当前位置:文档之家› (完整)人教版高中英语单词词性转换训练习及答案





1. My little brother’s ambition is to be an ____________ like Jackie Chan. ( act )

2. What’s the weather like today? It’s ______ ( cloud )

3. Children usually begin school at the ________ of six. ( aged )

4. Children __________ seven must go to school. ( age )

5. Mary has made several films. She is a wonderful __________ . ( act )

6. The girl over there is the most __________ member in our school singing group. ( act )

7. Joan plays the guitar, and in ___________, she writes her own songs. ( add )

*8. At the end of his speech, Tim _________ a few points to show his agreement. ( addition )

*9. She __________ her part well, because she is one of the most famous ___________ in the world.( act )

*10.Yoga is one of his favourite ___________. ( act )


1. We didn’t know whether he was dead or _________. (live)

2. We all know that water is very important to all ________ things. (live)

3. Spiders can __________ for several days without food. (alive)

4.Disneyland is a famous ___________ park. (amuse)

5. Jack told his students an _________ story. (amuse)

6. I can never find my pens at home because they _________ after I bought them. (disappear)

7. I must go now because I have an important meeting to _________. (attentive)

8. My Mum bough t a new washing machine, it’s __________ (automatically)

*9. Grandpa Li _________ alone because he has no children. (alive)

*10. When Tom was parking his car in the street, a policeman _________ in front of him.



1. The students of Class One will _______ a lecture on how to fight pollution. (attentively)

2. The lift can open and close the door __________ (automatic)

3. Kate sings so __________ that many people like her very much. (beautiful)

4.The light music sounded very __________. I enjoy every minute of it. (beautifully)

5. She knows the subject from __________ to end. (begin)

6.At the __________ of this century, the APEC conferences were held successfully in

shanghai. (begin)

7. What a ______ day we’re h aving these days! ( brightly )

8. Of all the subjects ________ is my favourite subject. ( chemical )

*9. No one knows why dinosaurs ____________ suddenly. (appear)

*10. After running 500 meters, I ________ to feel tired. (beginning)


1. Another across sea bridge will be _____ in China soon. ( build )

2. You’d be more _____ next time, or you’ll make the same mistake again! ( care )

3. Among all the students in our class Li Ming writes the most ______. ( careful )

4. Could you tell me whether it is a ________ change or a physical change? ( chemistry )

5. In summer the sun is always shining ______. ( bright )

6. How do you know that Joyce was a popular ______ as a chief editor? ( choose )

7. They want to make it _____ to the public that air pollution is harmful to us. ( clearly )

8. The students are not allowed to touch the ________ without permission. ( chemistry ) *9.Do you think it is good to have so many tall _______ in our city? ( build )

*10. You look _______ than before. (healthy)


1. Both of the trousers are well designed, I don’t know which pair to _____ . ( choice )

2. Please say it loudly so that everybody can hear you ______. ( clear )

3. The little boy asked if the rain came from the _____. ( cloudy )

4. When I was of your _________, I was very strong. ( aged )

5. Nowadays children prefer hamburgers to any other food, but they are not good for

children’s _______. (healthy)

6. It rained ____ last night and the river rose two feet. (heavy)

7. The _____ in my car doesn’t work properly. (heat)

8. It’s very important for us to have plenty of ______ food. (health)

*9. Traffic today is much ______ than that of tomorrow. (heavy)

*10. The _________ over there live in the same housing estate. (fish)


1.Two women doctors will give us a lecture on ____ diet tomorrow. (health)

2. It is difficult to _____ the office because it is too big. (heater)

3. The box is too ____ for me to carry. (heavily)

4. The building is one of the_______ buildings in the city. (high)

5. Have the government officials measured the _____ of the bridge? (high)

6. She told us the young man was of average ____ and wore a pair of glasses. (high)

7. He does so well in his study and I think he must be ____ to others. (help)

8. The Qomolongma is the_______ peak in the world. (high)

*9. An English-Chinese dictionary _____ us a lot. (helpful)

*10. Do you know who the telephone was________ by? (invention)


1. Li Ming jumps ____ than any other student in his students. (high)

2. She is always very ______ to his class teacher. (help)

3. China is a great country and it has a long _______. (historical)

4. Today many Chinese children are having a happy life with their parents while

thousands of ________ children in Iraq are having a hard life. (home)

5. Sue is a good girl and her ________ makes her parents and teachers pleased. (honest)

6. There are many places of _______ interests in Beijing. (history)

7. Our English teacher _______ us a lot in learning English. (helpful)

8. One his way _______ , he saw a robber running out of a bank. (homeless)

*9. I wouldn’t like to do business with such a ________ man. (honesty)

*10. It is _________ for him to improve his English without enough practice. (possibly)


1. After the heavy storm , thousands of people became _____ .(home)

2. He looks _________ enough, but can we trust him? (honesty)

3. I read the book _______ looking for some information about UFOs. (hungry)

4. He is too ________ to walk any more. (hunger)

5. Nowadays more and more people realize the _______ of keeping balance of nature. (important)

6. It is ______ for us to learn English well in order to meet the need of World Expo (importance)

7. I’ll come as soon as _______. (possibly)

8. He’ll _______ get the first prize because he is so good at E nglish. (possible)

*9. He is _______ to Mary’s birthday. (invitation)

*10. The children _______ themselves playing in the water yesterday afternoon. (joy)


1. He will ________ be a professional football player in the future. (possible)

2. She shows great ______ in singing. (interesting)

3. The film was so _______ that all of us laughed. (interest)

4. They were ______ in my culture and they asked me a lot of questions. (interest)

5. Otis was the _______ of the first lift. (invent)

6. His _____ saved people from having to walk up and down stairs.(invent)

7. Simon has just received an _____ to Betty’s birthday party tomorrow. (invite)

*8. Making paper is one of the greatest _____ of ancient Chinese people. (invent)

*9. The party was very exciting and we _______ every minute of it. (joy)

*10. We went to a beautiful lake and spent an _______________ day. (forget)


1. He has got an ________ from his uncle in the United State. (invite)

2. Are you going to ______ Julia to your birthday party? (invitation)

3. To his great _______ , he will go travelling to Hong Kong with his parents this

summer holiday. (enjoy)

4. My father wants to buy a car of this model, but my mother thinks it’s too __________


5. I don’t think I like ________________ food. It’s not fresh. (freeze)

6. Can you do me a ________________ to lift the heavy box? (favourite)

7. What _____________ weather we are having now! (freeze)

8. There are different kinds of ___________ in the sea. (fish)

*9. Tim thinks traveling by train is far ___________ than by air. (joy)

*10. The fish are ____________ by the great noise. (fright)


1. The woman was ___________ when she saw the big snake. (frighten)

2. The man talked all the time _________________. (excited)

3. It was so ________________ to see my favorite singers at the concert yesterday. (excited)

4. I love my teacher because she is ________________ to us. (friend)

5. They tried to run away to ______________ ( free)

6. The children are skating excitedly on the __________________ river. (freeze)

7. It was said that he was the last bird ________________ in that village. (fish)

8. Last week three _________________ saw a UFO flying over the sky. (fish)

*9. He tried to make more money to work out a solution to travelling _____________ (expensive)

