence n. absent adj. absolute adj. absolutely adv. absorb v. abuse n.,v. academic adj. accent n. accept v. acceptable adj. unacceptable adj. access n. accident n. by accident accidental adj. accidentally adv. accommodation n. accompany v. according to prep. account n.,v. accurate adj. accurately adv. accuse v. achieve v. achievement n. acid n. acknowledge v. acquire v.across adv.,prep. act n.,v. action n. take action active adj. actively adv. activity n. actor, actress n. actual adj. actually adv. ad advertisement adapt v. add v. addition n. in addition (to) additional adj. address n.,v. adequate adj. adequately adv. adjust v. admiration n. admire v. admit v. adopt v. adult n.,adj. advance n.,v. advanced adj. in advance advantage n. take advantage of adventure n. advertise v. advertising n. advertisement (also ad, advert) n. advice n. advise v. affair n. affect v. affection n. afford v. afraid adj. after prep.,conj.,adv. afternoon n. afterwards (especially BrE; NAmE usually afterward) adv. again adv. against prep. age n. aged adj. agency n. agent n. aggressive adj. ago adv. agree v. agreement n. ahead adv. aid n.,v. aim n.,v. air n. aircraft n. airport n. alarm n.,v. alarming adj. alarmed adj. alcohol n. alcoholic adj., n. alive adj. all det.,pron.,adv. allow v. all right adj.,adv.,exclamation ally n., v. allied adj. almost adv. alone adj.,adv. along prep.,adv.


《牛津高阶英语词典》(第8版)使用心得(George Chen) 如果说辞典界有什么事情发生,而可以称得上是重大消息,OALD 推出新版绝对够资格排得上前三名。学习型辞典在市场上的主流地位,任何新旧更替,必然引起话题,元老级的OALD 新版上市,当然更加受瞩目。这些辞典的前世今生,我在过去谈学习型辞典时,已着墨许多,这里就不再多谈,有兴趣的读者不妨参考过去我谈论学习型辞典的文章,或者本文末尾,我所列的几本参考书籍。 我直接进入主题,先从印刷版的前后版比较起,距离上一版大约五年了,五年的时间酝酿一个新版,差不多是个恰当的时间。这次新版与旧版版面比较,差别不大,新字增加这必然要有的。辞典封底的文字宣称有1000 new words and meanings,新字真的不是我很在意的部分,不过还是未能免俗,稍稍看一下,底下这些都是新加入的字:biofuel, malware, blogosphere, robocall, slow food, Skype, upsell, …我又从Susie Dent 的The Language Report 这本专聊新字的书找了一些,在这本OALD8 里检验。Family 与friend 结合的framily 没有;已经炒热过不少新闻的cyberbullying (网络霸凌),也找不到。elephant in the room 收进来了,有异曲同工之妙的moose on the table 还付诸阙如,可惜。botnet 收进来了,却没有在zombie 底下加上计算机相关的新定义,又是另一个可惜之处。新字是个永远填不满的无底洞,所以新字的话题看看就好。 总页数1938,与旧本相比,多了30余页。二千页差不多是辞典容纳量的上限,再多,不易携带;再少,怕内容单薄。除了几本双解辞典之外,英文学习型辞典差不多都是这等规模。有限的纸面空间,多了新数据,势必在别的地方删除相同份量的数据。所以,印刷版末尾处看到Visual V ocabulary Builder Contents 变得充实,我们也大胆推估,其它必有别的数据被删减了。


上海版小学英语牛津 词汇表

miss n.(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐;女士;失误 v.漏掉;错过(机会);思念;没遇到 Mr. n. 先生 Mrs. n. 夫人 cut n. 切口,割伤,降低,份额,删节,割下的一块肉 vt. 切割,减少,停止,修剪 vi. 切割,快速移动 [计算机] 剪掉 stick vt.& vi.粘贴;张贴;插入;刺入 vt.容忍;产生作用;(尤指迅速或随手)放置;阻延或推迟 n.棍棒,棍枝;枝条;操纵杆;球棍 stand n. 站立,停顿,楼台,货摊 vi. 站立,位于,停滞 vt. 忍受,使站立 sit vt. 坐,担任,开会,孵 vi. 坐,孵 n. 坐 open n. 公开,户外,空旷 adj. 开着的,开放的,公开的 vt. 打开,公开,开放,开始 vi. 开, 通行,大叫 close n. 完结, 结论 adj. 靠近的,亲近的,几乎,密切的, 势均力敌的 vt. 关,结束,靠近 vi. 关,停业, 搏斗 adv. 紧挨着, 紧紧地 door n. 门 blackboard n. 黑板 board n. 木板, 甲板, 董事会 n. 伙食; 舞台, 演员的职业; 船舷 vt. 登(飞机、车、船等); 有偿提供食宿; 用木板覆盖 vi. 搭伙 please int. 请 vt. 取悦,请,合心意 vi. 取悦,愿意 name n. 名字, 名称, 姓名 vt. 命名, 称呼, 任命 adj. 有名的, 著名的 jam n. 果酱,拥塞之物,堵塞, 窘境 vt. &vi. 挤,塞满,混杂 hand n. 手,掌握,协助 vt. 帮助,给 adv. 手动地,人工地 one n. 一, 第一个, 一美元纸币 adj. 单一的, 某一个, 同一种类的, 同意的, 唯一的 pron. 某人, 任何人 two num. 二,两个 three num. 三 pron.&adj. 三(个,只...)