*10. Hearing the good news, the children rushed out ____________________ than usual. (excite)


1. He is the person who likes to make a lot of ________________ . (friend)

2. We are so lucky that we are _________________. (freedom)

3. What a ________________ (fun) story it is!

4. What’s the _________________ place you’ve ever been to? (far)

5. Let’s study the _________________ lesson now. (four)

6. The __________________ word in this dictionary is “zoo”. (finally)

7. I think _________________ is the most important thing in the world. (free)

*8. Jack is very good at fishing. He must be one of the greatest ____________ in the world. (fish)

*9. _________, he fell off his bicycle and broke his arm yesterday. (luck)

*10. It was an _____________ experience for me to be invited to attend the meeting. (forget)


1. He gave me a ___________________ smile. (friend)

2. The air in the city is polluted by many _____________________ (factory)

3. Hey, boy, don’t be _______________ any more. (fool)

4. Ben throws the discus far, but John throws much __________. (far)

5. I need ____________ information to work out the problem. (far)

6. Maybe this is a __________ answer. (fool)

7. My brother is 8 years old. His _____________ food is chocolate cake. (favour)

8. My mother is very _________________ though she is only forty. (forget)

*9. It’s _________ for him to be late for school because he is a good student. (usually)

*10. Lesson One is _________ than Lesson Two. (difficulty)


1. The students enjoyed their __________ during the summer holidays. (free)

2. The children are skating happily on the ___________________ river. (freeze)

3. People keep dogs and cats because they are their ___________________ (friend)

4. The sky thundered with a __________ sound of lightning. (frighten)

5. They had an ________________ morning together. (enjoy)

6. She was so ________________ that she couldn’t say anything. (frighten)

7. You should give me an __________________ of your absence from the meeting. (explain)

*8. It’s about twenty __________ ride from here to the nearest hospital. (minute)

*9. She _______ her face with her hands. (discover)

*10. Have you __________ the problem with anyone? (discussion)


1. I’m very _________________. Let’s take a photograph now. (exciting)

2. I’m too tired to walk any ________________.(far)

3. The ________________ of a good education in that country is great. (expensive)

4. It was ___________________ of you to do so. (fool)

5. I caught three little _________________ yesterday (fish)

6. My professor is very ___________ and sometimes he forgets what school we’re at.


7. When we were visiting the small town, the people there were very ___________ to us.


8. I have been to Beijing __________. (one)

*9. Although it is very late, he still went on__________ on the old man. (operate)

*10. Our house____________ an area of 200 square metres. (discover)


1. He will come to the library at_______ (one)

2. Don’t leave the window_________ when you go to bed. (open)

3. The________ of your speech was really wonderful. (open)

4. Who often ______ the door of the classroom? (open)

5. Can you tell me how to ________ the machine? (operation)

6. This doctor always does an important ______ on an important person. (operate)

7. How do you ________ this new recorder? (operation)

8. As soon as you enter the hotel, you can see a large_____ on the wall. (paint)

*9. He _______ the letter when he was on his way home. (postage)

*10. Peter likes eating sweet rice dumplings, but he ______eating the salty ones. (like)


1. His job was to__________ the school sports meeting at the moment. (organization)

2. Tom is a very good swimmer. He has ______ arms and legs. (power)

3. Have you ever visited such a famous_______ (paint) like him?

4. Tom’s ambition is to be a ________ footballer (professor)

5. All the students like PE lessons. Here “P.E” means _______ Education. (physics)

6. We mustn’t ________ our school by throwing the rubbish everywhere (pollution)

7. The _______ teacher told us that this was a _______change. (physics)

8. This is really a _______trip. We’re all_______ with it. (please)

*9. The great_______ always teaches me how to _______ the ________ (paint)

*10. When they got there, the soldier had already _________ the boy. (safe)


1. It gave us great ________ to watch ”Tennis Masters Cup” (please)

2. We can get a lot of _________ out of Watching “Tennis Masters Cup”. (pleased)

3. Everybody must help to fight all kinds of ________. (pollute)

4. He is our new ________ teacher. He teaches_______ very carefully (physics)

5. I want to ________ the parcel to America, can you tell me what the ______ is? (post)

6. WTO is short form for World Trade______ (organize)

7. Sometimes we believe the police have special _______ to deal with this kind of case. (powerful)

8. This is a ________ machine. The ________ for the machine is electricity. (power)

*9. He is one of the most famous _________ in the university. (professional)

*10. The underground runs ________ than the car (quick)


1. Not only Tom but also John often _________ football here after school. (practice)

2. A _______ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)

3. The car can’t go as _______ as the underground. (quick)

4. There must have been a heavy ________ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)

5. Students don’t like ______ weather because they can’t have P.E lesson in the ______. (rain)

6. Many people don’t ______that too much salt is harmful to health. (real)

7. I ______don’t know who is the _____ actor of this film. (real)

8. Yesterday I heard a _______ story. I was ________ moved by it. (real)

9. The new hospital is ___ (location) in one of the new estate.

*10. He was __________ last week because he lost his new bicycle. (happiness)


1. When the teacher asks you , you must stand up ______ and give a _______ answer. (quick)

2. The children are often told to be more careful on __________ days. (rain)

3. What a fast ___________ John is! (run)

4. Tom was ______ the poem when I came in. (recite)

5. There are thousands of books in our school (librarian).

6. Don’t to him! (listening)

7. It is a suitable ___ (locate) for the new post office.

8. Thank you for giving me so ___ present! (love)

*9. I finally __________ that he was my deskmate long ago. (real)

*10. It hasn’t _______ for a long time. But now it is _________ (rainy)


1. I didn’t ______ you were going to get ready for the picnic. (real)

2. The recitation by class 5 is ________ wonderful (real)

3. The teacher asked us to ______ this part of the text. (recitation)

4. The recitation _______ by Tom is really wonderful. (recite)

5. Alice is a good ___ (library), she is in charge of many books.

6. Sometimes, to be a ___ (listen) is a good way.

7. The horn is ___ (loudly) enough to be heard a mile off.

8. He has a great (lovely ) for knowledge and truth.

*9. He _____ his pipe and usually smokes with it. (lovely)

*10. It is __________ to swim in a swimming pool than in a river. (save)


1. He was out of ___ (lucky) and failed the examination.

2. The library has employed ten __________, six men and four women. (library)

3. I’m trying to ________ Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is? (location)

4. That music is too _____. Please turn it down. ( loudly)

5. Everything in the garden is ______ (love).

6. Mr. Li had a bad _______ these days. (luckily)

7. The other day the ______ school received an official letter. (medicine)

8. Look! This is our _______ room. (meet)

*9. We ________ carefully but heard nothing. (listener)

*10. _________, Peter failed to pass the English test yesterday. (luck)


1. ________, he could get rid of the unhealthy habits. (lucky)

2. Air is a ________ of gases. (mix)

3. I want you to ________ the names of all the plants in their correct order. (memory)

4. A: Wish you good (lucky). B: Thank you.

5. What is the purpose of your visit?(mainly)

6. I like all music, but I’m interested in jazz. (main)

7. Why don’t you complain to the ? (manage)

8. Why did the patient refuse to take the ? (medical)

*9. He __ the company while his father was away. (manager)

*10. We’ve had five________ and still haven’t solved the problem. (meet)


1. A: Will you me at the station?(meeting) B: Sorry, I won’t.

2. What a (an)_______girl she is! She passed the exam at last. (luckily)

3. We have had a _________ to say that your father is ill. (messenger)

4. He passed the test and smiled __________. (happy)

5. –Why can’t I see the cursor on the screen, Daddy?

--Your little brother broke your ______ yesterday. (mice)

6. China Daily is a __________ newspaper. (nation)

7. -What’s your __________?

--I am French. (nation)

8. The one whose job is carrying messages is called a _______. (message)

*9. After the car accident, Mr. and Mrs. Lee both lost their ________. (memorize)

*10. She put the sugar into the coffee and ___________ them up with a spoon. (mixture)


1. We need one man to be my _________ to tell them of the sad news. (message)

2. My cat, Kitty, is good at catching ______. (mouse)

3. The city is a ________ of old and new buildings. (mix)

4. The economy class airfare for my ___________ was ¥980.

5. “He has French _______.”It means he is a Frenchman. (national)

6. Nancy can’t go swimming with us because she is ________ ill. (serious)

7. At last the students came back to school ________. (safety)

8. A Waiter’s job is to __________ customers. (service)

*9. Australia is one of the English-speaking _________. ( national)

*10. Telephone __________ are developing quickly in our city. (serve)


1. We’ve had a ______ to say that you’ve won the first prize. (messenger)

2. Do you know how he is going to __________ at the meeting ? (speech)

3. Hello, don’t stand there. Come in and take a __________. (sit)

4. Perhaps time would __________ the problem. (solution)

5. I like this Engl ish _________ (say) “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

6. My son likes reading _________ fiction. He said it was very exciting. (scientist)

7. The weather report said, “it is _________ today.” (snow)

8. Every Sunday afternoon I often go _________ with my mother. (shop)

*9. The chemist __________ some medicine for the patient. (mixture)

*10. We should obey traffic ________ in order to keep ourselves ________. (ruler, save )


1. Yang Liwei is going to make a _________ at the meeting tomorrow morning. (speak)

2. When he heard this bad news, he cried __________ (sad).

3. After half an hour’s flying, the plane landed ________ in Shanghai. (safe)

4. The brave man took the child to the _________ (safe)

5. The famous teacher Yu Yi made a great _________ on her teaching career. (succeed)

6. The story happened in a _________ winter. (snow)

7. “Your job is to __________ customers well, Please keep it in mind.” The manager told

the waiters. (service)

8. Children go to __________ schools after they leave elementary schools. (second)

*9. Some famous __________ are going to give lectures in our university in August. (science)

*10. The recorder needs four ___________. (speak)


1. Tony was _________ to fail in the maths exam. (sadly)

2. With the policeman’s help, the little girl got home _________ (save)

3. Can you _________ this problem? (solution)

4. Are you going to ________ at the meeting ? (speech)

5. She kept her valuable jewellery in a _______ (save).

6. The _______ of the restaurant was highly spoken of. (serve)

7. I want to go __________ this evening. Would you join me? (shop)

*8. He didn’t do well in the test because of his ___________. (care)

*9. Your watch is three minutes ___________ than mine. (slowly)

*10. His way of _________ this kind of problem is to turn a deaf ear to it. (solution)


1. Tom was _________ hurt in the accident this morning. (serious)

2. They were having an __________ about who to do the cooking. (argue)

3. She explained everything very __________ .(clear)

4. - What’s the weather like today?

-It’s __________ .(cloud)

5. The _________ kettle is out of work again. We need to buy a new one. (electricity)

6. My car had to have a new __________ .(engineer)

7. I decided to learn Spanish just for __________ .(funny)

8. Ther e are miles of __________ beaches near Tom’s house.(gold)

*9. Are there any taxi _________ in the small city? (serve)

*10. Some famous ___________ are going to give lectures in our university in August. (science)


1. Mr. Wang crossed the desert __________ last month. (save)

2. He was __________ ill at that time. (serious)

3. He is a famous _________. (science)

4. She holds the world __________ for the 100 metres. (recorder)

5. He has a wide __________ of painting and music.(know)

6. It doesn’t seem __________ for us to meet.(unnecessary)

7. Stand quietly, children, and try not to talk to your _________. (neighbourhood)

*8. I can never repay your many __________ to me.(kind)

*9. The neighbours __________ seeing him leave the building around noon.(reporter)

*10. Few ________ words made us interested in this topic. (speaker)


1. You should receive a reply __________ seven days.(with)

2. All the furniture was made of __________ .(wooden)

3. In the accident, there were 230 __________ children .(wound)

4. The __________ of this letter is Tommy.(write)

5. This glass isn’t __________ enough.(clearly)

6. The mountain rises above the __________ .(cloudy)

7. It’s __________ to swim in such a hot day. (fun)

8. It’s very __________ of you to help us.(kindness)

*9. The Great Wall is one of the eight _________ in the world.(wonderful)

*10. Who __________ Kennedy as President? ( suggestion)


1. I’d like to hear your __________ for ways of raising money.(suggest)

2. What is the __________ of your car? (long)

3. He moved into the __________ recently. (neighbour)

4. She is the __________ of this meeting.(record)

5. I went to Disneyland __________ my mother.(within)

6. She went out of the room __________ saying anything.(with)

7. We had __________ weather during the holidays.(wonder)

8. The house is __________. (wood)

*9. Tony’s farther ____________as an engineer years ago. (work)

*10. She __________ French as well. (knowledge)


1. There’re more __________ appliances in our home nowadays. (electric)

2. He received a bad leg __________ in the war. (wounded)

3. He ________ goes to school by bicycle . (usual)

4. He is a wonderful __________. (work)

5. He is a famous ____________. (report)

6. I was a __________ of theirs. (neighbour)

7. He’s __________ fit for his age. (wonder)

*8. Our __________ should come before our wants. (need)

*9. Have you __________ the report yet? (writer)

*10. It is __________ to tell it to him because he’s already known it. (need)


1. He was very glad because he passed the examination _____________. (succeed)

2. He’s been__________ in his life.(success)

3. He had __________ agreed to help. (kind)

4. His hobby is to ______ stamps. (collection)

5. The painting comes from his private _______. (collect)

6. I ________ to school every day. (cyclist)

7. The ________ fell off the bicycle and broke his leg. (cycle)

8. Let’s go _______ together tomorrow, shall we? (cycle)

*9. Playing football is _________ in the street than that in the playground. (danger) *10. He _________ in making so many model planes yesterday.(success)


1. There are seven ________ in a week. (day)

2. My father always read Wenhui _______ when he has breakfast. (day)

3. Children’s lives are in _______ every time they cross

this road. (dangerous)

4. People, animals and plants will ________ if they don't

have water. (death)

5. My grandpa has been ___________ for many years.


6. Most boys like football but John is ____________.


7. I can't ________ what colour to paint my room.


8. We got to the top after a long _________ climb.


*9. The child is _________ normally. (development)

*10. My good friend prefers _______ butterflies to playing volleyball. (collection)


1.It's _________ to drive a car at night without any lights.