牛津3000词汇表[最新] abandon vt.镣~放弃弃,抛弃 about prep.镣于~在…周镣abandoned a. 被抛的~无镣束的弃above prep.在…上面~高于ability n.能力~能耐,本镣 牛津3000镣镣 abroad ad.(在)外~到镣国 able adj.有能力的~能干的 absence n.缺席,不在镣~缺乏 accent n.口音,腔镣~重音 absorb vt.吸收~使镣心 accident n.意外的~事故absent a.不在镣的~缺乏的 accept vt.vi.接受~同意 abuse vt.镣用~虐待 n.镣用 accidental adj. 意外的,偶然的absolute a.镣镣的~镣粹的acceptable a.可接受的,合意的 academic a.学学院的~镣的 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地~偶镣, 附镣absolutely ad.完全地~镣镣地 access n.接近~通道,入口 accommodation n.招待镣镣~镣定镣位 achieve vt.完成,镣镣~到达 accurate a.准确的,正确无镣的 acquire vt.取得~镣得~到学accompany vt.陪伴,陪同~伴随

achievement n.完成~成就,成镣 accurately adj. 准确地~ad. 准确地~ 精密地 across prep.镣横,穿镣according ad. 根据 acid n.酸~酸的,酸性的 accuse vt.指镣~镣咎于 action n.行镣~作用~功能account n.镣述~解镣~镣目acknowledge vt.承镣~告知收到 actor n.男演镣~演镣的人 additional a.附加的,追加的active a.活镣的~镣的极 adapt vt.使适镣~改镣 actual a.镣镣的~镣行的 address n.地址~演镣~镣吐actively adv. 镣极地,活镣地 add vt.加,增加 actually adv.镣镣上 adequate a.足镣的~可以镣任的activity n.活镣,能镣性 addition n.加,加法~附加物 ad n. (镣)广告 adequately adv. 恰当地~足镣地 admit vt.&vi.承镣 advertise vt.通知 vi.登广告adjust vt.镣整,镣镣~校正 advanced a.先镣的~高镣的 adopt vt.收镣~采用~采取 advertisement n.广广告~公告~登告admiration n.羡慕,镣佩~镣镣


牛津高阶英汉双解词典 英语谚语、格言和警句_Sayings and Proverbs 谚语、格言和警句蕴藏着人类的智慧,简短的词句、诙谐的表达中流露着人生的哲理。我希望能和大家一同分享这些睿智的语言,体悟语言世界的奥妙。现计划每天摘录一句,并附解释。如果大家对其中的某些妙句有兴趣和想法,欢迎大家针对性地发表意见;同时欢迎大家收集英语谚语、格言和警句在本贴发布,以供大家分享,最好注明出处。希望与大家快乐而智慧地共同进步。 我目前所摘的谚语、格言和警均来自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第七版)【商务印书馆,牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司,2009年4月第3版】 Below is a list of well-known sayings and proverbs: fixed phrases or sentences that give advice or say something that is generally true. 下列广泛流传的谚语、格言和警句,即给予劝戒或表达普遍真理的固定短语或句子。 1—absence makes the heart grow fonder ?英文解释:used to say that when you are away from sb that you love, you love them even more ?翻译:不相见,倍思念 2—there's no accounting for taste ?英文解释:used to say how difficult it is to understand why sb likes sb/sth that you do not like at all ?翻译:人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好 3—actions speak louder than words ?英文解释:what a person actually does means more than what they say they will do ?翻译:行动比言语更为响亮 4—it'll be all ringt on the night ?英文解释:used to say that a performance, an event, etc. will be successful even if the preparations for it have not gone well ?翻译:(演出、活动等)到时候自会成功的;车到山前必有路 5—the apple doesn't fall far from the tree OR—the apple never falls far from the tree ?英文解释:a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s) ?翻译:有什么样的父母就有什么样的儿女;上行下效