2. His _______ made us sad. (dead)

3. The _______ solider said nothing and lay in bed for a few days. (die)

4. We need a __________ in this by next week. (decide)

5. The piece of equipment is an exciting new ____________. (develop)

6. We had a ___________ about the differences between

Britain and the US. (discuss)

7. He always told lies , so he was __________. (honest)

8. _________ is very important to the students. (honest)

*9. We should be brave when we have __________.


*10.There are many _______ between English and Chinese. (different)


1. An _________ person does not lie or steal. (dishonest)

2. I _______ playing tennis. So does Alice. (dislike)

3. Don't _________ so fast! (driver)

4. My uncle __________ to the office every day. (driver)

5. I can ________ finish it tonight. (easy)

6. Studying English is ________ requirements. (education)

7. This_______ rice cooker is very useful. (electricity)

8. The _________ makes the motor-car run. (engineer)

*9. Now, the Class Four students are __________ the date for the outing. (discuss)

*10.We ________ this beach while we were sailing around the island. (cover)


1. Is it ________ for her to tell me the truth? (easily)

2. She completed her former ________ last year. (educate)

3. They are sending an ___________ to fix the phone.


4. The road isn’t enough for heavy traffic. (widely)

5. The machine is driven by ___________. (electrical)

6. These days a strong is blowing from north. (windy)

7. Now all heavy children have problems like adults. (weigh)

8. Mr. Tom is a popular . He has us English for 3 years. (teach) *9. She has just entered the _________ office. (teach)

*10. Mary can work out the problem because it’s the _______ one. (easily)


1. A famous _______ will come to our factory. (engine)

2. The local government is going to the street. (wide)

3. Jim is now working as a in the restaurant and his girl friend works as

a________ in it as well. (wait)

4. Look , the is behind clouds but the weather forecast says it is going to be________ this afternoon. (sun)

5. Could you tell me how English is used outside England and America. (wide)

6. Fishermen are told to be more careful on days. (wind)

7. Would you please put your letter here so that I can it for you? (weight)

8. He didn’t go to the cinema because he had seen the film. (two)

*9. Jane enjoys playing badminton and ___________ as well. (swim)

*10. Do you know what each of the _______ of the English contest will be given? (win)


1. To tell you the , I don’t like this songs at all. (true)

2. My is over 80 kilograms so I should go on a diet. (weigh)

3. Mobile phones are used in our life nowadays. (wide)

4. English is the most widely language in the world. (use)

5. His failure is for him for he seldom does his homework by himself. (usually)

6. It is for him to fail in the English test. He gets good marks for all subjects. (usual)

7. lost this pen? Teacher Wang asked us pen this was. (who)

8. I think Li Ming will the table tennis match. She will be the ________ of the game twice. (win)

*9. Millions of come to visit the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower every day. (visit)

*10. When I entered Mr. Smith’s office, he was _________ a newspaper carefully. (reader)


1. This reading book is very for Grade 9 students. (use)

2. Tell me what you think about it. (true)

3. He was so tired that he almost fell __________ in class. (sleep)

4. Many magnificent buildings such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and so on show the great of Chinese people. (wise).

5. Let me the parcel for you first. (weight)

6. The traditional culture and customs are different between eastern and

countries. (west)

7. The young man works as a in a five-star hotel. (wait)

*8. The ________ happened so suddenly that we failed to see how the ____________ looked. (rob)

*9. Have you get used to in your new flat? (alive)

*10. The seven little dwarfs went back home from work in the evening. One day, when they get home as , they found something at once.

Their house had been tidied up. (usual)


1. Computers are machine. (use)

2. What do people eat for their Christmas Dinner? (usual)

3. Do you know the ___________ of saving water? (important)

4. What a day it is today! (sun)

5. There is no ________ that he is the thief. (prove)

6. John lives on the _________ floor while Mike lives on the _________. (nine, twelve)

7. We must stop cutting down trees because they are our pollution __________. (fight)

*8. Some _________ visited our factory yesterday. (Germany)

*9. Each of the of the game will be given a nice present. (win)

*10. If he a few minutes more, he’ll get another good chance. (waiter)



1. actor

2. cloudy

3. age

4. aged

5. actress

6. active

7. addition

8. added

9. acts, actresses 10. activities


1. alive

2. living

3. live

4. amusement

5. amusing

6. disappeared

7. attend

8. automatic

9. lives 10. appeared


1. attend

2. automatically

3. beautifully

4. beautiful

5. beginning

6. beginning

7. bright

8. chemistry

9. disappeared 10. began


1. built

2. careful

3. carefully

4. chemical

5. brightly

6. choice

7. clear

8. chemicals

9. buildings 10. healthier


1. choose

2. clearly

3. clouds

4. age

5. health

6. heavily

7. heater

8. healthy

9. heavier 10. fishermen


1. health

2. heat

3. heavy

4. highest

5. height

6. height

7. helpful

8. highest

9. helps 10. invented


1. higher

2. helpful

3. history

4. homeless

5. honesty

6. historical

7. helps

8. home

9. dishonest 10. impossible


1. homeless

2. honest

3. hungrily

4. hungry

5. importance

6. important

7. possible

8. possibly

9. invited 10. enjoyed


1. possibly

2. interest

3. interesting

4. interested

5. inventor

6. invention

7. invitation

8. inventions

9. enjoyed 10. unforgettable


1. invitation

2. invite

3. joy

4. expensive

5. frozen

6. favour

7. freezing

8. fishes

9. more enjoyable 10. frightened


1. frightened

2. excitedly

3. exciting

4. friendly

5. freedom

6. frozen

7. fisherman

8. fishermen

9. expenses 10. more excitedly


1. friends

2. free

3. funny

4. farthest

5. fourth

6. final

7. freedom

8. fishermen

9. Unluckily 10. unforgettable


1. friendly

2. factories

3. foolish

4. farther

5. further

6. foolish

7. favourite

8. forgetful

9. unusual 10. more difficult


1. freedom

2. frozen

3. friends

4. frightening

5. enjoyed

6. frightened

7. explanation

8. minutes’

9. covered 10. discussed


1. excited

2. farther

3. expense

4. foolish

5. fish

6. forgetful

7. friendly

8. once

9. operating 10. covers


1. once

2. open

3. opening

4. opens

5. operate

6. operation

7. operate

8. painting

9. posted 10. dislikes


1. organize

2. powerful

3. painter

4. professional

5. Physical

6. pollute

7. physics, physical

8. pleasant, pleased

9. painter, paint, painting 10. saved


1. pleasure

2. pleasure

3. pollution

4. physics, physics

5. post, postage

6. Organization

7. power

8. powerful, power

9. professors 10. more quickly


1. practises

2. professional

3. quickly

4. rain

5. rainy, rain

6. really

7. really, real

8. real, really

9. located 10. unhappy


1. quickly, quick

2. rainy

3. runner

4. reciting

5. library

6. listen

7. location

8. lovely

9. realized 10. rained, raining


1. realize

2. really

3. recite

4. recited

5. librarian

6. listener

7. loud

8. love

9. loves 10. safer


1. luck

2. Luckily

3. lucky

4. luck

5. lovely

6. luck

7. medical

8. meeting

9. listened 10. Unluckily


1. Luckily

2. mixture

3. memorize

4. luck

5. main

6. mainly

7. manager

8. medicine

9. managed 10. meetings


1. meet

2. lucky

3. message

4. happily

5. mouse

6. national

7. nationality

8. messenger

9. memories 10. mixed


1. messenger

2. mice

3. mixture

4. flight

5. nationality

6. seriously

7. safely

8. serve

9. nations 10. services


1. message

2. speak

3. seat

4. solve

5. saying

6. science

7. snowy

8. shopping

9. mixed 10. rules, safe


1. speech

2. sadly

3. safely

4. safety

5. success

6. snowy

7. serve

8. secondary

9. scientists 10. speakers


1. sad

2. safely

3. solve

4. speak

5. safe

6. service

7. shopping

8. carelessness

9. slower 10. solving


1. seriously

2. argument

3. clearly

4. cloudy

5. electric

6. engine

7. fun

8. golden

9. services 10. scientists


1. safely

2. seriously

3. scientist

4. record

5. knowledge

6. necessary

7. neighbour

8. kindnesses

9. reported 10. speakers’


1. within

2. wood

3. wounded

4. writer

5. clear

6. cloud

7. fun

8. kind

9. wonders 10. suggested


1. suggestion

2. length

3. neighbourhood

4. recorder

5. with

6. without

7. wonderful

8. wooden

9. worked 10. knows


1. electrical

2. wound

3. usually

4. worker

5. reporter

6. neighbour

7. wonderfully

8. needs

9. written 10. unnecessary


1. successfully

2. successful

3. kindly

4. collect

5. collection

6. cycle

7. cyclist

8. cycling

9. more dangerous 10. succeeded


1. days

2. Daily

3. danger

4. die

5. dead

6. different

7. decide

8. difficult

9. developing 10. collecting


1. dangerous

2. death

3. dying

4. decision

5. development

6. discussion

7. dishonest

8. Honest

9. difficulties 10. differences


1. honest

2. like

3. drive

4. drives

5. easily

6. educational

7. electric

8. engine

9. discussion 10. discovered


1. easy

2. education

3. engineer

4. wide

5. electricity

6. wind

7. weight

8. teacher, taught

9. teachers’ 10. e asiest


1. engineer

2. widen

3. waiter, waitress

4. sun, sunny

5. widely

6. windy

7. weigh

8. twice

9. swimming 10. winners


1. truth

2. weight

3. widely

4. used

5. usual

6. unusual, usually

7. Who, whose

8. win, winner

9. visitors 10. reading


1. useful

2. truly

3. truly

4. asleep

5. wisdom

6. weigh

7. western

8. robbery, robber(s)

9. living 10. usually, usual, unusual


1. useful

2. usually

3. importance

4. sunny

5. proof

6. ninth, twelfth

7. fighters

8. Germans

9. winners 10. waits


A 1. able ability(n.)inability (n.)disability(n.)unable (adj.)disabled(adj.) 2. absent absence(adj.) 3. absolute absolutely(adv.) absoluteness(n.) 4. absorb absorbed(adj.) 5. accept acceptable(adj.) acceptance(n.) 6. access accessible(adj.) 7. accident accidental(adj.) accidentally(adv.) 8. accomplish accomplishment(n.) 9. achieve achievable(adj.) achievement(n.) 10. act action(n.) 11. active activity(n.)activate(v.) 12. actual actually(adv.) 13. advertise advertisement(n.) 1. addict addicted(adj.)addiction(n.) 2. addition additional(adj.) 3. adjust adjustment(n.) 4. admire admirable(adj.)admiration(n.) 5. admit admission(n.) 6.advance advanced(adj.) 7.advantage advantageous(adj.) 8.advise advice(n.) 9.affect(影响) effect(n.)affective(adj) 10.age aged(adj.) 11.agree agreeable(adj.)agreement(n.) 12.agriculture agricultural(adj.) 13. allow allowable(adj.)allowance(n.) 14.amaze amazing / amazed(adj.) amazement(n.) 1.ambition ambitious(adj.) 2.amuse amusing / amused(adj.) amusement(n.) 3.analyze analysis(n.)analytic(adj.) 4.ancient anciently(adv.) 5.angry anger(n.) 6.announce announcement(n.) 7.annoy annoying(adj.) annoyance(n.) 8.annual annually(adv.) 9.anxious anxiety(n.)anxiously(adj.) 10.apologize apologetic(adj.)apology(n.) 11.appear appearance(n.)


词性转换总结与归纳 动词变名词 announce—announcement通知 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材(不可名) settle—settlement定居,安定 achieve---achievement 成就 amuse--amusement 娱乐 manage---management 经营管理 advertise--- advertisement广告 agree— agreement同意disgree—disagreement不同意 argue---argument争吵commit—commitment奉献 develop---development发展 govern 统治—government 政府 describe—description描写,描绘erupt—eruption爆发 affect—affection影响 satisfy—satisfaction满意,满足select—selection挑选,选择

permit—permission允许admit—admission承认,允许invite—invitation 邀请,请帖devote—devotion献身,专注apply—application申请,申请书produce—production生产,产品protect—protection保护 educate-----education教育consider—consideration考虑attract—attraction 吸引力,吸引instruct—instruction 指导,介绍discuss—discussion 讨论appreciate—appreciation感激,欣赏recognize—recognition认出conclude—conclusion 结论 decide----decision 决定compete—competition比赛 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduation operate—operation操作,动手术organize----organization 组织imagine—imagination 想象力