从《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版与第六版释义与注释的比较看词典发展的变迁 崔彬彬 《牛津高阶词典》Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (以下称OALD)最早是由已故AS霍恩比先生编纂的Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English,由牛津大学出版社在1948年出版。此后,凭借其精湛的编纂技术,高度的敬业精神等因素,牛津辞典很快成为词典界的权威及英语学习者心目中的首选,因此在全世界范围内得以一版再版,并被陆续翻译成各种语言。为了紧随时代的步伐,满足我国英语学习者的迫切需要,我国引进了《牛津高阶词典》并对其进行翻译使之成为适合于中国读者使用的英汉双解词典。第一部《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》以OALD 第二版为底本编译,于1970年出版,之后二版三版……一发不可收。至今在中国已有六版《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》。每一版都见证着中外词典编纂人世世代代不懈的追求与辛勤的耕作,才使得词典发展到了今天的成熟与多姿。这些版本之间到底有什么不同?仅仅是时间上的差异,单词量的差异还是产生了其它微妙的变化?本文拟从《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版与第六版释义与注释的比较来看不同版本词典的发展与变迁。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(以下简称牛津)第四版出版于1997年9月,共1910页。第六版出版于2004年6月,共2166页,与第四版出版的时间相隔不到七年。下面将就释义与注释为例阐述两版之间的差异。 一、释义的变化 释义的变化首先体现在前言中。在牛津第四版的前言中,没有对释义进行单独介绍。但在第六版中不仅包含此项内容,并有“释义说明”一项,占据两页的篇幅。可见第六版的编纂者已经赋予释义新的内涵及重要性并对此加强了阐释力度。编者在序言中指出“所有释义均用不超过3000的词汇解释。释义中所用词汇在附录8中给与列出。”(见牛津第六版序言)3000的词汇量已控制的非常小,接近高中生的词汇水平,也就是说连中学生都可以看得懂,可见编纂者在释义上所下的功夫与其独具匠心。下面主要以forgive及frenetic为例,具体看一下与第四版相比,第六版在释义方面有哪些改进。为清楚起见,释义将逐条列出。 forgive: 1. [Tn, Tn·pr, Dn·n]~ sth, ~ sb (for sth/doing sth) stop being angry or bitter towards sb or about sth; stop blaming or wanting to punish sb原谅;宽恕;饶恕(4版) 1. ~ sb/yourself (for sth/for doing sth)to stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you; to stop feeling angry with yourself原谅;宽恕(6版) 从这一释义对比中,可以看出第六版有很大改进:如在释义之首用介词to开始,使表述更加严谨;在释义的措辞上也更注重科学性,更加易懂,如改being angry 为feeling angry;删除了词义中所没有的义项,如stop blaming or wanting to punish sb,取而代之的是stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you。尽管只是一个简单的改变,却使得词典使用者更加清晰明了forgive所能应用的情景。原谅只是说明一个人已不再对别人或自己生气,而并不能表明此人还有要责备或惩罚别人的意思;另外,可以很明显的看到,在第四版具体释义前面出现的[Tn, Tn·pr, Dn·n]在第六版中已消失不见,这更利于英语学习者的使用。另外,在第六版中增加了to stop feeling angry with yourself,使得语言学习者


1. a an indefinite article 牛津3000词汇表

4.ability n. 5.able adj. 6.unable adj. 7.about adv. prep. 8.above prep. adv. 9.abroad adv. 10.absence n. 11.absent adj. 12.absolute adj. 13.absolutely adv. 14.absorb v. 15.abuse n. v. 16.academic adj. 17.accent n. 18.accept v. 19.acceptable adj. 20.unacceptable adj. 21.access n. 22.accident n. 23.by accident 24.accidental adj. 25.accidentally adv. 26.accommodation n. 27.accompany v. 28.according to prep. 29.account n. v. 30.accurate adj. 31.accurately adv. 32.accuse v. 33.achieve v. 34.achievement n. 35.acid n. 36.acknowledge v. 37.acquire v. 38.across adv. prep. 39.act n. v. 40.action n. 41.take action 42.active adj. 43.actively adv. 44.activity n. 45.actor actress n. 46.actual adj. 47.actually adv. 48.ad advertisement 49.adapt v. 50.add v. 51.addition n. 52.in addition (to) 53.additional adj. 54.address n. v. 55.adequate adj. 56.adequately adv. 57.adjust v. 58.admiration n. 59.admire v. 60.admit v.