七年级上册英语单词 Unit1. 主格代词宾格代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词I yourself him her its them yourselves meet 中文词性同音词 question 中文词性反义词 boy 中文词性反义词复数 one 中文词性同音词序数词four 中文词性序数词 fourteen 中文词性序数词 forty 中文词性序数词 two 中文词性序数词 three 中文词性序数词 five 中文词性序数词 eight 中文词性序数词 nine 中文词性序数词 Unit 2 dictionary 中文词性复数 watch 中文词性复数 spell 中文词性过去式过去分词 lose 中文词性过去式过去分词find 中文词性过去式过去分词 Unit 3 father 中文词性同音词 this 中文词性复数 that 中文词性复数 photo 中文词性复数 Unit 4

where 中文词性同音词 know 中文词性同音词 video 中文词性复数 bring 中文词性过去式过去分词 Unit 5 Have 中文词性三单过去式过去分词good 中文词性反义词副词 many 中文词性比较级最高级 much 中文词性比较级最高级 little 中文词性比较级最高级 few 中文词性比较级最高级 interesting 中文词性名词形容词 boring 中文词性形容词 fun 中文词性形容词 difficult 中文词性名词 relaxing 中文词性动词形容词 Unit 6 tomato 中文词性复数 potato 中文词性复数 hero 中文词性复数 strawberry 中文词性复数 eat 中文词性过去式过去分词 run 中文词性过去式过去分词healthy 中文词性比较级名词 Unit 7 sale 中文词性动词 shoe 中文词性复数 big 中文词性反义词 short 中文词性反义词 buy 中文词性过去式过去分词 afford 中文词性 offer 中文词性 Unit 8 birthday 中文词性复数


高考词性转换单词汇总 必修一 1. amaze vt. 使...惊讶→adj. ______________令人惊异的;(尤指)令人惊喜(或惊慕的)→ adj. ______________感到大为惊奇→n. _______________惊奇;惊愕 2. instruct vt. 指示;教;通知,告知→n. ____________说明;须知;教导 →adj. _____________ 富有教益的;增长知识的 3. embarrass v. 使...困窘;使...局促不安→adj. _______________ 感到尴尬的 →adj. _______________ 令人困窘的→n. _______________ 窘困 4. behaviour n. 行为,举止→ vi.&vt._______________ 守规矩,举止;运转 5. previous adj. 以前的,在...以前→adv. _______________ 以前地,先前 6. description n. 描述;描写→vt. _______________ 描述 7. impress vt. 使...有印象,影响→adj. _______________给人印象深刻的 → n. _______________印象 8. correct vt. 改正;纠正adj. 正确的,对的;恰当的→n. _______________改正 9. encourage vt. 鼓舞,鼓励→adj. ____________ 令人鼓舞的→adj. ____________ 受到鼓舞的 10. enjoy vt. 享受...之乐趣;喜欢;享有→n. _______________ 享受;乐趣 11.disappoint vt. 使失望→adj. _____________ 感到失望的 →adj. ____________ 令人失望的→n. ____________ 失望(的人或事) 12. disappear vi. 不见;消失→反义词:_______________出现 13. assist vt. 帮助,协助→n. _____________帮助,援助→n. ______________助手,助理 14. amuse vt. 逗乐;(提供)消遣→n. ______________娱乐 →adj. ______________觉得好笑的→adj. _______________有趣的;好笑的 15. organize vt. 组织,安排→n. ______________ 机构,组织 16. patient n. 病人adj. 耐心的→adv. _______________耐心地→n. ______________ 耐心 17. impress vt. 使...有印象,影响→adj. _______________给人印象深刻的 18. correct vt. 改正;纠正adj. 正确的;恰当的→n. _______________改正 19. complete adj. 完全的;完整的;完成的vt. 完成;使完整→adv. __________十分地,完全地

人教版高中英语必修1重点词 词性转换

必修一 Unit1 1.grateful adj.感激的;表示谢意的→gratefully ad v.感激地 2.suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历→suffering n.[U]苦恼;[C]让人痛苦的事 3.dusty adj.积满灰尘的→dust n.[U]灰尘 4.settle v. (使)定居;安排;解决→settler n.[C]移居者;定居者→settlement n.[U]解决;定居;[C]协议 5.calm vt.& vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的→calmly ad v.平静地;镇静地→ calmness n. 平静;镇静;冷静 6.concern v t. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.[U]关怀;关心;[C]关心的事→concerned a dj.担心的;忧虑的→concerning prep.关于;涉及 7.loose adj.松的;松开的→ loosely adv.松弛地;宽松地 8.exactly ad v.确实如此;正是;确切地→exact adj.准确的;确切的 9.entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的→entirely ad v.完全地;全然地;整个地 10.outdoors a d v.在户外;在野外→(indoors ad v.在室内→outdoor adj.在户外 11.recover v i.& vt.痊愈;恢复→(熟词生义)重新获得→recovery n.[U]恢复;复苏;康复 12.dislike n.& vt.不喜欢;厌恶→(反义词)like vt.喜欢 13.power n.[U]能力;力量;权力→(熟词生义)提供动力→powerful adj.强大的;有力的→(powerless adj.无力的;没有能力的 14.disagree v i.不同意→(agree vi.同意→ agreement n.[U]同意;[C]协议 15.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视→ignorant adj.无知的→ignorance n.无知,愚昧 16.upset a dj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt.使不安;使心烦→upset/upset/upsetting(过去式/过去分词/现在分词) 18.swap v t.交换→ swapped/swapped/swapping(过去式/过去分词/现在分词) Unit2 1.eastern adj.东方的;东部的→ east adj.东方的adv. 向东方n. 东方;东部 2.enrich vt. 使富裕;充实;改善→ rich adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e06945667.html,mand n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握→commander n.[C]指挥官 4.base v t.以……为根据n.[C]基部;基地;基础→basic adj.基本的;基础的→basically ad v.基本


初中英语单词词性转换规律及单词记忆背诵技巧 01 动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve —— achievement 成就 advertise —— advertisement 广告 agree —— agreement 同意 amuse——amusement 娱乐 commit —— commitment 奉献 develop —— development 发展 disagree —— disagreement 不赞同 equip 装备—— equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—— government 政府 manage——management 经营,管理 argue —— argument 争吵 2.V+ ion 结尾 attract —— attraction 吸引 discuss —— discussion 讨论 express ——-expression 词语;表达 instruct —— instruction 指导,介绍 invent—— invention 发明 predict ——prediction 预言

impress —— impression 印象 suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示educate —— education 教育 graduate —— graduation 毕业 operate —— operation 操作,动手术illustrate —— illustration 阐明,举例说明pollute —— pollution 污染 introduce ——introduction 介绍organize ——organization组织 imagine —— imagination 想象力inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的invite —— invitation 邀请 compete —— competition 竞争,比赛pronounce ——pronunciation发音 admit —— admission 承认 permit —— permission 允许 conclude —— conclusion 结论 decide —— decision 决定 describe —— description描写,描绘resolve —— resolution 决心 solve ——solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾 allow —— allowance 允许


选修七 Unitl 1. profit n.收益;利润;盈利—profitable adj.有益的;有利可图的 2. companion n. 同伴;伙伴—company n.公司;商号;陪伴;同伴 3. adaptvt.使适应;改编—adaptationn. [U,C]适应;改编;改编的作品 4. absencen. [C, U]缺席;[U]缺乏—absentadj.缺席的;缺乏的—(presentadj.出席的;在场的 5. accessn. [U](接近的)方法;通路;可接近性(熟词生义)vt.进入;使用—accessibleadj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 6. annoy vt.使. 不悦;惹恼—annoyedadj.颇为生气的—annoying adj.使人烦恼的—annoyancen. [U]恼 火 7. congratulatevt.祝贺;庆贺—congratulation n. [C]祝贺;贺词 8. beneficialadj.有益的;受益的—benefitn. & v.利益;好处;使受益 9. approval n. [U , C]赞成;认可—approvev.支持;赞成;同意—(disapprovev不赞成—approving adj. 赞许的 10. encouragementi. [U , C]鼓励;奖励—en couragev 鼓励;鼓舞—encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的—encouragedadj.受到鼓舞的—couragen - [U]勇气;胆量 ".disability n. [U , C]伤残;无力;无能—disable vt.使残废;使失去能力—disabled adj.伤残的 12. ambition n. [U , C]雄心;野心—ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的 13. noisy adj.吵闹的;喧闹的—noisily ad v.吵闹地—noise n. [U , C]噪音 14. resign vi. & vt.辞职;辞去 15. conduct n. [U]行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持—conductive adj.传导性的;有传导力的—conduction n.传导;输送 16. entry n.项目;进入;入口—entrancen.入口;进入;登场—enter v.进入 17. abolish vt.废除;废止—abolition n.废除;废止 18. resign vi. & vt.辞职;辞去(工作;职位等)—resig nation n.辞职;辞呈 19. slavery n.奴隶制—slave n.奴隶 20. assistance n.协助;援助—assist vt.帮助;协助—assistant n.助手,助理 21. architect n.建筑师—architecture n.建筑学 22. adequate adj. 足够的;充分的—adequately adv.足够地;充分地—adequacy n.足够;适当 23. handy adj.方便的;有用的—hand n.手;协助;手艺v.给;传


英语单词词性转换 一、动词(v.)→名词(n.) 1、词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示"某一类人"的名词 例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor,collect—collector等. 注意:1)以不发音的e结尾的动词,在词尾加-r. 例如:drive—driver, write—writer等. 2)以辅音字母开头并以元音字母加辅音字母结尾的单词,应双写末尾的辅音字母再加er。例如:run—runner, win—winner,begin—beginner等. 2.在动词词尾加上-ment 变成名词 例如:achieve—achievement (成就) advertise—advertisement//advertising(广告) agree—agreement disagree—disagreement amuse—amusement (娱乐) improve—improvement(争吵) commit(奉献)—commitment develop—development (发展) 有些单词比较特殊,需把动词后的e去掉再加ment. 例如:argue—argument(争论) 3.在动词词尾加上-(t)ion/(s)ion变成名词 例如: attract—attraction; instruct—instruction; invent—invention discuss—discussion; express—expression educate—education; graduate—graduation; operate—operation (去e再加"ion") compete—competition; organize—organization (把e改成其他字母再加"tion")


选修七 Unit1 1.profit n.收益;利润;盈利→ profitable adj. 有益的;有利可图的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e06945667.html,panion n.同伴;伙伴→ company n. 公司;商号;陪伴;同伴 3.adapt vt.使适应;改编→adaptation n.[U,C]适应;改编;改编的作品 4.absence n.[C,U]缺席;[U]缺乏→absent adj.缺席的;缺乏的→(present adj.出席的;在场的 5.access n.[U](接近的)方法;通路;可接近性(熟词生义) vt.进入;使用→accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 6.annoy vt.使……不悦;惹恼→annoyed adj.颇为生气的→annoying adj.使人烦恼的→annoyance n.[U]恼火 7.congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺→congratulation n.[C]祝贺;贺词 8.beneficial adj.有益的;受益的→benefit n.& v.利益;好处;使受益 9.approval n.[U,C]赞成;认可→approve v.支持;赞成;同意→(disapprove v.不赞成→approving adj.赞许的 10.encouragement n.[U,C]鼓励;奖励→encourage v.鼓励;鼓舞→encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的 →encouraged adj.受到鼓舞的→courage n.[U]勇气;胆量 11.disability n.[U,C]伤残;无力;无能→disable vt.使残废;使失去能力→disabled adj.伤残的 12.ambition n.[U,C]雄心;野心→ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的 13.noisy adj.吵闹的;喧闹的→noisily ad v.吵闹地→noise n.[U,C]噪音 14.resign vi.& vt.辞职;辞去 15.conduct n.[U]行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持→ conductive adj. 传导性的;有传导力的→ conduction n.传导;输送 16.entry n.项目;进入;入口→ entrance n. 入口;进入;登场→ enter v.进入 17.abolish vt.废除;废止→ abolition n.废除;废止 18.resign vi. & vt.辞职;辞去(工作;职位等)→ resignation n.辞职;辞呈 19.slavery n.奴隶制→slave n.奴隶 20.assistance n.协助;援助→ assist vt. 帮助;协助→ assistant n.助手,助理 21.architect n. 建筑师→ architecture n. 建筑学 22.adequate adj.足够的;充分的→ adequately adv.足够地;充分地→ adequacy n. 足够;适当 23.handy adj.方便的;有用的→hand n.手;协助;手艺v. 给;传 24.basement n.地下室→base n. 底部;基地;基础;基数;vt. 以... 作基础


2021高考英语重点单词词性转换和语境活用02原题版 基础盘点·自测自评03

对接高考·重点单词词性转换高效演练三 I.单句语法填空 1.I encountered many hikers who were headed to a (distance) campground with just enough time to get there before dark. 2.I’m not sure who is more (frighten), me or the female gorilla(大猩猩) that suddenly appears out of nowhere. 3.A sudden stop can be a very (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed. 4.After his journey from foreign countries, Jones returned home, (exhaust) but very happy. 5.As you know, at a (distant) of one kilometre we can’t see things clearly, still less on a foggy day. 6.The kind woman has adopted more than ten disabled or sick babies (abandon) by others since 2019. 7.Most of us feel (exhaust) after working for at least eight hours a day, five days a week. 8.After the long walk, he returned home, . (exhaust) 9.People will suffer the (exhaust) of natural resources. 10.Regardless of the weather or the (distant), Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time. II.单句改错 1.The frightening look on his face suggested that he saw something frightening. 2.The abandoning children were taken from the streets to the orphanage.(孤儿院) 3.The police have spent an exhausted day searching the woods. 4.She listened with a puzzling expression on her face. 5.A survey of retiring people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life. Ⅲ短文语法填空 A boy found a cocoon(茧) of a butterfly and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body 1. that little hole. Suddenly it stopped 2. (make) any progress because it 3. (stick). So he cut off the remaining part of the cocoon. 4. it had a swollen body and small wings, the butterfly then came out 5. (easy). The boy waited for the wings to become 6. (large) to support it. But it didn’t happen. In fact, it must have 7. hard struggle to get its 8. (free) from the cocoon. The boy didn’t understand that the restricting cocoon and the struggle 9. (need) by the butterfly were a way to prepare itself for flying once it was out of the cocoon. Our struggles in life develop our strength, without 10. we never get stronger, so it’s important for us to handle challenges on our own, and not to rely on others for help. Ⅲ短文改错