The Oxford 3000 —— 牛津3000核心释义词表

T h e O x f o r d 3000 d The Oxford 3000? The keywords of the Oxford 3000have been carefully selected by a group of language experts and experienced teachers as the words which should receive priority in vocabulary study because of their importance and usefulness. The selection is based on three criteria. The words which occur most frequently in English are included, based on the information in the British National Corpus and the Oxford Corpus Collection. (A corpus is an electronically held collection of written or spoken texts, often consisting of hundreds of millions of words.)However, being frequent in the corpus alone is not enough for a word to qualify as a keyword:it may be that the word is used very frequently,but only in a narrowly defined area, such as newspapers or scientific articles. In order to avoid including these restricted words, we include as keywords only those words which are frequent across a range of different types of text.In other words, keywords are both frequent and used in a variety of contexts. In addition, the list includes some very important words which happen not to be used frequently, even though they are very familiar to most users of English.These include, for example, words for parts of the body, words used in travel, and words which are useful for explaining what you mean when you do not know the exact word for something.These words were identified by consulting a panel of over seventy experts in the fields of teaching and language study. The words of the Oxford 3000are shown in the main section of the dictionary in larger print, and with a key symbol immediately following. On the CD-ROM the keywords are shown in red. The most useful parts of the entries (particular parts of speech, meanings,phrasal verbs and idioms) are marked with a small key symbol. The entries for keywords often have extra information in the form of more examples of use, special notes explaining synonyms or related words, or helpful illustrations. This means that the keywords make an excellent starting point for expanding your vocabulary. With most keywords, there is far more to learn about them than the first meaning in the entry: often these words have many meanings, have a large family of words d derived from them, or are used in a variety of patterns. All of this means that each one of the keywords repays close study. The list covers British and American English. It is arranged to emphasize the connections between words, so that words which are very closely related (including adverbs ending in -ly and opposites starting with un-)are grouped together. Some basic phrases are also included.Proper names (names of people, places, etc.beginning with a capital letter )and numbers are not included in the main list. A separate list of words which are important for language study, but less important in everyday life, follows the main list. Knowing these words will help you to understand more of the informa-tion given in the entries, especially regarding the word’s grammar and register (whether it is for-mal, informal, etc.). In order to make the definitions in this dictionary easy to understand, we have written them using the keywords of the Oxford 3000.All words used in normal definition text are keywords, or are on the list of language study terms. Numbers and proper names are also used in definitions. When it has been necessary to use a specialist term which is not in the Oxford 3000,the word is shown in small capitals ,and in blue on the CD-ROM. If you do not know the meaning of this word, look it up in the dictionary: it will help you to understand the definition that you are interested in, and will probably be a useful word to learn because it will be related to the original word you looked up.


使用方法:请先尝试按照中文反写英文,再与英文例句做比较,注意研究表达方式的转换。 LANGUAGE BANK用语库 About Saying what a text is about描述文章的内容 ?The book is about homeless people in the cities. 这本书写的是城市中无家可归的人们。 ?The report deals with the issue of homelessness in London. 这篇报道是关于伦敦的无家可归问题。 ?The writer discusses the problems faced by homeless people. 作者讨论了无家可归者面临的种种问题。 ?The article presents an overview of the issues surrounding homelessness. 这篇文章概述了有关无家可归的种种问题。 ?The novel explores the theme of friendship among homeless people. 这部小说探究了无家可归的人之间的友谊这个主题。 ?The first chapter examines the relationship between homelessness and drug addiction. 第一章考察了无家可归与吸毒成瘾之间的关系。 ?The paper considers the question of why so many young people become homeless. 这篇论文论述了为何如此多的年轻人变得无家可归的问题。

中英对照 Oxford 3000 牛津核心词汇

1. abandon v. 抛弃、放弃 2. abandoned adj. 废弃的、被遗弃的 3. ability n. 能力、才能 4. able adj. 能够、有才能的 5. unable adj. 不能做某事 6. about adv. prep. 关于、到处、围绕;大约、在 7. above prep. adv. 在…上面、超过 8. abroad adv. 在国外、到国外 9. absence n. 缺席(某人)、缺乏(某物) 10. absent adj. 缺席的、心不在焉的 11. absolute adj. 完全的、绝对的 12. absolutely adv. 绝对地 13. absorb v. 吸收 14. abuse n. v. 滥用、虐待、辱骂 15. academic adj. 学术的 16. accent n. 口音、重音 17. accept v. 接受、接纳 18. acceptable adj. 可接受的、令人满意的 19. unacceptable adj. 不能接受的 20. access n. 进入(某物)、接近(某人) 21. accident n. 事故、意外、偶然事件 22. by accident 无意中、偶然 23. accidental adj. 意外的 24. accidentally adv. 意外地 25. accommodation n. 住处、空位 26. accompany v. 陪伴、伴奏、与…相配合 27. according to prep. 据说、根据 28. account n. v. 帐户、客户 29. accurate adj. 精确的、准确的 30. accurately adv. 精确地、准确地 31. accuse v. 指责某人 32. achieve v. 实现、取得 33. achievement n. 成就、实现 34. acid n. 酸 35. acknowledge v. 承认、对…打招呼 36. acquire v. 获得、学到、取得 37. across adv. prep. 穿过、在…对面 38. act n. v. 行动、举止;扮演、 39. action n. 行动、行为、动作 40. take action 采取行动 41. active adj. 活跃的、积极的 42. actively adv. 积极地 43. activity n. 活跃、活动 44. actor actress n. 演员,女演员

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