词性变换 派生----后缀法 (1).-ence -ance结尾的名词 Exist--existence存在occur--occurrence发生 refer--reference参考/指prefer-preference偏好,更喜欢differ-difference不同accept--acceptance接受 appear--appearance出现perform-performance履行 resist-resistance抵制guide-guidance指导 enter-entrance进入insure--insurance保险 important-importance重要性assist-assistance帮助 disturb--disturbance打扰inter--interference干扰,干预,Influential--influence影响,感化,violent---violence激烈,暴力,Significant--significance意义,意味。 (2).-tion -sion结尾的名词 Produce--production生产introduce--introduction介绍Consume-consumption消费assume--assumption假设,认为Suppose--supposition假设,认为reduce--reduction减少 Describe--description描述receive--reception接收,接待处Protect-protection保护direct--direction指导,方向,指令Instruct--instruction指令suggest--suggestion建议 Construct--construction建设infect--infection注射 Reject--rejection驳斥object--objection反对


英语单词词性转换的基本规律 (1.动词(v.)→名词(n.) (a)词形不变,词性改变 例如:work, study, water, plant等可以用作动词(工作,学习,浇水,种植),也可以用作名词(工作,学习,水,植物). (b)一些动词在词尾加上-er或-or之后就变成了表示"某一类人"的名词 例如:work—worker, teach—teacher, sing—singer, jump—jumper, play—player, learn—learner, visit—visitor, invent—inventor, collect—collector等. 注意:1)以不发音的e结尾的动词,在词尾加-r. 例如:drive—driver, write—writer等. 2)以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-er 例如:run—runner, win—winner, begin—beginner等. (c)在动词词尾加上-ment 变成名词 例如:achieve—achievement (成就) advertise—advertisement//advertising(广告) agree—agreement disgree—disagreement amuse—amusement (娱乐) improve—improvement(争吵) commit(奉献)—commitment develop—development (发展) depart—department (局,部) govern(统治)—government(政府) manage—management (管理) equip—equipment (装备) 有些单词比较特殊,需把动词后的e去掉再加ment. 例如:argue—argument(争论)

高中英语 词性转换常见类型汇总

1. v+ ment 结尾 achieve — achievement 成就 advertise — advertisement / advertising agree — agreement apartment 公寓 amusement 娱乐 argue — argument 争吵 commit 奉献— commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 develop — development disagree — disagreement experiment 实验,试验 equip 装备— equipment 装备,器材govern 统治— government 政府 manage — management 经营,管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 admit 承认— admission attract吸引— attraction 有吸引力的事或人conclude — conclusion 结论 compete — competition 竞争,比赛 discuss — discussion 讨论 educate — education decide — decision describe — description 描写,描绘 express 表达— expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业— graduation operate 操作,动手术— operation organize — organization imagine — imagination 想象力 introduce — introduction 介绍 instruct — instruction 指导,介绍 invent — inventor / invention invite — invitation inspire — inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute — pollution 污染 predict — prediction 预言 pronounce — pronunciation impress 给人印象— impression 印象permit 允许— permission suggest —建议,暗示— suggestion solve 解决— solution 解决方法 3.V + ance/ence 结尾 allow — allowance 允许 appear — appearance 外貌,出现 perform — performance 演出 exist — existence 存在 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡— bathing end 结束— ending 结尾,结局 train 训练— training mean — meaning 意义 say — saying 谚语5.V + 其他 beg (乞讨) — beggar 乞丐 sit — seat 座位 employ—employer老板—employee雇员 believe — belief 信仰 behave行为,举止—behavior know— knowledge知识 fly — flight 飞行 heat 加热— heat 热量 hit 撞击— hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合— mixture 混合物 press 按,压— pressure 压力 receive — receptionist 接待员 serve — service 服务 succeed — success tour 在—旅游,在—作巡回演出 直接+地点tour China — tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 pursue — pursuit 追求,从事 propose — proposal 建议 withdraw — withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤退 survive — survival — survivor 幸存者 arrive — arrival 到达 analyze — 1. 名词+y anger 生气— angry honest — honesty 诚实的 hunger — hungry fog — foggy 有雾的 fur — furry 毛皮的 guilt 罪恶— guilty 内疚的 health — healthy luck — lucky cloud — cloudy wind — windy rain — rainy snow — snowy sun — sunny tourist — touristy 游客多的 business — busy salt 盐— salty 咸的 shine — shiny 发亮的 silk 丝绸— silky 丝绸般的 sleep — sleepy 昏昏欲睡的 taste 口味,品味— tasty美味可口的 2. 名词+ ed v+ed balance — balanced 平衡的 spot 斑点,地点— spotted 有斑点的 talent — talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 disgusted 厌恶的 offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的moved 感动的


高考英语重点单词词性转换和语境活用01解析版 基础盘点·自测自评01

对接高考·重点单词词性转换高效演练一 I.单句语法填空 1.Little Tom sat amazed (amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him. 2.To my amazement (amaze),he has made such great progress. 3.Impressed(impress) with my performance, the interviewers gave me the highest mark in the job interview. 4. Impressing(impress) the students deeply, Mr. Smith's lessons attracted more and more students.Impressed (impress) with Mr.Smith's lessons,the students thought highly of him. To impress(impress)the students with the importance of environmental protection, Mr.Smith is trying to make detailed preparations for his lecture. 5.What was so impressive(impress) about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed. 6.Taken according to the instructions (instruct), the medicine will work for your headache. 7.Disappointed (disappoint) at failing in the math exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents. 8.We are looking forward to visiting Guilin in the coming summer vacation, whose beauty is beyond description(describe). 9. Covering(cover)her face with her hands, she broke away and ran quickly up the stairs. 10.Being misunderstood (understand) by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience. II.单句改错 1.Boring with this lecture, I wish I could go out to see a movie with my girlfriend now. Boring→Bored 2.From his amazing look, we know he saw this scene for the first time. amazing→amazed


动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就 advertise--- advertisement// advertising agree — (in )agreement apartment 公寓 develop---development disagree —disagreement department 局,部 experiment 实验,试验 amusement 娱乐 equip 装备 ---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治 —government 政府 manage---management 经营管理 argue---argument 争吵 commit 奉献 —commitment compliment 称赞,恭维 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract 吸引 —attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude —conclusion 结论 compete —competition 竞争,比赛 discuss —discussion 讨论 educate-----education invent —inventor / invention invite —invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的 --- pollute----pollution 污染 decide----decision predict---prediction 预言 describe —description 描写,描绘 express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式 graduate 毕业— graduation pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示 --suggestion solve 解决-----solution 解决方法 operate 操作,动手术 —operation organize----organization instruct —instruction 指导,介绍 3.V+ ance 结尾 appear —appearance 外貌,出现 perform----performance 演出 4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义 say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他 beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 behave 行为,举止 ----behavior know---knowledge fly —flight 飞行 heat 加热---heat 热量 hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物 press 按,压 —pressure 压力 sit-----seat 座位

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